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May 4, 2008 8:17 PM

Sep 2007
* Age: 17
* Date of birth: July 10
* Zodiac Sign: Cancer
* Blood type: O
* Height: 176cm (5'9")

Lelouch's childhood friend and son of Japan's last prime minister. After Britannia's takeover of Japan, Suzaku joins the Britannia Army and becomes an Honorary Britannian. He agrees with Zero (Lelouch in disguise, unknown to Suzaku) with his assertion that the Britannia Empire is not worth serving, but nevertheless wishes to implement changes and improvements from within the empire, all the while trying not to lose sight of his goals lest his father's death have been in vain. He has a strong sense of justice and is the only one known to be able to pilot the elite Britannian Knightmare Frame, Lancelot. He always keeps with him a broken pocket watch, a memento of his deceased father.
- From Wikipedia

So lately there has been a lot of Suzaku hating going on so I thought I would take this moment to see what everybody thinks of him.

Personally I think he is a hypocrite, naive, self-righteous bastard who is either an complete idiot or just a huge tool.
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May 4, 2008 8:18 PM

Nov 2007
He needs to go diaf already. Was never a likeable character and that's not going to change.
May 4, 2008 8:23 PM

Feb 2007
When is this guy going to die? D:
May 4, 2008 8:24 PM

Jan 2007

I hate him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I like him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.
May 4, 2008 8:24 PM

Nov 2006
I personally like him. Voted for the second one.
May 4, 2008 8:30 PM

Nov 2007
He seems to get in the way too much, and those SUZAKU KICK~ vids are annoying.
May 4, 2008 8:30 PM

Sep 2007
Faust721 said:

I hate him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I like him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I don't think he was made to be hated JUST because he opposes the main character... after all he does plenty of bad things too. I just don't like him because he is self-righteous and no matter how you spin it he is a traitor to his own people. If he was not there to interfere Japan would have been free way back in the first season probably shortly after caching Cornilia
May 4, 2008 8:35 PM

Oct 2007
Faust721 said:

I hate him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I like him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I feel the same way!

Without him, you dont have Code Geass!!!
He really is amazing!
May 4, 2008 10:18 PM

Mar 2007
Faust721 said:

I hate him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I like him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.
May 4, 2008 10:19 PM

Apr 2008
Faust721 said:

I hate him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.

I like him because he's the type of character you are suppose to hate who ruins the plan of the main character.
May 4, 2008 10:32 PM

Nov 2007
I was neutral towards him in season 1, but after he sold out Lelouch I started leaning towards like.
May 4, 2008 10:51 PM

May 2008
Honestly, I'm enjoying him as a character. Yes, he sold out on Lelouche multiple times, but he still wants what's best for Japan, and he's generally just a fun guy to observe. I guess I'm just always excited to see what'll happen next with him and Lulu.
May 4, 2008 10:52 PM

Mar 2007
I did not really have any opinion of him during most of the first season, and I don't really remember hating him all that much right after. But, in the second season when he betrayed Lelouch and used that to gain power, I started to strongly dislike him. I think it's just wrong to sell our your friends for personal gain.
May 4, 2008 11:01 PM

Nov 2007
I was borderline five but I just chose four in the end. I don't like going to serious extremes (unless it involves Narutards).
May 4, 2008 11:09 PM

Sep 2007
Xjellocross said:
I was borderline five but I just chose four in the end. I don't like going to serious extremes (unless it involves Narutards).

yeah I'm the same but I opted for 5 since I really really hate self-righteous people and those that sell out their friends for personal gain. I mean was his methods that bad? sure there were things like that landslide early on but he even admits that was an accident (well more a miscalculation) but does he go into a slum and murder hundreds... or more like thousands of innocent people including children? I think not. So that makes Suzaku a hypocrite too because even if he himself does not participate he helps/protects those that do.
May 5, 2008 12:35 AM

Jul 2007
love Suzaku. Without him there would be no code geass. voted for the first one.

May 5, 2008 1:04 AM

Nov 2007
And episode 5 of R2 made me like him even more :o
May 5, 2008 1:11 AM

Apr 2008
My take is that I did not like Suzaku at all in the first season because all he did was preach, preach, and more endless preaching. In season 2 as a character, I began to like Suzaku because FINALLY he is doing something to back all that preaching. Episode 5 of R2 was a smooth move on Suzaku's part but I think all he accomplish was anger a giant. However, I will never support Suzaku's ways since it doesn't lead to true freedom and all he is doing is aiding the greater evil that lurks above in the end.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
---Abraham Lincoln
May 5, 2008 1:35 AM

Feb 2008
He's crucial for the whole series I'd say, but yeah he has indeed become someone I -really- love to hate.

And I really had no problem with him throughout the first whole season. It was just "Oh, well he has different ideals" now, after episode 2 of R2 I believe it's just like "Wow, he's an ignorant hypocrite now that's clueless".
May 5, 2008 5:57 AM

Nov 2007
he doesn't want what's best for japan, he's just power hungry and will do anything to get to the top, since it's his fault japan is in the mess he's in. maybe he does want to help japan in his own way but he's a hypocrite and an idiot in the way he's doing it.
May 5, 2008 7:29 AM

Sep 2007
hmm looks like people are mostly torn between die hard hatred or I love even if he is a tool. Anyway, expanding on what I said I certainly understand what those you you are saying about love-hating him and I certainly agree he is essential to the story but that doesn't change he is a prick. I didn't really have an too big of an issue with him in the first season until near the end. lol the irony of him is he is only where he is now (almost in a position to actually do something for Japan) because of Lulu/Zero. Otherwise he would still probably be a simple foot soldier and wouldn't ever get the opportunity to become a distinguished nightmare pilot
May 5, 2008 7:48 AM

Aug 2007
I hope he dies in a horrible horrible horrible way xD I do!
What can I say. I just hate lame weak pathetic excuses of men. He's being used and doesn't mind it. And that omg-the-world-should-be-a-better-place attitude kills me. The world could be better if he's dead. He pretends to be righteous but doesn't know what's right, what's best for Japan. Urggg... Words can not describe my hatred xD
I'll be nicer if you give me chocolate and bishies ^^
May 5, 2008 12:56 PM

Jan 2008
die suzaku please die a horrible death involving something along the lines of being set on fire then falling off a cliff then getting run over by a car... no wait several cars and then proceeding to be eaten by an army of flesh eating piranhas.
May 5, 2008 10:40 PM

Jul 2007
In the end... Suzaku pulls a double betrayal and gains the world!

All you would rage so hard. Me?

I would laugh the day away. I don't hate him or love him, he's just interesting. I give him props for doing whatever he needs to but scorn him for do that as well... eh.
May 7, 2008 5:44 AM

May 2008
he's the most hated character in my list, not to mention he's on top of my i wanna kill personally character list

i despise him so much coz of his hypocrisy
Moderator Edit: Signature deleted. Re-read the General Forum Guidelines.
May 7, 2008 5:49 AM

Jun 2007
I think that bastard needs to set up his mind i mean come on he is a selfish guy who only thinks about getting lelouch dead because he killt euphie which lelouch didn't want to! i think that if lelouch and suzaku are gonna have a nice chat at the table no fighting no lying just telling what on there mind and then talking about how they should do it !! i think there gonna be best mate's again if you forgot the issue that he killed euphie :P

May 7, 2008 5:56 AM

May 2008
hmmm, i doubt it though Suzaku is those type of idiots who dont listen to other people and thinks he's always right
Moderator Edit: Signature deleted. Re-read the General Forum Guidelines.
May 7, 2008 7:10 AM

Sep 2007
He's like a puppy to Britannia, always following orders and such, thinking that he is doing the right thing and the best thing for Japan. I hate him! Such an eyesore... He may be cute... but his attitude sucks.
May 7, 2008 7:34 AM
Feb 2008
he reminds me too much of Shirou from fate/stay

May 8, 2008 11:56 PM

Apr 2007
Supreme said:
he reminds me too much of Shirou from fate/stay


Even Shirou isn't as much of a faggot as this guy.
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May 9, 2008 8:03 AM

Dec 2007
Suzaku acts like hes trying to help but he actually makes things worst so I dislike him cause that.
May 9, 2008 9:43 AM
Feb 2008
He's a complete asshat, but yeah, he is part of what makes Code Geass, well, Code Geass.
May 9, 2008 9:58 AM

Jul 2007
Suzaku is in the right. I like him. And he's a good guy.
I'd also be pissed if my friend
Code Geass first season spoilers

Secondly, as you'll notice from the very first episode of Geass, Suzaku has a righteous heart, he's not acting the part of the blind soldier, he stands against commands that would compromise his integrity. Furthermore he works with moral approach to changing society... one that I could agree with... one that democratic and civilized society agrees with.

I will continue to write off the hatred for Suzaku as a "Since the show presents him as the antagonist and he's not cool enough to make up for it I must treat him as such" mentality.

Spoilers for Code Geass R2 up to Episode 2
asandariMay 9, 2008 10:11 AM
May 9, 2008 12:37 PM

Sep 2007
asandari said:
Suzaku is in the right. I like him. And he's a good guy.
I'd also be pissed if my friend
Code Geass first season spoilers

Secondly, as you'll notice from the very first episode of Geass, Suzaku has a righteous heart, he's not acting the part of the blind soldier, he stands against commands that would compromise his integrity. Furthermore he works with moral approach to changing society... one that I could agree with... one that democratic and civilized society agrees with.

I will continue to write off the hatred for Suzaku as a "Since the show presents him as the antagonist and he's not cool enough to make up for it I must treat him as such" mentality.

Spoilers for Code Geass R2 up to Episode 2

I'm sorry but when somebody watches others, in the same military, murder thousands of innocent men, women, and children I think that makes them just as bad... OH BUT he doesn't join in because it will "compromise his integrity" so that makes it all right that he does nothing. If anyone is misguided it is him.

Also, please they are both going about saving Japan wrong. Hell thats the whole point they are two extremes of each other. One is the naive fool who foolishly believes he can enact change in something that a) has been like that for hundreds of years, b) its people's majority don' care or rather in fact prefer it the way it is, and c) he IS one of the people that he is trying to save so nobody will take him seriously (he would have to be a noble at least). Granted now he is being taken a little and I stress little seriously but only because of the Zero stuff (irony much?).

So out of the two I feel more for Lulu since at least he doesn't stand by and watch atrocities happen. I agree he is a little impatient i and is heading down the path of the tragic hero but I don't think he is misguided. I think he is perfectly justified in wanting to take down Britannia (even if he is only really doing it to get back at his father). They are similar to the Nazis, just without the killing (well... they have to qualm of killing but they don't do it for "no" reason). De-humanizing their conquered by destroying their culture, history, pride, and even their names... numbers!? who wouldn't be pissed?

One final note, did he ask Lulu what happened with Euphie?
Season one spoiler:
Firefox265May 9, 2008 12:43 PM
May 9, 2008 12:40 PM

Apr 2007
best... character... ever...
May 9, 2008 12:46 PM

Apr 2007
To he honest with it, I actually like him. Sure, he may be a preachy-preachy tool, but he really means well.

And I'm tired with all the Suzaku hate and those people saying "Lelouch is one step closer to ruling the world by destroying Britannia and who goes out there to ruin it? Yes, Suzaku!!!!!" It's getting really tiring. Please don't bash me, It's just what I am trying to say.....
MomoHime125May 9, 2008 2:04 PM

Current Avatar: Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke
May 9, 2008 12:52 PM

Sep 2007
lol did someone say
MomoHime125 said:
"Lelouch is one step closer to ruling the world by destroying Britannia and who goes out there to ruin it? Yes, Suzaku!!!!!"


As for the flaming... this is a thread for expressing your thoughts on him... sooooo where is the problem?

Nobody here has denied that he means well just that he is too self-righteous.
May 9, 2008 2:07 PM

Apr 2007
Firefox265 said:
lol did someone say
MomoHime125 said:
"Lelouch is one step closer to ruling the world by destroying Britannia and who goes out there to ruin it? Yes, Suzaku!!!!!"


As for the flaming... this is a thread for expressing your thoughts on him... sooooo where is the problem?

Nobody here has denied that he means well just that he is too self-righteous.
Sorry, Firefox265, I mean "please don't bash me". That what I was trying to say, but the "please don't flame me" just slipped. Can we please go back to the subject about our thoughts on Suzaku please; before it gets out of control.

Current Avatar: Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke
May 9, 2008 5:45 PM

Nov 2007
I don't feel like spoiler tagging half my post, so R2 spoilers below
Firefox265 said:

I'm sorry but when somebody watches others, in the same military, murder thousands of innocent men, women, and children I think that makes them just as bad... OH BUT he doesn't join in because it will "compromise his integrity" so that makes it all right that he does nothing. If anyone is misguided it is him.

I agree that he is misguided, however Suzaku basically believes two things:
1. Nothing can stand up to Brittania, so therefore once Brittania wins, the fighting stops
2. He can change Brittania from the inside.

Also, please they are both going about saving Japan wrong. Hell thats the whole point they are two extremes of each other. One is the naive fool who foolishly believes he can enact change in something that a) has been like that for hundreds of years, b) its people's majority don' care or rather in fact prefer it the way it is, and c) he IS one of the people that he is trying to save so nobody will take him seriously (he would have to be a noble at least). Granted now he is being taken a little and I stress little seriously but only because of the Zero stuff (irony much?).

I agree with this to some degree, but it should be noted that Suzaku has made progress going down his path, whereas Lelouch lost and just made things worse for Japan. Now Lelouch might win this time around - but we haven't gotten to that point yet.

So out of the two I feel more for Lulu since at least he doesn't stand by and watch atrocities happen. I agree he is a little impatient i and is heading down the path of the tragic hero but I don't think he is misguided. I think he is perfectly justified in wanting to take down Britannia (even if he is only really doing it to get back at his father). They are similar to the Nazis, just without the killing (well... they have to qualm of killing but they don't do it for "no" reason). De-humanizing their conquered by destroying their culture, history, pride, and even their names... numbers!? who wouldn't be pissed?

Lelouch doesn't care about anything but his revenge and his sister (and I guess to a much lesser degree a few of his friends). Lelouch is simply using Japan to oppose Brittania, not because of their evil ways, but because he wants revenge for what happened to his mother and sister. That, and he wants a 'better world for Nunally,' but Nunally's life at the school was probably as good as could be in her condition.

One final note, did he ask Lulu what happened with Euphie?
Season one spoiler:

Euphie killing the Elevens worked out perfectly for Zero. There's no reason to question that it wasn't Lelouch's plan from the start. Even if Lelouch did try to explain it - who would actually believe it?


Seazn said:

He's self centred, wants to 'liberate' Japan but at the same time, he helps Britannia capture other areas. Lelouch plans to free the WORLD of Britainnia which is much greater and not self centred since not only will Nunnally live in peace but also the world.

Lelouch is probably alot more self centered than Suzaku is actually. Suzaku is conquering other areas because once Brittania wins - the war ends. He admits that Brittania is twisted, and thus he hopes to change it from the inside. Now this may be a naive view, but it's not a selfish one.

Lelouch on the other hand is out for revenge. He cares about himself and his sister above all else. He's simply using Japan as a tool to get what he wants. Once Nunally was in danger he immediatly abandoned the Black Knights in favor of Nunally, even though he could have set up a plan for Knights to follow - he instead just left them to crumble.

Using Nunnally to get to Lelouch even though he said he would 'take care' of Nunnally was damn low, even if Lelouch done some low things like tricking Rolo, the way Suzaku done it was just that bit lower.

I agree using Nunally was low, however only because if Lelouch chooses to pretend not to remember her it will cause her a great deal of pain. But at the same time it's not like Nunally is in any immediate danger.

However Lelouch isn't beyond low tactics himself. In season one he sacrificed the JLF for his own gain. And as you have mentioned he's using Rollo - however I disagree what Lelouch is doing with Rollo is any worse than what Suzaku is doing with Nunally.

Even if he does become 'Knight of One', when he chooses an Area for himself, that area is still under Britainnian rule so nothing really changes except probably a few name changes and conditions. Racism will still continue and Britainnians will probably continue to dominate.

Suzaku believes Brittanian rule is inevitable, he simply hopes to do the best he can with Brittania in charge. I do agree however that he's naive when it comes to his hopes on changing the whole system from the inside.

Seeing how everything in CG is Suzaku's fault, (the president's death, failed battle plans etc.) he deserves to be hated. That's all I can say.

Suzaku did kill the president, but Japan was falling either way. He also did fight against the Black Knights, but then again he chose his path as a soldier of Brittania, disobeying orders would be seen as desertion. And the final battle at the end of season one was lost largerly in part due to Lelouch leaving.

May 9, 2008 9:56 PM

Dec 2007
He's a good character that adds a ton to the series. Although he has a large share of contradictions, all of them are very human in nature.

Calling Suzaku self centered is stretching things a bit. In fact, he's probably one of the least selfish characters in the show- although ultimately everything he does is for the sake of atonement, his goal has always been change with the least lives lost possible, which isn't really selfish at all, just idealistic.
世界は美しくなんかない。 そしてそれ故に、美しい
May 9, 2008 10:09 PM

May 2008
Actually, I'll never forgive Suzaku for his, letting Nunnally be the new governor-general of Area 11 is actually extreme since Nunnally is too young to be exposed to a world filled with danger and violence....

And helping Britannia in conquering territories won't change or end....I mean, does everybody in the world want Britannia to be the ruler of the world forever? You should know that most of the Britannians (except for some like Euphie, Darlton, Lelouch and Nunnally) are racists, you know....they oppressed the natives and they believe in this ideology: "Stronger will live and the weaker will perish..."

All I could say is that Suzaku is blinded and misguided at the same time....He believes that if he change Britannia from within, there will be peace and harmony....But actually, he's making things worse and should hear what the other party is saying....

....Japan wants to be free and independent again which is why Todo, Kallen and the rest of the Black Knights are fighting for the sake of their country....

...They believe that Zero (or Lelouch) is their only hope because of Zero's strategies, they are winning except after the failed Black Rebellion because he has to save Nunnally...

...and regarding about Euphie killing the Japanese, Lelouch regret for that mistake...He didn't expect that this will be the outcome...(probably V.V. or the racist Emperor is responsible)...since he admit that he also care for her...He also regret for killing her...of course, he lied to the Japanese about Euphie going into killer mode...But he lied so he can cover his actions and he's afraid about it...Of course, his purpose of his rebellion is to find his mother's killer and build a peaceful world for Nunnally which is why he used Rollo to find Nunnally... He wants to destroy the Empire who deserted him and his sister...

...But now that Lelouch learned that Nunnally is the new governor-general, I should that he probably thinks that Nunnally is a pawn of the Empire despite that Nunnally is a pro-Eleven...

Note:Conquering territories won't bring peace but it will bring more inequality and injustice to many people who were conquered by these people. Also, it will make the society unequal and in total bad shape...
May 9, 2008 10:33 PM
Mar 2008
selective_yellow said:
When is this guy going to die? D:

I want to know too.
May 9, 2008 11:36 PM

Sep 2007
lol wow a couple of good long posts in a row...

I'm not going to quote the whole thing but
Astaroth said:
Suzaku is conquering other areas because once Brittania wins - the war ends

I can't agree with that... after all it was never really was a war but a revolution/terrorism which as we found out in R2 didn't stop... and the hell he is going to enact any real changes lol like I said he only is where he is because of Lulu and if not for him he would probably be dead or still a nameless grunt. Furthermore, nobody from Britannia nobility (the people in charge) cares (or wants for that matter) things to change. After all they like feeling superior hell you saw how pissed they got when he was made a knight. If he makes changes its not through his hard work it is from him destroying Lulu's. Hence his naiveness towards peacefully changing it from the inside out. It never would have happened.

Oh and I think Suzu would believe him... V.V. could confirm (granted thats IF she would) besides, its the attempt to listen to his side of the story that matters to me.
May 10, 2008 12:09 AM

Nov 2007
Firefox265 said:
lol wow a couple of good long posts in a row...

I'm not going to quote the whole thing but
Astaroth said:
Suzaku is conquering other areas because once Brittania wins - the war ends

I can't agree with that... after all it was never really was a war but a revolution/terrorism which as we found out in R2 didn't stop... and the hell he is going to enact any real changes lol like I said he only is where he is because of Lulu and if not for him he would probably be dead or still a nameless grunt. Furthermore, nobody from Britannia nobility (the people in charge) cares (or wants for that matter) things to change. After all they like feeling superior hell you saw how pissed they got when he was made a knight. If he makes changes its not through his hard work it is from him destroying Lulu's. Hence his naiveness towards peacefully changing it from the inside out. It never would have happened.

Oh and I think Suzu would believe him... V.V. could confirm (granted thats IF she would) besides, its the attempt to listen to his side of the story that matters to me.

I was trying to imply that it's Suzaku's logic, not my own, sorry if I didn't clarify. I actually agree with you, Suzaku himself admitted that Brittania is twisted, but he also believes they're basically unstoppable. So he hopes to change things from the inside, and yes it is a very naive view.

However I disagree with Suzaku being dead without Lelouch, he's shown himself to be a very able pilot. A nameless grunt maybe, I can't recall whether Lelouch had anything (indirectly ofcourse) to do with Suzaku ending up with the Lancelot, or saving Euphie.

As for Suzaku believing Lelouch about Euphie's death, I also disagree. For one he's obviously somewhat unstable after losing his girlfriend, and two, it worked out perfectly for Zero. Now if V.V. confirmed it, maybe he'd believe Lelouch, but V.V. seems to have his own agenda, and I don't see any reason for him to reveal the truth.
May 10, 2008 10:21 AM

Sep 2007
Astaroth said:
However I disagree with Suzaku being dead without Lelouch, he's shown himself to be a very able pilot. A nameless grunt maybe, I can't recall whether Lelouch had anything (indirectly ofcourse) to do with Suzaku ending up with the Lancelot, or saving Euphie.

As for Suzaku believing Lelouch about Euphie's death, I also disagree. For one he's obviously somewhat unstable after losing his girlfriend, and two, it worked out perfectly for Zero. Now if V.V. confirmed it, maybe he'd believe Lelouch, but V.V. seems to have his own agenda, and I don't see any reason for him to reveal the truth.

Oh I wasn't denying that he is a good pilot (but one wonders how good he really is without Lancelot which makes anybody ungodly) jut that he never would have gotten to use it and even if he did never use it. Think about it it:
1) There was a rule no 11s could pilot a Nightmare
2) He only got in Lancelot because of that first fight at Shinjuku
3) Even after that event he never was allowed to act in military operations until he basically volunteered himself for what they thought to be a suicide mission and even after that they still didn't want to use him. It wasn't until it became apparent that they cannot ignore him that he became commonly used.

So all things considered all his success indirectly comes from Lelouch. Granted it is possible he would have gotten to be in Lancelot but 3 tells us that he never really would have had an excuse to use it and thus prove himself.

I agree he was unstable after losing her but they technically were not a couple lol... hell to be honest I could've saw her realistically going either way between Lelouch and Suzaku. Like I said what counts is that he even tried to listen... I mean they were friends for gods sake and its not like his excise was a bad one. It is perfectly believable he lost control and basically he put her out of her misery because even if she did snap out of it it would've destroyed her accident or not. As for V.V. lol yeah I know but I thought I would throw it out...
May 10, 2008 12:38 PM

Sep 2007
Suzaku was always a hypocritical bastard that could never hold to his words. He preaches a hell lot but never was he able to perform them himself. The main reason he despises the methods of Zero is because he can never accept that what he did before was clearly a mistake. This is probably why he would never agree that Britannia's defeat is possible since that would clearly make the fact that he murdered his own father a BIG mistake. What he believes to be the only way out for Japan would be betrayed the moment Britannia is defeated. Furthermore, Suzaku is willing to betray or sacrifice anyone to achieve his goals and that further proves that he is nothing but a hypocrite that hides behind his nonsensical justifications.
InfernalMay 10, 2008 12:50 PM
May 10, 2008 10:08 PM

Oct 2007
"Ok so he is a little self-righteous and naïve but he means well…"

I don't know why everyone hates him. He is a good character and means well. I guess people hate him cause he's in Lelouch's way haha... Personally, I like both Suzaku and Lelouch.

May 10, 2008 10:28 PM
Feb 2008
I think you're all forgetting the fact that he's fictional and he was designed to be everything that you say about him. As far as I know, the producers were successful in this aspect.
May 11, 2008 1:29 AM

Jul 2007
He's awesome! =P

May 11, 2008 9:58 AM

Nov 2007
i hate him and never really liked him
his an idiot and a hypocrite
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