I think that, other than Nagisa, he could have gone with Kotomi.
Kotomi was his childhood friend. Even though he forgot about her, she never forgot him. Tomoya was very precious to her, and she held on to the memories they shared, up to their high school's years. And it was Tomoya who helped Kotomi to get out of the shell she kept hiding in. Kotomi always waited for Tomoya... I'm not sure if she would have been the better match for him, but, out of all the girls, she is the one who deserved her love in return the most. Anyways, they look really cute together, don't you think? ^.^
As for Nagisa, the two indeed complement each other. Tomoya helps Nagisa with her shyness and gave her courage to move forward, up the hill path, and thus becoming stronger. As for Nagisa, I think she helped him become a better person. Softer and more hopeful in life, and to overcome his bitterness.
Fuko... xD I don't know... The idea of Tomoya dating her is... Peculiar to say the least. Fuko has this childlike charm, but I can't picture her dating anyone. She is like a child, literally. No, not the most suited girl for Tomoya, in my opinion. It almost feels like pedophilia, even though they're the same age! O.o
Kyou... Well, I have mixed opinions about this pair, but it's true that Kyou loves him very much. Though I kind of think that she is a bit of an idiot for stepping aside and let Ryou have him, just 'cause she is afraid of facing her feelings and of a possible rejection. Other than that, from what I've seen of them, it would probably be a light-hearted but passionate relationship. As for Ryou... Well I think it's safe to say that he'd end up being more drawn to her twin sister, so, it wouldn't really work would it? Though, I have to admit it, she is bolder than she looks.
Tomoyo. Yeah, I can picture them together. I think their personalities are identical, though Tomoyo is more strong-willed and serious than him. But I think they both understand each other's problems. Both would be a supportive pillar for the other to hold on to. Besides, Tomoyo makes a very caring girlfriend for Tomoya.
Yukine... Not quite sure... Maybe a good friendship. We didn't really get a good insight of what they feel towards each other. I never played the VN so, I can't reallt say U^^
Someone here said Sunohara's sister O_o well, that's weird, but let's face, Tomoya WAS turned on by her xD Maybe once she got older. Then Sunohara and Tomoya would be brothers-in-law =3
Well... I voted for Kotomi. But, yeah, Nagisa is perfect for him. Tomoyo is thrid in my opinion. Then Kyou. Followed by Ryou. Then Yukine... Fuko gets last place xD I'm sorry I just can't visualize her dating someone =/ way too childish! |