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Comment on the list of the member above you. (Manga Ver.)

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Dec 14, 2009 11:39 AM

Mar 2009
-you rate a lot of things a 10
-we only have 5 manga in common (well, 6 if you can count your "Plan to Read")
-so, looking at your top 5, you like X, which is a favorite on one of my friends, but I've never read it myself
-I got a good look at your collection pics (I have some on my page too), I'm thinking you have a lot of German releases that never came out in the states (Goldenboy for one makes me jealous as I enjoyed the OVA). A lot of the German editions have way prettier spines (like Cardcaptor Sakura to name one), and I see a lot of interesting side books (like the Angel Sanctuary Postkartenbuch, is that an artbook or does it actually have post cards?). I'm not familiar with most of the German companies, but since I see a Tokyopop spine there, I'm guessing you've imported a few here and there too. I like your collection, even if I might only be able to understand 1 out of every 3 sentences in the books themselves :P
Dec 14, 2009 6:47 PM

Jun 2007

Corrupt_Id said:
*edited out*

I salute you for not losing your temper, as I would if someone questioned my opinions with such... passion. When a person responds calmly, without swearing, it shows maturity. It's just too bad that, even though I understand that, I still get too annoyed to play nice when the roles are reversed.

If you found them to be unreadable and you see it as right to award 1/10 in such circumstances, fair enough. I would argue that, after viewing your DB, Naruto and NHK scores that your argument doesn't make any sense, but I'd just be repeating myself.

My brain works out scores a 'lil different. For example, I found Doki Doki (anime) to be be unwatchable, dropping it after three episodes and selling my DVDs on eBay to some Dutch fella. But, even though I hated it, I still only gave it 3/10; not 1/10. Why? Because I'll never know if it gets better and I see it best to not hand out top or bottom scores to unfinished series.

I'll just say this: if you dropped Bleach before the SS arc - assuming it'd be monster hunt after monster hunt - you made a mistake and you should've dropped it after its best arc instead. And as for Onani, you made an even bigger mistake if you judged it based on its first few chapters, not going beyond chapter 10.

I like the anime of NHK more than the novel and manga. The novel was a little too short, focusing too much on Satou's thoughts and the best character in NHK didn't even get a name. The TV series, on the other hand, added the best of the 'filler' from the manga and avoided including the worst because the manga wasn't finished. It ended up striking a near perfect balance - being longer than the novel and shorter than the manga.

And, finally, Gankutsuou: I ordered the first volume, was disgusted with the art/condensed mess of a story and quickly dropped it. I don't know why it was even released when all it does is butcher the anime.


My first thoughts are, you're (probably) female... yet you rated Mars 6/10 and Battle Royale 8/10. I think you're confused - more so than me; a guy who enjoys shoujo/josei.

Really, my only beef with you is your Mars score. You'll struggle to find a better shoujo; one that can even appeal to guys because of its in-depth characterization and 'real' characters. I don't get it.

I see you've given Maison Ikkoku 10/10, which is nice... but it took 160 chapters to reach its goal, moving at a snails pace. Going on your other scores - which are harsher than mine - it kind of surprises me you over-looked its flaws and seem to have been so critical elsewhere. Odd.

I can understand your 5/10 for Gyo, I'm ok with your 7/10 for Uzumaki, you gave Seizon the same score as me, Doubt the same score... etc, etc. Your only other stand-out score is your 6/10 for Apollo's Song - very harsh, even taking into account its poor art.

Your list is a little hard to read. Not impossible, but the background, together with your green/blue score colours, make it a bit of a pain.
I see you've read a lot of Tezuka's work. Cool. I plan on reading Phoenix at some point since the anime caught my interest and his shorter works are also obviously tempting. Also, I should receive Solanin in the post soon - here's hoping I like it more than you did!
Dec 14, 2009 10:49 PM

Nov 2007
Nice Hiroki Endo profile pics you have there. But your list itself s a little hard to read. And the giant tags are kinda awkward.

Seems like you like most things you read more than I do. Which is fine. Or perhaps we just have a different rating scale. At least I'm not seeing any consistent overrating even if I disagree with certain individual scores.

Also I see lots of seinen. Which is good. You really can't have too many seinen titles on your list, unless they're all moeblob eroge adaptations.

My list style is broken and I can't be bothered to fix it. Also, I don't rate everything I finish, and I don't plan to, so I don't need comments on that.
Dec 16, 2009 5:57 PM

Jun 2007
Hard to read because of the blue on black, or hard to read because of the text size? I actually increased the text size since first creating the thread...

Cheers - good to know someone appreciates it. For reasons not known to me, I find Endo's gloomy artwork very appealing. If my Eden 1-2 books haven't got lost in the xmas post - like my imported parcels seem to have - I'm looking forward to starting it and seeing more of his work. :)

For the most part, there's isn't much difference between us: we've rated around 50 of the same titles, and there's a small difference of 0.6. Not bad.

Most of our scores are within 1-2 points of each other. While, from my point of view, 7's for Bitter Virgin, Chrono Crusade, Death Note, etc are rather harsh coming from someone who scored Believers higher, I'm not going to jump down your throat. At least, unlike others, you haven't gone, "I dislike this, it's over-rated - imma give it a 1/10! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"

We do agree about a fair few titles. You rate GTO higher than 14 Days, you rated Genshiken the same as me, you rated Tanpenshu the same, you rated Koi Kaze the same, etc etc. Really, aside from the odd 'Naruto - 5/10' and 'Love Hina - 6/10', we aren't that different at all.

You sure as hell have read/watched a lot - so much that it's difficult for me to comment when I don't even know the majority of the titles you have listed, or have interest in them.

Emma's on my hit list. I read the first volume awhile back and quite liked it. It didn't blow me away, in truth, but a romance with a difference - a historical setting - perfectly fine with me.
I quite liked NieA 7, and wasn't aware it had a manga. I guess I'll give that a go at some point, too, considering I 8/10ed the anime.
Dec 27, 2009 2:02 AM

Jun 2007
Dec 27, 2009 4:59 AM

Dec 2007
Heh, I considered bumping this yesterday, but didn't. Partially because I dread comments my list could get (I don't know how to use CSS to modify the style. Or at least, not to do that and end up with something decent. I have tried XD) and partially because I'm not really sure how to comment on someone elses list.
I'll probably end up writing something insanely long too :|
Ah well :)

I like your list design, its stylish, yet also simple.
Unlike whoever posted above, I think the blue/black works together well and makes it quite easy to read.
I admire your restraint for reading so few manga at a time, although it does look like you're making good use of the on-hold list ;)

As a random note, as one that stuck out to me - it amuses me somehow that your tags make it sound like you dislike Bleach so much when you've scored it so highly.
Same for the comments on Apollo's Song, and a couple of others.
I can't work out if you just can't rationalise your like of them, or if its a difference in opinion of how we see the rank scores :P

Skipping to what we have in common... it seems to be fairly little. You seem to rank things quite a bit higher than me, so its interesting to me that the common ground we do have (Solanin, Bradherley's, Lament of the Lamb, Claymore) is all stuff we've ranked highly, rather than stuff we don't like so much.
I'm going to put Mars and Confidential Confessions in there too, even though you ranked them slightly higher than me, because they were borderline for me :)
In part I'm just glad to have seen someone else who's read them, and note that you share my belief that the Mars sidestory is lacking compared to the series ^^

I hate your tags.
I should clarify though, because hate is too strong really.
I actually like the idea of using tags to give summaries. I can see how its definitely something that would make a persons list more viewable, informative and useful.
My problem doesn't come from what you've used your tags for, but how they end up as result of the way the list works.

There are two problems that strike me, the main one (to me) being the commas, that break, different parts, of what, you're writing, into separate tags.

As horrid as this suggestion might seem from a grammar point of view, you could consider swapping your fullstop and comma useage over.
That way, it would break your sentences into separate tags and stop them being split part way through when moused over. would look very odd when not moused over though :| Maybe you could 'accidently' avoid commas altogether? :(

The other 'problem' is a result of the alignment (I guess?) of tags vs the manga title. Because the title gets centred into the middle of the tags, and the tags are quite large,its very easy to keep reading into the next tag and not notice immediately that theres been a switch to a separate series because the next series title is so far down.
Which can be quite funny, actually. I have no idea if that sort of thing is changeable.
Dec 27, 2009 12:14 PM

Mar 2009
To explain some of my scores:
-Maison Ikkoku was one of my earlier manga and I still love it today, so it does have some nostalgic factor to me and it does have an actual conclusion (unlike her other series) done in a decent amount of time
-I just didn't like Apollo's Song as much as either MW, Phoenix, Astro Boy, or Ode to Kirihito, AS jumped around a bit too much at times and I just don't tend to prefer Tezuka for romance as everyone tends to fall in love instantly so that the story can progress.
-As for Mars, I'm just not really a romantic per se and high school romance in particular seems to annoy something buried deep in my mind as I rather ignored it during high school as a waste of time, so high school romance manga in general bothers me as I don't tend to find it either "cute" nor "romantic". That's another thing about Maison Ikkoku, they were older than high school. I'll admit I was a bit harsh on Mars, but I did enjoy her other series Eternal Sabbath (actually read that one before Mars), I just didn't really find myself enjoying Mars and I can't entirely say why. I don't call it bad though, I call it "not my cup of tea", there's really no logical reason why I didn't like it, it just didn't touch with me emotionally. I'm thinking it's because I tend to enjoy shojo sci-fi or horror more than shojo romance

-haven't actually read any of the ones you marked as favorites
-glad to see you're currently reading Banana Fish, I think it gets better as it goes on so not about to say anything about your 8 score, but you just might change it
-seem to be reading a lot of manga that were made after the anime/related to it (the Code Geass and Baccano! ones stand out at me)
-glad to see I wasn't the only one who didn't throw a 10 at Akira, like your score for it
-I've read maybe the first 5 chapters of Basara, since I'm not at my dorm (where I tend to do that sort of stuff), haven't read it in a while and the first chapters haven't quite shown me it's a "10" yet, but I'm hoping it's at least a 9 for me.
-you read a lot more shojo than I do, that's for sure
-you also preferred the Planetes anime to the manga (even though you scored them both high)
-gave Please Save My Earth a 9, that's a great series
-you've only read 3 volumes of Phoenix? Which ones?
-aww, you dropped Battle Royale? I really enjoyed that one, although it won't get any less violent or depressing as the series goes on.
-not a big Cro High fan it would seem
-it just looks like you drop or stall a lot more shonen/seinen than shojo/josei
Dec 27, 2009 5:44 PM

Dec 2007
I like your list colours, and they obviously match the picture well (although I can't say I like the picture that much. I don't know what its of or from though).
I will say that when you hover over a title on the purple background the link does sort of vanish into it though.
I also like how links turn purple when you click on them, although because I'm a bit dense that did confuse me a little to start with when I tried to work out why some were that colour ^^;
Your tags are... somewhat sparse.

On a manga front, our scores seem pretty similar, although its somewhat of a shame you dislike Clover so much. You aren't the first person I've come across to feel that way about it, but I don't suppose you'd mind sharing why? I'm honestly curious :)

I can see you've read quite a lot more Tezuka than I have, and I appreciate that you've actually scored the series.
Although I haven't read a lot of the ones you've read (yet) myself, it feels like quite often people who read Tezuka (erk, sorry for the generalisation) will rank all his stuff high or all his stuff low. It makes it quite awkward because it turns his work into a sort of mass, rather than individual stories, so its good to see someone truly differentiate between them. I'd passed over Kirihito before, but I might have to look into it now.

Also, I love your Tekkon Kinkreet score. I remember flicking through the old volumes when Viz had titled it Black and White and disliking the art and not being interested at all. There are so many things I've changed my opinon of over time that when I spotted the newly released Tekkon Kinkreet volume in Waterstones I was quite impressed by the look of it... but when I then flicked through the start of it, my opinions on it didn't seem to have changed at all so I never bought it.
What can I say. I've read a lot of opinions that run counter to mine on Tekkon, so its somewhat satisfying to see someone else feeling similarly (same as with Akira, I guess ^^).

As someone who has read What's Michael? and has the volumes on their shelves, I'm curious as to whether you think they're worth the money. I enjoyed Club 9 a lot, but the Michael volumes are so damn thin for the prices I see them at that I feel somewhat awkward about considering buying them.

I also spotted a PSME sequel on your list, and I have no idea how I missed that it had one. I knew it had some sort of side story going on in one of the Vivid Memories volumes (not sure if its one or two, I downloaded both the other day but didn't read them yet), but yeah, no clue there was a real sequel. Will need to hunt that out :)

I did briefly check our anime compatibility as you mentioned liking the Planetes anime more than the manga, and I can see that for the rest of it we seem to agree on rather little ^^;
I envy you for being able to make use of the 'full spectrum' of scores though. Its something I'm still struggling to do.

Random note: I like your collection pictures. And your cat ;)

And in reply to your comments:
(Spoilered because I wrote long replies)
EphidelDec 27, 2009 6:04 PM
Dec 31, 2009 1:43 AM

Jun 2007
Ephidel / older UK chick:

A yaoi as your #1 (;____________;), a manga by Emma's author as your #2 (looks good; I'm into the character design), and a manga I dropped after half a volume of sketchy/boring goings on as your #4. Interesting, if nothing else.

Well, you've sure as hell read a lot. Too much, really. But, as ever, because manga is so divergent compared to anime, we don't share 100 titles.

You rate lower than me; as you've said above. It's odd how, despite my low to mid 7 averages, people always go lower than me with their manga ratings. It makes me question why people read manga - they can't get much enjoyment out of it when they score it as lowly as they do!

I can't say I have any real issues with the majority of your scores, even though you go lower in most cases. The .hack novels, for example, are written so basic that it's understandable why someone would rate the series 5/10. And Togari is just a generic shounen, so someone not into Naruto and its ilk would naturally go lower than me. Etc, etc.

It hurts me to see you rated BOTH Love Hina and Maison Ikkoku 6/10. I can understand a girl 6/10ing Hina for its never-ending perverted humour, and Maison is slow-paced enough to get on the tits of a fair few people... but, usually, at least one of the two does it for readers.

Also, why the hell does a straight, not-so-manly guy such as myself seem to rate shoujo higher than its intended sex? Maybe I should've been born slightly differently...

Final comparison comments: it's nice to see someone else 8/10 LotL; someone who appreciates depressing and snail paced stories. It's also nice to see a female 8/10 Brad. Coach - I kind of assumed, with all the gang rape, it'd be too much for the majority of the fairer sex. I'm probably just being ever so slightly sexist, mind...

Your list: Unless it isn't loading for me, it's the basic one, aside from a few colour edits. Easy to read.
I view tags to be pointless when used correctly, so I disagree with your correct usage of list tagging.

There are too many titles for me to comment on, and there's more than likely an unhealthy helping of yaoi. Don't blame me for being lazy!


Ephidel said:
I admire your restraint for reading so few manga at a time, although it does look like you're making good use of the on-hold list ;)

Unless we're taking 9-10/10 titles, I'm often AWFUL at finishing what I start. Sometimes the blame lies with me not having enough volumes, but more often than not it's down to my lack of motivation.

I can sit like a fucking robot at my PC - refreshing every so often - but if I have to read/watch something I tend to struggle. :(

As a random note, as one that stuck out to me - it amuses me somehow that your tags make it sound like you dislike Bleach so much when you've scored it so highly.P

In the case of Bleach, I'm negative mainly because I think I'll lower my rating the further I progress. It's only going to get less and less interesting as Kubo milks his prized cow for all he can.

It's the same deal with Claymore, where I was negative to show I prefer the anime, despite me 8/10ing. Like Bleach, I can see me 7/10ing somewhere down the line.

And, of course, sometimes I just feel like giving stupid rather than insightful comments. Most of my silly comments were made when I first started misusing the tags and had to tag like 40 titles at once. If I couldn't remember enough to be critical, I went for dumb instead. :)

I hate your tags...

There are two problems that strike me, the main one (to me) being the commas, that break, different parts, of what, you're writing, into separate tags.

As horrid as this suggestion might seem from a grammar point of view, you could consider swapping your fullstop and comma useage over.
That way, it would break your sentences into separate tags and stop them being split part way through when moused over. would look very odd when not moused over though :| Maybe you could 'accidently' avoid commas altogether? :(

Fuck you!... oh, wait!!!

Why does, it matter, how often, I use commas when people, shouldn't, treat my tags as, tags because, they aren't? I, don't, understand, your, issue...

I'm far too lazy to re-type them in a way that would work around commas. Sorry!
Dec 31, 2009 2:25 PM

Dec 2007
I've stuck spoiler tags around individual segments because I wrote an awful lot (as I tend to do when I talk to people :P).

My defense and/or replies.
People may choose whether or not they want to consider me the last person to post or not, I don't mind either way :)

Re: Favourites.

Re:Ratings (+ Love Hina, Maison Ikkoku, Lament, Bradherleys)

Re: My list and my tags.

Re: Re: Your tags ;)
EphidelDec 31, 2009 2:45 PM
Dec 31, 2009 2:43 PM

Oct 2009
Even though they have watched alot i only have 11 incommon?
Maybe its coz i havent watched that much ... gomen :(

You seem to have started bleach.. and gave it a 7? wow i was inlove with the series from the 1st second!!
But bloody hell he/she has read alot!! Shared (7) lol dont read much again ... gomen :(

You seem to be watching alot at the same time ... maybe you should finish something before starting anew one? ...unless your updo date offcourse x3

Maybe thats due to impatience? You perhaps enjoy short anime... whereas i am the opposite

Carry on with bleach... i promise you it gets REALLY GOOD!!... tho the manga is even better!! especially right now...*hint hint* aizen and ichigo going to have some fun time next chapter ... waaaaaaaaaaaaah O.o

Oh and one last thing ... DEFINATELY PICK UP ONE PIECE AGAIN!!!!
Dec 31, 2009 3:05 PM

Jun 2009
has a nice custom design and doesn't have that much completed.

LOL, and the title of the section of the manga you're reading is WATCHING in your manga list
Dec 31, 2009 3:14 PM

Mar 2009
-wow, we only share 2 manga in common? But we both have Liar Game in our favorites list :3
-your list colors are a strain on my eyes to read
-you mostly seem to complete one-shots, although you've got a lot of good titles on your plan to read list you should get to (like Battle Royale)
Dec 31, 2009 3:31 PM

Oct 2009
iday12 said:
has a nice custom design and doesn't have that much completed.

LOL, and the title of the section of the manga you're reading is WATCHING in your manga list

yep i didnt design that ... but i liked it anyway so i used it x3

For classicalzawa

...bloody hell you pretty mush share nothing with me O.o
and a 6 for bleach? ... pleahhhhh O.o
Dec 31, 2009 9:36 PM

Mar 2009
Ichigo bg. The fonts are okay.

You've dished out plenty of 10's already (too soon lol). As for Bleach, I think it pretty much went downhill since the arc where Ichigo and gang had to save that stupid bitch Orihime. The latest chapters are showing some development though.
Dec 31, 2009 9:37 PM

Dec 2009
^ THUMBS UP!@#!@
Dec 31, 2009 9:39 PM

Mar 2009
idipyoudipwedip said:
^ THUMBS UP!@#!@

Is that all you have to say?
Dec 31, 2009 9:41 PM

Dec 2009
AlexisSolitaire said:
idipyoudipwedip said:
^ THUMBS UP!@#!@

Is that all you have to say?

it said, comment, not 'write essay.'

thumbs up is a compliment.
ebert and roeper do it all the time.
Dec 31, 2009 9:42 PM

Mar 2009
Oh well, I just expected more than 1 sentence. As for your list, can't comment since it's currently 0 lol.
Dec 31, 2009 9:50 PM

Aug 2008

General list comments--
The bright red and yellow text kinda hurts my eyes.. am I getting old..? Your scores seem reasonable.. good spread, not too many 9s and 10s. No need for tags?

For shared stuff--
I spy some Nakamura Asumiko--excellent! And Wild Cats was cute too. And I'm glad you don't seem to think highly of Junjo Romantica either. Oh and you've read Sora no Hito - Kakizaki Muku Tanpenshuu... good to see others reading some Ichiraci works. On your ptr, Seven Days is pretty good. :)
Dec 31, 2009 10:58 PM

Mar 2009
-we share 15 titles, but I don't know any of your favorites
-lot bigger on shojo than me and BL, I'm also thinking you like CLAMP more than I
-they made a TWEWY manga? I like your tag for it "crap"
-juse seeing that you dropped the Princess Tutu manga, I wanted to see what you thought of the series and I think we 100% agree on this one :) Bad manga to a masterpiece anime
Jan 1, 2010 7:40 AM

Aug 2008
classicalzawa said:
-we share 15 titles, but I don't know any of your favorites
-lot bigger on shojo than me and BL, I'm also thinking you like CLAMP more than I
-they made a TWEWY manga? I like your tag for it "crap"
-juse seeing that you dropped the Princess Tutu manga, I wanted to see what you thought of the series and I think we 100% agree on this one :) Bad manga to a masterpiece anime
I like the things we do share, particularly Hiwatari Saki works, Shimizu Reiko works, Antique Bakery, and Banana Fish. It matters how much you "like" CLAMP--I'm a big old school CLAMP fan, but I don't like their current stuff. I love Tokyo Babylon, X, and CCS. I really dislike TRC, xxxHOLiC, and don't really care about Kobato so far. So while stuff like X and Gohou Drug remain unfinished, they work on crap like that.. so I hate them because I once loved them. It's complicated. ;) They're only in my favorites because of Tokyo Babylon (both manga and artbook) and how the characters further developed in X.

The TWEWY manga.. huge waste of time and effort and not much of either was spent on it in the first place. It was supposed to be promotional, but it promotes nothing! The Princess Tutu manga actually inspired my creation of the "crap" tag lol. The mark of shame! I agree--terrible terrible manga with practically no qualities shared with the fantastic anime. It was a bit shocking even, so I couldn't finish it.

Do classicalzawa next.
shinkeikakuJan 1, 2010 7:43 AM
Jan 1, 2010 11:07 PM

Mar 2009

Not too fond of the bg. The black fonts on the blue columns are kinda hard to see.

Some good tags. Regarding the DN tag, I agree- the first half was better. As for Monster, I read 3 chaps and then dropped it. Boring and dry. Your rating for Doubt surprised me. Despite the ending, I thought it was awesome.
Jan 10, 2010 6:00 AM

Apr 2009

We share 26 Mangas with a 68.5% compability.
You have read a lot more than I have, and your list is filled with mangas from all kinds of genres which is always nice to see.
I don't know many of your favourites so I can't really write much about them. I do know Onani Master Kurosawa but in my opinion it wasn't really good except for the ending.
Slam Dunk is on my PTR for a while now and looks interesting.

I recommend to check out "Seizon -Life-" because you seem to like crime stories à la Detective Conan.
Jan 10, 2010 10:37 AM

Mar 2009
-...well we share 12 manga, but it didn't give a compatability rating
-I've not read any of your favorites
-we're both reading Historie and have read Parasyte, I love that guy
-it looks to me like you tend to lean towards seinen thrillers or horrors
-you have Banana Fish in your plan to read and I am obligated to point this out. And Eternal Sabbath is there too, I liked both of these a lot.
-As for your favorite characters you have both Dr. Tenma and Wolfgang Grimmer of Monster, who were pretty awesome and all (I preferred Grimmer to Tenma actually), but my favorite character in Monster was Johann
-your one blog thing also puts Planetes as a favorite manga, I liked it too, but actually preferred the TV series to the manga. It doesn't seem like you've seen the Planetes anime yet, but it's more character driven than story driven is the main difference.
Jan 10, 2010 4:30 PM

Apr 2009
We have 14 shared, 43.6% compatibility, and I rated most of our overlaps higher--usually I'm the low-rating one when I compare with people, so a little variety is nice. :)

Won't comment on page design, since (as my default style shows) I have no eye for it.

We both liked Parasyte and Uzumaki, so I'd be curious about your recommendations for other horror or horror-flavored science fiction stuff.

I'd also be curious why PSME was one of your favorites, when the romance thing doesn't seem to be your bag generally. I had complicated feelings about the manga myself, since there were parts of it that I liked very much but the Mokuren/Shion thing became weird for me.

After seeing Bradherley's Coach and Banana Fish on enough rec lists, I think seeing them on your list has pushed me over the edge to try reading them. And so my pile grows...

Enough rambling from me. Someone else's turn!
Jan 12, 2010 1:36 PM

Jun 2007

Our ratings mostly differ only by a point, which - in my mind - translates into you having decent taste.

I don't know why Coelacanth, with its talking imaginary sheep and dull story is so well liked by most who have read it. Likewise, the love Saikano gets will forever be a mystery to me... just like it'll always be up in the air why I paid money for the manga after typing up a not-so-loving anime review.

Some of your scores do come across as ever so slightly harsh to me. 7/10's for Solanin, Goth, Vitamin, Chrono and Watashitachi make me frown. I put those scores down to us viewing numbers differently rather than a real difference in opinions, though...

As for your list itself, I'm tired of saying this but only one thing comes to mind: dull. It needs a nice background a few personalized edits to make it *your* list page. Looking at it now, it's just the basic list with minor colour alterations.

You've read a fair bit I want to read at a later date, including classics like Akira and Battle Angel. I also noticed you, like me, on-holded Eden close to the halfway mark.

...and that's all I can think of to say, I'm afraid. Sorry!
Jan 12, 2010 10:48 PM

Apr 2009

We do mostly seem to like similar things, with occasional exceptions like Coelacanth and Deep Love (which I have resigned myself to liking less than everyone else does). Several of the 7's you mentioned have actually made me wish for half-point breaks in the rating system, and were hard for me to pin down the final number, so you're probably right that it's not a big difference in opinion.

Prior to reading this thread, I didn't really have any interest in prettying up my list or using tags, but the idea is growing on me now that I've seen some of what people do with the options. You've convinced me, now all I need is a free day to figure out what the hell to do with it.

I definitely recommend that you read Akira and Battle Angel Alita someday, for slightly different reasons. Akira was one of my formative anime experiences, so it's hard for me to judge the manga free of bias, but it's definitely a classic and the art is flat-out fantastic. And Alita, for me, started out as perfectly enjoyable action cheese and then got much better. IMO, your mileage may vary, etc.

Eden (and Hiroki Endo in general) is a little difficult for me--I'll go months without being in the right mood to read it, and then blow through four or five volumes back-to-back. It seems to be a lot of bad people doing bad things to other bad people, with the occasional nice person shredded for kicks, but the good parts are so good that I think I'm about due for another burst of reading.

That's probably way more of a response than was really called for, but part of the reason I posted in this thread was to chat with people about manga tastes, so hopefully it's not too annoying. Finally, onto the un-shared parts...

I initially balked at reading your list because the text is kind of smooshed over to the right on my screen, but I'm glad I got over that. The mini-reviews you put in the tags section helped me get a much clearer picture of your tastes than the list alone (bonus, they're frequently hilarious), and I am once more reassured that I'm not the only person on the site who likes both girly and dude-ly stuff.

Your to-read section dwarfs mine, which makes me happy in that "I don't have a problem, look how much THAT guy is drinking" way.

All in all, it was way more entertainment than I thought I'd get out of reading another person's manga list. If that sounds like snarky faint praise, it wasn't meant to be, just a thanks for the laughs and the food for thought.
Jan 14, 2010 10:03 AM

Jun 2007
Either ignore me since I'm not part of the game or do us both (sexpun intended).

Many a time have I desired .5 ratings on MAL. When I rated S&WII, I was torn between seven and eight, eventually awarding it 7/10. It strikes me as silly for there not to be .5 scores - they'd help separate 7.5 and 8.5 titles; my main problem area.

The Akira movie bored me and left me wandering what the hell was going on. I also somehow missed the 'jaw-dropping' animation because of the ugly facial art. Really, all I can remember about the film now is that the women(woman?) looked like men...
I want to read the manga because it's supposed to be understandable. Its high rating tempts me. However, its £11-17 x6 price does not tempt me.

I have heard from a few people Battle Angel starts out in shounen-esque fashion and then takes a turn for the deep(er). I wanted to check out the two episode OVA to get a feel for it, but all I can find are Italian dub releases...

I thought Eden was the best thing ever... until chapter 64. Then I became convinced Endo's a bit clueless and decided to take a break. And now that I'm ready to go back to it, two volumes are OOP. Typical.

Yeah; I started using tags because numbers alone aren't enough to express how I feel. A short paragraph isn't enough either, in truth, but a number + a paragraph is better than just a number on its lonesome.
It pleased me to see you say you enjoyed reading my tags, and I'm astounded someone laughed with rather than at me. I like you.

I'll probably never even read half of the shit on my 'to read' list. On the plus side, at least I'll never run out of options!

Mar 10, 2010 4:10 PM

Jun 2007
I'm giving this one LAST bump before letting it rot. It's somewhat depressing to not have this thread active in both the anime and manga sections.

RIP, dead thread of mine. (?)
Mar 10, 2010 8:34 PM
Jan 2010
I like the layout with the tabs. Made it so the list wasn't overwhelming. We didn't have a lot in common (only 2 shared) so I enjoyed reading through getting ideas of what to add to my list. I found the colours fairly easy to read (the blue on black) but the list was squished on the right hand edge of my screen, and that made it difficult to read. (Could just be my computer though, it tends to do things like that)
Mar 10, 2010 9:36 PM

Mar 2009

I find the red fonts a strain on the eyes. The black background appeals to me though. You're reading a lot of publishing manga. You seem to rate most manga highly in the range of 8's to 10's.

I agree with your rating for Special A. I lost interest after a few chapters. Quite typical and the characters were either annoying or didn't stand out.
Mar 11, 2010 5:39 AM
Oct 2009

-we share only 10 mangas
-you like sports manga 10 in slam dunk , eyeshield 21 and you read a lot of one shot that i never heard
-hmm your background is Alucard im not much fan.

ps: sorry for my bad english
Mar 11, 2010 1:24 PM

Aug 2009
smash said:

-we share only 10 mangas
-you like sports manga 10 in slam dunk , eyeshield 21 and you read a lot of one shot that i never heard
-hmm your background is Alucard im not much fan.

ps: sorry for my bad english

-We share 13 mangas
-Our Compatibility is pretty high
-We both share alot of shonen and seinen (even if there not of the same name
-gave gantz a 5 (LOL i would disagree with that score like a year ago)
-Dropped HxH =(
-Is reading a good amount a manga that i want to read even though its not on my to read list

all and all he has a good list and i wouldn't mind reading anything you recommend.
EitraMar 11, 2010 1:38 PM
Mar 11, 2010 6:24 PM

Mar 2010
We share Bitter Virgin, really good manga btw.
Our compatibily is very very low.

From the names of your other mangas, I don't think I would enjoy them much.
You are currently reading 29 mangas, very different from me. I stick to 1 or 2 at most. I like to read them from start to finish and if am not interested, I drop them or put them on hold and continue them later. Lolz.
Mar 12, 2010 7:45 AM

Jun 2007
You have next to no manga listed, Ms. Rocks. We only share Lovely Complex, which I own the first volume of and haven't read/added to my list. Confusing.

...Actually, having looked at your full list, it appears MAL is messing up because we've both read and rated Bitter Virgin. It's one of the few manga I read in one sitting - I got really into it when I read it; even going on to review it.

There's nothing else I can say - we share only one title; the others being mostly obscure shoujo titles I've yet to encounter.
Mar 21, 2010 11:42 PM

Dec 2008
We only share 2 mangas.. which means you're not into the things that i like.. >.>
Mar 25, 2010 9:51 PM

Feb 2010
We share only 2 mangas which we both rated 8 o.O)
I haven't heard of most of the manga you read and found out why... They're mostly yaoi. Not a fan of that specific genre... so no wonder our manga compatibility is unknown
Mar 25, 2010 9:53 PM

Mar 2009

We share 11 titles.

You seem to rate most manga pretty good scores ranging from 8 to 10. Your background gets in the way of the headings though. So I have to highlight the headings (for example, Dropped) to actually see it.

@ for those 2 people who say my background's Alucard, for goodness' sake, it's not.
Mar 31, 2010 10:50 AM

Apr 2008

We share 4 titles, (not sure why it says 2...) only 3 are ones you voted on though.
Biggest deviation was 3 for B reaction (hated that manga, dropped it), others were both 1 different.
Overall nice list and nice background. Colors seem to work well and keep it visible. Could use less non-action mangas though. :P
Apr 1, 2010 6:26 PM
Aug 2009

-Our compatibilty is Unknown
-Share one manga which is 666 Satan which you've read 1 chapter of and have both rated an 8.
-You have a lot on your plan to read list while I only have a few :O
-You seem to have a lot of ratings of 7's and 8's and few 10's.
Apr 1, 2010 7:00 PM

Apr 2009
@ Chuuka- We have a high anime compatibility at 77.3%
We share 19 anime, only 1 of which we rated the same (7 on Vampire Knight)
We have an unknown manga compatibility
We share 12 manga, none of which we rated the same
You have two very interesting choices for favorite animes, and your favorite manga are awsome! I've been very eager to try Liar Game (I've seen the live-action drama) and Mushishi.
Apr 3, 2010 12:54 AM
May 2009
@ Betrayal

Wow. Anime compatibility with you is very high, but then again, our manga compatibility is unknown. Well, I don't read a lot of manga anyway.

Eh, I don't really know what to say now. Except that your icon is adorable! Allen and Edward, yes? xD



Apr 3, 2010 1:29 AM

Aug 2009
@ Castaspell

-Dont have much manga on your list yet
-We Share 4 manga Which are all Shonens and you rated good scores
- your Genre of choice is Shonen & Shoujo (which isnt bad seeing as how mines is strictly Shonen & Seinen)
- You plane on reading The world ends with you (which is one of my favorite ds games and if you have a link the the manga can you please send it XD)
-And you haven't dropped a manga yet
Apr 3, 2010 1:35 AM

Mar 2009

Shared: 7
Our ratings are different. A 5 for School Days.. I actually like it in the psychological sense.

Anyway, you have lots on your CR list. Good to see you like Onani as well. From your PTR list, I' suggest GTO and Hellsing to be given priority- they're really good.
Generally your scores are high (though I do spy a few below average scores).

Regarding list design, it doesn't get in the way of reading the words and it's not too distracting either.
Apr 3, 2010 7:16 AM

Oct 2008

We share 32 manga and rate them fairly similarly for the most part. Seems we like quite a few of these manga in common. Compatibility is High.

I see that you read a wide variety of manga, and are a balanced rater for the most part- you avoid giving overly high ratings whilst awarding your favorites good scores.

The font colours and background used on your list make reading it kinda hard on the eyes though. Perhaps some changes could be made?
Apr 3, 2010 7:28 AM

Jan 2009

The design is really soft, I like it.

The list itself, we share 31-32 manga, and the compatibility is decently high.
Nicely given scores, fairly enough. Was happy to see that Inoe Takehiko's works got a 10. Can't find anything to argue about. You don't stick to one genre, that's a plus. However I'm against dropping..
Apr 3, 2010 8:57 PM

Mar 2009

The background doesn't blend well with your list design. A very bright background and a dark foreground for your manga list are a bad contrast.

Shared: 12

Looks like we disagree on them based on our scores. A 5 for DN.. oh well, maybe it's just not to your liking. 4 for Doubt. I think you genuinely aren't into psychological stuff, so in the future you should avoid them so as not to waste your time.
Apr 3, 2010 9:17 PM

Aug 2009
Manga compatibility - 74.5%
Mm... it's odd that our anime is so low.

Anyway, nice list design, though I've commented on that before when I commented on your anime list.

The only one we have in common is Detective Conan, and I'm not anywhere close to where you are. I'm going to catch up in the next few weeks.

The titles that we shared, we agreed on the ratings for the most part, except Death Note. (I didn't like it that much.)

I haven't read any of those.

The ones we had in common were One Piece and Zombie-Loan, both of them I'm still reading. I can see why you dropped them though.

Plan to Read
I've heard great things about GetBackers, and I kind of want to start reading Liar Game as well.
Apr 3, 2010 9:44 PM

Jan 2009

I like the colors on your list - the red and yellow on the black background is very cool. I wish I'd read half as many manga as you have. You seem to have fairly high standards, which gets me interested in Spiral: Suiri no Kizuna. I've never heard of this manga before, but it sounds like something I would like.

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