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Feb 9, 2010 2:05 PM
Aug 2009
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse
Feb 9, 2010 2:07 PM

Feb 2008
How on earth is this moe comedy? Just because it's not as angsty as the first series doesn't mean it's bad. It's closer to the original content.
Feb 9, 2010 2:12 PM
Sep 2009
The first 12 or 13 episodes of 'Brotherhood' are basically a remake of the first 28 or so episodes of the original FMA anime. After that, the plots of the two diverge radically, and 'Brotherhood' emerges as being far superior.

See, when the original anime was made, the manga was nowhere near finished. By the time the anime caught up with the manga, the decision was made for the remainder of the anime to go its own direction and not be related to the manga at all.

'Brotherhood,' on the other hand, is a remake that follows the manga very faithfully the whole way through. The first 12 episodes, therefore, cover the same territory that the first 28 episodes of FMA1 did. Some chunks are missing, some chunks are rearranged, and some chunks are just completely different from the way they were done in FMA1.

The reason for the differences between FMA1 and 'Brotherhood' in these episodes is that FMA1, while based on the manga at that point, was still a very loose adaptation, so a lot was changed. 'Brotherhood,' on the other hand, follows what the manga did, so Lior is handled differently, the business with the chimera is handled differently, etc.

My suggestion to you: Muscle through the first 19 episodes of 'Brotherhood.' If, by episode 19, you don't agree that 'Brotherhood' is far superior to FMA1, then by all means, stop watching it. But at least give it that chance.
Feb 9, 2010 2:12 PM
Aug 2009
LolitaDecay said:
How on earth is this moe comedy? Just because it's not as angsty as the first series doesn't mean it's bad. It's closer to the original content.

i mean its closer to these modern animes that feature otaku refrences and Fan service than the original one ,At those times they made...Decent animes
Feb 9, 2010 2:15 PM

Feb 2008
buzbe said:
LolitaDecay said:
How on earth is this moe comedy? Just because it's not as angsty as the first series doesn't mean it's bad. It's closer to the original content.

i mean its closer to these modern animes that feature otaku refrences and Fan service than the original one ,At those times they made...Decent animes
You're seen two episodes, darling. I think you should give it a chance.
Feb 9, 2010 2:37 PM

Oct 2009
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse

WTF u rated clannad a fucking 10. I thought u hated moe comedy shit
Feb 9, 2010 2:46 PM

Oct 2009
I've seen the first series and I'm on the 2nd episode of Brotherhood now.

Admittedly I miss the more darker side to the series as seen in the first series. This series moves at a very fast pace compared to the other one.

Also the artistic backdrop seem to lack detail (but I hope that changes, or I get use to it).
I hope that the character relationships are just as strong as the other series, so far there is still hope.

Taking ChainsawAsh's advice and sticking at it to about episode 19. So far, not so bad.
Feb 9, 2010 2:57 PM

Jun 2009
FlashUK said:
I've seen the first series and I'm on the 2nd episode of Brotherhood now.

Admittedly I miss the more darker side to the series as seen in the first series. This series moves at a very fast pace compared to the other one.

Also the artistic backdrop seem to lack detail (but I hope that changes, or I get use to it).
I hope that the character relationships are just as strong as the other series, so far there is still hope.

Taking ChainsawAsh's advice and sticking at it to about episode 19. So far, not so bad.

You won't regret waiting.
This one is much darker in my opinion.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Feb 9, 2010 3:29 PM
Aug 2007
dude your making a BIG mistake dropping it after only 2 eps, the first 12 eps are recap and need to be told as not everyones seen the 1st anime then the original content kicks in and believe me when i say the story is competely different.

There are new characters, the story is much more intresting and darker and Brotherhood actually becomes far superior to the previous anime. Heck the last few episodes are getting soo intense, i'm practically dying for my weekly Brotherhood fix!
Feb 9, 2010 4:24 PM
Sep 2009
Feb 9, 2010 4:38 PM

Jul 2009
Divinity_123 said:
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse
/facepalm where the heck is this moe comedy show come from..
Feb 9, 2010 4:47 PM

Apr 2009
ChainsawAsh said:
The first 12 or 13 episodes of 'Brotherhood' are basically a remake of the first 28 or so episodes of the original FMA anime. After that, the plots of the two diverge radically, and 'Brotherhood' emerges as being far superior.

See, when the original anime was made, the manga was nowhere near finished. By the time the anime caught up with the manga, the decision was made for the remainder of the anime to go its own direction and not be related to the manga at all.

'Brotherhood,' on the other hand, is a remake that follows the manga very faithfully the whole way through. The first 12 episodes, therefore, cover the same territory that the first 28 episodes of FMA1 did. Some chunks are missing, some chunks are rearranged, and some chunks are just completely different from the way they were done in FMA1.

The reason for the differences between FMA1 and 'Brotherhood' in these episodes is that FMA1, while based on the manga at that point, was still a very loose adaptation, so a lot was changed. 'Brotherhood,' on the other hand, follows what the manga did, so Lior is handled differently, the business with the chimera is handled differently, etc.

My suggestion to you: Muscle through the first 19 episodes of 'Brotherhood.' If, by episode 19, you don't agree that 'Brotherhood' is far superior to FMA1, then by all means, stop watching it. But at least give it that chance.

Couldn't agree more (Couldn't have said it better either)
Feb 9, 2010 9:39 PM

Jan 2009
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse

ur retarded

Feb 9, 2010 9:44 PM
Dec 2009
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone

2 episodes and yet, looking for awesomeness? why dont you watch it more?
Feb 10, 2010 1:51 AM
May 2008
you do dislike some fma show, yet you gave bleach a 10... really, i have no hope in people these days >.>
Feb 10, 2010 1:56 AM

Feb 2009
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse

oh you're making me really sad. Start watching episode 13, it may help you change your mind. Ü
Feb 10, 2010 3:20 AM
Aug 2009
Koko-Bear said:
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse

ur retarded are proving my theory..people feel the need to bash other people to make themselves feel better :D,

And to prove this post...When nina and the dog got transumted into a chimera,In the orig fma,It is much more tragic and dramatic..SAY NO TO THAT
Feb 10, 2010 4:24 AM

Aug 2009
Oh so we're back to this? honestly, I thought these threads were vanquished after 20 episodes or so.
And there's no need to bash.

It's true that FMA 1 did some things better than Brotherhood.
But I think it would be a real shame if you drop it just because you keep on comparing it to its predecessor. The early episodes can't even compare to where we are at right now. Brotherhood doesn't have the same angsty vibe that the first show had but it is still dark nonetheless.
My opinion is, sit back and keep on watching. It may be a pain to rewatch something that's been done in the past, but as you do so, note the things that changed, particularly how the characters change, and how different they are than the first series.

When you get to episode 14 or 19, come back here and tell us what you think.
Feb 10, 2010 4:24 AM
Jun 2009
I see what you mean.... you are right. The first 13 episode are a bit worse than the original.... even Hughes' death....

But you have lost both the surprise of this. You knew that Nina would have died this time, you knew what was going to happen.... and you are right, Koko's reply was idiotic at best....

Anyway, calling it a moe comedy is exaggerated. There are still dark moments, though Arakawa had designed the series with more comedy than drama because she thinks manga are made especially to entain

Wait for the next episode, I would say the good part starts somewhere between episode 14 (when the plot changes) and episode 21 (when the pacing stops being so fast). Then we will talk with no need to bash each other
Feb 10, 2010 4:26 AM

Jul 2007
I have only seen 1 episode of this series so far lol. I am actually waiting for it to finish since its pretty close now. I don't want to wait every week. I don't know what this guys problem is. Episode 1 practically blew me away with that incredible action and animation. That guy using that guy that created that ice wall, i was like at the edge of my seat watching just the first episode and right when it ended im like omg, i MUST see the next one. But then i sort of though hmm, i don't want to wait every week for a new episode so i will just wait for it to finish or at least get down to only 3 episodes left that way i can marothon :p

Feb 10, 2010 4:41 AM
Aug 2009
Roisin said:
Oh so we're back to this? honestly, I thought these threads were vanquished after 20 episodes or so.
And there's no need to bash.

It's true that FMA 1 did some things better than Brotherhood.
But I think it would be a real shame if you drop it just because you keep on comparing it to its predecessor. The early episodes can't even compare to where we are at right now. Brotherhood doesn't have the same angsty vibe that the first show had but it is still dark nonetheless.
My opinion is, sit back and keep on watching. It may be a pain to rewatch something that's been done in the past, but as you do so, note the things that changed, particularly how the characters change, and how different they are than the first series.

When you get to episode 14 or 19, come back here and tell us what you think.

Feb 10, 2010 4:46 AM
Sep 2007
I admit the build up for nina was more tragic and broke my heart in the first FMA. You have 41 more episodes to watch, and like everyone here is saying FMA-Brotherhood gets really dark, more then the first FMA.

People pretty much gave you your answer, maybe you should start reading the manga counter part to the anime you watch. You'll find out how different things can be, and I really have no idea how FMA-Brotherhood can be associated with moe. You really should start to read manga if your unhappy with what anime is being put on now days.
Feb 10, 2010 4:55 AM

Oct 2008
Oh boy, where do I begin with this? You say 2 episodes into the Brotherhood series, you didn't so much feel an epic drama like in the first anime adaptation, correct and that it consisted more so of moe comedy correct? Do you think you could clarify that? Like describe what parts within the first 2 episodes to you were considered "moe comedy."
Feb 10, 2010 6:34 AM

Feb 2008
If you even complain about FMA, whether it is the manga, season one or Brotherhood, you aren't human.
People are strange, when you're a stranger
Feb 10, 2010 7:49 AM

Aug 2008
bubze the story is actually pretty old so u CAN'T compare it with d new MOE Anime series ... Plus MOE / Tsundere is amasing in it's own way ...

First 13 episodes are REMAKE of d first crappy full of filler FMA and than the actual story begins in d 2009 version ... Well they are probably gonna finish it with fillers (wich sux) cause they got manga material to do up to 55-58 episodes out of d total 63...

And I have 1 more thing to say to u: If u don't like it just don't watch it ... It's so simple!!!

My Anime Lists: AniDB & MAL
Feb 10, 2010 8:15 AM

Feb 2009
I'm posting here again because I want to tell you that not all people here want to bash you. lol.

I would really pity you if you drop it and not able to experience the same excitement and anticipation I felt for every superb twist I've seen starting from episode 14.

Or if it will help, try watching just Episode 19: Death of the Undying. It's Mustang vs Lust, and imo, it was the best episode for me so far. XP
Feb 10, 2010 9:02 AM

Oct 2008
Itsygo-kun said:
... Plus MOE / Tsundere is amasing in it's own way ...

You might wanna try backing up that statement as to why moe/tsundere is "amasing" in its own way other than for servicing hardcore anime fans.

Itsygo-kun said:
First 13 episodes are REMAKE of d first crappy full of filler FMA and than the actual story begins in d 2009 version ...

So what if the first anime didn't follow the original manga content? If you didn't like the first series, then that's fine. Though the way I see it, saying the first anime sucked because of it not following the manga content (which I'm assuming you saw before the first anime series) is about as shallow as bubze not liking Brotherhood because it didn't follow the precise content of the first anime. And I'm not referring to what technically came first in the franchise (meaning the manga). I'm referring to what you and bubze watched/read first and saw afterward thus making that "I didn't like this version as much as the one I saw first."

Itsygo-kun said:
And I have 1 more thing to say to u: If u don't like it just don't watch it ... It's so simple!!!

Why does that statement sound more like, "if you don't like it, shut the fuck up and quit badmouthing my fandom?"
Feb 10, 2010 9:40 AM

Aug 2008
1st: "MOE is a pure, protective feeling towards a female character, without the sexualization of lolicon" but apparently MOE characters are all lolis... So where'd u see MOE in HagaRen 2009??? Maybe 1 or 2 scenes with May Chang xD But HagaRen 2009 is DEFINATELY not a MOE Anime/Manga series...

And about TSUNDERE... Those type of characters are d ones with irritable and violent personality that "suddenly" becomes loving by some sort of trigger (usually a person)

2nd: Well I actually liked d plot of d first anime up to episode 25-30 nd than it was kinda booring till d end and d movie rushed d story a bit >.<

3rd: No I didn't want to say that xD

My Anime Lists: AniDB & MAL
Feb 10, 2010 9:55 AM

Oct 2008
Itsygo-kun said:
1st: "MOE is a pure, protective feeling towards a female character, without the sexualization of lolicon" but apparently MOE characters are all lolis... So where'd u see MOE in HagaRen 2009??? Maybe 1 or 2 scenes with May Chang xD But HagaRen 2009 is DEFINATELY not a MOE Anime/Manga series...

And about TSUNDERE... Those type of characters are d ones with irritable and violent personality that "suddenly" becomes loving by some sort of trigger (usually a person)

First of all, I never said Brotherhood had moe content. Second, I didn't ask for a definition of the slang terms that I happened to see a thousand times. I asked for a "convining" reason as to why anime shows that have moe/tsundere personalities that target otaku fans who like Japanese sub-culture would possibly be amazing for anyone else.
Feb 10, 2010 9:56 AM

Nov 2008
buzbe said:
2 episodes in...And all the drama tradegy and Awesomeness is gone...They changed an epic drama into a moe comedy show..I have no hope in animes these days..It just seems to be getting worse and worse

i think you cant make a very fair guess about the anime from only 2 episodes.....i say stick it out til episode 19 like people said....and yes the story changes radically starting at the dublith arc.
Feb 10, 2010 10:16 AM

Nov 2008
Itsygo-kun said:
Well they are probably gonna finish it with fillers (wich sux) cause they got manga material to do up to 55-58 episodes out of d total 63

what makes you say that? the manga is so close to ending like 1 or 2 chapters.....and also i dont know where you got 63 episodes but no one knows the amount of episodes brotherhood will have....the creator said it will have as many as it needs to finish it.
Feb 10, 2010 12:01 PM

Aug 2008
Both ANN and ANIDB says it's gonna be 63 episodes long ... Haven't actually been digging for any sources... But the timeslot for HagaRen 2009 on MBS is d same till end of June...

Plus look at d chapters of d Manga: Episode 43 was up to chapter 80 out of 104. And as I said there will be enough for like 55-58 episodes.

Let's consider d posibility of d Manga ending with chapter 106 (comes out in d middle of April but they don't have d rights to Animate to animate chapters 103 to 106 before they are released on tankobon wich will be at d begining of August)

My Anime Lists: AniDB & MAL
Feb 10, 2010 12:05 PM

Aug 2008
Hypeathon said:
First of all, I never said Brotherhood had moe content. Second, I didn't ask for a definition of the slang terms that I happened to see a thousand times. I asked for a "convining" reason as to why anime shows that have moe/tsundere personalities that target otaku fans who like Japanese sub-culture would possibly be amazing for anyone else.

Because the majority of people LOVE those characteristics :D :D :D (and it was buzbe who said HagaRen 2009 is turning into a moe type Anime)

My Anime Lists: AniDB & MAL
Feb 10, 2010 12:13 PM

Nov 2008
Itsygo-kun said:
Both ANN and ANIDB says it's gonna be 63 episodes long ... Haven't actually been digging for any sources... But the timeslot for HagaRen 2009 on MBS is d same till end of June...

Plus look at d chapters of d Manga: Episode 43 was up to chapter 80 out of 104. And as I said there will be enough for like 55-58 episodes.

Let's consider d posibility of d Manga ending with chapter 106 (comes out in d middle of April but they don't have d rights to Animate to animate chapters 103 to 106 before they are released on tankobon wich will be at d begining of August)

well then they'll go on hiatus lol people would riot if this had a filler ending
Feb 10, 2010 1:23 PM

Aug 2008
I really do hope so ... The show is absolutely amasing till now ... Don't want them to ruin it

My Anime Lists: AniDB & MAL
Feb 11, 2010 7:15 AM

Sep 2006
If it followed the manga up to the current point in time, and then fillered, I don't mind. The current chapter is so epic and near the end, you can't go very far even if you just used guesswork to finish the ending.

The entire front half of FMA 1, they basically crammed it into a few episodes in Brotherhood. But beyond that, the rest of Brotherhood has so much more epic, character development and satisfying storyline than FMA 1. It's also very much less Edward-centric and on a global scale, not just like the whole world only has Amstreis and Isbal.
Feb 11, 2010 7:40 AM

Oct 2008
Itsygo-kun said:
Hypeathon said:
First of all, I never said Brotherhood had moe content. Second, I didn't ask for a definition of the slang terms that I happened to see a thousand times. I asked for a "convining" reason as to why anime shows that have moe/tsundere personalities that target otaku fans who like Japanese sub-culture would possibly be amazing for anyone else.

Because the majority of people LOVE those characteristics :D :D :D

Now, I cannot help myself but to intervene.
Firstly there is no such characteristic as "moe".
Secondly, the fact that everyone likes those characteristics doesn't make them amazing; it makes them overused, unoriginal, cliché and unbelievably simplistic.
And thirdly, you use the letter "z" when you write amazing
Feb 11, 2010 8:16 AM

Mar 2009
I lol so hard:
1- This dude just watched 2 episodes and already screamed out loud " I've seen enuff..."
2- FMA = moe ? what's next ? k-on = shounen? <-- ( well, this would be cool)
3- One of the good thing about FMA is its harmony between tragedies and comedies, they are NOT turning FMA into a comedy show, in fact they skipped A LOT of funny moments, have u read the manga ? (bet not)
4- Go do your homeworks son
5- Yes daddy
7- Where's 6?
(>-.-)> d(>.<)b <(-.-<)
Feb 11, 2010 5:01 PM

May 2009
don't read if you haven't gone from episode 40 and higher(spoiler contains the main differences in brotherhood)
rpn101Feb 11, 2010 5:12 PM
Feb 11, 2010 9:52 PM

Jan 2009
err give it a chance after episode 20+ youll know that this one is better than the first series
Feb 11, 2010 10:27 PM

Dec 2008
Well I guess the first FMA was interesting but it turned into a really long OVA, it was a little bit darker and the art was somewhat different. But hey, we got the real deal now with FMAB, straight from the manga so why are you arguing again? The art is different, it's more manga-ish, the tone more comedy... sure, just like the manga. They decided to do a remake because the first FMA got out of control.
Feb 11, 2010 10:43 PM

Sep 2008
retarded thread is retarderd. why this one not closed yet by the mods ?
Feb 12, 2010 1:14 AM

Jul 2007
fertygo said:
retarded thread is retarderd. why this one not closed yet by the mods ?

Because hes not doing anything wrong, hes just basing his own personal opinion on the show. Although i havn't seen any of it accept 1 episode. But the first episode was really great.

Feb 12, 2010 11:37 PM

Oct 2008
Romeodeaths said:
I lol so hard:
1- This dude just watched 2 episodes and already screamed out loud " I've seen enuff..."
2- FMA = moe ? what's next ? k-on = shounen? <-- ( well, this would be cool)
3- One of the good thing about FMA is its harmony between tragedies and comedies, they are NOT turning FMA into a comedy show, in fact they skipped A LOT of funny moments, have u read the manga ? (bet not)
4- Go do your homeworks son
5- Yes daddy
7- Where's 6?

this is the best post on this thread ezeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......nice one....
Feb 13, 2010 1:39 AM
Jul 2009
link9us said:
I have only seen 1 episode of this series so far lol. I am actually waiting for it to finish since its pretty close now. I don't want to wait every week. I don't know what this guys problem is. Episode 1 practically blew me away with that incredible action and animation. That guy using that guy that created that ice wall, i was like at the edge of my seat watching just the first episode and right when it ended im like omg, i MUST see the next one. But then i sort of though hmm, i don't want to wait every week for a new episode so i will just wait for it to finish or at least get down to only 3 episodes left that way i can marothon :p

This is one of the few anime where I think my experience has been enhanced by having to wait for a new episode every week. They pack a lot into the episodes, so it gives you time to mull it over before the next one. Also you can't enjoy cliff hangers if you can just open up the next episode.
Feb 17, 2010 1:22 PM

Oct 2008
Seriously . . . . I still don't believe how people have problems with this series . Well . . I'm not advertising or anythin . . I'm an active facebook member . And i have a group there , based on this anime . Woah . . I saw so many hate posts when this new anime started . . And all i said to myself was . . Lets wait and watch . . . And now . . My group is the biggest fmab group on facebook and its growing . This anime has really redeemed itself . .
P.S . I was watchin a few episodes continuously . (21 to 26) and i got goosebumps while watchin those episodes . . Top notch stuff . . A must watch for any anime fan . .
Feb 23, 2010 9:31 AM
Dec 2009
I watched first two episodes of pokemon

Where is teh awesomeness? :3
Mar 5, 2010 3:17 PM

Dec 2009
FlashUK said:
Taking ChainsawAsh's advice and sticking at it to about episode 19. So far, not so bad.

Well Episode 19 is the most epic episode in anime history... You would be an idiot if you dropped this after that.
Mar 8, 2010 9:58 PM

Jan 2010
I like how you take it as if they're vexing you...dude, go watch the old series, then.

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