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Users who haven't finished an anime should be restricted on rating it

Feb 15, 10:09 AM

Oct 2020
This might be a controversial topic, I'm open for any of you to change my mind.

But I believe that users that do not finish a certain anime shouldn't be able to rate it. Why do I think that? Well there is multiple reasons why, but for starters, I've seen many negative reviews of people that watched 3/12 episodes saying the anime is trash, but if they had watched it all the way through, they would have seen that it ain't so bad. For example, "The Rising of the Shield Hero season 2" has a lot of bad reviews, but the thing is, they all come from people who have only watched 3, 4 or 5 episodes. Brother, I would have the same opinion as you if I had stopped watching there, I would have thought that it is trash, but I continued and found what? Found that it gets way better. Same with Angel Beats, I saw that someone only watched a couple of episodes and said it was trash, again, if I had watched so little episodes, I would have thought the same. These types of anime (somewhat slow or bad start, and then good middle/ending) is why I have a rule that I finish any anime that I start.

Now, you could argue that some animes are really bad and it would be torture to sit and watch it all, or that people could just lie that they watched it all so that they can rate it badly. And I agree with that argument but it still bugs me seeing some animes get low ratings just because they had a slow/boring/not up to expectations kind of start.

What is your opinion on it?
Feb 15, 11:03 AM

Jan 2021
I believe similar discussions have taken place in different forums but it seems that it's not too applicable. I mean if the requirement to rate an anime is to complete it then on going anime like One piece and seasonal anime won't get a rating until they have finished and only people who have completed will be able to rate it.
And, as you have already mentioned, some people would drop an anime because they were uninterested or hated it which also explains their negative score. There isn't much that can be done about it. The only solution for scores is just to deal more effectively against troll accounts.

I think there was a 3 or 4 episode rule for the rating to count. I don't know if it's practiced here or not.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Feb 15, 2:08 PM

Feb 2023
Personally, I think that a bad start that forces people to stop watching is a good enough reason for an anime to get a worse score. By counting everyone who gave the anime a fair chance, we get a better representation of the average viewer than if we exclude everyone who was so disappointed that they had to drop it.

Saying that those who dropped an anime would have enjoyed it if they had watched the second half isn't really based on anything. There are always enough people who finish something and still give a bad score.
I also drop some anime after episode 7 or 8 (out of 12), should my opinion not count either in these cases?

Currently the Weighted Score counts everyone who watched at least 1/5 of the anime (3 episodes for a 12 episode anime)
Feb 15, 2:46 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to Vaturna
Personally, I think that a bad start that forces people to stop watching is a good enough reason for an anime to get a worse score. By counting everyone who gave the anime a fair chance, we get a better representation of the average viewer than if we exclude everyone who was so disappointed that they had to drop it.

Saying that those who dropped an anime would have enjoyed it if they had watched the second half isn't really based on anything. There are always enough people who finish something and still give a bad score.
I also drop some anime after episode 7 or 8 (out of 12), should my opinion not count either in these cases?

Currently the Weighted Score counts everyone who watched at least 1/5 of the anime (3 episodes for a 12 episode anime)
@Vaturna Saying that they might enjoy it is based on my personal experience. I have watched some animes that I really wanted to drop but I still watched them through and eventually found them quite enjoyable(for example Guilty Crown, Darling in the FranXX to name a few). That is my personal experience though but I believe that people "shouldn't judge a book by its cover" and give everything a fair chance. Now, there are exceptions of course, is something is not for your taste, sure, drop it and give it a bad score, people have different tastes, but most animes are worth giving a fair chance.

I didn't know about the 1/5 rule so thanks for that info. It is better than nothing I suppose.
Feb 15, 3:22 PM

Oct 2013
No. Everyone can rate whatever they want in a way they see as fitting. The current system is fair and good as it is, since mean scores are weighted; only scores coming from seeing at least 1/5 of total amount of episodes count; bot votes are not counted. No need to change it this way.

Preventing people from rating shows they have dropped wouldn't be user-friendly and could easily backfire, with angry folks setting shows they didn't like as "Completed" only to have their scores getting counted into the mean score. And what about on-going series? If the suggested model would be applied, then "Currently airing" toplist had to be deleted, because mean scores of all shows would be basically 0.00/10.00, lol.

Also, not everyone is zealous about "no dropping" rule.

It's better to just chill and rate stuff whatever you like, without getting too invested in how other people score shows and when do they usually rate them.

Edit: fixed a typo.
AdnashFeb 16, 1:36 PM
✨Saint Seiya Club🌠
Feb 16, 6:30 AM

Feb 2023
Reply to Thruddingsfly
@Vaturna Saying that they might enjoy it is based on my personal experience. I have watched some animes that I really wanted to drop but I still watched them through and eventually found them quite enjoyable(for example Guilty Crown, Darling in the FranXX to name a few). That is my personal experience though but I believe that people "shouldn't judge a book by its cover" and give everything a fair chance. Now, there are exceptions of course, is something is not for your taste, sure, drop it and give it a bad score, people have different tastes, but most animes are worth giving a fair chance.

I didn't know about the 1/5 rule so thanks for that info. It is better than nothing I suppose.
@Thruddingsfly Yeah, I think I get where you're coming from. There definitely were a few series for me where I was glad that I didn't drop them (or where I picked them up again after dropping them), but from my experience these were always the exception. Most bad/mediocre anime I struggled through did not improve in the second half.

It's probably for the better that there is some restriction to who contributes to the overall score of an anime and who doesn't. There isn't much value in the score if someone starts watching an anime completely blind only to notice that it's a genre they don't like and instantly drop it. The score would be less about the anime itself and more about how much this person hates the genre/premise, but those informations are already easily available on the anime page right next to the score.

It's debatable how accurately you can judge if you're going to enjoy the rest of the series after 1/5 of the episodes. It depends a lot on the type of story.
Feb 16, 7:02 AM

Sep 2016
Bad idea, even the 1/5 rule is a stretch already for long-running shows like One Piece, if something doesn't manage to captivate a viewer from the beginning then it deserves to be dropped and rated poorly by that viewer. Not including them in the calculation of the mean scores is a sinful selection bias and one of the main reasons why MAL scores are widely considered as unreliable.

ZarutakuFeb 16, 1:51 PM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Feb 16, 7:14 AM
CD enthusiast

Jan 2024
This would distort the ratings, as it would mean people who didn't like something would have to endure the entire season just to say they didn't like it. Not everyone has all the time in the world to watch things they don't enjoy. Of course it's fair to expect someone watch a decent amount of something before casting any sort of judgement on it, but any such restriction to ratings would always be arbitrary and ultimately unnecessary.
Feb 16, 8:13 AM

Dec 2013
well, if someone who didn't finish an anime wants to rate it low, they can just add that anime or manga as complated (even if they didnt finish it). so that wouldn't be such a useful feature
Feb 16, 12:16 PM

Mar 2019
It might be nice to have the option to see the scores from people who finished at least X amount of episodes. Like a slider you could move that shows you the average score of people who have seen that many episodes.

It'll never happen, but it'd be cool to see.
Feb 16, 1:33 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to AniMarter
It might be nice to have the option to see the scores from people who finished at least X amount of episodes. Like a slider you could move that shows you the average score of people who have seen that many episodes.

It'll never happen, but it'd be cool to see.
@AniMarter That is actually a pretty good idea. But I too think it will never be implemented unfortunately...
Feb 16, 1:50 PM

Oct 2013
This is dumb af. Imagine someone who hate one piece have to watch all the shit show till it finished. The problems is that not everyone want to watch thousands of eps just to give it a 1/10.
Feb 16, 5:40 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to Scavendgarr
This is dumb af. Imagine someone who hate one piece have to watch all the shit show till it finished. The problems is that not everyone want to watch thousands of eps just to give it a 1/10.
@Scavendgarr Obviously for a show as long as One Piece(over 1000 episodes) it would be ridiculous. I was mostly referring to 12 or 24 episode animes. I didn't clearly specify that initially so that is my mistake.
Feb 16, 7:30 PM

Mar 2008
There is no reason to do this. Instead the algorithm used to calculate average score should just count different levels of completion differently. Someone only completing one episode of a two cour series obviously should count less than someone who completed it but someone at halfway point it shouldnt count as just half the score importance. Though it cant go by percentages of completion alone either because this presents issue of very long series winding up more positively biased in how they are scored.
Feb 16, 9:45 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Thruddingsfly
@Scavendgarr Obviously for a show as long as One Piece(over 1000 episodes) it would be ridiculous. I was mostly referring to 12 or 24 episode animes. I didn't clearly specify that initially so that is my mistake.
@Thruddingsfly oh, if it a 12 eps one i agree with your idea. It just 4 hours. Not that much commitment needed.
Feb 18, 9:50 PM

Oct 2022
Just because someone didn't finish an anime doesn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed to keep track of their enjoyment of said anime. Besides, MAL has that rule of only counting peoples rating of a finished show if they've seen 30 percent of it for the score of the anime, if that's what your worried about.
When a pancake lover does something: "Outrageous vicious crime"

When a waffle lover does something: "That means it is not illegal"

Quotes -
Feb 18, 10:08 PM

May 2018
I might feel slightly swayed if writing a review required a person to watch all the way through, but a rating is different. if you are a few episodes into an anime and it is truly the worst thing you have ever seen then showing your opinion of that without forcing yourself to waste more of your time finishing the show is completely valid.

traed said:
Instead the algorithm used to calculate average score should just count different levels of completion differently

I'd be curious to see this put into practice.
Feb 18, 10:13 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to NoelleIsSleepy
I might feel slightly swayed if writing a review required a person to watch all the way through, but a rating is different. if you are a few episodes into an anime and it is truly the worst thing you have ever seen then showing your opinion of that without forcing yourself to waste more of your time finishing the show is completely valid.

traed said:
Instead the algorithm used to calculate average score should just count different levels of completion differently

I'd be curious to see this put into practice.
Hard to say if it isn't already because I don't think the algorithm they use to calculate scores is publicly available info.
Feb 18, 10:59 PM

May 2018
Reply to traed
Hard to say if it isn't already because I don't think the algorithm they use to calculate scores is publicly available info.
@traed fair point... I'm just now learning about that "weighted score only counts users who have watched 1/5 of the show" thing... there might be more behind the scenes.
Feb 18, 11:13 PM
Jul 2018
I rate for my own list, not for MAL's tho?
Also the rating doesn't count anyway, if you haven't watched at least 1/4
Feb 19, 1:43 AM

Nov 2010
  • Suppose there is a trashy show. All the people dropped it and rate it as "1". But only a xxx fellow liked it. Of course, he watched all the episodes and scored it "10".
  • I don't know 1/5 rule or something, it wouldn't work for popular long-run shows like this. Check the "Aired" info.
  • FYI: there is a ...system(!?) in MAL that allows you to see how scores changed through the progress.
Feb 19, 6:55 AM

Dec 2020
Reply to Scavendgarr
This is dumb af. Imagine someone who hate one piece have to watch all the shit show till it finished. The problems is that not everyone want to watch thousands of eps just to give it a 1/10.
@Scavendgarr Who tf would watch all of one piece just to give it a 1?
Feb 20, 9:15 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Akuya
@Scavendgarr Who tf would watch all of one piece just to give it a 1?
@Akuyatsun exactly
Feb 21, 7:42 AM
Sep 2022
People would just lie, so it's unenforceable.

At least you can't vote for things which are not out yet, unlike Board Game Geek where the ratings have become a joke now because of ballot stuffing by Kickstarter backers.

The system here does have some protection - I think a title needs something like 1500 votes before it gets a rating and the ratings are weighted against single votes.
Feb 25, 12:52 AM

Jun 2020
No, because dropped anime deserve to be rated just as much as completed ones. Sometimes anime is that bad it doesnt deserve further viewing, and scoring reflects that.

"Don't let your memes be dreams."- Ancient Japanese proverb, probably
Feb 25, 12:54 AM

Jan 2021
Rating are already inflated so I don't mind bad scores that much

It evens out with the people that give everything a 7+
Feb 25, 9:51 AM

Oct 2014
I think it's fine. Let people rate whatever they want. Their rating won't affect the mean score of the show unless they've seen a decent amount of it anyway. It can be helpful for other people looking at their list to see what scores they gave to the shows they've dropped.
Feb 25, 3:00 PM
Mar 2016
Funny how I too have dropped Angel Beats years ago only seeing 2 episodes and calling it trash. My tastes have differed now but I still refuse to go back and watch it after all these years. I think the main issue was that at the time it was so popular that everyone at my school were talking about it and singing its praise. I went in with high expectations and was met at the door with disappointment and I thought the premise was stupid.

Their ratings do matter and if an anime failed to catch the viewers attention after a few episodes, then wouldn't that mean the anime failed? See, its just one persons review and normally that wouldn't put a dent in the rating if most people enjoyed it, but if a lot of people are dropping an anime after only 3 or so episodes, then imo there is an issue. How many people do you think saw a show they thought the first half was utter trash but stuck it through and found gold at the at the last half and gave it a 9? That would also be a terrible rating imo, and worse then the one that dropped an anime, because they don't consider that the first half wasn't good and they should've take into account the show as a whole and give an average rating.

At the end of the day, if a show was truly good I feel like the the user ratings would speak for itself anyways. I believe what also doesn't help is that there is no .5 rating and you either have to round up or down whether you like it or not, an 8 and 7 are very far apart. Ratings are dumb anyways and you should just like what you want and not let reviews get you down to much. If anything go support your favorite anime by giving it a rating and write a honest review about it if you aren't happy with the rating it has.
Feb 25, 3:29 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to MikoHoshizora
Funny how I too have dropped Angel Beats years ago only seeing 2 episodes and calling it trash. My tastes have differed now but I still refuse to go back and watch it after all these years. I think the main issue was that at the time it was so popular that everyone at my school were talking about it and singing its praise. I went in with high expectations and was met at the door with disappointment and I thought the premise was stupid.

Their ratings do matter and if an anime failed to catch the viewers attention after a few episodes, then wouldn't that mean the anime failed? See, its just one persons review and normally that wouldn't put a dent in the rating if most people enjoyed it, but if a lot of people are dropping an anime after only 3 or so episodes, then imo there is an issue. How many people do you think saw a show they thought the first half was utter trash but stuck it through and found gold at the at the last half and gave it a 9? That would also be a terrible rating imo, and worse then the one that dropped an anime, because they don't consider that the first half wasn't good and they should've take into account the show as a whole and give an average rating.

At the end of the day, if a show was truly good I feel like the the user ratings would speak for itself anyways. I believe what also doesn't help is that there is no .5 rating and you either have to round up or down whether you like it or not, an 8 and 7 are very far apart. Ratings are dumb anyways and you should just like what you want and not let reviews get you down to much. If anything go support your favorite anime by giving it a rating and write a honest review about it if you aren't happy with the rating it has.
@MikoHoshizora I personally do not care about the ratings. It is mostly because I watched a lot of anime that had people torn, mostly because it got better later but the beginning was trash. But I digress. My main idea behind this post was that if someone hadn't seen the whole thing, then they can't possibly rate it as a whole, can't they? You can't have a trashy first day of school and say that the whole schoolyear was bad, can you? That was sort of my point, but I do agree with you on some parts.
Feb 26, 6:37 AM

Oct 2008
At that point we are just gatekeeping even more then the anime community already tries to do, which is a no no.

People are entitled to their opinions, and if their opinion is a 1 after watching one episode, then it is what it is. That's why it's an opinion, it cant be wrong.

People on here love to say that other peoples opinions about shows are wrong, and I believe it is detrimental to how we all enjoy and talk about different tastes in this community.
Feb 27, 10:21 PM

Jun 2008
Not sure I would agree to have something like this implemented. For instance individuals who decide to drop an anime because they don't like it, would obviously give it a low score, but would not be able to do so if this were a feature. Which I feel they should be able to. :/
Feb 29, 6:17 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Retro8bit
Not sure I would agree to have something like this implemented. For instance individuals who decide to drop an anime because they don't like it, would obviously give it a low score, but would not be able to do so if this were a feature. Which I feel they should be able to. :/
@Retro8bit That's true. Implementing such feature would be basically score manipulation in disguise. People who dropped, let's say, an anime, like you said, possibly didn't hold it in high regard, at least in most of cases. That's why their score will be obviously expected to be low, or lower than the mean score given by people who had tracked the whole show and eventually completed it. However, it shouldn't be the reason to not count at all such scores. Their weight needs to be different, to not affect the mean score as much as scores coming from people who completed watching an anime or reading a manga.

The current system is fair and balanced. Weighted mean score, 1/5 episodes seen to make an individual score count, antibot algorithm to prevent vote manipulations. No need to change anything, in my opinion. And surely, no need to make any type of status (other than "plan to watch", of course) excluded from building up mean scores.
✨Saint Seiya Club🌠
Feb 29, 6:32 PM

Mar 2010
I could be wrong but its already like this. People can simply rate, but doesn't mean MAL counts it or adds it into the calculations.
I'm not for conspiracy theory's but I think I'm right about this one.
But also Me personally; I don't score until I finish a anime. Should everyone do what I do? i don't think so. But does it make sense? sure.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 1, 3:07 AM

Oct 2020
Reply to Rasco
I could be wrong but its already like this. People can simply rate, but doesn't mean MAL counts it or adds it into the calculations.
I'm not for conspiracy theory's but I think I'm right about this one.
But also Me personally; I don't score until I finish a anime. Should everyone do what I do? i don't think so. But does it make sense? sure.
@Rasco I'm the same as you when it comes to scoring. I don't do it until I finish it, that means that if I ever were to drop any anime, I would leave it unrated simply because I believe that I cannot rate something as a whole if I hadn't experienced it as a whole.
Mar 1, 1:11 PM

Mar 2010
Reply to Thruddingsfly
@Rasco I'm the same as you when it comes to scoring. I don't do it until I finish it, that means that if I ever were to drop any anime, I would leave it unrated simply because I believe that I cannot rate something as a whole if I hadn't experienced it as a whole.
@Thruddingsfly True, but my criteria for dropping is different too. I usually try and try over and over again to finish the anime.. but if I still find it appalling and no way to rescue the anime after multiple failures and just overall annoyance I drop it and give it the worst scores lol. takes a lot for me to drop it so yea

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 4, 12:11 PM

Mar 2020
This would just inflate the rating of every anime. Most people only finish shows they like. And it's logical that these people will give the anime a good score. Season 2 of Shield Hero had 13 episodes. If half of those suck than it doesn't deserve a 7/10 or anything higher anyway. I think that most scores are already super inflated. An ok show should be 5/10, but in my opinion most shows that are just ok have a rating of 7/10 here on MAL.
Mar 4, 5:55 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to Kei_XI
This would just inflate the rating of every anime. Most people only finish shows they like. And it's logical that these people will give the anime a good score. Season 2 of Shield Hero had 13 episodes. If half of those suck than it doesn't deserve a 7/10 or anything higher anyway. I think that most scores are already super inflated. An ok show should be 5/10, but in my opinion most shows that are just ok have a rating of 7/10 here on MAL.
@Kei_XI I think scores are inflated because of how we perceive ratings. Most people believe that anything below 50% is a failure since that is the way school works and they have been accustomed to it since they were 5/6 years old, meaning that they view a 5/10 rating as a "barely passable" and anything below as "not worth it" so they rate it higher.
Apr 9, 11:41 AM

Jul 2021
Apr 14, 11:07 AM
Grave of Flowers

Dec 2012
I partially agree. But then again if they really don't want to continue and they just want to drop it. They should be allowed to rate it

I want to say the same thing about restricting them from reviewing it but in essence a review is just (generally) a formal display of their thoughts on it
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