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Jul 15, 2023 5:04 AM

Jul 2023
Contemplating smashing my laptop.
Jul 15, 2023 10:17 AM

Sep 2010
"How to stop Internet Addiction?"

Just turn off your router.
Jul 15, 2023 11:46 AM

May 2013
Find a hobby that isnt online.

Or hell, if you want to watch anime buy it on blu ray or DVD, turn off your PC and hide your phone and just watch.

Go jogging or some shit I dunno.

Get a job lol.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Jul 15, 2023 6:18 PM

Sep 2019
You have to get a social life, I know it might be tough but I believe in you.
Jul 15, 2023 8:01 PM

Jun 2014
If you figure it out, then let me know, so that I too, can quit.
Jul 16, 2023 12:41 AM

Dec 2015
Sign up as a volunteer/paid worker for excavation site, for last week of work I barely touched my phone or laptop not to mention going to internet. 7-9h of work, living with other colleagues due to excavation site being far away, eatin together lunch and dinner, after eating cleaning the ceramics and bones which were found in dirt, catalogising/writing down each object, marking the inventory number for each of them, trying to find which typology is each ceramic from etc. That will take out at least 12h-14h of your time into work or even more depends.

Most of places the coordinators of projects will designate the sleeping place will have poor connection to internet, while being in excavation site you will avoid using phone to not get it destroyed or dirty, not to mention the connection. While being in a place where you sleep you'll have 4-6+ person per room so I don't think it is a good opportunity for using internet, aswell as after work you're gonna be so tired that internet will be the last thing on your mind, the only thing you'll wish for is lunch, shower and sleep.
Speakin from experience as for last days I haven't been lurkin around forums as usually I do x), here's some photos if someone is in doubt, for ex. writing down the numbers of typologies from one of bags of material I've been doing from 22.30 till 00.30., aswell as in groups we're watching netflix/making some grill at evening so there is barely anytime to go into internet:

In nutshell as @_Nette_ said "Get a job"
ZettaikenJul 16, 2023 12:57 AM
Jul 16, 2023 6:52 AM

Aug 2021
do other addictive stuff and just replace internet addiction with something worse 👍
Jul 31, 2023 8:28 PM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
Only real way get rid of it is bored. You have get bored of it. I barely use the net past few months.
Jul 31, 2023 9:16 PM

Jul 2012
I started this MAL account in hopes that interacting with the plebians of society would result in me nuking my laptop, but instead I joined them. 

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