Zaphkiel_El_Rem said:
I would say that this is certainly not the case, and that Negi had planned Yotsuba as the winner from the very start. Ten months ago, around chapter 81, there was a fan that basically made a 57 page thesis compiling the clues and foreshadowing that predicted Yotsuba as the bride. I highly recommend any fan of the series to check it out:
Idkwhatoput02 said:Tbh i really think that yotsuba deserve it since she's been really nice to all of them hate me or whatever i love yotsuba to be ended up with futarou
zaphkiel88 said:Yotsuba deserved it because she has been nice to him from the beginning, and it was the obvious answer for a romcom manga
Ashes_ said:But I'm not really unhappy tho cause Yotsuba was really nice from the beginning. She was always neutral to be exact, but is that really what you want from the main heroine? Idk.
Rima_Smile said:When I first started the manga, I was 99% certain Itsuki would be the one, since she was the one introduced first (usually the first introduced is primary) and her personality screamed harem primary love interest. Then I quickly shifted to team Yotsuba because I feel she was a better match for him personality and emotionally-wise, and honestly I was really annoyed at the other girls for being unreasonable and spoiled when he was hired by their father to help them. Yotsuba seemed to be the only one who was genuinely trying from the get-go.
Rima_Smile said:Yotsuba seemed to be the only one who was genuinely trying from the get-go.
removed-user said:Actually don't have a problem about the manga ending, some people said it's too rushed but in my opinion Negi purposely doesn't add too much romance development to Yotsuba and Fuutaro as an element of mystery, as we know Negi is a mangaka who likes to mix elements of Romance and Mystery. He is also the one who breaks not always first meet girls always wins and the main heroine, here we can see Itsuki just like side characters. Honestly Yotsuba is not my favorite girl but I accept her as the winner considering that only she can accept Fuutaro from the start.
Mercy_maya6 said:Who cares just allow the losers to move on with their lives, you mean to tell me the other girls don’t have anything to do than go on their sister’s honeymoon with the guy that rejected them 5 years ago???
Crystal_Star07 said:Idk why people don’t like Yotsuba and thinks she didn’t deserve to win. She was the most selfless and kindness one. I actually would have been fine with any of them except ichika. She was the most selfish and tried to sabatoge her sisters.
Figura4 said:
Yotsuba, as I said, once you know the story of when they’re kids, and how they met. Everything fits.
Yotsuba always helped him, and she always sacrificed herself for her sisters
Anyway, I liked the end of the manga. I liked the detail of the honeymoon, all together, and I liked how Fuutaro accepts them and recognizes all of them without mistakes. To recognize them requires love, as the grandfather said of them, and among all there is love.