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My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected (light novel)
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Jun 8, 2021 6:51 AM
Mar 2021
i was bullied for almost my entire school life i was betrayed by those some people i guessed i called friends i was used and i did helped someone but i didnt gethurt but how wuld u get hurt how in the world and if someone who cares for u gets hurts thats only when someone cares for u and becoming this big narcissit caue some people didnt stay with u and some girl rejected is stupid
Jun 8, 2021 7:14 AM

Jul 2020
Animehub16 said:
i was bullied for almost my entire school life i was betrayed by those some people i guessed i called friends i was used and i did helped someone but i didnt gethurt but how wuld u get hurt how in the world and if someone who cares for u gets hurts thats only when someone cares for u and becoming this big narcissit caue some people didnt stay with u and some girl rejected is stupid
how is it stupid? He was alone and had no friends if he didnt like himself he would have gone mad, and how is he a narcisist? Because he Likes his own thinking? He isnt full of himself so ur whole point didnt make sense
Jun 8, 2021 7:15 AM
Jun 2021
Animehub16 said:
i was bullied for almost my entire school life i was betrayed by those some people i guessed i called friends i was used and i did helped someone but i didnt gethurt but how wuld u get hurt how in the world and if someone who cares for u gets hurts thats only when someone cares for u and becoming this big narcissit caue some people didnt stay with u and some girl rejected is stupid
didnt understand a single word
Jun 8, 2021 7:19 AM

Jan 2020
Your post is borderline cryptic, If I'm gonna answer your title question tho then yeah, It is relatable and realistic.
I don't speak English that much, so please cut me some slack
Jun 8, 2021 7:25 AM

Feb 2020
Please use punctuation. I didn't find the main character very relatable but it's a great series regardless. It's not about bullying though.
Jun 8, 2021 7:42 AM
Jan 2021
I don’t think it’s realistic because in reality those girls wouldn’t have paid Hikigaya much mind even when he was doing his self-sacrifice business.
Jun 8, 2021 7:53 AM

May 2020
To answer the title, no, it's not, not in the slightest bit. The characters don't speak like normal people, every single one of them speaks in a cryptic "mysterious" language, trying to act smart and deep but end up as pretentious and nonsensical. No normal 17 y/o would ever speak like every character does in Oregairu.

Don't quote me, I just want to give my opinion and don't want to argue with anybody.
Jun 8, 2021 7:55 AM

Jul 2020
DrPirahna said:
Animehub16 said:
i was bullied for almost my entire school life i was betrayed by those some people i guessed i called friends i was used and i did helped someone but i didnt gethurt but how wuld u get hurt how in the world and if someone who cares for u gets hurts thats only when someone cares for u and becoming this big narcissit caue some people didnt stay with u and some girl rejected is stupid
didnt understand a single word

Same bruddah.Same.

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jun 8, 2021 8:03 AM
Nov 2020
There can be parts in anime which are relatable and realistic, the whole thing to be realistic is impossible there are alot of parts in this which would be relatable for people.
Jun 8, 2021 8:04 AM
Feb 2021
I cannot relate to 8man but that doesn’t change the fact that I think he’s one of thw greatest main characters of any anime. Same goes with Lelouch, how tf could I relate with him? I can’t lol, but when a character is so well written and has so much depth it’s really not necessary to relate to him. About the realistic part I do think it’s pretty realistic when it comes to the romance parts, romance here is not sweet and idealized, it’s complicated and hard. The biggest example is the conversation between the 3 main characters in the end of season 2, nobody wanted to give up on that confort situation they had but it got to a point where they weren’t honest with their feelings anymore. I think this is realistic because something similar happened to me irl so maybe that’s why I gave season 2 a 10? Idk, regardless of this I would probably still love this scene even if something like this didn’t happen to me.
Jun 8, 2021 8:12 AM
Oct 2020
Oremonogatari said:
I don’t think it’s realistic because in reality those girls wouldn’t have paid Hikigaya much mind even when he was doing his self-sacrifice business.

I feel like the day to day school flow of the show and the Chiba local environment made it pretty Realistic. A lot of the dialogue tho was Dense and the messages they were trying portray was a bit convoluted and confusing. But I also feel like the dialogue isn't that unrealistic considering they're 17 and I've had serious conversations about people and emotions with my friends before that were similar when I was in HS. I only graduated 2 years ago. I mean I feel like the girls were already invested in him by the start of season 2 so they were gonna at least try to talk about it. I've lost female friends over a lot less serious stuff tho compared to my guy friends so I get ur point. Everyone talking about Ore makes me wanna rewatch it now to see if it was really that good or not. I'm rewatching my highest rated shows because summer is looking light for the weekly stuff in another 2 to 3 weeks after the spring shows are done.
Cobalt-BlueJun 8, 2021 8:18 AM
Jun 8, 2021 8:36 AM
Mar 2021
Bruh are you saying you’re watching anime for the realism...? Cmon, some characters might be relatable in some ways, but it’s never going to be actually realistic, but I do recommend it’s a very great show.
Jun 8, 2021 8:37 AM
Sep 2015
I like the dialogues, but I dont think the characters are very realistic.
Jun 8, 2021 8:44 AM

Aug 2020
I only understood a portion of what u said and I don't know why ud think that 8man is a narcissist
Jun 8, 2021 8:44 AM
Oct 2020
brenobluhm said:
I cannot relate to 8man but that doesn’t change the fact that I think he’s one of thw greatest main characters of any anime. Same goes with Lelouch, how tf could I relate with him? I can’t lol, but when a character is so well written and has so much depth it’s really not necessary to relate to him. About the realistic part I do think it’s pretty realistic when it comes to the romance parts, romance here is not sweet and idealized, it’s complicated and hard. The biggest example is the conversation between the 3 main characters in the end of season 2, nobody wanted to give up on that confort situation they had but it got to a point where they weren’t honest with their feelings anymore. I think this is realistic because something similar happened to me irl so maybe that’s why I gave season 2 a 10? Idk, regardless of this I would probably still love this scene even if something like this didn’t happen to me.

Ima sound like a Kaguya stand but I feel like Kaguya kinda doesn't apply in this case. The love is Idealized but it's not like it was never questioned or rationalized. In the show Kaguya's

Its not like its a Tonikawa where its romance has no development and no realistic drawbacks or obstacles. the only rationalizer is that
Jun 8, 2021 8:53 AM
Jan 2021
Cobalt-Blue said:
Oremonogatari said:
I don’t think it’s realistic because in reality those girls wouldn’t have paid Hikigaya much mind even when he was doing his self-sacrifice business.

I feel like the day to day school flow of the show and the Chiba local environment made it pretty Realistic. A lot of the dialogue tho was Dense and the messages they were trying portray was a bit convoluted and confusing. But I also feel like the dialogue isn't that unrealistic considering they're 17 and I've had serious conversations about people and emotions with my friends before that were similar when I was in HS. I only graduated 2 years ago. I mean I feel like the girls were already invested in him by the start of season 2 so they were gonna at least try to talk about it. I've lost female friends over a lot less serious stuff tho compared to my guy friends so I get ur point. Everyone talking about Ore makes me wanna rewatch it now to see if it was really that good or not. I'm rewatching my highest rated shows because summer is looking light for the weekly stuff in another 2 to 3 weeks after the spring shows are done.
Yeah, when I was watching, I couldn’t help but think “Why do you care so much?” But it wasn’t a bad watch overall.
Jun 8, 2021 8:58 AM

Mar 2015
16 year old edgelords think it is when in reality their life isn't anything like 8man's.
Jun 8, 2021 9:00 AM
Feb 2021
I wouldn't say it's completely realistic. However, the topics that the anime brought up like the codependency, self-isolation, self-sacrifice, the concept of youth and how it is viewed from a loner's perspective is quite relatable for a loner myself.
scarletdawn_Jun 8, 2021 2:01 PM
Jun 8, 2021 10:34 AM
Mar 2021
I wanna give my personal opinion too. Hardly any anime is relatable to most People. What I personatly find relatable in this anime was the whole loner thing going on, becouse of the fact that I was one to some extend as well. For me diffrent situations and perspectives from caracters make slice of life anime so interesting as a whole. All tho you might not find any anime relatable, you should consider it as one, to get the perspective of what writer wanted/tried to show.
Jun 8, 2021 11:01 AM
Jan 2021
Hachiman doesn’t have to be relatable to everyone. His way of thinking is unique and brought about by his personal experiences. What the show does is it allows viewers to see the world and people through the eyes of someone who thinks and acts the ways 8man does. There are plenty of parts many can relate to, but the real joy of the show is watching 8man and his interactions with others change as he grows through the story
Jun 8, 2021 11:05 AM

May 2021
Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died

Going by the title, I wouldn't say it's realistic (and it isn't about bullying), but it's relatable at times. The themes and problems in the show are relatable and can resonate with people.

Some themes portrayed in the show: How to be genuine in a society where superficiality rules? What does it even mean to have a genuine relationship? How to deal with controlling parents and find yourself? What does it mean to become an adult?
Jun 8, 2021 11:08 AM

Jan 2021
I can relate to Hachiman a little with his quotes. But not by his self-sacrifice.
Jun 8, 2021 11:42 AM
Nov 2020
I’m not sure. I can’t relate to it, but it feels more realistic than other school slice of life anime I’ve watched.
Jun 8, 2021 12:15 PM
Jul 2018
Save an answer to the actual question, but I think you're getting the wrong idea of what this series is about.
Jun 8, 2021 3:59 PM
Jan 2021
The fuck did I just read?.

To answer the title, there are parts that are relatable and realistic but there are also part that aren't relatable and realistic.
Jun 9, 2021 5:23 AM
Oct 2020
This anime isn't about bullying lol.

Answering the title, I found the MC Hachiman very relatable. He has given up on living a superficial life already due to his past encounters. The anime answers the problems of seeking genuine relationships in our superficial society, which I was already pursuing before I found this anime but to no avail(that's a different story).

Ofc It isn't realistic, you will not find yourself in a company of very beautiful girls who also like you. You will not find yourself a girl like yukino yukinoshota who will also like you back, but a man can dream. The conversations are too deep for high-schoolers.

Anyway, even if it is not realistic. It is my favorite anime of all time. You should give it a shot.
Jun 13, 2021 3:53 AM
Feb 2019
Ofc it isn't realistic, but it definitely js relatable. Many people can relate to Hachiman's character and his philosophy of "youth is all a sham and people are superficial." Especially if you've been hurt, bullied or just a loner in general.

Its a high school romantic dramedy with the typical tropes and cliches to appeal to the general anime audience. A story has to sell of course. But those tropes are all used as devices to tell a very interesting story of the true struggles of youth. Finding yourself and understanding the world a little better. The worldviews of all the main characters are childish, and throughout the show they come to understand and as a result mature as people. Especially Hachiman. The show isn't trying to say his philosophies are deep, but instead showing them for what they really are: childish and black and white. Alot of Hachiman's initial views of Yukino and Yui are wrong, as they are simply based on his previous experiences with people. Throughout the show as you come to know them better, is where you come to terms with the point that people aren't simple and can't be categorized as one thing. Yukino isn't a strong girl but rather weak and indecisive. She may seem cold but is rather socially awkward and one of the more caring girls when you get close to her. Yui isn't a nice girl. She's selfish and cares way too much on how others view her. She goes with the flow, avoids conflicts and plays dirty to get what she wants.

The cryptic dialogue can make or break the show for some people. I personally see it as the charm of the show. Sure its confusing, vague and not how real teenagers talk. But its intentionally done to push the point that these characters are insecure teenagers who have trouble communicating their real feelings for each other out of fear of losing what they have. Its a pretty common and understandable fear, especially with teenagers. How many times have you thought, there's no point in developing deeper relationships in high school.. cos we're just gonna move on and never see each other again after. Why go through all that effort all just to lose that. Introverts like Hachiman and Yukino can understand this fear. High school in general or even the Service Club they have is the common point of contact they have to remain close with each other. Leaving high school, you'll lose that convenience and you have no way to see each other again. Or you're too scared to reach out and get potentially rejected cos they're busy with their own life now.

I've rambled long enough lol. But point is.. sure its not super realistic. Its anime and plays to its typical tropes. But it does deal with relatable topics and themes in struggles with youth. The characters aren't super realistic either, but they have flaws and complexities that you're bound to find relatable. Its all down to if you like the execution of it, especially with its cryptic dialogue. Some hate it and others enjoy it for what it is.
filimaua13Jun 13, 2021 4:03 AM
Jun 16, 2021 3:15 AM

Jan 2021
Kindly use English and punctuation. The thing that you wrote is out of human capabilities to elaborate.
Jul 1, 2021 1:35 PM
Mar 2021
oh sorry for that use of language. i want to say that i was bullied many times since grade school till 10th grade. then i heard abt this series gave it a watch and after completing it, it was a good series but reviews were like "ohh man its soo deep and every episode has something deep in it" but i didnt find whts so deep in it and if i ask someone whts so deep in it no response from anyone. now the mc when i ask abt him those worshippers or rather edgy8man fans come in and he is the best ever or something like that and as for hachiman just bcs something bad happens once u think u are the worst one ever and those mentatily ones.other than that everone says its so reaistic and relatable so can u plz tell me whts so relatable and whts so realistic in. thank u for ur time
Jul 1, 2021 1:39 PM
Mar 2021
Seamus3Carr said:
Bruh are you saying you’re watching anime for the realism...? Cmon, some characters might be relatable in some ways, but it’s never going to be actually realistic, but I do recommend it’s a very great show.
who said and when did i said i watch for realism nd seek enjoybility over anything but for those who say its realisctic and relatable wht they see realistic in thats all

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