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Dec 9, 2018 5:21 PM

Mar 2016
So after the translators dropped the title after Volume 4, could somebody spoil me what happened at the end?
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Jan 30, 2019 6:15 PM
Jan 2014
I re-watched the anime recently and forgot how good it was.

Decided to try and fight out what actually happened in the light novels.

There are technically no light novel translations after Volume 4 - not entirely sure why as it was actually pretty popular. I think the novel story-line in later volumes resulted in a lot of fans dropping the series. There was a black-lash in Japan as well regarding the way the story proceeded. I think that contributed to no-one really being bothered to translate it.

On towards what actually happens. This is what I could piece together from checking out some Japanese blog sites where fans posted summaries & from the little summaries available in English posted by some lovely fans of the series - just basic what happened after LN4:

That's why a lot of fans dropped the series and why the LN's never fully got translated.

It's almost like there was a rush to finish the series regardless of the plot & story-line. Not sure why - but looking from the volume summaries it seems as though the author was going towards the quickest route to end the series - at least to me. Maybe pressure from the publisher to finish the story and move on to something else - who knows.

But killing one the main characters of the series and a big part of the story - (Itka wanting to pull Yatori away from the path she was heading down) - was all destroyed in that one moment. A big chunk of storyline.

If anyone wants to know what happened - that's the jist of it.
aa786Jan 30, 2019 6:32 PM
Feb 2, 2019 11:03 AM

Mar 2016
Thanks for the summery. I didnt expect this ending and I'm a little disappointed but it could be worse.
Feb 3, 2019 8:06 AM
Nov 2018
Holly shit! That's how it ends? They made a good story with a lot of potential shitty. Oh man, and I liked the anime so much.
Feb 3, 2019 8:08 AM
Nov 2018
Eromanga-sensei said:
Thanks for the summery. I didnt expect this ending and I'm a little disappointed but it could be worse.

Worse? Worse how? This was horrible.
Feb 5, 2019 11:31 AM

Dec 2013
Then...all I can do now is to save a picture of Itka & Yatori sitting together. I'll imagine a perfect love story ever told, and in another life, I wish them to be together for a long time again...
Feb 16, 2019 3:16 PM
May 2018
aa786 said:
I re-watched the anime recently and forgot how good it was.

Decided to try and fight out what actually happened in the light novels.

There are technically no light novel translations after Volume 4 - not entirely sure why as it was actually pretty popular. I think the novel story-line in later volumes resulted in a lot of fans dropping the series. There was a black-lash in Japan as well regarding the way the story proceeded. I think that contributed to no-one really being bothered to translate it.

On towards what actually happens. This is what I could piece together from checking out some Japanese blog sites where fans posted summaries & from the little summaries available in English posted by some lovely fans of the series - just basic what happened after LN4:

That's why a lot of fans dropped the series and why the LN's never fully got translated.

It's almost like there was a rush to finish the series regardless of the plot & story-line. Not sure why - but looking from the volume summaries it seems as though the author was going towards the quickest route to end the series - at least to me. Maybe pressure from the publisher to finish the story and move on to something else - who knows.

But killing one the main characters of the series and a big part of the story - (Itka wanting to pull Yatori away from the path she was heading down) - was all destroyed in that one moment. A big chunk of storyline.

If anyone wants to know what happened - that's the jist of it.

What happened with haroma, matthew and torway????
Feb 16, 2019 3:24 PM

Apr 2013
uh part of the spoilers above are totally wrong.

Despite what Yatori fans would like you to believe, here was not a lot of drop from "fans" as the sales didn't especially go down in the later volumes. Although the very last volumes didn't please everyone (I personally thought it was a satisfying and logical end to it).

NLDDHades said:

What happened with haroma, matthew and torway????

They're alive and well.
Mathew is married to Polmi and has 4 children by the time he's 30-ish years old. he lives in a big estate near the coast. He's a serious candidate for being the next Marshal in the republic. By the time of the series, he had reached Ikta's level in the chess-like game they were playing and was an incredibly talented general.
The other two are still single.
Torway is a general as well and still pushing forward the research on guns and snipping. He got a crazy reputation in that field.
Haroma is a bit lower than general but I don't remember her exact rank, it's still pretty high IIRC. She's extremely active in revolutionizing the field medic's methods, ethics and tools.
ZefyrisFeb 16, 2019 3:37 PM
Apr 10, 2019 6:57 AM
Apr 2019
Lattoria said:
Then...all I can do now is to save a picture of Itka & Yatori sitting together. I'll imagine a perfect love story ever told, and in another life, I wish them to be together for a long time again...
u r so god damn right
Apr 10, 2019 7:06 AM
Apr 2019
So Yatori is dead and Ikta is dead, wtf the story was so good what the hell happen,like Lattoria said I will imagine my true ending where Ikta and Yatori still alive and together...... shit still hurts
Apr 24, 2019 10:20 PM
Apr 2019
KillerCrazy said:
Eromanga-sensei said:
Thanks for the summery. I didnt expect this ending and I'm a little disappointed but it could be worse.

Worse? Worse how? This was horrible.

If Ikta ended up marrying Chamille and becoming an emperor and they lived happily ever after that would've been the worst ending. Come on what is this? Disney. XD
Apr 24, 2019 10:27 PM
Apr 2019
Thanks for all the spoilers. Overall I don't think it's bad. It's good to the point that it will keep you thinking for a few days. Not because the characters die doesn't mean the story is bad lol. Sometimes them dying is even the best course. And if the character's death will be a reason to stop reading this series then Game of Thrones should've been hated after they killed all those lovely characters, but no it's still on the top.

Anyways, this will be me ranting on and on. XD

I love the anime with all the battle strategies, political conflicts and a slight mention about their religion which is an interesting topic for me. So it really shocked me that it didn't even get a season 2. Sword Art Online was so so and yet it had an ending at least. So why not this series?

After reading the spoilers it shocked and frustrated me to know the deaths in this story. LOL. And I get why a lot of fans were disappointed but personally I think Ikta's death is expected. I mean can you really see that guy settling down in a peaceful place after the war? Cause I certainly can't. Besides Yatori's dead XD. I think if you're a fan of that ship it's appropriate that Ikta will die too. Because if he won't then he'd definitely end up with Chamille which will be more frustrating for us shippers out there.

And about Yatori, I admit she's a plain anime character. Almost all tsundere girls are like that, cold yet somehow warm or whatever. But for me in this series the reason why Yatori is so interesting is because of her chemistry with Ikta, they are both extremes in their own way and when they're together they balance each other out. And their bond is not just a love-hate relationship, it's unique in a way that they really have different ideologies. As in different, you know that it's impossible for them to be on the same side yet when they're together they just manage to make you fall for them.

But if that will drag on, then it will just be another action-romance anime like we all have seen. So her death is the thing that made this story even more interesting. Yes, Ikta's mission to drag Yatori out of that killing machine lifestyle would be senseless now that she's dead but I think it will also lead way to a better character development in Ikta's part. Not romantically but on a personal level.

And it's a shame that I cannot read japanese or any other language because I would like to see how the annoying Chamille can turn out to be a ruthless ruler enough for Ikta to fall her. Don't ship them really, but I would like to see how the characters developed.
Apr 28, 2019 3:57 PM
Apr 2019
i cant say, that is bad story or not, but i feel bad for them. i totally agree with ikta not end with princess, but im not happy with that ending. forgive me, that's just my selfishness
Jun 6, 2019 8:32 PM

May 2016
The novel went to hell when the author to make Chamille the protagonist killed Yatori.
If you red "The prince" by Maquiavelo you can note that the egocentric princess is no more than a selfish brat.

The hell with both of the protagonists death.
Even if it were cliche, I think most of us expected an end where the empire won and Ikta will retire to live peacefully somewhere.
Not that they forced us to accept a capricious princess with no idea of the real world.

I loved the anime because Ikta is one of the few strategists of this medium in which his strategies made sense and did not happen because the author wanted it, a pity for the heartbreaking end of this series.
I can read Japanese and I expected to read the novel, but now I see that it would be a waste of time.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Jun 17, 2019 2:59 PM

Jul 2016
LastLuminescence said:
The novel went to hell when the author to make Chamille the protagonist killed Yatori.
If you red "The prince" by Maquiavelo you can note that the egocentric princess is no more than a selfish brat.

The hell with both of the protagonists death.
Even if it were cliche, I think most of us expected an end where the empire won and Ikta will retire to live peacefully somewhere.
Not that they forced us to accept a capricious princess with no idea of the real world.

I loved the anime because Ikta is one of the few strategists of this medium in which his strategies made sense and did not happen because the author wanted it, a pity for the heartbreaking end of this series.
I can read Japanese and I expected to read the novel, but now I see that it would be a waste of time.

Yeah, I'm really not excited to read it now as well...

In most cases, the MAL Average Scores don't mean anything, here is a question: were the works made before 2000 all shit?
Why are they so damn scarce in the Top 50? Think about how MAL is quite literally a filtered amount of the Anime fanbase.

Here's a timeline of the Top 15 in which you can check that, almost always, the scores are affected by the freshness, popularity and other factors that have nothing to do with quality.

Jul 6, 2019 11:05 PM
Apr 2018
LastLuminescence said:
The novel went to hell when the author to make Chamille the protagonist killed Yatori.
If you red "The prince" by Maquiavelo you can note that the egocentric princess is no more than a selfish brat.

The hell with both of the protagonists death.
Even if it were cliche, I think most of us expected an end where the empire won and Ikta will retire to live peacefully somewhere.
Not that they forced us to accept a capricious princess with no idea of the real world.

I loved the anime because Ikta is one of the few strategists of this medium in which his strategies made sense and did not happen because the author wanted it, a pity for the heartbreaking end of this series.
I can read Japanese and I expected to read the novel, but now I see that it would be a waste of time.

I agree i mean from his personality he is more of a man of science i though empire would fall and adapted to Republic but he and the princess won't be executed maybe some jail sentence and after he got out he will pursue his scientific ambitions And yatori alive to accompany him if she alive but oh well the author fuck it up sigh now where can i find a nice strategy anime to follow other than youjo senki
SatoriAkihiroJul 6, 2019 11:27 PM
Jul 7, 2019 1:43 AM

Apr 2013
LastLuminescence said:
The novel went to hell when the author to make Chamille the protagonist killed Yatori.
If you red "The prince" by Maquiavelo you can note that the egocentric princess is no more than a selfish brat.

The hell with both of the protagonists death.
Even if it were cliche, I think most of us expected an end where the empire won and Ikta will retire to live peacefully somewhere.
Not that they forced us to accept a capricious princess with no idea of the real world.

I loved the anime because Ikta is one of the few strategists of this medium in which his strategies made sense and did not happen because the author wanted it, a pity for the heartbreaking end of this series.
I can read Japanese and I expected to read the novel, but now I see that it would be a waste of time.

the hell with that post?
- Chamille didn't kill Yatori.
- Chamille is the most selfless character in this series, not the most selfish -_-.
-"both protagonist dying" is not true either
- So you expected a happy ending for characters in a military story and are protesting when it didn't happen. I think you should stick to non-military stories from now on.
-It is true for this series quality on military tactics and strategy, that's the only thing in your post so far that made sense btw.
- You're better staying away from that novel indeed. Not because it's bad though, but because military stories are not for you, as I pointed out above.

DooMWhite said:

Yeah, I'm really not excited to read it now as well...

a list of lies is rarely exciting indeed.
Jul 14, 2019 10:59 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
chief-kun said:
i cant say, that is bad story or not, but i feel bad for them. i totally agree with ikta not end with princess, but im not happy with that ending. forgive me, that's just my selfishness

TBH solely from the LN, at least from the Princess part, you can say she was being the typical tsundere that falls for the MC, easily.
So when I heard Yatori died, I was shocked and then realized the writter maybe was going for this ship instead, noneless that ending... would actually like to read it all, seems at least different.
Jul 14, 2019 9:27 PM
Apr 2016
Doesn't anyone know a website with LN illustrations of the novels?
Sep 7, 2019 2:23 AM

Apr 2013
MasterArchitetto said:
Wow..... Thanks guys for letting me know I honestly did not expect for Itka to die. I actually thought that at least Itka or Yatori would live. They could’ve done a much more better job I think. I’m 100% certain that they rushed the manga and that it might of been a reason on who the manga ended. Anyway, does anyone of you know where can I find the Japanese manga, I want to check the drawings now that I know the end.

It's not a manga, it's a novel, and it never felt rushed, it followed its normal course. In war, barely anything goes the way peoples 'd want them to go.

I know where you can buy the novels, but not where you can see its illustrations.
Sep 16, 2019 10:08 PM
Nov 2014
Omg if i wasn't depressed before now im definitely.So it was all for nothing...
Sep 16, 2019 10:29 PM
Nov 2014
Zefyris said:
uh part of the spoilers above are totally wrong.

Despite what Yatori fans would like you to believe, here was not a lot of drop from "fans" as the sales didn't especially go down in the later volumes. Although the very last volumes didn't please everyone (I personally thought it was a satisfying and logical end to it).

NLDDHades said:

What happened with haroma, matthew and torway????

They're alive and well.
Mathew is married to Polmi and has 4 children by the time he's 30-ish years old. he lives in a big estate near the coast. He's a serious candidate for being the next Marshal in the republic. By the time of the series, he had reached Ikta's level in the chess-like game they were playing and was an incredibly talented general.
The other two are still single.
Torway is a general as well and still pushing forward the research on guns and snipping. He got a crazy reputation in that field.
Haroma is a bit lower than general but I don't remember her exact rank, it's still pretty high IIRC. She's extremely active in revolutionizing the field medic's methods, ethics and tools.

Is there some kind of legacy in epilog or something for the Yatori and Ikta like does "main" characters go to some kind of grave or are they thinking about them i really need to know this so i get some kind of relief at the end
Sep 17, 2019 8:43 AM

Apr 2013
matkrai said:
Zefyris said:
uh part of the spoilers above are totally wrong.

Despite what Yatori fans would like you to believe, here was not a lot of drop from "fans" as the sales didn't especially go down in the later volumes. Although the very last volumes didn't please everyone (I personally thought it was a satisfying and logical end to it).

They're alive and well.
Mathew is married to Polmi and has 4 children by the time he's 30-ish years old. he lives in a big estate near the coast. He's a serious candidate for being the next Marshal in the republic. By the time of the series, he had reached Ikta's level in the chess-like game they were playing and was an incredibly talented general.
The other two are still single.
Torway is a general as well and still pushing forward the research on guns and snipping. He got a crazy reputation in that field.
Haroma is a bit lower than general but I don't remember her exact rank, it's still pretty high IIRC. She's extremely active in revolutionizing the field medic's methods, ethics and tools.

Is there some kind of legacy in epilog or something for the Yatori and Ikta like does "main" characters go to some kind of grave or are they thinking about them i really need to know this so i get some kind of relief at the end

It would be quite hard to explain since it requires ton of infos that no one mentioned so far in this thread, but better than legacy, you could almost say that all important characters in this story met some kind of happy end.
Sep 17, 2019 8:58 AM
Nov 2014
Zefyris said:
matkrai said:

Is there some kind of legacy in epilog or something for the Yatori and Ikta like does "main" characters go to some kind of grave or are they thinking about them i really need to know this so i get some kind of relief at the end

It would be quite hard to explain since it requires ton of infos that no one mentioned so far in this thread, but better than legacy, you could almost say that all important characters in this story met some kind of happy end.

Thanks for replying but i still don't get it i understand that all other characters are happy but i want to know is there some kind of closure for Ikta and Yatori like Ikta thinking about her before he dies or even some other characters talking about them after their deaths in the epilogue or some simbol like when neji died we got bird flying so we can see that he is finally free if you can think of anything it would really be great thanks anyways.
Sep 17, 2019 9:19 AM

Apr 2013
matkrai said:
Zefyris said:

It would be quite hard to explain since it requires ton of infos that no one mentioned so far in this thread, but better than legacy, you could almost say that all important characters in this story met some kind of happy end.

Thanks for replying but i still don't get it i understand that all other characters are happy but i want to know is there some kind of closure for Ikta and Yatori like Ikta thinking about her before he dies or even some other characters talking about them after their deaths in the epilogue or some simbol like when neji died we got bird flying so we can see that he is finally free if you can think of anything it would really be great thanks anyways.

No, like I said, for ALL the important characters. Icta and Yatri are obviously important characters.
There is an epilogue about Icta and Yatri indeed.
Oct 4, 2019 3:17 AM
Jul 2016
Zefyris said:
matkrai said:

Thanks for replying but i still don't get it i understand that all other characters are happy but i want to know is there some kind of closure for Ikta and Yatori like Ikta thinking about her before he dies or even some other characters talking about them after their deaths in the epilogue or some simbol like when neji died we got bird flying so we can see that he is finally free if you can think of anything it would really be great thanks anyways.

No, like I said, for ALL the important characters. Icta and Yatri are obviously important characters.
There is an epilogue about Icta and Yatri indeed.

Did Yatri got buried in the end ? it seems after she got put in ice coffin, time skip 2 years, there is no mention of her anymore. Do her body still in ice coffin or they already buried her body and put a grave on it ?

and there is epilogue on Icta and Yatri at volume 14 ? seems kinda weird the covers of volume 14 was showing the Ikta , Yatri , Chamille(forgot her name), Haroma , Matthew , and Tornway. Do they tell us what happened to those two after they die ? their legacy or maybe their grave are close at each other ? and their friends visit their grave ?

Oct 4, 2019 6:34 AM

Apr 2013
Pringer-x said:
Zefyris said:

No, like I said, for ALL the important characters. Icta and Yatri are obviously important characters.
There is an epilogue about Icta and Yatri indeed.

Did Yatri got buried in the end ? it seems after she got put in ice coffin, time skip 2 years, there is no mention of her anymore. Do her body still in ice coffin or they already buried her body and put a grave on it ?

and there is epilogue on Icta and Yatri at volume 14 ? seems kinda weird the covers of volume 14 was showing the Ikta , Yatri , Chamille(forgot her name), Haroma , Matthew , and Tornway. Do they tell us what happened to those two after they die ? their legacy or maybe their grave are close at each other ? and their friends visit their grave ?

AFAIK she was kept in ice, I don't remember her being buried later, but she's technically in a family grave or something like that IIRC.
I can't really explain you what is the epilogue on Icta and Yatri as this would require a whole vol worth of spoiler, and more exactly, a volume that was weirdly never spoiled (while a lot of stuff about Alderamin was) openly anywhere I've seen, and that is a game changer about the whole setting, character motivations and goals, and completely change the perspective about the end.
Without it, it's useless as there is no way you would be satisfied with the words I would say without the whole context leading to it. So I'm just going to repeat, all important characters have some kind of happy ending in this story.
It's too bad that this never got an english license since I could just say to read the book directly; as this is really the only way to understand the end.

Sorry that I can't be more explicit about it.
Nov 3, 2019 7:26 AM
Aug 2019
Ar_Bay said:
KillerCrazy said:

Worse? Worse how? This was horrible.

If Ikta ended up marrying Chamille and becoming an emperor and they lived happily ever after that would've been the worst ending. Come on what is this? Disney. XD
that is so true, to be honest, my two options from when I started the series was that either both yatori and ikta died or they both lived, I didn't care much for the other characters in my opinion
Dec 22, 2019 1:24 PM
Jun 2019
What happend to chammille?
Jun 12, 2020 9:09 AM
May 2020
Its been a while huh, I got to read the epilogue so let me tell you guess what happened!

Other than what has been told on this forum. We also found out that Suya was in love with Ikta, and she couldn't forget about him, and when Torway's brother proposed to Suya, it was implied that she declined. (There is a little bit more to this but not so important so let me know if you want to know it) Torway and Haro was also joking about how they are single because they couldn't marry Ikta/Yatori. Torway has been on a few blind dates but did not found someone suitable, Haro has been confessed but it is implied that she rejected the dude because (stated above).

They also talked about Nana, she is still the leader of Sinack and apparently the Aldera army have been driven out of the mountains? and they are moving back to it, but some locals have already been used to the plains. It is stated that she might put her focus on the plains. Matthew also talked about how Nana and Suya have been complaining to him for being unable to forget Ikta. It was told that Nana did not get to see Ikta before he died unlike Suya because she had to take care of the Sinack people. I will continue again after I read it because I'm too excited to share.


Jean's godfather is trying to dethrone the emperor of Kioka. Miara Gin, Jean, and other generals from Kioka is present. (I know their names but i do not know who they are as they are not introduced in the anime and maybe manga. They are all wearing formal clothes instead of military uniforms unlike 10 years ago.

Someone was introduced as the Great Mother of White Wings (I'm not sure if I translated it correctly.) After this point I am abit confused due to the character names being repeated so I'm not sure if the translation has an error or I failed miserably to understand.

It was stated that although she had great support from the formal admiral Jean, she is now on ends with him on the political side.

Jean basically told The Mother that he is grateful. However, she hoped for him to be a hero, but not hoped for him to find happiness. Because having both will result in failing to balance her philosophy.

Jean stated that if it was only sacrificing him for the country, he would've accept it. But she wanted her ideology to be eternal, using heroes as fuel for the society. Thus he cannot accept that. (Correct me if I am wrong for those that have read it, he basically meant he do not want other people to suffer like him.)

Jean father then stated that in any society, any class of people in the hierarchy will be exploited, be it slaves or labourers.

The Mother basically rebutted him. (Again let me know if you wanna know what she said because its just another piece of philosophical views)

snarensvendJun 12, 2020 9:45 AM
Jun 12, 2020 9:41 AM

Apr 2013
ah you're very confused in the second part. The mother and others are with Jean and are taking the place of Jean's "godfather" like you call him. Kyoka is a republic, and Jean's mentor/godfather was its elected leader during the whole story. All the peoples with Jean pretty much here shares the fact that they have that leader as their mentor.
And it's that mentor that has the terrible habit to raise talent so that they'll be the best at what they do, but at the same time psychologically lock them away from happiness/peace of mind so that they'll keep doing their best and get better. So it's not Jean saying that line about not hoping for her to get happiness, it's their mentor/former Kyoka leader.

BTW another person who got affected by that was no other than our little princess Chamille. The reason she hates herself /her blood is due to him. She was affected by him when she was held as a political hostage in Kyoka when she was very young. As a result she proved to be absurdly talented as a ruler; but it was also absolutely impossible for her to stop hating herself or accept happiness. Breaking this was one of the most important wish of Yatori before her death, and the reason why Icta made that final sacrifice that way. He indeed managed to free her from it, and as a result the country is now lead to a republic by her, and is in very good hands. And she's become a very bright and cheerful woman.

Also the Alderan army simply left the mountain after the peace was agreed.
Jun 12, 2020 9:44 AM
May 2020
Zefyris said:
ah you're very confused in the second part. The mother and others are with Jean and are taking the place of Jean's "godfather" like you call him. Kyoka is a republic, and Jean's mentor/godfather was its elected leader during the whole story. All the peoples with Jean pretty much here shares the fact that they have that leader as their mentor.
And it's that mentor that has the terrible habit to raise talent so that they'll be the best at what they do, but at the same time psychologically lock them away from happiness/peace of mind so that they'll keep doing their best and get better. So it's not Jean saying that line about not hoping for her to get happiness, it's their mentor/former Kyoka leader.

BTW another person who got affected by that was no other than our little princess Chamille. The reason she hates herself /her blood is due to him. She was affected by him when she was held as a political hostage in Kyoka when she was very young. As a result she proved to be absurdly talented as a ruler; but it was also absolutely impossible for her to stop hating herself or accept happiness. Breaking this was one of the most important wish of Yatori before her death, and the reason why Icta made that final sacrifice that way. He indeed managed to free her from it, and as a result the country is now lead to a republic by her, and is in very good hands. And she's become a very bright and cheerful woman.

Also the Alderan army simply left the mountain after the peace was agreed.

OHHH THANK YOU! Appreciate it! But feel free to correct me again when I write another post on the remaining of the post! Thank you once again!
Jun 12, 2020 11:10 AM
May 2020
(Jean said something powerful and logical) After much debate, Jean's godfather is impressed with Jean - Godfather is always good with swaying one's beliefs and values. 'Although he was adopted, he was still raised by him'. He knows Jean's habits and direction. He used to be able to manipulate and perplex Jean, but now it does not work anymore. After that he smiled, genuinely, not the typical smile behind the mask of the perfect politician.

He thought about karma, how obvious it was coming. The Jean he had groom to be a tool for him is now having a different ideology, banding together with people of the same mindset and betraying me. He was enlightened and felt it was not surprising for a parent to feel happy for his child's indepence.

He decided to accept as the last thought of resistance disappeared from his mind. He stood up and offered his seat (throne) to Jean.

He walked and stood in front of Jean, patted Jean on the head, just like how he used to when Jean was younger.

Jean told his father that maybe because he was able to find his slumber, his hair has turned grey, although his white hair previously was very clean and beautiful. (Correct me again!)

Godfather stated that maybe grey isn't that bad, it is the color that knows many truths. Maintaining the grey and welcoming the neither black nor white world forward, grey exist for politicians' existence.

He left the office without looking at Jean and said: "Although the direction is different from the battlefield, here is also a cruel world. Do your best, son. But if you don't wish for me to return to that chair, do not reveal any flaws.

Jean turn to him and bow to him without saying a word.


Godfather was given many looks from the parliament members. The sky is dim, falling with rain. He then saw his wife, and she told him that he has worked hard. He asked her for her sudden visit as she rarely comes to the council hall. She replied as it is very possible to see the scene of his defeat, so she came to spectate the bustling scene.

Indeed he said, he was defeated fiercely and chased off the seat he fond of so much. Great, she said. Godfather repeated her words in shocked. It was reveal that she wanted to travel to some place but was unable to ask her husband due to his position before, and now that he is no longer a politician, he should be very free.

I will shorten this part because it doesn't seem like you guys will care about him and his wife's conversation.

After their conversation we were then brought back to Matthew, Torway and Haro. Princess Chamille haven't arrived and Matthew suggest that she might not be able to visit as she might have caught up with something urgent. Suddenly, from the distance came a violent sound of wind, passing through their ears as they spend the morning together. They decide to go out and take a look. They saw something as big as a house came down from the sky, commuting using a giant wheel on land. Someone came down from the mysterious vehicle...

"I'm sorry for being late! It's hard to get use to operating it! After I learn to master it I can as soon as possible! What a reliable vehicle. Let me take you guys for a spin!" It was reveal that the person is Chamille. It was reveal that Chamille had grown physically, and she had both the swords of Yatori with her.

She was then playing with Matthews kids while being introduced to them. She was then stated to be talking to the kids about playing with them. Then she was shown to have learned the Igsem style from someone of the Igsem family. (If I'm not wrong its the dad.)

Then came two more person, one is Anarai's disciple, Ikta's junior. (She appeared in Vol 10 I believed, so I did not know her as well) I did not know who the other guy is. (Please let me know if you know who he is! Thank you!) They were stated to be dizzy.

Then came Senpa Sazarul, he was mentioned to be 40+ years old by now, which the rest of the Imperial Knights are in their 30s. It was then reveal that the vehicle is a airplane, and was used by the people in ancient times. (I can conclude that maybe civilization was lost at a certain point before the series started) They continue to explain the plane. (I skimmed through their conversation at this point)

Ikta's junior was complimenting how Chamille has turned into a beauty, and wished Ikta is here to see it. She then stated that Ikta loved Chamille so much that he lived and died for her. And she is the only one who could made him do that other than Yatori. She basically encouraged her after that. Chamille also agreed that she wanted to show Ikta how she have grown.

Torway thought of Ikta's junior growth/coming of age, how she once wanted to bury the country along with herself, came to made so many friends.

The novel then stated that (I think it was stated previously but I did not bother to find where) Chamille had abolish the emperors' rule and relinquished her status. She was refered to as The Last Empress and people still called her Empress out of respect. She then decided not to reject it anymore.

Ikta's junior said something but I think you guys don't care about her also so I will not mentioned it as it is something minor.

It was then reveal that the spirits told them about the ancient science technology. Chamille then said about something that made the 3 Imperial Knights shocked, it was something about the creation of the plane. It is very implied and to my best effort I could not aprehend what she mean, but I think she meant that a war might happened. (Again, help!)

They boarded the plane and Matthew was very afraid, asking Chamille to pilot safely. She then replied that no matter the encounter or suffering, you must cross the road head on, no matter what happens, don't worry, because they both loved me.

Matthew then thought to himself that Ikta had saved Chamille, and to hide his whelling emotions, said sarcastic that Ikta would condemn this unscientific use. Chamille then said that she will rebut him. She said that love indeed cannot dispel the storm, nor protect the plane from thunder. But love gives her strength to not succumb to all that. Although she still don't know how to write the chemical formula of love. While holding the joystick, she is no longer afraid of living, and no longer afraid of receiving happiness. She then looked over to the three imperial knights who were stiffen due to the severe vibration of the plane. They then set off for the vast sky.

They continue their journey, believing that it will take them to the distant future the two (Ikta and Yatori) had went ahead.

Jun 12, 2020 12:08 PM
May 2020
I will skim through this because I am really affected by the ending. Basically, it feels like Ikta is being reborned into a different place and he started to be able to see, and he was starting to feel anxious. People (I'm not sure if who they are, but they are simply referred to as 'they') see that he is anxious and started to crowd together and make noises, but Ikta feels that although it is noisy, it is interesting and he wanted to hear all sorts of things and see all sorts of colors. (At this point it isn't reveal that he is Ikta yet)

He then started to be aware of his body. He sort of got strong stimulation on his limbs which cause him pain, which he describes to being peel off of his skin and thrown outside to withstand the wind and the rain.

They told him to calm down. Then he started to be aware that he is able to think. He felt as if it has been a long time since he recovered his mind. People asking him a lot of questions such as where does it hurt... who are you...

Someone basically brought a mirror to him and he saw his face, dark hair and dark eyes, age of 15 - 16. (Can be implied from here that he is Ikta)

After that , they made him exercise and do simple calculations for a period of time, and they said to try to let them meet.

After much debate, Ikta was brought to see a girl with red hair, which is implied to be Yatori. Basically I skipped many descriptiong of Yatori.

They called out each other's name although they do not know who themselves are. They also do not feel surprise that they know each others' names.

Ikta then ask Yatori to watch the stars with him.

They then lay back to back on a chair watching the sky feeling comfortable.

The passage of time for the two—the starry sky unfolding across the ceiling is so beautiful that time is forgotten. Under the changing polaris, their dreams continue.

I google translated the last part because I felt like it is important and I am unable to finish it while I'm hurting inside.
Jun 15, 2020 11:56 AM

Apr 2013
It's from memory so I don't remember everything but I think the new part you posted about Aryo (the person you call godfather, leader of Kyoka republic during all the events of the story) are more or less correct.
The girl descending from the airplane is Milvaquié, she's indeed a disciple from Aranai. She's also Chamille's best friend by the end of the story. I think you're correct in saying she appeared in vol 10; that was around that time. Amazing character btw.

I'm not sure to properly remember who was with those two. I think it's another disciple of Aranai, and Milvaquié's old partner. If that's the case he was introduced at the same time as Milvaquié.

The person who taught Chamille the Igsem sword style is indeed Yatori's dad.
I'm not sure it was Torway mentioning that Milvaquié once was bent on sinking the Empire. it may have been his old partner, but maybe it's just me wrongly remembering that.

Can't explain the mentions about the far past, the explanations take like half a volume to 1 volume long.

For the last part.
In a way it's reborn and in a way it's not. Their personality and memory (as in, the whole brain network)'s copy for those two were saved digitally. And in that future, they finally got the technology to use that save to try to make the saved copy function.

Jul 30, 2020 2:11 PM
Dec 2010
Can you guys elaborate on the part where Haroma is a double agent?
What did she do/tried to do (more or less)? How Ikta found out about it? Was she simply forgiven for being a traitor?
Oct 3, 2020 6:24 AM

Apr 2013
Akruze said:
Can you guys elaborate on the part where Haroma is a double agent?
What did she do/tried to do (more or less)? How Ikta found out about it? Was she simply forgiven for being a traitor?

Sabotage and manipulation of officials, giving them subtly advices that would end up in worsening the situation of sedition and war in the country, while not leaving any evidence that she's the source of any of it.She was leading terrorist cells and subtly organizing/leading sedition groups and vast amount of citizen dissatisfied with the chaos that succeeded the former Emperor's death to move as one rather than the normal unorganized move you could expect from them, while making sure that the officials in charge of finding infos on the terrorist/sedition cells (including Matthew and Salislav) wouldn't find anything worth reporting (she was "helping them" searching for clues after all...)
This ultimately culminated in her cornering the empress and her army in between rebels and fleeing imperial civilians led by Kyoka navy officers (and navy soldiers) that Haroma helped escaping (by organizing their prison break) from the Empire's prison on one side, and on the other side an army from Kyoka led by Jean, all of this too far away from other imperial armies to hope for help to arrive in time, and she was still inside the imperial ranks, making everything go wronger from the inside.
If not for Icta coming back to his sense and coming to the North with Yatori's father leading reinforcements earlier than anyone could have expected, this would have been the end of the Empire right there.

icta didn't immediately found out but he realized that some part of what went wrong could have only been done by someone very close of the Empress, and he recognised psychological signs of Haroma having a double personality. From there, he pieced things together and started to move to gather evidences about her movements.

She was forgiven indeed, but she compensated for it by giving her best for the Empress. She has some incredibly heroic moments later in the story, including one where she fought her way out of a trap protecting alone the Empress, before separating from her, being captured and enduring very painful torture (and ends up with a body in shambles) without never revealing the location where she hid the Empress. When reinforcement finally arrived, she was saved but had to stay in an hospital bed for months afterwards, and for long it was very uncertain that she would get back the ability to use her right hand ever again, even with the best surgeon from the Empire watching over her.
ZefyrisOct 3, 2020 6:36 AM
Oct 24, 2020 11:11 AM
Oct 2020
So it's basically became a trash
Nov 7, 2020 1:11 AM
Apr 2020
Do you guys know where I can find the complete content? I've looked far and wide and I have not seen the complete thing ._.
Nov 7, 2020 2:04 AM

Apr 2013
ra13xe_ said:
Do you guys know where I can find the complete content? I've looked far and wide and I have not seen the complete thing ._.

That's because the complete content is only available in Japanese (and Chinese I think), it was never licensed in English.
so you can buy the complete content in Japanese on website like or for example.
Nov 7, 2020 4:13 AM
Jun 2020
I think that there's also a fandom and similar thread like this on another website. Although I forgot what that website is but I only remember that the LN was a complete trash and some viewers did not continue the anime because of it.
Nov 7, 2020 4:19 AM

Apr 2013
Kaiz_ said:
I think that there's also a fandom and similar thread like this on another website. Although I forgot what that website is but I only remember that the LN was a complete trash and some viewers did not continue the anime because of it.

LN is excellent. What is trash is judging a story through a few half wrong spoilers and we got indeed quite a few peoples that fits that bill.
Nov 7, 2020 4:33 AM
Jun 2020
Zefyris said:
Kaiz_ said:
I think that there's also a fandom and similar thread like this on another website. Although I forgot what that website is but I only remember that the LN was a complete trash and some viewers did not continue the anime because of it.

LN is excellent. What is trash is judging a story through a few half wrong spoilers and we got indeed quite a few peoples that fits that bill.
I really haven't read the LN yet, I only said that it was trash because some readers said it was. I could have said it better xd
Nov 7, 2020 5:35 AM
Apr 2020
Zefyris said:
ra13xe_ said:
Do you guys know where I can find the complete content? I've looked far and wide and I have not seen the complete thing ._.

That's because the complete content is only available in Japanese (and Chinese I think), it was never licensed in English.
so you can buy the complete content in Japanese on website like or for example.

Damn, thats just so sad to hear. I really realllllly liked this light novel. Like holy crap, this is soooooooo good. I shall now commence cry because I cant finish it ;-;
Nov 7, 2020 9:12 AM

Apr 2013
Kaiz_ said:
Zefyris said:

LN is excellent. What is trash is judging a story through a few half wrong spoilers and we got indeed quite a few peoples that fits that bill.
I really haven't read the LN yet, I only said that it was trash because some readers said it was. I could have said it better xd

Yes, okay, but like I was saying. I've seen those posts you're talking about. None of them have read the entire novel, they've just read the beginning at most (sometimes not even that) and then a few spoilers about the end (with several volumes they've got no spoiler whatsoever for too...).
Apr 11, 2021 5:03 AM
Sep 2020
thanks man, saved from reading all light novels just for this shit ending.
Apr 11, 2021 6:23 AM

Apr 2013
astrovishal said:
thanks man, saved from reading all light novels just for this shit ending.

can you even read it anyway? Unless you can read chinese of japanese, it's not available to you.
Also holy crap man I laughed so much when I saw your last addition in your plan to read list. That's the worst LN I've ever read, so good luck with that one lmao. The irony of having you saying you avoided "wasting your time" with a LN that is actually excellent , and you just adding during that same hour in your PTR list the biggest waste of time you could add among all the LNs I've read xD.
Apr 22, 2021 8:43 AM
Mar 2020
aa786 said:
I re-watched the anime recently and forgot how good it was.

Decided to try and fight out what actually happened in the light novels.

There are technically no light novel translations after Volume 4 - not entirely sure why as it was actually pretty popular. I think the novel story-line in later volumes resulted in a lot of fans dropping the series. There was a black-lash in Japan as well regarding the way the story proceeded. I think that contributed to no-one really being bothered to translate it.

On towards what actually happens. This is what I could piece together from checking out some Japanese blog sites where fans posted summaries & from the little summaries available in English posted by some lovely fans of the series - just basic what happened after LN4:

That's why a lot of fans dropped the series and why the LN's never fully got translated.

It's almost like there was a rush to finish the series regardless of the plot & story-line. Not sure why - but looking from the volume summaries it seems as though the author was going towards the quickest route to end the series - at least to me. Maybe pressure from the publisher to finish the story and move on to something else - who knows.

But killing one the main characters of the series and a big part of the story - (Itka wanting to pull Yatori away from the path she was heading down) - was all destroyed in that one moment. A big chunk of storyline.

If anyone wants to know what happened - that's the jist of it.
thanks so much, my anxiety is calmed
Apr 22, 2021 9:11 AM

Apr 2013
Biribiri10 said:
aa786 said:
I re-watched the anime recently and forgot how good it was.

Decided to try and fight out what actually happened in the light novels.

There are technically no light novel translations after Volume 4 - not entirely sure why as it was actually pretty popular. I think the novel story-line in later volumes resulted in a lot of fans dropping the series. There was a black-lash in Japan as well regarding the way the story proceeded. I think that contributed to no-one really being bothered to translate it.

On towards what actually happens. This is what I could piece together from checking out some Japanese blog sites where fans posted summaries & from the little summaries available in English posted by some lovely fans of the series - just basic what happened after LN4:

That's why a lot of fans dropped the series and why the LN's never fully got translated.

It's almost like there was a rush to finish the series regardless of the plot & story-line. Not sure why - but looking from the volume summaries it seems as though the author was going towards the quickest route to end the series - at least to me. Maybe pressure from the publisher to finish the story and move on to something else - who knows.

But killing one the main characters of the series and a big part of the story - (Itka wanting to pull Yatori away from the path she was heading down) - was all destroyed in that one moment. A big chunk of storyline.

If anyone wants to know what happened - that's the jist of it.
thanks so much, my anxiety is calmed

why are you thanking someone who gave you so many wrong pieces of info?
Apr 24, 2021 5:37 AM
Jan 2014
Zefyris said:
Biribiri10 said:
thanks so much, my anxiety is calmed

why are you thanking someone who gave you so many wrong pieces of info?


To be fair I read it off a japanese english site that reviewed the ending and just repeated what I read.
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