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Dec 13, 2014 3:15 PM

Sep 2013
I thought the cunnilingus line just rolled right off the tongue =P
Dec 14, 2014 6:04 AM

May 2013

Soooooo great!!! I love TNA!!! They're witty when they want.
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Dec 17, 2014 8:55 PM

Nov 2013
oh my, such festivities to be had with TNA... don't drink the egg nog...
Dec 29, 2014 9:16 PM

Jul 2013

Entry 66:
Day 86:
God damn I’m tired. My arms are sore and my feet hurt, Michaela does not lighten up when it comes to combat. It also does not help that I’m constantly reminded what a waste of time all the training I’ve done until now was. On top of everything I still had to satisfy Merry and TNA once all was said and done. It is all a huge drain on my energy but as long as I can keep these girls healthy and happy then anything is worth it.

It all started when Veronica and I showed up for training as promised. To my surprise even Merry and a few members of TNA, Nip and Sis, showed up. We all stood side by side as Felisha paced in front of us. “This world is not all sugar and rainbows.” She stated as she was giving an apparently rehearsed speech. “In the short time we have been together we have been ambushed by bandits, assaulted by a kraken, tracked down by mercenaries, and narrowly survived an encounter with a dragon. Chances are good that we will encounter more trouble before our time together comes to an end. In particular we are entering pirate territory, we have had several encounters with one group before and I am sure we will see them again.” She gives Veronica and I a particularly meaningful grin before continuing. “It has come to my attention that some of you are… let’s say un-adapted to a fighting life style. But me and my crew might not have the luxury to defend you if things get hairy, you will have to defend yourselves. To that end these next few days will be a drill session to teach you rudimentary techniques and strategies to handle and react to a multitude of scenarios.” With that last statement she turned to us and loudly commanded. “Present your weapons!” I was first, loosely holding my spear in front of me as Felisha looked it over. “A simple spear, able to keep at a distance, good for beginners, nice choice.” Veronica was next, proudly brandishing the cutlass that was given to her. “A cutlass, as ship favorite, perfect for fighting in tight spaces. You seem to like it, we shall teach you well.” Merry was next but she was not wielding a weapon, was not wielding anything at all actually. She just stood there. “What’s the matter scaly? Afraid your darling won’t like your other form?” Merry just gave a nervous laugh and Felisha shrugged before she continued. “Well, basically you fight with claws and teeth. A fighting style I am familiar with.” As she approached Nip and Sis she did not even ask.

Nip creepily wriggled her fingers as Felisha came close. “Care to see what weapons I use?” Felisha did not even justify it with a comment.

“Alright! Merry, you are with me! Everybody else, report to Michaela.” As Merry and Felisha began to leave she turned to TNA as though she forgot something. “You imps can do what you want, you seem fine on your own.” With that Merry left with Felisha while I remained with Veronica, Nip, and Sis.

Right on queue after her captain left, Michaela marched up to take her place as our instructor. “Alright trainees! Listen up! It is my job to make sure you know how to use your weapons and use them properly so you will do exactly as I say, is that clear?!”

“Yes ma’am!” Veronica and I shouted together. It had been a while since Michaela had been this commanding, guess she takes her job very seriously. But oddly enough her usual leather armor had been replaced by a very tight, very revealing tank top.

“Alright Jonathan, I have been instructed to teach you how to use a spear as well as a cutlass so we will start with your spear. Show me what you’ve got!” As commanded, I took my spear and wielded it like I did when I was training with TNA. I started to take a few practice swings but… you know that sigh you make when you see someone who thinks they know what they are doing but you know for a fact they could not be more wrong? That was the sigh Michaela was giving at that moment. She was rubbing her temples at the mere thought of having to teach me. “I thought you knew how to use as spear.”

Well, if you want to get technical that all depends on how you define ‘know’ and ‘use.’ Regardless, I explained: “Well, I used a stick for a long time when practicing to hit TNA. I only started to use a spear recently and had no training prior to arriving in this world.”

“He’s only ever been able to hit Tally.” Nip giggled.

“The same day he knocked her up!” Sis laughed in agreement.

“Is that why you think it is a good idea to open with swinging your spear?” Michaela asked.

“Well, I can thrust it. But I practiced with TNA and good luck landing a thrust.” I explained.

“Please show me that then.” Michaela lightly commanded.

“Yeah Big Bro!” Nip shouted. “Show her how you thrust!”

“Thrust, thrust, thrust!” Sis cheered with her sister.

“Could you two please be serious?!” Veronica finally shouted.

Ignoring them, I held my spear in a manner more appropriate for thrusting and jabbed it forward a few times. Michaela stroked her chin a bit as she watched. “Hmmm, better but still wrong. Your stance needs some serious work.” She choose to prove this to me by giving me a good shove. I am quickly knocked of balance and fall on my ass. “How do you expect to fight if you cannot stay on your feet?” I cannot say that I am happy that she did that, but at least she was quick to offer a hand to help me up. “Now let me show you how it is done.” She did not simply show me how it was done. She came around behind me and gently moved me into the correct position. “There, can you feel the strength in your stance?”

I could feel the strength in something. It would not have been so bad if she were in her normal armor, but the way she was dressed… “Um… I can feel your breasts on my back.” I cautiously stated.

“Ha! Big Bro is all flustered!” Sis quickly laughed.

“Headless lady was really fun to watch so go for it!” Nip cheered.

But to their disappointment Michaela was in no mood for funny business. “Keep it in your pants soldier! I’m dressed like this so it is easier to show you the positions.” She stated as she gave me another quick shove. I was knocked off balance again but my stance made it easy to shift my weight so I did not fall down. “See? Much better.” Michaela nodded with approval. “Now, as for how to use a spear, there are a few key techniques you need to know.” Promptly taking my spear she points it to the side so Veronica and I can see how the spear is held. “A spear is an excellent weapon for beginners. It is easy to keep the enemy at a distance and if they ever underestimate the full length of the spear they are as good as dead. The two most basic attacks are the jab and the thrust.” And yes, TNA was already snickering. “Jabs are short and quick, you never fully extend the spear.” Michaela explain as she quickly moved the spear back and forth. “A jab is mainly used to find an opening in your opponent’s defenses. A thrust, on the other hand, uses your full strength and extends much further.” She stated as she took a small step forward and rammed the tip far ahead of her. “Mixing jabs and thrusts is a good way to keep the enemy on the defensive. Just remember to never extend further than is necessary, if they are able to get past the tip of the spear it is all over. All that being said there are circumstances where you can swing the spear, there is a blade for the tip after all. Specifically there are the snap and draw cuts.” Michaela quickly slashes the tip to the side before re-centering it. “If the enemy is open but not directly in line for a thrust, a quick snap cut could do the job. Just keep the slash quick so you don’t leave yourself open.” Moving on, she thrusts her spear forward before pulling it back with a small arc. “On the other hand, if you make a thrust and miss you can still do some damage, trying to cut the opponent's hand or arm as you retract the spear is a good strategy even if it is unlikely to do any permanent damage.” With her explanation done for the moment she hands the spear back. “Now show me a few thrusts and don’t forget the position I taught you.”

Ignoring Nip and Sis’s constant giggling, I did my best to mimic what Michaela showed us but she quickly stopped me. “No, no, no, you got it all wrong.” A familiar feeling assaults my back as she came around behind me again, holding her hand over mine as she guided my hands into the proper position. “You don’t have to grip it so hard with both hands. Your secondary hand is usually used for control and is free to move along the shaft, you give all the power with the primary hand. And don’t just use your arms, you won’t get through armor or even a thick hide like that. Turn your shoulders and take a short step, put your whole body into it.”

After carefully guiding me through a number of thrusts she took the spear again. “Of course attacking is only part of the battle, you also have to defend.” This time instead of pointing the spear to the side she points the spear directly at me. “Defending starts before the enemy even initiates an attack. Keep the spear pointed at the point between their eyes, this makes it difficult to for them to know exactly how long the spear is.” She made her point uncomfortable clear by keeping the spear pointed right along my line of sight. “However, if they manage to get past the point and start their attack you are left with basically two options.” With a smirk she looks at Veronica. “You there, come at me!”

“Huh? But…” Veronica started with surprise.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Michaela chuckles. “Now come on!” Veronica hesitates for a moment but with a yell she charges. Michaela easily knocks Veronica’s predictable attack to the side with the shaft of her spear and takes a quick step back before she has the spear trained on Veronica. “Your first option is to knock the attack to the side with a quick swat with the shaft. Come again!” As commanded Veronica charges again but this time Michaela sidesteps the attack and swiftly hits Veronica in the back with the bottom of the spear, forcing Veronica to stumble past and allowing Michaela to gain distance and train the spear on Veronica again. “The second option is to evade the attack and force them along in the same direction so they lose balance. In either case you must ensure they do not grab hold of your spear and use the opportunity to get some distance, even if they are open for a quick thrust you always have to be prepared for the next attack. Only ever block the attack if you have no other choice, you risk the weapon breaking.” She quickly tosses my spear back to me. “Now show me what you have learned.”

After she continued to ‘show’ me the correct techniques to deal with enemy attacks for a little while, it was time for us to learn how to use a cutlass. Since Veronica has only ever held a weapon a handful of times, Michaela was quick to show Veronica a good stance. Michaela is an equal opportunity educator and was just as close to Veronica as she was to me. It was actually kind of funny to see Veronica get uncomfortable with the close contact, at least me and TNA agree on that front. Apparently Veronica has a nack for this sort of thing, according to Michaela at least, so we quickly moved on to the basics. “Alright, the cutlass is opposite to the spear in many respects. While the spear is meant to attack from a short distance, the cutlass is meant for close quarter fights. And while the spear is meant for thrusting the cutlass is meant for slicing.” With Veronica’s cutlass in one hand and her other hand behind her back she began to show us a number of swings. “The cutlass is a particularly good weapon for use on a ship because it leaves one hand free to hang onto the rigging in rough waters. However, most of the time your free hand will be kept close to your body. You will find that you have a tendency to lose any limbs you let carelessly flail about.” Carefully spacing her chops to allow us to see the different angles she cuts at, she continued her explanation. “The basic attack motion is a simple swing of the sword but you must be careful that the blade is in line with your swing and you put your body into the attack or you will merely draw blood. There are eight different angles you need to learn to swing at: up and down, left and right, and all the angles in between. Keep your swings short and precise, big flashy movements leave you open for attack.” With a smile, she hands the cutlass back to Veronica. “Now show me some swings.”

With the same treatment she gave me, she assists Veronica with the basic attack moves before she offers to show us the basic defense moves. And like how she had Veronica step forward when she had the spear, with a big grin she had me step forward to attack her while she had the cutlass. Unlike Veronica, however, I knew what she was planning and tried my best to display what she taught me. But obviously she could see through such a simple tactic and merely deflected my thrust to the side before rushing toward me. I remembered the defensive moves Michaela showed me and tried to act on them but I do not have muscle memory of the moves yet and by the time I began to command my body on the proper procedure it was too late. She held the cutlass to my throat, making it perfectly clear that I would be dead in a real fight.

“Nice try, but not good enough.” Releasing me, Michaela repeats some of the motions she made with a phantom opponent. “Defending with a cutlass ultimately follows the same tactics as defending with a spear. You can deflect the attack in another direction or you can force the attack in further in the same direction.” She finished by blocking an invisible blow and stepping back. “Since the metal blade of the cutlass is made of sterner stuff than the wooden shaft of the spear, you can block attacks with it. And, of course, if you have the option you can always just avoid the attack altogether. The bottom line is: your goal is to not just win the fight but survive it.”

Alright, so I learned a few new moves with a spear and a cutlass. That’s not so bad, right? Well, Michaela knew very well that we would not learn these techniques simply by her showing us a handful of times. No, we needed repetition… a lot of repetition. “Alright! Now I want you to preform each of the move I taught you 250 times. Once you finish with your current weapon, trade weapons and do the other set.”

The sheer amount of time and energy took was daunting enough but Veronica had another valid protest. “Wait! You never taught me how to use a spear!”

“You didn’t teach me how to use a cutlass either.” Michaela may have gave us hands on with our choice weapons but she only ever showed us the other.

“That’s the best part.” Michaela chuckled. “You will have to pool what you learn and teach each other the techniques of the weapons. The best way to learn is to teach after all.” Keeping her head turned toward us as she walked off, she casually waved. “If I am not satisfied with your performance I will have you repeat it. Good luck!”

And so for the next few hours that is what we did. My arms were burning after the first hundred jabs, and I still had thrusts and the defensive moves to go through. But I was not alone in my suffering, Veronica was next to me the whole time. Veronica may have superhuman strength but her stamina is actually worse than mine thanks to her luxurious lifestyle. But despite her obvious difficulty she never complained, she diligently continued to maintain her stance as she did her 250 swings. Makes me wonder why she was so stubborn about learning math in the first place. Determination aside, we were both exhausted by the time we were finished with our weapons.

I let out an exhausted sigh as I collapsed to the ground after finishing my set. “Hooo, finally finished.”

“Don’t get too excited.” Veronica remarked as she sat on the deck, her set was shorter than mine so she has had quite the break. “We still have to trade weapons.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” I groaned, I didn’t want to move let alone take another 250 swings with a sword. But like it or not there is little time to waste. Besides, we can’t exactly get straight to our next set. “Come on, Veronica.” I say as I force myself to my feet again. “I need to show you how to use the spear.”

“Ugh, already?” With a sigh, Veronica gets back to her feet. “Fine, let’s trade.”

Veronica certainly was a quick study. Before I even got started she was already in the proper stance and had a proper grip on the spear, at least as far as I could tell. But in order to show her the proper thrust I had to act like Michaela. I went around behind her and placed my hands over hers as I walked her through the steps. “Alright, do you think you got it.”

“Y-yeah.” She was flustered. We were fairly close there, I was probably flustered as well. “Alright, now it is my turn to show you how to use the cutlass.” Veronica quickly took position behind me to show me the moves. “Is everything alright? Your stance is off.”

“Y-yeah.” Like Michaela before her, Veronica’s breasts were pressing into my back. I’m glad I opted to teach her the spear first or something of mine would have been poking into her.

“Hehe, c’mon Big Bro teach her how to use your other spear.” Nip giggled.

“We don’t mind a demonstration, go ahead.” Sis agreed.

“J-just focus, I don’t want to have to do this again.” Veronica stammered, she must have known what was happening. Despite the obvious distraction and Nip and Sis’s comments, I was able to focus on the task at hand. Veronica seemed to have a good grasp on the moves and quickly taught them to me. “Good, that’s it.” She nodded as I got the last move. “Now there is just one more thing…” Before I could even ask, she sunk her fangs into me.

“Hey, hey, hey! You can’t have my blood right now!” I protested as I pulled away.

“Why not?! You said I could have anything I needed!” Veronica angrily retorted.

“Yes, but I need my blood right now. I still have the cutlass set to go through.”

“The cutlass set is shorter, I need your blood more!”

“It’s my blood!”

“Hey! I have an idea!” Nip interjected. “Spar, whoever wins gets the blood!”

“That’s a great idea!” Sis excitedly shouted. “And the loser gets raped!”

Rape aside, that was actually a nice idea. Veronica and I could use some more practical experience and the stakes were reasonable but meaningful. “What do you say, Veronica? Those stakes work for you?”

“What?! Even the rape?!” She said in a flustered shout.

“Of course not the rape!” That was obvious right?

Anyway, we agreed on the terms. The rules were first contact wins. We of course did not use our weapons so we would not hurt each other, we picked up a pair of mops that were on deck. We quickly began whacking away at each other and… a number of things quickly became apparent. First was that the mops would make a better cutlass than a spear, and I have not had the cutlass set yet. Second was that I fight defensively while Veronica goes straight for the attack. She certainly seemed to have fun, laughing maniacally as she made strike after strike. Combined with her already superhuman strength and I was quickly struck down.

“I win.” Veronica declared as she stood over me, playfully poking my stomach with the wooden tip. “You know what that means.” I was bitter after the quick defeat but a deal was a deal and I presented my neck. Eager to get to her prize, Veronica tossed the mop to the side, pushed me down as she laid on top of me, and sunk her fangs into my neck. Nip and Sis apparently forgot that we agreed to ignore the whole rape part of the deal and quickly circled us as they sang ‘Rape him! Rape him!’ They continued the whole time Veronica was getting her fill, once she was done she smiled at me with a giggle. “You know, I could if I wanted to. You can’t fight me off.”

As much as I hate to admit it she was right, I’m not even sure I would fight that hard. But I have made up my mind and I am sticking to my guns. “Please don’t.” I muttered as I sternly glared at her.

“Oh relax, I’m not going to rape you.” Veronica paused for a moment, the slightest tinge of regret as she continued. “I still have my pride.”

“Aw, that’s boring.” Nip dejectively stated.

“I agree.” Sis was not nearly as disappointed. “Oh well, I like loyalty too.”

After that Veronica helped me up and we moved on to our next set. My set might have been shorter than Veronica’s but I was exhausted to begin with and I was drained of a significant amount of blood. To make matters worse, seeing Veronica invigorated by my blood and easily striding through her set made me feel that much more exhausted. But all suffering eventually comes to an end and this was no different. I may have died on the deck for a minute there but I was finished… at least for the moment.

Michaela was quick to line us up to inspect our results and I would not dare risk failing. “Thrust!” I thrust. “Swing!” Veronica swings. “Parry!” We block an invisible attack. “Dodge!” We quickly step out of the way. I was exhausted but seeing that simple nod brought some energy back to me. “Good, you stuck with it. I will expect the same tomorrow.”

Tomorrow. I never thought I could hate hearing a word as much as I did that word at that moment. As soon as I was dismissed I went to bed and collapsed on it. But at least I was not alone. “Hi honey.”

“Hi darling.” Merry wearily replied. Seems like Felisha put Merry through the ringer as well. “So what all did you do?”

“It was fun to watch!” Nip quickly announced. “First headless lady showed Big Bro how to hold his spear.” I’ll let you imagine the kind of emphasis she put on spear. “Then she showed Big Bro how to thrust properly. And then she made Big Bro do 250 thrusts for her.” Nip may have been doing her best to make this sound sexual but Merry was not falling for it.

“That’s nice. So you were hard at work as well.” Merry answered without lifting her head.

“And then you and Vampire lady had a duel where the loser gets raped.” Sis added with a giggle. “Isn’t that right Big Bro?”

You know, I had almost forgotten. Sis is the most mature of the group and looks after her sisters, but she is still an imp and if it amuses her she will cause trouble. That last statement did not go unnoticed by Merry. “So, you were having fun with Veronica while I was fighting for my life?” As Merry began to rouse herself up, I prepared my defense. But she quickly collapsed again. “Forget it, I’m too tired to care.”

Save by exhaustion, but there was something that she said. “Fighting for your life?” Once I actually got the energy to look at her I noticed Merry was covered in scrapes and bruises. “What did you and Felisha do?”

“It was horrible darling. She just kept attacking me. We fought like animals and every time she beat me we would start again.” Merry raises up and rubs a sore spot, seems Felisha’s training was much more hands on. “I know she was not fighting seriously… but it still hurt.”

I’m not happy that Felisha physically hurt Merry but I was too tired to do anything about it. I just pulled Merry close so we could wallow in our mutual suffering. But we were not all suffering. Still full of energy I gave her, Veronica simply stretched out on her bed. “I don’t know what you two are complaining about. It wasn’t that bad.” Merry and I both let out an exasperated sigh when we heard that.

“Well not all of us were having fun with darling for half the day.” Uh-oh, the fire was lit.

“But I…” Veronica starts to clear up the confusion, I could see it. But once she thought about it her lips curled into a smirk. “That’s right. Jonathan and I spent all day having fun.” Yep, Veronica was roasting me over it. Thanks for the help, really. “After he was done thrusting with Michaela he started thrusting with me. We went at each other as hard as we could and once we were done he filled me with his hot juice.” Yeah, the way she leered at me once she was finished. She knew what she was doing.

“Big Bro and headless lady did it?! Damn, I missed it!” Tally exclaimed her two cents.

“Daaarrrrling!” Merry yelled as she climbed on top of me, clenching my shirt. “You think you can have fun with other girls all day while I’m working my tail off?!”

“But honey, I never…” I tried to explain.

“Quiet! You are going to practice your thrusting on me now! Got it!” And there you have it. I was convinced to preform another set with Merry. I’m not sure what Veronica was thinking, surely she knew it would end with Merry and I doing it in front of her. Was it solely to spite me? Was she just playing? Or was she trying to gauge Merry’s reaction? Regardless, I had no energy to be concerned with what Veronica was doing. I barely had energy to do my job, and TNA weren’t going to sit it out.
dcw2021Dec 29, 2014 10:05 PM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Dec 29, 2014 9:57 PM

Nov 2013
400 spear thrusts, 400 spear jabs, 400 evasive maneuvers, 400 sword swings, a sparing match, and 400 other thrusts for merry...
we got ourselves a soldier here
Dec 30, 2014 1:56 AM

Jan 2013
Nice chapter, quite a good work describing the actual lesson.
beast_regardsDec 30, 2014 2:35 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 30, 2014 9:44 AM

Sep 2013
Lots of training! I imagine that hope springs eternal that you never need it. The cost for losing that duel, though...I don't know that I'd see that as much motivation to fight at my best =P

Clarus_Nox said:
400 spear thrusts, 400 spear jabs, 400 evasive maneuvers, 400 sword swings, a sparing match, and 400 other thrusts for merry...
we got ourselves a soldier here

We'll have to issue him an additional man card if he can pull off 400 thrusts with Merry...
Dec 30, 2014 3:25 PM

May 2013
That was just so great, that I'm feeling tired myself just from reading it. Great chapter... and great end! (but horrible at the same time)!
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Jan 23, 2015 8:42 PM

Jul 2013

Entry 67:
Day 87:
Today’s entry is a little… different. I wrote notes in my little side journal like usual, or at least I thought I did. Like I said, it’s odd. Kelsey’s ability certainly through me through a loop. But I guess I should explain what was going on. Mind you, the accuracy of this description will be questionable at best.

Felisha woke us up earlier than usual this morning. “Alright you lot! There is a lot to get done and we do not have much time! Get ready and meet me on the deck ASAP!” Nothing unusual about this, we were tired and sore from the day before but we expected this and got prepared despite our groans of protest. Like yesterday, Felisha had us line up as she paced around giving her speech. “I have an idea. Something that might double, no triple, what we can get out of the time we have. However…” She slowly walks up to me, looming over me with her intimidating frame. “…this plan requires you and it requires you to do things you might not be comfortable with. But I will be honest with you, you do not have to do it. Even if shit goes down, even if everyone else on board is killed, chances are you will make it out alive. All you have to do is be hard and ready for them any time they might want to use you. Heck, it might not be so bad giving in to the pleasure and becoming a sex slave. It’s fighting back that will get you killed, you might be better off without it.”

Better off? Please, she knows me better than that. This was just a ploy, a test. She simply wants to hear it from my own mouth. “Just give in to the pleasure and be a sex slave, huh? Leave my family? My wife? My children?” It is not even a question. “I would rather be dead.”

With a confident smirk, she gave her nod of approval. “I thought you would say that.” With a big grin she then asked. “So I take it you are willing to do anything I ask of you? You will do so willingly and without reservation?”

“If it is so I may remain with my family…” Felisha’s stern glare was quick to remind me that she is not looking for conditional statements. She seeks my obedience, I will simply have to trust the outcome is to my benefit. “…yes. I will do anything.”

“Excellent.” Satisfied, Felisha turns around. “Alright, get over here.” Until this point I did not even notice Kelsey. The deceptively timid girl waddled up in her pot on Felisha’s command. “He agreed, he’s all yours.”

“Alright then.” With a bit more bounce in her step, Kelsey walked up to me and gently pulled me by the arm. “Come with me.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Well, um…” Kelsey quietly began with a blush.

“You’re going to have sex.” Felisha flatly stated.

“WHAT?!” Merry and Veronica exclaimed at the same time.

“Really?! Awesome!” Nip cheered with a laugh.

I was simply stunned. Felisha was asking me to be prepared to do anything and what she had in mind was sex?! I just… I had no words. I finally feel like the whole thing with Veronica is settled and Felisha pulls this crap on me?! Admittedly by now I should be weary of promising ‘anything.’ Thankfully Doe was around to ask the much needed question. “What does doing Kelly have to do with training?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Kelsey jumped with surprise as Felisha suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders. “She may not look like it but this timid little pot devil is rather skilled at glamour, the magic of illusions. Specifically, she can create what I like to call a dream room.” It appeared that Felisha was more proud of the ability than Kelsey herself was. Of course I had no idea what exactly this ‘dream room’ was capable of. “But more on the dream room later. The issue is that while she may have a lot of magical talent she does not have a lot of magical power. Before she can set up the dream room she needs to be filled with energy.”

“Does she need to be filled with something else as well?” Doe asks with a coy giggle.

“Heh, well one leads to the other, right?” Felisha chuckles.

“Wait a minute!” That was it, I could not take it anymore. I could just let it be when it was just Merry who needed me to fuel her magic but I was not going to be used as someone else’s battery without knowing. “Why does it have to be sex?!”

“Do you not know?” Felisha laughed as she saw me flustered. “I figured you would know that much at least, based on how Merry drags you off whenever she casts water breathing on us.”

“hehe, are you mad Big Bro?” Nip playfully asked. “Or are you just embarrassed?”

It was both actually. “Look, I get the concept. Man juice equals power. What I want to know is why?”

“Why, you ask?” For once, Felisha took some time to consider how to best explain it, crossing her arms with her eyes closed and her ears twitching. “I don’t know much about the theory, but the basic idea is that demonic energy can be made from spirit energy.” Demonic energy and spirit energy, I have heard these terms before but I never got around to doing any magical research considering I can never use magic. “Try not to read too much into the names, it’s just what they are called. You see all magic is powered by demonic energy and there are only two ways to get it: You can draw it in from an external source or you can convert spirit energy.” She looks at me with a wide grin. “And, unfortunately for you, humans are the only source of spirit energy.”

I really did not like that grin. “Alright, then she can just use an external source.” I tried to reason my way out of it.

“Well, there is demonic energy all around but… it’s no good.” She shook her head. “It takes too long to gather enough and she can’t hold it for long. Were she a bit more dominate she could take some from us.” Kelsey jumps as Felisha gave her a playful smack on the back. “But just look at her. Besides, even if she could it would just make you an appealing target to replenish our own, if you get my meaning.”

I got it, it would be the same as the naked cruise without the view. “So sex is the only way?”

“Technically no,” she casually motioned to Veronica, “you can get it from blood and other bodily fluids. But few can stomach ingesting those.” Having given as much explanation as she was going to give, Felisha shoves Kelsey toward me. “Enough stalling, get to it! That’s an order!”

The small pot devil yelps as she is knocked into me. I did not like this situation, I felt like I was tricked by Felisha. I looked down at Kelsey, my previous experience tells me otherwise but she still appears very timid in my arms. I look at Merry, who does not look pleased and neither does Veronica for that matter. I look at Nip and Doe excitedly waiting for me to accept, figures. Finally, I looked at Felisha who was staring me down to make me comply. I eventually gave a designated sigh. “Does it have to be vaginal?”

Felisha answered with a confident smirk. “No, it can be done any way you want. Anal, oral, hell you could do it in the ear and it would probably work.”

“Then I pick oral.” I have no intention of exploring new other orifices for sexual means. I looked down at my ‘partner’ and asked a question I never imagined I would be forced to ask. “Does a blowjob work?”

Kelsey timidly looked up at me as she answered. “Well, yes but…”

“Good!” No butts. It’s hard enough to choke back my pride to accept the blowjob. “Let’s do this before I change my mind.” I quickly took Kelsey by the hand to lead her below deck.

“Darling! Are you really going through with this?!” Merry angrily shouted.

I paused as her words hit me, and they stung. Regardless of the reason I am accepting sexual services from another girl. “I will make it up to you later.” I told myself it was so I can protect my family and pushed on.

On the way down, Doe and Nip quickly catch up with us. “Hey, Big Bro, can we watch?” Doe earnestly asks.

“Fine, whatever, just keep quiet!” I was quickly getting irritated.

“No promises!” Nip giggled, really not helping my mood.

The ship is not exactly ripe with choices so I picked the place I figured Kelsey would be most comfortable, the kitchen. I quickly shut the door behind us but then an awkward silence formed around us, minus Nip and Doe’s giggling from anticipation, as I was not sure how I wanted to proceed. “So… how should we start?”

“Well…” Kelsey was still timid but she was beginning to show subtle signs of excitement, she was quick to answer at least. She stretched out her small tan hand to me. “Just take my hand and I will bring us into my pot.”

Suddenly flashes of memory raced through my mind. I remember how, once inside, I lost all control of myself. Violently ravaging Kelsey’s tiny body, with no regard for anyone’s desires except my own. It is exactly what I am trying to avoid. “No!” Kelsey jumps back as I suddenly shout at her. “We do this on my terms. I am not getting in that pot.”

Kelsey did not seem sure of what to do. It was a very odd situation; we had an agreement so she did not have to rape me but at the same time I was not really willing and refused to get inside her pot. “Well then… could you… take off your pants?”

Yes of course that would be the first step, I was so upset that I was not really thinking straight. I undid my pants and let them and my underwear fall to the floor. At the same time, Kelsey timidly climbed out of her pot and revealed that her lower half really is naked in there. At first I did not think anything of it, but she quickly removed her top as well. “You don’t have to get naked, it’s just a blowjob.”

“Really?” She asked as she shyly covered her flat chest with her hands. “I’ve never done this outside of my pot before.” Was she serious or was it a ploy? With this girl I just don’t know. Regardless, she took position in front of me. One normally imagines the girl getting on her knees at this point but Kelsey’s small child like body only stood waist high. She simply had to stand before me. “Huh?” With childlike curiosity, she touched my flaccid member. “It’s small and soft?”

“Don’t take it personal, I’m not really in the mood.” The whole situation just bugs me. Nothing against Kelsey though. After so much time with TNA her child like physic is not a problem, but it’s not exactly a turn on either.

Continuing to gently prod my penis with her finger, Kelsey elaborates. “No, I mean I’ve never seen one like this.”

“Really? You’ve never seen a limp dick?” Doe asked.

“But… you’re body… it’s… like ours…” It seemed to almost pain Nip just to imply what she was getting at.

“They are always hard in my pot.” Kelsey answered. “I assumed it was like a bone or something.”

I never thought about it before but it is easy to forget that some girls have only ever seen a penis in the erect state. “It’s not a bone, it’s blood. The pressure inside the spongy material makes it hard.” I never thought I would have to explain the mechanics, but the odd conversation helped me calm down.

“Pressure?” She asked. “So I just squeeze?”

“Ah!” Those two things are not related that way. It was clear she had no idea what she was doing, so I moved her hand to something more appropriate to play with. “Just stroke it, it will wake up.” I tried to remain calm as I explained.

(A fairly light scene.)

“S-sure thing.” I’ll admit I was kinda flustered.

“Big Bro really seemed to enjoy that, didn’t he?” Doe playfully asked.

“I can’t wait to tell the others.” Nip giggled. I won’t dwell on what the repercussions of this scene were, let’s just say it was not the only donation of its kind I made today.

dcw2021Jan 24, 2015 12:02 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 23, 2015 9:14 PM

Jul 2013

Now that the power was officially provided, it was time to activate this dream room and see what it was all about. All that was needed was a bit of time for Kelsey to preform whatever ritual was necessary. She had TNA and I leave the room and shut herself in the kitchen.

“Are you done yet?!” Felisha impatiently knocked on the door as we all waited right outside.

“J-just a little longer.” Kelsey answered as she seemed to be straining with something. A few more minutes passed with no noticeable changes. “It’s ready.” Kelsey announced with a soft call.

Felisha opened the door but the kitchen was not behind it. It was just black, despite it being the middle of the day. Merry, Veronica, Doe, Nip, and I all moved closer to examine but Felisha quickly snatched Nip and Doe out of the air.

“Hey! What’s your problem?!” They shouted at the same time as they struggled to break free.

“I think it’s best if you imps sit this one out.” She calmly stated before she started explaining. “Beyond that threshold is the dream room. Once inside I can’t say what you will see, I left that entirely up to Kelsey. You will just have find out what awaits you yourselves. But relax, there will be no dangers. However, you will need to hurry. I give you about 3 hours, if you cannot find your way out by then you fail and there will be consequences. Now, off you go.” Felisha shoved us all inside and slammed the door behind us.

My notes from my little side journal are useless at this point and my memory is a little fuzzy on certain things. It feels almost like it was a dream, a very vivid dream but a dream none the less. Like a dream, it seemed real at the time but none of it was.

Anyway, after being shoved into the dream room we all immediately found the door we came through gone along with the wall and even the ship it was attached to. We also were not in the kitchen. No, where we were felt like a large were house. As far as the eye could see were wooden shelves of pots similar to Kelsey’s pot, they were stacked about 5 rows high. The room was dimly lit but I cannot recall the source. The girls wondered at the sight on their own but to me this was simply outstanding. Not since I arrived in this world had I experience such an unbelievable change in surroundings. Magic really is miraculous. It all felt so real; the wood of the shelves, the clay of the pots, even the ground below my feet. It’s odd, I cannot remember what the ground was made of.

“What now?” Merry asked. “I don’t know how to deal with illusions.”

“I’ve had some training to tell if an object is real.” Veronica calmly stated. “But I’ve never been trapped in an illusion before.”

Merry took a quick look around before giving a sigh. “Not a drop of water. I don’t like dark dry places.”

“Feels like home to me.” Veronica looked at me and asked. “What do you think?”

I was still trying to get a grasp on the situation. “I just… wonder how this works.”

“It’s magic darling.” Merry kindly explained. “She cast a spell.”

“That’s not a good enough answer.” I retort. “There must be more information we can gather than simply ‘it’s magic.’”

“Glammor magic, it’s an illusion, it changes your perception based on what the user wants you to see. Everything here seems to be some sort of free standing illusion.” Veronica quickly replies. “What more do you want?”

“A lot actually.” I quickly answered as I thought of what exactly I wanted to know. “For starters, I want to know how big this dream space is. How high is the ceiling? How deep does the ground go? How far do these shelves go?”

“Do you see any of us with wings?” Veronica sarcastically asked as she pointed to... whatever was above the shelves. “There is no way to know how high the ceiling is, or how deep the ground is for that matter. But hey, if you want to start tearing through the floor, just go for it. As for the shelves: It’s an illusion, they could go on forever.”

“Can they?” I retort, latching onto the bit of information I could go somewhere with.

“If you have an idea, just tell us darling.” Merry states, she seemed to be getting a little irritated even if her face did not show it.

“It’s not so much an idea as it is a simple thought.” I took a quick look at our positions as I explained. “In the world I come from we have things called video games. In these video games you take control of an avatar inside a fictional world. This dream room, as it is called, reminds me of those video games. Granted this is far more immersive than any game could possibly be, hell I wish we had this kind of magic when I was in the human world.” I slowly paced away as I prattled on about something from my old world I frankly miss. “Video games may be nothing but fond memories now but they still gave me lots of experience in worlds different than my own. Seeing as this dream room is artificially created as well, I was wondering what the boundaries are. Is there an impassable wall? Is there anything beneath the floor? Does the room loop or is it procedurally generated? These are the kind of questions I was thinking about. But I have another question. Fully immersive games were considered in my world but there was one problem that was never fully addressed. How do you give the illusion of moving without moving?” I turned around and spread my arms wide to emphasize the space between us. “So? What does this mean?”

“What does what mean?” Merry curiously asked as she looked around, not sure what I was implying.

“The distance between us. It is too big to fit in the kitchen.” I calmly explained. “How are we this far apart?”

Veronica suddenly looks surprised as she realized what I was getting at. “I see, if just what we were seeing was an illusion then you would not be able to leave the bounds of the kitchen, no matter how far it looked like you could go.”

“Exactly.” I happily nodded. “I would have ran into a wall or, more likely, a shelf and been unable to go further. The fact that I could means that her control over my senses is so great that I didn’t even notice.” I thought of walking face first into a wall and continuing to try to step through it. “Makes me wonder what I am actually doing, there is a discrepancy between the position I think my body is in and the position it is actually in.”

“Not necessarily.” Merry interjected as she began to give me a bit of a playful glare. “After all, you have been inside her pot before. What if she could extend that ability?”

It was my turn to realize what Merry was getting at. Kelsey is small and her pot is not much bigger, there would be no way for me to fit inside unless I got smaller. Merry was suggesting that she might be able to extend that effect outside her pot. There is even evidence to support the theory: If the process only took effect inside her pot I would get stuck at my shoulders, it has to extend out some distance.

“So you’re suggesting we could be 3 inches tall and wondering around on the floor?” Veronica asked.

“Or Kelsey could have added more space to the kitchen.” I offered as an alternative suggestion. “So we are left with 3 theories and no way to test any of them? I can already tell I am not going to like illusion magic.”

“Actually, there is a way to verify if your idea is taking place.” Veronica walked up to one of the many shelves, running her hand along the wood as she explained. “A fairly simple glamor spell is to disguise a passageway as a wall, even to the point that you would feel the grain of the material and be unable to push through it because your brain would stop your hand from the effects of the illusion. However,” she gave me a coy grin as she continued, “if someone were to run headlong into the wall, holding nothing back, then they would pass through because they were going too fast to stop themselves even if they tried.”

“A bit of a leap of faith, but worth a shot.” Looking at the shelves I began to wonder. They were close enough to each other that knocking one over could hit the next one. If that were to happen, how long would the chain last?

“Are you really going to do what I think you are going to do?” Merry asked, not so much concerned as thinking I was crazy to consider it.

“Well, it’s not like I will actually get hurt. Right?”

“I can’t watch this.” Merry turned away but Veronica was not bothered at all.

“That’s the spirit! What have you got to lose?!” I think she might be hanging around TNA a little too much. Whatever, I was going to go for it anyway.

I lined up where I wanted to strike and prepared my charge. I figured if I made my goal to knock the shelf over then I would be less reserved about crashing into it. Regardless, I hear that illusions can cause pain so I braced myself for the impact I was likely to feel as speed toward the shelf.


My shoulder made very solid contact with the shelf and I bounced back from the impact. I did succeed in knocking over the shelf but the heavy pots fell off in the process. I had to brace myself as a couple of the pots landed right next to me and the empty shelf fell into it’s neighbor but did not have enough mass left to knock it over.

“Well, that answers that.” Veronica shook her head with a sigh.

Hers and mine both. But more questions were brought up as I picked up some of the broken pottery and began to examine it. I pieced the two broken parts together to see if there was anything odd about how they fit together. There was nothing unusual as far as I could tell but I still asked the question: “How accurate is this illusion?”

“What do you mean darling?” Merry asked as she extended a hand to help me up.

“I mean, how closely does the illusion match reality?” I answered as I graciously accepted the help. “Felisha said that Kelsey has skill but not power, there must be a quantifiable difference.”

“Maybe. But if everything is an illusion, how would you tell?” Merry asked the million dollar question. We have a major advantage simply knowing we are in an illusion but if you didn’t and the illusion is all you ever knew, could you tell? I mean, I may think everything I see may be real but I would have no idea if it wasn’t. Hell, for that matter how would I know if my actions are all my own or if everything I do is pre-ordained by some ‘creator.’ The bottom line is you can’t, not without something to compare it too. But we know this is an illusion, there must be something.

“How would you tell?” I repeated the word as I mumbled to myself. I looked to Veronica, at least she admitted to having some training. “How do you tell if an object is real?”

“Well, that all depends on the caster really.” Veronica answered. “You can generally tell a poor illusion simply by looking at it. But there are some tricky casters out there, sometimes you can never tell an illusion from the real thing by examining it yourself. That is why we always weigh it using a scale or preform some other kind of physical test to determine if it is real.”

“So you use physics? That’s a good way to do it, assuming you know how things would really work.” I was ready to devise my own strategy for testing if our surroundings were real, but Veronica cut me off.

“No, that method won’t work here.” Veronica explained with a slow shake of her head. “That method depends on having something ‘real’ to determine if something is ‘fake.’ But in this dream room everything is ‘fake.’ Even if you had the right tools, the illusion would show you what you are looking for.”

“It shows you what you are looking for?” I have heard of such a concept before, Dr. Who’s slightly psychic paper is a good example, but I never thought I would encounter something that actually did it. “So then does it show everyone the same thing or does it vary a bit from person to person?”

“I don’t know, it’s an illusion. It shows you what the caster wants you to see.”

“Yes, but how specific does Kelsey have to be?” It was not hard to tell that Veronica was getting frustrated with the Doe like barrage of questions. But I found this fascinating, I wanted to know what I could. However, rather than try to draw out my reasoning, I decided to simply preform and experiment. “I have an idea. But there is something I need to verify before we start.”

“And what is that?” Merry asked.

“That you and Veronica are real.” I plainly answered. “We cannot trust our senses, so how would we know?”

“Oh great!” Veronica gave an annoyed shout. “So we can’t even trust each other?! How are we supposed to work around that?!”

“I have an idea that could hint if each of us are illusions. Care to play a game?”

The game was simple. I had Merry pull 3 pots off the shelves and pick up a piece of a broken one, Veronica was trying to guess which pot had the broken piece. Veronica was turned around as Merry hid the piece and Veronica selected a pot Merry would reveal a pot without a piece and offer Veronica a chance to change pots. Normally Veronica would be free to keep her first pot, but for this example I made her choose again. I myself never watched them play the game and simply listened for whether Veronica found the piece or not. They played the game 24 times.

“Alright, that’s 24. So how does this prove anything?” Veronica asked.

“Interesting.” And it truly was interesting. “What do you think the probability of choosing the correct pot is?”

“Well one of the choices is eliminated, so 50% I would say.” Veronica answered, seems logical right?

“Really? Do you agree with her honey?” I could hardly hide my grin as I asked.

“You know something, so just tell us already.” That was no fun, Merry knows me too well.

“What if I told you the possibility was 66%, not 50%?” I was more excited than I think I should have been to explain this.

“I would say that does not sound right.” Shame, seems I did not teach her well enough.

“And yet you got the piece 18 times. Unlikely if the expected value was 12, but reasonable if it was 16.” I proudly announced. “At the same time it proved to me that both of you are real, or at the very least information is conserved as if you were.”

“How?” Merry curiously asked.

“It all relies on this being a logical paradox of sorts. If you picked when there are three pots your chances are 33%, if you pick when there are two your chances are 50%, yet under the conditions I set, the chances are 66%. Many don’t know how it works. The other important factor is who knows what. As the ‘observer’ the only information I receive is from Veronica the ‘player.’ The player however gets her information from Merry the ‘host.’ If either the ‘player’ or the host is an illusion the final result is a 50% chance. The reason: if the player is an illusion she will know the contents of the pots and will choose between piece or no piece in an attempt to seem random. If the host is an illusion then the piece was never really placed under any one pot since neither the observer nor the player watched it get placed. When it is time to reveal the outcome they will pick succeed or fail which will be conveyed through the player. Both cases eliminate the need for the third pot entirely. I am making a few assumptions but it is enough to convince me.” Of course I realized I might not be the only one needing convinced. “But I suppose we will have to trade roles to prove to each of us who is real.”

“That’s not necessary.” Veronica crossed her arms and confidently nodded. “By your logic, if Merry was an illusion I would have succeeded only half the time.”

“The same works for me… I think.” Merry was trying but this might have been a little over her head.

“Alright, but what about me?” I asked.

“Ha!I already know you are real.” Veronica stated with a laugh.

“Yep.” Merry giggled. “No doubt, can be no one but you.”

“But… how?” I really should have seen it coming.

With a quick nod to each other, they announced in unison. “Because only you would over think it that much.” That is one way to do it, simply know the person well enough to tell if they are real.

“Getting back to this dream room being real, what did you have in mind darling?” Merry curiously asked as she came forward.

“Well…” I had to remind myself of what I had planned. “…Just place your hand on one of the shelves.”

Merry was not sure where I was going with this but she complied and rest her hand on one of the wooden shelves. “Okay, now what?”

“Just wait there for a moment.” Without further explanation I took Veronica by the hand and lead her away. I was not sure if it would make any difference, but for the sake of experimentation I took Veronica outside of hearing range from Merry.

“Ok, ok, I think we have gone far enough. What do you want?” Rather than answering, I simply motioned her to one of the wood shelves. With a sigh, Veronica laid her hand on the wood. “There happy?”

“Describe what you feel, preferably with your eyes closed.” I gently asked.

“It’s wood.” I obviously was not satisfied with that explanation. With a short sigh, Veronica closed her eyes and slowly ran her hand along the grain. “It’s flat and smooth, one of the harder woods. It’s got a light finish, enough to not be rough but not so much that you cannot feel the grain. It’s not the best, but it is good quality. It’s just typical wood.”

“Interesting.” Just the description she gave me was enough to confirm my hypothesis. But I have a third sample, might as well use it. I quickly walked back to Merry, Veronica followed but at this point I was sure it did not matter. “Honey, could you describe how the wood feels for me.”

Running her hand over the wood, Merry described. “It’s rough and bumpy. It has some water damage but is sturdy. It’s wood.”

“Wait a second.” Veronica interjected. “It’s obviously not water damaged. Just look at them. See shelves have a light sheen.”

“Now that is odd.” I added with a chuckle. “Because the wood I would describe is a dry and smooth wood that is unfinished. Perfect for shelves.”

Merry curiously looked at us. None of us were lying, it’s just what we saw see and feel is different. “But what does that mean?”

“It would seem that when conjuring this illusion she simply made the shelves to be made out of wood.” I offered as an explanation. “But what you think of when you think of wood is different for all of us. Veronica is used to a higher quality wood while the wood I think of it more moderate. And you honey, you are used to wood near the sea that is exposed to the elements. It seems we have our method.”

“So you just have people of different back grounds describe the same thing? Is it really that simple?” Merry asked.

“It might depend on the time and care put into the illusion, but usually the best answer is the simplest one.” I give a satisfied nod. “That’s good, I’m satisfied for now. This was a good experiment.”

“That’s fine and all.” Veronica added. “But how does it help us escape from the illusion?” I froze up for a moment, I might have gotten a little too into figuring out how the illusions work. “You do remember that the captain tasked us with finding our way out of this illusion, right?”

It had completely slipped my mind. “I have no idea.”
dcw2021Jan 24, 2015 12:24 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 23, 2015 9:36 PM

Jul 2013

Figuring out how an illusion world works and trying to escape one are two very different things. I mean, nothing you do is real and nothing you could use is real so just what could you do to get yourself to interact with the ‘real’ world again. None of us had any ideas. Out of desperation we eventually tried to hurt ourselves to escape and when that failed we went on a rampage destroying as many pots as we could hoping to overload the world with debris. But as we ran down the aisles we noticed that if we went back the way we came the pots were all back in place, something that made me even more reminiscent of the games I used to play. But Felisha explained that we only had 3 hours and that time quickly reached its end.

“It’s about time right?” Merry wearily asked. Being out of water for so long was beginning to weigh heavily on her.

“I would think so, but it is hard to tell.” Veronica answered as she looked up at the constant light source.

However, as we continued to wait, the time did not seem to come. It was easily more than an hour that we waited always thinking the next moment would be the one to bring us out of this. “Could it be that our sense of time has changed as well?” I asked, not sure of what to do at this point.

“Just great, we already tried everything we could with the limited tools we have. Now we have to wait for who knows how long for three hours to pass in the real world?” Veronica drawled as she came to sit next to me. “Lend me your neck, if I’m going to be waiting I’m at least going to get a drink.”

I was about to do as Veronica asked when Merry wearily shouted in protest. “Hey! You can’t go getting a drink when I’m over here drying out!”

“Do you see any water here?!” Veronica shouted back. “What am I supposed to do about your water problem?!”

“You could show some sympathy and go thirst for a little while!” Merry then quieted down as she grumbled. “It’s not like you’re doing it for hydration anyway.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Veronica angrily asked.

“Don’t play dumb. I know that you and darling both feel something when you drink his blood. You’re not allowed to do it without my permission.”

“Are you still bothered by that? Did you forget what happened just the other day? I don’t think we have any room to be bothered by what the other does anymore.” Veronica becomes flustered and looks away as she continues. “Besides, I have to watch you two have sex all the time.”

“That’s different. Darling and I are engaged, it’s only natural. You on the other hand might as well be a stranger.” Aside from not being entirely true, that was a rather hurtful statement Merry made. I think dehydration was making her irritable.

“Don’t get all high and mighty.” Veronica quickly remarks. “As far as the law is concerned, simply being engaged does not mean anything.” She scoffed as her face twisted into a condescending smirk. “In fact, the only one that would have legal weight concerning him would be Tally because he succeeded in getting her pregnant.”

Well, that comment certainly did not help Merry’s mood. Despite my best efforts, being unable to get her pregnant is a bit of a sore spot for her. Merry tightly clenched her fist in anger. “Ouuu… Well at least I’m not still lusting after him like some starving succubus, it’s sad considering darling already rejected you.” And Merry retorts with a cutting remark of her own.

Veronica reels back as Merry’s words cut deep. For a moment I could see her rage boil to the surface, but like any proper aristocrat she contains her outburst and chooses the passive aggressive approach. “A starving succubus huh?” Veronica asks with a haughty chuckle. “Well then maybe I should just rape him here and now? Might be amusing to have you be the one stuck watching.”

“You try it and you’ll regret it!” Merry growled, her hands already beginning to turn to claws. “I have been tolerating you hanging off of darling because I know how it feels to be lonely. But I do not like you and if you make any attempt to take him away from me I will kill you. I have come too far to lose him now.”

“Hmph, well I don’t exactly like you either.” Veronica grumbled in return. “Because of you, the one person I developed feelings for rejected me. So if you want a fight, you’ve got it!” Veronica bent her knees and took a fighting stance. We may not have brought our weapons into this dream room but it seemed like Veronica worked out on her own to how to use her training without one. “I may not have my sword, but I won’t lose to a fish out of water.”

This was quickly getting out of hand. “Um, ladies. Could we just stay focused on getting out of here?” I cautiously offered but it was met with a ‘you stay out of this!’ from both of them. Geez, I never knew having two girls fighting over you could be so stressful. Thankfully things never actually escalated to a fight between the two of them. Just as it seemed like they were going to have at each other, Merry collapsed. “Honey?! Are you ok?!” I quickly ran up to hold Merry. Her skin and lips were dry and she was very weak. “You are pushing yourself too hard, honey. You need to conserve your strength.” I gave Veronica a small glare, it was not entirely her fault but she did not help matters.

“Hmph, it’s not like I was trying to pick a fight with her.” Veronica stated as she looked away.

I sat down and had Merry rest her head in my lap. She was weak and getting weaker by the moment. Eventually she lost the strength to even maintain her human form. She is beautiful in her mermaid form but this was one time I was not happy to see it. She dries out even faster in her mermaid form. “Damn it, how much longer are we going to be stuck here?!” It must have been at least five hours. Everything is exactly the same, we had already exhausted all our options. It was torture watching Merry get weaker by the moment. “I just wish there was something I could do for her.”

Veronica was sitting a little ways from me, just watching as I worried about Merry. I’m not entirely sure what she was thinking as she watched us, but she eventually gave a sigh as she stood up and approached me. “Lend me your neck for a bit.”

“I don’t think now is the time, Veronica.” Merry was the only one on my mind at the moment, I was really worried.

“Just trust me okay? I’m trying to help.” There was not much else I could do anyway and I trust Veronica, so I presented my neck and let her drink her fill. I could feel myself suffering from dehydration but with Merry much worse off I had no room to complain. After taking an unusually large dose of blood she left my neck and bent over Merry. Merry wearily opened her eyes and looked at Veronica quizzically. Veronica averted her eyes, considering they were fighting not long before. “I’m only doing this once, okay?”

Veronica held her long blond hair back as she slowly bit down on Merry’s neck. It could just be that I know the kind of pleasure this brings but I found it somehow hot. Or at least I did until Veronica got a look of disgust. She closed her eyes and groaned pitifully as she did her work. After a few moments she quickly raised up. “That’s it, that’s all you get!” She shouted as she seemed in more of a hurry than usual to wipe the blood from her mouth.

What she did certainly did the trick. Within minutes Merry regained enough strength to move around again. She raised up with a groan, tightly holding her neck. “What did you do?”

“I shared some of my blood with you.” Veronica wearily explained, seems that Merry’s strength came at a cost of her own. “It’s not much, but it should buy you a few more hours.”

“But why?” Merry asked as she looked at the blood on her hand from the holes in her neck. “Why would you do that? We were fighting. We said we hate each other. I even said I’d kill you. So why?”

“For one, Jonathan kept doting on how you were feeling. If something were to happen to you he would be inconsolable.” Veronica quickly answered, making it sound like Merry’s life was of no importance to her. But her tsundere shell has a few holes in it and her true feelings were quick to follow. “That and I would not like it if something happened to you either. I might have been lying before because… I do like the fights we have. It makes things more fun.” Veronica held out her hand. “So do you forgive me?”

Merry stared at Veronica’s hand for a minute. “…I suppose.” Merry assumed her human form and accepted Veronica’s help to stand up as she continued to rub her neck. “But that really felt good. Is that how it feels when you drink darling’s blood? Not sure I’m ok with that.”

“Ugh, no way.” Veronica groaned as she covered her mouth again. “It may have felt fine for you but I felt like I was throwing up. The blood is not supposed to go that way.”

“What?! I have your puke in my veins?! That’s disgusting!” Merry shouted with a disgusted look of her own.

“Well what else did you want me to do?!” Veronica shouted back. “You were dying of thirst!”

They continued to bicker for a little while, but somehow I think they get along rather well. But what concerned me was that we were still stuck in the dream room with no idea how to escape it. Veronica bought us some time but now that we are weaker as a result we could all find ourselves in danger if we wait too long. Now that I did not have to worry about Merry as much I was free to think. But what haven’t we tried? What could we have missed? I tried to think back, back to before we entered this dream room. Did Felisha give us some kind of hint? There is no danger? You need to hurry? What could she have been saying with these two statements? We had assumed that Felisha was saying that Kelsey would not be able to maintain the spell for long but could she have been referring to how long Merry will last? But wouldn’t that contradict with the first thing? And what about Kelsey? She created the dream space, couldn’t she see everything that was happening? She would step in if we were in any real danger, right? And then the question hit me: “What happens if we die in here?” The more I thought about it the more the idea stuck in my head. “Merry! Veronica! I have an idea!”

Calling the two girls over, I carefully explained my hastily conceived plan. “Are you crazy darling?! Thinking to even attempt such a thing is insane!” Merry angrily shouted.

“For once I agree! Even if it could work the risk is too great, what if it doesn’t?!” Veronica shouted, again in tune with what Merry was thinking.

“But I’m telling you it would be impossible to die like that.” I readily explained. “Look, no matter how good the illusion is we must still be inside the kitchen right? Those shelves do not exist in the first place, there is no way I could climb them. Even if I climbed something, the kitchen is tiny. Even if I could land head first somehow I would be falling maybe two feet.”

“But what about the possibility of changing the size of us the kitchen or both?! What if you could get to a lethal height?!” Veronica desperately shouted. “If there is even a chance, you shouldn’t risk it!”

“In that case there would be nothing for me to climb.” I tried to laugh it off. “Trust me, I wouldn’t do it if I was unsure.”

“Even if you are right… even if there is no danger…” Merry was shaking, the mere thought being unbearable. “Do you think I would just let you do it?!” Merry was determined, but she was also weak. The signs of dehydration were already showing on her again. I was not going to watch her slowly suffer in my arms a second time. I made up my mind and began to climb one of the imaginary shelves. “No! Darling! Stop Please! I’m sorry! I won’t yell at you again so please come down!” She was pleading, crying, and reaching for me in desperation. I’ll be honest, it was difficult to keep going.

I’ll spare you anymore drama because, spoilers, I’m still alive. But Merry was not the only one desperate to get me back down and as I got further and further out of reach Veronica resorted to breaking the shelf down. I guess that was kinda fortunate in the end. The shelves were maybe 20 feet tall at their highest so anything less than landing on my head would be likely to really freaking hurt rather than flat out kill me. I may have been confident in my plan but I doubt I would have had the nerve to dive off once I reached the top. Veronica hitting the shelf caused it and a number of heavy clay pots to fall on top of me. I don’t even know if I hit the ground because the next thing I knew I was in the kitchen.

My vision was blurry, my ears rang, and my head was spinning as all my senses realigned themselves with what was actually happening to my body. I was on my feet and quickly stumbled to brace myself on the cabinet as I began to feel nauseous from the sensations. I felt like I was the one going to fall over before I heard a thud as Kelsey hit the floor. “Alright… you made it… I’m done now…” She was dizzy and delirious, keeping the spell active that long really seemed to drain her.

Shortly after, Merry and Veronica came out of the daze they were in and quickly fell to their knees. “See?” I chuckled as I began to finally get my bearings. “I told you it would be fine.”

The sight I saw before me. The two of them were in tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Not that I can blame them, I imagine for a few moments I just died to them. They did eventually realize what was going on but the first thing to come to their mind was not relief, let me tell you. “YOU IDIOT!!!” They both shout out in unison as they wacked me with very powerful hits, dying from the fall was the least of my worries, geez.

Luckily Merry was ready to move on after that one hit. “Alright, I need a drink. Care to join?” She asked as she turned to her partner in rage.

“Do you mean alcohol or water?” Veronica quickly asked in return.



Veronica and Merry left, seemingly having a new found sisterhood of sorts, and coming in to replace them was Felisha. She was wearing a big grin and giving me a nice slow clap as she chuckled. “Somehow I knew you would be the one to come out first. About 2 and a half hours, not bad. So? What did you think?”

Geeze, look at this entry. What time is it? Fuck, I have to end this here. I’ll finish this day tomorrow.
dcw2021Jun 22, 2016 2:22 PM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Jan 24, 2015 12:18 AM

Sep 2013
Pretty sure 3 posts is the record...I'd call it a victory =P

I really like illusion (in case that wasn't blatantly obvious), so this was totally awesome. It also makes me imagine that glamour magic offers a thousand different ways to reach the same (pr similar) results.

Bonus of getting out of it. May not be the most practical solution in more tense circumstances, but at least its an option =P
Jan 24, 2015 12:52 AM

Nov 2013


Jan 24, 2015 3:17 AM

Jan 2013
Joeception multiplied by three! I would get lost in share length even if there wasn't nothing-is-real-like-moment.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Jan 24, 2015 11:37 PM

Nov 2013
If you die in your dream, you die for real @w@... what if Kelsey was Freddy Kruger? Risking a bit there man?

It's always fun to debate theory, never attempted a discussion on illusion myself but I can see you had a bit of a moment with yourself there lol
Jan 25, 2015 7:25 PM

May 2013
And I'm now caught back up with this story! Nice to see Merry and Veronica getting along finally.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Feb 3, 2015 9:14 PM

Jul 2013

Entry 68:
Today was a rough day. I didn’t realize just how far Felisha was planning to go. I know that we have Merry, so what she did caused no permanent harm, but still. That really hurt and I can’t imagine Felisha is feeling too well after what happened. But I will get to that later, first I need to finish up yesterday.

Day 87, afternoon:
Felisha had gently picked Kelsey up and laid her to rest on a hammock while she left me to contemplate her question. She had also called Merry and Veronica back before they could get too far into their drinking, it was only noon after all. Once we were all together and sat down on the deck we explained what happened to us in the dream room. Felisha let out a hearty laugh once she heard about Merry’s water predicament. “Hahaha, my bad. I didn’t even think about that being an issue.”

“It’s not funny!” Merry pouted as she rubbed her neck. “I thought I was going to die and I can still feel the holes from when Veronica saved me.”

“It’s all in your head.” Felisha stated with a chuckle. “Everything, from how dried out you felt to the little princess sticking her fangs into ya. You likely never even made contact with each other, anything you think you still feel is your mind trying to rationalize what had happened.”

“But it felt so real.” Merry finally gave up on rubbing her neck with a sigh. “But I guess I don’t know how it really feels, only that it feels good.”

Felisha’s ears perked with intrigue when she heard this. “Really? That’s interesting. Normally illusions have trouble making you feel something you haven’t felt before. How good did it feel?”

“Well it…” Merry became flustered as she answered, just how good did it feel for her? “…it felt good.”

“Really?” With a smirk Felisha turned to me and Veronica. “Is that how good it normally feels?”

“What?! No!” Veronica shouts, unable to hide her own flustered face. “I mean, it feels good but it does not feel THAT good.” She suddenly paused, realizing that she has never been on the receiving end of a bite. “It doesn’t, right?”

It varies by how hard they suck but I’d place it along the lines of getting a decent blowjob without the orgasm at the end. But I opted to keep that information to myself. “Right.” Rather than set myself up to further questioning, I decided to change subject. “So what was happening to our real bodies while we were in the dream room? I’m really curious.”

“That one is a bit tricky to answer.” Felisha stated as she tilted her head back to think about it. “According to Kelsey, when she creates her dream room the lines between the inside of her pot and the outside of her pot become blurred. And because it takes so much concentration to maintain the illusions inside even she cannot really say what your bodies are really doing. All we know is that once the illusion is broken you appear in the room the spell was cast.”

“I see.” Well that was surprisingly unhelpful. This illusion stuff really gives me a headache.

“So is dying the only way to escape that dream room?” Veronica asked. She kept glancing at me and giving me this look that just plain hurt. I really should have given more thought to what Merry and Veronica would have to witness.

“Not at all.” Felisha gave me a big grin as she leered at me. “In fact, killing yourself is the riskiest option you could have considered. If your heart was weak you could have simply died of a heart attack. You only try that as a last resort.”

“What other options are there?” Merry was also giving me looks at this point, I was not done hearing about the stunt I pulled.

“Simply being knocked out would have done the trick, for starters.” Felisha chuckled, just to remind me how stupid I was. “You could also do something that your mind could not possibly rationalize, losing an arm or other forms of severe trauma that you’ve never experienced are examples. But if you are looking for a less violent way out you could always just ask the caster.”

“Just ask?!” Seriously? I considered it as an option but I would have thought Kelsey was not allowed to do that.

“Did I say it wasn’t an option?” Felisha giggled. “No, I did not. Of course a hostile caster would not be so willing but the basic idea is the same. All active illusions require that they be maintained by the caster, convincing them to stop or doing something that would break their concentration are good options. In fact, some of the most powerful illusions can only be escaped by affecting the caster. So keep that in mind.”

“Hey!” Doe shouted as she flew up with Nip. “You were supposed to tell us when big bro came out!”

“Oh well, guess our time is up.” Felisha chuckled as she got up to leave. “But I guess that is all I have to say anyway.”

“Just one more thing.” I quickly interjected. “Why did you not want TNA to enter the dream room?”

“Yeah! Why not?!” Doe shouted. “You never gave me a good answer!”

“I already told you. You’re a pain in the ass.” Felisha plainly stated.

“That’s not good enough!” Doe cried out in protest.

“But that is the truth.” Felisha sighed as she ignored Doe and focused on me. “Look, they are fast, they can fly, they are annoying, magic affects them oddly, and their minds are simply unpredictable. If they went into the room I’m not sure if Kelsey would be able to keep it up half the time she did. So, like I said, the reason is because they are a pain in the ass.”

“Ohh! That’s it!” Nip shouted. “All you’ve been doing is talk about what a pain in the ass we have been! You’re pissing me off! Let’s fight!”

“Fine with me.” Felisha chuckled. “I caught you before, I can do it again.”

“I was not paying attention last time! You won’t get me so easily this time!” Nip boldly declared as she challenged the captain. “Back me up Doe, we’re bringing her down.”

“You got it!” Doe shouted as she joined her sister. “She’ll regret not answering my questions!”

“Bring it! I could use the exercise.” Felisha happily swished her tail as the imps began to quickly dart toward her. She quickly jumped around to evade them as she gave us our orders. “That’s enough for now, see Michaela for your asighnAHAHAH! Oh you brats will pay for that one!” It might have actually have been an interesting fight to see.

Anyway, with some of TNA distracted we were able to get our assignments done in peace. With the captain busy, Merry was tasked with her normal ship duties while Veronica and I were asked to do a handful of chores before we started our training again. We were not really taught anything new but instead Michaela had us practice by having one of us defend while the other attacked. She watched us as we spared only speaking every now and then for a quick adjustment to our technique or to have us change jobs. But our sparing was not the only thing on our mind.

“You know I’m still upset over that stunt you pulled.” Veronica grumbled, her attacks getting faster and harder as she stated it.

“I’m sorry!” What more could I say as I struggled to deflect her powerful attacks.

“Ease up there Veronica, you’re partner’s having trouble guarding.” Michaela quickly spoke up in response to Veronica’s assault.

Veronica was reluctant to hold back but she obeyed and gave me some time to speak. “I understand that I may have acted a little rashly with Merry being the way she was, but my hunch was correct so everything turned out fine.”

“Yeah, and what if it didn’t turn out fine? Did you even consider how others would feel if you died?!” Veronica began to put more power into her attacks as she was reminded of her anger.

“Switch attack and defense!” Michaela swiftly commanded.

Pointing my spear at Veronica, it was my turn to make some jabs. “It’s not like I want to die, of course I put a lot of thought into it.”

“But did you think about us?!” Veronica shouted as she easily deflected my thrust.

“You’re going to have to do better than that, Jonathan.” Michaela commented. “Veronica is way ahead of you.”

I grip my spear a little tighter as I put more speed and power into my thrust. “No, I never thought I would die! So I never considered how you would feel if I did!”

“Oh yeah?” Easily deflecting my attack, Veronica grabbed the shaft of my spear as her anger burst to the surface. “Well maybe you should have!” With a solid kick to the gut, she tore the spear from my grasp and knocked me on my ass. She pointed her sword at me, but I was frankly more afraid of her glare. “Sure, your plan worked fine and all. Sure you escaped the dream room. But you left us behind without you! We were left with your body broken and bloodied and…” Veronica went silent for a moment as she shook the image out of her head. “You are not to do that again!” Veronica shouted as her eyes flashed with magical power.

She didn’t have to try to control me. After realizing what I put them through, I have no intentions of doing it again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would leave a body behind.”

Michaela gave a long sigh as she watched us, I was afraid she might push her head off with how hard she was rubbing her forehead. “Are you two going to train or are you going to fight? Do we need to stop?”

“No! We can continue!” Veronica shouted back as she offered me a hand. “Just as long as we understand each other.”

We continued to train for a while. We didn’t speak but I could tell by her strikes that she was still angry. She wasn’t alone either, turns out the long day in the ocean was not enough to cool Merry’s head. With the day coming to an end, they decided they wanted that drink they were interrupted from earlier. I figured it was best if I left them alone for a while, at least until I found a way to make it up to them. Not feeling like doing anything else, I returned to my room where TNA was happy to greet me.

“Hey Big Bro!” Nip shouted as she happily flew up to me. She was covered in sweat and extremely energetic, even by TNA standards. “I was just about to come find you!”

“You seem awfully chipper, Nip.” Just watching the energy she had improved my mood a bit. “I take it you beat the captain.” Come to think of it, I can’t be too sure it was sweat she was covered in.

Nip giggled, proud of her accomplishment. “It was a good fight but she was no match for me!”

I’m sure Felisha was not fighting seriously, but it seems the captain made her work for it. “By the way, where’s Doe?” I wasn’t particularly looking for her or anything, but it was odd she was not with the sister she teamed up with for the day.

“Oh, Doe?” Nip’s mood soured as she motioned to the corner where Doe was sulking against the wall. “She's mad at me for some reason.”

“Some reason?! You know the reason! Stupid!” Doe shouted.

I gave a long sigh, more for me to deal with. “What happened?”

“Nip had Doe get captured by dog lady so Nip could find an opening.” Sis calmly explained.

“It’s not like she got hurt or nothing.” Nip casually interjected, hands behind her head as if she didn’t do anything wrong.

“That’s not the point.” Sis shook her head as she explained. “Doe trusted you and you used her.”

Siblings will be siblings I guess. “Nip, you can’t really call it a victory if you sacrificed your sister to do it.” Nip grumbled a bit at the lecture as I moved to Doe. “Come here.” I said as I slowly stretched out my hand.

Doe looked at it for a moment, her trust had been scorned so she was hesitant but she eventually flew to me. I held her close to me as I gently rubbed her head. I was tired so I took her with me to lie down, and she stuck her tongue out at Nip as we passed her. Of course Tally was on the bed as well and it was not long before she began to make her advances. “So Big Bro, do you want to start without Big Sis or wait for her?” Tally asked with a chuckle. “Or do you want to have Vampire Lady join today?”

I gave a sigh, there are some times I wish sex wasn’t on their mind. “Not now Tally, I’m not in the mood.”

Its doubtful Tally was going to take no for an answer but at least Doe was there to ask. “What’s wrong Big Bro?” She looked up at me as she laid on my chest. “Did you make Big Sis mad again?”

I can’t say I’m happy that that is the first question that comes to mind, course I can’t say I’m surprised either. “Yeah, Veronica too.”

“What did you do this time?”

I had to think about how I answered, giving an unsatisfactory answer would lead to an endless line of questioning but I didn’t want to be too blunt about the subject. “Well… You know how Nip sacrificed you to get a small victory?” Doe nodded. “Well, during our training today I sacrificed myself.”

“Huh? Why would they be mad at that? You didn’t lie to them did you?”

“No.” Again I had to think of how to answer. “When we were training in the dream room things that weren’t real seemed real. So even though everything turned out alright I still scared them.”

“What did you do?”

“I don’t want to say.” No way around it this time.


“Because it’s a sad topic.”

“How come?”

“Because they thought they weren’t going to see me again.”

“…oh.” Did she know what I was alluding to? Or did she just not feel like continuing? Regardless she silently laid on my chest.

“Good grief, the mood has become sour.” Sara quickly stated. “Don’t you remember the trick I taught you?”

“Fuck it?” I chuckled.

“Fuck it!!!” Sara shouted as loud as she could.

“Fuck it!!!” That was not me, that one came from below us. There was trouble brewing below, as I would soon find out.

“What is going on down there?” Annie asked.

“I don’t know but it sounds fun!” Ina shouted. “Should we join them?!”

“I would leave them be.” I hastily warned them. “Merry and Veronica are pretty upset, and I’m sure the captain would be sore that she lost her fight with Nip.”

“So Big Sis and Vampire Lady are drinking away their troubles?” Abigail lets out a playful laugh. “I hope she doesn’t drink too much. It makes her moody.”

“Oh that’s right.” Tiki nodded in agreement. “Maybe she will come up and work her frustration out on Big Bro again?”

“Wonder how well Vampire Lady holds out?” Su asked with a mischievous chuckle. “Maybe she will want to work it out with her?” Su’s comment turned out to be a little closer to the mark than I would have thought, as I quickly found out.

After a few more minutes things quieted down until the door was suddenly kicked open. “Darling! Veronica’s drunk!” Merry shouted as she walked in with an arm around Veronica’s shoulder.

“I’m not drunk! You’re drunk!” No, they were clearly both drunk.

“Honey?! You know you can’t handle your alcohol!” I quickly got up to help the two of them.

“And who’s fault do you think it is I went drinking?!” I froze as Merry began shouting at me. She released Veronica and stormed up to me, prodding my chest as she ranted. “You can’t tell off other girls! You get coerced into cheating on me! And you haven’t given me any children!” She forced me back until I was back on the bed. “You’re always making me angry and yet… and yet…” Her anger quickly gave way to tears. “… If I ever lost you… I couldn’t bear it. You can’t do that to me again darling, you just can’t!”

Blind anger to wailing tears in a second, yep she passed her limit. But I can’t be mad, I don’t think I can really understand what it is I put them through. I just pulled Merry to me as she sobbed on my chest. “I’m sorry Merry. I won’t do it again, I promise.”

As I was trying to console Merry, I felt another head hit my chest. “It’s the same for me.” Veronica mumbled as she clung to me. “I thought I almost lost you too!” She was also in tears. “That’s why… that’s why!” She then pressed her lips to mine, slipping her tongue into my mouth as she forced me back on the bed.

“Hey! What are you doing to darling?!” Merry shouted in protest, but no matter what she said Veronica would not stop. Frustrated, Merry pulled my head from Veronica. “Don’t look at her! Look at me, darling!” And she quickly took Veronica’s place inside my mouth. However, Veronica was undeterred and simply switched to biting my neck. Merry made no further efforts to chase Veronica off and Veronica also seemed content with Merry there.

I quickly began to ask myself if this was really happening. I mean, was this really happening?! Merry and Veronica both on top of me and I’m not sure who but one of them was reaching into my pants. I know that being with multiple girls at once is kinda the norm for me but I’m used to being covered in tiny girls. Having two girls my own size all over me was a new and, I’ll admit, alluring experience. There was that one time with Victoria but that was a unique experience in its own right.

At this point I had two choices: I could do the both of them and deal with the fallout in the morning, or I could refuse them and deal with their drunken fallout now. TNA certainly were not afraid to voice their opinion, constantly chanting ‘do them’ as they circled us like sexual vultures. I know at least part of me was dying to have at them, but it certainly would not be the first time he has tried to lead me astray. Maybe if they both weren’t drunk I would have happily done the two of them but as it stood I don’t know if this would be happening if they weren’t drunk and I can’t consciously take advantage of them like that, the big C is a real pain at times. Sorry penis, but my conscience has never betrayed me so he wins. I quickly worm my way out from under them and stand to face them.

“Look, the two of you are drunk so…” I was expecting them to throw a fit for refusing them but that was not the case. That was not the case at all. “Umm… ladies?”

Either they had forgotten who they were with or they had just plain forgotten about me entirely. Either way, what they were doing to me before they were doing to each other now. And it was awesome. Merry was on bottom and Veronica was on top, Merry wrapping her arms around Veronica as they passionately kissed. Veronica eventually bent down to bite into Merry’s neck, Merry letting out the sweetest moan as she did. Was it ok for Veronica to be drinking another monster’s blood? Who knows, who cares. I swear, I would have given up my left arm for a camera at that moment.

“Well this is an interesting outcome.” Tiki giggled as she looked on with me. “Should we join them?”

“Nah, there’s no need.” Su chuckled. “Looks like Big Bro really likes to watch.” At some point my pants came off and I’m not ashamed of the state I was in.

“Is that true, Big Bro?” Doe coyly asked. All I could do was silently nod, my eyes fixed on what was happening before me.

“Do you really need to ask?” Annie asked with a haughty laugh. “I’d say Big Bro’s perverted penis is answer enough.” They could say what they want, I was not taking my eyes off. Not only were Merry and Veronica kissing again, their hands started to find their ways to some sensitive places. Their moans were only stifled by their lips still being pressed together.

“Hey, look, I can stand on it!” Ina giggled as she landed on my hard member.

“Hey, you’re right!” Abigail laughed as she joined her sister, they even hopped up and down to test the tension. Did I care? Hell no! The two Big Sis’s were drunk and having some trouble but the tops were coming off! I know I’ve seen it before, this is different trust me.

“Wow, if two girls turns you on so much maybe we should try making out with each other before we do you?” Nip laughed.

“Why not? I’ll be your fuck buddy.” Sara confidently stated. Sorry TNA but two of you in your small bodies won’t have the same impact. I couldn’t fit in-between the both of them where as they only thing stopping me from telling my morals to go fuck themselves and jumping in at this point was that it would be a shame to interrupt. Come on! All that’s left is the bottoms!

“My, my, you really are full of energy, and to think you already ‘fed’ Kelsey today.” Tally chuckled as she began to fondle my balls, momentarily distracting me. “Don’t mind if I do.” Tally then began to suck me off, really dividing my attention.

I’m sure at this point anyone reading this would be looking forward to a hot lesbian scene with Merry and Veronica. Sadly things did not turn out that way, and believe me when I say I would have loved to see it as well. Not only was Tally intentionally toying with me to distract me from what was going on but they were drunk and they passed out before they did any more than a bit of dry humping. But what I saw certainly put me in the mood, a mood TNA was more than happy to share with me.

dcw2021Jun 23, 2016 7:15 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Feb 3, 2015 10:01 PM

Nov 2013
dcw2021 said:

I’m sure at this point anyone reading this would be looking forward to a hot lesbian scene with Merry and Veronica. Sadly things did not turn out that way,

Sorry for the tease everyone, feel free to write your own conclusion to the scene ;)

Feb 4, 2015 12:30 AM

Jan 2014
Feb 4, 2015 3:16 AM

Jan 2013
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 4, 2015 2:54 PM

Nov 2013
Thou hast teased to excessive amounts sir!
Feb 12, 2015 8:45 PM

Sep 2013
Back on track!

And the teasing wasn't all THAT bad...though I still think that's a scene worth seeing--err...reading. Yeah.
Feb 13, 2015 10:52 PM

Jul 2013

And that was the end of yesterday, on to today.

Day 88:
This morning certainly started off... amusingly. TNA, led by Su I assume, decided it would be funny to strip Merry and Veronica down while they were passed out drunk so they were naked in bed together. Granted there wasn’t much left by the time they passed out but little and none makes a big difference when you wake up next to someone. The first thing I heard in the morning was Merry’s shriek once she woke up. “Ahhh! What are you doing in our bed?!”

The loud shout obviously woke Veronica up. She rub her eyes as she slowly raised up. “What are you…” The moment she saw she was naked it was just like ‘wait for it….’ “Ah!” Veronica screamed as she quickly covered herself. “What in lord’s name is going on here?!”

“That’s what I want to know!” Merry shouted back, it seems neither of them have any memory of the night before.

“Good morning Big Sis and Vampire Lady.” Su happily greeted them, doing a surprisingly good job to hide the laughter that I’m sure was dying to get out.

“Did you two have fun last night?” Doe asked with a giggle.

“Fun?” Merry shirked back as she asked, I’m sure she knew what TNA was implying.

“My head is killing me.” Veronica groaned as she held her head. “What happened last night?”

“Oh, you just enjoyed each other’s company.” Tiki stated as she looked back at me with a wink. “Isn’t that right, Big Bro?”

I knew that they didn’t actually have sex last night. Was I going to tell them that? Nah. I stifled a chuckle before I answered. “You two certainly were into each other last night, I had no idea you felt that way about each other.”

Of course coming from TNA they might have taken it with a grain of salt, but coming from me made the realization hit home. “What?! With her?!” Veronica shouted.

“There’s no way darling!” Merry shouted. “We don’t even like each other!”

“Could have fooled me the way you two were kissing last night.” That one wasn’t even a lie. Seriously, I could have killed for a camera.

“I thought I had an odd taste in my mouth.” Veronica commented as she whipped her lips. “Don’t tell me I drank her blood?!”

“You sure did!” Ina shouted, they could handle it from here. “You were all like ‘om!’ And Big Sis was all like ‘ah!’ And then you were all like suuuu and Big Sis was all like ‘ahhh~.’”

“Now way. So we really?”

“Yep! And once you were done you put on a huge strap on and went to town on each other.” Leave it Tally to turn some teasing into a full blown lie.

“Yeah! You really fucked Big Sis good!” Sara shouted, taking the lying torch and running with it.

“That was the biggest strap-on we could find too.” Nip laughed. “I’m surprised you could take that, don’t your hips hurt?”

“They are a little sore, now that I think about it.” Umm… No honey, they aren’t or at least they shouldn’t be. What is it called when the mind fills in information to make itself believe something that isn’t true?

“And while you two were getting it on, we got it on with Big Bro!” Abigail happily proclaimed.

“You should have seen Big Bro as he watched you two.” Sis giggled. “He was huge and hard and he gave us soooo much!”

“Really? Just from watching us?” Merry asked.

“Yeah, I don’t get it either.” Annie crossed her arms as she pondered. “It was almost as if it was better to watch than if he joined. It was strange.”

“It was quite the reaction.” Tiki cooed as she laid on my head. “Come on, Big Bro. Tell us what that was all about.”

“I also want to know.” Veronica added.

With twelve girls watching and waiting for my response, I couldn’t exactly back out of it. “Well, how should I put it? It’s like some forbidden romance. It’s innocent yet hot and passionate at the same time. Plus it’s nice to see the side not expected to initiate the act giving into the pleasure. And should they decide to let the onlooker join…” I think I lost myself for a moment as I explained. It really is a shame Merry and Veronica did not go any further.

“Darling, you’re drooling.” Merry commented. Yep, definitely lost myself. “Is it really that alluring?”

“I think TNA is a bad influence on you, you’re becoming a pervert.” Veronica coldly commented. Sorry Veronica, but I’ve carried this since before I got here.

I thought the topic was over, but then I heard TNA giggling. “What’s so funny?” I shouldn’t have asked.

“Forbidden passion, right?” Tiki asked.

“Right!” Her sisters agreed.

“Innocent, right?” Abigail asked.

“Right!” The rest agreed.

“Hot and passionate, right?” Nip asked.


“The side not expected to initiate, right?” Annie asked.


“Giving in to the pleasure, right?” Tally asked.


“Looking with desire to join, right?” Doe asked.


“And that means…” Ina giggled.

“And that means…” Su laughed as they all turned toward me.

“And that means!” Sis cheered.

“Big Bro likes to watch men fuck too!” Sara shouted.

How did they reach that conclusion?! No! I don’t care if the norm in this world is for the women to be rapist! I would never call two men innocent and I would never be interested in that. “No! Just no!” I certainly don’t need anyone getting any ideas.

Sadly the rest of my morning wasn’t looking any better for me. Felisha wanted to make use of the dream room again, which meant I had to power it again, which meant that Kelsey gave me a blow job again. I knew she was going to make me get rough regardless, so I opted to save time and just got in her pot. That way if Merry gives me a hard time for it I could claim innocence by insanity. TNA I don’t have to worry about, hell most of them hopped into the pot to cheer me on. Kelsey took a little more than I would have liked her to, but at least we could move on with the training.

Apparently while Merry and Veronica were getting drunk they did a bit of raving about watching me ‘die.’ In addition to some hefty teasing, Felisha decided that the next bit of training in the dream room should be done without the others. Merry and Veronica continued their training with Michaela on deck while Felisha brought me down to the dream room. Riona was tasked with keeping TNA occupied, they seem to get along rather well but that is no small task. I will have to thank her later.

Together Felisha and I stepped into the dream room. Rather than being met with the endless shelves like last time, the space was just… empty. Just nothing anywhere within the space. “Ah, a nice blank slate.” Felisha mused as she took a deep breath. “Alright rookie. Now that you know how this room works I can show you why I love Kelsey’s ability.” With a big grin, she holds her hand out to the side. “Kelsey, a cutlass if you would.”

“Right.” Kelsey’s voice seemed to echo throughout the space as she answered.

A moment later, a cutlass appeared in Felisha’s hand. There was no ‘appearing’ effect as far as I could tell, it was just there the next moment. “Good.” Felisha nodded as she examined the sword. “Now let’s try a change of scenery.” Felisha chuckled after she thought of the destination. “How about Alnor?”

“R-right.” Kelsey was clearly not as confident with this command as she was the last one. It seems changing the scenery is fairly difficult.

This time the change was not instant. First the lighting changed so it was clearly day time. Then the rough outlines of the street and nearby buildings were set. Decorations like doors and windows quickly appeared on the blank walls before finally the textures all blurred into place. It was Alnor’s town square. I don’t remember every detail but it was definitely close enough for me to recognize it. “Not bad, though awfully empty don’t you think?” After Kelsey gave a frustrated grumble at Felisha comment people began to wonder in from around corners and out of doors, though they were clearly… generic and lacking any life. “Still having trouble with that? Oh well. Next let’s try…”

“Captain!” Kelsey shouted. “I won’t be able to keep up this pace!”

“Really?” Felisha gave me a glare as she clicked her tongue. “Tch, cheap bastard. You should have gave her more. I was having fun.” She took three loads. Next time you can supply the energy. “Oh well, you get the idea. You can clear it!” As Felisha shouted to the sky everything disappeared and we were left with the empty void from before. “As you can see, Kelsey has free control over anything within this space. She can create items or recreate a location. There are limitations: the more complex the illusion the more energy it requires and she cannot create things she has not seen before. Well, technically she can but it wouldn’t be a very good recreation.” She began to pace as she continued her long explanation. “So why do I like this place so much? Three reasons: 1. It allows us to use weapons we don’t want to damage or don’t have on board. 2. We have a lot more space and time to play with. And 3…” With a big grin she points her Cutlass at me. “…There’s no real harm done so we can be a lot less… gentle.” I really did not like the look she was giving me. It was like a dog excited to have a new toy… a new toy she was going to rip to shreds. “Do me a favor and come back once you are ejected.”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” With no weapon to defend myself with and very little warning, Felisha was quick to run me through. It hurt but only for a moment, at least she made it quick. The next thing I knew I was ejected from the door to the kitchen, it seems the illusion does not necessarily have to be stopped once you break from it. Again I had to suffer through the extreme dizziness of my senses all correcting themselves, that in itself is almost as bad as the ‘death’ I just experienced. Once I had my awareness back I realized Una was standing over me. “Hey Una.” She just nodded back at me. She had bags under her… eye from lack of sleep as usual, with Veronica and I training there was a bit more slack she had to pick up on top of her usually busy schedule. Still, Una offered a hand to help me up, which I gladly accepted.

I rubbed my chest where Felisha ran me through. I know it is all in my head but I swear I could still feel where she stabbed me. I quickly grew furious that she would do that just to make a point. “That hurt you know!” I shouted as I stormed back into the dream room. “You could have at least…” I was suddenly struck speechless. I saw what Veronica and Merry saw yesterday… my own ‘corpse’. I’ve played a lot of videogames and left behind my fair share of virtual bodies. But it is a different matter when it is your own body you are looking at.

“What’s wrong with you?” She looked at the body I was staring at and chuckled. “Oh, right. Kelsey! Could you clean up in here?!”

“Alright!” Just like that the body was gone, but it still left a nasty image.

“Alright, you’re here too. Good, we can get started.” Because I was angry I did not even notice that Una followed behind me. She nodded at the captain before standing beside her. “Una has a lot to do so I’ll get straight to the point. How many fights have you been in?” I was about to answer a lot, considering how TNA likes trouble, but she qualified her statement. “I mean serious fights where more than just a bit of hanky panky was at stake, ones TNA couldn’t just bail you out of.”

That narrows it down a lot. Come to think of it, the only fights I can consider serious are the ones TNA could not help me with. I guess it shows how much I’ve come to rely on them. “Five.” I answered. “A succubus on a seaside cliff, octopus pirates on a boat to Alnor, Vampires in Vampire City, the fight with the Kraken, and the encounter with the mercenaries.”

“And in how many of those fights did you accomplish anything?”

“The first two almost killed me but I did save Merry and Nip. The third and last ones I was… less than useless. As for the kraken fight…”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I swear what you did with the lightning cause more problems than it solved.” Felisha sighed as she rubbed her head, probably thinking of the cost of that fight. “Point is that by now you should realize one simple thing: humans are a lot weaker than monsters. TNA have their numbers and agility, Veronica is young but she already has the strength and skill of her kind, and Merry’s true skill shows in the water but she is stronger than you might think out of it. But you… you are little more than a nice treat for passing monsters. But monsters are not unbeatable. They have weaknesses, some fewer than others but they do have them. There are situations that can lead to a monster’s strengths counting for nothing and leaving them weaker even than humans. But those situations you have to learn for yourself, you have to be aware of your surroundings, of who you are fighting, and why you are fighting. Just stay on your toes, when the time comes you will either have it or you won’t.” She paused for a minute, thinking about something, and then her demeanor changed. I’m not quite sure how to describe it. Tone got lower and quieter, she lost the light hearted cockiness she normally has. She just got colder. “You have chosen to fight and that means there will come a time when you will have to fight. You may not be able to find some cleaver way out of it. Hell, you might just be doomed from the start. Una and I are from Kaori. We have seen people like you get crushed like bugs, with just as little effort and even less thought. In fact… Kelsey! How about we show him a little bit of Kaori?!”

“Ugh… right.” Kelsey hesitantly obeyed.

What I was shown next was something straight out of a nightmare. The lighting was dark and hazy. The land was barren and littered with corpses. The stench of death and fire filled the air. Even Felisha and Una were transformed into shadowy figures with glowing red eyes. “Why are we shadowy figures? And what is with all the corpses?! It’s not this bad! Not everywhere at least!”

“I’m not like you two. I came from Charisse, I’ve never seen the interior of Kaori.” Kelsey replied.

“Just clean it up a bit!” At Felisha’s command, the corpses were removed, the sky brightened up, and Felisha and Una returned to normal. “Geez, so the place isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There are still people that call it home.” With a quick shake of her head, she got serious again. “Anyway, your first opponent is going to be Una. I’ll warn you. In terms of pure strength, she is the best we got.”

I wasn’t looking forward to fighting Una, but it was the captain’s orders and it was for my training so I took up a fighting stance before her. I had a fairly accurate copy of my spear while Una was given a rather intimidating hammer. Seriously, the head of the hammer was a solid steel sledge the size of my head. It must weigh a hundred pounds, does such a ridiculously impractical weapon exist? There truly would be no competition in strength. My only chance would be to evade her attacks and look for an opening to strike back. Thankfully her weapon should slow her down a little bit, right? Wrong! Una quickly stepped forward, her large size increasing the length of her strides, quickly closing the gap and bringing her hammer forward for a heavy blow. I tried to step back out of reach but I underestimated the reach of her hammer. Swinging in a parabolic motion like a golf club, the speed and power of her stepping motion combined with the weight of her weapon sent me out of the dream room immediately. I didn’t feel a thing, that’s how quick it was. I wonder how far my ‘body’ flew?

“Mistake number 1.” Felisha announced upon my return. “Don’t think that stronger means slower. A large body provides extra reach as well as strength. They can cover more distance in fewer motions, making up for slower motions if they even are slower. Again!”

Spear appearing in my hand again, I stepped forward for round two. This time I was able to avoid her first attack, just barely. As I suspected, the heavy weapon does slow down her attacks a bit. Even in her firm stance her body slides a bit as it is carried by the momentum of her previous attack, creating a small gap between attacks. I backpedaled as she continued to take swings, always keeping out of reach as I watched for a chance to strike back. But I put too much of my focus on Una and I failed to keep track of the terrain in this recreation of Kaori. My leg got caught on a rock I backed into and I fell.

“Mistake number 2:” Felisha announced as Una raised her hammer. “ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings.” The next instant meet the end of the attempt.

The next few attempts were meet with varying degrees of success. I made a few attempts to stab at her but her long legs meant that a single step back put her out of reach of my spear. Even if I did manage to get close enough she would just deflect the attack with the shaft of her hammer. If I lingered too close for too long she would retaliate, causing many attempts to fail. What was really annoying was that I eventually noticed that even after she stopped the momentum Una would hold in place a bit longer, she was giving me a bigger gap to take advantage of. But even with a handicap I could not get close enough for a good strike, her hammer was too dangerous.

“Mistake number 8:” Felisha announced after I was knocked out by what I thought was a glancing blow. “Don’t just aim for center mass. Aim for the limbs if you can’t get close. Even minor injuries can severely limit their battle performance.”

Go for the limbs huh? All I really needed was for her to drop the hammer and I would be able to get closer to get a hit in. Of course I thought of aiming for her wrist, a deep enough cut would leave her unable to lift the hammer, but another body part came to mind. Her feet, more specifically the back of her heel. Larger bodies mean more weight on the feet, meaning a good cut there will drop them. With my plan in mind I readied myself before her again. By this point I had gotten her pattern down, of course she was probably using an easy to read pattern but I will take what help I can get for now. After narrowly avoiding a swing from her hammer I stepped in and took a stab at her center again. Una stepped back as usual to avoid the jab but that was fine, it was a feint anyway. My real goal was to get closer to her feet, and while her body moved back she had to leave one behind and it was well within range of my spear. Acting as quickly as I could, I thrust my spear at her right leg, cutting through her leather boots, and with a quick draw cut I sliced deep into her heel. She quickly pulled her foot back but being unable to put any weight on her right leg cause her to lose balance with her heavy weapon.

“Oh, nice move.” Felisha coldly remarked. “Now finish her and we can move on!”

She was right, if I was going to win the fight this was my chance. I quickly readied my spear to do just that but then I noticed something. Una was in pain. It was not very noticeable, just a little wincing as she held her hurt heel. Even if it is just an illusion, the pain feels real enough at the time. I lost my resolve to follow through with the attack. I work with Una, I respect her, I can’t just cut her down like that. I lowered my spear.

“What do you think you are doing?!” Felisha angrily shouted.

“The fight is over, I could have won. We know that.”

Felisha quickly ran up and grabbed me by the collar. “Do you think an enemy would let you get away with lowering your weapon like that?!”

“Una is not my enemy!” I quickly retorted. “She is my friend and I won’t strike her down!”

“It’s an illusion! Just…” Felisha was cut off as Una placed her hand on her shoulder. She had left her hammer behind to limp over and with a simple shake of her head she let us know she was done. “Grrr… fine. Reset!” Felisha shouted as she stormed away. “We need to move on anyway.”

In a moment we returned to the empty space, Una’s hammer and wound gone with it. It was kinda awkward to be left with Una after what happened. “I uhh… didn’t hurt you too bad did I?”

“Had worse.” Was all Una said in response.

With Una’s part finished, a door appeared so she could leave. She quietly stepped through the relatively small door but the door remained open behind her and I was surprised to see who came in after her. “Hey! Is it finally my turn?” Spindla energetically asked as she entered.

“Yeah, yeah, just wait a second. Kelsey, how about something she can move around in!” Felisha shouted as she motioned for Spindla to calm down.

This time the selected scenery was a forest with large trees all around. The trees were all kinda samey and the forest floor was not very cluttered but you could tell she was trying to recreate a specific location. “My, my, this brings back memories. Been a while since I’ve swung from these trees.”

“Alright, get to it. And no hesitation this time!” She growled as she intently glared at me.

“Just one thing before we begin.” Spindla giggled as she slowly caressed her lips with her finger. “In exchange for my assistance, how about we go a round? It’s an illusion so you wouldn’t actually be cheating.”

I just had to laugh, she really is not afraid to say exactly what she wants. “I’m sorry, but even if it wouldn’t be real it would still feel real.”

“Oh? Shame.” Spindla just shrugged as she held out her hands. A pair of short katanas, known as ko-katanas, appeared and she tightly gripped one in each hand. “I guess I have no reason to be gentle then!” Leaping backwards, her many legs grabbed a tree and she quickly scurried up into the canopy and out of sight.

“You’re going to want to stay on your toes.” Felisha remarked. “Spindla perfected her swinging skill among the tall trees of Elisabeth. She was a bandit even before she joined us and she would swing down and steal the cargo before the guards even knew what hit them. Of course she specialized in stealing a particular kind of cargo, really put her on the bad side of the local amazons. But no playing around today, you got that!” Felisha shouted up to the trees. “Kelsey can only keep this up so long, we don’t have time for it!”

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Spindla pouted, her voice echoing among the trees. “Oh well, captain’s orders. I don’t care for violence so I will end it quickly, ok?”

I really had to stay on my guard. I did not know which way she was coming from but I knew that when she came she would come hard and fast. By chance I happened to look behind me at the right time to catch her swinging toward me. She was hanging upside down, using her legs to grip the silk strands she was hanging from. This left her hands free to hold her twin swords, ready to strike. But while she may have been coming at me extremely fast it really didn’t give her an advantage. Since she was suspended by a rope essentially it was easy enough to predict her movement and my spear still had a longer reach than her swords, all her speed really did was make it more likely for us to take out each other. But then she did something I did not expect. She pulled her current web from her spinneret and, with a quick spin, she shot a new web. Clinging to both elastic strands for a short moment before fully transitioning to the new one gave her a wide range of control over her new trajectory. Now coming lower, faster, and with more horizontal motion I had to quickly revaluate her new path but I still had my spear ready and waiting for her. Even if I got taken out I was taking her with me, or so I thought. At the last second she twisted her body out of the way of my spear while bringing her sharp blades perpendicular to me, and I swear she even winked at me as she did it. Needless to say, I immediately found myself knocked out of the dream room.

“Mistake number 9: If they appear to be more agile than you are assume they have faster reflexes too.” Felisha commented as I walked back in. I really should have seen that coming, I know firsthand that Spindla is very flexible and I’ve spared with TNA enough to expect someone to dodge the attack like that. But no point fretting over it, I just had to ready my spear and try again.

I had to figure out a way to deal with her mobility. If I didn’t it would be unlikely for me to win even with a hundred tries. But it seemed she was not going to give me time to plan as I caught her swinging for me again. I decided to try standing my ground again to see if she would give me some kind of pattern like Una did. But rather that coming straight for me she sailed past with plenty of room between us. I quickly spun around to watch where she was going only to notice something being left behind as she went. It was more webbing but this one was the sticky kind, picking up loose forest debris as it dragged behind her. Of course by the time I realized this the webbing had already stuck to my leg and, once Spindla pulled it taught, it whiplashed my head right into the ground ending that attempt.

The more times I tried against Spindla the more I noticed that she was just playing around with me. Sure she would take the direct approach and cut me down every now and then but she would also take more round about ways, even taking up taunting me in plain sight but out of reach. I quickly got accustomed to cutting her webs when she tries to tangle me in them and sling shot me into another attempt, the key is to pull the webbing tight first. But the taunting was getting annoying. “It’s your fifth attempt already, why not just give up? You don’t even have a plan do you?”

“Aw just shut up!” I shouted back at her. It was frustrating to hear her say it but she was right, I was kinda at a loss. I can’t climb the trees and she has full 3D mobility, she can keep all of our contact on her terms. Even if I try to climb one of her webs she just cuts it down. Not only that but the environment we were in was also very restrictive. It was clearly a forest but there was really no place to run or hide. Even if I did try to run through the brush on the boundary I would just appear in this area shortly after. The only things in the environment I could use were small debris on the ground and the webbing that the area was slowly getting littered with. I could make a trap but I still needed her to come to me, on my terms not hers. It was a small chance but it was all I had, so whenever I had a moment I was sure Spindla was not watching I would collect non-sticky bits of her webbing and tie them together. These were strands that were cut so she can’t feel vibrations through them or anything.

After some time and a few close calls I had my own makeshift web, I just needed a way to get her caught in it. I had a plan, but it relied on her falling for something fairly obvious. We were running out of time and I was running out of ideas so I just had to go for it. I took a long bit of webbing and pulled down two low branches that I could reach. I tied them together with the webbing and the result was an obvious trip wire. “Umm… that’s a trap isn’t it?” Spindla asked. No shit Sherlock. “Let me guess, you’ll cut that and pop up a net of the webs you’ve been gathering?”

“Umm… no?” I figured she caught me at some point, but what do you say in that situation?

Spindla gave a long sigh. “Do you think I don’t know how to get out of my own webbing? I’m disappointed, I thought you’d be more clever.” Hey, this fake forest does not give you much to work with. “Oh well, we are short on time.” Gripping her webbing she began to swing down. “Let’s just try it out!” She can say what she wants but she was still heading toward it. She was mostly right but there was one little surprise for her. Once she got close, rather than cutting the strand spanning the gap I cut one of the ones going from the branches to the ground resulting in the trip wire raising a few feet. “You didn’t even do it right!” She shouted as she raised her Ko-Katana’s from below her head, where the wire was before, to above her head and in front of her feet, where the wire was now. But this web was not like the others, this web was sticky. The same thread she used to whiplash me before now bent around her blade, clung to her body, tore from the branches, and wrapped around her legs. “Big deal, it buys you some time.” But time was all I needed. Now that her arms and legs were bound she could not change webs and inevitable began to swing back my way. Now the branches were in position to help me hoist my net up and catch her on the return swing. Stopped moving, within reach, and hands bound, she was open for attack.

“Final-I mean nice! Now finish her before she gets loose!” Felisha shouted as she stood up from the seat she had taken.

I stepped toward Spindla, now momentarily helpless. But this situation was a lot like Una’s. If we know I can make the final blow, why should I have to? “It’s ok.” Spindla answered as she stopped her struggling. “It’s not like it’s real.”

“Even if it’s not real, it will still feel real.” I muttered as I lowered my spear.

The next moment Felisha had me by the collar and was lifting me into the air. “You’re doing it again! You are disobeying me and not ending the fight!” She growled and practically barked at me.

“I-I don’t have a reason to.” I stammered. I didn’t know why she was so angry.

“That’s it! End the illusion!” She shouted after one final growl. Even after the illusion faded to reality I was in Felisha’s grasp. “You are coming with me!” Storming through the ship, Felisha dragged me through the hall and up the stairs before finally throwing me on the deck.

Veronica and Merry were still training with Michaela when we arrived, they were surprised by our sudden appearance. “Darling?! You’re back!” Merry yelped as she quickly reverted from her more monstrous form. She was about to approach me when Felisha put up her hand.

“Keep them back!” She ordered to Michaela as well as Una and Spindla who followed us up. I hadn’t even gotten to my feet again when my spear was tossed before me. “Pick. It. Up.”

I still had no idea why she was so pissed. I nervously chuckled as I motioned for her to calm down. “Let’s just talk about this.” But there was to be no talking. Felisha kicked me in the stomach and sent me sliding against the deck.

“Darling!” Merry shouted and tried to rush to me but Michaela held her back.

“Captain! Isn’t that going too far?!” Veronica shouted as she was being held back by Una.

I clenched my chest as I tried to stand up, I’m sure she broke a rib or two with that kick. This was no illusion either, it really hurt. Before I had even gotten up, my spear was thrown at me and imbedded itself in the wood next to me. “You can pick up your spear or you can die where you stand, the choice is yours.” Felisha cracked her knuckles as she approached me.

“Y-you’ve got to be joking.” I weakly wheezed, grabbing my spear regardless.

“Do I look like I am joking?” She asked. Lurched forward, claws ready, fangs beared, she did not look like she was joking, she looked like a wild animal. With a wolf like growl she leaped for me. My instincts took over and I jumped out of the way. Good thing too, because the only thing left where I was were deep gashes in the wood. “You told me you chose to fight. You told me you were ready to do anything. What did you think that meant?” She asked as she set her sights on me for another pounce. “Did you think you would never have to draw blood? Did you think you would never have to kill? This world is not that kind. If you go into battle with a weapon you are not willing to use…” She quickly dashed forward, faster than I could react this time, and dug her claws deep into my stomach. “…you might as well die right now.” I clenched my stomach and looked at my hands. This was real pain, this was real blood. “This is real.” Felisha finished my thought. “You have one chance. If you fail you will never see your loved ones again. Here I come! Defend yourself!”

“Wait! Please!” I shouted to no avail. She was crouching again, claws ready to strike. The next moment she pounced. “STOP!” I had no choice, she gave me no choice, I thrust my spear forward.

A heavy impact forced me back but I maintained my stance and clung to my spear for dear life. I finally got the courage to look at what had happened to find Felisha impaled in the chest. Bright red blood flowed from her wound and down her black coat. But she was not dead, not by a long shot. “Good.” Felisha muttered. Her big grin was stained with blood as she coughed some up. “That’s a good thrust.” She grabbed my spear and even seemed to work around in her. “Oh but your aim is off. I could fight for minutes like this.” Felisha began to laugh. “You would still be dead!” She began to go into a full roar of a laugh but it ended with her coughing up more blood. “Yeah, that’s good for now. Just remember that just because you’ve dealt a serious wound does not mean your life is speared.” She yanked my spear out and began to hobble to the others. “Get me that mermaid already!”

Felisha quickly grabbed Merry and bit into her arm, licking up the blood as it flowed. “OW! Who said you could have any after what you did to darling?!” Merry angrily shouted at her assailant. “I have to tend to him first!”

“Zip it scaly! I’m dying here!” Felisha shouted back as she continued to lick up the blood. “He’s fine. It’s a flesh wound, it just looks bad.”

It didn’t feel like just a flesh wound to me. But I think I understand why she was so angry. Her crew is her family, and she will do anything to protect it. I might be reading a little too much into it but I feel that it is her way of showing she cares. But anyway, Merry was quick to tend to me after Felisha had her share of blood. Afterwards I was exhausted. I turned in for the day, both to heal and to reflect on what I learned. It’s funny. After all that has happened today, after all I felt and saw, the thing that remains in my mind even now is the sight of blood on my own spear. I always thought that if the time came I would be able to do what was necessary. But I guess I really am not as ready as I thought I was.
dcw2021Jun 23, 2016 9:48 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Feb 14, 2015 2:32 AM

Jan 2013
Very nice use and most importantly creative use of illusions, also well shown fantasy training session written in believable way, no second hand excuses with training and skills our of this world, in few words - very well done. Long and complex training signalized change of the story course in the future.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 14, 2015 6:46 AM

Nov 2013
Well done, and I especially like how Felisha handled this. The training is going a little too fast in my honest opinion, but nothing that isn't believable.

Although beast, just out of curiosity.

Excluding the dead obvious, the dream room and Spindla's 3D movement tactic, what here is not something that can be or is from our world?

Because from what i can see DCW has done a very good job in keeping it realistic.
Feb 14, 2015 8:55 AM

Jan 2013
Clarus_Nox said:
Although beast, just out of curiosity

That's the reason why I normally edit the posts as I usually realize too late I wrote something what either gives sentence entirely different meaning or doesn't make any sense at all. That I wanted to say is that I do like how it was done.
beast_regardsFeb 14, 2015 11:19 AM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Feb 14, 2015 1:14 PM

Sep 2013
Always a fan of illusion, and I liked realizing that such a setup would almost certainly be beyond my own favorite master of glamour.

At first blush it does seem like the training is coming along rather quickly, but the MC isn't learning ground-breaking techniques or anything--just engaging his brain against what I imagine as "average" opponents. I also like that the scenes played out in completely different ways.

Anyway...good times =)
Feb 14, 2015 2:16 PM

Jul 2013
Great chapter. The fight at the end had me on the edge of my seat.
Feb 18, 2015 8:16 AM

May 2013
What can I say about these last chapters... I love the idea of using Kelly's powers to create a training room, and especially liked the deduction you used to discover things about the illusion. The Monty Hall problem was really great.

And, damn, don't taunt with lesbian sex. You leave us with the honey on the lips, that's evil!
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Mar 1, 2015 10:19 AM

Jul 2013

[The following events are not recorded in the journal.]
We are finally getting a break from all the training. The fight I had with Felisha yesterday did some minor damage to the ship and Una has enough on her plate as is so I have been tasked with doing the repairs. I’ll be glad to be done with the fighting for now, there are a couple things I need to sort out in my mind.

“So Big Bro, you going to ‘feed’ Kelly again?!” Ina may be the one asking but she is hardly the only one who wants to know.

“Sorry girls, but we’re not using the dream room today so I have no reason to power it.” I answered with a playful smirk.

“Awwwwww!” Echoed through the room, serves them right for always wanting to see me in a compromising situation.

“Can’t you fuck her anyway?” Sara pouted.

“Yeah!” Tiki added. “You both enjoy it so why not?”

“Just because I look like I’m having fun inside her pot does not mean it is something I want to be doing!”

“So then you don’t enjoy it?” Doe asked.

“…I didn’t say that.”

“Oh?! Was that some honesty I heard?” Annie laughed.

“I don’t want to hear that from you!”

“C’mon, just go for it!” Su shouted.

“So Big Sis will get mad, that’s nothing new.” Nip laughed.

“I said no and I mean no!” Jeez, Merry is only part of the reason I refuse. They are also part of the reason I refuse, sometimes I wish more of them would appreciate that.

“Well it makes no difference to me.” Tally grumbled. “I can’t go see it anyway.”

Again, as soon as I hear Tally speak everything else just stops for a moment. The fuller Tally’s belly gets the more I find myself thinking about her wellbeing. “How are you feeling today, you alright?” I ask her.

Tally gets flustered with a quick start as she finds herself the center of my attention again. “Yeah, I’m fine. The boat hasn’t been rocking much so that helps.”

“You sure? Is there anything you want me to get you?”

“I said I’m fine already!” Tally shouted. “Jeez, don’t you think you’ve been smothering me lately?”

“I’m sorry, it’s just… if you need anything at all I will get it for you.”

Tally’s fluster turned an even deeper shade of red. “I know already.”

“Hey! You’re giving Tally all the attention!” Abigail shouted in protest. “It’s not fair!”

“You need to think of all of us, Big Bro, not just Tally.” Sis lectured as she landed on my shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” I laughed as I patted Abigail on the head. “You’re right, I’ll do better.” Tally’s health might be my biggest priority but I still care about all of them, I need to remember to show that.

After finishing getting ready for the day I stepped outside to find Merry talking with Felisha. Merry happily put her conversation on hold to greet me. “Morning darling, I was just about to go fishing.”

“Morning honey.” I’m always happy to see Merry but I still kept some distance because of Felisha. Regardless of her intentions she still caused me a great deal of pain yesterday.

Felisha just scoffed with a smirk once she saw me. “So how’s your stomach?”

“It… it’s fine…” I just wish she would feel a little sorry for what she did.

“My wound is all healed as well.” She proudly stated as she pounded her chest, coat mended and cleaned as well. “Having a mermaid really is convenient. Maybe we should allow more extreme training sessions outside of the dream room?” She suggested with a hearty laugh.

“Please don’t. The dream room is painful enough without the risk of actually dying.” If she tried that I would consider abandoning ship.

“I’m kidding, kidding.” Felisha chuckled as she waved for me to settle down. “Take a joke.”

“Even I don’t think it’s funny.” Su commented as she flew next to me.

“Yeah! Big Bro was no fun last night because he was injured!” Ina shouted, I wish she would show more concern for my health than whether or not I’m fun.

I was not laughing but Merry gave a nervous chuckle. “So about this task you have for me?”

“Ah, yes. You should probably get on that.” Felisha walked off as she gave a wave. “And do be careful, we are in pirate territory.”

That’s right, Felisha has been talking about this pirate territory for a while. The other members of the crew are on high alert and I have been told to keep my spear with me. Frankly I don’t like Merry going out on her own if that is the case. “I don’t know what the captain was discussing with you but be careful and get it done quickly. I want you to come back as quickly as possible.”

“I will darling.” She happily answered as we embraced for a quick kiss. “Just… you be careful too.” That pause did not escape my attention.

“If you are afraid to go you should stay, I’ll take the heat from the captain.” Merry’s safety is worth any punishment.

“I’m not worried about myself.” She answered with a glare. “Mermaid hunting is rare this close to the sunken city, but pirates will often attack merchant ships. I don’t want to return to find you being raped by other girls again.”

I had to flinch back, that ‘again’ really stung. “Well, I’m here with the crew so I should be safe.”

“Safe with pirates that already raped you.” Su giggled.

“Yeah, don’t worry Big Sis.” Ina giggled. “Big Bro is in good hands.”

Merry sighed as she sat on the railing. “My confidence is brimming.” With that she flipped backwards and into the sea. She was off doing her job, time to do mine.

I head below deck to meet up with Una when I run into Riona. “Morning!” She shouted as she was running along the hall of the ship.

“Hey Riona, you got a second?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Riona asked as she came to a sudden halt.

“I just wanted to thank you for keeping TNA occupied yesterday. It must have been rough.”

Riona laughed loudly for a second before hanging her head with a sigh. “You got that right, it was exhausting. How can you live with the things?”

Su burst into laughter. “You lasted longer than I thought you would! It was fun.”

“Yeah, it was fun even before the sex!” Ina happily agreed.

“Well, it seems like you all had fun.” I chuckled.

“It was fun.” Riona admitted. “I just can’t keep up with their energy. How do you do it?”

“I can’t keep up with their energy.” I answered as I playfully rubbed Ina’s head. “But I do enjoy playing with them, and it doesn’t hurt that it helps keep them out of trouble.”

“I enjoy playing with Big Bro too!” Ina happily giggled.

“So do I.” Su laughed. “Especially when we are ‘playing’ with him.”

“Well, I also enjoy that.” I admit as I fell myself get flustered. “But what is your obsession with the ass?” Su just laughed.

After waving goodbye to Riona I headed down the ship to Una’s room. “Hey, sorry I’m…” I started to speak but stopped once I realized Una was asleep. “... late.” She was sleeping on her side facing the door in her usual revealing clothing. Her tank top had slipped allowing one of her breast to show. I tried not to look but Ina caught me staring none the less.

“Hehe, remember those?” Ina asked with a coy chuckle. “You seemed to like them when she did you.”

I chose to just shush her rather than acknowledge her little taunt. “She’s sleeping.” Una always seems to work herself too hard. I know what repairs need made and I know how to make the repairs, this is my chance to do the work and let her rest. Somewhat excited to get to work, I quickly gathered all the tools and material I needed. But when I turned around I saw Su ready to mess with Una. “Su, stop!”

“What? I ain’t doing nothin.” Su giggled as she was holding a quill pen to Una’s ear. It was a fairly harmless prank by her standards, but it still wasn’t nice. I was going to stop her but the moment the feather touched Una’s ear Una quickly grabed Su. “Ah!” Oddly, it seemed to be Su’s scream that snapped Una awake rather than grabbing her.

Una raised up slowly, fixing her shirt as she did, and glared at Su with her one sleepy eye. “Don’t” is all she said before releasing her grip on Su.

“Ok, ok.” Su quickly stated as she flew behind me. “Geez, that is some reaction.”

Una quietly got up and rubbed her eye. She is already dressed and appears to have just been taking a nap. “You don’t have to get up. I can handle this myself.”

“Lookout duty.” Una mutters as she walks toward me. “But thanks.” Una was clearly still tired but she still gently smiled with genuine thanks.

“N-no problem. Anytime.” She is rather pretty when she smiles.

We made our way to the deck and, with a quick wave, Una climbed the mast and I began to pry up the damaged planks. It still takes me a bit to work the boards up but it isn’t too difficult. The hot sun may bear down upon me but I actually kinda enjoy the work. The sea breeze is cool and refreshing as the ship easily sails through the water. I can see why some would enjoy this kind of life. And I’m not the only one who enjoys working on the ship. Veronica has become the unofficial pilot for the ship, especially at night, and she seems to enjoy it even if she still needs guided on where to go.

“Alright, turn it a bit. We need to begin heading south now.” Felisha gently guided Veronica.

“Aye, captain.” Veronica confidently replied as she began to spin the wheel.

All seems well. I am finishing up the repairs, we shall be in Bestalion by the end of the day, and the weather is clear and calm. I would feel better if Merry was back on the ship with me but Ina and Su are keeping me company. Su even plays a few harmless pranks by moving my tools around on me as Ina encourages her. But everything seems fine until Una shouts “Captain!” Una rarely raises her voice so once this shout was heard it got everyone’s attention.

“Is it them?!” Felisha shouted up to the crow’s-nest.

Una peered over the side and nodded. “Due east.” She is not yelling but her heavy voice still carries clearly.

“About time. Alright everyone, listen up! I want everyone to be on high alert! We are looking at a pirate raid soon!” With her announcement made she quickly took the helm from Veronica. “Sorry princess but you are not ready for this yet.”

“Are we going to avoid them?” Veronica asked as she relinquished control of the ship.

“No, if this is who I think it is there would be no point anyway.” Felisha stated as she turned the ship to the east. “Besides, there is a chance it isn’t them. We need to know what we are dealing with.”

I quickly hammer down the board I am working on, grab my spear, and join Una as she climbs down from the crow’s-nest. Before long we see a ship on the horizon. Once in view, the captain takes out a telescope to confirm what Una saw. “Hmm, the distress flag is raises but no one on board is signaling for help. Suspicious to say the least.” With a quick scoff she lowers the telescope. “Yep, definitely seems like one of their tricks. Be ready everyone! The ship has likely been surrounded! Spread out and stay on your guard! When one comes they will all come! Make sure you stay toward the center of the ship, if they get you over board it is all over!”

Tightly gripping my spear, I anxiously watched the sides of the ship for whatever may come over it. Felisha by the helm; Veronica, Una, Michaela, and I all on the main deck; Spindla spinning webs between the masts; Riona and Kelsey below deck; and TNA quizzically emerged from our room to see what the fuss was all about. And then it happened.

“Ahhhhh!!!!” Kelsey screamed from below deck.

“They’re here!” Felisha shouted as she drew her cutlass.

The next moment the deck was swarmed with all manner of seafaring monsters. The all too familiar octopus bodies of the Scylla, the strong and silent sahuagin, and the armored cancers. All ready with spears as the crew prepared to defend themselves from the numerous enemies. Last but not least a nereid landed on the deck and began to approach Felisha. “It’s been a while, ‘Mad Dog’ Felisha Blackfur.” The nereid’s sultry voice rang out as she waltzed toward the captain.

“Indeed it has, ‘water bomb’ Nelly Tidewater.” Felisha responded, glaring at the intruder.

“Your crew has certainly grown since last we met.” Nelly mused as she looked around. “You’ve got some flying pests, a child, and a boy toy. My how you’re standards have fallen.” She taunted with a hearty laugh.

Felisha just scoffed. “At least I have standards.”

“Touché,” Nelly giggled, “but enough banter, on to business. In honor of our reunion I will cut you a deal. Give us the boy toy and anything of value in your hold and we will let you leave with your lives. We’ll even let you keep your ship.” The last bit was added with a notable wink to me.

“My, that is a good deal. But allow me to counter offer.” Cutlass in one hand and claws at the ready in the other, Felisha makes it clear she is willing to fight. “How about I give that pretty little face of yours a makeover before personally escorting you off my ship.”

“As lovely as a makeover sounds… I know what kind of faces you like.” With a cold chuckle, she bends her knees and takes a karate stance. “Sorry but it seems like we won’t be able to make a deal.”

“Seems, like it.” For a moment the ship goes silent, Felisha and Nelly staring each other down. But the moment one of them twitches the other charges and with their battle cry the whole ship launches into a frenzy.

The sahuagins quickly singled out Una and Michaela as their targets. With their long sea halberds, spear with an ax like attachment, and their tail and claws to anchor and balance them few could get close enough to strike their small un-armored bodies. But Una and Michaela are no pushovers. Una’s cutlass is specially made: longer, thicker, and reinforced to take advantage of her size and strength. The sahuagin may be about as strong as Una and have a longer reach with her spear but a good hit from Una will easily snap the weak shaft of the weapon. Una may be slower than her opponent and the quick thrusts of the sahuagin graze her as she defends but she only needs one chance to turn the fight around.

Michaela’s fight however is completely different. Michaela shows her skill as second in command as she practically dances around the thrusts of her opponent. But the sahuagin she is facing also shows skill on a level above her brethren. Much more active and expressive than is usually expected of her kind, she prefers to make use of the cutting edge of her weapon. Hopping back and forth to maintain the distance to effectively strike, her powerful blows will easily tear through Michaela’s light armor. Michaela parries attacks as necessary but she cannot seem to close the distance.

Spindla, watching her crew mates from above, tries to assist her comrades but is interrupted by a cancer. The crab girl quickly scurries up the mast and makes quick work of all the webbing Spindla took the time to prepare. Spindla is still far more mobile but the area she can reach is severely limited with the hard shelled girl guarding the main mast. But the relative immobility of the cancer is more than made up for by her thick armor shell. Combined with the deadly pincers of the cancer’s lower body and the spear wielded by her upper body, the crab girl will not easily be shaken from her new post.

It also quickly becomes apparent that the captain has her hands full as well. The nereid Nelly she is fighting may not be holding a weapon but she hardly needs one. Her martial arts skills allow her to evade and deflect Felisha’s attacks with her bare hands. She may be physically weaker than Felisha but she uses hydromancy to fire a high pressure water bolt with each punch adding a heavy impact to even her lighter hits. To make matters worse, as a kind of succubus Nelly releases hormones that naturally stimulate everyone on the ship. It is having a noticeable effect on me even from a good distance, I’m sure that it is having a profound effect on Felisha as well.

Last but not least there are a couple of Scylla on the deck. Leaving their comrades to their own fights they seek to eliminate the weaker members of the crew before going to their aid. But no one takes any notice of me. They don’t exactly leave themselves open for a cheap shot but amidst all the chaos everyone seems to have bigger fish to fry. This unfortunately leaves Veronica to be cornered by two Scylla.

“Hmm, something seems different about this one.” One of the Scylla muse as Veronica is slowly inched back in the face of the two spears. “Gives of the air of a lady. Think she might be worth something if we ransom her?”

“No one is ransoming me! You try it and I will turn you into kalimari!” Veronica puts up a brave front but her back is to a wall and she is still inexperienced at fighting.

“Maybe, but it seems we have to beat her down first!” The other Scylla shouts as she goes in for a strike.

But I’m not about to sit this fight out. I’ve gone through all my training for a reason, time to see what it was worth. Seeing my chance I make a quick thrust at the attacking Scylla. She noticed me in time to avoid the attack but the point is she gave me some room to get between her and Veronica. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!” I shout as I stand next to her. “You okay?”

“I’m fine, they were ganging up on me is all.” Veronica quickly answered. “They are no match for me on their own.”

“Shame, I thought I would have to fight both of them. But at least let me have this one.” Frankly I’m scared to enter a fight with real consequences on the line and judging by the slight shakiness in Veronica’s voice she is too. But we cannot worry about each other with our own opponents to face, so we boast a bit before we enter our first real battle.

The Scylla I’m facing is quick to regain her stance. “Oh, we got a fighter do we?” She asked with a chuckle. ”I’m going to enjoy squeezing the resistance out of you. Slowly. Every night.” It might just be Nelly’s hormones talking but that doesn’t sound too bad. Thankfully a quick thrust by my opponent snaps me out of that delusion.

I deflect the attack to the side as I back away, I am still hesitant about a real fight. But I cannot afford to keep losing ground to her, Veronica is still behind me after all. I have to advance and the only way forward is to attack. I make a series of light jabs to test her defenses. Her incredibly flexible body sways back and forth as she almost playfully dodges my attacks. The coordinated movements of her many octopus legs makes her movements across the ground much smoother than the comparatively jerky steps I have to take, it makes it difficult to predict when she is about to lunge for an attack. But I still don’t think she is taking me quite seriously as she over extends for a powerful thrust. I quickly deflect the attack and reflexively whack her with the butt of my spear, looks like that muscle memory is kicking in. Unfortunately it was not a good hit. I put enough strength into it but her boneless body contorts around the spear, reducing the impact.

“Oh? You do have some skill.” She remarked with a smirk as I pulled back my spear before she could grab it with her many legs. “Looks like I might have to get serious.” And get serious she did. She began to make short but powerful jabs at me. It was difficult just for me to stay on the defensive.

“Big Bro, why are we fighting?” Doe asked, I had frankly forgotten TNA was here.

“Bit busy now!” I shout, my opponent not letting up for a second.

“Hmm, what should we do?” Doe asked her sisters as I focused on my fight.

“Isn’t it obvious?! We charge in and save the day!” Nip cheered, eager for a fight.

“And get caught like you did last time?” Su giggled. “Sorry but I have a different idea. C’mon Ina, I’ll need you for this.”

“Will it be fun?” Ina asked.

“Of course.” Su answered with a laugh.

“Hey! I only got caught because she tricked me!” Nip shouted as the others flew off. “Oh well, you’re with me. Right Sara?”

“Yeah! Let’s fuck’em!” Sara cheered.

“Hmm, so what should we do?” Tiki mused with Doe.

Doe giggled as she had something in mind. “Come with me. I have an idea I think you’ll like.”

“Oh? Do tell.” Tiki coed as she followed.

I’m not sure how much time passed after that. Aside from keeping track of my surroundings I could concentrate on nothing outside of my battle with the Scylla. She just would not let up, I could barely fend off her attacks let alone find an opening for my own. But somehow I managed to get an attack in. I’m not sure if I finally took a chance or if I got her pattern down or if it was something else but after deflecting one of her thrusts I was able to counter with one of my own. It did not hit but it was enough of a surprise to get her to back off for a moment. “Ah, finally you strike back. It’s no fun if you only defend.” I may have finally managed to put up a decent fight but there was a huge problem. I was winded and she was not. I would have thought as a sea creature I would get an advantage if I held on long enough. But at this rate I will run out of stamina long before she needs another drink.

“Big Bro!” Su suddenly shouted. She was flying above us while straining to carry a thick rope. “Take this!” She said with a cackle. “It will help!” Yeah, I recognize that behavior from Su. I ain’t touching that.

“Oh no you don’t!” The octopus pirate shouted as she extended her spear to have the rope go to her rather than me. “I don’t know what trick you have planned but it won’t work on me!”

She does not know Su very well does she? By taking the rope she did fall for it. Su just gave a big grin to the confident Scylla. “Bye bye.” You see the rope belonged to the anchor and the anchor was poised to be dropped and, on Su’s signal, Ina did just that. Before she even realized what was happening the poor octopus girl was dragged overboard by the rope she foolishly took. I guess she was not exactly defeated but at least she was not going to be a problem for the time being.

“Ahahaha! The look on her face!” Ina shouted as she burst into hysterical laughter.

“Ahahaha! See?! I told you!” Su joined her sister with a laughing fit of her own.

“Thanks you two, I owe you one.” Finally I could have a moment to catch my breath.

“Oh you’ll give us more than one.” Su retorted as she continued to giggle.

“Yeah, we’ll take all we can get.” Ina added, typical but I guess I’m used to it by now.

“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Now that my opponent was gone it was time for me to help in someone else’s battle and it looked like Veronica could use it. She was faring better than I was, she certainly has more skill pressing the attack than I do, but the Scylla was far more experienced. She could easily keep Veronica at a distance due to the superior reach of her spear. Veronica is even sporting a couple minor cuts, she took some risks trying to get past the tip.

“What’s the matter? You look like you are in a lot of pain. Have you never been cut before?” The octopus girl asked with a cocky grin, obviously trying to bait Veronica into a stupid mistake.

“Just you wait.” Veronica growled back. “When I get a hold of you I will have payback with interest!”

“Hahaha! Just you try it!” The Scylla boldly declared, a declaration she will soon regret. Coming to Veronica’s aid I quickly step in with a powerful thrust. She reacts quickly and deflects the attack but my intention was to get her spear pointed away from Veronica.

“Now!” I shout.

“Right!” Seeing her brief opening, Veronica charges in.

“Oh no you hahahaha!!!” The Scylla was easily able to thwart my attempts to keep her spear under control but failed to notice Ina and Su flying in for a quick tickle attack, giving Veronica enough time to close in. “Oh shit!” At the last second the octopus girl is forced to block Veronica’s attack with the shaft of her spear. She manages to protect herself but Veronica’s powerful attack cleaves her spear in two. Outnumbered and now unarmed she decides it’s time to retreat. “Okay, okay, I know when I’m not wanted.” Taking her broken weapon, she leapt overboard.

Finally a moment to rest, Veronica clenches a spot she was cut. “Are you hurt?!” I quickly asked as I rushed to her side.

“I’m fine, it’s just a scratch.” She answered as she winced in pain. Finally getting a look for myself, it really was just a graze. Veronica may be getting a bit tougher on this trip but this is likely the first time she has ever received any kind of real injury. “It will heal, even without Merry’s blood.”

“Yes, but it could still scar.” With her pretty skin, it would be a real shame.

Veronica becomes flustered as I fawn over her. “Okay, but for now I’m fine. How are the others?”

Now that I take a look around it seems that the battle is quickly swinging in our favor. TNA has split up and is helping to end the fairly even fights.

“So what do you think?” Doe asks Tiki and Spindla.

“Hahaha! Really?! That works?! That’s awesome!” Tiki laughs histerically.

“Well, well, that is a nice piece of information. Where did you learn it?” Spindla asks, pleased with what she just learned.

“I asked.” As usual, that’s the only answer she gives.

“Well I love the plan, who cares where she learned it!” Tiki shouted with a big thumbs up.

“I admit I really like the idea as well.” Reaching down to her spider half, Spindla pulls up a couple strands of silk. “This should be exactly what you need. Just only touch the ends unless you want to get stuck too.”

Accepting the webbing with a giggle, Doe asks. “Hey, is this your poop?”

“No, it isn’t.” Spindla answers with a chuckle.

“Aww, so sex in your spinneret isn’t anal?” Now I wonder what she would have said if it was poop.

“Haha, no. That hole is above my spinnerets.” Spindla got a good laugh out of that. “But let’s finish the battle first.” Beginning her swing in another attempt to dislodge the cancer from the mast, Doe and Tiki eagerly follow. The cancer is used to Spindla’s attack pattern by now and readies her spear to attack while having her armored pincers ready to block Spindla’s own attacks. Spindla is easily able to evade the crab girl’s attack but is unable to penetrate her hardened shell, but she doesn’t have to. “Got you.” Spindla giggled as she swung past.

Lowering her guard, the cancer is shocked to discover her pincers wrapped in sticky webbing. “What the?!” She strains to open her pincers but with no success. “It’s stuck!”

“See?! Those pincers are strong when they close but not when they open!” Doe announces with a giggle.

“Big deal!” She quickly readies her spear to cut the webbing.

“We can’t have that now can we?” Perched above her now, Spindla grabs the shaft of the spear. Her hands may be locked in a struggle over the spear with the cancer but she is still able to pass webbing to her partners. “Laddies?”

“With pleasure.” Tiki giggles. Perfect bondage material in hand, it takes little time before the poor crab girl is bound in an incredibly sexual manner and suspended from the mast.

“Now, what to do with you?” Spindla asks with a soft coo, her hands snaking their way south. It is not long before the cancer’s gagged struggling gives way to strained moans.

But while Spindla, Tiki and Doe were having fun with their new toy Sara was ‘assisting’ with Una’s battle. “C’mon are you two even really figting?” Sara asked as the two monsters faced each other in silence. Aside from occasional clanging as Una blocked a thrust from the Sahuagin the was no sound coming from their battle. “Ugh, this is soo boring. Can’t you scream or shout or something?” Sara asked with no response from either. “What’s the matter fishy? Did a cat lady get your tongue?” Still no response. “For fucks sake, someone say something.” It wasn’t much but the Sahuagin did have a small twitch at Sara’s foul language. “What? Never heard the word fuck before?” That little grimace that crossed her face was probably the worst mistake the small newt person could have made. With a big grin as she takes renewed interest in the battle, Sara waits for the Sahuagin to strike. “You call that piece of shit an attack?! I’ve seen fairies do better while stoking their pussy and with a dick in their ass.” Again distracted by Sara, the attack is off center and almost leaves her open to a counter attack by Una. “Shit, you almost got fucked! Keep pussy footing around and your cuntass will be our bitch.” It produced another reaction but it was not good enough for Sara. With a deep breath she brought out the big guns. “@#$%^&*! Daughter of @#$$%^ going down on ^@$%#% in the $%$#@#%% while $$$$ a @%$$## in the %%@% using a $##$$ with your mother’s %#$%$ as your father #$@##%%#!!!!!” Were those even words? I don’t think those were even words anymore but you don’t have to know what they mean to feel the effect. Hell, I’m used to her and I’m taken aback. But her intended target had gone stiff. Momentarily froze herself, Una shook it off as she grabbed her opponents spear and hurled her overboard. The fight was over but Sara seemed to be in some kind of afterglow after what she said. “Ah, that was nice. Let’s do it again some time.”

“No.” Was Una’s quick response.

“Fuck you! I had fun!” Sara angrily shouted.

Anyway, lastly Nip was helping Michaela and this fight was actually a bit serious. The Surprisingly agile and vocal sahuagin was really adept with swinging her halberd. Even Nip had a bit of trouble closing the distance because their opponent would release her spear for a quick swipe with her claws to keep the small imp at bay. Even as Nip tries to attack from behind, the finned tail acts as an excellent flyswatter to easily bat her away. “Is that all you got little brat?!” The newt girl angrily shouts.

“Hardly! I’m just getting started!” Nip is a little bruised from the hit of her opponent’s strong tail but she is thrilled at the prospect of a challenging fight.

While the sahuagin was distracted by Nip, Michaela was carefully crafting a plan. “Hey, I have a favor to ask.”

“A favor? Now?” Nip curiously asked.

“Don’t worry, you just have to catch.”

“Catch?” Taking Michaela’s subtle hint, Nip pondered the meaning behind it. Soon after Nip giggled as a large grin crossed her face. “Sure, I can do that.”

“Good!” Michaela charged in, with Nip falling behind her this time.

The sahuagin was not about to let Michaela get close. She continued her highly aggressive fighting moves now free of Nip’s pestering. Michaela dodged and parried the attacks while she waited for her chance. But when dodging one of the attacks she was a little slow brining her sword up. “You’re dead!” The confident sahuagin shouted as she saw her opportunity and swung with her halberd, decapitating Michaela. Or so she thought. Being a dulahan Michaela merely needed to release a little bit of demonic energy to dislodge her head, effectively popping it just above the quick blade of her opponent. It must just be good battle instinct or something because, with no more instruction from Michaela, Nip grabbed the air born head and held it facing her body. It was very important that she could see her body as it rushed forward without her head. Now well past the tip of the spear and the sahuagin righting her spear after the decapitation attempt, Michaela grabbed the spear with her free hand as she readied her sword to end the fight. “Oh no you don’t!” Removing one hand from the spear the sahuagin grabbed Michaela’s wrist to prevent her attack. It was now a power struggle between them, each looking to gain control of the weapons. But despite being much smaller the sahuagin was a lot stronger than Michaela. Knowing she could not win a fight of pure strength, Michaela used her opponents own strength against her by rolling back and kicking her off the ship.

“Oh, and there she goes!” Nip laughed as she watched the small girl splash into the water.

“Never mind that! Put me back on my body!” Michaela shouted as her head hung from Nip’s grasp.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t be so bossy.” Nip placed Michaela’s head back on her shoulders, back words but Michaela quickly fixed that.

“Alright, who all is left?!” Michaela shouted as she got a grasp of the situation.

None of the pirates sent into the water have returned. The deck was now free of battle save one, Felisha vs Nelly. They were still fighting strong, only pausing for a moment once they realized things have gotten quieter. “Heh, seems all of your crew have abandoned ship.” Felisha chuckled, she was a little short on breath and soaking wet but otherwise seemed to be fine.

“They are just giving you all a chance to catch your breath.” Nelly casually retorted, she was not even winded. “You know, to make it a fair fight.”

A couple of us began to move forward to assist the captain but she quickly held her free hand out. “Stay back! This is my fight!” Felisha shouted as she faced her opponent with a big grin. “You have no problem with that do you?”

“You always were a glutton for punishment.” Nelly chuckled as she got into her fighting stance.

“What can I say? I love to deal it out!” Rushing her opponent again, Felisha continued her series of powerful attacks while Nelly continued to counter with water bolts. But there was something noticeably different about how she was fighting now as compare to before, she was taking much greater risks. With her crew watching she must want to ensure she comes out victorious at all costs. She forgoes the use of her cutlass, blocking the high pressure water pulses as she would any normal punch and to top in all off she lets one of Nelly’s punches hit her square in the stomach. Felisha took a heavy blow but by forgoing all defense she managed to get in an attack of her own and slug Nelly right in the face.

They both reeled back from the impact but Felisha managed to stay on her feet while Nelly was knocked to the ground. “Taking that a bit far aren’t you?” Nelly asked as she rubbed her cheek.

“Far?” Felisha chuckled as she held her stomach. “I’m just getting started.”

Nelly looked at her situation with a grimace. If Felisha was going to turn their fight into a pure endurance test she would be unlikely to win. In addition, even if she did win she would have to face the rest of us. Ultimately you have to know when to retreat. “As much as I would love to hit you a few more times, I actually have a face I like intact.” She remarked as she made her way to her feet. “I’ll retreat for now.” With a quick hop she flew over the railing and into the sea.

Watching her opponent retreat, Felisha gave us new orders. “Alright let’s get out of here! The will be back soon! Is everyone accounted for?!”

“No, not yet.” Michaela answers as she assists her captain with commands. “We need to make sure none of them got inside.”

“Alright, Veronica. Run down and check on Riona, she’ll know if anything has been stolen.” Felisha quickly ordered, with Veronica running off as commanded. “Spindla, ready the sails. Una, raise the anchor.”

Spindla actively got back to her duties but Una was still paused by the railing. She was looking at the pirate’s ship, we had gotten much closer to it during the battle. Slowly, Una raise her arm to point at the ship. “Merry is on that ship.”

“What?!” Hearing that set my mind into a panic. I quickly look at my ring and to my dread it was in fact pointing in the direction of the ship. I did not want to believe it, I had to confirm it with my own eyes. Quickly stealing the captain’s telescope I looked at the nearby ship and there she was. Tied to the mast of the ship was Merry. “No.” This was too much. Merry was hunted down in the middle of the sea and caught?! This is the same thing that happened to her mother, she must be terrified. I have to get to her, nothing else matters. I quickly grab the helm of the ship and steer it to the other vessel.

“Hey now, what do you think you’re doing?!” Felisha angrily shouts.

I quickly slapped Felisha’s hand away. “Fuck off! I am saving Merry!”

Felisha does not take kindly to disobedience and body checks me to get me off the helm. “You will not speak to your captain that way!” Grabbing the helm, she begins to point it off from the ship.

“What are you doing?! We have to save her!” I grab Felisha’s arm and try to pull her off the helm but she quickly slaps me away.

“Calm your ass down!” Felisha shouts. “What good will come of ramming their ship?!” I wasn’t going to ram their ship… was I? “We need to keep moving. They will regroup for another attack if we take too long but we are close to the capitals so they won’t chase us very far.” I imagine the only thing on my face right now is contempt. Contempt for the one keeping me from saving my fiancée. “Oh don’t glare at me like that.” Looking to her cutlass on the ground, she kicks it over to me. “Luckily for you, because their crew only uses the ship to transport their stolen goods it shouldn’t be guarded. You will have to swing over, grab Merry, and swing back.”

“B-by myself?” I’m not confident in handling the task alone.

“I need everyone here in case of a counter attack. Can you do it or can’t you?” Felisha asked with an expectant gaze.

Can I or can’t I? That is irrelevant. I am going over to get her. If I must go alone, I shall. “I’ll do it!” In a few minutes that feel like eternity I am prepared to swing across to the other ship. I am reminded of pirates of the Caribbean, swinging from one ship to another. To rescue a girl kidnapped by pirates. It’s a little cheesy but the idea has to come from somewhere. Regardless, the ship has been slowed down but I will still have a very limited amount of time to complete my rescue. As soon as we pull next to the ship I swing across.

As soon as I land Merry’s face lights up with delight. “Darling, you came!”

“Of course I did, honey.” I readied my cutlass and rushed to cut the ropes binding Merry. “Did you really think I’d leave you here?”

“Hold it right there!” A black haired siren shouts as she lands on the ship. I reflexively take a fighting stance but I have no time for a fight, I need to free Merry and leave. “Hehe, there is no need for that.” With a smirk the siren begins to sing. It is such a sweet song. I… I quickly find myself forgetting what it was I was doing. I just… I just want to move closer to that voice. I just want to hear that voice. I just want to do that voice.

“Darling! Where are you going?!” Merry shouts after me. I’m sorry Merry but I just cannot resist that voice. “Geez, darling.”

The siren holds out her arms, beaconing me to her bosom as she sings her song. Yes, that would make me happy. That is all I need. I am about to embrace the siren when I hear another voice. Another voice singing much sweeter and much more familiar than the siren. “Merry?” What was I? Yes! I was supposed to be rescuing Merry! What was I thinking?! I turn around and leave the siren.

“Hey! Where are you going?!” The siren begins to sing louder and louder to the point that her song while still soothing is nearly deafening in volume. But it is all in vain. Merry’s song is all I can hear.

Merry is my fiancée. She is the one I love and no one’s voice can have more power over me than hers can. I reach her and am ready to cut her ropes. I need to rescue her so we can reach the sunken city where we will finally be husband and wife. But first… “You are so beautiful!” I kiss her passionately, I don’t care if she is still bound. “Why don’t you sing for me more often?”

“Because…” Merry barely has time to answer between our passionate kisses. “… It’s embarrassing.”

“I don’t care. You must sing for me more.” As I continue to kiss her, it stops being enough.

“…okay darling…” Merry begin to pant heavily. “… you going to untie me?” Yes of course! I can’t possibly get her clothes off with her tied like this. I eagerly cut the ropes impeding my progress. “Ok, darling. Now…” I continue to kiss her passionately. “Darling…” Not stopping, I begin to fondle her breasts. They are so soft, I could die in them. “Darling…” Quickly I begin to snake my hand down south, I don’t think I can wait much longer. “DARLING!” With a quick slap, Merry snaps me out of it. “The ship is leaving! We have to go!” Yes, yes, she is right of course. We are on an enemy pirate ship after all. “We can… continue later.” That statement helps sooth my aching loins and we prepare to head back.

“Hey! You think you can just leave?!” The siren shouts after us.

“Don’t worry.” Su chuckles as she flutters behind the siren.

“We’ll keep you company.” Ina giggles as she joins.

As the siren go through the normal process of screams to laughs to moans I trust that Su and Ina can simply fly back. “You ready?” I ask Merry.

“Yes.” Merry nods as she clings onto me.

Now I would like to say that it was an easy task to swing back but the moment the burden of supporting Merry and my own weight was placed entirely on my arms I was grunting with the strain. If I was in the shape I arrived on this island in I’m sure my arms would have given out immediately. Luckily I have lead a much more healthy and active lifestyle since then so my arms were able to do the job if just barely. Once we were clear of the water I let go and Merry and I tumbled onto the deck. After a moment I looked up to see the Scylla, sahuagin, and cancer we were fighting before. I quickly grab my cutlass expecting another fight.

“No darling.” Merry said as she rests her arm on my shoulder. “That’s enough.”

Looking again, no one seemed to have their weapon drawn. They were all looking at us with confident smirks. “She’s right, boy.” Nelly replied as she walked next to Felisha. “We’re done, you did good.”

“I’ll say!” Felisha grabbed Nelly with a playful laugh. “It was an easy victory for our side!”

“Please, it was the imps that turned things in your favor.” Nelly coldly remarked. “How can you stand to have the things on your ship?”

“Ah well, they make things more interesting.” Felisha laughed. “Just so long you don’t mind a good rape every now and then.”

“I’ll say.” It was the siren that answered as she landed. Completely naked and uh… dripping. “They don’t mess around.”

“Hahaha, seems you know firsthand.” Felisha really was having a good time.

Now that I look around, everyone that was fighting before is now chatting happily. Riona was even chatting with a cancer I hadn’t seen in the battle. It was better than seeing them fighting but still… “So this wasn’t a pirate raid?” I asked.

“Nah, this was just more of your training. I sent your little girl friend to deliver a message to call in some favors. The rest was all an act to get you and Veronica to take it seriously.”

Felisha explained this so nonchalantly but to say it was all an act? I was seriously fighting for my life! “What about Veronica?! They actually cut her!”

“You got a mermaid haven’t ya?” Nelly asked with a smirk. “She’ll be fine, we were told we could get a little rough.” She rubs her cheek, still swollen from where Felisha punched her. “But your captain’s idea of a little needs some work.”

“Aw who cares?!” Felisha asked with a cheer. “Let’s drink! We have so much to catch up on!”

After that everyone gathered below deck to drink, laugh, and generally have a party. As it turns out, Felisha and Nelly were rival pirates and they would often fight over each other’s ill-gotten goods just as often as they would attack the passing merchant groups. This would happen so often that over time they formed a kind of no killing truce. Eventually they found friendship in their rivalry and even worked together to take on some particularly big scores. After Felisha ‘came clean’ or whatever it is you want to call it they would still occasionally play their ‘game’ with some of the ship’s cargo at stake.

“My mother will not be pleased to hear of this.” Veronica remarks as she finally gets around to sinking her fangs into Merry.

Merry lets out a little moan as Veronica takes some of her blood. “Ah, so this is what it really feels like?” Merry shot me a look saying ‘it’s better than you told me’ to which I could only take another drink and pretend I didn’t notice.

“Ah, your mother is a smart one. She already knows.” Felisha responds to Veronica’s remark with a laugh.

“Think of it this way. If we were fighting for real and you lost you would lose more than just a little cargo.” Nelly explained, a seductive lull in her voice that continually reminds me she is a type of succubus. “Your lives and the ship would have been lost. Course we might have taken some losses as well.”

“Riona keeps tabs on what has been taken and marks them down as damaged during transport.” Felisha explains as she takes another drink. “After all, a lot can happen out at sea.”

“So what do they lose if you win?” Merry asked, Veronica finished and now checking her healed cut. “It just seems odd to let them attack at no risk.”

“Very good question scaly!” Felisha cheered as she raised her glass with a cheer. “You see, I figured that the mistress would not be happy with such a deal. So if they lose they cannot attack any of her ships until we fight again.” Getting over her drunkenness for a moment, she stared Merry, Veronica and I down. “I want you all to know this is strictly off the record. No telling your friends or your mommy and no writing it in any journal. It’s technically not illegal but it looks bad to willingly give cargo to pirates. Of course the stakes were a little different this time.”

“What were the stakes?” I asked as I took another drink.

“You.” Felisha’s answer instantly sent the contents of my mouth flying across the room.

“What?!” I was not the only one asking. Merry and Veronica were furious as well.

“Is that what was in that note you gave me?!” Merry angrily asked.

“In exchange for their assistance. If they won the fight they would get you for three days.”

“Really?! Awesome!” TNA cheered, all except Tally and Sis. Sis was keeping Tally in her room and away from the alcohol.

“So that’s two crab ladies, two squid ladies, a bird lady, two umm… whatever ladies.” Ina happily counted.

“And a sea hag!” Su cheered.

“Why am I the sea hag?!” Nelly shouted.

“Because you’re old, you’re fat, and I don’t know what else to call you.” Su innocently laughed.

Rather than get angry, Nelly just gave a sigh. “Well, it’s a moot point now. And the crew was so looking forward to it.” With as smirk she puffed out her chest and set her eyes on me. “But you know, the offer still stands. What do you say big boy? We’ll show you a good time.”

Yes! What?! No! Bad penis! Sit down and think about what you almost made me say. But I tell you, that wink she threw in at the end… killer. But I must remain strong. “Sorry, but I’m getting married.”

“So?” She nonchalantly asked.

So? …I was having trouble finding a response. So with a chuckle I changed the subject. “Umm… where is Kelsey?” Now that I think about it I haven’t seen her since she screamed.

“Oh, she’s being entertained over there.” Felisha pointed to the corner, and sure enough there was her pot.

“Ah right, Samantha never could get enough of her. Probably snuk in through a window.” Nelly giggled. Curious, I got up to investigate. Kelly’s pot was strangely covered. “I wouldn’t look if I were you.” Nelly almost sang.

Maybe it was the alcohol or TNA’s influence, but I looked regardless. What I saw was something straight out of a Japanese porn manga. Kelsey wrapped up by a tentacle monster, ever orifice being invaded by the wiggling mass of tentacles. Kelsey didn’t really look to be enjoying it and Samantha was laughing as she held the tiny girl closely. I promptly put the cover back on. “What’s the matter Big Bro?” Ina asked.

“Sorry, tentacle porn is not really my thing.” I just sat down and pretended I never saw anything.

Eventually it came time to end the little party. We are due in Bestalion by sunset and we still have a few hours to go. “Well, it was fun as usual. But looks like we will be stuck with our own company tonight.” Nelly remarked as she jumped into the sea with her crew.

“Aye, let’s do it again the next trip.” Felisha paused for a moment before suggesting something I think she has suggested before. “And if you ever want to try the other side of things, I’m sure Victoria would be glad to have you. It’s not as different as you think.”

“No old friend, I don’t think we can be domesticated the same way you can. Take care.” And with that she was off.

Felisha’s expression as her former rival disappeared into the sea. I cannot help but think there is more to this than she is letting on. But she noticed me and gave a big grin. “Still here? Shouldn’t you be tending to those two girls?” Felisha chuckled as she referred to Merry and Veronica who quickly drank too much. “Light weights, the both of them. But at least they try to drink.” She leered at me in a teasing manner. “Ah well, let them rest. There will soon be work to do and I will need your help.” As she walked off I could not help but wonder what she thinks of her life now.
dcw2021Jun 24, 2016 6:31 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 1, 2015 11:49 AM

Nov 2013
great chapter, good fight scenes, awesome comedy here and there.

and now your official theme
Mar 1, 2015 12:10 PM

Jan 2013
It's a shame that we never added a more islands, this story proves the idea had a lot of potential. Excellent work.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Mar 1, 2015 4:13 PM
Nov 2013
Nothing like some good ol' fashioned swashbuckling action! Ton of fun, this chapter.
Mar 2, 2015 11:28 AM

Mar 2012
Have you ever considered making your work published? you would make a good Author
Mar 2, 2015 7:41 PM

Jul 2013
Sadly most of the things I enjoy writing would be un-publishable for various reasons.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 3, 2015 4:06 PM

Sep 2013
Solid from front to back, as usual.

Had to wonder if there wasn't about to be all sorts of tentacle porn--of a slightly different variety--once the fight ended. Overall, you did a great job of painting the scene. The only thing that felt out of place (at first) ended up being staged, so I can't really take issue =)

Keep up the goodness =)
Mar 6, 2015 10:08 AM

May 2013
Wow, I really loved the fight of this chapter. And the acting in the end... very surprising.

I can't say much that isn't already said: it's been great, funny and tender. Summarizing, a very complete one. Great job!!
Angels, they fell first but I'm still here

Alone as they are drawing near

In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung
Mar 8, 2015 3:22 PM

Jul 2013

Entry 69:
Day 89:
Well, there were a number of things that happened today that were for my training but for various reasons I cannot say what they are. The bottom line is that we have reached Bestalion. We had a bit of a party before arriving and Merry and Veronica both drank a little too much. As a result, it was up to the rest of us to get everything done while they rested. As per usual, Riona led the hired help in unloading the goods while Una and Spindla checked the ship for any repairs that needed to be made. Normally it would be my job to assist Una with her work but Felisha decided to have me accompany her to check on our sleeping arrangements.

“Hurry up slowpoke, we haven’t got all day!” Felisha eagerly waved from the dock.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” I wasn’t sure why she needed me, we were just checking on the room. Though this should have been a red flag. But what can I say? I was preoccupied. “You okay, Tally?” Since we were going to the inn I figured I would take the chance to get Tally there.

“I’m fine!” Tally shouted, a little fed up with my constant dotting. “I can still fly.” The white shirt she was wearing is barely big enough to cover her nearly fully expanded stomach and while she could still get off the ground it took a noticeable amount of effort to do so. “See? I’m not helpless.”

“Be that as it may.” With a slight tug on her tail she feel into my arms and I was carrying her princess style. “It’s alright if you are spoiled a little bit.”

With a blush, Tally stopped resisting. “I give up, do what you want.” Oddly enough, even the way she is she is not that heavy.

“I want a ride from Bro as well!” Abigail shouted as she landed on my shoulder.

“Me too!” Ina shouted as she took my other shoulder.

“Fair is fair.” Sis giggled as she landed on my head. It’s fine their weight is not an issue in their small forms.

“Wait for us!” Annie shouted.

“We’re coming too!” Nip called out as she flew by with her sister.

This should have been red flag number 2. TNA were extremely excited. Su, Sara, and Tiki were giggling as they flew past with Doe quickly behind. The suspicious part is that they flocked to Felisha instead of me. “So how long until we get there?” Doe excitedly asked.

“Not long.” She answered rather hastily and her tail was swishing eagerly. “And good thing too. I’m getting impatient.”

“Well let’s go.” Tiki giggled, “or would you prefer we slept right here?” The fact I didn’t catch on show just how obsessive I’ve become over the girl in my arms.

We began our march through Bestalion at a brisk pace and we receive no shortage of stares. We are in a capitol city so seeing a man is not that rare. I’m sure that most of the looks are from me carrying a pregnant imp. But I suppose fair is fair. After all, I was staring at this town’s residents just as much as they were staring at me. The residents of this town seem to mostly be ‘eastern’ monsters. I know I have seen a good mix of monsters on the busy streets of Alnor, like the very familiar oni and the ever commerce savvy danukis, but I cannot help but find some of these girls just plain weird. Like the akaname or the karasaka with their long tongues or the kejourou with her living hair and then there are the chochin who are… a lamp? I know it’s odd since I consider a talking blob of jelly normal now but I cannot help what I think. But anyway, the city is also full of inari and kappa trying to sell their goods or services alongside a myriad of kimono clad or pallet swapped versions of more familiar monsters. I’m not sure at what point it is necessary to call them something different but I suppose it keeps things fresh. Another thing that gets my attention is the number of monsters usually know to be cons or tricksters to some degree, I’ll need to keep my guard up.

But we continued undeterred and as we did I got a good look of the city. I must say that the city seems very… ornate? It reminds me of an old Japanese town like the ones I would see in anime I used to watch. Dirt roads, simple wooden houses. Those more well off would have tall stone fences with large wooden gates outside of a large but flat house with paper walls. The best example of this is Lord Kioko’s castle itself.

You know it’s funny, I lived in Alnor so long but I don’t really feel like I can say I’ve seen a lord’s castle, until now that is. It is only two stories tall and the size, while still the biggest in town, is not all that impressive. But the artistry put into everything from the elegant paintings on the paper walls to the beautifully painted grand wooden archways to the carefully maintained pond and garden all perched proudly on top of a hill for all to see. One of Kioko’s nicknames is the lord of randomness but her castle is testament to the fact that there may yet be carefully laid plans in the chaos.

“Well, here we are.” Felisha announced as we approached one of the larger buildings. It was a wooden structure with a fairly simple exterior, sandstone walls with painted wooden posts for support and curved masonry shingles. The yard was well cared for and it had an ornate wooden arch with the words Sleepy Fox over it alongside an adorable picture of sleeping fox, the animal kind. “Well, let’s not dawdle.” Stepping inside, there was a stone entryway before a wooden step to the reception room. “Hey, your shoes.” Felisha whispered as she prodded me with her elbow. I quickly learned that this inn follows all the customs of a traditional Japanese inn. I quickly reminded myself of various things I learned while watching anime as I removed my shoes and put on the slippers ready for us.

“Welcome to the Sleepy Fox, how may I help you today?” The kitsune asked with a respectful nod. Nearly all monster girls are beautiful but this girl was really hitting some marks on my check list. Long, shiny, golden hair. An adorable pair of fox ears. A gorgeous blue kimono with a red sash. And four incredibly fluffy tails that practically beacon me to touch them with every move they make. All tied together with a soft expression befitting a Japanese beauty and I found myself having to suppress some desires.

“Hehe, if you want to do her I don’t mind.” Tally giggled with a big grin as she looked up at me. I did want to do her, but that’s beside the point.

“No time for that.” Felisha retorted as she marched up to the reception desk. She might have been willing to put up with the customs but she had no patience with the politeness. “We have a room.” Felisha eagerly stated as she slammed a note down on the desk.

The fox girl glared at Felisha a bit for her manners but carefully read the note. “I understand, please follow me.”

“Don’t bother, just tell us where it is!” Felisha impatiently snapped.

With a sigh the fox girl pointed. “Second on the left.”

“Excelent. Let’s go!” Felisha grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

Once in the room we were greeted with another step signaling a second place to change shoes. The room was very large, it was apparent we were all going to share the same room. The floor was made of several tatami mats and the view of the garden was only obstructed by sliding paper doors and the futons were already laid out. It really is a traditional Japanese inn. Laying Tally down on a futon, I take a moment to appreciate the simple but nice touches of the flower arrangements and wall scrolls. “Well this is ni-!”

With a solid kick I was knocked onto one of the futons. Felisha was standing over me as she took of her heavy coat and shirt to reveal her scar riddled body. “One thing about fighting nereid and other succubus monsters, win or lose you are going to be horny as fuck afterwards.” She begins to lower her pants but realizes she will have to let me go to do so. “Hey Imps, mind helping me undress him?”

“Sure!” TNA shout in agreement, quickly working my clothes off.

“Hey! Stop it you all!” I shout as I struggle in vain.

“Sorry Big Bro.” Tally giggles as she pulls my shirt over my head. “But we really want to see you do doggy lady.”

“Yes but I don’t want to doooo!” I sharply shout as Felisha stepped on my now exposed crouch.

(Starts as rape but becomes mutual.)

I was exhausted by the time I was done with Felisha. Thankfully TNA was satisfied with watching so I was not forced to go into overtime with them. I just picked out where we would be sleeping and laid Tally down. “Are you comfortable?” I asked her.

“I’m fine.” She quickly stated.

“Do you want me to get you anything?”

“I’m fine.”

“How about some food or water?”

“I said I’m fine already!” She shouted before sitting with a huff. “Save your attention for Big Sis, because you’re in trouble.” That mischievous laugh she gave at the end reminded me that there is no hiding it from Merry, not that I would. I had to prepare.

For the next couple hours we just waited for the others to arrive. Tally may get a little tired of the constant dotting I do but she never complains when I give her a massage or feel the girls kick. I actually had a nice little break since the rest of TNA were questioning Felisha about controlling their muscles like she can. But my break came to a sudden end when the others arrived. “So this is where we are staying?” Veronica asked as she entered. “All in the same room?”

“Well, that is nice in a way.” Merry commented as she joined.

Upon seeing her I immediately left Tally to greet her with a kiss. “Honey, I missed you!”

Merry readily accepted my kiss but leered at me afterwards. “Alright, what happened?”

“Can’t I just be glad to see my beautiful fiancé?”

“Alright, now I know something is up. You are only this cheesy when you are in trouble.” Merry then noticed Felisha, who seemed much more relaxed than usual as she gave a big stretch.

“You’re in a good mood, captain.” Riona giggled as she ran to Felisha.

“I am.” She answered with another stretch. “I needed that, and it was a pretty good fuck too.” No hiding it whatsoever.

“You did it again didn’t you darling?!” Merry shouted at me.

“I uh… yeah I did.” Even if there was a point in lying, I just couldn’t lie about that to Merry.

“With the captain?!” Veronica shouted.

“Something wrong with that?” Felisha asked with a playful grin.

“Something wrong?” Veronica glared at me before turning away in a huff. “Not at all, why would I be upset that he did someone other than Merry or TNA?” Yeah, I was afraid of that as well. I rejected Veronica so now that I’ve done Kelsey and Felisha after that it might hurt her pride again. I’ll have to make it up to her somehow but for now I have Merry to deal with.

“I swear darling! I can’t take my eyes off you for a second!” Looking around as everyone watched our little spat, she grabbed me by the shirt and drug me off.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I was forcefully tugged along.

“We’re going to wash the smell of dog off you!”

Merry quickly pulled me to the bath. Like the room, it was a single large bathing area to accommodate many people. Merry reverted to her mermaid form and began to undress. I enjoyed watching her slowly take her clothes off before I began to do the same. The bathing area was fairly simplistic but it had all the necessities and was filled with steam from the high temperature bath. “Wait a minute.” Merry quickly shouted as I started to get in the bath. “In places like these you wash yourself off before you enter the bath.” She motioned me to take a seat next to her as she began to pour buckets of water over her. I began to wash myself as well, getting all the grime from our time at sea off, but as I did I could not take my eyes off Merry. As she washed her smooth skin and lovely blue hair until both almost shined I am reminded of just how lucky I am to be marrying this girl.

“You really are beautiful.” I said as she rinsed herself off again.

Merry giggled. “Say what you want, you are still in trouble.”

“I know. You are beautiful and kind and I feel bad every time I cheat on you.”

“But that does not stop you from cheating on me.” Ouch, that one really hit me where it hurts. “I know, I know, you don’t have a choice in the matter. But I still get upset.” Slowly she lowers herself into the main bath, there must have been a little seat because she was only half in. “It’s so hot. How do people not cook in here?” Once she was in the water she looked at me with a smile. “But I suppose I can’t be too mad at you. After all, you did come to my rescue today.” With a wave of her finger, she beaconed me to her. “It may have all been an act, but you didn’t know that so it was still very brave.” I lowered myself into the water. She was right, it was really hot. Once I was in the water Merry wrapped her arms around me and seductively pressed her breasts against me. “Hmm, what to do? You rescued me but then cheated on me and of course there is where we left off earlier. What do you think?”

She need not ask my opinion. Her voice alone was enough to get me in the mood. Everything else had me rock hard. I just grabbed her butt and pulled her close to me so she could feel for herself. “What do you think?”

“I think before we do anything we need to get that wolf smell off you.” Merry playfully smirked as she reached for some soap. “It’s going to require a very intense cleaning. I hope you are ready.”

“I’m a dirty boy.” I replied with a laugh. “Clean me well.”

“I will.” Merry then began to lather the soap up until it was nice and sudsy. But rather than rub the soap on me she rubbed it on herself until her whole body, particularly her breasts, were covered in bubbles. “Now turn around, I have to do your back first.”

(The legendary body sponge technique.)

Breathing heavily as our lips parted, Merry had to take a couple tries to get the words out. “Ok, I forgive you.” But still, she seemed rather disappointed as she looked down. “But still, you gave her a lot. There’s hardly any in here.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time.” I’ve long since stopped being surprised how I could possibly have any left.

The next moment, Felisha entered the bath completely naked. “Finally done?” Felisha asked as she was followed by everyone else. It’s hard to imagine I’ve had sex with all these girls, it’s like a naked parade of my conquests. Felisha got a big grin as she looked at us, still connected by the way. “I take it you two have made up?”

Flustered slightly, Merry slowly pulled away until we were disconnected. “Just because I’ve forgiven him does not mean I’ve forgiven you.” Merry stated with a glare.

“I’m not sorry.” Felisha replied with a laugh.

“Aww, I knew we should have followed you.” Tiki pouted at the missed viewing.

“We’ve seen Big Sis pleanty.” Sara giggled. “So, now that you’ve made up, who are you going to fuck next?”

I wasn’t quite sure how to answer that, but before I did Veronica caught my eye. She was glaring at me, rather hatefully too, as she sat down and began to wash herself off. I’m not sure what to do. I feel bad for her but I can’t make it up to her in the same way I can Merry or TNA. After a moment of washing herself, Veronica motioned me over. “Come here ‘Big Bro.’” I’m a little reluctant but I comply as TNA giggle with anticipation. But Veronica does not request anything sexual like they were expecting, she simply turns around. “You are going to wash my back.”

I slowly pick up some soap as I look around. TNA are slightly disappointed but Merry is suspiciously leering at me. “Are you sure? That’s a little…”

“Oh I see.” Veronica interjects. “You can do Kelsey for training and you can do the captain because she dragged you off but you can’t so much as wash my back because I ask you to?” Veronica was making a fairly big scene as she raised her voice more than necessary. Everyone else was watching, waiting for my answer. Eventually I gave a sigh as I gave in to her demands. It’s just washing her back, nothing wrong with that. I pulled aside her long golden hair to reveal her slender shoulders and began to gently scrub her back, and only her back, with a sponge. “You don’t have to be so cautious, you can come further forward.” I went a little further forward but made sure I didn’t touch any too sensitive areas. “I’ve decided, tomorrow after we are finished with the meeting you and I will spend the day together.”

“Um…” I looked at Merry who was still leering at me but I don’t really see the harm in being nice to Veronica. “…alright, as long as we don’t have sex that’s fine.”

“I know that!” She angrily shouted. “You don’t have to remind me.” She added with a more solemn voice.

Veronica didn’t say anything after that, she just let me finish cleaning her before she went for a soak. But just as I was thinking I was done, Spindla sat next to me. “You don’t mind washing my back do you? It is so hard to reach back there.” I imagine it would be. “It should be alright, you did do the captain after all.” That wink she gave me, sheesh.

For better or for worse everyone got a free pass for the day to use me as their own man servant with that ‘you did the captain so it’s fine’ line. I would was their backs, bring them drinks and generally served them as long as it was non-sexual. Speaking of their backs, it is interesting to note the differences on closer inspection. Of course Spindla’s human back is not that special but her spider parts certainly made things interesting. First of all it is covered in hair, and it’s not like fur it is very rigid and prickly. I actually had to sit on her spider part to reach her back and her hairs really irritated my boys, not to mention her jokes of poking her all the time. And once I was done with her human back I had to use a brush to scrub her spider parts. There was a lot to cover and it took a while, I also had to be very careful not to go against the grain as it was unpleasant for her if I did. Riona was next and there is not much to say about her, it’s a lot like bathing a child. But I did had to wash her short red hair as it was clear she does not take care of it herself. Then was Kelsey, but by Riona’s request rather than her own. For a girl that likes her sex rather rough she is very timid when it comes to anything else, she actually whimpered as I washed her. Una was next on my list. She is a big girl she has more trouble reaching more places than the others. I really don’t mind helping her out, she is quiet and her skin has a nice blue hue. Then Michaela, she has an interesting technique of taking her head off to watch her hair upside down. The only thing I have to say about her is if you even get the idea to peek down a dulahan’s neck to see what’s there, don’t. Felisha even had the nerve to ask but I was already in servant mode so whatever. Her fur patches never really stop technically, they slowly become thinner and lighter until they are indistinguishable from her body hair. As I constantly had to switch between a brush and a sponge I took note of some of her scars, some really must have hurt. Finally was TNA, the energetic brats hardly stay still long enough to get properly cleaned. I have to be careful of their wings and tails, aside from having different texture than their skin they are very sensitive. Washing the hair between their horns, messaging the tense are between their wings, I properly took care of their whole bodies. I even washed their fronts, especially Tally’s, which was fine because they were eager to wash my front as well. By this time everyone else was starting to leave so I saw no harm in letting them have their fun, I had been around naked girls for the last couple hours.
dcw2021Jun 24, 2016 11:49 AM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 8, 2015 4:49 PM

Nov 2013
great now i want more scenes with felisha as well as veronica

Mar 8, 2015 11:12 PM

Jan 2014
jonathon sounds like the MC of an eroge, all of his sexual conquests walking around naked

great chapter
Mar 8, 2015 11:18 PM

Jul 2013
Your writing prowess never ceases to amaze me. Great chapter.
Mar 11, 2015 2:23 PM

Sep 2013
Whew...that must have been a taxing day. One of these days, the MC is going to figure out how to see it coming. Though I wonder if that'll actually stop him from walking into such peril =P
Mar 12, 2015 11:07 PM

May 2013
Let me get this straight... Journal entry #69, and there's no oral?!? You are slipping, sir! Don't make me revoke your pun license!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Mar 12, 2015 11:33 PM

Jul 2013
tygertyger said:
Let me get this straight... Journal entry #69, and there's no oral?!? You are slipping, sir! Don't make me revoke your pun license!

Y-you're right! I've failed! How could I have missed that?! I knew I was rushing a bit but that... that is just unacceptable. Maybe even retcon levels of unacceptable.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 17, 2015 11:29 AM

Mar 2015
Another great story. And also so darn long! With kinky sex scenes and references popping out all the time.
Story also covers almost everything else, from quiet life in fantasy land to adventure on high seas and all things in between. You are really creative. I love it!
Why you dropped the journal form?
Mar 18, 2015 8:04 AM

Jul 2013
Malise said:
Why you dropped the journal form?

It hasn't been dropped, I still use it. I only drop it in a few chapters to help with suspense and so I don't spoil events of the chapter early.
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 18, 2015 2:51 PM

Jan 2015
Like the story so far very much. Can't understand though how you can put up with ten imps, I probably would have tried to ditch em long time ago.
I feel a bit bad for Veronica, she's the perfect example of nice guys/gals finish last/don't even finish at all. Hope she gets some soon.
MetallumOperaturMar 18, 2015 2:54 PM
Mar 20, 2015 5:06 PM

Nov 2013
Poor Veronica :(
Mar 28, 2015 8:39 AM

Jul 2013
[Not yet entered into the journal.]
Today is starting out to be a fine day. Veronica, Felisha, Riona, and I cleaned up and put on our best clothes to meet with Victoria’s trading partner in Bestalion, with Tiki and Abigail tagging along for the hell of it. Our contact is a kejourou, also known as a hair woman. She is wearing a beautiful kimono with her slender white legs clearly visible and her huge breasts threatening to pop out from the nearly open seems. But oddly it was her long and shiny black hair that was her most attractive feature. Her hair was practically alive as she had full control over it and used it for everything from greeting us with a hand shake to signing the various forms in front of her. Ah, the silky smooth feeling as it ran through my fingers for the brief moment she shook my hand, the wonderful sent of cherry blossoms wafting off with every move it makes, and I’m sure she is very skillful with that hair of hers. Honestly I wouldn’t mind ow ow! OW!

“Focus, stupid.” Veronica whispered as she pinched my leg.

“Sorry.” Nearly lost myself there, I guess I’ll never really get used to the unnatural attractiveness of these monster girls.

Anyway, getting back to the meeting. The kejourou, named Shampoo Colona, finished looking through the various records Riona provided. “Well, everything seems to be in order.” She said with a beautiful, seductive ow ow! OW! I mean, business smile. “So then, shall we start the price at 12,000?” She asked as she brought out a deck of cards.

“Sure, seems fair enough.” Felisha casually agrees as she holds out her hand. “But I’ll cut the deck if you don’t mind.”

“Well, aren’t we lacking in faith? Very well…” She elegantly smiled as a strand of her hair stretched out to Felisha with the cards. “…Suit yourself.”

Felisha quickly shuffled the cards and split the deck in two. In sync, each of them drew a card and placed it to their far left and slowly work their way right with each card they drew. The cards are very artistic, I honestly have no idea what each card is worth. But I wonder what the point of this little game is? I leaned to Veronica and asked with a whisper: “Any idea what they are doing?”

“I’ve heard about this.” Veronica leaned in as she answered. “Apparently it is fairly common in Bestalion for the haggling for major deals to be done by playing a game similar to this one. The difference between the values of the cards determines how much the price changes.”

“But, usually wouldn’t it be about the same as the starting price?” Sure it could vary but the number of cards should average things out.

“That may be the case.” Veronica nodded, remembering her lessons. “But still, thousands of gold are on the line.”

My surprise was quickly cut off by the curiosity I had of the outcome. Felisha and Shampoo finished going through their decks, the cards perfectly lining up with their partner on the other side. I had no idea what the result was but Felisha sure crossed her arms with a satisfied grin. Shampoo quickly looked over them once again before giving a long sigh. “Devil’s luck as usual. 13,800 it is.”

Felisha confidently stood up and took a bow. “And thank you for the business.”

Drifting in and out of a mesmerized trance, our business was finished before I knew it. The deal was made, payment was arranged, and Riona was in charge of overseeing the exchange of goods. Looks like this time I was little more than an accessory, an accessory that was left bruised by all of Veronica’s pinching. “Seriously, you could have at least tried to act like you weren’t gawking at her hair the whole time.” Veronica grumbled as we walked down the street. “Merry is right, we can’t take our eyes off you for a second.”

“Sorry.” I can only hang my head with shame, you’d think I was still a freaking virgin. “It’s not like I try to get mesmerized.”

“There’s no reason to be sorry.” Tiki giggled as she flew around, looking at all the people on the busy street. “You just have desires like everybody else. You should satisfy them whenever you can.”

“You’re not helping.” Suggesting I just give in to temptation at any opportunity? I just don’t want that.

“Big Bro just likes to stay with one partner, isn’t that right?” Abigail asked as she sat on my shoulder, nuzzling against my cheek. “It’s a little weird but I don’t mind if it means I get to do Big Bro every day.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I like doing Big Bro every day.” Tiki giggled as she landed on my other shoulder and gave me kiss. “But it just seems boring to only have the same partners.”

I just had to laugh. “You girls will never be boring, trust me.”

“Speaking of satisfying your desires…” Tiki grinned, first at Abigail then at Veronica. “You two need to be better at saying what you want and taking it when they won’t give it to you.”

“So, what was up the card game?!” I shouted to Felisha as I did not like where this conversation might lead.

Felisha laughed after listening to us talk. “Just take a look around.” Like she said, I looked around and quickly saw that in addition to the many shops and stores expected of a capital city there were an unusually high number of gambling stands. “The lord of this area could show up anywhere at any time for any reason. Once she does there is no telling what she will do. She’s been known to bless people simply having a chat as well bury people to their necks because ‘they smelled funny.’ People here have accepted the randomness of their lord and are more accepting of random chance as a whole. So gambling is a bigger part of their lives. Speaking of…” Felisha looked over the various stalls before giving a wide grin. “…I’ve always been lucky. I’ll see you all back on the ship.”

Practically looking like a child as she did so, Felisha skipped off as she found a stand that caught her eye. Looking at all the bright colors and loud and excited dealers, it was a lot like a casino. “So are you one for gambling, Veronica?”

“I don’t know, mother never really gave me any time to try things like this.” Veronica answered as she looked around. “How about you?”

“I don’t mind gambling for fun every now and then but it’s not something I really go out of my way to do.” I answered with a shrug.

As I was looking around to see if there was something I might like to kill a few minutes with, Tiki flew up to me. Tiki and Abigail were completely naked, angry but unashamed about it. “Big Bro! Someone stole are clothes! We need you to get them back!”

“Stole your clothes?!” A. How did they catch them? B. Why would they want their clothes? C. When were they gone long enough for this to happen?!

“C’mon Big Bro! Hurry!” Nagged by Tiki, I was rushed over to one of the stands ran by a danuki. “That’s her! She’s the one who stole our clothes!”

“Stole?” The danuki scoffed at the accusation. “I won them fair and square.”

“Nu-uh! You lied!” Abigail shouted as she hovered in front of me. “You said we could double our money but you took everything!”

“I said you could double your money.” The raccoon girl laughed. “Doesn’t mean that you would.”

Even the comparatively reserved Abigail puffed her cheeks with anger, but I put my hand up before the two imps charged the ‘innocent’ raccoon girl. “So you lost your clothes in a bet.” I said with a sigh, why am I not surprised? “Is there any chance I could just buy their clothes back?”

“No, no, no!” She said as she crossed her arms and shook her head in an over dramatic fashion. “That would be against policy!” With a sly smile she shook a cup with some dice in it. “But you are more than welcome to try and win it back.”

“How much would I have to bet?” I asked.

“Let’s see…” Riffling through a rather large bag next to her, she pulls out the familiar clothing and spreads it out between her fingers as she examines it. “…there isn’t very much fabric but it is nice quality.” Attached to the clothing is a small pouch that TNA keeps various knickknacks in. The raccoon girl moved a finger through it as she examined the contents. “Plus they have a little pouch with some… hehe… interesting stuff in it. So let’s say it’s worth… 20 gold.”

“Fine.” I figured that was not what the original value of their bet was but it would be worth it if I don’t have to keep control of two naked and angry imps around a very busy town. “I just have to win a bet of ten or more right?”

“Right, any win doubles your bet.” The danuki answered with glee.

“Do you have a maximum bet?” I have a plan but it has a wide margin of error, I need to know the limits.

Excitedly clasping her hands with delight she answers. “Absolutely not! Bet as much as you like!”

I took a seat as Veronica stood over me. “You sure about this?” Veronica asked.

“Sure, I can’t lose.” I shrug, all I need is enough money.

“That’s the spirit!” The danuki said before she quickly ran me the rules. “The games is simple: I shake two die in this cup and spill them on the table. You must guess even or odd before the die hit the table. Guess right and double your bet. Oh! But the house wins double red on one and six.”

“Ok, got it.” 16/36 chance huh?

“So, shall we start the bet at 10?”

“10?” I laughed as I dug out some money. “No, I’ll start with 5!”

Starting our betting process, the danuki tossed out the die.


“Even, try again.”

“odd” I say as I place five more coins on the table.

“even, try again.”

“odd” I say as I place ten coins on the table this time.

“even, try again.”

“odd” Gritting my teeth from frustration, I break my normal pattern and place ten coins on the table again.

“Even, try again.”

Holy shit, are you kidding me?! “ODD!” Ten more coins, I don’t have enough to do this again.

“Winner!” The fluffy girl announced with a cheer as she rang a bell.

Breathing a huge sigh of relief, I look at the raccoon girl. “Can I please have their clothes now?”

Awfully pleased with herself, the danuki smiles as she presents the clothes to me. “A deal is a deal.” I angrily snatch the clothes and hand them to Abigail and Tiki. “Care to play again?”

“No I would not!” My luck is in the shit today.

40 gold, 40 freaking gold! I could have gotten them far nicer ribbons for a fraction of that price. And Tiki could not find this more hilarious. “Hahaha! That racoon girl fucked you so well you would think she actually fucked you!”

“I know, I know!” Geez, does she not think I know?

“Well, it’s your own fault.” Veronica commented as she walked next to me. “What were you thinking anyway?”

“Well, I had a good plan.” I explained with a sigh. “It just… didn’t go as well as I would have hoped.”

“And what was your plan?” She asked. “Keep betting until you win?”

“Well, yes.” Veronica stopped and gave me an ‘are you serious’ look? “Oh come on, there’s more to it than that.”

“I have a question.” Abigail asked as she sat on my shoulder. “Why did you start with 5?”

“Because I was trying to win twenty.” I answered as I rubbed her head.

“But why five?” She asked as she happily accepted the affection.

“Yes, tell us?” Veronica chuckled as she stopped and crossed her arms. “Why did you start at five?”

I stopped and gave a sigh, hoping that explaining would restore some faith in my judgement. “Look, the concept is simple. Each time I lose I bet the amount I’ve lost. Whenever I win I go back to five. So lose once and bet five, twice and bet 10, then 20, 40, and so forth. I have to win eventually.”

“Yes, but you didn’t do that.” Tiki giggled as she took my other shoulder. “You stopped at ten, and that still does not explain five.”

“I only had to bet ten to get your clothes back after you carelessly lost them.” I giggled as she pushed away the finger I was playfully pushing toward her. “I chose 5 because of the expectation value. At 50/50 you would expect to win once every other time, it was a little less than that so I assumed I would win once every three times. And, based on what I told you, what would I bet on my third try?”

“10?” Abigail hesitantly guesses.

Adorable. “That’s right sweetie.” I ruffled her hair with my finger. “It just turned out that my luck would be terrible and it took five attempts. I lost far more than expected.”

Grabbing my finger, Tiki began to lick it in a very suggestive manner. “And we will repay you later.” She giggled, something to look forward to.

“Yeah, yeah, you just got your clothes back so try to keep them on.” Veronica commented as she grabbed my hand. “But speaking of clothes, I’m going to need your opinion again.”

Veronica brought me to a nearby clothing shop. Considering I had no money I could not even shop for Merry or TNA, course that did not stop them from sampling the merchandise. “Big Bro! Big Bro! What do you think of this one?!” Abigail shouted as she flew up to me.

The store slowly got littered with the tiny articles of clothing Abigail and Tiki just tossed aside after they tried them on. From ribbons, to strings, to miniature versions of otherwise regular clothing, I am again impressed with the verity showcased. The one Abigail had on this time was a button up short sleeve shirt, held by only one button of course, and a mini skirt. Honestly, she looks like a little doll. “You’re really cute, Abigail.” I held my hand out and she danced around in my palm so I could see her from every angle… she has no underwear under that skirt and her tail lifts the back. “But you know I have no money.”

“I know.” She giggled. “I just want to try it on.”

“It’s more fun when they come off anyway.” Tiki giggled as she showed off an outfit only consisting of a couple belts. This little doll keeps reminding me they are dolls I’ve had sex with. “Opps.” With a quick tug from a strap she had a wardrobe malfunction and the belts fall to the floor. “Hehe, Clumsy me, now I’m all exposed.”

Indeed she was: tail leading to her little butt, hands emphasizing her proportionately endowed chest, and her little honey pot in full view. “At least wait until tonight, okay?” This girl sometime, I tell you.

Tiki gives a giggled, delighted as she proves her sexiness to herself once again, as Veronica finally pulls the curtain open. “Seriously? Keep it in your pants.” Veronica steps out to showcase a kimono she was trying on. It was a dark blue kimono with a red flower pattern. She had her hair tied up in a bun with some decorative pins holding it in place. “It is a little hard to put on properly but how do I look?” Maybe it’s because I grew up watching a lot of anime, but I have always found kimonos to be very attractive. On top of that Veronica’s excellent posture and high class demeanor really fit the elegant outfit very well. Combine that with Veronica’s natural beauty and the result was breath taking. I could hardly find the words to answer but my flustered expression was more than enough for her. “That good huh?” She giggled as she turned to the clerk. “I shall take this one.”

“Excellent choice,” the kimono clad Arachne gracefully bowed, “is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Yes, what do you recommend for swim wear?” Veronica asked, excited to continue her shopping spree.

“Swimwear?” The Arachne placed her finger on her lip for a moment before she began to browse through a nearby rack. “Well, since you like the kimono you are obviously a lady of very refined tastes. I recommend we go with the more is less approach.” She then presents Veronica with a white one-piece.

“More is less, huh?” Veronica looked at it with a doubtful expression for a moment before giving it a nod of approval. “Very well, let’s try it.”

I was left with Tiki and Abigail trying on and discarding more and more articles of clothing as the Arachne assisted Veronica in removing the intricate and delicate kimono. But the Arachne must have been weary of the idea of leaving TNA to rampage through her store much longer and quickly emerged with the kimono properly folded and ready to be sold to Veronica. I then spent a few minutes getting the occasional glare from the Arachne as she went around her store picking up the tiny clothes that have been strewn about until Veronica emerged with the new swim suit. “I’m not sure about this one. What do you think?”

This one certainly covered more skin than many swimsuits I have seen on this island. The white one-piece had a red cherry blossom trim around the edges and the back was left open. The swimsuit covered her front from her neck to her hips and clung to her body to emphasize all her curves. More importantly the pure white swimsuit was the perfect canvas for my mind to paint what it knows to exist underneath onto it. And because my mind had to work harder than if she were wearing less it actually made the swimsuit more stimulating. “I… uh… I uh…” Jeez, lost for words again. Now I wish I had money to get something for Merry from this shop.

“Two for two?” Veronica smirked. “Impressive, I’ll take this one as well.”

Soon after, Veronica paid for her new outfits, along with a generous tip for the trouble Tiki and Abigail caused, and I was made to hold the bags. “So, what store are we hitting next?” I asked Veronica as I trailed behind her.

“Before anything else, there is something I have to do.” Veronica’s confident stride slowly became a nervous walk as she allowed me to catch up. “This errand has me a bit nervous and I… I would like for you to come with me.”

“Huh?” What was Veronica getting so serious for? “Of course I’ll come, but what has you so nervous?”

“You remember the letter I sent to my mom? It’s time I got her reply.”

Ah yes, that bit of business. Now Victoria knows Veronica discovered she is a dhampire and Veronica probably told her the reason for her leaving, namely me. I’m actually curious what Victoria’s response would be. At times Victoria seems to want Veronica to be happy and at others she seems like an over bearing mother who will accept no way but her own, course the two can be difficult to separate at times. I can definitely understand why Veronica would be nervous, I can’t really think of a way to comfort her as we make our way to the post office.

“Anything from the Espera estate?” Veronica asked the Crow Girl at the desk.

“Espera?” The black hair and feather girl asked with dull and uninterested tone. “Yeah, I think we have a couple.”

Veronica waited a moment for the girl to get the letter but she did not budge. “Umm… could you go get them?”

“I suppose I could?” And she didn’t move again.

After another minute of waiting Veronica’s patience was running out. “Will you go get them?!”

“Ok, ok, you don’t have to yell.” The girl sighed as she left the room, seems like someone is literal.

The crow girl quickly returned and Veronica wasted no time snatching the letters away while tossing the girl the dues. “Here, this one’s for you.” Veronica grumbly announced as she handed me the letter. Veronica took a seat as she quietly opened her letter and I slowly did the same. I was afraid this letter might contain more of Sebastian’s… hobby but I was surprised to find the contents to be rather somber. It read:

Dear Jonathan,

The mistress is in a better mood as of late. I must say it was quite a shock to learn the young miss discovered she was a dhampire. The mistress has been keeping it a secret for so long that revealing the truth seems to have simultaneously brought her relief and more worry. Now that the secret is out I tried to convince her to call off the mercenaries but she would not budge, she insists on the young miss being returned as soon as possible. Speaking of the young miss, my daughter, it seems that she is going through some troubled times. I will not ask you to do anything you are not comfortable with but please do your best to see her through this phase in her life in my stead, as a father-to-be I’m sure you can understand. Of course with ten imps on the way I’m sure you will have all you can handle, just let me know if you ever want a massage. Now about this request of yours, I believe I have heard about something like it and I believe the dwarves could figure out a way to get you what you need for the right price. I will send out some inquires but, if I may ask, what is it you plan to do?

Sincerely, Sebastian.

What do I plan to do? That is a difficult question to answer. I don’t know exactly what I can do until I start working on it and then I really have no idea what this world would need between its magic. It’s not like I’d be bringing smart phones and the internet, I would need something simple that would interest people. “So what did your letter say?” I asked as I set the thought aside for a moment.

Veronica was not happy as she quickly tore the letter in half. “She says she is worried about me but is as unsupportive as ever. She encouraged me to continue studying under Felisha but wants me home even if she has to force me. And she certainly does not approve of my feelings for you.” I’m not surprised. “So what did yours say?”

[For those who are curious, here is Victoria's letter.]

“Sebastian is worried about you.” The news seemed to surprise her as I waved the letter. “Other than that he wants to know what I plan to do with the wire I asked him about.”

“What would you do?” Veronica asked.

“Hard to say.” I closed my eyes as I pondered a bit. “The magic of this world seems to have found a way to supply many of the niceties provided by electricity. Even if I could get a basic power supply, I’m not sure what I could offer.”

“Magic is not perfect.” Veronica quickly states. “Unless you happen to be or have access to someone of at least decent magical prowess magic powers are really of no use. Rune devices are handy in certain applications but the power available to them is based solely on their user or their location.” Suddenly turning to me with her hands on her hips, she leers at me with a smirk. “Besides, aren’t you the one who said the ideal situation is to combine magic and technology? Surely you can come up with something?”

“Maybe.” I really don’t know where this girl gets her confidence. “…But unless I come up with something that would be immediately useful the whole idea might just end up going nowhere.” But then it hit me. Seeing the letter in my hand, maybe there is something. “Say Veronica, we got responses to our letters fairly quickly. Is that common?”

“It’s a little on the fast side,” Veronica explained as she glanced to the crow girl who has already gone back to looking bored. “…but we pay a fairly high price to ensure that speed so I’m not surprised. The typical rates are much more reasonable if you don’t mind waiting an extra two or three days.”

“I see, and are there faster methods of communication?” The idea I have would be useless if there is already a more convenient method of communication.

“Of course, high level magic users can communicate with each other across the island. But most of those are already employed or otherwise not available for public use.” Veronica was quick to explain but it was obvious she was becoming curious. “Why do you ask?”

“Well…” I really don’t like to say I can do something I can’t so I’m hesitant to even mention the possibility. “I have an idea that could send a message across the island… possibly.” This is all a big maybe even after some liberal assumptions on my ability.

“Oh really?” She raised an eyebrow as her interest was perked. “And how long would it take for this message to reach the other side of the island?”

“Nearly instant… assuming you could make an uninterrupted path between the two points.” That at least I am sure of.

“Now that is an interesting idea.” Veronica closed her eyes as she thought about it before giving a few nods. “Very interesting. Information is vital in the merchant world. Those who can get the faster information can get the better deals and those who get the better deals can make more money. I could see a number of people wanting to get their hands on that, but how do you plan to do it?”

That is always the big question I am afraid to hear, I never know until I start. “I’m not really comfortable in saying. It is a lofty goal at the very least, but I think I could manage it in my lifetime.” I look at the letter in my hand, I need to send a reply to Sebastian. “Are you going to mail a response to your mother? Could I send a note with it?”

“With my letter?” She asked, taking a moment to figure out where I am going with that idea. “That is rather informal.”

“I know but I have no money to mail my own.” I’ve only got a little left on hand and I don’t have a lot on the ship. “I just want to send a quick response to Sebastian’s question.”

“I could just pay for your letter.” Veronica offered rather casually. I know money is not a big deal to her but I wonder if she would make the same offer to others?

“I know…” It was a kind gesture and I hate to turn it down but the letter was about more than the wire, it was about Veronica as well and she is a topic I find myself wavering in my stance on. “…but I can’t really give a good response to the rest of his letter. I just want to send a note, please.”

Veronica eventually agreed and I slipped a note into Veronica’s response. The note was addressed to Sebastian and simply read: ‘What if I said I could make communication across the island nearly instant?” Not much I know, but until I can make a reliable power supply any other planning is moot.

“Well, shall we head back to the ship?” Veronica asked as she started toward the docks. “It’s getting close to time.”

“Not yet.” I begin to wonder where Tiki and Abigail took off to as I look around. “I have some errands I need to take care of myself.”

“Really? Like what?” She asked as she walked next to me as we made our way down the road.

“Well…” It’s a topic I’m hesitant to bring up with Veronica but it is inevitable. “I was wondering if they would have any information about getting married and blessed in the sunken city.”

Veronica was pissed, but not for the reason you would think. No, she’s not mad because she has to face the reality that I am getting married to Merry, at least that’s not her main issue. No, she is mad because, being the procrastinator I am, I waited until I got to Bestalion to set anything up. “So let me get this straight: You traveled all this way, risked your life several times when you could have just got married in Alnor, and you don’t even know the process?!”

“I-I didn’t think it would be an issue. With the shortage of men, how many marriages would be taking place?” Most monsters don’t even seem to care about something as formal as marriage.

“It’s a capital city dumbass! The capital city of the sea, the single largest and most populated of all the regions!” Veronica angrily berated me as we made our way down the docks as I looked for someone who might be from the Sunken City. “And don’t even get me started on the blessing! I assumed you sent a formal request before we left.”

“Is it really that long of a process?” I figure the process in Alnor would be a long one but everything in Alnor takes forever.

“I don’t know. It’s not like it’s something I ever looked into.” Veronica looked away as she got a little flustered. Come to think of it, she is still fairly young and never had interest in anyone before me.

Finally we came across exactly what I was looking for. A mermaid undisguised and running a marriage arrangement booth. Seriously, even I was expecting something a little less direct. The mermaid greeted us with a pleasant smile. She was pretty, with short blonde hair and a low cut tank-top, but no mermaid will compare to Merry in my eyes. “Hello, are you two looking to get married?” I know she means well, but putting that question to Veronica kinda put an awkward pause to the situation. Understandably Veronica had no desire to explain the situation and turned away with a grumpy ‘hmph.’ “…I take that as a no then.” Only disheartened for a second, she quickly turned her attention to me. “How may I help you?”

I nervously scratched my head. It’s finally happening. I’m finally making the arrangements. “Well, I am looking to get married. Just to…” I glance to Veronica, maybe I should have come alone. “…someone else.”

“I see…” The atmosphere around Veronica and me certainly seemed to be throwing the mermaid off. “Well, could I have your name and her name?”

“My name is Jonathan Adams. I am marrying Merry Lou, she’s a mermaid.” At least since I’m talking to a mermaid I don’t have to worry about revealing that.

“A mermaid, huh?” Finally something she can focus on with a bit of delight, she happily clasps her hands with a giggle. “Would you like to have the permanent water breathing spell?”

“Yes. But… well… she might not be the only one I plan to marry.” I’m not entirely sure about the details for that permanent water breathing spell but there are more important things right now. “You see, there are these ten imps: Tiki Ina Tally Su Annie Nip Doe Abigail Sara and Sis.”

She curiously tilted her head. “Are you marrying them too?”

“Can you put that down as tentatively. I uh… haven’t asked them yet.” I’m not even sure how to approach the subject with them. Would they take it seriously?

“*sigh* It is unusual but it can be done.” I feel sorry for the girl, this must be a very unusual situation. “When are you looking to get married?”

“Three days.”

For a moment the mermaid just seemed to wait and see if I was serious or not. It appears that even in the monster girl world Vegas style weddings are not widely accepted. “…Sir, please understand these things take time. If you want have a proper ceremony you will need…” Before she could finish, Veronica slid her a card.

“I believe that will speed up the process.” Veronica quickly stated, without so much as looking toward me.

The card seemed to be little more than a fancy business card. But it seems that Veronica’s name alone is enough to pull at least a little weight. “Well, seems you have some nice connections there. Sure you don’t want to lock that down while you’re at it?” The mermaid was trying to make a joke but Veronica was unwilling to comment and neither was I, just awkward silence. “…well, in any case, it won’t be the most extravagant wedding but I’ll see what can be pulled together.” Pulling out a card of her own, she slid it to me on the counter. “Go to this address once you get to the sunken city, don’t worry my contact will be ready for you.”

“T-thank you.” I’m sure I have given this mermaid quite a story for the day as is, but our business is not finished yet. “… there is one more thing. Could we get blessed while we are at it?”

“You really leave these things to the last minute don’t you?” She asked with a sigh, seems like she has just stopped caring about any semblance of formality. “Well, you are in luck. Michiko is about to hold one of her regular events. With your connections it should not be difficult to get an invitation but getting a blessing will be entirely up to you.”

“I understand, please do what you can.” That’s pretty vague, I wonder what the event will be like.

“Well, I’ve got a lot of work to do. So if you will excuse me.” Almost seeming too eager to finally leave us, the mermaid put a closed sign on the counter and lept into the sea behind her.

Now that that was taken care of, I was left alone with Veronica again. I’m not sure what to say to her, even in this awkward situation she chose to help me. “…thank you Veronica.”

“For what?” She asked as she grumpily turned toward me.

“You know what. Helping me get married, you didn’t have to do that.”

“You’re right, I didn’t. I didn’t even really want to either.” Storming toward me, she pokes me in the chest as she gives me a stern lecture. “But seriously, you are so useless on your own. I don’t know why Merry puts up with you.”

I can’t help but laugh. What can I say, she has a point. “You’re right, I really owe you.”

With a short sigh she crosses her arms. “Whatever, let’s head back to the ship. I’m sure your fiancé is waiting for you.”

Just as Veronica said that, Abigail came flying toward me. “There you are, where did you fly off to Abigail?” She didn’t greet me, didn’t smile, didn’t say anything. She just quietly fluttered as she avoided eye contact, a clear sign something is wrong. “… what happened?”

“…nothing.” Abigail quietly muttered.

She is a terrible liar. “*Sigh* where is Tiki?”

“…overthere.” Very helpful, except she didn’t point.

Abigail is the most reserved of TNA, she prefers to follow her sisters lead rather than take any imitative of her own. In fact, seeing her without a sibling nearby is a clear sign she is troubled. “Come on Abigail, I’m not mad.” I have to be gentle, getting upset with her only makes her go mute. “Seriously, your sisters do this to me all the time.”

She is hesitant but Abigail slowly opens up to me. She used to not speak without at a sister around at all, I’m glad she trusts me now. “Ok, follow me Big Bro.”

Following Abigail we quickly come across Tiki playfully darting around someone. Luckily we got here before anything serious happened but it appears Tiki is about to make her move. With Tiki being unusually focused on her target, I was able to easily walk up and grab her. “Tiki, what are you doing?”

Tiki was startled when I grabbed her, but once she realized it was me she relaxed in my grasp. “I was just helping Abigail ask for sex.” She stated as she crossed her arms, angry as if she was the one who was wronged

“Y-you were huh?” I’m not surprised, but at the same time just what do I say to that?

Timidly fluttering up to me like she was the one in trouble, Abigail apologetically muttered: “Sorry Big Bro, I couldn’t ask properly.”

“I don’t think that’s a problem.” I laughed as I patted her with my free hand, Tiki is the one I have a bigger issue with. Let her out of my sight for a few minutes and she drags Abigail off to ask some stranger for sex. “Sorry about that ma’am, imps you know.”


Maybe it was the long hair, maybe it was the fact that I’m apologizing to women so often it just kind of slipped, but somehow I failed to notice I was speaking to a man. He seemed to be a little worse for wear, using a sheath as a crutch and sporting a few nasty scars above his eye. “Sorry… Sir.” So Tiki and Abigail found some guy and immediately requested sex? *sigh* Fickle brats.
dcw2021Jun 27, 2016 2:37 PM
I don't have to know what I'm looking for. I just have to know when I find it.
Mar 28, 2015 9:01 AM

Nov 2013
scars on the face? is it emerald?
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