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Nov 8, 2014 1:13 AM

Dec 2012
1. Chapter: The Sudden "Marriage"???

I shouted suddenly: "Which idiot left out that chair at..."
"Wait, where am I? That’s not the house I was in."
"Did I drink too much and walk out in the garden..."
"It’s really not a place I remember"

Those thoughts immediately ran through my head, as soon as I was able to stand up in the middle of nowhere.

"Let’s check it: I still have all of my parts, nothing hurts or missing."
"Well, it looks like I ended up somewhere I don’t know."

I wanted to pull out my mobile, to call someone and asking about what happened, I had to notice, there is nothing in my pocket.
"Looks like someone stole it from me, but in that case, why did he carried me here?"
"I felt I should not have to go to that party, 1st I almost fell at home, as I tried to dress up fast and then some idiot there started to fight, of course next to me, and I got a hit on my head..." "Wait, if I got hit, why isn't it hurt? I don’t think that happened to long ago"

As I touched my head, there was nothing there, not even a scratch.
"Something really must have happened, something unusual. Anyway those trees over there are look not familiar"
"I can think only 2 options: 1. I was carried to another continent. No way that happened, in that case I would be dead, because it would mean way too much time without drink and food, and injuries like that cant heal that fast."
"The other option is really more unbelievable: Being teleported to another world."

Without thinking more, I started to walk around, looking around.
"I have to find someone, I really have to, even if he or she is dangerous, I have to make contact with someone and getting some information about this place."
"No, no, I have to be careful, I can’t be killed immediately, and living without any knowledge about this place is still better than being on the wrong end of a knife."
"I need something to eat and drink, no matter which comes first."

I headed first to that little hill, and hoped I can look around from there and maybe find a town, a city, or something where people live.
"Hmmm, that hill looks like steps, even if its small, I can rest halfway."
I reached the top almost when I heard a shout "WATCH OUT!!!", I didn’t have any time, something hit me and rolled back with me until halfway.

"Nice, I’m in a new world and already fell twice and now something is on me, probably someone is on me."

I opened my eyes and I was surprised. A girl is sitting on me, a cute one, but something is definitely strange, big webbed hands and feet and scales on her legs, almost up to her hips and the same on her arms with something wing like parts and her ears are also webbed and she has a long tail.

I see she is almost as surprised as me, she breaks that awkward silence: "Are you a human?"

While I still tried to figure out what she is, almost forgot to answer: "Yes, I am. And you? What are you?"

She answered with a proud smile on her face: "I’m a Sahuagin, the best hunter in the waters."

"But we are definitely on land, not in water. But anyway, could you get off me? It starts to be uncomfortable."

She stood up and pulled me up, she was really careful, didn’t even scratch me with her little claws.

"I’m so sorry falling on you, I just heard someone is going up and I became excited to meet with someone and as I ran, I tripped on something."

"Well, I’m alive so it’s okay. What’s your name? I’m Tibor."

"I’m Seira."

I just noticed she is smiling since she pulled me up.
"You really have a cute smile."


"What are you doing here on land?"

"I wanted to discover the world, meet other species, going on adventures. Do you want to come with me?"

She asked that without thinking. "Do you trust me that much already to invite me?"

"You looks like a nice person, so why not."

"I accept your invitation, such a nice start for my arrive"

She didn’t care with the second part of my answer and suddenly asked: "What are those clothes? Those look weird to me."

As she asked that, I pointed it out: "You wear a swimsuit."

"It’s the normal cloth for a Sahuagin."

"You should fix it up there, I think I saw a bit more."

"Ooops, now you have to marry me." Told that to me, with the possibly biggest smile.

I froze, I didn’t know what to answer but she broke the silence: "Sorry, I’m just joking. Don’t worry about that, we, the Sahuagins used to see each other naked many times."

"If you want you can touch it."
She winked and grabbed my hand and pulled to her chest.
She is really strong, I don’t have a chance to pull my hand away.

"You really don’t have shame."

"As I said, it’s normal between Sahuagins."

"But I’m human."

"From now it’s normal between humans and Sahuagins"

Finally she let my hand to pull away.

"Can we go?"

"Yes, but 1st let me grab my spear"

Right after she picked it up, we started to move, ready for exploring this world.
Nov 8, 2014 3:27 AM

Jan 2013
Welcome o/

I guess we can say that I know where this is going, but still XD
Some problems with grammar, but nothing to be worried about... I mean, we're on the same boat after all. ù_ù

It's a bit early to talk about the story, for now let's just admire together the cute shameless Sahuagin in her swimsuit. Wohoo! o/

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Nov 8, 2014 6:11 AM

Jan 2013
Welcome aboard.
"From now it’s normal between humans and Sahuagins"<- Elegant and fast solution to the problem \o/
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Nov 10, 2014 2:09 AM

Apr 2012
I'm assuming English isn't your first language? Meh, no matter, no ones grammar is perfect and it's still perfectly readable.

Anyway welcome to our little paradise of virgins, degenerates, and even a pedophile or two, you'll have a great time around here! We keep the dragon dildo's in the back.
Nov 10, 2014 4:52 AM

Jan 2013
mdude009 said:
and even a pedophile or two

Run away Shadow! He knows! D:

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Nov 11, 2014 6:55 AM

Sep 2013
Alright! Already well on the road to depravity. Sounds like a good start.
Nov 11, 2014 11:59 PM

Dec 2012
Chapter 02: The “correct” way

We walked silently, as we eat the fishes Seira brought from her home water.

"This fish is really tasty but beside that, we don’t have much food and drink. Do you have any plan about how to get food and drink?"

"We are heading to a small town, I heard about from my parents. Or at least I think we are going there."

Better not to answer, I don’t want to ruin that fine moment, I’m walking with a strange but cute girl, but still I can’t get it out of my head: Are we going the right way...

"I’m curious, you live in water, but you seem fine walking here on land."

"Our specie is accustomed to land life, because all of the Sahuagins are female, we have to find a human male."

"I see, you have to come out of water. I guess the first males were pretty much shocked seeing your kind walking out of water."

"We don’t walk out, we leap out on the male and make them our husband."

I was shocked hearing that. I could not hide that surprised expression on my face, and I noticed she saw my face:
"We don’t have another way." Her cheerful smile disappeared.
"I don’t know it yet, but on someday, I have to find a man, even if I don’t want to make that man my husband by force."

Even if she was shameless earlier, looks like it is fortunately way too much, even to her. I should not be surprised about it, she is young, or as I think she is young, but first: I have to cheer her up, even if that sad face is cute, I don’t want her to be sad.

"Do you remember? You already have one." I told that with a smile on my face.

"Why do you say it?"

"You told it: "You have to marry me."

Now she was still sad but something changed:
"Will you?"

"Maybe, I can’t see the future, but anything is possible."

Now she is blushing and I’m melting by her cuteness.
She has that cute side too, not just her cheerful, possibly troublemaker side.

"Will you take responsibility?"

I don’t feel the same atmosphere when she told I have to marry her, she is not joking now. I should not have to go that far right now, but I have to be careful with my answer.
I wanted to answer, but I noticed someone, close, we should have to be more careful.

"Hello guys"

That person was friendly. Looked like someone from the town.

"Good afternoon. We are kind of lost here."

"No problem, come with me, the town is near."

It was reassuring to hear, Seira remembered the route correctly.

The man continued talking:
"Nowadays the young couples always wandering and getting lost."

Argh, that man hits the bull’s-eye and make the situation worse, now I don’t have a chance to correct the situation between me and Seira.

Seira reaction surprised me: "We are not a couple, we are adventurers, and we will discover every hidden treasure!"

Wow, now treasures, so she has a "deeper" goal than just wandering.
But waaait, where did the marriage go suddenly...
And why am I worrying about she dropped the marriage topic that easily.

"Adventurers, it sounds like you are really serious little girl."

I’m surprised about that man, he was not surprised about Seira’s look. Maybe her wife is also a Sahuagin…

"Excuse me, but I have to ask: You are not surprised about her look. Maybe your wife is a Sahuagin?"

"No, my wife is not a Sahuagin, she is a Unicorn"

"A Unicorn?"

"Yes, are you from somewhere else?"

"Something like that."

"I tell you young man, here lives really a lot of monstergirls. They can’t bear children without a human male, so it’s better to be careful, some are not so nice."

"Thanks that advice, I will keep it in mind."

"If you don’t have a problem with that, you should choose this little girl as your wife. If the others know you have a wife, they will not hurt you."

"I take the marriage seriously, so I can’t say I will marry her right now."

Me and my mouth, no thinking, just talking. Seira joined in the chat:

"We are not in a hurry, first as I said we want to find treasures."

That treasures again, but least despite her careless nature, she takes marriage seriously, or she takes finding treasure a bit too seriously.

"Maybe at the mountains, in the cave, you can find some, but I don’t recommend to go there."

You idiot man, now Seira definitely wants to go there, she doesn’t care with the danger.

"There is a notorious gang and their leader killed some monsters here, she is really strong, and as I heard: cruel."

"Well, if she is as cruel as you mentioned earlier, we just have to pretend we are married."

"Unfortunately, she doesn’t care if you are married or not."

"That sounds more than “problematic”, there is nothing material that worth to die for.

"Tibor, we have to go there."

I wanted to answer with "Are you even listening?" but I saw she noticed the mountains already, grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.
Nov 12, 2014 3:50 AM

Jan 2013
I still wonder which setting it will have. It is MSGF, it can be anything. Maybe even steampunk. With Zeppelins! I would love to see that!
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Nov 12, 2014 9:18 AM

Nov 2014
Not a very eventful chapter, those mountains better have some surprises in store! =)
Nov 13, 2014 8:42 AM

Jan 2013
Marry or not to marry? Treasure or not to treasure?
Seems like it's difficult for you to not be dragged around by that little girl XD

Gaddemn power of cute things ù_ù

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Nov 13, 2014 9:30 AM

Dec 2012
SydoKiller said:
Marry or not to marry? Treasure or not to treasure?
Seems like it's difficult for you to not be dragged around by that little girl XD

Gaddemn power of cute things ù_ù

Yeah, she is a force to be reckoned with. XD

Something will happen...

@beast_regards: Anything can happen but I dont really plan to go into steampunk...
Nov 17, 2014 6:48 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 03: Bumping into “problem”

Fortunately the mountain is far from the town, we had to stop and take a break.
I sit down under a big tree, a really big, not a 5-6 meters tall, it was at least 10 or 14 meters tall.

Finally my heart stopped his own race, after the running. Looks like the teleportation, or the world itself changed my body. If I would be in my world, my knees would hurt like hell after a speedy run like this. Man, this girl has speed, I would never expect it with her foot, even if she denies, she was out of the water earlier.

She can’t sit still long, after couple of minutes she is standing already and looking at me:
"Are you alright? You look tired."

"Not just looking, I’m tired. How can you run that fast..."

"Because I’m deft, I said I’m the best hunter in the water, and the land is not really different."

"Well, you impressed me, I have to admit, I have to train myself to keep up with... Wait, what are you doing?"

"Just checking if something is nearby, maybe another treasure."

"Be careful because you will fa... and you already fell. Does it hurt?"

"It stings".

"Come here, let me see it."

She comes to me, with her head down, like a child who knows she did something bad. She sits down next to me.

"Where does it hurt?"

"On my hand"

"Hmmm, I see why is it hurt, a thorn got stuck in your hand, I will pull it out, but it will hurt a bit."

I expected her hand will feel hard and rough, but its much softer than I thought.

She is looking at me and saying: "I’m not just deft, I’m tough."

"I believe you are tough but you don’t have experience on land."

I pulled it out quick. She let out a little shriek. I thought her specie belongs to some kind of fish or other sea creature, but that shriek made me think there has to be a bird or flying creature in the bloodline. This is a world I don’t know, anything is possible, maybe a lizard that is able to fly? She is looking at me with confused eyes.

"You have a serious face."

"Yes, I’m looking at you and thinking about your specie."

"Something is interesting on me?"

"I have to say yes. Not all of your body parts remind me a sea creature. Your ears, tails and the webbed part on your legs are definitely from a sea creature but the part on your arm and your hand with the claws make me think there is something else in the past of your specie."

She didn’t said anything during my speech. I guess she is curious, maybe she handles this speech as a "treasure".

"What do you think?" I break my speech and waiting for her answer.

"I don’t know, I’m young but want to know more, discover more. Maybe am I a mixed monster?"

"I think yes, you have to be and I think you will like what I think about the other monster specie in the Sahuagin bloodline."

"What is it? Tell me! Tell me! You have to tell!"

She stands up and put her head really close to mine. That close, she looks even cuter. As I try to slow down my heart, I resume my speech:
"I don’t know for sure, everything is new to me here, but if I have to guess, I would say some kind of sea dragon, because of your claws and wing-like webs.
If we could find a treasure, a book about your specie, we could figure it out"

She jumps up in her excitement -that was expectable after saying "treasure"- but as she lands she trips and she bumps into me. We both fall, blackout, again, one day this girl will kill me coincidentally.

Wait, something soft on my lips, now eyes open and Im like @_@. I knew something will happen if she keeps her head that close to me. She pulls away her head and saying:
"S-s-sorry, I ju-ju-just tripped, I di-di-didn’t wanted to kiss..." She turns into red and then can’t speak.

She has soft lips, really, but if she continues like that, she will...

I have to stop thinking, as I hear steps, from the direction of the mountain.
That can’t be the humans from the town, those are surely those bandits. It’s not surprising after the commotion she caused, they noticed us and now they are heading here.

I pull her head down. "Don’t make any noise!"
Now her embarrassment comes in handy, she doesn’t say anything.
I hug her tightly, to not let her roll around, making unnecessary sounds.

Please Fortuna give us luck!

Looks like Fortuna is having a day off, because after a couple of minutes, I see 4 faces above us.
"What have we found. Looks like you picked the wrong place for the walk. Let’s pick'em up and bring to Reika. I’m sure she wants to see them."

I guess I still don’t have enough luck and that "Reika" is surely that mentioned "cruel" gang leader.
Shadowt5Nov 17, 2014 6:51 AM
Nov 17, 2014 7:33 AM

Jan 2013
Reika's goons are such cockblockers :-D

Shadowt5 said:

Considering how much hassle we got from disallowing some major traits of the genre, I would say there is at least one story. I would love to see one now it's technically ok :-) Just saying, it has nothing to do with you.
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Nov 18, 2014 11:07 AM

Jan 2013
Ah ha! Accidental kiss! Welcome to the cliché club XD

Still, only 3 chapters going and you're already ahead of me with your companion! Gaddemmit ù_ù

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Nov 19, 2014 5:31 AM

Sep 2013
Curious to see how this will shape up...

SydoKiller said:
Ah ha! Accidental kiss! Welcome to the cliché club XD

Still, only 3 chapters going and you're already ahead of me with your companion! Gaddemmit ù_ù

You have no excuses! If you fall asleep too close to one of yours...stuff would probably happen =P
Nov 19, 2014 8:56 AM

Jan 2013
emeraldtryst said:
You have no excuses! If you fall asleep too close to one of yours...stuff would probably happen =P


"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Nov 19, 2014 6:54 PM

Aug 2014
Like your story, grammar is kind of topsy turvy but understandable so it's not a big deal. Looks like you have a plan and I can't wait to read more of it.
Nov 19, 2014 11:22 PM

Dec 2012
[quote=beast_regards]Reika's goons are such cockblockers :-D

Thats true, but it was "necessary"...

SydoKiller said:
Ah ha! Accidental kiss! Welcome to the cliché club XD

Still, only 3 chapters going and you're already ahead of me with your companion! Gaddemmit ù_ù

I knooow, but I cant help it, if the girl is like that. XD

emeraldtryst said:
Curious to see how this will shape up...

SydoKiller said:
Ah ha! Accidental kiss! Welcome to the cliché club XD

Still, only 3 chapters going and you're already ahead of me with your companion! Gaddemmit ù_ù

You have no excuses! If you fall asleep too close to one of yours...stuff would probably happen =P

I have to agree, there is no way of nothing happening. :D

Senpai_Helix said:
Like your story, grammar is kind of topsy turvy but understandable so it's not a big deal. Looks like you have a plan and I can't wait to read more of it.

Thanks, and yes, more or less I have the plan of the story.
Nov 21, 2014 1:36 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 04: The Devil’s smile

No matter how I think about it, that doesnt look good.
We didnt meet with anyone while we reached our destination. This place doesnt look ideal for a leader, its more like a prison.
All of the cells are empty, I see only a few bones in the cells.

Will they take to the leader later? Will they try to break us before we even meet the leader.
Finally I was able to open my mouth: "You dont bring us to Reika?"

All of them are even more stiff, hearing her name, but 1 of them answers: "She will be back later, be happy, you can live a bit longer."
Just what is happy about waiting for our deaths...

After they left the prison, I turned to Seira: "Seira, are you okay?"

She doesnt answer, she is still that scared.

But after some minutes (or I think it), she turns to me and talks: "You know, that was my first..."

"Yeah, it was my first abduction too, if I dont count how did I end up in that world."

"I talk about something else. I talk about the "thing" what happened before they caught us."

"Wait, are you talkin about the "kiss"?"

She nods but doesnt say anything.

Should I make the mood better or should I be harsh with my answer. After a minute of thinking, I speak up:
"Well I can imagine, you didnt planned that way, but I have to say, I dont mind it happened, you sure have soft lips."

Am I an idiot talking about her lips??? Even if she was who brought up the "kiss".
I really should stop here, if I talk more, she will feel herself even more uncomfortable.

"Look up Seira, we will get out of here, and Im counting on you."
Thats my secret skill, change the topic, like nothing happened.

"But I cant do anything here."

"I will figure out something, okay?"


I pat her head then I close my eyes.

"Dont sleep!"

"Im not sleeping, if I close my eyes it helps thinking."

After that she didnt talk to me but she grabbed my left hand and hold it.

After a while, I heard steps. Reika is arrived and they take us there. Without a tiny piece of plan, our deaths will arrive.

The sound of steps stopped and I heard a soft voice.
"Open your eyes!"

Im a bit hesitant but I slowly open my eyes. First I want to check Seira, but because she holds my hand still, I turn to the entrance of the cell.

The girl I see is blue. Her height is probably the same as Seira's height, or maybe a bit smaller. She has wings and tail. Those are different from Seira body parts, she is not Sahuagin. (Why do I think every monster is Sahuagin...). If I was surprised about Seira's clothes, what should I feel about her?

She wears only a tiny panties and a neckpiece that comes down enough to cover her nipples, the other clothes are only night-black boots and gloves. My heart beats like crazy but suddenly "stops" when I see her face, that face makes me feel, Im just a food to her, as she licks her lips and looking at me with her red eyes (even her twintails cant soften up her look).

While Im shocked, she speaks up:
"You look like someone who just saw a ghost. Just calm down, Im not a ghost, Im a devil."

A devil..., I swallow down my fear and I ask the most obvious question:
"Are you Reika, right?"

"Dont mistake me with that monster."

She is not Reika???? That little information makes me less nervous and Im able to speak again.

"You are a monster too. But that doesnt matter. Who are you? Why are you here? What is it in your hand? Why..."

She breaks my flood of questions: "Slow down little man, I will tell everything you need to know now but first take that little meal."

Hesitantly I take the food she offered, and give half of it to Seira. I taste it: "Its delicious."

"Of course its delicious, I made it."

A devil who can cook? I would say its totally out of character, but I dont even know her.

She continues to speak: "I will be short, because we dont have much time before she gets back."

Even if its like an own goal, I disrupt her:
"Why do you help us?"

"I have my reasons, but dont be afraid. "

"Back to the business. Reika probably will offer you a job, to take care of someone and if you do it, she will let you and that girl away.

That doesnt matter but keep it in your mind: Thats a lie, she will keep both of you.
No matter what she tells, where you have to go, dont go there but head back to the village. In the village, if you go straight, you will see a bar with the name "Flying Fish". Go in and sit down anywhere. My friend will surely go to your table."

"Why are you so sure she will find me?"

"I talked with her, and she said she saw you and the other girl when you talked with an old man."

"You talked with her? How long are we here already?"

"They brought you in yesterday a bit before the sun went down, and now the sun is already up."

Suddenly the sound of another steps.

"We dont have more time, you must do what I told!"

She steps away from the cell and let the men take me out from there.
As they lead me - surely to Reika-, I look back to Seira and to that devil, she is smiling...

It happened yesterday, the "after a while" was just an illusion, I fell asleep, maybe I didnt noticed I was that tired, and Seira, does she hold my hand all the time when I slept...
Shadowt5Nov 21, 2014 1:40 AM
Nov 21, 2014 11:21 AM

Jan 2013
What did you got? I mean the food. Yea, I know cook is hot, but you certainly noticed what was the dish too :)
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Nov 23, 2014 6:09 AM

Jan 2013
Beast is right, you probably could have added a bit more dettails, especially about the environment. Seems like you still liked to put attention on the dettails of the Devil's appearance though. You perv! XD

The exchanges between you and your companion are so cute, I love them XD
Can't really tell what's going on in the last part for now, we'll have to see what happens in the next chapter! :3

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 1, 2014 12:56 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 05: ” I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.”

I hope the devil will stay there until she wakes up. She was not awake when I "left", she will be scared, when she notices I’m not there.

Damn, I have to organize my thoughts, even when I should have to concentrate on how to stay calm in front of that leader, I still think about Seira. Staying calm is for her sake too, if I mess up, there will be no chance to escape.

That devil offered her help, I’m not a big fan of "meet my friend, even if you dont know" plans, but I cant do anything else, thats the only hope. If I dont accept her help, we are surely dead, if I accept and its a trap, it will be the same result, but there is a slim chance it’s not a trap. It’s still better than nothing.

While my thoughts are like a train on the loose, we reach a door. That door is a huge one, abou 4 meters tall, but really simple, there is no carvings, fitting for a gang leader. 1 of them opens it and the other just pushes me in.

I hear the noise of the lock, well, from now it’s up to me, I can’t run away. I look up and the view takes away my breath:

There is an about 2 meters tall woman, dressed in different animal's fur, the room is even more frightening, it’s full of with skulls, I dont know if those are human or animal skulls but I will definitely not ask it, and since the room is big (just like a throne room), means really a lot of those frightening skulls.

She speaks up:
"Am I that frightening little boy?"

*Gulp* I still can’t tell anything, just how does that devil expected I can manage this plan through, I will be killed here.

"Well, that was my plan to scare you, but it would be problematic if you would stay silent. How should I make you talk...

What if I take off something..."

"That would make the situation even more awkward to me."
I TALKED!!!! Looking at her face I’m more surprised about I opened my mouth.

"If you would do it too, that would not be awkard."

Is she a friggin black widow, mate then kill?...

"I’m more comfortable if we both stay dressed."

"If it’s your wish. Come closer."

I decided, from now I will gamble, make or die.

"Im comfortable here too." I tried to sound cool but my still trembling legs didn’t supported it.

"You didn’t wanted to talk first, now you talk back. Its better for you if you come here..."

"If you say so."
I take few step toward her but she showed with her right hand "Closer" so I had to go even closer to her.

"Do you want to survive?"

"Of course"

"I can assure you survive, and maybe your little friend too, if you do as I order you!"

That supposed to be frightening, but that close I don’t see the skulls, so I was quite relaxed, at least, a bit more than when I was pushed in. Am I that used to monsters, she doesn’t scare me…

"And what would that order be?"

"Dont rush, first I have to check, are you really that special as my men told it."

"What did they tell?"

"They told you wear strange clothes, that is right, I see those clothes are surely weird. The other is you smell different than other humans."

"In what way?"
(If I keep my mind shut down, no thinking, I can be quite brave with breaking her talk with a question)

"They say and I smell it, you are different, its not possible you are from here. Now, I will do the final check, so dont struggle!"

DONT STRUGGLE??? What does she plan to do with me...
It caught me off guard and she licked my face. SHE LICKED ME!!! It’s what kind of a examination...

"Mmm, you surely are different, your taste is... I cant describe it, I dont know that taste, but that made it sure, you can accept my order."

"What is it?"

"Its an easy, boring job, you have to abduct someone."

"Abduction? Boring job?"

"Yes, it is. I prefer killing, it’s more fun. I’m not used to accept boring jobs, but since you are here, to test you, I can go easy on you with that."

"I cant really say no, right?"

"You are smart, if you dont accept it, or if you fail, you are dead, and your little friend will watch it. So you really have to make it."

Every evil could hide behind her, she stepped over being a simple evil, and that smile... *shivering*

"I will accept your offer, I would like to hear the details."

"Good answer. There is a little mansion, past the village. There lives someone who always tries to cross my plans. Just bring him to me."

"Is he some kind of hero of justice? Would not be easier just to kill there?"

"I like your thinking. You are wrong with the first part, he is a killer, and my reason to punish that man is because he kills my personally picked targets. The 2nd part is basicly true, but simply killing him would not satisfy me, so just bring him here."

"I understand. I would like some weapons and armor."

"Why do you need it?"

"If he resists, I have to use force."

"I see. You don’t need those. If he wants to resist, just threaten him, you are a powerful magic user from another world. He is a coward and seeing your clothes, he will be convinced about it."

"If he is a coward, even me could handle that job."

"I wanted to hear it. Now go, you have to finish that job fast until this time tomorrow."

"I will."

I turned away and opened the door - its open -. Before I left, I heard her "goodbye" words:
"Dont try anything funny, you will regret it!"

Those words still ring in my ears as I headed out from the cave. Some men followed me until I went out.

Sunshine, will it be the last time I see you?

Slowly walking away, I looked back and the fighters are still at the entrance. They really want to make sure I don’t go back immediately to rescue Seira.
With that on my mind, I went out of their eyesight and probably now they can’t really hear me.

I looked up to the sun, clenched my fists and swore: "Seira, I will save you from there." Thats another case how will I do it...
Dec 1, 2014 1:17 AM
Jun 2014
Shadowt5 said:

i died laughing when i read that XD gj keep up the good work.
Dec 1, 2014 4:53 AM

Jan 2013
See? This is exactly what I meant when I told you that you had problems saying "no" to girls XD

Still, you're building an interesting kind of character here. The way you talked back at the leader was impressive, even if you were so scared to the point of not distinguishing an animal skull from a human one XD

Let's all do our best to save our poor Seira!

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 7, 2014 12:35 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 6: A cliche meeting

I walked down in the forest, deeply sinking into my thoughts.
If I dont count my arrive, thats the 1st time Im alone. I should have to sort out my thoughts. I have time for that, the town is far enough to let me think a bit.

This world is not mine, I just ended up here, and since I dont see any option to get back to mine so far, I have to find out a way to survive. I have 4 options, and it depends on „do I trust that devil?”.

The simple „running away” is out of question, I dont have the heart leaving Seira behind to that monster. The 2nd possibility is if I dont trust her words and somehow I accomplish my job and hoping she doesnt trick me. Thats not really possible, I dont see a way to abduct someone, especially if that someone is strong.

The 3rd is if I dont trust her words, but I go back to save Seira alone somehow, but since thats even more impossible, -going against a whole gang and a damn strong monster- if I want to save her (and I want), I need help, so that leaves me with the only true option, I have to trust that devil and do as she said.

Why am I want to save Seira that much? Do I love her? No, I dont even know her too much. Do I trust her enough to not let her die? Thats more possible, and saving her would highly raise my chance of surviving.

I should not have to think about it now, the town is close now –I guessed the distance wrong- and have to find that „Flying Fish”. I guess Seira would find it fast, there is no way she didnt heard about it from her parents, and given the name, „Fish” is pretty much water related.

Finding it should be not hard for me too, I just have to ask someone, the man from yesterday was really friendly and hopefully the others here are also friendly. The more problematic stuff is to not draw to much attention. Thats quite impossible now, with my clothes, I will be the center of attention. With a more girly face, I could go with the „Im a new kind of a monstergirl” plan. That idiot thought puts my mind at ease and I even start to smile.

Hardly I can stop myself from smiling as I reach the entrance of the town.

It looks like a nice village, I dont see any trash on the „streets”, they really care about keeping it clean. It looks like a big village, but thats just my guess, it doesnt have the feeling of a little town, where everyone knows everyone.

I step to the first person I meet there: „Excuse me, can you help me out? I want to find the „Flying Fish”.”

He points to a direction and says:
„Its easy to find, just turn left there at the corner and you will see it, its hard to miss it.”

„Thank you for the help.”

Finally a bit luck, its close, so hopefully I will not draw too much attention.
In about less than 2 minutes, I step in the „Flying Fish”.

That bar is big and clean. Quickly I count at least 20 tables –with 4 chairs/tables-, its not the cheap kind for the drunkards who spend every money on alcohol.

As fast as I can I sit down at a table, out of sight of the other guests. I dont have to be the center of attention, if I will be found that „easily”.

Soon, I hear a voice, a girly but not too high pitched.
„I arrived, My Lord.”

„You surely mistaken me with someone, Im just a commoner.”

„Your clothes tell another, you are the one Im looking for.”
„I dont think, why are you sure?”

„I saw you yesterday in the same clothes…”

„Yesterday? Wait, are you the one who will help me?”

„Yes, I am. I waited for that moment.”

That starts to be a bit cliched, feels like a story of a „hero” teleported to another world and „coincidentally” he looks like the someone mentioned in a prophecy that tells he will save the world. And noticing her clothes I cant help:

„Arent your clothes a bit cliched? A mysterious person in hoods, dont tell me you are going to give me a mystical weapon with a cool name…”

„Unfortunately I cant provide it yet, but if that is your wish, I will try…”

„Forget it. Let me get to the point. How can you help me and why do you want to help? But 1st, im pretty thirsty but I dont have any money, could you treat me to something here? Anything is good.”[/i]

Asking a girl to treat you, really „gentleman”-like, but now I cant afford it…
„Yes, My Lord.”

She goes to the bar to get my drink.
As she puts down my drink, I saw her hand and something gold. That looks like an armor, its a good sign, probably she can fight…

The drink is sweet, a way too sweet but Im too thirsty to be picky about it.

„Before you answer my questions, tell me your name, I cant call you „The mysterious girl in hoods” all the time.”

„Im Laila.”

„Im Tibor. Nice to meet you Laila.”

As soon as I finish my line, someone steps in, and that someone can mean trouble to me.
„Laila, we should go to somewhere else, that man is 1 of the people who caught me yesterday.”

„We can stay here, look! He looks too drunk to recognize you.”

Even after her words, I cant be calm, because that man, after getting his drink, sits down at our table.
Dec 7, 2014 12:52 AM

Jan 2013
Well, being hero from another work has it's perks, like free drinks, but let us see if that drink will be spiced with something :)
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 9, 2014 4:30 AM

Jan 2013
Good chapter. I really appreciate how you stopped to think about your situation instead of just being dragged around by the events.
As for:
Shadowt5 said:
"Why am I want to save Seira that much? Do I love her? No, I dont even know her too much. Do I trust her enough to not let her die? Thats more possible, and saving her would highly raise my chance of surviving."

That's an easy answer! It's because you're a proud lolicon! XD

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 9, 2014 5:04 AM

Dec 2012
Shadowt5 said:
"Why am I want to save Seira that much? Do I love her? No, I dont even know her too much. Do I trust her enough to not let her die? Thats more possible, and saving her would highly raise my chance of surviving."

That's an easy answer! It's because you're a proud lolicon! XD[/quote]

Ssssh, someone will hear it!
Dec 9, 2014 6:11 AM

Nov 2014
I fell behind for a bit (blame beast XD) but I'm back!

I really liked the reference to Fortuna in chapter 3, unexpected and funny =)

Your writing is improving slowly but surely, keep at it!
JPAI27Dec 12, 2014 1:43 AM
Dec 12, 2014 12:51 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 07: The shocking truth

„Yoo guys!” *hiccup*

-I can’t believe it, he really had to sit here.-

„Behave! Dont call My Lord „guy”!”

„Laila, its not a problem and please stop that „My Lord”.”

„But he…”

and I grab Laila’s hand to pull her away.

„Why do you let it?”

„Because if we anger a drunk man, who is actually an enemy, he will be agressive and probably attack us even here.”

„But I cant stand it.”

Suddenly something came in my mind:
„I have an idea, if he will be even more drunk, probably he will tell some information unconciously, that could be useful for us.”

„If you want My Lord.”

„Please drop that My Lord, really.”

„Yes, My King.”

„You really think thats better? Please try to call me simply „Tibor”.”

„But its not allowed for a servant to call her master by his name.”

„Here and now I will allow it for you.”
–if not, she could make that situation worse.

And now it would take too much time to convince her about we are not master and servant.

„I-if you want.”

and then we head back to the table.

„Sorry for the wait, she is new around here and dont know how to behave with others.”

„No problem”

„What brings you here?”

„I wanted to be far from my boss and its far enough from that sadist.”

„Sounds like a bad workplace.”

„Its not bad, its like being a slave. I joined for the easy money but thats a nightmare. She doesnt care about the money, she just kills and tortures.”

„I guess there is not an option to quit…”

„Tomorrow maybe but anyone who tries to run away during the „work” gets killed.”

„What is that job? Maybe we would join if it sounds good for us.”

„You better not, you 2 look too soft for that sadistic killing. It would be sure you would have to do the torture, the newbies got the dirtiest jobs. If we could sell that little fish, we could get a nice money, there is not much around here.”

-I have to be calm, I have to be calm!!! It would make the situation worse if I yell „She is not a fish!!!”-

„And that „new guy” will be shocked when he returns…”
„That guy knows her?”

„Possibly, they were brought in together.”

Its good, he doesn’t remember me.

„Anybody would be shocked seeing his partner dead.”
„Thats not the worst part, she will be beheaded and her head will be hanged at the entrance.”


„And he will be killed at that moment.”

Fortunately he blurted out some information but none of them were to my liking, and his voice become more and more clear with every moments, possibly he is becoming sober. We have to leave before he notices that guy is me.

„Im really sorry but we have to go.”

Before he would be able to tell something, I stand up and pull Laila out of the bar.

„We have to go now, we have to save her!” Without thinking, I blurt out those words to Laila as soon as we reach an empty alley where no one hears us. I cant help but Im too angry to think clearly.

„We cant go there now, we have to wait…”

„We cant wait, she will die if we are not fast enough!”

„We have to go to my house first.”

„I said we have to hurry, the whole situation changed!”

„I know, but now you are angry, clear your head, and we have to talk before we make a move.”

„I-I know it but…”
I cant continue my speech, my tears start to fall as soon as I realize my desperate situation, I cant save Seira and myself, thats the end of the line…

„I can help, come with me My King!”

„Will you?”
I dont even care about she called me „King” again.

„I will. Please follow me!”

I nod and follow her without saying a single word. I can be suddenly angered but I can calm down fast. I realized it doesnt help if I try to act on my own and she is the only hope. She wants to help, I think.

We went out of the town and kept walking long in the forest (the opposite direction of the cave) before we reach a hut. I think its her house.

We step in and I look around. As it looked like from the outside, its not really big and it has only 1 room. There is only a single shelf with some things that look like fruits, a small table with 2 chairs and a bed.

„Please sit down.”

I sit down and she starts to speak:
„I need you.”

„Ehh? Arent you the one who will help?”

„I help you but you have to become my King, truly.”

„Please explain why do you keep calling me a Lord or King.”

„Im from a far away land, a land of a long forgotten kingdom. My goal, my purpose of my existence is to revive that kingdom with my King. And finally I found you.”

„Slow down, why do you think Im the King of that kingdom?”
Long forgotten kingdom, that girl does not make any sense…

„You are different from the people of this world and your demonic energy is the proof. Only kings have that different demonic energy.”

Now demonic energy, but that doesnt sound out of place here. I have to play along with that, if I want to save Seira.

„I understand it now. I am this King and you are not my servant! You are equal, be by my side!”

I really said that? But well, there is no man who would refuse an offer of becoming a king”.

„Im happy but we have 1 last ritual before we revive the Kingdom together.”

„What is it?”
A ritual, that sounds bad, in the movies thats the moment when the mysterious person turns into something horrible and eats everyone to complete the ritual, but the next moment I become absolutely stunned. Thats the 1st moment when I see her.

She dropped the hood and stands before me. A gorgeous girl with short, purple hair, she is as tall as me, covered in gold, if I could say that little cloth covers much, and its not even a cloth. It looks like more of a shell, a shell of a bug, the only piece that looks like a cloth is her black panties. Her figure is what I would call perfect, not too slim, and I see her nice breasts.

If that would be not enough, her words make me speechless:
„We have to became one in soul and body!”
Dec 12, 2014 1:57 AM

Jan 2013
Shadowt5 said:
Im happy but we have 1 last ritual before we revive the Kingdom together

I had to re-read this and previous chapter to realize you've got a Khepri girl. Are you using Encyclopedia's universe?
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 12, 2014 2:23 AM

Dec 2012
beast_regards said:
Shadowt5 said:
Im happy but we have 1 last ritual before we revive the Kingdom together

I had to re-read this and previous chapter to realize you've got a Khepri girl. Are you using Encyclopedia's universe?

Yes, I choosed the fanfic format because I was not able to pick only 2 companions (but I will not go overboard with the companion number, I want to work out their personalites good enough)
Dec 12, 2014 11:22 AM

Jan 2013
Ok, I have a huge problem. Is it normal to hear Akatsuki's voice everytime the Khepri girl speaks!? No because seriously... I-I can't stop doing that. Holy crap XD
And yes, I think you should have slowed down the dialogues in some points to add a bit more of description from time to time.
Quite interested to see the next part now, mr. cliffhanger XD

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 12, 2014 11:36 AM

Dec 2012
SydoKiller said:
Ok, I have a huge problem. Is it normal to hear Akatsuki's voice everytime the Khepri girl speaks!? No because seriously... I-I can't stop doing that. Holy crap XD
And yes, I think you should have slowed down the dialogues in some points to add a bit more of description from time to time.
Quite interested to see the next part now, mr. cliffhanger XD

I didnt thought about it but yeah, no surprise she sounds like that.

Im tryin to improve to add more details.
Dec 13, 2014 3:21 AM

Nov 2014
Sexytime incoming.

Why have have you stopped using quotes like this, "example," and instead you do this: „example"? It's a bit odd XD
Dec 13, 2014 4:07 AM

Jan 2013
Jp is jealous because he didn't think about doing something like that. ù_ù

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 13, 2014 4:54 AM

Nov 2014

...Do you wanna die Sydo?
Dec 13, 2014 10:40 AM

Jan 2013
Come at me bro. I'll fight you faggot.

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 13, 2014 11:30 AM

Nov 2014
You will not be fighting me, but rather a champion I have selected specifically for this battle. May she bring me honour and glory!

Dec 13, 2014 11:33 AM

Dec 2012
JPAI27 said:
You will not be fighting me, but rather a champion I have selected specifically for this battle. May she bring me honour and glory!

and nosebleed too XD
Dec 15, 2014 12:58 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 08: „Hero” of the harem

„What are you doing?”

„I will complete the ritual.”

„I know, but why are you undressing?”

„I just took off my hood, thats my usual appearance.”

She could not even hide she is not a normal human, calling that usual.

„You are almost naked, but skip that, what do you mean with „becoming one in body and soul”?”

„We have to have sex.”

Now my eyes are wide open even more: „You are just joking, right?”

„No, we must have to do it.”

She said it a bit hesitant, as I noticed…
I never was bad at poker, maybe I could bluff myself out, if I read her expression well.

„If we really have to, we will do it, come!”

I lie down on the bed, if my guess is right, she is as shy about it as Seira and she cant do it.

She comes closer slowly and gets on the bed over me.
Dammit, I was wrong about it, really wrong, possibly she just cant talk about it.
Now I cant back away.

Her face is really beautiful as she is closer, her lips almost reach mine but she stops suddenly.
I dont know what happened, she looked determined until now.

It can be my chance… *creak* and the noise of steps. I have a deja vu feeling…

„If you cant do it, I will do it.”

That voice sounds really familiar and now a blue face comes in my view. – Thats the Devil I met there!- and now she tries to kiss me too?????

But she cant because suddenly Laila takes the initiative and kiss me, she pulls her head away after few seconds.

Just what happened, I try to sit up and catch my breath.

Does she really wanted it too or just tried to provoke Laila. I really should not think about it, I dont think, I could figure out a devil’s thinking.
I cant sit up, because Laila is still on the top of me.

„Please could you get off me?”

„No, we have to continue it.”

Moments ago she stopped the kiss, I thought she is still embarassed about it but looks like she just want to step to the next „phase”.

„We are not alone as you can see…”

„Andariel please leave.”

So her name is Andariel, it sounds familiar from somewhere…

„I would be fine with watching it –is she crazy, I have the feeling she would join when we dont notice it in time-, but we dont have time for that now, that was enough, Im sure he will not leave you now.”

„Thanks Andariel.”
The world sure turned upside down, if I have to thank to a devil.

„Thats nothing.”

She grabbed Laila’s legs and started to pull her down.
She tried to resist but the devil is slightly stronger –if I would have to guess, Andariel is much stronger, just Laila position was better for holding her place.-, as last resort she grabbed my pants.

Damn, thats no good she will pull it down that way.
„Andariel, please let her off, that way she will pull down my pants!”

„I would not mind the view.”
That smile again…
She just said moments ago we dont have time for that.

Did I become the MC of a harem anime when I didnt notice or what…

„But I would mind it!”

That little interjection from me helped, she had to answer and she could not hold Laila as strong and she crawled back on me.

„At least let me stay like that yet.”

*sigh* „Okay…”

She is totally dissatisfied, her expression showed it pretty clearly, she wanted to see it…

„By the way, why are you here now?”

„Because the situation changed, we cant save the girl the way we wanted.”

„But that means there is another way to save her, right?”

„Right, and that way we can help in the resurrection of her ancient kingdom.”

Looks like Laila is lost in her thoughts because she doesnt even say anything.
„Hmm, that sounds great, let me hear it.”

„Since I cant bring the Sahuagin girl out through the entrance , we have to go another way, through a tunnel but to accomplish it, we have to split up.”

„Is there a door, that can be opened only from 1 side?”

„Exactly, and here comes the part about her kingdom: To reach that door, you have to go through an ancient ruin, where lies something related to the kingdom…”

„What is it? And why is it here, its far from my kingdom?”

Now she is listening.

„I dont know what is it, it can be anything.

„Hmmm, we dont have another choice so we go with your plan and I think Laila is on the same opinion.”

„Good, now get ready as fast as you can, I will wait for you outside.”

And she went out of the house but before that, she put down something.
„Dont die on me because you didnt eat anything.”

So thats food, and by the way, if she was in a hurry, why did she has time for that little prank before it…

I dont have time for thinking about it, I try to rush Laila.
„Laila now you really have to get off me, we have to go.”

And she jumps off me, wow, now she really wants to hurry.

I wait sitting on the bed, I dont have anything I can do.
I gaze outside of the window, covered in the „light” of the moon, it does not look scary.
I avert my eyes from the window and I catch the last moment of her preparations.
She grabs a little dagger and attach it to her waist.

„Thats a nice dagger.”
It really is, the whole grip is covered in gold and for a moment I saw some writings on it.

„Come, we dont have much time – now she really wants to rush-, I will explain everything about it while we get there.


We go out of the house, joining Andariel and head off to the ruin.
„So hows the plan exactly?”

„I will take you 2 to the ruin and then I head back to the den to bring Seira to that door.”

„That sounds easy, but I guess it will be hard.”

„Possibly, I dont know what will wait for you in the ruin, there can be many traps.”

„I figured…”

Even if she promised, she didnt say any word while we go through the forest again.

The forest wants us to lead to our goal, I feel the trees open up a path just for us.
After about an hour we reach the entrance.

„Now I have to leave you 2.”

Laila cant really wait and steps in.

„Wait boy!”

I turn back to the devil.

„Take care of Laila!”

Ehh, if I have to take care of her, we are doomed…

„And even if we part ways here, we will meet and I will want something from you at that time.”

She doesnt let me answer as she turns away from me and walks away.
I cant do anything else, I cant even care about what she wants, it can be anything if we succeed, I join Laila in the ruin.
Dec 15, 2014 12:02 PM

Jan 2013
I can see a deep "Ecchi/Harem" knowledge from you in this one, I wonder why ù_ù

Kind of awkward how the scene started with you laying in the bed with the girl and ended up with you saying "That's a nice dagger" XD
How long will our hero be able to keep his pants on!? We will discover it pretty soon!
...Maybe. ù_ù

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 15, 2014 1:01 PM

Jan 2013
Shadowt5 said:

You stay true to the hero of the harem stereotype. :-) At least better half of it, you didn't fell off the bed shocked that you see a girl.

SydoKiller said:
How long will our hero be able to keep his pants on!?

I know the answer to that :-) As long as he wants to. True harem show heroes fight off the temptation with self-control that puts Buddhist monks in shame. They feel the need to explain the misunderstanding even to female childhood friend who enters the room it wrong time even though said friend is perfectly fine with joining the fun. Sometimes they receive a minor help when they lose their consciousness due to heavy nosebleed or other random c***blocking events like explosions, but majority of them stay true and resist the temptation head-on in truly heroic way (waving their hands wildly and just stuttering a little)!
beast_regardsDec 15, 2014 1:05 PM
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 16, 2014 10:42 AM

Dec 2012
SydoKiller said:
I can see a deep "Ecchi/Harem" knowledge from you in this one, I wonder why ù_ù

Kind of awkward how the scene started with you laying in the bed with the girl and ended up with you saying "That's a nice dagger" XD
How long will our hero be able to keep his pants on!? We will discover it pretty soon!
...Maybe. ù_ù
beast_regards said:
Shadowt5 said:

You stay true to the hero of the harem stereotype. :-) At least better half of it, you didn't fell off the bed shocked that you see a girl.

SydoKiller said:
How long will our hero be able to keep his pants on!?

I know the answer to that :-) As long as he wants to. True harem show heroes fight off the temptation with self-control that puts Buddhist monks in shame. They feel the need to explain the misunderstanding even to female childhood friend who enters the room it wrong time even though said friend is perfectly fine with joining the fun. Sometimes they receive a minor help when they lose their consciousness due to heavy nosebleed or other random c***blocking events like explosions, but majority of them stay true and resist the temptation head-on in truly heroic way (waving their hands wildly and just stuttering a little)!

From tons of ecchi-harems XD
And I put in ecchi clichés on purpose.
You will see how strong is the harem hero attribute in the mc :D
Dec 16, 2014 10:46 AM

Nov 2014
XD your mad poker skills failed. Waiting to hear more on this topic.
Dec 16, 2014 1:26 PM

Dec 2012
JPAI27 said:
XD your mad poker skills failed. Waiting to hear more on this topic.

I used to play poker a while ago and I was pretty okay in it.
Dec 16, 2014 2:58 PM

Jan 2013
I play poker too. My poker face is unrivaled.

"You keep changing the shape of your eyes. How does that even work?" -AbhLeaderKrelian

Dec 17, 2014 5:54 AM

Dec 2012
SydoKiller said:
I play poker too. My poker face is unrivaled.

Dont be overconfident about your skills! :D
Dec 20, 2014 1:16 AM

Dec 2012
Chapter 09: Bug phobia

That ruin looks abandoned for a while already, the stone walls are dirty and all of the torches are burned down. The tunnels are narrow, lots of curves, maybe pits.

„Laila could you make light with something? Without light we will trip all the time and bump into every walls or even worse, fall into a pit.” –if there is any, and I didnt even mentioned what would happen if we dont notice a trap-

She already took the initiative and makes fire with stones and wood (I feel useless now, I should have to do that…)

She notices my expressions:
„Dont worry, Im ready for any situation, you dont have to do anything.”

„Thats just make it worse, I dont want to be that useless.”

After that she hands over her dagger to me.

„Why? I dont see you have any other weapon, that way, can you fight?”

„I have my own method to fight, that dagger is just an extra for me, it will be more useful for you.”

„Thanks. By the way, is that dagger has something special trait or is it just a dagger?”

„It has a little portion of my demonic energy.”

„Wow, how did you do that?”

„We, Khepris are able to manipulate demonic energy, exactly to siphon out from someone or even imbue it into objects, but into anything. It has to be from my country, with magic engravings.”

„I see, so that was the words I noticed on the grip and you imbued your energy into it, but I still dont understand why is it useful in the dagger.”

„If you injure someone with that dagger, it throws his/her energy off balance and cant use his/her magic for a while, but it depends on how strong is her/his magic. If its too strong, it will be no longer than couple of minutes, if its weak, it can be even an hour.”

„Sounds really cool.”
– against a strong magic user, its still almost like suicide to use it-

„And how can you fight exactly now?”

„I can materialize the energy and use it to hit my opponents.”

„And what if you cant siphon too much energy?”

„Do you see those golden parts of me?”
„Those are like my shells, hard like a metal.”

„So you can fight even without that dagger.”

Seeing her slim figure, I still cant imagine she can hit her opponent hard, even with her shells, wait…
„You said shell, what kind of monstergirl are you exactly?”

„Do you know about scarabs?”

„Now I know why do you looked familiar, scarabs, from Egypt.”

Her whole appearance has egyptian feeling, I should have to notice it earlier.


„Never mind, its a country from my world.”

„You seem tired, should we rest here?”

„Wow, I wanted to say I feel a bit tired.”

Its night already and I didnt had any rest since I left the prison.
She starts to pack out from her bag, a sheet, -a pretty big one, it would be enough for maybe even 5 people to sit down on it- some food…
Will it be a picnic…

„Please sit down.”

I sit down and she hands a food to me, it looks like a sandwich, some kind of fried meat between 2 slices of bread.

„Mmm, it is delicious, you are a good cook.”

„No, Andariel made it.”

„Awww, next time I really would like to try something made by you.”

„I cant cook.”

„I see.”

That sounds bad, how can we survive after this dungeon trip, she cant cook, I dont know but highly possible Seira cant cook too, and me, better not mention it.

Seira, I really hope Andariel can take her to the meeting point, and we can make itt here too, I want to see her again.
I sank into my thought and I notice just now Laila stood up and went to the next turn, probably exploring what lies ahead.

Suddenly I hear a scream, I jump up but the next moment Laila runs exactly to my direction and she didnt slow down so she knocked me down.

Its probably instict but I push her off me –she really has soft skin- and stood up to defend her.

I look forward, to the left and to the right but I really dont see anything.
She sat up already and still looks scared.

„Its coming.”

„Whats coming and from where? I dont see anything.”

„Its there, look down.”

I look down and I notice something moving: It looks like a bug, maybe a cockroach or something like that. „Is it the one that scared you?”


Like a lighting, it comes in my mind: „Scarabs are basicly bugs, right?”


„And you are scared from that little creature, right?”


A bug afraid of bugs… -I really should not tease her, she looks too cute now-

„Dont be scared.” I step on the bug and step to her and hug her.

„Look, its gone now.” I point to the flattened bug.

„Can we stay like this?”

„As long as you want.”

She really is clingy, but I dont mind.

After a while, she speaks up: „I want to kiss you…”

I dont even answer, my body moves on his own as I kiss her.

„Can we go further?”

And now she doesnt let me to answer as she lies down and pulls me on her.
Just as I continue kissing her and put my left hand under her chestplate to feel her breast, I feel something thrust into my right leg.

As I turn around, I notice someone sneaked behind us.
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