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Aug 10, 2014 3:34 PM

May 2012

Honestly, I dont know. The anime is in itself pretty awesome to me.

And I not even going to bother reading those posties above mine.

Why cant you people just accept that each of you WILL and WOULD have different tastes in different series and LN. Thats what make humans unique. OPINIONS, DIFFERENT TASTES.

Geez, all this useless banter about which one is better than the other. Fucking useless! Either you like it or you dont. Dont try to force your opinions on others, Geez.
""You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
- Izaya

Aug 10, 2014 3:38 PM

May 2014
Niteshade said:

Honestly, I dont know. The anime is in itself pretty awesome to me.

And I not even going to bother reading those posties above mine.

Why cant you people just accept that each of you WILL and WOULD have different tastes in different series and LN. Thats what make humans unique. OPINIONS, DIFFERENT TASTES.

Geez, all this useless banter about which one is better than the other. Fucking useless! Either you like it or you dont. Dont try to force your opinions on others, Geez.

No if you don't share their taste and especially if you like Mahouka,you either have poor taste or according to wrenchbread a psychological disorder in his reply from an old ep thread.
Aug 10, 2014 3:52 PM

May 2012
darkreaperix said:
Niteshade said:

Honestly, I dont know. The anime is in itself pretty awesome to me.

And I not even going to bother reading those posties above mine.

Why cant you people just accept that each of you WILL and WOULD have different tastes in different series and LN. Thats what make humans unique. OPINIONS, DIFFERENT TASTES.

Geez, all this useless banter about which one is better than the other. Fucking useless! Either you like it or you dont. Dont try to force your opinions on others, Geez.

No if you don't share their taste and especially if you like Mahouka,you either have poor taste or according to wrenchbread a psychological disorder in his reply from an old ep thread.

-smh- And thats why I cant understand some people. They simply refuse to accept the fact that MOST people or even ALL persons wont share their same tastes or even an inkling of the same things that they develop a liking for. And that's PERFECTLY NORMAL.

You state your fact/opinion/taste..and you move on! People will acknowledge it or they dont. DEAL WITH IT. Geez. Those discussions always rake on my last nerve. Ugh! brainless oafs..the lot of them!
""You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things...
Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest."
- Izaya

Aug 10, 2014 4:01 PM

Apr 2013
Danpmss said:
nina4life said:
A few things.
They focus too much on trying to explain magic, but since they don't have neccessary time to do it they do it halfheartedly. This makes most explanation incomplete, sound boring and completely unneccessary.

To explain magic (point above) they sacrifice character development. Most side characters have had little to no backstory or even screen time. Take NSC arc as example. They present that "ancient-magic" guy that doubts himself. Can't remember his name. Then they completely ignore him whole arc only to bring him back as someone "they need" for final battle.

Other school characters suffer same fate. Chairman. What development did she get? She blushes to Tatsuya and finds him interesting, but that is the reaction of every single girl in this show except for Erika. There is nothing to distinguish them. They are ALL the same.

Boys don't have it any better either. They are all either jealous of Tatsuya or weed friends of Tatsuya that get screen time only when he, conviniently, needs them.

Another thing sacrificed for sake of mumbo-jumbo talk is world intrigues. Ten families, alliances, political disputes. All of that is presented as something big in intro sequence and almost completelly forgotten at this point. Ten families keeps being mentioned but nothing around it is ever explained more deeply. Nothing. Ever.

How did they come into power? Did they form alliance? Why do others fear them as much? How do people generally feel about being governed by ten "bullies"?

Miyuki and Tatsuya are both insanely strong and she is soooo obsessed with him I feel like her only goal in life to get finally f***** by him. I was given explanation by LN reader as to why that is so, but anime hasn't given any. Waiting 2nd season to learn why character is as obnoxious as that is unacceptable in my opinion when it comes to anime.

And most importantly, the villains. Do I need to even mention what is wrong with them? They put Nazi generals in "Allo, allo" to shame with how retarded they are. There is not a single redeeming quality for them. They wouldn't be a threat to kindergarten kids, let alone magicians.

There you go, all of my reasons this show is 4/10 for me.

Is pretty much this. But as the light novels had even more focuse on talking about magic (trust me, they made it poorly, even if wasting an entire episode explaining one thing or two), I have to disagree about that point (is like Umineko and Muv Luv Alternative, there is so much infodump altogether that is nearly impossible to adapt into an anime). Mad House tried to adapt something that is not possible to, in my opinion (not in 23 min. per episode, maybe like Psycho Pass Re-edited, but not like this).

Yeah I strongly agree that the length of the episode is one of the major thing that led to make the adaption is bad, and the characters developments is not shown in the anime. Also, the points that nina4life mentioned.
Aug 10, 2014 4:02 PM

Jul 2012
wrenchbread said:
Danpmss said:
Funny enough, I'm defending Mahouka with all I can, but it isn't even (at all) my favorite series or something like that. But it is great, it has an awesome world-building with coherent political order, it has well developed characters, and mainly, it has an awesome story to be told (except for Volume 5).

Watching haters (I don't even like to use this word, for many reasons, but I don't have any other words to describe someone like you) like you saying the shit they want about a series and its characters in the adaptation is one thing, but I don't tolerate when it cames to the point of generalizing even the source material without considering and reading it first.

Me recommending Mahouka as something comparable to MLA proves nothing. You bitching around about it just proves how much of a fanboy you are and how much you hate Mahouka.

I just deprived you of ammunition that you tried using to discredit what I feel about the series.

Again, it's funny how you say it has well-developed characters when fans even say the characters don't change all that much -> development is non-existant.

The world-building I would say is actually incoherent. Have you actually sat down to consider the implications of a global food shortage caused by global cooling? Even if 1st world nations were able to weather it out, food prices would skyrocket, food would have to be rationed, civil unrest aplenty. Honestly, Japan wouldn't have survived WW3 and the food shortage since they rely heavily on imported foodstuffs, but in the Mahoukaverse they're one of the last few countries in the world to remain strong and independent, while others, like China, US, Russia, are consolidated with neighbor countries. It makes no sense. This is actually one of the many reasons why Japan is a Mary Sue nation in Mahouka. Why would mages ban nuclear weapons then make themselves the nuclear weapons? This is some comical logic.

And how is the story awesome when thus far it's just reading/watching Tatsuya curbstomp everything? It isn't until the more recent volumes he had more formidable foes, like extradimensional vampire demons, but he lived because one of his enemies hesitated ("not suited for combat" or something).

There's much more I can delve into to show show you how ludicrous some of the plot developments are.

This most recent episode still points out that the Japanese Self-Defense Force still exists. I thought with WW3 breaking out, they would've repealed Section 9 of the Japanese constitution by then. Hell, the BETAverse had a great reason for why Japan became the Empire of Japan again. This is what I mean by oversight, because Kouki addresses this and much more.

Well, so far I'm having full ammo and control here, just keep going with whatever you want to write, I can prove you wrong pretty easily (considering the fact you don't even know about what are you talking about).

In the anime is kinda of non-existant, but in the novel series, you couldn't be more wrong by saying so. I think you didn't even read what you said to have read (probably just a mere introduction... probably).

The world-building I would say is actually incoherent. Have you actually sat down to consider the implications of a global food shortage caused by global cooling? Even if 1st world nations were able to weather it out, food prices would skyrocket, food would have to be rationed, civil unrest aplenty. Honestly, Japan wouldn't have survived WW3 and the food shortage since they rely heavily on imported foodstuffs, but in the Mahoukaverse they're one of the last few countries in the world to remain strong and independent, while others, like China, US, Russia, are consolidated with neighbor countries. It makes no sense. This is actually one of the many reasons why Japan is a Mary Sue nation in Mahouka. Why would mages ban nuclear weapons then make themselves the nuclear weapons? This is some comical logic.

And you couldn't say the same for MLA? In every single anime/manga/VN/LN ever, they would give something considerably important related to Nihon. In both Mahouka and MLA, Japan survived a world scale crysis caused by a major element, and became one of the most important countries. Hell, in MLA they even had the most incredible genious that worked foreshadowed and involved with almost all the important cast (Yuuko).
Even America feared Japan, and tried without sucess to "take care" of it with "accidents" (and plus, they did this because Japan had a masterplan in development that wasn't escape from Earth). Also, Japan happened to have one of the best TSF pilots ever (btw, in Unlimited already, Tama striked that missile with nearly impossible range and time, and they got even more badasses after Takeru came back in Alternative to train everyone from the beggining). This is some comical logic.
In this case, by your logic, Japan is even more Mary Sue there than in Mahouka.

In any case, everything you called incoherent is completely bullshit, by the reasons I gave above using as an example MLA.

A character being too badass (or not) does not interfer in the awesome story being developed (if was that so, again giving as an example your beloved MLA, Yuuko would have ruined completely the story). She is basically Tatsuya there, she even is the one that gave an enormously detailed explanation for the readers.

If there's more, go and add stuff here--- if you can.

Well, MLA (I'm going to use it, for every single thing you think is an exclusive logical error in Mahouka) had a Shogun, and we aren't even in the Meiji Era anymore (that was the last one,remembering you that a Shogun were one of the hereditary military governors of Japan from 1192 to 1867). They even tried to justificate this in MLA, but here what we got:

"In 1867, the Shogunate family and anti-Shogun daimyo united for a common cause to overthrow the pro-western government, and established the restoration of imperial rule with a new Shogun and the 5 Regent Houses of Koubuin, Ikaruga, Saionji, Kujo, and Takatsukasa. When the Japanese surrendered in 1945 at the end of World War II, they were allowed to keep their imperial government intact, although their power over the nation was lessened, compared to the Japanese government that was created to run the nation with a democracy system."

And you saying that WW3 in Mahouka was incoherent. There's no such things when it comes to historical modifications in japanese works. They do as they please, incoherent or not with the real thing. And still, we get incredible stories from it.

Lesson learned? Good.
Aug 10, 2014 4:12 PM

May 2010
darkreaperix said:

about food shortage,you are comparing thia to the real world,2nd its in the future who says Japan did not become fully dependent by that time and they have been always technologically advance.

Well have you considered what kind of an effect a global food shortage would have on the world, coupled with extreme cold temperatures? Their world is based on ours, so it'd make sense to expect some sort of response based on reality. That up there isn't even a concrete argument and sounds more like baseless conjecture on your part.

Copy and pasting from a previous post I made:

You know what, have a list of how Japan is a Mary Sue nation. From the wikis

The JSDF question is totally relevant. It's 2095, but why is the JSDF still around? It's not even an opinion, like why is Article 9 still alive and kicking?
Aug 10, 2014 4:30 PM

May 2014
wrenchbread said:

Well have you considered what kind of an effect a global food shortage would have on the world, coupled with extreme cold temperatures? Their world is based on ours, so it'd make sense to expect some sort of response based on reality. That up there isn't even a concrete argument and sounds more like baseless conjecture on your part.

Copy and pasting from a previous post I made:

You know what, have a list of how Japan is a Mary Sue nation. From the wikis

The JSDF question is totally relevant. It's 2095, but why is the JSDF still around? It's not even an opinion, like why is Article 9 still alive and kicking?

See this happens when you start assuming things.

yeah Japan has 1 registered SC but is kinda underwhelming compared to Brazil's that has something to do with nuclear fission,I think.and the USNA has 3 registered SC's including Lina that can use her SC magics at close ranged by using a special CAD that Tatsuya hadn't thought about.And I don't even think that Tatsuya has the strongest SC magic.I think that belongs to the russian one or from the USNA

Maya is one of the strongest magicians in the world but I believe officially Lina from the USNA is at the top (Anyone that is given the Sirius name automatically becomes the top,and they decide this by a duel in the USNA army I think,it did say she defeated the previous Sirius.)

FLT is just one of the 3 leading big CAD manufacturers,even if they have TS the others are competing with them that close.

So what do you consider the GAA and USNA if you keep forcing your opinion that they Japan is a Sue?godlike?USNA annexed Canada.the GAA conquered Korea and smaller countries in asia.Japan didn't even increase it's land mass.Russia is as big as the old USSR in that world again.
Aug 10, 2014 5:20 PM

Nov 2009
Honestly, I don't see the point of really asking questions like this, especially for a show as polarizing as Mahouka. Some people are going to like what the story gives in terms of the detail put into it and the overpowered character in Tatsuya leading things. Others don't. This kinda topic's just asking for a shitstorm.

In any case, my two cents are below on the topic since we're on it:

Regarding Mahouka, one of the things I do like about it is the detail present in the world. The author's clearly put quite a bit of thought trying to structure the world, and that's always a plus in my opinion. The problem for me is that just because a story has detail, and just because things eventually end up logical in some way, doesn't make it a good narrative.

I repeat. Details =/= good.

It could, but in Mahouka's case, it doesn't, and one only needs to look at the constant info-dumps as examples why. The fact Mahouka relies on a large amount of info-dumping means there's an imbalance between the exposition and world-building, and it reads like a made-up tech manual (to borrow a term from a writing buddy of mine). That wasn't his idea of a good time, nor is it mine. I'm sorry, but I don't come into anime to watch someone explain to me something that took 5 seconds in 10 minutes, using like 5 esoteric terms while he's at it.

I'm a hardcore fan of Sci-Fi and I love the terminology it brings as much as the next guy, but watching info-dumps after every little thing just feels like the writer didn't have any other way he could think of to fit it in or something, and well, it's just not good writing.

The best stories I've experienced mix exposition and world-building in an organic way, weaving them into the story and balancing all the elements in a way that lets one experience the world and learn as the story unfolds. Nothing (or few things) get tossed at you en masse, and well, Mahouka just doesn't do this. And it doesn't help that the anime also cuts out various parts of the original LN, which contributes further to the problem, because even with the info-dumps, some things are missing (some of which are important).

With that said, the aforementioned normally wouldn't be enough to throw me off considering the fanatic I am for the genre (I can tolerate quite a bit of info-dumping). The big thing is that the info-dump comes on the heels of a character who's emotionless, essentially unbeatable, can solve problems on a whim, and attracts a horde of followers while he's at it. There's no depth to him at all, and he just does insane things like it's absolutely natural. Any weaknesses he has are only superficial and are covered by something that essentially nullifies it. I won't go into stuff like "he's a Stu" or whatever, but yeah, when your main character starts like this, it's just not good writing.

And well, the list goes on. Honestly there's plenty to talk about in regards to the flaws with this adaptation, but yeah, those are the biggest things for me off the top of my head. As someone who's spent a lot of time writing and knows people who also do the same, this is mediocre writing through and through. This doesn't deserve the hype it's garnered and it's sad, because Mahouka could've been a great story that delves deeply into themes such as inequality and flaws in foundation systems to name a few.

Note that I'm purely talking about the adaptation here. Part of the fault clearly lies with the producers behind it, but that doesn't excuse the obvious writing deficiencies present, which to me are obvious and exhibit themselves quite often. I respect that others may like the series and see things differently. Just don't go saying it's the best thing ever though, because there's plenty of shows with better writing out there.
solidsnake994Aug 10, 2014 5:27 PM
Aug 10, 2014 5:30 PM

Jul 2012
solidsnake994 said:

Note that I'm purely talking about the adaptation here. Part of the fault clearly lies with the producers behind it, but that doesn't excuse the obvious writing deficiencies present, which to me are obvious and exhibit themselves quite often. I respect that others may like the series and see things differently. Just don't go saying it's the best thing ever though, because there's plenty of shows with better writing out there.

Don't worry, we all know that Mahouka isn't perfect at all.

About the rest of the text, you were precisely correct (Should I assume that you played Umineko by any chance? Because you mentioned some of the things that they worked with in Episode 6 and its whole discourse about Logic Error).
Aug 10, 2014 5:53 PM

May 2010
Danpmss said:

>Lesson learned? Good.

Whoa, hey now. Patting yourself on the back a bit too early there, aren't you?

ML/A was way less extreme in peddling Japanese nationalism and jingoism than Mahouka. As for Yuuko, she follows the common trope of the genius scientist who gives valuable info to the cast so they can do their job, whom you as Takeru actually question because she’s gotten people killed, but you realize she wrestles with cognitive dissonance all the damn time under that calm, intelligent demeanor of hers from doing ethically/morally questionable things. She is far from a Sue, far from a “perfect/ideal” character. You should really look over what constitutes a Sue before you throw accusations around. Just use this a general test to see:

Tama was already established as a skilled/talented sharpshooter and that whole shooting the downed HSST out of the sky scene was taken straight out from Evangelion, if you haven’t noticed. If you were to point out egregious things in ML, this is probably one of the least offensive. Now, Takeru is a pretty damn good pilot, but only in comparison to the small amount of people he actually fought with. We don’t know how he’d perform against someone like Mana or Walken or even Sagiri. I wouldn’t make a definitive comment on this simply because we don’t know enough, but man, that scene at Sadogashima Hive infiltration still gives me chills. That scene had a dual purpose of having him overcome his fear of the BETA and death and for us to see the fruits of his training.

Japan suffered considerably with the invasion of the BETA in 1998. It got so bad that the Americans thought it'd be better to make a tactical retreat and come back some other time because they saw what they kind of havoc they wrought in Europe and Asia. Because of this, America pulled out military support, thus violating the US-Japan Security Treaty, and Japan got real salty over this. They also looked like idiots trying to fight to the death to defend their homeland when it was clear they weren’t going to win. The Americans were actually reasonable with their suggestion, but in the BETAverse the IJA were all YAMATO DAMASHII. It was dumb pride and they suffered for it.

Americans didn’t fear Japan, they had no reason to. They thrived militarily and economically when everyone else has BETA knocking on their doorsteps. They supplied the world’s countries with TSFs and the CIA is still meddling in foreign affairs. They just had other plans for getting rid of the BETA through the use of G-bombs, which they also created. They sought to sabotage Alternative IV so Alternative V is the method they would go with to eliminate them all. (Alternative V is independent from Operation Babylon, which was just something they included so the UN would accept the scorched earth tactic.) Support for Alt V increased with the successful dropping of two G-bombs on the Yokohama Hive in Operation Lucifer when they saw how effective it was in capturing it intact. You don’t need to send in a lot of ground forces or stock a lot of munitions. (If you didn’t notice, this parallels the real world where the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, which didn't happen in the BETAverse timeline). This G-bombing pissed Japan off greatly because they got hit without warning, but nevertheless, the Hive infiltration was successful; the first ever.

That was the whole reason they tried to take out Yokohama UN base with the HSST because Alternative IV was being researched there. It wasn’t because of fear of Japan or whatever narrative you’re trying to make up.

You'd actually sooner argue that America is the Mary Sue nation of the BETAverse than Japan based on the above.

As for that part with keeping the Imperial government intact, I’d agree with that being contrived. In the grand scheme of things, I think there are a few reasons why this choice was made. First, this is just my conjecture, it’s to market to a Japanese audience. Japanese otaku are proven to be more a conservative fandom. But here’s the kicker, I think Kouki tried to make a point that the hardcore right-winged Japanese are nuts and do not serve in the best interest of humanity or the world at large. The whole coup arc, with the joint army made up of UN, US, and IJA loyalists, amongst them all, the one with the most reasonable voice was Walken, who condemned the rebels for wasting resources and fighting over nationalist bullshit when there’s BETA on their doorstep. Takeru, the audience surrogate, unequivocally agreed with him that those guys are crazy and questioned the whole point and meaning of the coup when there’s bigger fish to fry. Not to mention the cast is part of the UN, not the IJA. I’d say Kouki took a pretty balanced and nuanced view on politics and philosophy compared to Satou. No one is completely right or wrong.

The problem is that in Mahouka’s timeline there is no mention of what happened to Article 9 or the US-Japan Security Treaty or anything prior to 1999. So there is no point of comparison as for as much as we know, history did not diverge from ours in the Mahoukaverse prior to 1999.

>A character being too badass (or not) does not interfer in the awesome story being developed

This is a straw man argument. Yuuko does not go under Badass. Genius, yes. But not Badass. She’s only brains and there’s only so much she herself can do alone.

>She is basically Tatsuya there

To even compare Yuuko in terms of abilities, titles, and plot-bending to Tatsuya again proves how incapable you are of discerning the difference in writing between Kouki and Satou. This is what I meant by misrepresenting and misinterpreting. I thought you’d sooner be arguing that Takeru is a Stu, but Yuuko? I seriously want whatever you’re smoking right now.
wrenchbreadAug 10, 2014 6:02 PM
Aug 10, 2014 7:09 PM
Feb 2014
In my opinion, Satou's writing sucks at Enrollment, but progressively gets better.

Shame that the most political and awesome arc won't be in the anime.
I spent my time here nowadays: []Spacebattles Forums[/url]

Its been a while since I came to MAL. Ignore my old posts please, they were dumb.
Aug 10, 2014 8:45 PM

Jul 2012
Danpmss said:

ML/A was way less extreme in peddling Japanese nationalism and jingoism than Mahouka.

Japan suffered considerably with the invasion of the BETA in 1998. It got so bad that the Americans thought it'd be better to make a tactical retreat and come back some other time because they saw what they kind of havoc they wrought in Europe and Asia. Because of this, America pulled out military support, thus violating the US-Japan Security Treaty, and Japan got real salty over this. They also looked like idiots trying to fight to the death to defend their homeland when it was clear they weren’t going to win. The Americans were actually reasonable with their suggestion, but in the BETAverse the IJA were all YAMATO DAMASHII. It was dumb pride and they suffered for it.

Americans didn’t fear Japan, they had no reason to. They thrived militarily and economically when everyone else has BETA knocking on their doorsteps. They supplied the world’s countries with TSFs and the CIA is still meddling in foreign affairs. They just had other plans for getting rid of the BETA through the use of G-bombs, which they also created. They sought to sabotage Alternative IV so Alternative V is the method they would go with to eliminate them all. (Alternative V is independent from Operation Babylon, which was just something they included so the UN would accept the scorched earth tactic.) Support for Alt V increased with the successful dropping of two G-bombs on the Yokohama Hive in Operation Lucifer when they saw how effective it was in capturing it intact. You don’t need to send in a lot of ground forces or stock a lot of munitions. (If you didn’t notice, this parallels the real world where the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, which didn't happen in the BETAverse timeline). This G-bombing pissed Japan off greatly because they got hit without warning, but nevertheless, the Hive infiltration was successful; the first ever.

That was the whole reason they tried to take out Yokohama UN base with the HSST because Alternative IV was being researched there. It wasn’t because of fear of Japan or whatever narrative you’re trying to make up.

You'd actually sooner argue that America is the Mary Sue nation of the BETAverse than Japan based on the above.

1- I'm not comparing who is worse in this terms (historical related facts being altered). I'm pointing out that is a problem in common, and your comment don't change this fact.

2- If they didn't feared Japan in first place, they wouldn't even consider the idea of trying to sabotage them. They feared that Badass Yuuko there (which, just for future references, I NEVER called a Sue, it was quite the opposite, if you saw my point in the other thread) would be able to conclude Alternative IV in time. There is no other reasons they would want to bomb or destroy an inactive hive, your point is completely dull.
They had in their hands everything with Alternative V, and would just bomb their way out of the planet (Chronicles even stated that as "Babylon Disaster"), so there's no way the Sue would be America, almost everything they tried to make was:
- Interrupted by japanese people, mainly because of Yuuko.
- Interrupted by UN organ, considering Alternative IV as a valid plan, and making them unable to do anything but cooperate with them.

On both cases, the character that basically controled worldwide actions was Yuuko. She has even more power than Tatsuya (and by power, this doesn't apply AT ALL just for Psychichal, Magical or Supernatural powers, your mind can also be a great weapon, and in some cases, your best). About Yuuko being a badass, I missed my point and apologize (I actually wanted to say "Overpowered", and I will explain why. Similar-categories hell.). She is similar to Tatsuya in other subject (Genius, that you mentioned bellow).

As for Yuuko, she follows the common trope of the genius scientist who gives valuable info to the cast so they can do their job, whom you as Takeru actually question because she’s gotten people killed, but you realize she wrestles with cognitive dissonance all the damn time under that calm, intelligent demeanor of hers from doing ethically/morally questionable things. She is far from a Sue, far from a “perfect/ideal” character. You should really look over what constitutes a Sue before you throw accusations around. Just use this a general test to see:

Mentioned her above. And yeah, she is a great character.
All her influence and power reminds me of Tatsuya, and this is not a bad thing, as I already mentioned (you will still bitch about this, though, because you hate Mahouka with all your heart, but is a fact: She IS Tatsuya in that world, with even more influence. The only thing she can do is piloting a TSF... wait, she created an entire new system for it, so she probably can. Well, we'll never know, just like your point about the other pilots bellow :v).

Tama was already established as a skilled/talented sharpshooter and that whole shooting the downed HSST out of the sky scene was taken straight out from Evangelion, if you haven’t noticed. If you were to point out egregious things in ML, this is probably one of the least offensive. Now, Takeru is a pretty damn good pilot, but only in comparison to the small amount of people he actually fought with. We don’t know how he’d perform against someone like Mana or Walken or even Sagiri. I wouldn’t make a definitive comment on this simply because we don’t know enough, but man, that scene at Sadogashima Hive infiltration still gives me chills. That scene had a dual purpose of having him overcome his fear of the BETA and death and for us to see the fruits of his training.

Adding even more motives about how better prepared and great japanese people are in MLA universe. Ok.

As for that part with keeping the Imperial government intact, I’d agree with that being contrived. In the grand scheme of things, I think there are a few reasons why this choice was made. First, this is just my conjecture, it’s to market to a Japanese audience. Japanese otaku are proven to be more a conservative fandom. But here’s the kicker, I think Kouki tried to make a point that the hardcore right-winged Japanese are nuts and do not serve in the best interest of humanity or the world at large. The whole coup arc, with the joint army made up of UN, US, and IJA loyalists, amongst them all, the one with the most reasonable voice was Walken, who condemned the rebels for wasting resources and fighting over nationalist bullshit when there’s BETA on their doorstep. Takeru, the audience surrogate, unequivocally agreed with him that those guys are crazy and questioned the whole point and meaning of the coup when there’s bigger fish to fry. Not to mention the cast is part of the UN, not the IJA. I’d say Kouki took a pretty balanced and nuanced view on politics and philosophy compared to Satou. No one is completely right or wrong.

The problem is that in Mahouka’s timeline there is no mention of what happened to Article 9 or the US-Japan Security Treaty or anything prior to 1999. So there is no point of comparison as for as much as we know, history did not diverge from ours in the Mahoukaverse prior to 1999.

The point is the same as above. The point of the comparison was to show that they would twist our actual world's logic anyway. So your point about Mahouka being incoherent also aplies that MLA is being incoherent (you did noticed it, so I will stop here), since both made some pretty... bad moves when altering the countries political order and its respective relations towards the other nations (Japanese people still consider America as a country that only wants to rule above everyone, for example, while a american war themed movies would treat them as patriotic heroes (like "The Hurt Locker"), so, is not even possible to have something coherent in this context, especially altering the past events). Not making a general discourse in here, I'm just pointing out that a major part of their works were always like that^

>A character being too badass overpowered (or not) does not interfer in the awesome story being developed

This is a straw man argument. Yuuko does not go under Badass. Genius, yes. But not Badass. She’s only brains and there’s only so much she herself can do alone.

Already mentioned above and properly apologized for it. But that was not the point anyway, still doesn't interfer in the awesome story being developed.

>She is basically Tatsuya there

To even compare Yuuko in terms of abilities, titles, and plot-bending to Tatsuya again proves how incapable you are of discerning the difference in writing between Kouki and Satou. This is what I meant by misrepresenting and misinterpreting. I thought you’d sooner be arguing that Takeru is a Stu, but Yuuko? I seriously want whatever you’re smoking right now.

My point was already explained above.
I made a mistake writing Badass instead Overpowered, but I did not misinterpretated anything so far, you are just too fanboy to accept that the thing you most hate (imo, and it really seems like it) is actually pretty similar to a thing that you like so much. Again, I never stated that Yuuko is a Sue/Stu.

...plot-bending to Tatsuya again proves how incapable you are of discerning the difference in writing between Kouki and Satou.

The write is quite different for me too, even with all the similarities. Mahouka is more believable than a incredibly intelligent hard sci-fi VN that use "The power of love" as the main plot-twist (kinda letting down the entire genius concept about Casuality Conductors, as they throw at you that
), I'm honestly impressed, didn't expect all this from Mahouka.
DanpmssAug 11, 2014 12:13 AM
Aug 10, 2014 10:01 PM

Aug 2008
nina4life said:
A few things.
They focus too much on trying to explain magic, but since they don't have neccessary time to do it they do it halfheartedly. This makes most explanation incomplete, sound boring and completely unneccessary.

To explain magic (point above) they sacrifice character development. Most side characters have had little to no backstory or even screen time. Take NSC arc as example. They present that "ancient-magic" guy that doubts himself. Can't remember his name. Then they completely ignore him whole arc only to bring him back as someone "they need" for final battle.

Other school characters suffer same fate. Chairman. What development did she get? She blushes to Tatsuya and finds him interesting, but that is the reaction of every single girl in this show except for Erika. There is nothing to distinguish them. They are ALL the same.

Boys don't have it any better either. They are all either jealous of Tatsuya or weed friends of Tatsuya that get screen time only when he, conviniently, needs them.

Another thing sacrificed for sake of mumbo-jumbo talk is world intrigues. Ten families, alliances, political disputes. All of that is presented as something big in intro sequence and almost completelly forgotten at this point. Ten families keeps being mentioned but nothing around it is ever explained more deeply. Nothing. Ever.

How did they come into power? Did they form alliance? Why do others fear them as much? How do people generally feel about being governed by ten "bullies"?

Miyuki and Tatsuya are both insanely strong and she is soooo obsessed with him I feel like her only goal in life to get finally f***** by him. I was given explanation by LN reader as to why that is so, but anime hasn't given any. Waiting 2nd season to learn why character is as obnoxious as that is unacceptable in my opinion when it comes to anime.

And most importantly, the villains. Do I need to even mention what is wrong with them? They put Nazi generals in "Allo, allo" to shame with how retarded they are. There is not a single redeeming quality for them. They wouldn't be a threat to kindergarten kids, let alone magicians.

There you go, all of my reasons this show is 4/10 for me.

Pretty much this. Too much explanation on magic also slow down the plot progress.

Not sure about the quality of Mahouka novel. Still,light novel is light novel. Anime is anime.

I heard from Magi manga readers that Magi anime is horrible adaption of the manga but even if it's horrible,I still found Magi anime enjoyable.This can not be said to Mahouka.
ZapredonAug 10, 2014 11:03 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Aug 10, 2014 11:55 PM

May 2010
I gotta point out, your posts are getting really hard to read.

America was not afraid of Yuuko nor Japan. Is America afraid of the world with the NSA hacking into every country? Is China afraid of America since they tried hacking into US service industries? What exactly are you going on about? You know there is a more or less even split of Alt IV and Alt V supporters in America right? That’s why they made a deal with lending Yuuko the two Susanoo prototypes.

The Americans were kinda scummy, but not afraid, because they wanted Alt V to be used rather than Alt IV. Alt V is seen as a viable solution to the BETA problem because of how they captured the Yokohama Hive successfully and thus felt pouring resources into Alt IV was a waste. Again, just to make sure you’re reading it properly, Alt V became a viable solution to the BETA problem because they demonstrated with the Yokohama Hive that you can take out one with just G-bombs. Because of this, the Americans felt just bombing the Hives is easier and faster. The reason why Yuuko opposed Alt V is because G-bombing leaves the earth lifeless and sterile. She also didn't know what kind of lasting effects it has on the environment or people. It's essentially a scorched earth tactic for how little they and we know. She also knew the Americans weren’t exactly nice people.

The Americans trying to sabotage Alt IV is ultimately under-the-table political dealings because they wanted access to G-elements from the Hives. By being the sole manufacturer of G-bombs, this means they will be participating in every Hive infiltration as part of Alt V. They use G-bombs to bomb Hive, collect G-elements from Hive, use G-elements to make more G-bombs or other stuff other countries can’t have. Rinse and repeat. That’s the whole point. The Americans want complete control of G-elements. Alt IV is a UN-funded project (not US), so if it succeeds, that means the Americans will lose out on obtaining G-elements and other countries have their shot of harvesting them. The Americans WANT to keep that power imbalance.

Plus, the fucked up Earth from The Day After was not foreseen by anybody. They didn't know that using that many G-bombs at once would cause such strong gravitation anomalies on a global scale. No one could’ve predicted it and so everyone suffered for it. Murphy’s Law.
>She IS Tatsuya in that world, with even more influence. The only thing she can do is piloting a TSF... wait, she created an entire new system for it, so she probably can. Well, we'll never know, just like your point about the other pilots bellow

I said before, she only shares ONE aspect with Tatsuya. Her influence is befitting of someone her rank, so I don’t see what the big deal is. She’s a high-ranking military official who regularly speaks to what’s-her-face’s father from the Ministry of Home Affairs, who actually does most of the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting for Yuuko when she needs something that’s beyond her scope done. Dude’s literally a Japanese CIA agent.

She and a team of other people made XM3. Let’s not bend the facts here. She spearheaded the project, but other people contributed. Also, implying she can pilot a TSF is like implying a fighter jet designer can pilot a fighter jet or a game designer is good at their own game. I’m sure she or anyone really can pilot one if they’re trained for it, so I’m not sure I understand the logic behind this. Anyone can pilot a TSF in the BETAverse with the proper training. Piloting one well is a different matter.

I dunno why you’re hung up on my comment about Takeru’s piloting abilities. We’ve seen him pilot with and against a small cast of people. He’s only ever fought against other pilots in the XM3 trials. If you don’t remember, the XM3 trials were not easy for Takeru and squad even with the new OS installed on their more modern Shiranuis. The veteran pilots put up a great fight against them even with their old OS and Gekishins. It goes to show that pilot skill is a bit higher on the totem pole than pilot talent. Now imagine if those UN guys had modern TSFs and XM3 installed. They’d probably win.
>Adding even more motives about how better prepared and great japanese people are in MLA universe. Ok.

Because Tama or Takeru or the rest of the Japanese cast at Yokohama UN base is representative of all Japanese people? They’re only human. Skilled in whatever it is they do, but only as skilled as other skilled humans are. Did you forget Takeru died? Numerous times in fact! You know, that up there is a dumb statement to make. Did you forget how in Unlimited there was a BETA landfall warning for Japan, and the horde broke through two defense lines toward Yokohama UN base? The third line held them back and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Did you forget that American F-22A Raptors came to save the day for the coup arc? Mana was the one who killed Sagiri but that was more of a fellow Japanese soldier to fellow Japanese soldier moment. Again, Japanese people in the BETAverse on average aren’t portrayed in the best light because of all their blind nationalism that the other Japanese characters don’t care for. I brought up Walken and i guess I should bring up Thesleff too since they’re the two American soldiers we actually get a chance to see Americans who are actually levelheaded and surprisingly not as bad as others make them to be.

It really depends how you define prepared. In countries with BETA knocking on their doorsteps every so often, I’m sure they got such defense lines set up and people will die trying to hold them. Look at the Suez Canal.

Meanwhile, the Americans have this whole system where they had other nations keep the BETA at bay so they don’t have to move a finger. They only needed to supply them with TSFs and munitions and the US in turn gets paid and national security. Win-win. Red Shift in Alaska. Stockpile of G-bombs and G-elements. Only country with stealth TSFs (the Americans were anticipating a post-BETA world). So who’s better prepared again?
>Arc involving civil war between Japanese loyalists and rebels features mostly Japanese fighters

What did you expect? This arc was probably the one time we actually saw TSF vs TSF combat. Walken going down was due to the CIA sabotaging his TSF. If you don’t mind going out of MLA for a bit and into TDA, the Walken vs Sagiri “rematch” was neck and neck (‘cept Sagiri was piloting a Rafale rather than a Shiranui). We can only speculate how Takeru performs against other top TSF pilots in the world because our only point of reference is the XM3 trials. Maybe all the guys at Yukon base are better than Tatsuya.
>The point of the comparison was to show that they would twist our actual world's logic anyway.

OK, two points, because the line contains a false assumption and a misuse of a term.

First, an author “twisting” logic implies something akin to making up shit that goes against real-world logical thought. There’s a logical progression of stuff in the BETAverse timeline and developments that you can extrapolate from and they pretty much mirror real-world philosophies, thought, and structure. Hell, you can check out how the BETA spread via this time-lapse thing Yuuko had and how the countries responded.

Second, it was clear from the start the BETAverse is an alternate universe with distinct differences, but then they extrapolated onward based those key differences while keeping in mind each nation’s real-world philosophies and policies. Due to WW2 ending early and the Cold War starting earlier as a result, the Americans established a moon base by the 1960s to beat the Russians. The Cold War never ended for them even when the BETA invaded. They might be altering history for the story in MLA (but it’s an alternate universe anyway, so…??), but their world operates with pretty much the same logic politics-wise as our world. I don’t see any twisting because their policies expand on their real-world counterparts. Russia is communist. Americans got their dirty hands in everything. Japan is right-winged nationalist. Though the UN is actually stronger in the BETAverse than our real-world UN, but they’re still pretty much the neutral party. Political maneuvering everywhere with the US doing a lot of the really scummy stuff. None of the countries in the BETAverse are stupid. Everyone’s trying to counter each other before they get the rug pulled out from under them.
Yuuko's not what you called overpowered. She's a genius, get it straight. She also happens to be good at manipulating Takeru because he's none-the-wiser. I don't see her out in the frontlines fighting. She's in the back doing administrative duties as she should because the whole Alt IV project depends on her. She also made conscious decisions that she paid dearly for. So how is she OP, again? She’s only as smart as our top physicists in their area of research and only as powerful as her military position details.
The fact that I love ML/A and loathe Mahouka owes to the fact that execution matters. Just because they both share similarities doesn't mean that it's an automatic pass from me. Otherwise, why write stories when we can just write ideas? I don't gush over ideas. You'd then have to explain the disparity in reception between Log Horizon and SAO when they share the same ideas.
wrenchbreadAug 11, 2014 12:15 AM
Aug 11, 2014 1:37 AM

Jul 2012
wrenchbread said:
I gotta point out, your posts are getting really hard to read.

Well, your arguments about a specific point were separated from each other in the last quote, is not my fault exactly. The same goes for you in any case.

America was not afraid of Yuuko nor Japan. Is America afraid of the world with the NSA hacking into every country? Is China afraid of America since they tried hacking into US service industries? What exactly are you going on about? You know there is a more or less even split of Alt IV and Alt V supporters in America right? That’s why they made a deal with lending Yuuko the two Susanoo prototypes.

The Americans were kinda scummy, but not afraid, because they wanted Alt V to be used rather than Alt IV. Alt V is seen as a viable solution to the BETA problem because of how they captured the Yokohama Hive successfully and thus felt pouring resources into Alt IV was a waste. Again, just to make sure you’re reading it properly, Alt V became a viable solution to the BETA problem because they demonstrated with the Yokohama Hive that you can take out one with just G-bombs. Because of this, the Americans felt just bombing the Hives is easier and faster. The reason why Yuuko opposed Alt V is because G-bombing leaves the earth lifeless and sterile. She also didn't know what kind of lasting effects it has on the environment or people. It's essentially a scorched earth tactic for how little they and we know. She also knew the Americans weren’t exactly nice people.

The Americans trying to sabotage Alt IV is ultimately under-the-table political dealings because they wanted access to G-elements from the Hives. By being the sole manufacturer of G-bombs, this means they will be participating in every Hive infiltration as part of Alt V. They use G-bombs to bomb Hive, collect G-elements from Hive, use G-elements to make more G-bombs or other stuff other countries can’t have. Rinse and repeat. That’s the whole point. The Americans want complete control of G-elements. Alt IV is a UN-funded project (not US), so if it succeeds, that means the Americans will lose out on obtaining G-elements and other countries have their shot of harvesting them. The Americans WANT to keep that power imbalance.

Plus, the fucked up Earth from The Day After was not foreseen by anybody. They didn't know that using that many G-bombs at once would cause such strong gravitation anomalies on a global scale. No one could’ve predicted it and so everyone suffered for it. Murphy’s Law.

Supporters for Alternative IV just started to act when the new TSF system was created, they were a ridiculous minority before that (and since my point is about when they were trying to sabotage...).

So are you saying that they wanted to acquire G-Elements(their main purpose) by detroying the entire base along with the Hive (as stated by Yuuko)? That's ridiculous.

>She IS Tatsuya in that world, with even more influence. The only thing she can do is piloting a TSF... wait, she created an entire new system for it, so she probably can. Well, we'll never know, just like your point about the other pilots bellow

I said before, she only shares ONE aspect with Tatsuya. Her influence is befitting of someone her rank, so I don’t see what the big deal is. She’s a high-ranking military official who regularly speaks to what’s-her-face’s father from the Ministry of Home Affairs, who actually does most of the behind-the-scenes heavy lifting for Yuuko when she needs something that’s beyond her scope done. Dude’s literally a Japanese CIA agent.

She and a team of other people made XM3. Let’s not bend the facts here. She spearheaded the project, but other people contributed. Also, implying she can pilot a TSF is like implying a fighter jet designer can pilot a fighter jet or a game designer is good at their own game. I’m sure she or anyone really can pilot one if they’re trained for it, so I’m not sure I understand the logic behind this. Anyone can pilot a TSF in the BETAverse with the proper training. Piloting one well is a different matter.

I dunno why you’re hung up on my comment about Takeru’s piloting abilities. We’ve seen him pilot with and against a small cast of people. He’s only ever fought against other pilots in the XM3 trials. If you don’t remember, the XM3 trials were not easy for Takeru and squad even with the new OS installed on their more modern Shiranuis. The veteran pilots put up a great fight against them even with their old OS and Gekishins. It goes to show that pilot skill is a bit higher on the totem pole than pilot talent. Now imagine if those UN guys had modern TSFs and XM3 installed. They’d probably win.

I've already made my point here, she is the most "powerful" and intelligent (already stated why) person in the entire series (even more influent than the Shogun ...almost actually, not really, especially when mentioning "Coup d'etat arc". But neither is Tatsuya anyway, as the series progressed so far).

The rest went kinda off-topic (when talking about JapanXAmerica).
But I think both sides can reach the conclusion that is not actually a fair point to discuss about, since there's a lot to be considered in this situation. But it doesn't matter, as the point was already reached previously (for both sides, about the nearly always present incoherence in any kind of alternative setting of our universe made in a story, after all, is just impossible to be accurate with that stuff).

>Adding even more motives about how better prepared and great japanese people are in MLA universe. Ok.

Because Tama or Takeru or the rest of the Japanese cast at Yokohama UN base is representative of all Japanese people? They’re only human. Skilled in whatever it is they do, but only as skilled as other skilled humans are. Did you forget Takeru died? Numerous times in fact! You know, that up there is a dumb statement to make. Did you forget how in Unlimited there was a BETA landfall warning for Japan, and the horde broke through two defense lines toward Yokohama UN base? The third line held them back and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Did you forget that American F-22A Raptors came to save the day for the coup arc? Mana was the one who killed Sagiri but that was more of a fellow Japanese soldier to fellow Japanese soldier moment. Again, Japanese people in the BETAverse on average aren’t portrayed in the best light because of all their blind nationalism that the other Japanese characters don’t care for. I brought up Walken and i guess I should bring up Thesleff too since they’re the two American soldiers we actually get a chance

It really depends how you define prepared. In countries with BETA knocking on their doorsteps every so often, I’m sure they got such defense lines set up and people will die trying to hold them. Look at the Suez Canal.

Meanwhile, the Americans have this whole system where they had other nations keep the BETA at bay so they don’t have to move a finger. They only needed to supply them with TSFs and munitions and the US in turn gets paid and national security. Win-win. Red Shift in Alaska. Stockpile of G-bombs and G-elements. Only country with stealth TSFs (the Americans were anticipating a post-BETA world). So who’s better prepared again?

Who is better prepared = Who got more power and possible opportunities to be a Superpower (the political term) in the world without BETA.

The Japanese people would considerably be leading the world and it's actions towards the world reconquest with Alternative IV executed sucessfully (that unfornately didn't happened as the expected: Sadogashima Hive incident).

That is also my point for why the Americans tried to sabotage them in the first place, btw.

>Arc involving civil war between Japanese loyalists and rebels features mostly Japanese fighters

What did you expect? This arc was probably the one time we actually saw TSF vs TSF combat. Walken going down was due to the CIA sabotaging his TSF. If you don’t mind going out of MLA for a bit and into TDA, the Walken vs Sagiri “rematch” was neck and neck (‘cept Sagiri was piloting a Rafale rather than a Shiranui). We can only speculate how Takeru performs against other top TSF pilots in the world because our only point of reference is the XM3 trials. Maybe all the guys at Yukon base are better than Tatsuya.

I don't remember to have said anything about that. Actually, you were the one to point that out in your previous quote, so, why are you debating your own comments?

>The point of the comparison was to show that they would twist our actual world's logic anyway.

OK, two points, because the line contains a false assumption and a misuse of a term.

First, an author “twisting” logic implies something akin to making up shit that goes against real-world logical thought. There’s a logical progression of stuff in the BETAverse timeline and developments that you can extrapolate from and they pretty much mirror real-world philosophies, thought, and structure. Hell, you can check out how the BETA spread via this time-lapse thing Yuuko had and how the countries responded.

Second, it was clear from the start the BETAverse is an alternate universe with distinct differences, but then they extrapolated onward based those key differences while keeping in mind each nation’s real-world philosophies and policies. Due to WW2 ending early and the Cold War starting earlier as a result, the Americans established a moon base by the 1960s to beat the Russians. The Cold War never ended for them even when the BETA invaded. They might be altering history for the story in MLA (but it’s an alternate universe anyway, so…??), but their world operates with pretty much the same logic politics-wise as our world. I don’t see any twisting because their policies expand on their real-world counterparts. Russia is communist. Americans got their dirty hands in everything. Japan is right-winged nationalist. Though the UN is actually stronger in the BETAverse than our real-world UN, but they’re still pretty much the neutral party. Political maneuvering everywhere with the US doing a lot of the really scummy stuff. None of the countries in the BETAverse are stupid. Everyone’s trying to counter each other before they get the rug pulled out from under them.

About that, I was obviously refering to the political logic of our world (my entire point in that paragraph), not to the world itself. I did not even made a point about the supernatural or sci-fi elements being twisted (and to point that out, it would be kinda absurd and nonsensical, in this context).

You need to pay more attention to what I write (Just like you, if think I'm right, but I always make sure to understand your point before commenting a reply, and it was not the first time this happens... and I'm not even refering to my mistake).
Yuuko's not what you called overpowered. She's a genius, get it straight. She also happens to be good at manipulating Takeru because he's none-the-wiser. I don't see her out in the frontlines fighting. She's in the back doing administrative duties as she should because the whole Alt IV project depends on her. She also made conscious decisions that she paid dearly for. So how is she OP, again? She’s only as smart as our top physicists in their area of research and only as powerful as her military position details.

"...and by power, this doesn't apply AT ALL just for Psychichal, Magical or Supernatural powers, your mind can also be a great weapon, and in some cases, your best."

She is OP in every angle you can look at her. She do whatever she want and control basically everything by the shadows (She has contacts, she knows too much, she can make something that is not even in her hands to decide happen).
I read MLA two times already, and this is basically what I can tell from her behavior so far. She has power to control things and events that she wasn't supposed to at all.
The fact that I love ML/A and loathe Mahouka owes to the fact that execution matters. Just because they both share similarities doesn't mean that it's an automatic pass from me. Otherwise, why write stories when we can just write ideas? I don't gush over ideas. You'd then have to explain the disparity in reception between Log Horizon and SAO when they share the same ideas.

The problem comes when almost all (excluding the similar political world-buildings and such) of the similarities are all positive technical points (great world building, well developed characters, nice involvement of the cast with the plot (everyone has a important role to fill). Is not something like "Both are RPGs hur dur".
Aug 11, 2014 2:40 AM

Apr 2013
Man... too many big ass posts but to summarize my turn off's for the series.

If you take away the glorified magical back ground, this is basically a genius who already went through everything goes back to school on secret mission type story.

I personally love these type of stories but Mahouka basically goes no where whether in the 24 Episode anime or in the 12 LN's I read. I still don't know where the fuck the MC is going on with all that, making it feel like a slice of life show.

And for the record this is NOT a slice of life show by genre(LN & Anime).

The summary doesn't justify what we are getting in to which played a bad part for me in case of Mahouka, the bloom-weed thing wasn't exploited fully and was totally forgotten altogether in case of anime.

It would have been better if the MC had been made to be flawless and perfect being that was the ultimate product of magic but they go say that he has flaws but never exploit them or they simply doesn't matter.

His emotions are contradictory (already has a thread)

Even the posts and threads on various sites are filled with infodumps.
As of 27/7/14 I have decided trap anime Sword Art Online II has more appeal than Mahouka.
Aug 11, 2014 3:12 AM

Jul 2012
fear80 said:

I personally love these type of stories but Mahouka basically goes no where whether in the 24 Episode anime or in the 12 LN's I read. I still don't know where the fuck the MC is going on with all that, making it feel like a slice of life show.

I found that to be actually funny, since you gave 10/10 to something like Infinite Stratos.

Anyway, so far for me, they followed the concepts they applied in the background and in the world building (including Tatsuya especially, considering all the things that started to happen in the LN). They also never stopped the advance of the story in any situation, as you seems to have stated either. I don't know from where all the bullshit about Slice of Life came from, but I just saw something similar in volume 5.

About Tatsuya's emotions, they were pretty well stablished (even in your thread), I don't even need to discuss about it (I just have to link it, for everyone to see the points made in there):

Mahouka is not perfect at all (it has flaws), but is not poorly thought/written either, is pretty good and loyal to its rules (even when Tatsuya became enormously overpowered later).

The anime adaptation thought is utterly crap, unfortunately.
DanpmssAug 11, 2014 3:15 AM
Aug 11, 2014 3:20 AM

Dec 2013
Newhopes said:
Apart from the boring story and god awful characters?

I only watch for the LOLZ from god-sama now.
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Aug 11, 2014 4:24 AM

Apr 2013
Danpmss said:
fear80 said:

I personally love these type of stories but Mahouka basically goes no where whether in the 24 Episode anime or in the 12 LN's I read. I still don't know where the fuck the MC is going on with all that, making it feel like a slice of life show.

I found that to be actually funny, since you gave 10/10 to something like Infinite Stratos.

I had that show on hiatus for like a year, I watched it again after I read the novels and enjoyed it fully but that's another story.

But it's funny that you compared it to IS which is a complete different realm about what it wants to do. Better yet you didn't compare it to DxD.

Danpmss said:
fear80 said:

I personally love these type of stories but Mahouka basically goes no where whether in the 24 Episode anime or in the 12 LN's I read. I still don't know where the fuck the MC is going on with all that, making it feel like a slice of life show.

I don't know from where all the bullshit about Slice of Life came from, but I just saw something similar in volume 5.

The dude with the reaper mask that pops up in the Mahouka threads always says I should view this as a slice of life show. He says that is the true way to enjoy Mahouka.

Danpmss said:

About Tatsuya's emotions, they were pretty well stablished (even in your thread), I don't even need to discuss about it (I just have to link it, for everyone to see the points made in there):

That may be but it was still confusing when I refer the LN with little things that feel contradictory.

Danpmss said:

Mahouka is not perfect at all (it has flaws), but is not poorly thought/written either, is pretty good and loyal to its rules (even when Tatsuya became enormously overpowered later).

The anime adaptation thought is utterly crap, unfortunately.

I'm just giving my own piece about what made the series less enjoyable for me, which was the point of the thread.
As of 27/7/14 I have decided trap anime Sword Art Online II has more appeal than Mahouka.
Aug 11, 2014 6:51 AM

May 2014
@ fear80 you don't know who the black Reaper is?? :)
my breakdown of where Mahouka's genre stands

50% slice of life (Tatusya's and Miyuki's)

25% action/adventure (main complaint of anime only viewers and LN basher's is the lack of action)

20% socio-political issues and conspiracies (this one slowly surfaced in the series and really went into gear in vol 9)

5% fanservice pandering :)

edit want to add,Tatsuya really didn't start out to be as strong as he is,seen in vol 8


he developed the Loop Cast system to help him in casting his normal magics.
he trained in martial arts to be able to fully commit to his position as Miyuki's guardian.
regrowth wasn't automatic during his childhood as seen with the scars in his body and in vol 8 bruises took time to heal.

Satou I think wasn't really interested in that weak MC training to be a strong MC,so he kinda just skipped it and just used a flashback novel to explain details of it.

darkreaperixAug 11, 2014 7:44 AM
Aug 11, 2014 12:27 PM

May 2010
So are you saying that they wanted to acquire G-Elements(their main purpose) by detroying the entire base along with the Hive (as stated by Yuuko)?

Because to America, in the grand scheme of things, it's a small sacrifice to make. This is such a simple concept that I can't believe I have to address this. They get to take out Alt IV and all its research and personnel at Yokohama base if their HSST successfully crashed into them, but they lose out on maybe retrieving the leftover G-elements from the Yokohama Hive. HOWEVER, they get to go forward with G-bombing the other 20 or so odd Hives and capture them for their G-elements because Alt IV is no longer a viable plan (because it’s dead, duh). That's 20 something odd Hives worth of G-elements that America gets to keep for only themselves. Not to mention if the Americans went into the destroyed UN base/Hive to retrieve the leftover G-elements there, it’d be kind of suspicious, don’t you think? They did violate the US-Japan Security Treaty after all, so the Americans have no official business to be on Japanese soil investigating wreckage. So rather than letting others like the Japanese or UN keep the G-elements (if they still can), the Americans thought it’s worth it to destroy that stockpile there and just look forward to the other 20 or so Hives. Think, dude, think!

However, the HSST only fell in Unlimited and not in Alternative because America had enough Alt IV support within the gov’t in that timeline (thanks to Takeru’s actions) to cockblock the order to crash an HSST into Yokohama UN base. You also have to remember that the XM3 system was political leverage. Takeru actually brought this up as a point later that “hey, why not give it to everyone so everyone has a better chance at fighting the BETA?” Yuuko realistically said that this is not really charity and it’s more of a bargaining chip.

Who is better prepared = Who got more power and possible opportunities to be a Superpower (the political term) in the world without BETA.

The Japanese people would considerably be leading the world and it's actions towards the world reconquest with Alternative IV executed sucessfully (that unfornately didn't happened as the expected: Sadogashima Hive incident).

I already said above that the Americans were most prepared for a post-BETA world. They have most of the power right now, militarily, economically, and politically. All the TSF and experimental tech came from America. (This is an aside: The HI-MAERF project was deemed a failure because it killed human pilots, the logical step is to make a non-human pilot or piloting system for it and it just so happens that Alt IV was just this so Yuuko decided to capitalize on this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.) They already created stealth TSFs (which, if you remember, stealth systems didn’t affect the BETA at all, so what for purpose would America be making stealth TSFs if it was useless against the BETA in a war that has no end in sight?) Well, the answer that they give is that the Americans were anticipating the day when the BETA are extinguished, countries would be using TSFs to wage war against one another. They had G-bombs which no other countries had, which, if you remember, is much more destructive than nuclear weapons. I said somewhere in this post that the Americans nuked the living shit out of Canada when that BETA pod dropped to destroy it, while it only took two G-bombs to take out the Yokohama Hive.

That is also my point for why the Americans tried to sabotage them in the first place, btw.

Your point is wrong. See above two responses for why. To summarize again, the Americans tried to sabotage Alt IV because they were greedy and wanted to keep themselves strong. They also have multiple contingency plans in place in case everyone else failed. Or if they didn’t fail, well, they got the technology to fight either with G-bombs or anti-TSF TSFs. Hell, in the extended universe past Operation Ouka, the Silent Eagle was the second stealth TSF the Americans made where they tried selling to other countries (‘cause you know, they created a power imbalance with the Raptor and they now they wanted to sell a solution to it). The IJA wanted a new TSF and they had a choice of the stealth Gekkou or the non-stealth Shiranui Second. Both performed admirably in the selection trials. The Shogun decided on the non-stealth Shiranui Second; she explains “While the Earth continues to be plagued by the BETA, only the most helpless fool would consider preparing oneself for war among humans to be of priority.” Japan, better prepared for a post-BETA world? Hah, fat chance. They gave up what little chance they could’ve gotten to the Americans.

I don't remember to have said anything about that. Actually, you were the one to point that out in your previous quote, so, why are you debating your own comments?

This was my fault with the formatting as I wanted to put that point with the previous, but my point is that it seems like you were saying that a story that focuses primarily on a cast of Japanese characters at a UN base in Japan who, in this arc, had to participate in a Japanese civil war, has a lot of Japanese pilots, to which I say:

So, thanks for pointing out the obvious that a majority Japanese cast only has mostly Japanese characters for comparison? I mentioned Mana, Sagiri, and Walken in comparison to Takeru because we saw for good, if rather brief, moment how they fought while the others went down like flies. It wasn’t a curbstomp battle between any of them, but there’s not enough evidence that we can use to make comparison with Takeru. We can only speculate. Outside of this arc we’ve only ever seen a few of the other Yokohama UN pilots in action and they weren’t pushovers. Takeru is really good for a rookie pilot (who’s had how many loops where his training carried over?), but I feel against someone like Mana, he’d most likely go down. It was just an educated case from me based on observing the XM3 trials, where the idea that skill is a bit more important than talent. He’s good, but not that good.

About that, I was obviously refering to the political logic of our world (my entire point in that paragraph) not to the world itself.

Did you miss the number of times how I kept saying that whatever political maneuvers they did more or less mirror how those countries act in our world? I said our world and real-world so many times in that one paragraph to make a point that Kouki injects bits of how the countries in OUR WORLD operate into how the countries in the BETAverse operate.. It is just as complex. I played Total Eclipse and the CIA and Americans still exert their wide range of influence on the other countries. They nuked the shit out of Canada because the Americans saw how the BETA rekt China and Russia. Then they adopted a combat methodology of engaging the BETA from afar because they thought you can’t hope to win in CQC. It all makes sense because apart from some small differences in Japanese history and WW2 and the whole alien thing, they still resemble the real world US, UK, Japan, Russia, UN.

"...and by power, this doesn't apply AT ALL just for Psychichal, Magical or Supernatural powers, your mind can also be a great weapon, and in some cases, your best."

She is OP in every angle you can look at her. She do whatever she want and control basically everything by the shadows (She has contacts, she knows too much, she can make something that is not even in her hands to decide happen).
I read MLA two times already, and this is basically what I can tell from her behavior so far. She has power to control things and events that she wasn't supposed to at all.

Yeah, let’s ignore the other big aspects of what makes up an overpowered character and focus on just one so you can prove your point.

First, you’re purposefully narrowing the usual definition of overpowered to suit your views, doing something crazy like trying to equate overpowered to genius. That is called cherry-picking and false equivalence, which are all logical fallacies. (This feels like dejavu…)

Second, you’re just selectively defining shit and overselling her character. She’s a manipulative genius. Her military rank gets her access to resources Takeru wish he had, but you know why? She’s the project head to the most important plan to combat the BETA in history; she has the weight of the entire world on her shoulders. It’s natural that the top-brass at the UN will try their best to make sure she makes Alt IV a success, for the good of everyone because the only other option (or alternative, pun intended) is Alt V and no one wants Alt V because people want to live on the land they take back (again, G-bombs make the land sterile and lifeless, what use is bombing everything to get rid of the BETA when your country has become a literal wasteland?).

Again, one of the most important people in the world is given all the resources she needs to ensure humanity’s survival. NO SHIT. I'd be worried if she didn't have connections.

Would you argue that our world leaders are overpowered as well? They have access to things most regular civilians never get to see in their lifetime. They have so many connections. They make things happen all the time. It’s an asinine argument on your part.

There is a difference between getting everyone to help you versus doing everything yourself. Yuuko is only human in the end, so she gets other people to do things for her. She’s smart, but again, as the most important person spearheading the survival of humanity, you bet your ass that everyone in the project will make sure she gets the stuff she needs to complete Alt IV. She has done extreme and horrible things and given orders that are equally as bad to get closer to that goal and that weighs heavily on her conscience.

You’re making it sound like she does everything singlehandedly, when in fact, she has to enlist help from others because she’s only human. That’s what her Valkyries are for. To say that she is overpowered is, again, overselling the kind of character she is. Even a genius like her has things that’s beyond her scope and in fact most of the heavily lifting was done by the rest of the cast. She needs something done and other people do it for her because she’s a very important person to humanity’s survival. It’s that simple.

This is the reason why I keep questioning myself if I should keep responding to someone who has displayed on numerous occasions that he has a shaky grasp of reading comprehension not just in these arguments, but also in the work we're analyzing. Otherwise, there’s no point in asking these stupid questions and making equally as stupid observations.

I’m done with you.

wrenchbreadAug 11, 2014 12:44 PM
Aug 11, 2014 3:27 PM

Sep 2011
FontSize72LOL said:
Newhopes said:
Apart from the boring story and god awful characters?

I only watch for the LOLZ from god-sama now.

Pretty much. If you watch from an Ironic point of view this show is actually quite entertaining. This is probably one of the biggest train-wrecks I've watched though, and because of that i cant wait to see where this is going next.

These. It's entertaining in its own way if I turn my brain off, I mean it is cool and awesome at times, if I don't think about how it's the same shit again with Godsuya-sama accomplishing a miracle once again...
Though I kind of see where this is going now. I mean I can see that the writer surely didn't write Onii-sama's character to be perfect just for no reason, and that he will probably go down sooner or later when the story evolves. I can't wait to see what will come out of this.
But until then I'm really just watching for the lolz... :/
Aug 11, 2014 4:54 PM

Jul 2014
Well, personally I find the pacing kinda off and the action -and general tone- isn't as flashy and entertaining as it could be with someone like Onii-sama as mc.
That being said, reading the threads, I think the problem most people have is that a) they choose to watch anime whose premise -not execution, premise- they don't like and b) they take their chinese cartoons way too seriously.
Aug 12, 2014 9:09 AM

Jul 2012
wrenchbread said:
This is the reason why I keep questioning myself if I should keep responding to someone who has displayed on numerous occasions that he has a shaky grasp of reading comprehension not just in these arguments, but also in the work we're analyzing. Otherwise, there’s no point in asking these stupid questions and making equally as stupid observations.

I’m done with you.

"Whoa, hey now. Patting yourself on the back a bit too early there, aren't you?"

Don't such an hypocrite, you are basically saying about I already told you sometimes up to this point. You are so butthurted by my arguments relating MLA to Mahouka that you even forgot about what this discussion even is about.

Your points about Mahouka don't contradict mine at all, just tries desperatly to defend MLA.

So are you saying that they wanted to acquire G-Elements(their main purpose) by detroying the entire base along with the Hive (as stated by Yuuko)?

Because to America, in the grand scheme of things, it's a small sacrifice to make. This is such a simple concept that I can't believe I have to address this. They get to take out Alt IV and all its research and personnel at Yokohama base if their HSST successfully crashed into them, but they lose out on maybe retrieving the leftover G-elements from the Yokohama Hive. HOWEVER, they get to go forward with G-bombing the other 20 or so odd Hives and capture them for their G-elements because Alt IV is no longer a viable plan (because it’s dead, duh). That's 20 something odd Hives worth of G-elements that America gets to keep for only themselves. Not to mention if the Americans went into the destroyed UN base/Hive to retrieve the leftover G-elements there, it’d be kind of suspicious, don’t you think? They did violate the US-Japan Security Treaty after all, so the Americans have no official business to be on Japanese soil investigating wreckage. So rather than letting others like the Japanese or UN keep the G-elements (if they still can), the Americans thought it’s worth it to destroy that stockpile there and just look forward to the other 20 or so Hives. Think, dude, think!

However, the HSST only fell in Unlimited and not in Alternative because America had enough Alt IV support within the gov’t in that timeline (thanks to Takeru’s actions) to cockblock the order to crash an HSST into Yokohama UN base. You also have to remember that the XM3 system was political leverage. Takeru actually brought this up as a point later that “hey, why not give it to everyone so everyone has a better chance at fighting the BETA?” Yuuko realistically said that this is not really charity and it’s more of a bargaining chip.

They bombed their way out of Earth!! Are you retard? They don't even care about the material, they just fled away from the planet with all the people they could in their spaceships after destroying everything. Did you really played "Chronicles"? Once they sucessfully gained authorization and support to start Alt. V, they let a major part of the population in the planet, took everyone important/useful and exploded everything they could. It doesn't mattered anymore at that point, they made their decision to escape from the planet, and that's all (think, dude, think!).

Who is better prepared = Who got more power and possible opportunities to be a Superpower (the political term) in the world without BETA.

The Japanese people would considerably be leading the world and it's actions towards the world reconquest with Alternative IV executed sucessfully (that unfornately didn't happened as the expected: Sadogashima Hive incident).

I already said above that the Americans were most prepared for a post-BETA world. They have most of the power right now, militarily, economically, and politically. All the TSF and experimental tech came from America. (This is an aside: The HI-MAERF project was deemed a failure because it killed human pilots, the logical step is to make a non-human pilot or piloting system for it and it just so happens that Alt IV was just this so Yuuko decided to capitalize on this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.) They already created stealth TSFs (which, if you remember, stealth systems didn’t affect the BETA at all, so what for purpose would America be making stealth TSFs if it was useless against the BETA in a war that has no end in sight?) Well, the answer that they give is that the Americans were anticipating the day when the BETA are extinguished, countries would be using TSFs to wage war against one another. They had G-bombs which no other countries had, which, if you remember, is much more destructive than nuclear weapons. I said somewhere in this post that the Americans nuked the living shit out of Canada when that BETA pod dropped to destroy it, while it only took two G-bombs to take out the Yokohama Hive.

My point above is more valid and coherent than yours.
They weren't prepared for the BETA at all, their only plan was to bomb all the planet and run away for another one. After Alternative V, there weren't going to be any post- BETA planet left to rule on, just an interstellar expedition to lead and control.

That is also my point for why the Americans tried to sabotage them in the first place, btw.

Your point is wrong. See above two responses for why. To summarize again, the Americans tried to sabotage Alt IV because they were greedy and wanted to keep themselves strong. They also have multiple contingency plans in place in case everyone else failed. Or if they didn’t fail, well, they got the technology to fight either with G-bombs or anti-TSF TSFs. Hell, in the extended universe past Operation Ouka, the Silent Eagle was the second stealth TSF the Americans made where they tried selling to other countries (‘cause you know, they created a power imbalance with the Raptor and they now they wanted to sell a solution to it). The IJA wanted a new TSF and they had a choice of the stealth Gekkou or the non-stealth Shiranui Second. Both performed admirably in the selection trials. The Shogun decided on the non-stealth Shiranui Second; she explains “While the Earth continues to be plagued by the BETA, only the most helpless fool would consider preparing oneself for war among humans to be of priority.” Japan, better prepared for a post-BETA world? Hah, fat chance. They gave up what little chance they could’ve gotten to the Americans.

Same as above.

I don't remember to have said anything about that. Actually, you were the one to point that out in your previous quote, so, why are you debating your own comments?

This was my fault with the formatting as I wanted to put that point with the previous, but my point is that it seems like you were saying that a story that focuses primarily on a cast of Japanese characters at a UN base in Japan who, in this arc, had to participate in a Japanese civil war, has a lot of Japanese pilots, to which I say:

So, thanks for pointing out the obvious that a majority Japanese cast only has mostly Japanese characters for comparison? I mentioned Mana, Sagiri, and Walken in comparison to Takeru because we saw for good, if rather brief, moment how they fought while the others went down like flies. It wasn’t a curbstomp battle between any of them, but there’s not enough evidence that we can use to make comparison with Takeru. We can only speculate. Outside of this arc we’ve only ever seen a few of the other Yokohama UN pilots in action and they weren’t pushovers. Takeru is really good for a rookie pilot (who’s had how many loops where his training carried over?), but I feel against someone like Mana, he’d most likely go down. It was just an educated case from me based on observing the XM3 trials, where the idea that skill is a bit more important than talent. He’s good, but not that good.

I did not pointed out anything about this either (I said that MLA, just like Mahouka, let the Japanese people in a really important position that they would probably never be in our world), so I'm considering that you are refering to "what would you say if I did". Otherwise...

"You could not possibly be any more dense about this discussion"

About that, I was obviously refering to the political logic of our world (my entire point in that paragraph) not to the world itself.

Did you miss the number of times how I kept saying that whatever political maneuvers they did more or less mirror how those countries act in our world? I said our world and real-world so many times in that one paragraph to make a point that Kouki injects bits of how the countries in OUR WORLD operate into how the countries in the BETAverse operate.. It is just as complex. I played Total Eclipse and the CIA and Americans still exert their wide range of influence on the other countries. They nuked the shit out of Canada because the Americans saw how the BETA rekt China and Russia. Then they adopted a combat methodology of engaging the BETA from afar because they thought you can’t hope to win in CQC. It all makes sense because apart from some small differences in Japanese history and WW2 and the whole alien thing, they still resemble the real world US, UK, Japan, Russia, UN.

Are you possibly saying that a MLA, a work of futuristic fiction, would actually mirror the real world sucessfully? Not even historical based books are, you are quite alienated if you think is that so. They TRIED, in the way the author actually saw the world from a japanese perspective. If he were american, the results would be quite different, and so we can apply to every other single country. There is just LOTS (and I mean it, LOTS) of other things to be considered, don't start proclaiming baseless nonsense like this here, when one of the main political themes (if not THE main one) in MLA are basically Japanese nacionalism per se, to prove my point right.

"...and by power, this doesn't apply AT ALL just for Psychichal, Magical or Supernatural powers, your mind can also be a great weapon, and in some cases, your best."

She is OP in every angle you can look at her. She do whatever she want and control basically everything by the shadows (She has contacts, she knows too much, she can make something that is not even in her hands to decide happen).
I read MLA two times already, and this is basically what I can tell from her behavior so far. She has power to control things and events that she wasn't supposed to at all.

Yeah, let’s ignore the other big aspects of what makes up an overpowered character and focus on just one so you can prove your point.

First, you’re purposefully narrowing the usual definition of something, without modifying the actual meaning and being coherent with it in your argument to suit your views.

Well, this is not logically incorrect in any aspect (and you are doing the same for quite some time too), this is how a debate works, don't you know?

You should read this before coming back here:

That is called cherry-picking and false equivalence, which are all logical fallacies. (This feels like dejavu…)

Yeah, you just did it right now (and it was not the first time either).

Second, you’re just selectively defining shit and overselling her character. She’s a manipulative genius. Her military rank gets her access to resources Takeru wish he had, but you know why? She’s the project head to the most important plan to combat the BETA in history; she has the weight of the entire world on her shoulders. It’s natural that the top-brass at the UN will try their best to make sure she makes Alt IV a success, for the good of everyone because the only other option (or alternative, pun intended) is Alt V and no one wants Alt V because people want to live on the land they take back (again, G-bombs make the land sterile and lifeless, what use is bombing everything to get rid of the BETA when your country has become a literal wasteland?).

I have no reasons to, she is one of my favorite characters in Visual Novels. All my points were conclusive and not denigrator about her character. Being overpowered is not something negative in some cases (like when we have a proper explanation of why the character is like that).

In the case of Yuuho, Lelouch, Tatsuya and every single main character in the cast of LotGH there is one pretty simple: They are geniuses. No, SUPER geniuses. And in the case of Lelouch and Tatsuya, they are overpowered for another reason too (that is also explained bit by bit).

Again, one of the most important people in the world is given all the resources she needs to ensure humanity’s survival. NO SHIT. I'd be worried if she didn't have connections.

No shit, my point is about the power she has, and not how strange it would be if she doesn't. Why am I even trying to explain lol

Would you argue that our world leaders are overpowered as well? They have access to things most regular civilians never get to see in their lifetime. They have so many connections. They make things happen all the time. It’s an asinine argument on your part.

Never said they weren't powerful, but, aren't you concluding, just like me, that she has the power that a world leader would have? If you were trying to make an argument against me with this, you will end making an argument as "asinine" as mine. Just be quiet, you are starting to embarass yourself here already.

There is a difference between getting everyone to help you versus doing everything yourself. Yuuko is only human in the end, so she gets other people to do things for her. She’s smart, but again, as the most important person spearheading the survival of humanity, you bet your ass that everyone in the project will make sure she gets the stuff she needs to complete Alt IV. She has done extreme and horrible things and given orders that are equally as bad to get closer to that goal and that weighs heavily on her conscience.

My points above, go read them again^

You’re making it sound like she does everything singlehandedly, when in fact, she has to enlist help from others because she’s only human. That’s what her Valkyries are for. To say that she is overpowered is, again, overselling the kind of character she is. Even a genius like her has things that’s beyond her scope and in fact most of the heavily lifting was done by the rest of the cast. She needs something done and other people do it for her because she’s a very important person to humanity’s survival. It’s that simple.

Just like any other character mentioned so far by me as overpowered has these same traits (not even Tatsuya or Lelouch do things by themselves, and they have powerful magical powers). Just like her, they have something only they can do, but can't do everything (or even this things they do) without any (previously helped or not) help. And again about this last point, not even Tatsuya.

You are a complete hypocrite, accusing other people of doing what you were doing. I don't know if you are just a troll trying to use a "complex" vocabulary (incorrectly used quite a bit) to appear like an intelligent person for the other people reading your quotes or just trying to make a point but being to incoherent with your own words. My bet? Both.

I am done talking to you.

PS: I heard you like to link "reaction" images (I prepared some for you above if you noticed), probably thinking they will actually do something (like support your arguments) besides building up your ego or trying to desmotivate the other person arguing with you. Well, if you actually think like that, this one is also a reply for them (that is actually for the quote in general).
DanpmssAug 12, 2014 9:14 AM
Aug 12, 2014 12:12 PM

May 2010
At this point it isn’t so much wasting my time trying to disprove someone who, even though he read MLA multiple times, still doesn’t display a good grasp of why things happened the way they did in the VNs, but it’s to let the rest of the internet see how daft you are. Your lack of reading comprehension speaks for itself.

You obviously didn’t read this part closely or at all:
wrenchbread said:
Plus, the fucked up Earth from The Day After was not foreseen by anybody. They didn't know that using that many G-bombs at once would cause such strong gravitation anomalies on a global scale. No one could’ve predicted it and so everyone suffered for it. Murphy’s Law.

I figured I shouldn’t have to mention this since you played the VN multiple times, but America only tacked on the evacuation ships so the UN could agree to Alt V. The ships weren’t even part of the original plan, it was just bomb all the Hives. Hell, they didn’t even expect the ships to survive the trip to find to a habitable planet. They only put it in to appease the UN and everyone else, the Americans didn’t care, they knew that G-bombs worked and they worked well. Alt V as a whole works out great for America because they were completely untouched by the BETA, so only everyone else gets bombed. Your argument only proves that hindsight is 20/20 when in their universe no one knew detonating a ton of G-bombs would fuck up the entire world like that, so your point honestly holds no water as it’s circular logic.

My point above is more valid and coherent than yours.

Just because you say it is doesn’t make it so. All of the world’s governments still remained on Earth so they can give orders to make one last global assault to wipe out the BETA [using G-bombs], while the migrant fleet finds another habitable planet at the same time because their current one is pretty rekt. Alt V was a last-ditch effort to stop the BETA because they’ve been fighting this war for almost 30 years with no progress, and it wasn’t until recently, with G-bombs, that they were able to successfully take down a Hive. Unfortunately, again, no one knew that a shitload of G-bombs would shift oceans and whatever, causing the death of everyone else except the Americans, Japanese, French, and Canadians.

(I said that MLA, just like Mahouka, let the Japanese people in a really important position that they would probably never be in our world)

That's pretty racist.

There is just LOTS (and I mean it, LOTS) of other things to be considered, don't start proclaiming baseless nonsense like this here, when one of the main political themes (if not THE main one) in MLA are basically Japanese nacionalism per se, to prove my point right.

Did you somehow forget or just gloss over in one of my previous posts that explains how Kouki wrote the whole coup arc to highlight that Japanese nationalism is fucking retarded? And I get told I’m “proclaiming baseless nonsense.” You funny, bro.

wrenchbread said:
First, you’re purposefully narrowing the usual definition of something, (added by you) without modifying the actual meaning and being coherent with it in your argument to suit your views.

Well, this is not logically incorrect in any aspect (and you are doing the same for quite some time too), this is how a debate works, don't you know?

Fukken lol’d. Quoting for posterity. Assuming I even did cherry-pick my arguments, two wrongs don’t make a right. It doesn’t matter if you were being coherent with it because you’re still cherry-picking things that suits your views in the end while ignoring evidence to the contrary, which is a fallacy.

Are you saying that I’ve been debating the wrong way all my life? You mean all my good marks in class debates were a sham? That my whole life is a lie? Like, I shouldn’t be providing nuanced arguments the uses the whole definitions of words, but rather I should pick and choose the definitions and points I need to confirm my argument while ignoring blatant evidence of the contrary? That I shouldn’t address the opposition’s argument directly, but rather I should be relying on half-truths and confirmation bias (which are fallacies)? Oh, wait, no, I shouldn’t. Phew, Wikipedia saving my ass again. Was about to go crazy there.

Yeah, you do a really good job of showing the rest of the internet that you really know how to debate. And now you know why I consider this a waste of my time when at a fundamental level you don’t even know how a debate goes and actually think fallacies should be part of a debate. Holy. SHIT. This is some Poe’s law up in here.

All my points were conclusive and not denigrator about her character. Being overpowered is not something negative in some cases (like when we have a proper explanation of why the character is like that).

Just like any other character mentioned so far by me as overpowered has these same traits (not even Tatsuya or Lelouch do things by themselves, and they have powerful magical powers). Just like her, they have something only they can do, but can't do everything (or even this things they do) without any (previously helped or not) help. And again about this last point, not even Tatsuya.

Then why bring it up at all? You initially started this whole thing by equating Yuuko and Tatsuya, while ignoring that Yuuko is nowhere near Tatsuya’s proficiency in well… everything (except normal magic, like that means anything), when it’s a false equivalence. This is what I mean by cherry-picking, mein freund. You just keep focusing on the fact that Tatsuya’s genius while ignoring his Stu traits and then try to haphazardly equate his character with Yuuko’s. Just… what.

Tatsuya can singlehandedly wipe an army without backup. Yuuko can only hope that the Valkyries succeed in their missions and that her connections gets her the things she needs. As smart as she is, Yuuko is still heavily reliant on others, while Tatsuya is an entire package given a license to do pretty much anything by himself. I don't understand why you're still trying to equate two things that are not equivalent.

No shit, my point is about the power she has, and not how strange it would be if she doesn't. Why am I even trying to explain lol

Then what the fuck were you going on about? You’re basically saying she’s way too powerful with pulling strings. I’m saying that someone in her position who’s tasked with creating the one thing that will give humanity a fighting chance that doesn’t involving bombing everything, it is natural that she has such power. You trying to make a point about it is basically saying that her power is out of place, which it isn’t. She has the right amount of power and clout as someone in her unique position.

My points above, go read them again

I did, all I see is dodging, incoherence, back-pedaling from you. My analogy with Yuuko and world leaders is that Yuuko will do everything in her power to make Alt IV a success just as world leaders would do everything in their power to serve in the best interests of their respective countries. Their ranks are different but their jobs are nonetheless analogous.

You are a complete hypocrite, accusing other people of doing what you were doing. I don't know if you are just a troll trying to use a "complex" vocabulary (incorrectly used quite a bit) to appear like an intelligent person for the other people reading your quotes or just trying to make a point but being to incoherent with your own words. My bet? Both.

Dude, I really think you suffer from Dunning-Kruger. And my vocabulary isn’t particularly complex. It really isn’t, even to native speakers who aren’t literature majors. But if you feel you don’t understand certain words or phrases, feel free to ask about them because I certainly don’t want a language barrier or lack of reading comprehension to ruin this as it has on numerous occasions before. I do my job just fine here, the rest is on you. But why don't you just keep focusing on the ad-hominems.

You call my responses “desperate defenses,” but I’ve provided detailed rebuttals to every. single. point you tried to make. I don’t have to make you look daft, you do a pretty good job of that for yourself already. You just keep telling yourself that you destroyed my arguments if it makes you sleep at night. I’ll let other people decide. You and that Dunning-Kruger effect, man… I really gotta stop giving strangers on the internet the benefit of the doubt.

I need a drink.

PS: I heard you like to link "reaction" images

It's a habit I picked up from a different forum. Because words cannot express what I feel fully sometimes.
wrenchbreadAug 12, 2014 1:12 PM
Aug 12, 2014 1:53 PM

Jul 2012
wrenchbread said:
At this point it isn’t so much wasting my time trying to disprove someone who, even though he read MLA multiple times, still doesn’t display a good grasp of why things happened the way they did in the VNs, but it’s to let the rest of the internet see how daft you are. Your lack of reading comprehension speaks for itself.

You obviously didn’t read this part closely or at all:
wrenchbread said:
Plus, the fucked up Earth from The Day After was not foreseen by anybody. They didn't know that using that many G-bombs at once would cause such strong gravitation anomalies on a global scale. No one could’ve predicted it and so everyone suffered for it. Murphy’s Law.

I figured I shouldn’t have to mention this since you played the VN multiple times, but America only tacked on the evacuation ships so the UN could agree to Alt V. The ships weren’t even part of the original plan, it was just bomb all the Hives. Hell, they didn’t even expect the ships to survive the trip to find to a habitable planet. They only put it in to appease the UN and everyone else, the Americans didn’t care, they knew that G-bombs worked and they worked well. Alt V as a whole works out great for America because they were completely untouched by the BETA, so only everyone else gets bombed. Your argument only proves that hindsight is 20/20 when in their universe no one knew detonating a ton of G-bombs would fuck up the entire world like that, so your point honestly holds no water as it’s circular logic.

Ships WERE INDEED part of the plan at that point (in order to get the UN to agree with it). And actually, the effects of the powerful destruction caused by the G-Bombs were already witnessed by everyone in the world since it's first use, so there's not things like "They had no idea of how bad they would fuck up".

My point above is more valid and coherent than yours.

Just because you say it is doesn’t make it so. All of the world’s governments still remained on Earth so they can give orders to make one last global assault to wipe out the BETA [using G-bombs], while the migrant fleet finds another habitable planet at the same time because their current one is pretty rekt. Alt V was a last-ditch effort to stop the BETA because they’ve been fighting this war for almost 30 years with no progress, and it wasn’t until recently, with G-bombs, that they were able to successfully take down a Hive. Unfortunately, again, no one knew that a shitload of G-bombs would shift oceans and whatever, causing the death of everyone else except the Americans, Japanese, French, and Canadians.

Yet again, my point above. They've already witnessed the destruction power of the G-Bombs, there's no way they would just "have no idea of the consequences".

There is just LOTS (and I mean it, LOTS) of other things to be considered, don't start proclaiming baseless nonsense like this here, when one of the main political themes (if not THE main one) in MLA are basically Japanese nacionalism per se, to prove my point right.

Did you somehow forget or just gloss over in one of my previous posts that explains how Kouki wrote the whole coup arc to highlight that Japanese nationalism is fucking retarded? And I get told I’m “proclaiming baseless nonsense.” You funny, bro.

And yet, they continued with it. Japanese honor and such is still present until the end of MLA, it was not exclusively made for that arc.

And you are dodging my main point as usual:
"Are you possibly saying that a MLA, a work of futuristic fiction, would actually mirror the real world sucessfully? Not even historical based books are, you are quite alienated if you think is that so. They TRIED, in the way the author actually saw the world from a japanese perspective. If he were american, the results would be quite different, and so we can apply to every other single country."

Well, this is not logically incorrect in any aspect (and you are doing the same for quite some time too), this is how a debate works, don't you know?

Fukken lol’d. Quoting for posterity. Assuming I even did cherry-pick my arguments, two wrongs don’t make a right. It doesn’t matter if you were being coherent with it because you’re still cherry-picking things that suits your views in the end while ignoring evidence to the contrary, which is a fallacy.

Well, considering that all my points did not foreshadowed anything that could be used against me (since I mention "Even if"s and "Being 'this' or not"s to close my points around my argumentations), your statement is quite invalid. You just started to whine about this because you couldn't strike back my points back there.

Are you saying that I’ve been debating the wrong way all my life? You mean all my good marks in class debates were a sham? That my whole life is a lie? Like, I shouldn’t be providing nuanced arguments the uses the whole definitions of words, but rather I should pick and choose the definitions and points I need to confirm my argument while ignoring blatant evidence of the contrary? That I shouldn’t address the opposition’s argument directly, but rather I should be relying on half-truths and confirmation bias (which are fallacies)? Oh, wait, no, I shouldn’t. Phew, Wikipedia saving my ass again. Was about to go crazy there.

Well, I gave you every single reference/source about what I discussed about so far. You don't really need to ignore blatant evidence of the contrary when is actually inexistent in the discussion to begin with (my point above).
If you actually do think it is, you can always add your argument and point out a contradiction (so far, we did this in every single quote), but is not like I will (just like I didn't, up to now) gave up without confirming all my arguments, at the same time that I point out (just like you) why yours is invalid.

There is nothing wrong here, and your incorrect usage of the word "Fallacy" just proves that as one itself. There is no cherry picking from my side, since I always mentioned the other possible alternatives first (and denied the other points presented by you). This is how a debate works. You should learn one day how to.

Yeah, you do a really good job of showing the rest of the internet that you really know how to debate. And now you know why I consider this a waste of my time when at a fundamental level you don’t even know how a debate goes and actually think fallacies should be part of a debate. Holy. SHIT. This is some Poe’s law up in here.

Yeah I did, unlike you. And how ironic, I just pointed out your arguments to be one. I don't even consider my discussion with you to be one, your points are flat and you just tries to push without success the arguer (in this case, me) against his own words and arguments, without even defending yourself from the other arguments he make (except for MLA-verse related questions, these are quite interesting, as always).

All my points were conclusive and not denigrator about her character. Being overpowered is not something negative in some cases (like when we have a proper explanation of why the character is like that).

Then why bring it up at all? You initially started this whole thing by equating Yuuko and Tatsuya, while ignoring that Yuuko is nowhere near Tatsuya’s proficiency in well… everything (except normal magic), when it’s a false equivalence. This is what I mean by cherry-picking, mein freund. You just keep focusing on the fact that Tatsuya’s genius while ignoring his Stu traits and then try to haphazardly equate his character with Yuuko’s. Just… what.

Never ignored this fact, they are both equal in the "Overpowered"(in the way I stated) Geniuses. Nothing more, nothing less (and I even mentioned other characters in the very same situation). I gave you clear examples (and even mentioned his magical powers as something unrelated to Yuuko). In other words, they are incredibly similar in one aspect, but not exactly in every other (Yuuko don't do magical stuff).

No shit, my point is about the power she has, and not how strange it would be if she doesn't. Why am I even trying to explain lol

Then what the fuck were you going on about? You’re basically saying she’s way too powerful with pulling strings. I’m saying that someone in her position who’s tasked with creating the one thing that will give humanity a fighting chance that doesn’t involving bombing everything, it is natural that she has such power. You trying to make a point about it is basically saying that her power is out of place, which it isn’t. She has the right amount of power and clout as someone in her unique position.

I'm going on about what I just mentioned above.

My points above, go read them again

I did, all I see is dodging, incoherence, back-pedaling from you. My analogy with Yuuko and world leaders is that Yuuko will do everything in her power to make Alt IV a success just as world leaders would do everything in their power to serve in the best interests of their respective countries. Their ranks are different but their jobs are nonetheless analogous.

I'm the one to say that. Again, you are such an hypocrite (and about the other points, I aready mentioned them in the parts you omitted from what your quoted in here).

You are a complete hypocrite, accusing other people of doing what you were doing. I don't know if you are just a troll trying to use a "complex" vocabulary (incorrectly used quite a bit) to appear like an intelligent person for the other people reading your quotes or just trying to make a point but being to incoherent with your own words. My bet? Both.

Dude, I really think you suffer from Dunning-Kruger. And my vocabulary isn’t particularly complex. It really isn’t, even to native speakers who aren’t literature majors. But if you feel you don’t understand certain words or phrases, feel free to ask about them because I certainly don’t want a language barrier or lack of reading comprehension to ruin this as it has on numerous occasions before. I do my job just fine here, the rest is on you. But you keep focusing on the ad-hominems.

Same as above indeed. And I said "complex", is actually sarcasm, you know? And you were making an (incorrect) overuse of words like "Fallacy" and its derivatives, just to prove nothing with your argues afterwards (instead of being more objective and trying to argue using other points, and not just using mine against me, as explained above).

You call my responses “desperate defenses,” but I’ve provided detailed rebuttals to every. single. point you tried to make. I don’t have to make you look daft, you do a pretty good job of that for yourself already. You just keep telling yourself that you destroyed my arguments if it makes you sleep at night. I’ll let other people decide. You and that Dunning-Kruger effect, man… I really gotta stop giving strangers on the internet the benefit of the doubt.

I need a drink.

Same as above indeed, another time.
I think you were already drunk when you wrote all this, so maybe you shouldn't do it anymore.
DanpmssAug 12, 2014 2:18 PM
Aug 12, 2014 2:56 PM

May 2010
I'm fully convinced that you are talking out of your ass.

Ships WERE INDEED part of the plan at that point (in order to get the UN to agree with it). And actually, the effects of the powerful destruction caused by the G-Bombs were already witnessed by everyone in the world since it's first use, so there's not things like "They had no idea of how bad they would fuck up".

>Ships WERE INDEED part of the plan at that point (in order to get the UN to agree with it).

Dude, do you even read what you write? I just said that, but that wasn’t my point. My point was that the Americans never intended for the evacuation ships to be in the original Alt V plan, so it wasn’t just for them to G-bomb everything and leave the earth. If they wanted to leave Earth as well, it would’ve been part of the plan since its first draft, but it was the UN that saw it’s absence as bullshit, so they were the ones who got the Americans to put that one stipulation in. The Americans didn’t care to leave or not leave Earth. If the Americans decided to flee after G-bombing everything, then why did the US gov’t still exist in the TDA timeline? Duh, it’s because a majority of them stayed. They saw no need to evacuate because they were [a little too] confident the G-bombs would take care of everything and because they didn't expect the ships to survive the space trip to another habitable planet.

100,000 people were to be selected and allowed to flee Earth through the use of immigrant spaceships, while the rest of humanity stays on to fight the BETA to the bitter end, using a large number of G Bombs. The immigration ships were not really expected to survive: this was simply something added on to the plan in order to get the UN to agree with it.

In the original incarnation of Alt V, there were no plans for evacuation ships included. The Americans only put that stipulation in because the UN wouldn't agree to Alt V's original plan of ONLY G-bombing everything, so they were like, whatever, you can have your stupid ships.

They experimented with G-bombs on a small scale thrice in the Unlimited timeline. Once in a controlled test in America. Once as a live test for the Yokohama Hive in 1998; it was successful. The third and final time they live test ‘em before going full speed ahead with Alt V was for Sadogashima; that was also successful. They saw that they were quite effective in destroying the BETA and capturing Hives and observed nothing beyond leveling everything and turning the area into a lifeless wasteland. Then someone got the bright idea that they should G-bomb every Hive in the world simultaneously, in which case the gravitational anomalies from all the G-bombs snowballed into shifting entire oceans to one side of the earth. No one guessed that detonating a shitload of bombs made from alien material simultaneously would’ve done that, when the small-scale tests didn’t indicate something like this would happen. That’s the whole point, man. Their logic is that they saw no real issues in the small-scale tests aside from minor gravitational anomalies, therefore they thought using the G-bombs in a large scale simultaneously around Eurasia would work just fine. Can you into science? I can’t believe you don’t understand this logic.

Are you seriously trying to argue this with me? Are you sure you’re not the dense one? I honestly should be asking you if you're the one trolling.

And yet, they continued with it. Japanese honor and such is still present until the end of MLA, it was not exclusively made for that arc.

Through and through Kouki made a point that nationalism is fucking retarded when it involves stupid crap like trying to hold the Shogun hostage to get what you want and trying to demonize and banish foreigners. Nationalism by itself without all the connotations is not inherently bad is the point that Kouki wanted to make and he actually examines this topic from multiple angles. To normal folks, it’s simply pride in one’s nation and nationality, but to the Japanese in the BETAverse, it’s almost a way of life. This goes into the whole concept of Japanese national identity due to its humiliation in WW2 and whatnot, but that’s a story for another day. It’s why I laugh when people say that ML/A peddles hardcore right-wing Japanese nationalism when it’s wholly the opposite. Hell, I’d sooner argue that Mahouka peddles hardcore right-wing Japanese nationalism. It’s not so much that he advocates any one view of Japanese nationalism (to be honest he definitely leans more toward the progressive view of Japanese nationalism), but he wants us to think about it in the context of their world and ours. Something you obviously didn’t do.

As someone else put it in with regards how nationalism is handled in ML/A:
The nationalism is fine since it's explored from multiple angles with Takeru having an outside point of view. At one point he compares Japanese nationalism in the Alternative verse to the sentiments of those people from the Showa era, commenting that in his (our) world such a thing is completely foolish since there's no giant enemy to fight and those feelings are seen as backwards and not progressive, while in the Muv-Luv universe it's still in full force due to the Shogun existing and nationalism being necessary to keep Japan's people hopeful and believing in their country.

There is nothing wrong here, and your incorrect usage of the word "Fallacy" just proves that as one itself. There is no cherry picking from my side, since I always mentioned the other possible alternatives first (and denied the other points presented by you). This is how a debate works. You should learn one day how to.

What incorrect usage? It’s called a fallacy because your way of providing an argument is wrong. Cherry-picking is a defined as a fallacy of selective evidence.

You say you provide alternate views, but it doesn’t take a genius to see that when examining your arguments that we find you’re only providing narrow interpretations of stuff you read, while also failing to point out other views like mine. There’s also a difference between denying and refuting. Denying makes it sound like you don’t acknowledge my arguments without providing reasons why. Refuting is providing evidence for why you think I’m wrong.

I’ll break it down for you again:

- You make claims that Japan has one of the best TSF pilots ever before even considering its validity. I provided reasons that while he is pretty good, he’s only pretty good for a rookie pilot especially when compared to the veteran UN pilots who were using an old OS and old equipment gave him a pretty hard time during the XM3 trials.

- You make claims that Japan is a Mary Sue nation in ML/A (but fail to consider America as the more likely Sue nation, so much for considering alternatives, huh). I provided canon reasons why it’s not and why America is.

- You make claims that the Americans are scared of the Japanese. I provided canon reasons why they’re not and that they have no reason to be.

- You make claims that Japan is most prepared for a post-BETA world. I provided canon reasons why they’re not and America is.

You make claims Yuuko is overpowered. I provided canon reasons why you’re overselling and misrepresenting her character by providing some real world logic in how humans and their respective institutions operate in the BETAverse (which Kouki employs a lot of, which is why I don’t have many issues with MLA) that she has power that’s normal for a person in her position.

- You claim the Americans just wanted to G-bomb everything AND flee the earth. I provided canon reasons explaining that evacuation was never part of the Alt V plan and it was something they added in last minute so the UN can accept G-bombing Eurasia and pointed out that your claim contradicts how after G-bombing everything, the US gov't stayed on earth.

and the pattern just repeats itself. I don’t just say your claims are wrong, I show why they’re wrong using canon literature.

I don’t see how you can deny or argue against canon when it’s right there for everyone to see. You know what they say, “It takes a strong man to deny what’s right in front of them. If the truth is undeniable, you create your own.” You're just fabricating your own narratives to suit your argument. This is worse than a making a fallacious statement, it's misrepresenting shit or making shit up. This is all very strange considering you yourself said that you read MLA thrice, but your arguments here show as if you only have a negligible understanding of the text.

And you were making an (incorrect) overuse of words like "Fallacy" and its derivatives, just to prove nothing with your argues afterwards

Prove nothing? Then what the hell was I writing the entire time? You obviously seem to know better than I do so please explain it to me, Mr. Dunning-Kruger-effect-personified.

Don't forget, you were the one who dared to compare MLA to Mahouka.

Seriously, dude, if all you’re going to do from now on is call me things like hypocrite in lieu of trying to provide rebuttals, I think you should take a break and do some self-reflection. At least leave with what little pride you have left after this. And do yourself and everyone else a favor and follow this piece of advice before you go because it was absolutely painful watching you dig your own grave these last few days.

wrenchbreadAug 12, 2014 6:20 PM
Aug 12, 2014 7:03 PM

Aug 2014
Well where should I even start? Ahem the problem with Mahouka is that the writing leaves nothing to the imagination and the reason for this is the long winded details and exposition being spouted during the action sequences; such as characters explaining (through monologue and dialogue) every ounce of detail about the magic that is being evoked down to the asinine molecule, and not to mention the use of 3D models to illustrate to the audience how the magic works contributes to this as well, it's ironic the magic of Mahouka is sapping away the magic of Mahouka.

Next we have the Characters what can I say about them they're bland really bland I get the feeling that the female cast and the male cast are there to fellate Tatsuya's ego (well if he even has one). The female cast comes off as one dimensional and the same could be applied to the male cast as well from what I've read and watched. The dialogue seems really forced towards the point where I'm starting to wonder if the author has ever had any social interactions in his life that does not consist of caricatures and cliches from other anime.

A perfect example would be when Mikihiko and Leon walked out to the open field grassland arena and Erika just bursted out laughing. To be quite honest when I read the light novel I thought it was Erika just being mean and when I watched the anime I just cringed hard; it just sound so forced and not to mention the design of the costumes did not even deviated that much from the original standard gear (in terms of aesthetics), and yet here we have Erika laughing away at a joke that I've apparently missed. I'm sorry was that supposed to be funny? You b****.

Now moving on we have Tatsuya Shiba who in all his shining chick magnet glory!!!!
Is nothing but a giant towering overpowered weed that stands above all weeds and blooms he has transcended above those meaningless titles, he is a Weaboo. Wait does that even sound right? Anyway I'm not sure if you could call his character a Gary Stu or Bland because the author made him really bland towards the point where I cannot see how is that even considered perfect? Yet at the same time he is infallible ugh so contradicting. Let see what is the perfect title to describe him I know BLAND STU!!!!!! Like the beef stew that I just cooked last night looks pretty but has no taste.

Anyway I digress back to Tatsuya well for me here is the problem he is like Superman or John Cena in the end you know that he is going to win why bother creating all the suspense? What? to give his opponents a fighting chance? To fellate his character? Man what a dick move. You see Tatsuya is bland because he is a power fantasy, he is a blank slate that viewers could just imprint themselves onto. He is no greater than what he is and he is no less then what he is; in other words he is static, unmoving and unwavering. That would have been fine and all but Sato had to go and give the spotlight all to Tatsuya and leaving the other characters as a one dimensional cardboard cut outs in order to act as an extension of Tatsuya. Welp and that would explain why most if not all the characters (like Tatsuya) are just so bland and boring.

Ohh Miyuki you one dimensional Bro Con loving parrot if only every brother has a sister like you (who would go on a homicidal killing spree on your behalf). The best way to describe her is well if the supporting and secondary characters are an extension for Tatsuya, Miyuki is equivalent to an outlet in which Tatsuya plugs himself into. That is the case because Tatsuya does not have any emotions nor is he capable of expressing them except for and towards his sister. So Miyuki will happily express herself for his sake but y'know for a character who is not restricted from expressing her emotions, the majority of the time she only displays her emotions for Tatsuya, on his behalf and for any of those who seek to harm him. She is like a broken record not because she can't play any track but it's because she can only play one track and that track is called Tatsuya.

Well that about does it....wait there are other characters that I still need to cover?
If I recall Tatsuya once mentioned something about his emotions regarding his fellow classmates in the LN. Ahh he would regret the passing of his fellow classmates but ultimately he feels nothing for them and hey guess what?

That's exactly how I feel!!!!!! Heck I'm already starting to like Tatsuya even more. *High Five*

Peace Out, B*****!!!!
GrimlokkAug 12, 2014 7:08 PM
Aug 12, 2014 9:42 PM
Feb 2013
I like the novels. Personally I don't feel like it lends itself well to an anime adaption. Too much background information and shit to convey. An anime simply can't capture the correct feel.
Aug 13, 2014 12:36 AM

Jul 2014
Lol never read the novel. But the adaptation is just plain boring, dull characters, dull plot, little to no suspense, too much info dump. There's nothing to get viewers excited at all...
How do I signature?
Aug 13, 2014 12:47 AM

Jul 2013
"Sigh", here it goes.
-Crappy, bland and one-dimensional characters
-Hardly any story development
-Too many unimportant/useless characters
-Tatsuya and Miyuka are OP
-Some characters have downright horrible character designs
-Some characters are incredibly dense, which is odd seeing how on the other hand they are unrealistically intelligent
-Over complicated magic explanations that barely make sense
-The villains are lame, first arc just some crappy organization filled with weaklings, and so were the villains in the second arc
-Every time Miyuki says "Onii-sama" I can slowly feel by brain cells committing suicide one by one
-It's a stupid show that thinks it's smart.
-All women in a 100 kilometer radius is attracted to Tatsuya, even though he must be the most unappealing guy in the show
-Rehashed comedic moments between Miyki and Tatsuya about their "brother-sisterly love" that they have together which they claim isn't incest
-No suspense, Tatsuya seems to be stronger than everyone else so there's no threat.
-It's fucking boring
-Soundtrack is nothing special
-The relationship between Tatsuya and Miyuki. Incest aside, their relationship seems incredibly forced and cheesy. Every time a scene pops up with both of them it makes me cringe to watch, worst character interaction ever.
I'll keep adding some when I think of them

The only reason people would complain about lack of action is because the rest of the show is such garbage and action may actually make this show half bearable to watch.
MinagatachiAug 13, 2014 1:06 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 13, 2014 3:32 PM

Jul 2012
wrenchbread said:
I'm fully convinced that you are talking out of your ass.

Ships WERE INDEED part of the plan at that point (in order to get the UN to agree with it). And actually, the effects of the powerful destruction caused by the G-Bombs were already witnessed by everyone in the world since it's first use, so there's not things like "They had no idea of how bad they would fuck up".

>Ships WERE INDEED part of the plan at that point (in order to get the UN to agree with it).

Dude, do you even read what you write? I just said that, but that wasn’t my point. My point was that the Americans never intended for the evacuation ships to be in the original Alt V plan, so it wasn’t just for them to G-bomb everything and leave the earth. If they wanted to leave Earth as well, it would’ve been part of the plan since its first draft, but it was the UN that saw it’s absence as bullshit, so they were the ones who got the Americans to put that one stipulation in. The Americans didn’t care to leave or not leave Earth. If the Americans decided to flee after G-bombing everything, then why did the US gov’t still exist in the TDA timeline? Duh, it’s because a majority of them stayed. They saw no need to evacuate because they were [a little too] confident the G-bombs would take care of everything and because they didn't expect the ships to survive the space trip to another habitable planet.

100,000 people were to be selected and allowed to flee Earth through the use of immigrant spaceships, while the rest of humanity stays on to fight the BETA to the bitter end, using a large number of G Bombs. The immigration ships were not really expected to survive: this was simply something added on to the plan in order to get the UN to agree with it.

In the original incarnation of Alt V, there were no plans for evacuation ships included. The Americans only put that stipulation in because the UN wouldn't agree to Alt V's original plan of ONLY G-bombing everything, so they were like, whatever, you can have your stupid ships.

"In the original incarnation of Alt V , there were no plans for evacuation ships included."

That's why I said: "Ships WERE INDEED part of the plan at that point (in order to get the UN to agree with it). In fact, that was the main reason for the plan to get accepted by everyone so easily after Yuuko could not find out the answer for the equation (that is gave to her by the other Yuuko in "ALTERNATIVE" game). But about the other point, I admit my defeat, since I've just read again part of chronicles and part of MLU. You are actually correct about the government not running away from the planet (even though it was never stated that important people traveled with them, possibly commanding the entire expedition). In any case, me being incorrect about this point (that is not really important to the main point of this part of the discussion) just reforces even more my arguments about the next one (the main point):

They experimented with G-bombs on a small scale thrice in the Unlimited timeline. Once in a controlled test in America. Once as a live test for the Yokohama Hive in 1998; it was successful. The third and final time they live test ‘em before going full speed ahead with Alt V was for Sadogashima; that was also successful. They saw that they were quite effective in destroying the BETA and capturing Hives and observed nothing beyond leveling everything and turning the area into a lifeless wasteland. Then someone got the bright idea that they should G-bomb every Hive in the world simultaneously, in which case the gravitational anomalies from all the G-bombs snowballed into shifting entire oceans to one side of the earth. No one guessed that detonating a shitload of bombs made from alien material simultaneously would’ve done that, when the small-scale tests didn’t indicate something like this would happen. That’s the whole point, man. Their logic is that they saw no real issues in the small-scale tests aside from minor gravitational anomalies, therefore they thought using the G-bombs in a large scale simultaneously around Eurasia would work just fine. Can you into science? I can’t believe you don’t understand this logic.

It doesn't matter if they were tested successfully or not, my point was that it was obvious that those bombs had a massive destructive power. Everyone could tell that shit was going to happen if they exploded them simultaneously (even though they could not guess exactly what), even more in high scale (for the very same reason why we know by common sense that the world would probably come to an end if we had a simultaneously explosions of lots of Atomic bombs around the world). It just doesn't make any sense if they really did wanted to stay in the planet with all the government.

Are you seriously trying to argue this with me? Are you sure you’re not the dense one? I honestly should be asking you if you're the one trolling.

Aren't you already exausted of repeating the same words I directed to you in this discussion (even your "Dunning-Kruger-effect" thing is one of them, if you remember well my discourse about your ridiculous and constant image-reactions here)?

And yet, they continued with it. Japanese honor and such is still present until the end of MLA, it was not exclusively made for that arc.

Through and through Kouki made a point that nationalism is fucking retarded when it involves stupid crap like trying to hold the Shogun hostage to get what you want and trying to demonize and banish foreigners. Nationalism by itself without all the connotations is not inherently bad is the point that Kouki wanted to make and he actually examines this topic from multiple angles. To normal folks, it’s simply pride in one’s nation and nationality, but to the Japanese in the BETAverse, it’s almost a way of life. This goes into the whole concept of Japanese national identity due to its humiliation in WW2 and whatnot, but that’s a story for another day. It’s why I laugh when people say that ML/A peddles hardcore right-wing Japanese nationalism when it’s wholly the opposite. Hell, I’d sooner argue that Mahouka peddles hardcore right-wing Japanese nationalism. It’s not so much that he advocates any one view of Japanese nationalism (to be honest he definitely leans more toward the progressive view of Japanese nationalism), but he wants us to think about it in the context of their world and ours. Something you obviously didn’t do.

As someone else put it in with regards how nationalism is handled in ML/A:
The nationalism is fine since it's explored from multiple angles with Takeru having an outside point of view. At one point he compares Japanese nationalism in the Alternative verse to the sentiments of those people from the Showa era, commenting that in his (our) world such a thing is completely foolish since there's no giant enemy to fight and those feelings are seen as backwards and not progressive, while in the Muv-Luv universe it's still in full force due to the Shogun existing and nationalism being necessary to keep Japan's people hopeful and believing in their country.

That's not entirely correct. Yuuko is the only one there that found the nationalism to be somehow stupid. Takeru could have explored it from multiple angles, but he never actually said one single time that was shit and wrong. He concluded that after talking with Meiya, also (and just reforced it after that almost rape event, considering her to be noble and admirable with her virtues and concepts).

The very same can be said to Mahouka, not everyone has this really focused and respectful honor to their country (especially because there, the situation is more like dystopian in most of the cases, not like people trying to be more honorable than the others for the sake of their country, like in the "Coup d'etat arc").

Anyway, is not like this was what I was refering as a similar execution to MLA (even though it came from the very same principles), so, this had the solely purpose of refuting (actually thanks for that, in my first language, both 'denying' and 'refuting' are used as synonyms, while here there's mostly like a huge difference that actually would be terrible to be used in an argumentation) your anime-only interpretation about Mahouka's nationalism (that just begin to show itself as a thing in later volumes there were not adapted yet... and hopefully, will never be) your point.

There is nothing wrong here, and your incorrect usage of the word "Fallacy" just proves that as one itself. There is no cherry picking from my side, since I always mentioned the other possible alternatives first (and denied the other points presented by you). This is how a debate works. You should learn one day how to.

What incorrect usage? It’s called a fallacy because your way of providing an argument is wrong. Cherry-picking is a defined as a fallacy of selective evidence.

You say you provide alternate views, but it doesn’t take a genius to see that when examining your arguments that we find you’re only providing narrow interpretations of stuff you read, while also failing to point out other views like mine. There’s also a difference between denying and refuting. Denying makes it sound like you don’t acknowledge my arguments without providing reasons why. Refuting is providing evidence for why you think I’m wrong.

Again, and this time, giving you a link to the proper definition of "Cherry Picking":

"Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

Since I never ignored other points that could lead other interpretations (actually, most of times I even gave you the link for such informations), and mentioned other possible alternatives first. I refuted your arguments that could actually would turn mine into fallacies if not striked back logically, making yours to be a formal form of one (invalid).

Bellow, there is a list that, just like in the other thread, I will refute with my arguments:

I’ll break it down for you again:

- You make claims that Japan has one of the best TSF pilots ever before even considering its validity. I provided reasons that while he is pretty good, he’s only pretty good for a rookie pilot especially when compared to the veteran UN pilots who were using an old OS and old equipment gave him a pretty hard time during the XM3 trials.

Japan in fact has one of the best TSF pilots ever. Old TSFs or not, all of them have incredible abilities that can even be compared with the other elite pilots' (Takeru being the most prepared of all them, obviously, even though not psychologically speaking, by multi-verse previous inumerous trainings written in his subconscious).

- You make claims that Japan is a Mary Sue nation in ML/A (but fail to consider America as the more likely Sue nation, so much for considering alternatives, huh). I provided canon reasons why it’s not and why America is.

Japan has the key for the world salvation (and this was also stated by you). They have the world in they hands and following their plans before (not in the same dimension, because no one had any guarantees about the theorized plan) and after Alternative IV (and by the way, even when Sadogashima Hive was considered a failure. Also, they've got another opportunity to successfully destroy the greatest one in the planet after that, and only if that would turn out to be a failure, Alternative V would be activated as a last resource).

- You make claims that the Americans are scared of the Japanese. I provided canon reasons why they’re not and that they have no reason to be.

My point was not actually canon about this one, I admit. But I only claimed this to be the most coherent reason behind the sabotage (and this discussion still is on-going above). This bugs me a lot, just like the end of Alternative, and that's why I made a point about how it would be even stupid if they actually thought in that way (refering myself about how could anyone even guess "what would happen if they exploded simultaneously a lot of fucking powerful bombs around the world" and how that was going to be a really bad idea if they actually wanted to stay in the planet to rule everything after that (always considering that they KNEW what these bombs were capable of).

This point you can even call a fallacy if you want, I'm just trying to defend MLA genious logic the best I can (even knowing that a some other things were actually incoherent, like when they mirrored our real world in a japanese perspective and try to alter the story from a certain point, or (just probably, they probably explained somehow already, I hope) about the conclusion of the final arc, just like I mentioned before), in this case.

- You make claims that Japan is most prepared for a post-BETA world. I provided canon reasons why they’re not and America is.

I provided you canon reasons of why they are not, too.
If they didn't feared Japan in first place, they wouldn't even consider the idea of trying to sabotage them (and by the way, I would highly doubt the possibility of them destroying the most possible "secret weapon" against BETA just to take their G-Elements, after all, even without them, they would bomb everything anyway).

In any case, that sabotage was made to accelerate Alt. V, so I don't thing that it would be other reasons than these two : They feared the powerful weapon in the post-BETA world (considering that this one would be capable of destroying all BETA in the planet), or (like you said), they wanted to bomb them and take the inactive hive's G-elements to themselves.

From this two possibilities, I pointed mine to be more coherent than yours (since this point does not actually had a canon statement in the MLU narrative, neither in The Day After).

You make claims Yuuko is overpowered. I provided canon reasons why you’re overselling and misrepresenting her character by providing some real world logic in how humans and their respective institutions operate in the BETAverse (which Kouki employs a lot of, which is why I don’t have many issues with MLA) that she has power that’s normal for a person in her position.

I gave you canon reasons for why she is too. She in fact had more power than someone in his position would have. She is a researcher in the Alt. IV "project". Even if she has the authority to make everything necessary to achieve her goals to develop the Unit 00, is just not possible that she has basically control of incredibly important operations without any restrictions. We can take a look in every operation that occurred so far, she is always there making the plans alongside with the Commander Paul Radhabinod in the background (control room). He himself sometimes basically took orders from her during some operations (and he has more power than her there), even if, in these cases, the situation were really fucked up. That is just not how it works in a military-like system, no matter how important is this genius researcher.

You claim the Americans just wanted to G-bomb everything AND flee the earth. I provided canon reasons explaining that evacuation was never part of the Alt V plan and it was something they added in last minute so the UN can accept G-bombing Eurasia and pointed out that your claim contradicts how after G-bombing everything, the US gov't stayed on earth.

About this one, I was wrong about the government not staying on Earth. I already mentioned above, so, there is nothing to talk about in this case.

and the pattern just repeats itself. I don’t just say your claims are wrong, I show why they’re wrong using canon literature.

I made one mistake (for which I apologize right now) and one non-canon claim (which I explained why I did above). The rest is pretty well pointed out so far.

I don’t see how you can deny or argue against canon when it’s right there for everyone to see. You know what they say, “It takes a strong man to deny what’s right in front of them. If the truth is undeniable, you create your own.” You're just fabricating your own narratives to suit your argument. This is worse than a making a fallacious statement, it's misrepresenting shit or making shit up. This is all very strange considering you yourself said that you read MLA thrice, but your arguments here show as if you only have a negligible understanding of the text.

I did not argued against canon (except for one, which I explained why above).
I also explained why that would be the only "fallacious" statement (Since "Arguments committing informal fallacies may be formally valid, but still fallacious.", even if my argument is logically correct, is still invalid).

Every time you claimed something that is refuted, this argument become by definition fallacious (since your reasoning were prove wrong along the context), so, I'm right when saying that your arguments are fallacious from the point you ignore them and point out failures in mine (*every single information about Mahouka that came from you so far, since you don't even know what it was all about*, just saying. Comments in MAL are not entirely correct, especially in this cases).

And you were making an (incorrect) overuse of words like "Fallacy" and its derivatives, just to prove nothing with your argues afterwards

Prove nothing? Then what the hell was I writing the entire time? You obviously seem to know better than I do so please explain it to me, Mr. Dunning-Kruger-effect-personified.

Already explained. Also, that's why you are such an hypocrite, if you didn't figured out just yet. I never tried (unlike you) to be superior in any way, much for the contrary, I'm equaling myself to you and respecting you as an opposition.
For example:
"Just like you, if think I'm right, but I always make sure to understand your point before commenting a reply."

I even commented other things related to it (before you started to arrogantly claiming this up).

Don't forget, you were the one who dared to compare MLA to Mahouka.

I'm still comparing, and I still have reasons to do so. You did not even read the novels, you are the one who wouldn't know about their similarities exactly, and still---

Seriously, dude, if all you’re going to do from now on is call me things like hypocrite in lieu of trying to provide rebuttals, I think you should take a break and do some self-reflection. At least leave with what little pride you have left after this. And do yourself and everyone else a favor and follow this piece of advice before you go because it was absolutely painful watching you dig your own grave these last few days.

You are one, this is a fact.

I said everything I had to say already (and even pointed out my own mistakes about MLA here), so if you still want to discuss this, go ahead and leave the comment you want, but I'm out. You can be right about lots of things in MLA, but you cannot said anything against my comparison to it with Mahouka, since you don't even know about the original source at all. The things you could do here were to point out U.S. as a "potentially" more powerful country, but letting Japan as one of the most important countries in the story anyway, the point per se, and, to point out that I was wrong about something from MLU.
DanpmssAug 13, 2014 4:36 PM
Aug 13, 2014 6:53 PM

Feb 2014
Other than no one explaining the magic stuff, the incest and how the girls all fawn over Tatsuya, I really enjoy this anime with all its action and OST. I mean, sure its not much or it lackluster but I enjoy it. I have read the novels, but I do agree that only the LN readers get the anime. Either way, I don't understand the magic stuff. The manga helped me understand it better.
nanoflowerAug 13, 2014 6:56 PM
Aug 13, 2014 7:25 PM
Oct 2012
nanoflower said:
Other than no one explaining the magic stuff, the incest and how the girls all fawn over Tatsuya, I really enjoy this anime with all its action and OST. I mean, sure its not much or it lackluster but I enjoy it. I have read the novels, but I do agree that only the LN readers get the anime. Either way, I don't understand the magic stuff. The manga helped me understand it better.

To give madhouse their props, there were 3 "understanding this anime" shorts that were released before they started broadcasting that explained various things that not explained by the animation. While I would have preferred that this was included in the actual animation, at least it was presented to the viewers (who are primarily Japanese). Nyaa has them if you want to see them.
Takuan_SohoAug 13, 2014 7:32 PM
Aug 13, 2014 7:30 PM
Jan 2010
I take Yoku Wakaru as Madhouse going "fuck this terminology" and doing a separate short series since they should or risk having a ton of confused viewers.
Aug 13, 2014 11:11 PM

Sep 2008
Orix said:
I take Yoku Wakaru as Madhouse going "fuck this terminology" and doing a separate short series since they should or risk having a ton of confused viewers.

Why would not be a horrible idea if they did it.
Imagine a 3-5min long series with those chiibi (is that the term) characters saying "So, what is flying magic", or "What is decomposition magic" and than having small images pop-up above their heads while they explain it.
I, for one, would welcome that.
Aug 14, 2014 12:30 AM

Feb 2014
nina4life said:
Orix said:
I take Yoku Wakaru as Madhouse going "fuck this terminology" and doing a separate short series since they should or risk having a ton of confused viewers.

Why would not be a horrible idea if they did it.
Imagine a 3-5min long series with those chiibi (is that the term) characters saying "So, what is flying magic", or "What is decomposition magic" and than having small images pop-up above their heads while they explain it.
I, for one, would welcome that.

At least it might reduce Tatusya cult wanking about how great Tatsuya is and give the other characters shines moment without Tatsuya involvement on it.
Aug 14, 2014 2:11 AM

Nov 2012
It's the most boring anime in existence. If you're saying you enjoy the dialogue, you're lying. I don't normally say this because it's due to personal preference, but Mahouka's dialogue is just so bad that you have to be lying to yourself if you say you like it. Unless you're a masochist. You're pretending that it's deep when it's not. You're saying that it explains everything when it shouldn't. Seriously, the dialogue is insulting your intelligence and you're accepting that.

The show is also extremely right-wing to the point that it considers poor people evil because they don't work hard enough. That's fucking disgusting.

"There's no incest in this show". Yup, you guys keep telling yourselves that. You interact with your imouto like that in front of your parents and see what they have to say about it.

The writer also has something against China. Yup China has it's problems, but having every single villain come from China is just ridiculous. And the fact that they're all so goddamn weak. Tatsuya is so strong that it's not even fun watching him wreck the guys. If he put effort into it, it might be, but all the fights are him standing there and people dying.

Also, the animation after episode 1 has been real ass. That's only the tip of the iceberg as well.
Aug 14, 2014 6:59 AM

May 2014
Miraclezify said:
It's the most boring anime in existence. If you're saying you enjoy the dialogue, you're lying. I don't normally say this because it's due to personal preference, but Mahouka's dialogue is just so bad that you have to be lying to yourself if you say you like it. Unless you're a masochist. You're pretending that it's deep when it's not. You're saying that it explains everything when it shouldn't. Seriously, the dialogue is insulting your intelligence and you're accepting that.

The show is also extremely right-wing to the point that it considers poor people evil because they don't work hard enough. That's fucking disgusting.

"There's no incest in this show". Yup, you guys keep telling yourselves that. You interact with your imouto like that in front of your parents and see what they have to say about it.

The writer also has something against China. Yup China has it's problems, but having every single villain come from China is just ridiculous. And the fact that they're all so goddamn weak. Tatsuya is so strong that it's not even fun watching him wreck the guys. If he put effort into it, it might be, but all the fights are him standing there and people dying.

Also, the animation after episode 1 has been real ass. That's only the tip of the iceberg as well.

So now I'm a liar?Can't you admit top yourself some people actually like this series?In and outside Japan?

No incest since Tatsuya unless he gets all his emotions back,which is highly unlikely,will never have romantic feelings for Miyuki or anyone else.The strong emotions he has left is his Familiar love for Miyuki,as in love for a family member.

-Blanche is basically made up of Japanese and Europeans if I'm not mistaken,some Chinese maybe.

-Saying that the author hates China,does that make some American and British writers for Marvel hate Russia and Europeans aside from Brits?If you have read the final arcs of Ultimate's vol 1 and 2 you know what I mean.
darkreaperixAug 14, 2014 7:04 AM
Aug 14, 2014 8:30 AM

Feb 2014
darkreaperix said:
Miraclezify said:
It's the most boring anime in existence. If you're saying you enjoy the dialogue, you're lying. I don't normally say this because it's due to personal preference, but Mahouka's dialogue is just so bad that you have to be lying to yourself if you say you like it. Unless you're a masochist. You're pretending that it's deep when it's not. You're saying that it explains everything when it shouldn't. Seriously, the dialogue is insulting your intelligence and you're accepting that.

The show is also extremely right-wing to the point that it considers poor people evil because they don't work hard enough. That's fucking disgusting.

"There's no incest in this show". Yup, you guys keep telling yourselves that. You interact with your imouto like that in front of your parents and see what they have to say about it.

The writer also has something against China. Yup China has it's problems, but having every single villain come from China is just ridiculous. And the fact that they're all so goddamn weak. Tatsuya is so strong that it's not even fun watching him wreck the guys. If he put effort into it, it might be, but all the fights are him standing there and people dying.

Also, the animation after episode 1 has been real ass. That's only the tip of the iceberg as well.

No incest since Tatsuya unless he gets all his emotions back,which is highly unlikely,will never have romantic feelings for Miyuki or anyone else.The strong emotions he has left is his Familiar love for Miyuki,as in love for a family member.

It's (possible) incest because Tatsuya's emotion reserved for Miyuki alone.
Aug 14, 2014 8:32 AM

May 2014
Flashoftheback said:

It's (possible) incest because Tatsuya's emotion reserved for Miyuki alone.

But as I said it's only familial love,unless he gets it back,but then he might go for either Mayumi,Honoka or Erika :)
Aug 14, 2014 9:51 AM

Aug 2014
darkreaperix said:
Flashoftheback said:

It's (possible) incest because Tatsuya's emotion reserved for Miyuki alone.

But as I said it's only familial love,unless he gets it back,but then he might go for either Mayumi,Honoka or Erika :)

Nah he's not going to go for one of them he's going to go for all of them!!! So guess what MCs? Hide Your Harem, Hide Your Imoutos, because Tatsuya is going to be taking all of them. XD

Okay on a serious note I can't really see him ending up with anyone...except Miyuki. Now you guys may scream incest lover but at the end of the day it's just my opinion not my preference. :)
GrimlokkAug 14, 2014 11:22 AM
Aug 14, 2014 8:10 PM
Oct 2012
Miraclezify said:
The show is also extremely right-wing to the point that it considers poor people evil because they don't work hard enough. That's fucking disgusting.

Uhm, no that wasn't what he said, that is you projecting. Please learn to distinguish. All Tatsuya basically said was that doctors should earn more than a McDonalds employee (i.e. people who spend years to learn a specialized skill that is also a dangerous occupation should earn more than a job that requires less than an hour to learn how to do properly).

Miraclezify said:
The writer also has something against China. Yup China has it's problems, but having every single villain come from China is just ridiculous. And the fact that they're all so goddamn weak.

Again with your projections. The first arc, all the members of Blanche were Japanese. As for the second arc, it wasn't as if "No Head Dragons" were particularly evil. All they wanted to do was to fix a sporting event. The one guy had a point, they hadn't done anything that warranted execution, even the Spotter for Tatsuya was a bit put off by what Tatsuya did.

Miraclezify said:
Tatsuya is so strong that it's not even fun watching him wreck the guys. If he put effort into it, it might be, but all the fights are him standing there and people dying.

This I somewhat agree with, but basically the writer is stringing out the story. No one Tatsuya has faced should have been able to give him much of a challenge, so it is no surprise that they did not. The show at least had explained it before we got to it (the prediction that Tatsuya would at least have to use Flash Cast 4 episodes before he did made this obvious). Given what we were shown in the first 2 minutes of the show, made it clear that no one in high school was a real challenge.

You seem to dislike this show because I guess you are Chinese. Correct?
Aug 14, 2014 9:25 PM

Aug 2008
I heard this show is very racist and nationalistic and it will be shown maybe in Yokohama arc and future arc.

Regardless,I already have problem with this show even before that but if it's true it is nationalistic and racist, then this show might just getting worse than it already has. Not to mention the Chinese villains are portrayed as weak so it's going to be boring to be watch.

Tatsuya is already overpowered and if the Chinese villains in Yokohama arc is weak,well,you can guess what kind of boring scenario going to happen. Let just hope I was wrong.
ZapredonAug 14, 2014 10:07 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Aug 14, 2014 10:03 PM
Jul 2011
Miyuki, even though she disliked how the Yotsubas experimented on her big brother Tatsuya, She was still happy and proud of Tatsuya that he became a skilled magician and strong brother she wanted because of the experiment.
This is one of Miyuki's some sort of disorder.
I don't know what it is but, it is not normal to me.
Some people have complained about this fact.

And here's what angered certain people in a certain country, Chinese shown as villians is just a warm-up from their perspective.
China in this series absorbed other countries close by, while leaving Japan and Taiwan independent.
Forget China, there is one country that is more closer to Japan, and this one country is almost non existant in this series.
Reasons of the anger is justified at the end of the Yokohoma Disturbance arc, I can imagine what kind of emotions these people will show, it will become ugly.

I don't think I have problems with this show though, I'm just curious about the upcoming episodes.
Maybe it is because the designs are comfortable to watch.
Some people say that that's because I'm fooled by the good looking illustrations.
That's true.
rladls717Aug 14, 2014 10:18 PM
Aug 15, 2014 9:47 AM

May 2014
@ rladls717
the experiment didn't make him strong,it gave him a weak ass MCA that's only C-rank (which is why he is in course 2) and Flash Cast which is limited to magics that has 5 or less processes with the loss of his strong emotions as payment.He was born with his OP magics and brains.And what Miyuki was proud of is that he's brother endured hell to gain his current strength,hell in training as a guardian with the Yotsuba,Ninjutsu with Yokomo and military training with the 101'st.
Believe it or not he wasn't really that strong before aside from decomp,which he also needed to mastere and regrowth wasn't automatic as seen in vol 8,Satou just skipped the getting stronger parts (aside from a few flashback scene and vol 8) and gave us an OP MC at the start.
Aug 15, 2014 10:14 AM

May 2013
darkreaperix said:
@ rladls717
the experiment didn't make him strong,it gave him a weak ass MCA that's only C-rank (which is why he is in course 2) and Flash Cast which is limited to magics that has 5 or less processes with the loss of his strong emotions as payment.He was born with his OP magics and brains.And what Miyuki was proud of is that he's brother endured hell to gain his current strength,hell in training as a guardian with the Yotsuba,Ninjutsu with Yokomo and military training with the 101'st.
Believe it or not he wasn't really that strong before aside from decomp,which he also needed to mastere and regrowth wasn't automatic as seen in vol 8,Satou just skipped the getting stronger parts (aside from a few flashback scene and vol 8) and gave us an OP MC at the start.

You forgot to mention, that his Flash Cast is supreme in Yotsuba clan. Also loss of emotions can hardly be considered as payment, because it is not handicapping hima at all. That part about training is laughable. In about ten years of training he became ninjutsu master, world's best magic scholar, skilled bodyguard, learned how to flawlessly utilize his new MCA and perfected his innate magic skills.
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded.
Aug 15, 2014 10:19 AM

May 2014
jakkubus said:

You forgot to mention, that his Flash Cast is supreme in Yotsuba clan. Also loss of emotions can hardly be considered as payment, because it is not handicapping hima at all. That part about training is laughable. In about ten years of training he became ninjutsu master, world's best magic scholar, skilled bodyguard, learned how to flawlessly utilize his new MCA and perfected his innate magic skills.

Well it's better than the 2 days- 2 weeks training to become a strong MC/master a new skill standard in shonen anime,oh he was also born a genius,and that also happens in the real world from time to time :)

Flash Cast is not supreme but confidential because it is considered inhumane in the current magic society.
Aug 15, 2014 10:31 AM

May 2013
darkreaperix said:
jakkubus said:

You forgot to mention, that his Flash Cast is supreme in Yotsuba clan. Also loss of emotions can hardly be considered as payment, because it is not handicapping hima at all. That part about training is laughable. In about ten years of training he became ninjutsu master, world's best magic scholar, skilled bodyguard, learned how to flawlessly utilize his new MCA and perfected his innate magic skills.

Well it's better than the 2 days- 2 weeks training to become a strong MC/master a new skill standard in shonen anime,oh he was also born a genius,and that also happens in the real world from time to time :)

Flash Cast is not supreme but confidential because it is considered inhumane in the current magic society.

So kid becoming the best in anything he try after ten years of various trainings seem legit in your opinion? Morisaki trained only to became bodygard and even in it he is far inferior than Tatsuya. And can you remind me how long was Shiba learning Far Strike?
No wonder, dragon with no head must be retarded.
Aug 15, 2014 10:40 AM

May 2014
jakkubus said:

So kid becoming the best in anything he try after ten years of various trainings seem legit in your opinion? Morisaki trained only to became bodygard and even in it he is far inferior than Tatsuya. And can you remind me how long was Shiba learning Far Strike?

Uhm,Far strike is just a form of Gram Demolition,and he even had troubles at first with it,so what's your point?It's not like a new powerful magic he developed.
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