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Zombie Survival Guide !!!! Post your ideas against the living dead

Apr 5, 2011 10:44 AM

Dec 2009
OK , the point of the topic is to collect ideas for the day the dead walk the earth.The best ideas will be made into a zombie survival guide.I know that there is already a zombie guide but most of the rules only apply to slow walking dead , or as I like to call them the "old undead".The new idea of a zombie is a fast running monster that can run almost as fast as you and after the limiter of the brain goes away they gain inhuman destructive power.We want ideas and rules that can me made into practice and can be used for the "old undead" or the modern type zombies.

SajahoJun 2, 2011 10:11 AM
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Apr 5, 2011 11:48 AM

Mar 2011
HeH finally zombie club, finally !!
Ok so basically the best advantage you have against these so called "Old zombies" is your speed. You have to find the best way to outrun and outmaneuver, YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE to find a weapon and a long one too because you have to keep as much distance as possible(Guns are preferable), the next thing you need to do i get some food/water supplies, find something with a lot of sugar in it, because sugar gives calories and calories gives you energy also keep in mind that your backpack has to be light so you can eventually run away if your attacked. YOU ABSOLUTELY DON"T HAVE TO act like Rambo and don't try to kill as many of them as possible, just run away. The way of stelt is essential. Stay away from open fields,because the zombies can swarm on you, but also don't get caught in too tight spots,because if your get foul by zombies with nowhere to run, your DEAD! Always try to have at least one escape route. Your best option is to team up with other survivors and barricade in a not too big house with a lot of exits. Always stay on guard and travel only at light.
If you have to fight versus a zombie/zombies, aim for their head. If your weapon is melee just hit fast and then step back a little then attack swiftly use your speed over the zombie. If you have guns run far shoot fast and don't let them a chance to get near you!
That's all i hope my guide helps have fun living in hell :D
Apr 5, 2011 12:00 PM

Dec 2009
Well you are mostly right but....
My opinion is the biggest egoist wins.A lot of survivals mean a lot of food is needed and you need a big house.
Big house=lot of windows and doors = a lot of zombies can get in
And the sugar theory is no good for a long period of time.
You got some nice ideas we can use.Tnx :)
Apr 5, 2011 12:51 PM

Mar 2011
For the sugar theory, i ment if you have to eat up fast and you have a long way ahead of you.
For the house, yeah a big house is BAD news but yo have to sleep eventually and sleeping outdoors is a suicide !
For your egoist theory well... countless zombies vs 1 man < countless zombies vs 3 man if someone got himself bitten, you can always leave him for a bait so yeah ego is vital in some situation :D
Not to big of a group tho max 4 !
Yeah food is essential and hard to get for more people but getting food alone is just as hard and dangerous :p
SacuroseApr 5, 2011 2:29 PM
Apr 5, 2011 3:12 PM

Dec 2009
But as one person you can run away faster if you are in the open and if you are in a building with 3-4 people they might block your way out of that hell hole.
As for the sugar theory the human body can only run on pure sugar for 2-3 days max.
Anyway this is just my opinion we have to check the opinions of other people to make a balance in theorys :)
Apr 5, 2011 3:24 PM

Jun 2009
ill post a few small simple practicle ideas over one at a time cause i cant find the file containing my unfinished zombie guide. ///Learn archery and always carry a mild strenth bow wether it is a compound or recurve is up to you and keep a ready supply of arrows and minor repair tools. bow are the best for the apycolapse because it is quite and arrows can be retrieved. but a simple bow is no good if you get swarmed so always carry a small high capacity handgun with mild power and minimul recoil i recomend a Calico
Apr 5, 2011 11:22 PM

Jun 2009
I'll throw in my two cents.

Section I - Weapons

The farther away you are, the safer you are. Guns are good, but ration your bullets carefully, and only use them if you have to. Have a good melee weapon, ideally something with some reach that can cleave through necks. If at all possible, acquire and learn how to use a ranged weapon with manufacturable ammo, such as a bow. It's less effective than a gun, but you can use it indefinitely.

Section II - Location and movement

Find a fortified spot surrounded by mostly empty space. That empty space will let you spot and if necessary engage the undead at range. When you need to move, travel light. If you intend to settle someplace, make sure it's as far from civilization as possible -- there will be fewer people and more open spaces, as well as more wildlife to hunt and natural resources to gather.

Section III - Food

You'd best learn how to hunt and forage, because there sure aren't going to be any grocery stores open for long. Always be mindful, though, of the threat of zombies while out hunting. Fruit and nuts are great survival foods, since they're high in energy. Just remember, while sugary foods might seem like a good idea, it's very easy to make an empty stomach sick with high-sugar foods.

Section IV - Gear

Prioritize carrying items with many uses. Duct tape works miracles. Give mind to how you're going to carry everything, pockets only hold so much. Things that can be wrapped around the body should be. Get creative, the most inconspicuous items can have more uses than a box of tools. Also have at least one knife, since a knife is the worlds greatest survival tool. Avoid relying on electronic devices or complex machinery, favoring tools that you can repair or replace if necessary.

Section V - The living infected

Any member of your group that has an encounter with a zombie resulting in broken skin, strip them of weapons and quarantine them immediately. If they appear healthy well after the known infection time, they can be released. Otherwise, kill them and burn the body.
Apr 6, 2011 12:52 AM

Dec 2009
I think bow is a mid range weapon and if you face the fast zombies it might be a problem.This might happen:"OmG a zombie is running towards me- take bow set arrow pull back....and the zombie is so close it can bite your face off.And bows need space to fire so buildings with narrow places are bad.And archery needs a lot of practice so if you are a newbie in it don t take it.
As for myself i think everyone must get a weapon he feels most comfortable with.I would pick a gun , a katana and a stick.And if you ask why a stick , its a good weapon for pushing away zombies.
Apr 6, 2011 9:48 AM

Jun 2009
personally i wouldnt carry a blade like a katana because after so many heads being lobbed of it will damage the blade to the point that the blade will be usless. unless you know how to use sharpening stones which take time to master. and katanas are larger than anything i would carry because i push the idea of traveling light. IF i carry a blade (other than an emergency fixed blade knife) it would be some sort of decent quality machete

Apr 6, 2011 10:39 AM

Jun 2009
A katana might actually be lighter than a machete. Let me check the google.

I've got sources saying that a katana weighs:
3.8 lbs
3 lbs
2.5 lbs

And that a machete weighs:
1.75 lbs
18 oz

So a machete really is lighter.

I also found this
Apr 6, 2011 10:45 AM

Jun 2009
and a katana arent as useful in tight area like hallways.

but dont get me wrong i love katanas and they are useful with zombies for the amazing ability to remove a head with ease but it just has to many disadvantages in tight areas.
Apr 6, 2011 10:57 AM

Mar 2011
Yeah katana's are pretty much the perfect anti zombie melee weapon but its not efficient if you want to use it for other things. They are light can make a lot of damage and you can strike really fast.
As for archery yeah i agree that its not suitable if your a noob and even if you have practiced before. The loading and shooting span is too long a successful shot worth nothing, i mean c'mon guys its a zombie one arrow wouldn't effect it by the time you shoot a second one you might be dead xD.
The zombietools are pretty good to bad they r custom made xD
I totally agree with AbstractCalamity' Section
Section II - Location and movement
Section V - The living infected
Apr 6, 2011 12:38 PM

Jun 2009
the archery isnt for big groups or when being charged. you use archery when a small amount is around and you want to move or if you have reached a fortified position like a roof top. and i wouldnt want to carry a blade because i needs to much maintence. a blunt melee is much more useful because it doesnt need sharpened or and maintece and if your melle weapon breaks a new one can be easily improvised
Apr 6, 2011 12:41 PM

Dec 2009
Yea , I know a katana breaks fast and dulls fast but I don t think in using it everytime I see a zombie its just very effective in the first 100-300 times so good for starters
Apr 6, 2011 1:02 PM

Jun 2009
and good high quality katanas capable of such work are uncommon and very expensive. most of the katanas that people have nowadays wouldnt even make it through one zombie
Apr 6, 2011 1:09 PM

Dec 2009
Ok i don t want to make this a topic for katana durability I add that you can stab with them and hell even if the kanata can hold only 40 hits its 40 fast kills
Apr 6, 2011 1:12 PM

Jun 2009
ok heres a useful one for transportation. a millitary humvee. all millitary ground vehicles run on deisel fuel which can be aquired everywhere (even fast food joints). and millitary vehicles dont have keys , you just push the button that says start. and they are built to be idiot proof to where and untrained idoit could hop in a tank and figure out how to drive it.
Apr 6, 2011 1:25 PM

Dec 2009
Well military vehicles are the best if i remember correctly in HOTD America makes a EMP and makes thing worse
Apr 6, 2011 1:44 PM

Jun 2009
lets get the basics before we start on what to do in the case of an emp (which is more likely than youd think)
Apr 6, 2011 5:49 PM
Feb 2009
when making an armored vehicle to stand against the undead onslaught remember don't but also put grease or on other slippery substance on parts that zombies might latch onto and do not use chainsaws to force the undead off of your vehicle though good in theory it and possibly practice if the proper precautions are taken just remember it ended very badly in dawn of the dead
Apr 6, 2011 5:51 PM
Feb 2009
and don't chase after the crazy dog obsessed chick no matter what method even more so when there are several thousand zombies capable of running
Apr 7, 2011 8:11 AM

Mar 2011
Military Humvee hell yeah, but where do you get it xD ?
Unlike HoTD where the teacher had a friend in the military, most of the people don't have that kind of connection. Also making a custom armored vehicle is out of the question because you need materials and a lot of knowledge in different areas like metal cutting n shit. The best choice if you have to travel a long distance is to find a jeep 4x4 with a big tire and a lot of horse power so it could meat grind at least 3-4 zombies(the problem is if you get caught in the middle of a swarm your survival chances are near 0.
Apr 7, 2011 8:57 AM

Jun 2009
in the event of an apycolpse they shouldnt be hard to find but in my case i have a army motor pool about 15 miles from my house.

but no matter what your vehicle should be a desiel truck because deisil is easy to aqquire
Apr 7, 2011 10:14 AM

Dec 2009
But what if all the roads are blocked from cars people used and then left behind on the middle of the road , 4 wheel will be useless in that case.I m telling you use a tank.
Apr 7, 2011 10:22 AM

Dec 2009
And lets think this way.I wanted to make guide that everyone can use in the case of the zombie apocalypse.Everybody is telling use this or use that.You can t pick the situation you are in when they come.You can be at work with friends or in school.So lets just start with the list of "DO" and "Don t".
1.Don t carry heavy stuff with you.
2.Don t face the undead if you don t have to.
And so on and so on.
Later we will discus how to behave various situations so lets just start this way.
Apr 7, 2011 1:10 PM

Mar 2011
Don't go to crowded places.
Don't interact with infected(still human but bitten or scratched) in any way.
Start with the thought that everyone could be your enemy from now on(as infected, later zombie or even as human trying to save his own ass)
Don't be hesitant to protect yourself(if you have to kill then kill without second thoughts)
Obtain a bottle of water as soon as possible.
Obtain a weapon as soon as possible.
Don't attract any unneccecery attention to yourself.
Apr 7, 2011 1:35 PM

Dec 2009
That is what I want to hear. :)
Apr 10, 2011 10:32 PM

Jun 2009
well i have no common sence advice to give. i am better with reccomending equitment and skills that can be useful
Apr 11, 2011 1:17 AM

Dec 2009
Sajaho then make a list of everyday things that can make a good weapon.

-Don t think about anything then your own survival
-Try to go to a safe house
-Don t rush things
-Carry only multifunctional gear ( rope , knife , etc)
-Your house is not a safe place to be if it has more then two ways to get it including windows
-Analyze the undead check the attributes ( if they are slow or fast , if they use ears of eyes to detect you) so you can make a good plan
Apr 20, 2011 9:45 AM

Jun 2009
find a hobby or things to do to keep your mind off the undead.

read or write books, do everything in your power to keep sane.

the first few months wont be that bad but after a few years of spending every minute of your life thinking about survival your mind will begin to slip. and it will be the death of you
Apr 20, 2011 9:56 AM

Jun 2009
save your empty shell casings. and learn to pack ammunition.

for this recomend shotguns. because you can put just about anything into a shotgun shell.

and aqquire MREs. they can be the most useful tool in your arsenal.
May 7, 2011 4:35 PM

Jan 2011
Well I've got a few tips
1. Don't go and try to hole up in a gun shop or super market because chances are if you thought of it everybody else has too.
2. Don't try to leave town because everyone will be doing that and you'll get caught in traffic.
3. Don't stay in a fortified base because zombies will never stop attacking and you can't stay in there forever.
4. Don't be stingy with ammo it's better not to take chances with melee weapons.
5. Stick with the little kid, since they always survive (unless the director is the most heartless bastard around).
May 8, 2011 12:04 PM

Jun 2009
May 8, 2011 12:24 PM

Dec 2009
ReaperCreeper said:

5. Stick with the little kid, since they always survive (unless the director is the most heartless bastard around).

Dude you are my hero xD
Jun 7, 2011 9:48 AM

Dec 2010
Get your self in a Costco or other warehouse type store. They have everything lol.

Get a shotgun and chainsaw lol

Don't go with the blonde big boobed chick chances are she'll wander off and get eaten then come back and eat your face
Life without music, is a mistake-Nietzsche
Jun 7, 2011 10:34 AM

Jun 2009
so small boobed burnet would be a reasonable choice
Jun 7, 2011 11:13 AM

Dec 2009
I say take what you can get :D
Jun 8, 2011 10:01 AM

Dec 2010
yes go with the brunette they seem to be just slightly smarter lol....and not totally gun retarded =P
Life without music, is a mistake-Nietzsche
Jun 20, 2011 7:03 AM
Aug 2010
If an zombie apocalypse happened im traveling by foot vehicles will attrack zombies. 2 if i ever have 2 weapons its a katana and a bolt action rifle
i dont put up walls to keep people out but to see who cares enough to tear them down
Aug 14, 2011 6:01 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Here are some zombie apocalypse thoughts...

Getting Supplies

- If you can catch the signs early enough, you may be able to hit up a warehouse and really load up on some supplies. Most people will instantly think mall, walmart, department store, so some warehouses may be a good place to stock up. If, and only if you have recognized the apocalypse early enough.

- Once the Zombie Apocalypse hits mainstream, everyone is going to be rushing for walmart, large department stores, malls, etc. I'm hitting up all the mom and pop shops, small town stores, backwoods restaurants, etc.

- Its also best to avoid confrontation with others who are going to be doing the same things you are. The world is full of people who will shoot first and ask questions later during panic situations, so be on-guard.

Weapons/Other supplies

- Sure, melee weapons look cool and don't require ammunition, but these are super risky. One little scratch from a zombie and you are fucked. Not to mention, lets say you cut yourself on some glass or fall down on concrete and scuff your knee. Now that chainsaw kill on the zombie will do nothing but splatter infected blood into your wound. You are screwed without even being bitten or scratched by a zombie.

- Guns are the way to go. You have to stock pile some ammo as well. Molotov cocktails, homemade bombs, etc will help clear out some larger areas.

- Dogs and other pets will be the best decoys. These should used effectively in certain situations. Sorry animal lovers, but in a zombie apocalypse, the person who tries to keep an animal alive is not traveling with me and my group. I will protect those in my group the best I can, but I will not risk death for myself or other group members because of stupidity. You have the right to die, so if you go chasing after a runaway pet or hold up our was nice knowing you.


- The little things will be easier on your own, but much more can get accomplished with a group. I say travel in a group of trusted companions. Catch the apocalypse early enough and you can group up with familiar people. It may sound stupid, but alot of everyday people do not know basic zombie apocalypse knowledge. Get everyone up to speed with the DOs and DONTs. With trusted companions, you have more heads to think, more trust between you than you would with strangers, and better tactical odds when in intense situations. Make sure the group isn't too big, otherwise you can almost guarantee an unknown infection causing an extra death or two.

- The worst part about the zombie apocalypse is the beginning half. With the mad scramble and the crazies going gung-ho, you are as likely to be killed by a non-infected as you are an infected. Once the population weeds out, things get a bit easier. Supplies become the biggest worry as time progresses.

Hideout Theories

- An underground bunker/bomb shelter is perfect. For one, zombies will likely pay no attention to the entrance and just stumble on passed it. The main problem is, supplies will eventually run out. After staying hidden in a bunker for a long period of time, you have to go search for supplies with no knowledge of the outside world (where the zombies are generally traveling, what place have been wiped out, where some crazies with weapons are popping anything that moves, etc). Bunker is great if you are by yourself with loads of supplies, but chances are, you are with some people you wish to protect.

- A small island could be a safe bet. Zombies aren't known to swim, but there will be many others thinking the same thing. It will be hard to keep your uninfected island secret for long. Don't forget that the birds and fish could easily spread the virus to the island. Now it will be a mad scramble to get off the island and travel out into the unknown once again. Supplies are also a problem, but as long as the island is uninfected, they will be abundant. Its only a matter of time until the virus spreads though.

- Caves may seem appealing and comforting because you are closed off from the outside, but it is dark, cold, damp and very difficult to live in a cave. You will have a water source, which is nice and if you have enough supplies, you could hold out for a while. Lighting could be your worst problem in a cave. They tend to be drafty, so candles will be difficult to maintain. Batteries can be used for flashlights, but those will need to be replaced quite often as well. Make sure you aren't trapped and there is a few ways to exit the cave/cavern. You never know when a hungry hoard will wander in for some dinner.

- Keep in mind, that the harder it is for a human to access, it will be that much harder for a zombie to access. Living atop a high cliff would be a decent place. You just always have to keep in mind, your supplies will go out and you will have to restock at some point. Thats the key to survival. Many will find some good places to avoid infection, but unfortunately, supply areas will be the most heavily infected of all. Try to think outside the box with your resupply runs and you will prolong your life.
Aug 16, 2011 1:25 PM

Jun 2009
firestyle14 said:
If an zombie apocalypse happened im traveling by foot vehicles will attrack zombies. 2 if i ever have 2 weapons its a katana and a bolt action rifle

i disagree with the katana and the rifle. i think of this as giving advice to some one with no former experience. and you need quite a bit of expirence to use a katana and even more to accurately fir a bolt action rifle.

i would choose a wooden baseball bat and a pump action 12 gauge. both items require very little prior knowladge to operate and the 12 gauge pump rarely ever jam and require almost no upkeep, and the empty shells can be repacked with almost anything
Aug 16, 2011 7:08 PM

Jun 2009
Best ranged weapon you could get: AK-47, widely renowned for its durability and simplicity. It's not very accurate for a rifle, but it will never fail, no matter what you do to it.
Aug 17, 2011 8:19 AM

Jun 2009
indeed. but they do tend to eat ammo, and finding a real ak among the fakes that arent worth shit isnt very easy
Aug 25, 2011 7:11 PM
Jun 2010
i've already figured out a plan with my friends my house is fortifcation (even though a prison is best) because i'm the most cut off from town or others sure theres some houses after us but that's not much of a problem
we would stop by our houses and take all the stuff we need (rations, games, guns & ammo , etc) we would get a friend of ours that can drive (note:that all mentioned yet not said are only 12 at the moment and one can drive on his property) robs some stores (gas stations and what not) probally get into the indian resevations fire work supply (a friend lives on the resevation) every thing else is self explantory

Aug 28, 2011 7:48 PM

Aug 2011
Simple...I would cover my body up in dead zombie flesh to get there stink on me and walk among the living dead and do what I please. I mean all they can really use is their sense of smell and if I smell like one of them they cant do shit. Just hope when I am about my business it doesn't rain. You FEEL ME? :)
Sep 26, 2011 8:24 PM

Jun 2009
well snook it all depends on the type of zombie
Oct 21, 2011 6:12 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
sn00k said:
Simple...I would cover my body up in dead zombie flesh to get there stink on me and walk among the living dead and do what I please. I mean all they can really use is their sense of smell and if I smell like one of them they cant do shit. Just hope when I am about my business it doesn't rain. You FEEL ME? :)

Ah, so somebody is also a fan of "The Walking Dead" eh?
Oct 23, 2011 1:56 AM

Mar 2011
zombie suicide cult
Oct 23, 2011 5:30 AM

Dec 2009
I m fan been trying to get the comics form a friend in America but with no success.Btw the new season is awesome.
And here is my new zombie survival idea a pressure gun.Made the blueprints in the logic class I dont really listen to any of that shit
Oct 26, 2011 8:54 AM

Jun 2009
hey bl4ck if i can get a hold of the comics maybe we can arrange something.
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