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Oct 2, 2009 8:57 AM

Mar 2009
Hi... this idea started after Alexis and I were talking about Goku's eating habits. We mentioned Sanzo once asking him to eat the walls and this is how the whole thing started.

From one scenario... the story just continued. Hope you'll like the story and please feel free to continue the story in this thread if you have any ideas

Thank you ^^
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Oct 2, 2009 9:01 AM

Mar 2009
Goku in Hansel and Gretel world...

Plate 1: Gingerbread House by zanpakutoflames

Goku walks around looking for food. Then he sees a house... made of gingerbread, cake, sugar, icing etc

Goku: *__* FOOD!!!!!!! *runs*

Reaches house

Goku: What do I eat first? Uh... Gojyo's not here, so I'll take my time!! *bites wall* YUM!!!

Sanzo: Where'd that stupid monkey go?
Gojyo: Don't worry, he'll be back when it's dinner time
Hakkai: ^^"" It's already dinnertime

Plate 2 by AlexisSolitaire

Goku eats and eats and eats nonstop... then...

Goku: Ah, my stomach is full! I better get back to Sanzo and the rest.

*tries to get up*
*tries again*
Sanzo: I'm gonna kill him!
Hakkai: Er.. chill.. he might be on his way back..
Gojyo: Hm *smokes*
Sanzo: Use your stupid cockroach feelers to trace his location!
Gojyo: *anger mark*
Hakkai: 0_o

Plate 3: The Evil Witch by zanpakutoflames

Evil witch comes out... Err, in this case, evil wizard named Ni Jienyi!

Ni: Ah, Usa-chan... look what we have here. We've got a nice little monkey for dinner (He's talking to his stuffed bunny)

Goku: Who are you? Let me go!!!
Ni: *drags Goku* Empress Gyokumen would be most pleased
Kougaiji: *appears* What's this? Goku!!
Goku: Ah? Kougaiji? What are you doing here? You wanted to have some gingerbread too?

Plate 4: Kou’s Diet by AlexisSolitaire

Kougaiji: No thanks. I'm on a diet
Ni: Diet? I can drain you entirely of blood and that'd be a good 'diet'... right, Usa-chan?
Goku: That's sick!
Kou: *face palm* No thanks.

Gojyo: Ah! I'm fed up of waitin for Goku! *eats greedily*
Hakkai: Yare yare. Mind your table manners.
Sanzo: *leg on table* Hmph. *smokes* Yeah.
Hakkai: *sweat drop* You too, Sanzo.

Plate 5: What’s A Diet by zanpakutoflames

Goku: Ne.... what's a diet?
Ni + Kou: *fall* You don't know what is a diet?
Goku: =___=
Ni: Basically it's controlling your intake of food
Kou: You could try one... you eat enough for 5 people
Goku: But I'll be hungry then...come to think of it, I'm hungry
Kou: You just ate half the gingerbread house!!!
Ni: *evil chuckle* No worries... I have a feast prepared for you

Hakkai: Guys, please behave at the atble
Sanzo: *reads paper*
Gojyo: *continues eating*
Hakkai: ^___________________^ *glasses glint* Guys....
Gojyo: Hiek!!! *sits and eat like a gentleman*

Plate 6: Ni Jienyi’s Feast by AlexisSolitaire

Goku: Eh? A feast?! I wanna go too!
Kou: No way
Ni: That's quite mean. WE should always share what we've got, don't we? *glint in eyes*
Goku: *oblivious* Yeah! *nods* Can I come to the feast too?
Kou: You idiot! Don't believe him! (Ni)
Goku: *sparkly eyes*
Ni: *smiles at his Usa-chan*

Gojyo: Hakkai! More crabsticks!

Hakkai: B-but you just ate MY share!
Gojyo: Nonsense! You must've ate it and mistook it for me. That's why you're a megane-kun and I'm not
Hakkai: But we gotta leave some food for Goku, right Sanzo?
Sanzo: He's probably eating his tenth meal by now *smokes*
Gojyo + Hakkai: *sweat drop*
Oct 2, 2009 9:11 AM

Mar 2009
Kou: Snap out of it Goku!
Goku: Food... he's treating me to food....
Kou: Of course not idiot! He's going to use you in his experiment!
Goku: Huh? He wants me to sample his cooking? Great!!! ^__^
Ni: *evil smile*
Kou: This guy.... @__@

Hakkai: You know, I'm kinda worried about Goku. We should be looking for him
Gojyo: What for? All he ever does is eat everything
Sanzo: And that is why we spend so much money
Hakkai: I insist we look for him *extremely smiley*
Gojyo: O__O"" Ok ok! Let's go Sanzo!
Sanzo: What a pain, that stupid monkey!
Hakkai: Now, where do we start?
Gojyo: Anywhere that's got food

Oct 2, 2009 11:55 PM

Mar 2009
Ni: In that case, shall we get going, Goku-kun?

Goku: *chibi form* Mmm! Yeah!

Kou: You IDIOT! *holds Goku by the collar* You are NOT gonna go anywhere, okay?!

Ni: Now now, don't interfere. It's a bad habit, right, Usa-chan? *looks at bunny*

Kou: Shut up. You're pissing me off.

Goku: Let go of meeee!!


Gojyo and Hakkai: *start walking*

Hakkai: My shoes are really uncomfortable

Gojyo: Hmph. That's why you should buy new ones! *smokes*

Hakkai: But most of it is spent on food for Goku ^ ^

Gojyo: Argh, and now he's making us go find him! We're no GPS y'know! Right, Sanzo?


Hakkai&Gojyo: *whirl around and see Sanzo in the distance, smoking and reading newspaper while sitting on a chair*

Oct 3, 2009 5:57 AM

Mar 2009
Goku: Extend, Nyoiboi!!
Kou: I'll help you, Goku. *starts incantation*
Ni: Fufufu... how nice. Usa-chan Laser Beam!

*Laser rays come out from Ni Jienyi's stuffed bunny*

Goku: Eeekk!!! What the hell was that? That's dangerous
Ni: This is my newly improved Usa-chan. It's still a prototype, so help me test it out, ok? <3

KOu: Engokuki!!!!
Ni: My my... *steps aside* How dangerous, Kou

Hakkai: Sanzo... if you are not going to help us *holds up credit card* I'm not returning you your credit card

Sanzo: O.O *checks wallet* Damn you, Hakkai! Chih.... *grumbles*
Oct 4, 2009 2:01 AM

Mar 2009
Goku: *attempts to hit Ni's head from behind*

Kou: *sweat drop*

Ni: I know what ya tryin to do..and it's not a nice thing to do, isn't it, Usa-chan?

Goku: *tries to jump higher*

Kou: You're too short, you chibi!

Goku: I'm NOT a chibi! Argh.. oh, oops! *loses control of Nyoibou which ends up smacking Kou's head instead*


Gojyo: Oy, Sanzo, don't be a lazy ass. You'll put on weight ya know

Sanzo: YOU need some more weight for your brain

Hakkai: *laughs* Now now, stop fighting, guys..

Gojyo: Sanzo you bastard! Want a piece of me?!!!!!
Oct 5, 2009 1:48 AM

Mar 2009
Kou: Why are you hitting me, you idiot?!!
Goku: It was an accident!
Kou: Are you always this clumsy?
Goku: Of course not
Ni: My my... fighting already. Don't forget about me *evil smile*

Sanzo: Shut up.. let's go find that stupid monkey
Gojyo: Which way do we go?
Sanzo: Use your feelers for taht
Gojyo: It's not feelers!!!
Hakkai: Are you two serious about finding Goku?
Gojyo: How can we look if we don't know where to start?
Hakuryuu: Kyuu...
Hakkai: What is it?
hakuryuu: Kyuu kyuu...
Hakkai: Lead the way then
Sanzo: That dragon is more useful than you, stupid cockroach
Gojyo: What are you saying, you baldy?!!
Oct 5, 2009 3:23 AM

Mar 2009
Goku: Whatever. I'm gonna go *walks off*

Ni: My my, being rude..where are ya goin?

Goku: I smell some food elsewhere! *nose buds in action*

Kou: *exasperated* I don't have time to bother with you!

Ni: Unfortunately, I can't let you out of my sight.. *millions of bunnies appear in the sky with laser beam eyes...*


*arrive at crossroads*

Hakkai: I think we should head right

Gojyo: Left, you idiot! Not right!

Sanzo: *smokes*

Gojyo: LEFT! LEFT!

Hakkai: Where should we go then, Sanzo?
Oct 6, 2009 11:22 PM

Mar 2009
Why are we the only two people doing this?

Goku: Gyah!!! *dodges* Hey Kou! Kou?
Ni: He's smarter than a dumb monkey like you. He ran off already
Goku: no way T.T

Behind a rock nearby....
KOu: *mumbles* *mutters* *emerges from rock* Bumblebee!!

Bumblebee appears and fires a few rounds at Ni Jienyi

Goku: O.o What's that thing?
Ni: He can summon robots too? *runs*


Sanzo takes the right turn, grumbling Gojyo follows him. A few minuets later... they see a gingerbread house. Err... or what's left of it

Gojyo: What on earth??
Hakkai: *examines house* Looks like it's edible. This is candy cane and this piece is gingerbread.

Sanzo: That stupid monkey must be nearby then
Gojyo: *mouth drops open*
Sanzo: What's wrong with you?
Gojyo: *points*
Sanzo: O_O What is that?
Hakkai: From what I've read, that's what is called a peppermint candy
Gojyo: Not that sweet! I meant that huge yellow thing over there!
Hakkai: ^_^ Let's go have a look shall we?
Oct 7, 2009 4:02 AM

Mar 2009
Cuz we're true Sanzo fans~

Kou: You're NOT getting away, you scum! Go, Bumblebee! *points at Ni*

Goku: Hey hey, why's it heading towards me??!!! *quickly runs*

Kou: You idiot! That's because you're following that jerk!

Ni: My my, calling a genius like me a 'jerk'..I really can't be too forgiving this time.. *flashes Usa-chan at them*

Goku: Uwa, laser beam...!!!! *hides behind a tree*

Kou: *dodges, thinking, 'Of all the places he chooses to hide behind a tree..oh well, maybe he really is a monkey after all..'*

Ni: Time to show you what Usa-chan's really capable of... *grins as laser beams fire from all directions...*

Goku: This IS really bad...! Sanzo, save me!!!


Gojyo: *bites some of the remainder* Hmm..quite scrumptious..

Sanzo: *smacks his head with paper fan*

Gojyo: Why you..!

Hakkai: The two of you really fight at all the wrong times... -__-"

Sanzo: You'd get it too Hakkai, if you don't stop commenting

Hakkai: Ah haha..since when am I the commentator? *thinks, Sanzo is really grumpy!*
Oct 10, 2009 7:20 AM

Mar 2009
Sanzo: Hurry up! That thing is tearing this place down!
Gojyo: Can you do anything about it?
Sanzo: How am I supposed to when I don't know what it is?!!
Gojyo: Maybe it's a huge youkai
Hakkai: I highly doubt that Gojyo

Goku: SANZO!!!!!

Gojyo: DId you hear something?
Hakkai: Sounded like someone calling Sanzo
Sanzo: Chih... stupid monkey
Gojyo: So it was GOku!
Hakkai: Who else can it be...
Sanzo: There'd better be a good explaination for this
Oct 11, 2009 2:09 AM

Mar 2009
Goku: SANZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gojyo: NO doubt, it's that stupid monkey

Hakkai: Where is he?

Sanzo: Somewhere

Gojyo: What kinda answer is that?

Sanzo: A better answer than anything you can come up with

Gojyo: Why, you-

Hakkai: Move aside Gojyo!

Gojyo: Oh, so you're siding Sanzo- OW!

*gets bumped into by a huge bunny!*

Hakkai: Gojyo! *prepares to attack bunny*

Oct 11, 2009 11:11 PM

Mar 2009
Sanzo: Where the hell this bunny came from?
Gojyo: Outer space
sanzo: Stop giving stupid answers!
Bunny: *laser beam,*
All: ???

Goku: Nyoibou!!!!!! *smacks rabbit* Don't you dare hurt Sanzo!
Hakkai: Oh, hello Goku
Goku: Hakkai? Sanzo!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you came to save me. Are you alright?
Sanzo: Chih...
Gojyo: What is tht thign anyway?
Goku: Ni Jienyi's bunny
Hakkai: .... And it was going to do what?
Goku: Shoot you with laser beams, and it's really nasty. Oh... and we gotta get outta here

Sanzo: Good point. We can go home now that we've found you
Goku: =="" I was going to tell you that this Bunny is a robot and Ni Jienyi's controlling it
Gojyo: I don't exactly understand what's going on
Goku: Kougaiji's helping us too
Sanzo: Again
Goku: And there's Bumblebee
Hakkai: Bumblebee?
Oct 12, 2009 5:27 AM

Mar 2009
Goku: It's this huge yellow thing

Hakkai: Oh.. that

Sanzo: Move, Gojyo!

Gojyo: *sees a laser beam coming, hops aside* Yikes! Why do those f-in things keep attackin me??!

Sanzo: Maybe it has 'idiot receptors'

Gojyo: Huh? What d'you- *realizes* Sanzo, you-

Hakkai: Gojyo, move!

Gojyo: *jumps away* Why am I the only one targeted?!!!

Goku: Maybe it is attracted to red hair?

Hakkai: Ahahahaha...

Sanzo: Whatever. Where's that bastard (Ni)?

*footsteps are heard behind a tree*

Goku: He's definitely behind that tree!

Sanzo: That's obvious

Goku: I was trying to be helpful *sad*

Gojyo: Then I'm gonna... *swings weapon around* cut down the damn tree!


But after doing that..

Hakkai: Hm? He's not there

Goku: Impossible! I heard him! His voice came from there!

Gojyo: WTH is going on?

Sanzo: *thinks*
Oct 12, 2009 10:19 PM

Mar 2009
Kou: What the heck?! You nearly killed me!
Gojyo: Kougaiji! What are you doing?
Kou: I was trying to use Engokuki on the bunny then you tried to kill me!
Hakkai: Oh... you didn't send the bunny?
Goku: I told you it was Ni Jienyi's bunny
Sanzo: And where is this guy?
Ni: Right here... Bunny beam

Sanzo: Crap! *dodges*
Kou: BUmblebee! Over here!!
Gojyo: How is a bee going to help us?
Sanzo: Is taht your new ability?
Goku: I thought I'd already explained what Bumblebee is

From behind the trees....

Sanzo Ikkou: O___________O
Oct 13, 2009 2:29 AM

Mar 2009
Ni: And another one.. *laser beam shot*

Gojyo: Konoyaro! *tries to hit him but misses*

Hakkai: What exactly is going on here?

Goku: Erm..actually.. *thinks* I have no idea

Sanzo: Idiot!

Gojyo: You were stuffing yourself full of food weren't you?

Sanzo: Yeah, his stomach's full but his brain isn't

Hakkai: Now now, don't hurt Goku's feelings like that

Ni: All this mushiness is annoying me. Laser beam!

Kou: *deflects the beam*

Gojyo: Huh? What- you on our side suddenly?

Kou: Don't get me wrong! I wasn't trying to save you guys

Sanzo: Then what? *puffs smoke*

Ni: You should stop smoking. No wonder you look so much older than your age

Goku: Eh? How old is Sanzo?

Gojyo: 50

Sanzo: *smacks him with paper fan* And you (Ni) should quit your bunny complex. It's childish and disgusting

(In the background- Gojyo: My head hurts..!)

Hakkai: Ahahaha, a Sanzo vs Ni showdown

Goku: Hey, where's Bumblebee?
Oct 17, 2009 9:18 AM

Mar 2009
Kou: He's coming
Ni: *laughs* Time to leave then, Usa-chan. Smoke screen
Gojyo: *coughs* Hey! Creepy guy is getting away
Sanzo: Don't state the obvious
Goku: Nyoibou! *spins staff*

The smoke clears...

Sanzo: Chih... he got away
Goku: So did Usa-chan
Hakkai: Ahaha... at least we know it's a dangerous thing
Goku: It's his plushie
All: ==""
Kou: And he wears bunny slippers in the castle
Gojyo: For real?
Sanzo: Who cares... now we got our stupid monkey back. Let;s go.
Goku: I'm not a stupid monkey!
Gojyo: Yes, you are! You ate the gingerbread house didn't you?!
Goku: I was hungry
Gojyo: ANyone would have known it was dangerous!
Goku: There was no sign of danger there
Sanzo: *eye twitch*
Hakkai: Looks like we're back to normal for now

Bumblebee: Bzztt....
Goku: Bumblebee!!
All: *look up* O___O
Kou: Transform
Bumblebee: *turns into a car*
Goku: Wow! It's like Hakuryuu!
Hakkai: ^^"" Ahaha... actually, I don't think they are the same
Oct 19, 2009 1:54 AM

Mar 2009
Bunny slippers? 0_o

Gojyo: Bubblebee is yellow, to start with

Sanzo: It's BUMBLEbee you idiot

Gojyo: *realizes* Ah, whatever!

Sanzo: You can even mess up a simple name *smokes*

Gojyo: *anger mark* So what huh?!!

Goku: *oblivious* Whoa, Bumblebee is really kawaii~~~

Hakkai: I don't think he can fly though

Gojyo: *distracted* How'd you know?

Hakkai: By studying Bumblebee

Sanzo: Let's go

Goku: But Sanzo!

Sanzo: What, monkey?

Goku: We can't just leave Bumblebee here

Sanzo: Who said? *walks off*

Bumblebee: *looks at Sanzo*
Oct 19, 2009 10:05 PM

Mar 2009
Sanzo: I don't care! *walks away*
Goku: But where will Bumblebee go?
Sanzo: If Kougaiji summoned him, he can send him back
Kou: ....
Hakkai: I think he can't
Sanzo: Not my problem
Gojyo: Hmm... but he can turn into a car
Sanzo: He's not Hakuryuu-sized. He's 100 times bigger!
Goku: Sanzo... please? Bumblebee saved us *sparkly*
Gojyo: Stupid monkey, that technique won't work on Sanzo
Oct 20, 2009 1:34 AM

Mar 2009
Sanzo: NO techniques can work on me, you idiots!

Hakkai: Hmm..I guess so, but Sanzo, it's really a pity to leave Bumblebee alone here

Sanzo: If you care so much, why don't YOU take care of him then?

Goku: Sanzo's so mean..

Gojyo: He always is

Hakkai: Well..If I take care of Bumblebee that means he's gonna be with us

Sanzo: Exclude me

Gojyo: Ha! So you're gonna part ways with us then?

Sanzo: I never said that

Goku: Anyway, there's no way I'm letting that happen!

Sanzo: What're you getting emo for?

Gojyo: *sniggers* Sanzo can't even walk without breaking into a sweat

Sanzo: Same goes for you

Hakkai: It's cuz both of you smoke

Goku: *answering Sanzo's Q*'re like our... sun...

Hakkai: Hahahahahahahaha...

Gojyo: Sun?! What F---in crap is that huh???!

Sanzo: *snorts* Cheesy. Let's go

Hakkai: But Bumblebee...

Sanzo: I told you, I don't care

Bumblebee: T T
Oct 24, 2009 11:14 AM

Mar 2009
I think I'll end the story here.

Hakkai: Are you really sure you don't want Bumblebee to come along?
Goku: Yeah... Bumblebee can drive us both together. This way, we won't have to put up with GOjyo again!

Gojyo: What was that, you monkey?!
Goku: He can turn into a car. Right, Bumblebee?
Bumblebee: *sfx* *transforms*
All: O_____O Cool....
Goku: I told ya he was like Hakuryuu!
Gojyo: But Hakuryu is a dragon! so it's not quite the same!
Hakkai: Should we be worrying about those details?

Bumblebee: *zooms off*
Goku: Eh? Bumblebee left!
Gojyo: Chih.... he didn't want to stay with us after all
Hakkai: Ahaha... I think Sanzo was with him
Kou: He probably couldn't put up with your quarelling
Gojyo: Darn you Sanzo!!! Let's go after him!
Hakkai: Uh... but if Sanzo's in that car.... who's driving?
Gojyo: Sanzo of course
Goku: But he's a lousy driver
Gojyo: *laughs*
Kou: Actually... Bumblebee can do the driving
Gojyo: WHAT?! Let's go after him then!
Goku: Hakuryu!
Hakuryu: *transforms*

Gojyo and Goku hop in

Hakkai: My my... you guys are so energetic
Gojyo: Let's move it!

Sanzo: Chih..... I can't get much peace around here

And so from that day, Bumblebee was part of the Sanzo Ikkou

The End
Goku: He left us behind! Hakuryu!
Hakuryu: *transforms*
Oct 25, 2009 1:27 AM

Mar 2009
This story would be a good filler ^^
Oct 25, 2009 7:30 AM

Mar 2009
But Minekura has to get permission from the Transformers creator first >.<"

Oh... I'd better put in a disclaimer here

Kazuya Minekura owns Saiyuki. All Saiyuki characters belong Kazuya Minekura
ANd I do not own Transformers.
Oct 26, 2009 12:44 AM

Mar 2009
Yeah, good one! It'd be cool if Transformers and Saiyuki worlds merged into one anime..I'd call it- SaiyukiTransform! You got any ideas?
Nov 26, 2009 8:58 PM

Aug 2009
LOL that's a great story. Thanks for posting it up xD
I imagined naruto coming out and beat the bunny robots using his shadow clones during bumblebee summoning xD
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