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Jul 18, 2009 10:14 AM

Apr 2009
Welcome to Touhou Fanclub. Please introduce yourself to all person in Gensokyo ^_^
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Jul 19, 2009 4:00 PM

Jul 2009
I have not yet played this game but seems interesting.
There are loads of characters and lots of them seem very
Where can I get the game???

Oct 30, 2009 11:56 AM

Oct 2009
Hey yo guys^^ jyaaa I'm Jun and am a huge Touhou fan so I guess thats the right place for me :3 In any case nice to meet you^^
Dec 1, 2009 6:14 AM

Nov 2009
Hey Kyou here,

Biggest Scarlet fan ever here. <3 EoSD and PCB more than all the others =)
Dec 19, 2009 8:06 PM

Dec 2009
I am Mizusa nice to meet you. You can call me Miz though. Also a Touhou fan
Jan 31, 2010 4:04 PM

Jan 2010
Hello, Willie GR presenting himself. I'm a Touhou fan ever since the day I found IOSYS PV "Kero (9) Destiny. After that, I've played all the Touhou-related games I can (I'm about average on the STGs) and thanks to Touhou, I've been inspired to write even MORE than usual. Though I do have original works, the Touhou fan-fictions I've made have grown faster ^_^''. Gensokyo is such and enchanting chaotic-paradise, it just helps with my inspiration.
Feb 2, 2010 1:23 PM

Jan 2010
name as you can see is snapshot2010(My Original nickname is still Snap_shot),Age is 22 as of today 2/2/2010

a big Touhou fan with as far as going to summer Comiket each year since 2 years ago :),buying some few Doujins as well as some figures and Chibi Figures(nendroids)

a Danmaku player with tactics insted of just rushing the bosses :)

started playing Touhou first in 1998 starting with Mystic Square on my worn out and old PC-x86 ^_^"(though I played it at that time just for the shot them ups fun and nothing else)while I started Gaining interest at 2002 with EoSD,and being a fan with the coming of the Trailer of PCB at 2003

likes Reimus Options more so then marisas(I can take long runs with bosses)

my most favorite Character of all the Touhou cast is Reimu so you better watch out haters!!!

played all Touhou games with finishing from 6 to 11 on normal,hard and lunatic with finishing Touhou 12 on normal and hard(Touhou 11 SA was a bitch to beat on lunatic though ^_^"),never played on easy before XD,beat almost all Extra bosses and almost reaching all :)

a lover of RPG games in General,I got passion for them,and would like them to be the best games in the world,safe to say the best sale out games of all time are mostly consist of about 70 to 80% RPG games(chack wiki ^_^)

I lake to be lazy and love sleeping at the right times XD,and I enjoy online as well as off line Company :) since I got friends from both online and offline who are Touhou fans

loves to makes risks,as well as doing some high level pranks XD that would please me and some others(last time Done on my whole Drom*angelic smile*)

love to be Evil with funny moments and light headed comments and like wild Ideas that might throw people off XD

guess thats it for now XD

would like to keep some stuff unrevealed for the time being since I like to play around*angelic smile*
Feb 21, 2010 3:23 AM

Feb 2010
Hiya :D
I'm not a long time Touhou fan(Started in December, 2009) But I love the games a lot :D
Some of my fav. characters are Remilia(<333), Shikieiki, Sakuya, Iku, Yukari, Marisa, and Flandre :3
I absolutely love scarlet weather rhapsody :3 and Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil, and Marisa is always FTW :3

Right now, I'm showing off Shikieiki :3 ...
Feb 21, 2010 1:52 PM

Jul 2009

I'm not to much of a fan of Touhou games (though I do love Scarlet Weather Raphsody), but I'm very much into the characters, story, manga, doujinshis, music, etc.

If you couldn't tell by my username, I'm a huge Marisa fan xD

Alice comes close in second.

Nice to meet all of you ~da ze.
Feb 28, 2010 10:28 PM

Jul 2009
I just recently started playing the Touhou Games
and I have to say that even though ive only played PCB and EoSD that they are my favorite games cuase I love the danmaku genre and the storyline in the games makes this genre all the more fun.
kg-san said:

Asu you're still a fragile flower... But its ok cause you're a beautiful flower!

花火花火花火 :D:D:D
Mar 15, 2010 12:06 AM

Feb 2010
umm.. hi~
name's hoshimizu-san, or whatever you prefer to call me, yoroshiku.
I enjoyed the fandom a lot, but however, rarely touch the game, i have IN and IAMP, and never finished it.
my current fav is aya and youmu, and currently, hatate is also being one.
pardon my horrible english
Mar 24, 2010 5:23 AM

Dec 2009
Me: I'm Jimmie, and I like Touhou.
Everyone: Hello, Jimmie!
Me: *Takes a deep breath* It all started a couple of years ago, when I came in contact with Touhou for the third time. I hadn't really fallen for the shmup-genre, and the danmaku honestly didn't look that inviting. In spite of this and against my better judgment I was convinced to play around with, if I recall correctly, "The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" for a while. I won't say it was anything like love at first death, but now I'd at least learned what "that game" was called, and that it was actually a series of games.
After that I played it occasionally at conventions and the like. Finally, around six months ago, I got really into the games and made sure to get my hands on "The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil", seeing how it was the first Touhou game available for PCs. I've been fairly stuck since then, playing every so often and ultimately deciding to 1cc them all in order, starting, by means of emulation, from the very beginning.
... I haven't really made any headway with that goal yet, although I've jumped ahead a bit and cleared most stories in "Unthinkable Natural Law" (which I'll keep calling it until I find a reasonable reason not to) if that counts...

So anyways, I prefer Sakuya and Hong Meiling, although Reimu, Marisa, Remilia, Suwako and Sanae are also nice.
JimmieMar 24, 2010 6:10 AM
Mar 31, 2010 4:01 PM

Sep 2008
Hi, im Nei-chan ^ ^
i love Touhou thanks to thousands of fanarts from pixiv, i found story and setting great and characters are loveable, though i dont know a whole bunch of things about it yet and im not sure if i can recognize even half of the characters because im a fan since not that long ago.

im currently trying complete all of pc touhou games

my fav chars are: Marisa, Flandre, Alice, Cirno, Sakuya, Remi and Daiyousei but im sure that amount will triple xD

other that touhou i love vocaloid, when they cry series, playing games, art and a bunch of other different things

~yoroshiku onegai shimasu <bows> ^ ^
Apr 1, 2010 2:18 PM
Mar 2010
Hi, I'm yunn
Saw quite a lot of fanworks of Touhou, so, a bit ago I tought it might be fun and tried it out ^_^
atm I'm playing IN (altough I'm not really skilled at this kind of game yet, even at Easy Mode :'( ...working on that though!),SWR and Puppet Play (aka Touhoumon) :3
Favorite chars would be...Reimu, Sakuya, Keine, Ran, Cirno and Reisen
Apr 2, 2010 3:47 PM

Sep 2009
Hi every-nyan~~~!
Name's Andy (or Giggles-tan for those who plays WoW and knows me...)

I'm a huge Touhou fan. Currently trying to beat TH12 on hard...

Aside from the mainstream Touhou games made my the almighty ZUN, I also like playing doujin Touhou games such as MegaMari, Super Marisa World, Touhoumon, etc.

My top five favorite characters are 1) Sakuya 2) Reisen 3) Sanae 4) Yuyuko 5) Aya(yayaya)

Currently playing Touhou Pocket War Evolution.
May 21, 2010 12:59 PM

Aug 2008
Hi to all Touhou fans.
I starting to love touhou in every sense of the wat. i like the games, the music, the manga, the music videos and of course the characters.

the only game i beaten on extra was the embodiment of scarlet devil (damn, so hard.)

my top 5 are
1- Yuyuko
2- Cirno
3- Marisa
4- Alice
5- Kaguya

i'm curently playing Hisoutensoku and MegaMari
Aug 20, 2011 11:23 PM

Jul 2010
hi all,

I liked Toho because of good plot, cute girls and interesting describing of Danmaku

I have beaten most of game in normal and of course u may laugh at me for easy modo as well. also a traumatic player coz once killed by icicle fall -easy- in EOSD

few games I have beaten in hard and lunatic

my fav char are
1. Maribel Han
2. hakurei Reimu
3. Reisen Udonhein Inaba
4. Kochiya Sanae
5. Fuzihara no Moko

"How would you like to see what death is like?"?"
Nov 6, 2011 1:05 AM

Jun 2011
Hello there!

I'm Shishirukayaa, I'm 18 and I live in France (please forgive me for my bad english).
I a huge fan of Touhou since at least 6 month... I discover this fandom by fanworks on Zerochan pricipally, and by music on youtube. Discovering the theme of Byakuren with the remix of Demetori (Emotional Scyscraper ~ World's End) totally conviced me of playing the game. Since this moment I played all the games, my favorites are MoF, LLS and IN. I began to play in Normal mode recently (yeah, Easy modo clear in all games except fighting games)

Regarding to the characters... Well, all my love goes to Kanako Yasaka. I really love her : she's the godness of wind and rain, she's strong and badass, and I like her outfit, her theme... I like everything which goes with Kanako.
I also like Eirin, Yuka (PC 98 and Windows Games), Yuugi, Komachi, Shinki and Shou. There is some characters I hate, but there's no point to talk about it (if I tell you, you'll probably throw me tomatoes).

Hmm, I think I had said every thing... I'm sure a big fan of manga/anime, I draw some touhou fanarts (and OCs), that's enough for my "otaku" activity 8D
Feb 6, 2012 2:40 AM

Jul 2009
Hello guys! I'm Atmo (duh) and a HUGE Touhou fan!

I've discovered Touhou in web some years ago, but Touhomon was my "entry door" to this new and wonderful world. Well, that's not entirely true. I was searching for a tabletop RPG group and found some people who plays 3D&T (yes, i'm from Brazil). The guy who roleplays the most is another fan of Touhou and introduced me with some games and almost 2gb of Doujins!

Actually, i have some theories of mine (Koakuma having a little sister and being the older resident of SDM) and i LOVE Koishi!

Oh, is my blog, where i dump various things i like in web, Touhou included!

PS: i need help of portuguese-english translators for english related posts...
Feb 21, 2012 4:36 AM

Feb 2012
Hello~ I'm your friendly neighborhood ghost, Mikirin.
I like to draw, role-play and yes, I love Touhou. My favorite characters include: Kasen, Yuyuko, and Satori.
My blog is where I dump Touhou fanart sometimes c: I hope to have fun and make some friends.
Feb 25, 2012 5:01 AM

Feb 2012
Yo! well, my name is gabriel, I made a MAL yesterday.
I am big fan of the lunar rabbit Reisen Inaba
My second favorite character is the Kisume
My 3° favorite character is Sanae
''Humans die, but Animes are immortal...''
Apr 26, 2012 12:18 AM

Apr 2011
Im a friendly Angel of the Future, reporting for duty.
Im AngelMirai, or you can call me "Mirai" ne?
I love Touhou very much because of its characters, games, musics & many more. I get their musics on IOSYS. I guess IOSYS was part of Touhou Project or TH Project was part of IOSYS, whatever. :P
Now, Im a big fan of Touhou Project, even IOSYS. I have tons of touhou collections and Im currently learning how to speak and write in japanese :P. Well, quite hard but it's for the Touhou.
Nice to meet u all.. have a nice day. :P
Aug 22, 2012 5:13 PM
Jul 2012
StratosRetour here. Huge fan of Touhou!

2 friends of mine got me into Touhou a little under 2 years ago~
I'm pretty good at the games, if I do say so myself :).

Awesome music and characters for sure! Zun is a genius~
Fav Characters - Toyosatomimi no Miko, Gengetsu, Yumemi Okazaki, Ichirin Kumoi, Seiga Kaku, Fujiwara no Mokou, Nue Houjuu.
Fav Themes - (Themes for characters above), Starry Sky of Small Desire's, Swordsman of a Distant Star, Ultimate Truth, Dream Palace Great Mausoleum, Corpse Voyage, UN Owen, Magic Shop of Raspberry, etc.
Sep 6, 2012 1:37 PM

Jul 2012
Yo Lan here o/

Started out playing PCB a few years back and it went all downhill from there... Now I am a Touhou music addict.
Nov 23, 2012 12:24 PM

Jul 2012
Mex here and as you can tell, I enjoy anime, Touhou, tacos, and whatever else pleases me. I'm a moderator on another site and am in a couple of podcasts.

Rather than going to the forums (where you can hardly say a word as posts fly by like crazy) I thought I would join some clubs instead, so why not start off with a series I enjoy?

Since I should post something Touhou related here, i'll start by saying that Remilia is my favorite Touhou character.
Dec 15, 2012 10:15 PM

Jul 2008
Hello people

My first time in a MAL club. As you, I like watching anime (my list is beyong insane XD) and playing the Touhou games. English and spanish speaker by the way.
As this moments I'm with touhou 12 and sometimes the 13rd.

My fav characters are Flandre and Remilia.
Jul 23, 2013 8:13 AM

Nov 2011
Hi guys, I'm LightBrand99. Although I'm a pretty big fan of Touhou (my Touhou folder in my hard disk is 33 GB atm), I'm not a particularly excellent Touhou player. I have 1cc'd all the integers on Normal though, except for SA and UFO (and HRtP Hell, though I 1cc'd Makai route).

I like Touhou primarily for the music and the characters, as well as its fun gameplay. My favorite character is Flandre Scarlet, followed closely by Kazami Yuuka and Yamaxanadu Shiki Eiki. My favorite track would be "Faith is for the transient people", followed closely by "UN Owen Was Her?" and "Luna Clock ~ Lunar Dial".

I joined MAL to keep track of my anime records, but then I saw these clubs and figured it'd be cool to join the Touhou Fanclub. I hope I enjoy my time here!
Mar 26, 2018 10:01 AM

Mar 2018
Hi guys, Renkini here. Just started into Touhou fandom about 2 months ago and really loving it. 1cc-ed EoSD and IN on normal mode but nowhere near beating Flan and Mokou. Near 1-cc to PCB, MoF, TD and HSiF. SA, UFO and LoLK are too hard imo. Also played some popular fan games and amazed at the effort and passion fans put in into their work. Watched fanime Musou Kakyou and Gensou Mangekyo, and really digging the OPs. Didn't try to play PC-98 era games. Best fandom ever!! Respect goes to ZUN.
RenkiniMar 26, 2018 10:31 AM

Apr 8, 2022 9:06 AM
Jul 2018
Heya, guys! Not sure if this forum is still active whatsoever, but anyways here goes nothing!

The name´s cappuccino_san and I´m a 23 year old pharmacist, who´s a huge Touhou fan ever since the releasement of Impossible Spell Card in 2014. However, it was not until 2010 that I discovered Touhou Project by watching the ´Bad Apple´ shadow art video on Youtube. I remember being glued to the screen, completely hipnotized by the remixed music and the characters´ shadows bouncing to it, so I went on to search and learn more about the franchise and, well, here we are xD

Imperishable Night, Wily Beast and Weakest Creature and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom are my favorites, respectively (even though I still get a lot of rekts in LoLK xD).

If anyone reads this post, I'd like to say: Nice to meet you! Hope we get along well. Even though I created this account in 2021, I'm relatively new to this site as I've only started interacting with the MAL community recently. But feel free to send me messages or requests if you want. I'm always open to a good conversation ^^

That's all folks! Take care!

Feb 4, 2023 3:44 AM
Feb 2023
hi hello. 
Call me mempi, im a touhou fan and i love the fandom a lot. i came to myanimelist bc i felt like i wanted to try new stuff.

Mar 11, 2023 1:44 PM

Nov 2022
Hi. My name is Aleksandr. I heard about Touhou at first in 2015 in RYTP memes. I thought for a long time Zun is a composer and didn't know about games. I downloaded and played at first in 2018 EoSD. In 2023 I first played in Touhou 1, Story of Eastern Wonderland and Phantasmagoria. EoSD is so difficult even easy level, I can't beat Hong Meiling. a lot of art was also attracted me to the game
Dec 25, 2023 6:39 AM

Nov 2019
Hello you can call me Flynn as how i sometimes go online, i first got into Touhou December 2021 playing Embodiement of Scarlet Devil first since i heard it was a good entry point and that it had Sakuya in it lol i found her design hot. I find the character designs cute and music a bop but didn't know where else to get into the series further. So I got a Reimu figurine in 2022 because i found her cute for an okay price. And it wasn't until 2023 when i decided to officially step my feet into the rabbit hole by playing Gensokyo Visitor (a fanmade visual novel of Touhou) and Luna Nights which i'm having so much fun in btw! The fanbase is also really interesting from what i notice, im looking forward to making friends with more people that like Touhou :)
Jul 20, 2024 5:38 PM

Jun 2022
Hi, I am Lily Rose, nice to meet you. I love touhou games, characters, and music alike
I also like IOSYS, and if you do too, come check out my club: IOSYS fanclub :D
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