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3 hours ago

Dec 2021
My senses from best to worst are:

Sight: Probably my best sense; last I checked I have had 20/15 vision since I was a teenager and am good at observing people or things from a far distance.

Smell: I cook a lot so I'm good at picking up on the smell of something burning or if a gas stove was left on. My nose also pretty sensitive to the strong scents like perfumes, bad odors and some ripe fruits.

Taste: Kind of elitist I can taste things and enjoy or not enjoy the taste of whatever I consume. Not much else to say here...

Touch: One things for sure, I would definitely prefer to have to be touched by hands of living beings that I find attractive rather than my own rough hands.

Hearing: Unfortunately, I've lost most of my hearing in my left ear so I have to turn my head to left if I'm having a conversation with someone. Sometimes it can feel kind if peaceful too if I'm sleeping with my right ear on a pillow but I'd still rather be able hear clearly.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
3 hours ago

May 2024
My senses in no real order as they're all equally shit:

Sight: I wear glasses, so terrible.

Smell: My nose is clogged 24/7.

Taste: Pretty decent actually. The only sense that works properly.

Touch: Fine. Could be better. My skin is terribly fragile for some genetic reason.

Hearing: It has gotten significantly worse over the years cuz I use headphones a lot and don't care about the high volume in the slightest. My left ear is slightly better than my right tho.
2 hours ago

Feb 2020
Sight: Still good enough I think? don't wear glasses even for reading

Smell: My sense of smell has always been terrible, ironic since I have a fairly big nose. Don't know the reason why smell no good.

Taste: Fine

Touch: Decent I think? although my right hand is much weaker than the other and has poor grip. I often drop things with that hand.

Hearing: Decent but I always have tons of earwax and smelly ears, eczema around my ears sometimes too.
1 hour ago

Sep 2016
Sight: Good, I don't need glasses.

Smell: Very good, I like to savor the female scent.

Taste: Fine, my tongue is kind of sensitive.

Touch: Fine, my hands are soft without horny skin.

Hearing: Good, but my earwax can plug my ears if I don't clean them occasionally.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
54 minutes ago

Feb 2024
Eyes is definitely my weak spot. The rest is fine. Maybe I'll do laser one day, not ready to accept that risk yet.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
23 minutes ago

Feb 2020
"How Good Are Your Senses?"

They are all very sharp.
7 minutes ago

Mar 2008
Im near sighted
My nose is stuffy a lot but when I am less congested i can notice a fair amount i think
My sense of taste is dulled in a way but I notice little things
My sense of touch is dulled some except pain. This i guess is mental in cause
My hearing is overly sensitive in one ear causing pain
6 minutes ago

Dec 2022
Have to say my sight is atrocious, since I have to wear glasses to see anything further than a few centimetres in front of me. My other senses are fine, and my hearing is particularly responsive, which makes listening to music more of an immersive experience.

Shaded Horizon

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