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Aug 21, 2017 4:24 AM
Aug 2015
I will leave here some of my thoughts on this anime in general and deep meaning in particular. Half of it is purely subjective.
I feel that "need multiple watches to understand its themes and symbolysm" is just an excuse to shut people that wrote bad reviews. I understand, that some of people can't actually understand themes layed in this anime, but I want to call this anime bad and at the same time say that I fully understood all of its themes and still not enjoyed and here is why.
Someone said to me that it's well written and can give more questions than Matrix or Inception.
I don't feel that it was well written. Themes WERE complicated for it's time, I agree, but now themes used in Lain not only simple, but actually overused to a degree where it not even makes me question myself one time because I already have answers to all those questions. Themes are still rare for anime, but I will not separate my anime watch experience from films that I watch and books that I read (and I would not call myself bookworm or guy who watch films every day). Furthermore, not only themes are very simple and were asked and answered countless times, but also story is complete mess of random shots of "nothing happens" or "something irrelevant happens" and bad connecting of these scenes. On top of that, anime has bad acting (again, not a problem for 90s, but problem now) and no sence of storytelling and pace at all (slow pace is good, but when something in the show is actually interesting, but all I see is that "bones" (themes and symbolism) just thrown in my face without "flesh" (actual story connecting these parts)). When I was still watching Lain, I thought "Oh, it's that type of anime where random shit happens, but in the end all makes sence" and while I enjoy this type of shows (FLCL, Mawaru Penguindrum, Ergo Proxy (not in terms of story, but rather world in which story happened), Kyousou Giga, Tatami Galaxy), this type of shows catch viewers interest by developing good subplots, characters, world, etc and Lain does not have anything from this. AND in the end there was no "all makes sence", all I got is random mix of five to ten years old ideas with no good plot to carry it. It's just not interesing to watch.
I give you two examples on how other shows succeded with some of ideas or storywriting presented in Lain.
First is Kuuchuu Buranko. Totally bizzare show with niche and unpopular themes and stories, that vastly differs from on episode to another, which managed to intrigue me and hold till the end because of clever connection between stories, VERY strong main characters and actually good and inventive humor (my score is 9/10 for this).
Ghost in the Shell managed to tell amazing and complete story with actually good voice acting and messages that ARE still ahead of time and still very underused in all types of art (even books), but also had exceptional art, characters and atmosphere. And it was done THREE years before Lain!
I think personal opinions with criticism is not welcomed in any anime discussion forum, but I just needed to express myself from the third "Understood Lain and still hated it" crowd which is usually forgotten (first and second being "Understood Lain and loved it" crowd and "Did not understand Lain and hated it").
tl;dr: Where actually good psychological anime written as a good story with interesting psychological themes and symbolism on top of it, Lain is just making (outdated) themes and symbolism main aspect and adding story just so it exists. For me and for some people out there it just not worked. I see that some people can enjoy any quality of anime while it provides symbolism, but that is not the case for me and should not be the case in general because writing is always core of anime and the most important thing to focus on in a first place.
Kostyan1996Aug 21, 2017 4:36 AM
Aug 21, 2017 4:28 AM

Jun 2015
I didn't understand the anime that much.

I dont like things I don't understand
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Sep 21, 2017 4:04 AM
Aug 2015
sessizkalmak said:
I will never understand people who get butthurt about something they don't like and write walls of texts just to prove they are smart and right , which most of the time has the opposite effect.

I will never understand people who think that someone who simply didn't like show and wanted to express their opinion having butthurt.
Seriously though, I was just expressing my opinion, but someone always tries to claim as I was proving that I'm smart and right. I just don't like all the praise about this anime, so I wanted to say something about it. If people write walls of text about how good anime is, why someone can't write walls of text about how bad anime is? Criticism is as important as praise.
Oct 25, 2017 10:29 PM
Oct 2017
I actually agree completely.

People degrading other people's opinion by saying that the show "wasn't for them" is pretty much prevelant in everything. It can be insanely annoying to deal with, especially with a show as abstract as Serial Experiments Lain.

I personally loved the hell out of this anime, not only because I genuinely enjoyed the story, but also because it's literally the only anime ever to be able to creep me out.

People have different opinions however.
Oct 25, 2017 10:46 PM

Sep 2017
i agree with OP. i understood what the show was from the get go and to be fair i already watch it 3 times thinking that i was able to like it. i just got frustrated every time either by the unnecessary scenes and the convoluted story telling. i know it's just 13 episodes but it didn't have to take that long to fully illustrate such a simple concept. it should be just a movie instead.
Oct 27, 2017 5:31 AM

Sep 2017
haysikecemboles said:
Daniellehurt09 said:
i agree with OP. i understood what the show was from the get go and to be fair i already watch it 3 times thinking that i was able to like it. i just got frustrated every time either by the unnecessary scenes and the convoluted story telling. i know it's just 13 episodes but it didn't have to take that long to fully illustrate such a simple concept. it should be just a movie instead.

It's okay if you don't get it, it's simply 2deep4u. Claiming that it has unnecessary scenes just proves it. Not to mention as a concept Lain is anything but simple.

aw sorry i hit a nerve on your favorite show. i don't necessarily hate the entirety of lain. i admit it has its own charm like in Matrix i just wish they could have done it in a movie format so the narrative could flow smoothly. they just stretched it out to meet the 13 episodes limit thus resulting to several points the OP explained. It lacks the fluidity unlike with some similar anime like GITS or Paprika have. the plot is interesting but not interesting enough to keep you awake or play spot the symbolism.

i remember i almost got an epileptic seizure watching this.

Daniellehurt09Oct 27, 2017 5:36 AM
Oct 27, 2017 5:57 AM

Sep 2017
haysikecemboles said:
Daniellehurt09 said:

aw sorry i hit a nerve on your favorite show. i don't necessarily hate the entirety of lain. i admit it has its own charm like in Matrix i just wish they could have done it in a movie format so the narrative could flow smoothly. they just stretched it out to meet the 13 episodes limit thus resulting to several points the OP explained. It lacks the fluidity unlike with some similar anime like GITS or Paprika have. the plot is interesting but not interesting enough to keep you awake or play spot the symbolism.

i remember i almost got an epileptic seizure watching this.

Ahh, I love butthurt posts assuming they made the other party angry and trying hard to explain how they are right, lol. Please continue girl, you amuse me.

Btw, the name of the movie is "The Matrix", not Matrix. Just saying. :)

i thought you were the angry one with your first retort. by the way what was your follow up argument?
Oct 27, 2017 5:57 AM
Aug 2015
haysikecemboles said:
Daniellehurt09 said:

aw sorry i hit a nerve on your favorite show. i don't necessarily hate the entirety of lain. i admit it has its own charm like in Matrix i just wish they could have done it in a movie format so the narrative could flow smoothly. they just stretched it out to meet the 13 episodes limit thus resulting to several points the OP explained. It lacks the fluidity unlike with some similar anime like GITS or Paprika have. the plot is interesting but not interesting enough to keep you awake or play spot the symbolism.

i remember i almost got an epileptic seizure watching this.

Ahh, I love butthurt posts assuming they made the other party angry and trying hard to explain how they are right, lol. Please continue girl, you amuse me.

Btw, the name of the movie is "The Matrix", not Matrix. Just saying. :)

Lets face it - no one butthurts in this thread, everyone expressing their opinions, while some of us trying to offend other side.
Butthurt aside, you probably should give actual arguments like Daniellehurt09 did (about flow, for example). So far I have not seen even one good argument why Lain is good or why I am wrong, everything I heard was "2deep4u" and stuff, which is far from argument. Even if you think your opponent does not understand your point, you still probably should try to explain it.
Oct 27, 2017 6:15 AM

Feb 2015
Actually, I watched SEL twice and still didn't get shit about it. Now that it's been like around a year, I think I find it quite good that I don't remember any of it now.
Oct 27, 2017 6:24 AM

Feb 2013
Watching it once was enough for me, I don't re-watch stuff that makes me wanna sleep.
Oct 27, 2017 6:41 AM

Jul 2015
I do agree that you don't need many rewatches to understand something to Lain, but apparently that's not the point of this thread, the point is that Lain is bad and OP is smart even if he doesn't like it. I'd have an easier time believing in both if he gave better arguments than "lol it's from the 90's so it's shit" and "I didn't pay attention and think half the scenes are pointless"
Oct 27, 2017 8:25 AM
Jul 2018
this anime was pretty bad even for 90s standards. i agree with u OP. this truly is a bad anime.
Oct 27, 2017 9:02 AM

Nov 2011
Yeah, it's pretty frustrating when you don't like something and people pin that as you simply not being smart enough to understand the show. I get that sort of treatment when I say I don't like Shinsekai Yori as well. Even if something comes off as deep with some sort of theme that doesn't mean it's done perfectly.

Oct 27, 2017 9:44 AM
Jul 2018
haysikecemboles said:
FruitlessJuice said:
this anime was pretty bad even for 90s standards. i agree with u OP. this truly is a bad anime.

Said the guy who rated Naruto and Akame ga Kill 10 whereas Cowboy Bebop 5 and Monster 6 . Yeah, your impeccable taste is obvious to all.
shat ap feik akaunt
Oct 27, 2017 10:22 AM
Jul 2018
God i know it's your opinion and nothing is objective (under the right circumstances)
but goddamn it hurt my soul everytime people start shittalk my favorite anime

i don't know why people would tell someone who HATE the anime to rewatch it obviously it not gonna work nobody want to watch thing they didn't like why wasting time? i agreed with that point

the rest though just like i said it your opinion

i don't really have the same problem that you have with the show ,like bad acting(?) it sound great to me actually it is the voice acting itself that make me emotional i watch lain only one time and love it in the first time no i don't understand everything or a lot of thing that happen but i was able to care/relate to such a "dry" cast of SEL enough ,i mean as for the themes if i seen other work that has the similar themes can i call that work bad cus i already experience that themes before and i THOUGHT that SEL themes is better

i'm just rambling now anyway i just want to share my thought and if you hate anime that ok ,i mean am actually surprise that someone who like SEL didn't know that SEL is fucking confusing and just try to forced people who hate it to watch it again while complaining you didn't get it because it too deep ,fuck that

ps. if you know any more works on any media that similar to lain plz recommend i would love to read/watch that

Oct 27, 2017 11:00 AM
Aug 2015
Omelettecat said:
Yeah, it's pretty frustrating when you don't like something and people pin that as you simply not being smart enough to understand the show. I get that sort of treatment when I say I don't like Shinsekai Yori as well. Even if something comes off as deep with some sort of theme that doesn't mean it's done perfectly.

Actually, I didn't like "Deep themes" and this stuff from Shinsekai Yori and my friends called me hater. For me it was descent anime only because it was still kinda interesting to watch, but I still thought that all symbolism stuff was put right in the face of viewer and I do not like that.
Oct 27, 2017 2:40 PM

Feb 2016
I'd like to hear your interpretation of what the themes were and how they fail to still be relevant/meaningful/impactful and why you believe them to be overdone, because up till now you've only said that they were but haven't really gone into the specifics as to why and I'm interested in hearing about that.
Oct 27, 2017 7:58 PM
Apr 2016
I've watched 5 episodes so far and I don't like this anime at all.

What is this even supposed to be? A show? Or just random interactions of characters for fans who mostly just seem to want to look smart to point out philosophical concepts of what counts as reality and what knowledge is.

I've read a few of the top reviews, and fine, I can appreciate learning about themes and looking for them in fiction. But what is there to look for in this show when it's practically shoving it in your face that something weird is going on, but oh look here's another random scene that makes no sense and has no point except to get philosophical.

If you want to write a story about philosophical themes, write a story, not a bunch of weird, nonsense scenes.

I just thought I'd get my thoughts out and hopefully someone will explain to me what there is to like about the show. But the above discussion doesn't look encouraging. It seems more made up of people making fun of each other for their opinions on the show rather than having an actual, I don't know, discussion and sharing of opinions.
Oct 28, 2017 1:25 AM

Feb 2016

No, it has a story, people just prefer talking about the themes.
I'm no expert on lain but I can try to tell a very abridged version from memory,

Lain creates a fake background for herself (which she herself also believes) to try and have a life in real life (flesh and blood) instead of only existing on the internet, she eventually gets on the internet and different version of her start showing up, created by a group of people that want to have lain under their control because she has incredible power on the internet, and also in flesh and blood reality because the internet has become its own reality in which she is the god, these versions of her make people aware that the internet has a god.
People start realising they can have the certainty of an existing god if they escape to the internet so they kill themselves in flesh and blood reality to live in the internet instead.
Lain meets the leader of the group that created some fake lains to make her confused and tells her he's the god of internet reality and that she should just do as he says and it'll all be okay, but lain's friend convinces lain that she's real which makes lain stand up for herself to the fake god dude.
Lain takes back her role of god of the internet and decides to erase the memories of her from people's minds because, I think, people kept killing themselves to live in the internet, which she wanted to stop.

But this is all from memory and it's been a long time since I watched it, watching it yourself would probably be a good idea if you want the actual stoy.
SnufkinOct 28, 2017 1:31 AM
Oct 28, 2017 4:11 PM
Aug 2015
avory said:
I'd like to hear your interpretation of what the themes were and how they fail to still be relevant/meaningful/impactful and why you believe them to be overdone, because up till now you've only said that they were but haven't really gone into the specifics as to why and I'm interested in hearing about that.

Sadly, this anime was so unremarkable and dull (and also I watched it long ago), that I can point out only few of actual problems. I will rewatch it later (my friend asked same thing as you did), that time I will note EVERYTHING I do not like so I can save it and show to anyone who call me a hater or who say "too deep for you".
Nov 2, 2017 6:31 PM

Jun 2013
I like how almost everyone here are praising or criticizing the show, its themes and how it presents them, but not elaborating on it at all (specifying what Lain's themes really is and how it is/isn't presented well). Most of you are arguing its themes while being completely vague about it which makes me think that neither side are confident they understood Lain's themes very well. I myself have no confidence that I can discuss its themes well enough (thus I didn't even give a rating for it), hence I refrain from praising it or criticizing its themes and how it presents it.

Being on topic, I agree with some of the OP's points. The show really does tend to be too obscure or abstract which makes it really hard to understand (which I think is intentional in the show's part). There are also lots of still frames and a severe lack of music (Although it did work to serve for a creepy and unsettling atmosphere albeit a bit boring). However, what I don't agree with is the OP's points about its themes and symbolisms unless he can clearly state what the show's themes were, how it is updated and overused, and how it failed to present it well.
Nov 9, 2017 11:15 AM
Apr 2010
I don't know, I'm not an expert and have no clue what they intended with it, but I thought at least one of the things they wanted to show was how the anonymity of the internet can make you a different person. The way the family's interactions change is almost as if they're constantly on their phones, just barely caring. Another theme, I thought, was questioning the extent to which the world online is real or not, and it leaking into the world just seemed like a metaphor for online things having real consequences, which is also why I think they chose gossip and bullying as things to have an effect on the world.

I personally loved it, but I can get if its style is not for everyone. The themes didn't seem to be too deep if you managed to follow the dialogue and watched till the end I think, though. They discuss it pretty explicitly. Doesn't make it enjoyable for everyone though.

At times the silence was cool and added to the atmosphere, at times it could've helped to have a bit more music though... Especially since I love the OST.
Nov 9, 2017 12:17 PM

Mar 2017
FruitlessJuice said:
this anime was pretty bad even for 90s standards. i agree with u OP. this truly is a bad anime.

Here's my problem with this statement, it's the same as the people who say "hurr this anime requires 200iq mega smarts hurr". It's equally dismissive. I don't have a problem when people say they don't like something, I am even okay with someone saying it was bad provided they actually articulate why they think so, But that's not the case here. It's intellectual equivalent of someone shouting "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION", and that somehow makes it and them beyond criticism. I'll state it plainly in case it seems convoluted, You added nothing of substance to this thread.

onto OP, claiming lains themes are outdated is completely unfair considering how it almost 20 years old. It's like retrospectively saying "the cg in this movie blows". It completely undercuts how something was at one point revolutionary. Furthermore lain is extremely aesthetic in how it goes about presenting it's themes and thus requires atypical storytelling to go about this. Now I can see why some people wouldn't like that but a streamlined story and plot would completely defeat the purpose of this anime. Thus making it a rather polarizing work. I find myself enthralled by it, some don't and that's fine. But at least recognize the fact that it's appeal stems from this.

Also if you find yourself coming to the same answer when presented the same theme twice but in completely different ways it means the issue here isn't the fact that both works shared themes but rather you aren't willing to reconsider your views on things.

come, you sweet hour of death
Nov 10, 2017 1:44 AM
Aug 2015
TheRandom said:
onto OP, claiming lains themes are outdated is completely unfair considering how it almost 20 years old. It's like retrospectively saying "the cg in this movie blows". It completely undercuts how something was at one point revolutionary.

That is a common argument when I talk about old anime, but consider this - we are not in 90s now. Sure, it was revolutionary back then, but it's not an excuse today. I rate anime (and also movies and games and other stuff) based on my enjoyment. I don't care when it was made, but if it's bad by todays standarts, it's bad regardless of when it was made. You would not call first mobile phone good for use today just because it was revolutionary back then, right? My whole review comes from point that Lain is considered "BEST ANIME 10/10" even nowadays.

TheRandom said:
Furthermore lain is extremely aesthetic in how it goes about presenting it's themes and thus requires atypical storytelling to go about this. Now I can see why some people wouldn't like that but a streamlined story and plot would completely defeat the purpose of this anime. Thus making it a rather polarizing work. I find myself enthralled by it, some don't and that's fine. But at least recognize the fact that it's appeal stems from this.

I know it and I agree that it needed some kind of unusual storytelling, but that is not an excuse to not making story interesting. I know that some people find this anime interesting even without good, well paced and well written plot, but I hate when peoppe call it genius writing.

TheRandom said:
Also if you find yourself coming to the same answer when presented the same theme twice but in completely different ways it means the issue here isn't the fact that both works shared themes but rather you aren't willing to reconsider your views on things.

If I understand you correctly, you are talking about part where I wrote "even back then ideas was not new, they were presented in some anime already". Yes, ideas presented differently feels refreshing, but, again, people claim that Lain was first presenting this ideas and that it revolutionized anime, that it predicted alot of stuff, etc. But same things were presented in other anime, other anime predicted some thing as good as Lain, but Lain fans praising Lain for being the only one.

Overall today it's mediocre anime at best (if you can deal with bad writing), but it's not genius as Lain fan says. They can enjoy it, sure, but they are trying to convince others that it's the best anime or aomething like this and some people fall for it because of hype and because they cannot understand problems presented it this anime.
Jan 16, 2018 11:29 AM

Oct 2015
UnironicTeen said:

People degrading other people's opinion by saying that the show "wasn't for them" is pretty much prevelant in everything.

I know this is old but I wanted to write nonetheless. Simply saying "I guess it wasn't for you" isn't the equiavlent of "You're incapable of comprehending this show's greatness you f*n moron.". The person who said this probably just meant it as "it's not your cup of tea I suppose" and you misinterpreted their words.
Aug 5, 2019 8:57 PM
Nov 2016
Talking strictly about subject personal scores and trying to find a middle ground about them, I would only say one thing: If you have to watch any show multiple times to understand, it's not a masterpiece.

On a general sense, if like 10% (I'm speculating of course) of people that watched SEL fully understand what the author wanted to transmit or at least the basis of his work, then I can conclude he failed to present his art on an acceptable level. Also saying "I didn't understand fully, but it was good" is still failing to achieve minimal sense of criticism about a show that wants exactly that - make people reflect and question a key matter.

Although I respect that people find this anime deep or whatever they liked to call it a masterpiece, it's just pretentious enough to expect the majority that was lost watching the series to consider it, because they couldn't caught the meaning of the show in one go. If many people are having issues, guess it isn't necessarily the majority's problem, but how the author failed to present his ideas on an acceptable matter to a general public, specially for the demographic that watches anime, this is one of the author's biggest mistake.

That said, using the "multiples watch to get the show" is a terrible argument to justify one's ego. Same with "didn't understand, but I like it", the last one it's actually worst, to be proud about something you're ignorant, it doesn't even make sense.
DimmuOliAug 5, 2019 9:00 PM
Aug 23, 2019 5:31 PM

Feb 2018
Ignorance have no limits lmaooooooooooooooooooo

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