If the movie Howl no Ugoku Shiro can't put you in high spirits, then you need something stronger. Try hugging a teddy bear. For those of you who don't know, Howl no Ugoku Shiro is a classic anime film from 2004. It's the story of an eighteen year old hatter named Sophie, who is cursed by a witch to look like an elderly woman. Instead of letting the curse destroy her hopes and dreams, Sophie embraces her new condition as she looks for a remedy for the spell. During the course of the film Sophie meets a wizard named Howl who lives in the coolest mobile home of all time. Sophie, Howl, and company grow a lot as people, and their story is a heartwarming one indeed.
That Howl is so smooth.
We know what you're thinking Sophie, and no, you're not on drugs.
Kid, you've got a weird alter-ego.
I'm waiting for him to recruit some dwarves and hobbits to slay a dragon.
Howl has a serious hoarding problem.
Pesticide is a beautiful thing.
Heen to the rescue!
The dog wonder can run 20 mph, but can't climb stairs.
The Witch of the Waste refills swimming pools part-time.
Little children with buckets follow her everywhere.
Behold: the pogo stick champion of the world!
Turnip Head rules! It's almost like he's a real person.
That fire demon has an attitude problem.
What's are you gonna do next? Turn into the Hulk?
Wizards got eat.
You and the bacon burning fire demon have a really weird relationship, Howl. You know that?
Don't mess around with a man's hairdo.
Take a chill pill, Ace Ventura.
An anime fan in their natural state.
Tuckered out from an all-night anime binge.
Feel better now? I know I do. From the endearing Sophie Hatter, to the enchanting Howl, Howl no Ugoku Shiro is a great movie for any anime fan. The movie reminds you that setbacks like age, war, and the occasional witch are just facts of life. Everybody has problems, but it's how you approach those problems that define you as a person. Sophie's heartwarming attitude about becoming old is one of the best aspects of the film. Always remember a positive attitude can go a long way.