Studio Ghibli's 1997 release Princess Mononoke is widely recognized as among the greatest films in anime history. An epic struggle between the forces of industry and nature, a village prince named Ashitaka may be the only one who can bring peace to the humans of Iron Town and the spirits of the forest. It seems that the key to ending the war is San, a young girl raised by a pack of wolf spirits and who lives among the forest creatures. These gifs capture some of the images which have made the film such an undeniable and beloved classic.
Just an Ordinary Girl
Spitting out blood you sucked out of a wolf-god. Not a bad way to introduce yourself.
Party's Over
Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?
That's Gotta Hurt
What are those arrows made out of?
No Seriously,
What the hell are those arrows made out of?
Is that a forest spirit, or a cross between Godzilla and the Na'vi?
That might be the most terrifying thing we've ever seen.
Riding Into Battle on a Giant Wolf God
Lesson number one in pure bad@$$ery.
Hey kid,
Wanna see a magic trick?
Watch Yourself
You definitely don't want to piss off the person with the big spear and a preexisting desire to kill all humans.
That's Not How a Gun is Supposed to Work
We've heard of a "green thumb," but never a green trigger finger.
Love/Hate Relationship
If you can't stab somebody, might as well give them a hug.
You Better Watch Your Back
You're in my neighborhood now.