Graham "Mister Bushido" Aker

Graham Aker

Kidou Senshi Gundam 00
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Second Season
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 00: Tenshi-tachi no Kiseki
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer
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Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Special Edition
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Gundam Breaker: Battlogue
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Member Favorites: 231

Graham Aker (グラハム・エーカー)

Name: Graham Aker
Date of birth: September 10, 2280
Age: 27(Season 1) / 32(Season 2) / 34(Movie)
Nationality: Union (American)
First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 1, Celestial Being
Unit: YMS-01A Union Flag

The ace pilot of the Union. Originally on the MSWΛD (Mobile Suit Warehouse and Development) mobile suit team with the rank of First Lieutenant recently promoted to Captain, he was later transferred to the Anti-Gundam Investigative Squad. Possessing uncanny instincts, he pilots a black custom Union Flag. His signature move is to transform his Flag in mid- flight. When fighting the Gundams he exhibits tenacity and skill which makes him a formidable opponent for the Gundams.

Mister Bushido (ミスター・ブシドー)
Unit: GNX-U02X Masurao

Voice Actors
Nakamura, Yuuichi
Dobson, Paul
Guitard, Thomas
Kurbjuweit, Jan
Longo, Thiago
Portuguese (BR)

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