
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
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Hunter x Hunter
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Komugi (コムギ)

Komugi is a blind girl who is a genius at Gung-gi, a fictional board game of Hunter x Hunter. She is introduced during the Chimera Ant arc and frequently plays Meruem, the Chimera Ant King, in Gung-Gi games. Meruem seems to be developing some feelings towards her, despite her being a human.

Komugi was born in a family of twelve in Republic of East Gorteau. Ever since she started to play Gungi as the country's representative, she made little money for her family. When she chose to become a professional player, she decided to kill herself if she ever lost.

Komugi is a genius in Nen, being capable of using it, albeit unconsciously, without ever receiving any training. Her proficiency, however, is limited to Gungi.

Voice Actors
Endou, Aya
Bartley, Ryan
Nonnenmacher, Marie
Berardi, Alessandra
Narciso, Flávia
Portuguese (BR)
Malvárez, Wendy

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