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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie
- Movie -/1 2013 PG-13
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- TV 6/13 2015 PG-13
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
- TV 10/25 2006, 2007 R
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Dragon Ball Kai (2014)
- TV 5/61 2014, 2015 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Super
The 1st 2 arcs (Battle of Gods, Resurrection of 'F') are generally mostly recaps of the movies. The movies are generally better (especially the Battle of Gods stuff; the movie is fantastic and the battle episodes of the saga... mostly sucks), although there are still a few great episodes (namely the more filler-heavy non-fight episodes).

The 3rd arc on (Universe 6 saga) is generally very, very good. The show really gets going in the 4th major Saga, the "Future Trunks" Saga.
9 TV 121/131 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, Not Known End Year PG-13
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ef: A Tale of Memories. - Prologue
- Special -/1 2007 PG-13
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Fate/stay night Movie: Unlimited Blade Works
- Movie -/1 2010 R
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Gake no Ue no Ponyo
- Movie -/1 2008 G
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Ged Senki
- Movie -/1 2006 PG-13
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- TV 2/201 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 PG-13
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Golden Boy
- OVA -/6 R+
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Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko
- Movie -/1 1994 G
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Hotarubi no Mori e
- Movie -/1 2011 G
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Hunter x Hunter Movie 1: Phantom Rouge
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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Hunter x Hunter Movie 2: The Last Mission
- Movie -/1 R
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Hunter x Hunter Pilot
- OVA -/1 PG-13
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Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island
- OVA -/8 PG-13
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Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island Final
- OVA -/14 PG-13
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Hunter x Hunter: Original Video Animation
- OVA -/8 PG-13
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
9 TV 15/26 2012, 2013 R
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Kaguya-hime no Monogatari
- Movie -/1 2013 R+
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Kaze Tachinu
- Movie -/1 2013 PG-13
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Kimetsu no Yaiba
9 TV 4/26 R
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
The characters are terribly unrelatable or likable.
6 TV 6/12 2011 PG-13
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Mononoke Hime
- Movie -/1 1997 PG-13
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10 TV 38/74 2004, 2005 R+
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- TV -/26 2005, 2006 PG-13
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Mushishi Zoku Shou
- TV 1/10 2014 PG-13
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Natsume Yuujinchou
- TV -/13 2008 PG-13
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Omoide no Marnie
- Movie 1/1 2014 G
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One Piece Airing
I am skipping all filler episodes and arcs in my viewing but not the Cover Stories episodes or arcs.

Those filler episodes are episodes:
Special 4

Those filler arcs are:
~Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga (1st Half of One Piece)~
Warship Island Arc (East Blue Saga): Episodes 54-61.
Post-Alabasta Arc (Alabasta Saga): Episodes 131-135.
Goat Island Arc (Sky Island Saga): Episodes 136-138.
Ruluka Island Arc (Sky Island Saga): Episodes 139-143.
G-8 Arc (Sky Island Saga): Episodes 196-206.
Ocean's Dream Arc (Water 7 Saga): Episodes 220-224.
Foxy's Dream Arc (Water 7 Saga): Episodes 225-228.
Boss Luffy's Historical Special (Water 7 Saga): Episodes Special 4, Episodes 291-292, 303 and 406-407.
Lovely Land Arc (Thriller Bark Saga): Episodes 326-335.
Chopper Man Special (Thriller Bark Saga): Episodes 279 and 336.
Spa Island Arc (Thriller Bark Saga): Episodes 382-384.
Little East Blue Arc (Summit War Saga): Episodes 426-429.

~The Final Sea: The New World Saga~ (2nd Half of One Piece)~
Z's Ambition Arc (Dressrosa Saga): Episodes 575-578.
Caesar's Retrevial Arc (Dressrosa Saga): Episodes 626-628.
Silver Mine Arc (Yonko Saga): Episodes 747-750.
7 TV 952/- 1999, 2000, 20001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 PG-13
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One Piece Film: Gold
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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One Piece Film: Strong World
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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One Piece Film: Strong World Episode 0
- OVA -/1 PG-13
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One Piece Film: Z
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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Ping Pong the Animation
- TV -/11 2014 PG-13
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Memory Snow
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
Currently I am doing more of a re-watch than anything.

But man, if this show ever got remade with the filler cut out and some added impact, it could truly be one of the best shows ever.

As it stands, it is just a reallllly good show with a lot of problems.
9 TV 4/94 1996, 1997, 1998 PG-13
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Sennen Joyuu
- Movie -/1 2001 PG-13
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Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku
- OVA -/2 2014, 2015 R
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Steins;Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link - Divide By Zero
- TV Special -/1 PG-13
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
9 TV 21/25 PG-13
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Tonari no Yamada-kun
- Movie -/1 1999 G
TV: 16, OVA: 7, Movies: 18, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 19.77, Mean Score: 8.5, Score Dev.: 0.25

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated
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8 Movie 1 R+
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Angel Beats!
My enjoyment of the series was probably a 9, but honestly, I can't ignore the amount of plot holes. Still, I prefer a series with issues due to being too short over a series with issues do to being too long (due to my high value placed on time).

Honestly if this anime had more character development and about 8 extra episodes to make each member of the extended cast have a story, it could have been one of the best anime shows ever. Instead, it merely remains as a very enjoyable one that won't be soon forgotten.

Hopefully the visual novel achieves higher levels of success that this already successful show achieved.
8 TV 13 2010 PG-13
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Angel Beats! Another Epilogue
You see it once and that's it.
8 Special 1 2010 PG-13
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Angel Beats! Specials
Alright, since there's two of these Angel Beats specials, I am going to judge them separately.

The first one starts off pretty good with some promise, but it doesn't pan out that way. The excitement angle is just painful, and ruins what should be a fun special bonus episode. It was a completely unnecessary episode that honestly hurts how I view the series. I rated it a 5/10.

The second one starts off pretty ordinarily interesting. It was simple at the beginning, descended into the typical Angel Beats over-the-top humor (which is a good thing). Then it descended into pure crazy frantic madness... which was both confusing and amazing. It all lead to a completely hilarious ending. This was a very fun episode that added a cool bit of backstory. I rated it a 9/10.

The average of 5/10 and 9/10 is a 7/10, which is what I gave these 2 combined OVA's.
7 Special 2 2010, 2015 PG-13
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
A pretty enjoyable and heartfelt show that is quite enjoyable, often humorous, but consistently melancholy.

While it does get a bit too damp for its' own good, overall the show is very memorable and worth investing in... if this is a sort of show you are into.
9 TV 11 2011 PG-13
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I though this show was very good the first time I watched it, but each re-watch it gets even better. It has some pacing issues, but when the characters, arcs, buildup, visuals, sound, payoff, and all the little moments are that good, it's hard to notice. The characters are all very fun. I especially enjoyed the neat shifting between stilled movement (via the character-central arcs) and progressing the main plot is pretty interesting.

There's definitely a lot of spirit in this anime, and the conclusion of it was truly something fantastically built for. The special feeling of this series feels similar.

This story of an outcast in a bit of a harem in a sad yet romantic setting during late high school years. This story feels oddly autobiographical, in spite of my experiences then being nothing like that in my high school years; they were quite the opposite in fact. In spite of those contrasts, it still feels like this, in a way, happened to me. I can't think of another form of media that does that without having much event and situational crossover with me.

It's strange that a show has that effect on me, really. Perhaps that's the heart and great design and artistic approach of this series shinning through.
10 TV 23 2007, 2008 PG-13
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Clannad: After Story
The feels in this show were incredible. The raw emotions you feel watching the prequel series was something, but it builds on that. In fact, everything builds on it, in the most fantastic ways. This series and the prequel series make each other so much better, much like Star Wars (A New Hope) and Empire Strikes Back make one another better.

If there's any slice of life anime you want to ever see, it is this one (plus its' prequel series). The feels at the end and the buildup are incredible.
10 TV 24 2008, 2009 PG-13
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Clannad: After Story - Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Kyou-hen
A bit rushed compared to the visual novel, but still very enjoyable. The character work was spot on, and the conflict felt natural.

This episode felt Studio Ghibli-like in that there were no antagonists, only different protagonists of sorts. I really enjoyed that dynamic of this spin-off episode. It's a shame this arc never got its' own spin-off, whether as a visual novel, anime, or both.
10 Special 1 2009 PG-13
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Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen
10 Special 1 2008 PG-13
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Rocky being so annoying and never shutting up probably docked this show a good 1 or 2 points in my rating, lol.
4 TV 26 2007 R+
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Coquelicot-zaka kara
A pretty enjoyable watch. The film felt kind of rushed and not fully developed, which held it back, but it was enjoyable for what it is.
9 Movie 1 2011 G
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Death Note
I enjoyed this show a lot, but it's not the "greatest anime ever" like some thing it is.

The characters are great generally speaking, but the two main characters specifically are very overrated. Light is a bit overrated (he gets a bit stale as time goes on), but boy L is overrated like hell as an anime character. I didn't even think he was one of the 5 best characters in the show, yet seemingly ever best anime character poll until recently had him in the top 5.

The plot kind of repeats at the end. I don't mind that (my favorite movie ever, The Godfather Part II, has a lot of repeats, but with new wrinkles that build upon the original), but it doesn't do anything off the past to build off that. Fortunately, the ending is an exception to that. While the ending felt a tad rushed in regards to when it happened and buildup to it, the way things go down and how things go down is fantastic.

Overall I just wish certain slice of life aspects aired out a bit more (to make that ending impact be stronger), some new content was added in (the year jump didn't establish much, and wasn't used enough positively), and some added depth or maybe doubt in Light and in himself were shown to make this anime a heck of a lot better.

Still, this does stand as one of the most incredible and expansive anime ever. It is certainly an anime to be proud of making, and an anime worth watching.
9 TV 37 2006, 2007 R
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Death Note: Rewrite
It's a decent recap. That's all there is to it.
8 TV Special 2 2007, 2008 R
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Digimon Adventure
2 TV 54 1999, 2000 PG
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Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon no Gyakushuu
3 Movie 1 2001 PG
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Digimon Adventure: Bokura no War Game!
3 Movie 1 2004 PG
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Domestic na Kanojo
5 TV 12 R+
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Dragon Ball
This show is incredible. All the arcs are pretty fantastic, with only a few exceptions. Those exceptions are mostly filler related (there's about 12 pure filler episodes that reallllly slow the pace of the show, especially since the show ends on a filler arc) and the Fortune-Teller Baba Saga drags a bit. Additionally, the show ending in a filler arc instead of being faithful to the manga's quality happy ending was a very poor idea.

Another issue is that some characters introduced from the Red Ribbon Saga on don't get enough screen time, namely Chiaotzu, Mr. Popo and Korin. Those characters could have used a little more spotlight outside of filler.

Overall though this show is fantastic. Unlike Dragon Ball Z, the action is almost always perfectly paced, if not a little short (but better too short than too long in my opinion). The humor is great. The adventures are great. This show is great.

Overall it should be more popular than its' sequel series, since it is a lot, lot better (unless we're talking Kai, then they're about equal).

Honestly, once the 2nd series of Dragon Ball Z Kai is done, I would love to see Dragon Ball redone, perhaps in between seasons of Dragon Ball Super perhaps. Reanimate the whole thing, fix the dub changes to be more faithful, cut out the filler, fix the ending, and tone up the show. That, to me, could fix all of the few issues this already extraordinary show have.
9 TV 153 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 PG-13
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Dragon Ball GT
4 TV 64 1996, 1997 PG-13
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Dragon Ball GT: Gokuu Gaiden! Yuuki no Akashi wa Suushinchuu
7 TV Special 1 1997 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Kai
Dragon Ball Z's 1st 3 major sagas (Saiyan, Namek, and Android saga) all had huge pacing, filler, and start-stopping issues. This show fixes all of that, and does it fantastically well.

It removes all filler, without taking any soul. The plot makes sense mostly. The characters are sharper. The breaks in the action aren't force.

While the overall story still has issues (namely the Android saga and some of the oddities of the middle of the Namek saga), those issues feel so minimal I hardly recognize them anymore. Honestly, what astounds me is the already 10/10 Saiyan saga is actually better this way. It's incredible how tight that saga feels. It's also amazing how the end of the Namek and Android sagas feel thanks to this filler-free approach.

The only shame with this series is it wasn't totally reanimated. Too bad, because visually recent movies and Dragon Ball series specials like Battle of the Gods have looked fantastic. It would be nice to see that modernized look for the entire Dragon Ball saga.
10 TV 97 2009, 2010, 2011 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Kai: Mirai ni Heiwa wo! Goku no Tamashii yo Eien ni
The Trunks returns to the future story is short and simple, but incredibly effective.

It is a fantastic way to close Future Trunks' arc and story and character in the Dragon Ball universe (assuming he doesn't later reappear in Dragon Ball Super), and is a great goodbye to one of the best Dragon Ball characters ever.
10 TV Special 1 2011 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z
This show has amazing action, some great plotline outlines, some moments of great humor, and some amazing characterizations. Still, a sense of staleness and forced action keeps this shows going too often. There's missing heart in a lot of places, especially when filler is concerned.

The storyline for the Saiyan and Namek saga are great, and it felt like the prequel series was destined to lead to them. The Android saga had a great buildup as well, but it didn't feel "destined" as much as forced. Perhaps a better explaination for the Androids being so powerful was needed, or maybe it was the wrong story at the wrong time. Realistically, if the Buu Saga took place before the Android saga, and the Android saga had more technological buildup to it, the entire plot would make a ton more sense.

Overall this show's biggest issue is it stays in place too often, specifically after the Saiyan saga. Characters stand in place too often. The fights have way too many breaks. The action is far too drawn out. Plotlines are drawn out too much, sometimes to where you want things to just end already. There is way too much filler, especially when compared to the prequel series, which had about 8 episodes tops of true filler, and maybe a 6 episodes more that weren't anime-original storylines that were filler, but still was sort of filler. No, there's 3 mini-sagas of entire filler (Garlic Jr., waiting for Goku to arrive from Namek, and Gohan's High School Days), and well over 100 episodes of filler.

Fortunately, Dragon Ball Z Kai exists, and removes those issues. Too bad they couldn't reanimate the entire thing and make the series look visually on par with other action-heavy anime series, such as Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Bladework.
7 TV 291 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 01: Ora no Gohan wo Kaese!!
Not really canon at all and filled with some lacking logic, but overall the action sequences, animation, some of the story telling, and especially the action hold up really well.
7 Movie 1 1989 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 02: Kono Yo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu
This is simply the best Dragon Ball Z movie (outside of the two God movies). It has a story line that fills like a precursor to the Android saga, incredible action sequences, a smart villain, smart usage of Krillin and Master Roshi as fighters, and great character work. The animation, music, and atmosphere is really great in this film.

Best of all it has a satisfying conclusion and stays long enough to where you don't miss it necessarily, but it never felt like a drag.

If you are a Dragon Ball fan you simply must see this movie, because it is great.
9 Movie 1 1990 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 03: Chikyuu Marugoto Choukessen
6 Movie 1 1990 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu
6 Movie 1 1991 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 05: Tobikkiri no Saikyou tai Saikyou
7 Movie 1 1991 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 06: Gekitotsu!! 100-oku Power no Senshi-tachi
4 Movie 1 1992 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 07: Kyokugen Battle!! Sandai Super Saiyajin
4 Movie 1 1992 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 08: Moetsukiro!! Nessen, Ressen, Chougekisen
4 Movie 1 1993 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 09: Ginga Girigiri!! Bucchigiri no Sugoi Yatsu
Literally nothing of value here past the first 30 minutes.

The villain sucks, but at least the character work beforehand and some of the fight scenes were good.

The ending animation is flat out awful though. The way the story, characters, action, and animation goes on after about the 30 minute mark or so is plain disappointing. It could have really been special, but instead it wasn't.
5 Movie 1 1993 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 10: Kiken na Futari! Super Senshi wa Nemurenai
The plot, action, tension, and pretty much everything is awful.

I don't know why people told me this was good. It wasn't even filler quality, it was bottom of the barrel awful quality.
1 Movie 1 1994 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 11: Super Senshi Gekiha!! Katsu no wa Ore da
The action here isn't too bad and some character elements are okay, but overall this is an abomination.

Still, despite this awful "film" getting a terrible reputation, it's still nowhere near as bad as the previous Dragon Ball Z film.
1 Movie 1 1994 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 12: Fukkatsu no Fusion!! Gokuu to Vegeta
8 Movie 1 1995 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 13: Ryuuken Bakuhatsu!! Gokuu ga Yaraneba Dare ga Yaru
5 Movie 1 1995 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 14: Kami to Kami
More comedy than action, and I got to say I prefer the change in pace. Plus, it is a flashback to Dragon Ball, which was my favorite Dragon Ball anime series.

Between incredible usage of the established cast, great humor and interactions, a special feeling fight sequence, and two new incredible characters, this is simply the best Dragon Ball movie by far, and probably the best 90 minutes of the series since the Cell Saga.

Additionally I gotta say I prefer the movie version by and large to the Dragon Ball Super 12 or so episode arc. While the Dragon Ball Super arc (bad animation aside; seriously Toei Animation, what the crap?) wasn't bad and only had minor pacing issues, it just felt a bit too draw out at times.

There were great moments in the Super arc of this movie, but it still lacked the touches of this movie, including a few key story details.
10 Movie 1 2013 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Movie 15: Fukkatsu no "F"
9 Movie 1 2015 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Special 1: Tatta Hitori no Saishuu Kessen
8 TV Special 1 1990 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z Special 2: Zetsubou e no Hankou!! Nokosareta Chousenshi - Gohan to Trunks
9 TV Special 1 1993 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Z: Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku
3 OVA 2 1993 PG-13
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Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock
Not a lot to this one.
2 Special 1 2011 PG-13
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Dragon Ball: Ossu! Kaettekita Son Gokuu to Nakama-tachi!!
Short but sweet reunion of the series that was greatly appreciated. The two big flaws in this one are the action being draw out and tonssss of the cast not getting much if any time at all.

Other than that, this was a nice welcome back special of the series.
8 Special 1 2008 PG-13
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Dragon Ball: Super Saiya-jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku
6 OVA 1 2010 PG-13
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7 OVA 1 2011 PG-13
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Fate/stay night
A good series that is occasionally great. It drags way too much, focuses on random details, and seems out of place too often.

But when it is on, it is really on. On top of that for an anime that came out in 2006 it looks and sounds incredible. The animation quality is just ridiculous, and some of the songs are just flat catchy and well timed.

As for the series, while I enjoyed it, it is vastly inferior to Fate/Zero (its' prequel) and Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works (another version of the story; there's 3 based on the 3 routes of the F/S N game).

I would say this show might be worth watching for fans of those aforementioned series, but to everyone else I suggest seeing those series first.

One day I hope we get a proper reboot of this series/the "Fate" route of the Fate/Stay Night story without the pacing issues. If we got one anywhere near the quality of the two other aforementioned Fate/Stay series anime, I would be very pleased.
7 TV 24 2006 R
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
10 TV 12 2014 R
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
The first season really zoomed along, to the point where it often felt rushed. Fortunately, good pacing and character work made it feel less lacking (although I wish there was another episode here).

Overall the show continued to be very enjoyable in spite of the show feeling a bit crammed earlier on in this 2nd season.

I like how this anime fixes things wrong with this route.

Upon re-watching the series I found more and more of my complaints weren't really complaints but rather disagreements with liberties of the story-telling. This series was definitely worth watching just for that, because I found it more enjoyable on the 2nd and 3rd viewing than the 1st.

Regardless of feeling a tad rushed, I hope Heaven's Feel (the 3rd arc/path of Fate/Stay Night) gets a bit more breathing room. 25 episodes for a full Fate/Stay Night arc is quite a small amount after all.

Additionally, the music, atmosphere, voice work in the original Japanese and even the English dub, and especially the animation remain stellar. Animation doesn't get much better than this, and neither does an anime's story payoff.

Overall I would suggest this series to anyone interested in action or violent drama anime. This is truly a fascinating show.
10 TV 13 2015 R
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Prologue
A really great intro to Rin and Archer, both of whom are fantastic in this. It's a great bit of character work that helped go a long way with the series moving forward.
10 TV Special 1 2014 PG-13
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I really love the philosophies of this show, and how all the characters mesh together in this unique environment.

Initially I didn't like how much of a dick Kiritsugu was as a main character without a motive, but boy did that change when his backstory was explained in season 2. Overall this is an unforgettable and spectacular season and show, leading into a finale season that is somehow even better.

Additionally I want to point out the music, action, and animation are all incredible. The work there was done incredibly well. If more anime today in the latter half of the 2010's looked half as good as this series I would be incredibly happy with that.
10 TV 13 2011 R
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Fate/Zero 2nd Season
I loved everything about this season just about. There is so much magic in this season it was ridiculous. There were so many feelings. You can't help but feel impressed by this work of art.

Season 2 of Fate/Zero looks and sounds beautiful, the characters are incredible, the voice work is great, and the conclusion with how it ends for the last 2 Masters and Servants plus a few other characters is just flat out wondrous.
10 TV 12 2012 R
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Fate/Zero Remix
7 TV Special 2 2012 R
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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
6 Movie 1 2005 PG-13
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I loved the oddball nature of this show, but the way stuff is so poorly explained made me not enjoy this show very much.

If things were explained better and more frequently, the show paced itself more (it really could have used another episode or two, and the character development made more sense, I could very easily see myself enjoying this show a lot.

As it stands, that is kind of hard to do for this show.
6 OVA 6 2000, 2001 PG-13
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Probably my favorite anime series ever. It is 64 episodes long, but it hardly feels long. If anything it feels short.

The lack of filler, lack of bad characters, and lack of bad anything make this show magical.

It has incredible pacing, unforgettable pacing, great story lines, exhilarating action, incredible moral of the story story-telling, wonderful animation, and characters you are entirely invested in.

If you ever need to watch one anime series, it is this one. This is as good as anime gets.
10 TV 64 2009, 2010 R
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Goblin Slayer
6 TV 12 R
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Goblin Slayer: Bouken Kiroku Youshi - Adventure Sheet
3 TV Special 1 R
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Hetalia Axis Powers
8 ONA 52 2009, 2010 PG-13
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Hetalia World Series
8 ONA 48 2010, 2011 PG-13
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Hotaru no Haka
Pretty emotionally gratifying. It is a classic and ultimately very realistic example of human selfishness and how destructive humanity can be not just when hurting one another, but not helping one another.
10 Movie 1 1988 PG-13
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Howl no Ugoku Shiro
The plot shifted all over the place a bit, but overall this film was extremely enjoyable. A very fun watch to say the least. In latter viewings I found the shifting plot to be a positive.

Honestly the character development and characters in this film are great. There's a lot of minor characters, but you can tell each of them had a lot of thought put into them. That truly makes this film immensely better.
10 Movie 1 2004 G
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Hunter x Hunter (2011)
A long-winded and magical series that combines elements of great fighting anime like Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho with a more intelligent plot, loads of engaging characters, interesting morality, and quite a fair share of humor.

It is a very unique show with a ton of entertainment value throughout. I'm not usually a fan of long series, but this series is a rare exception. I highly recommend it, but be warned that it doesn't pick up to a significantly until about episodes 10-20 depending on how you view such things.

(Although note the first few episodes are much more enjoyable upon seeing them a second time.)
10 TV 148 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 PG-13
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Itazura na Kiss
It was funny more than it wasn't. I actually enjoyed the humor quite a bit, as well as a few side characters.

Honestly the abusive relationship stuff made it unbearable a lot of the times. The reason for the Kotoko falling in love with Naoki was pathetic, and the buildup for the latter (it's so telegraphed btw) was also awful. There was virtually no plot development for forever. The only reason I watched it was a friend's suggestion; it wasn't a very good suggestion.

Also, a lot of the animation sucked not just by 2008 standards but by 2003 standards. The animation also holds up terribly.

This show really could have benefited from having an actual plot, better animation, two main characters with something to them that was interesting, and for the love of God an actual plot with a reason for them to end up together.

Honestly Kinnosuke and his story would have been better suited as the main one. That one made a ton of sense and was very worth being invested in. If he was the main character, his experiences was the main plot, and his story was main story line it would be a pretty good show.
4 TV 25 2008 PG-13
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Karigurashi no Arrietty
9 Movie 1 2010 G
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Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
I thought it was well-paced, evolved the plot rather quickly, and remained interesting throughout.

It truly is a splendid masterpiece on film.
10 Movie 1 1984 PG-13
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Kurenai no Buta
An epic exciting movie with a lot of unique characters, cool setting, and an interesting perspective on a unique era with loads of fascinating wrinkles, this film is one of the best action-adventure movies I have ever seen.
10 Movie 1 1992 G
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8 TV 24 2008, 2009 R
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Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro
Pretty enjoyable film. It definitely is one of the better Lupin III storylines.

The movie has aged fairly well, although the character development and story investment was a little thin at certain points. Despite that, this movie is certainly pretty good, and it makes a point of not overstaying its' welcome, which is a concept I am a big fan of.
9 Movie 1 1979 PG-13
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Majo no Takkyuubin
A good and enjoyable simple Studio Ghibli film. While the pacing seemed off on my initial viewing, subsequent viewings have made me appreciate how seemingly "non-advancing" elements of the story actually are huge character development parts for Kiki. Just little minor things in these moments are great.

That kind of little added character development with a great plot gives this Studio Ghibli film all the magic necessary to be a classic. That magical feel and exhilarating ride is ultimately why this is one of the the best Studio Ghibli's best outings.
10 Movie 1 1989 G
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Mimi wo Sumaseba
It was pretty enjoyable and honestly I liked the flow of it a lot. I felt four or so scenes in particular were drop dead fantastic.

I didn't give it a higher rating of a 10 because there wasn't an absolute sense of growth or sense of just sheer film making magic throughout. While this film is really good, it lacked that special "spark."

That may have held back the film from being one of the absolute best anime films ever, but it still is definitely one of the best anime films ever.
9 Movie 1 1995 G
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Neko no Ongaeshi
Kind of corny and kind of odd, this film doesn't really have much of a point other than to be entertaining. To be fair though, it is very entertaining.
8 Movie 1 2002 G
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Nodame Cantabile
7 TV 23 2007 PG-13
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Nodame Cantabile Finale
9 TV 11 2010 PG-13
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Nodame Cantabile Finale OVA
8 OVA 1 2010 PG-13
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Nodame Cantabile OVA
8 OVA 1 2009 PG-13
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Nodame Cantabile: Finale - Mine to Kiyora no Saikai
7 Special 1 2010 PG-13
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Nodame Cantabile: Nodame to Chiaki no Umi Monogatari
7 Special 1 2008 G
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Nodame Cantabile: Paris-hen
7 TV 11 2008 PG-13
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Omoide Poroporo
Pretty enjoyable and surprisingly deep and adult.

I really like how they show the darker side of the Taeko's childhood. They use negative and mean things her relatives did to her to hold her back that for her to overcome, and the way they essentially made her get a new family was quite interesting.

My big problem with this movie was the pacing was really odd. I don't fully get what they were trying to do with the pacing at times. It seemed pretty shaky at times.
9 Movie 1 1991 G
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Ookami to Koushinryou
I enjoyed the characterizations very much. The interactions between characters was quite enjoyable and fairly memorable.

Fortunately I rather like economic concepts (even though the microeconomics-focus was very simple), so that allowed me to further enjoy this show/season.
10 TV 13 2008 PG-13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II
Surprisingly better than the first series/season, and it got extremely good at the end.

It is a shame it will almost definitely never see a sequel series/season in the next decade or so.
10 TV 12 2009 PG-13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II: Holo no Short Anime
6 Special 2 2009 PG-13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu
It's easy to spot this was made by a different studio.

While it wasn't bad at all, it wasn't anywhere near as good. The unexplained and simply odd change in pace was a bit jarring though.
8 OVA 1 2009 PG-13
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2 TV 276 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 PG
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Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Specials
4 TV Special 2 2011 PG
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Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu
6 Movie 1 1998 PG
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Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan
5 Movie 1 1999 PG
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Pokemon Movie 03: Kesshoutou no Teiou Entei
6 Movie 1 2000 PG
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Pokemon Movie 04: Celebi Toki wo Koeta Deai
5 Movie 1 2001 PG
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Pokemon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios
5 Movie 1 2002 PG
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Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai
3 Movie 1 2007 PG
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Pokemon Movie 11: Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Sheimi
3 Movie 1 2008 PG
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Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e
4 Movie 1 2009 PG
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Pokemon Movie 13: Genei no Hasha Zoroark
3 Movie 1 2010 PG
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Pokemon Movie 14 White: Victini to Kuroki Eiyuu Zekrom
3 Movie 1 2011 PG
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Pokemon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki
5 TV Special 2 2010 PG
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Pokemon: Bokutachi Pichu Brothers - Party wa Oosawagi! no Maki
3 Special 1 2003 PG
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Pokemon: Odoru Pokemon Himitsu Kichi
4 Movie 1 2003 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu Koori no Daibouken
3 Special 1 2008 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Fushigi na Fushigi na Daibouken
4 Special 1 2010 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Fuyuyasumi
5 OVA 2 1998 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Fuyuyasumi (2000)
4 OVA 2 1999 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Fuyuyasumi (2001)
4 OVA 3 2000 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Kirakira Daisousaku!
4 Special 1 2009 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Natsumatsuri
4 Special 1 2004 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Natsuyasumi
4 Movie 1 1998 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Obake Carnival
4 Special 1 2005 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Summer Bridge Story
5 Special 1 2011 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu no Wanpaku Island
5 Special 1 2006 PG
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Pokemon: Pikachu Tanken Club
3 Special 1 2007 PG
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Pokemon: Senritsu no Mirage Pokemon
3 ONA 1 2006 PG
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Pokemon: The Origin
7 TV Special 4 2013 PG
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
10 TV 25 R
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Rurouni Kenshin DVD-BOX Special Ending
10 Special 1 2007 G
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Rurouni Kenshin Special
I liked the music and the ending it setup (although didn't finish).

That's about it.
5 Special 1 1998 PG-13
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka
6 Movie 1 1997 R
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School Rumble
6 TV 26 2004, 2005 PG-13
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School Rumble Ni Gakki
6 TV 26 2006 PG-13
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School Rumble San Gakki
4 OVA 2 2008 PG-13
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School Rumble: Ichi Gakki Hoshuu
5 OVA 2 2005 PG-13
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Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star
I've rewatched it since the mid-late 00's. T the animation is amazing in how well it holds up. The story holds up fairly well too (the sci-fi elements actually get better with time, since it covers everything in a way that's unique, expansive, and yet so easy to understand a child gets it). Having said that, this show still has many issues.

For starters, there are filler episodes and way too many filler moments. I hate filler more than just about anyone, but in a series with less than 30 episodes that is unacceptable.

The dramatic payoff also isn't what it should be. This is due to two key reasons. For one, voicework is very lacking, and doesn't have the emotion behind it, in both English and Japanese. Some of the endings of storyline pacing fails to truly attempt to capture the moment as much as move along to the next part. The writing, above all else, is what prevents the story from breaking out. Things aren't as dramatic as they should be at parts, or as funny as they should be.

Another issue I had was the characters. I am okay with them being stereotypes, but most of them didn't break the shell out of it and stand out. The characters could use more diversification, character buildup, and should have better backstories. Instead, they didn't. There also was minimal character development. Oh, and the villains got too "flavor of the week" feel to them too much. Sometimes they had charm behind them in this to where this isn't even a complaint but a compliment, other times it just fell flat; the former was slightly more common than the latter.

The immature jokes and references also were too numerous. They got old real quick. There's a bit of a charm there, but if there was something else going on, they could make the characters pull you in more, make you laugh more, and/or make things more dramatic.

Overall, this is a weird series to rate for me. It feels like an 8 in almost every regard, maybe even a 9, but it has weirdness that holds it back, as well as loads of filler. That's why I gave it a 7.

Honestly, as a fan of the idea of remade series, it would be cool to see this series remade. The issues to me seem easy to fix. The only real tough additions would likely be the necessary addition of a new mini-arc, as well as the removal and fixing of filler. For the latter, said filler could be slightly changed and implemented into the overall arc and made into action good episodes. It could also be replaced with episodes that do that. Overall there's a lot here to love, but quite a bit holding it back. If the story and characters got the fat cut out of it, boy could this be a special show.
5 TV 24 1998 R+
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Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star Pilot
6 Special 1 2008 R+
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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
It's a very surreal movie that is fascinating, unique, fun, and yet familiar. This movie is also bursting with charm.

Simply put, it actually earns the tag of "masterpiece," because wow it is a fantastic film.
10 Movie 1 2001 PG
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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Kind of over-the-top (it should have relied on humor a bit more), but it was still a very impressive and incredible show that perfectly captures the depressed joy feel.
10 TV 22 2014, 2015 PG-13
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Loved the action, premise, drama, animation, and overall story. Those were masterfully done for the most part. However, this show has many issues.

The show rushes to drastic measures too fast. It went from arc to arc all without much plot or character development. There felt as if a conflict or even an arc missing in the story sometime after the end of an arc or two, and that the lack of episodes to be there prevented the pace from settling down, and made my next point an even greater issue.

The other big issues are the characters. You can't really invest in any of them, and spoiler, not-spoiler: this show is filled with death. That's an issue, because when someone dies, there isn't a sense of loss most of the time. Part of this is the previous issue, as previously noted. Another part of it is the lack of characters that develop after some die. The last part of it is the way characters develop.

Here's another example: Mikasa was a main character I invested in early, yet she became boring insanely quick. She was my favorite character early. It should have been impossible to make her boring, yet the series creator found a way to accomplish this. Instead of getting more interesting and unique, she becomes more like an annoying background character who isn't worth much investment. On the flip side, Armin, another main character, was completely annoying in the beginning, in part by design. Part of you dislikes him and yet sympathizes with him. I Despite that, through essentially impossible means the story made him an amazing character at the end. I was invested in him moreso than any other character. How does this show do the former and yet accomplish the latter?

If the show paced itself (add at least 2 episodes + another arc or min-arc so we don't rush into the deep end without any explanation or sense of rising tension), kept you invested in characters, and increased the amount of main characters with back story in the main series to invest in, this show would be one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. As it stands, it is only a very good show with two major flaws with a lot of basic missed elements that hold it back from being that good.

I'm not reading the manga currently, but I am hoping that the continuing manga and the sequel anime series to follow does what this series did right, but also fix those two major issues. Dang it, I want to care about Mikasa again. She was so cool in the beginning, but then she sucked. Her being amazing like in the beginning + Armin as he ended up as a duo would be fantastic on screen.
8 TV 25 2013 R
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Speed Grapher
*warning: some spoilers in here*

Honestly the amount of fan service in this show was annoying. I don't mind most of the nudity, but dang, Hibari ruined the show in a lot of ways, especially in an over the top reverse rape scene that really should have never been a thing (and saw no negative punishments for such an action; she was still treated like a hero). Sorry for those spoilers, but you should probably know you're gonna walk into such a thing.

Overall the anime other than that was above average, but dear God such a character and terribly derived and offensive fan service made the show unbearable at times.
6 TV 24 2005 R+
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I had so much feels during this show. It's truly a masterpiece, and one of the greatest shows (not anime) I have ever witnessed.

If you don't feel the feels at this part when the crap goes down, you aren't human. It's that simple.

You need to watch this show, and you need to watch it now.
10 TV 24 2011 PG-13
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Steins;Gate Movie: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu
Liked the movie a lot. It is a satisfying conclusion to the series.
10 Movie 1 2013 PG-13
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Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania
People complain about it for being "more of the same," but more of the same of a great show is awesome. I love the entire cast of characters, and seeing more of them in a story that does advance the plot somewhat was fun.

It also did help setup the movie a bit better than if the series just ended the way the visual novel does.
10 Special 1 2012 PG-13
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
Surprised how well made this movie was. It truly was a great ending for a series with great potentially that only just mostly lived up to that potential.

If some day the Suzumiya Haruhi series is revisited with more material from the light novel, hopefully it will live up to the quality of this fantastic movie. Seriously... this thing was fantastic, start to finish. I'm still shocked how good it was.
10 Movie 1 2010 PG-13
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Far superior to the sequel series by and large. Honestly, the pacing of it was really well done, with a great first batch of episodes, a great few episodic adventures, and of course a good conclusion.

Although the original ending left a sour taste for me originally, the way it lead into the movie was perfect. The movie was, after all, the "true" ending of this so-called anime series (even if it wasn't the actual ending of the light novel series the anime is based off of).
8 TV 14 2006 PG-13
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
Honestly, the "Endless Eight" should have been 3 episodes. It was an interesting experiment, but it didn't work out and the story didn't have enough to it to repeat the story 8 times and remain interesting. That hurt the story-telling a lot. Moreso, it hurt my enjoyment of this sequel series (of sorts).

Other than that it was pretty good. If the Endless Eight was 3 tightly wound episodes, it would have probably given this series 9, with a small shot at a 10.
7 TV 14 2009 PG-13
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
This is so over the top that you actually learn to love it. It parodies, celebrates, and evolves mecha dramas so well at the same time. This show should not work at all, and yet it does in magical ways. This show is so straight-forward and so easy to predict, yet you can't help but be excited for it. It has that simple youthful bliss sort of joy.

There is a series that is so special in so many ways, but none moreso than its' heart. Please, watch this show at least once. You won't regret it.
10 TV 27 2007 PG-13
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Mitee Mono wa Miteen da!!
8 Special 1 2008 PG-13
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ore no Gurren wa Pikka-Pika!!
8 OVA 1 2007 PG-13
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Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven
Never watch this, unless you want to see something truly terrible that makes no sense whatsoever.

Because seriously, this made no damn sense, the execution of the animation was awful, and the whole thing was just awful.
1 OVA 1 2004 PG-13
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Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa
10 Movie 1 1986 PG
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Tonari no Totoro
Very intriguing film to say the least. It gets so much down: the sense of newness of a new home, the sense of childhood adventure, feeling of peril, and the happiness of a child.

All that sounds like an odd combination, but that odd combination ends up being something splendid in this movie.
10 Movie 1 1988 G
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! (Movie)
3 Movie 1 1999 PG-13
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters
3 TV 224 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 PG-13
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters: Battle City Special
2 Special 1 2002 PG-13
TV: 40, OVA: 14, Movies: 49, Spcl.: 24, Eps: 0, Days: 71.47, Mean Score: 6.7, Score Dev.: -0.77

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated
Add - More
Aria the Animation
- TV -/13 2005 G
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- TV -/15 2009, 2010 R
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Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku
- TV 4/13 2007 PG-13
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Cowboy Bebop
- TV -/26 1998, 1999 R
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ef: A Tale of Memories.
- TV -/12 2007 PG-13
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Fullmetal Alchemist
- TV 27/51 2003, 2004 R
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 4-koma Gekijou
- Special -/16 2009, 2010 PG-13
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Specials
- Special -/4 2009, 2010 PG-13
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
- OVA -/110 R
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Kotonoha no Niwa
- Movie -/1 2013 PG-13
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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
- Movie -/1 2012 PG-13
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen
- OVA -/4 1999 R
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Samurai Champloo
- TV -/26 2004, 2005 R
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Sanzoku no Musume Ronja
- TV -/26 2014, 2015 PG
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
4 TV 4/12 2016 R
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Shonan Junai Gumi!
- OVA -/5 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 R+
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Steins;Gate: Soumei Eichi no Cognitive Computing
- ONA -/4 2014 PG-13
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 1: Gurren-hen
- Movie -/1 2008 PG-13
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie 2: Lagann-hen
- Movie -/1 2009 R+
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Movie Zenyasai: Viral no Amai Yume
- OVA -/1 2009 PG-13
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Umi ga Kikoeru
- TV Special -/1 1993 PG-13
TV: 9, OVA: 4, Movies: 4, Spcl.: 2, Eps: 0, Days: 0.59, Mean Score: 4.0, Score Dev.: -4.52

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated
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3 TV 27/366 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 PG-13
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Cardcaptor Sakura
7 TV 45/70 1998, 1999, 2000 PG
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Devil May Cry
1 TV 1/12 2007 R
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Digimon Adventure 02
3 TV 20/50 2000, 2001 PG
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Elfen Lied
- TV -/13 2004 R+
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Fruits Basket
- TV -/26 2001 PG-13
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Future Card Buddyfight
1 TV 3/64 2014, 2015 PG
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Highschool of the Dead
1 TV 4/12 2010 R+
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Myself; Yourself
- TV -/13 2007 PG-13
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1 TV 23/220 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 PG-13
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Naruto: Shippuuden
1 TV 14/500 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 PG-13
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Pokemon Advanced Generation
2 TV 170/192 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 PG
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Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
2 TV 30/191 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 PG
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Special A
- TV -/24 2008 PG-13
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
- TV -/13 2013 PG-13
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Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Duel Monsters GX
4 TV 140/180 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 PG-13
TV: 16, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 8.01, Mean Score: 2.4, Score Dev.: -5.10

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags Rated
Add - More
- TV -/12 2005 PG-13
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Aria the Natural
- TV -/26 2006 G
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Aria the Origination
- TV -/13 2008 G
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Aria the OVA: Arietta
- OVA -/1 2007 G
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- TV -/13 2007 R
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- TV -/25 2010, 2011 PG-13
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Bakuman. 2nd Season
- TV -/25 2011, 2012 PG-13
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Bakuman. 3rd Season
- TV -/25 2012, 2013 PG-13
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- TV -/12 2014 PG-13
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- TV -/26 2004, 2005 R
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
- TV -/12 R
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Byousoku 5 Centimeter
- Movie -/3 2007 PG-13
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Carole & Tuesday
- TV -/24 PG-13
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- TV -/25 2011, 2012 PG-13
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Clannad Movie
- Movie -/1 2007 PG-13
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Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
- Movie -/1 R
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
- TV -/25 2008 R
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Cowboy Bebop: Ein no Natsuyasumi
- Special -/1 2012 G
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Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
- Movie -/1 2001 R
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Cowboy Bebop: Yose Atsume Blues
- TV Special -/1 1998 R
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D.C.: Da Capo
- TV -/26 2003 PG-13
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Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
- TV -/12 2012 PG-13
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Death Parade
- TV -/12 2015 R
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Dragon Ball Movie 1: Shen Long no Densetsu
- Movie -/1 1986 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Movie 2: Majinjou no Nemurihime
- Movie -/1 1987 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Movie 3: Makafushigi Daibouken
- Movie -/1 1988 PG-13
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Dragon Ball Movie 4: Saikyou e no Michi
- Movie -/1 1996 PG-13
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- TV -/24 2010 R
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ef: A Tale of Melodies.
- TV -/12 2008 PG-13
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ef: A Tale of Melodies. - Prologue
- Special -/1 2008 PG-13
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Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
- Movie -/1 2007 R+
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Eve no Jikan
- ONA -/6 2008, 2009 PG-13
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Eve no Jikan (Movie)
- Movie -/1 2010 PG-13
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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower
- Movie -/1 Unknown Release Date R
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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - II. Lost Butterfly
- Movie -/1 R
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Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - III. Spring Song
- Movie -/1 R
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season - Sunny Day
- Special -/1 PG-13
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
- Movie -/1 2011 R
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- TV -/13 R+
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
- TV -/12 2014 PG-13
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Gintama Movie 1: Shinyaku Benizakura-hen
- Movie -/1 2010 R
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Gintama Movie 2: Kanketsu-hen - Yorozuya yo Eien Nare
- Movie -/1 2013 PG-13
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Gintama x Mameshiba
- CM -/6 2013 G
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- TV -/51 2011, 2012 PG-13
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Gintama': Enchousen
- TV -/13 2012, 2013 PG-13
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Gintama': Futon ni Haitte kara Buki Nokoshi ni Kizuite Neru ni Nerenai Toki mo Aru
- Special -/1 2014 PG-13
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- TV -/12 PG-13
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Gintama: Dai Hanseikai
- Special -/1 2010 PG-13
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Gintama: Nanigoto mo Saisho ga Kanjin nanode Tashou Senobisuru Kurai ga Choudoyoi
- Special -/1 2005 PG-13
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Gintama: Shiroyasha Koutan
- Special -/1 2009 PG-13
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Gintama: Yorinuki Gintama-san on Theater 2D
- Movie -/2 2012 PG-13
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- TV -/51 2015, No Known End Year PG-13
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- TV -/13 2000, 2001 PG-13
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Great Teacher Onizuka
- TV -/43 1999, 2000 R
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- TV -/25 2014 PG-13
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Hajime no Ippo
- TV -/75 2000, 2001, 2002 PG-13
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- TV Special -/5 2014 R
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Hataraku Maou-sama!
- TV -/13 2013 PG-13
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Hellsing Ultimate
- OVA -/10 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 R
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- TV -/26 2006 R
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Hunter x Hunter
- TV -/62 PG-13
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- TV -/22 2012 PG-13
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K-On! Movie
- Movie -/1 2011 PG-13
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
- TV -/26 2010 PG-13
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Kanon (2006)
- TV -/24 2006, 2007 PG-13
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Kara no Kyoukai Movie 1: Fukan Fuukei
- Movie -/1 2007 R
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Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
- TV -/26 1998, 1999 PG-13
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- TV -/12 2010 R
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Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn
- OVA -/7 2010 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 PG-13
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Kill la Kill
- TV -/24 2013, 2014 PG-13
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Kimi ni Todoke
- TV -/25 2009, 2010 PG-13
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
- TV -/13 2003 R
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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
- TV -/24 2014, 2015 R
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Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen
- Movie -/1 Unknown Release Date R
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- TV -/24 2009, 2010 PG-13
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Koukaku Kidoutai
- Movie -/1 R+
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
- TV -/26 2002, 2013 R
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Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
- Movie -/1 2004 PG-13
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Kuroko no Basket
- TV -/25 2012 PG-13
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Kyoukai no Kanata
- TV -/12 2013 PG-13
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Little Busters!
- TV -/26 2012, 2013 PG-13
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Little Busters! Refrain
- TV -/13 2013 PG-13
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Little Witch Academia
- Movie -/1 2013 PG-13
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- TV -/24 2007 PG-13
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Mad★Bull 34
- OVA -/4 1990, 1991, 1992 R+
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Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
- TV -/25 2013, 2014 PG-13
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
- TV -/25 2012, 2013 PG-13
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Mawaru Penguindrum
- TV -/24 2011 R
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Mirai Nikki (TV)
- TV -/26 2011, 2012 R+
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Monogatari Series: Second Season
- TV -/26 2013 R
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- TV -/12 2007 R
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Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season
- TV -/10 2014 PG-13
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Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi
- TV Special -/1 2014 PG-13
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Mushishi Zoku Shou: Suzu no Shizuku
- Movie -/1 2015 PG-13
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Mushishi: Hihamukage
- TV Special -/1 2014 PG-13
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Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu
- TV -/16 2015 PG-13
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Nagi no Asu kara
- TV -/26 2013, 2014 PG-13
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Nanatsu no Taizai
- TV -/24 2014, 2015 PG-13
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Natsume Yuujinchou San
- TV -/13 2011 PG-13
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Natsume Yuujinchou Shi
- TV -/13 2012 PG-13
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Natsume Yuujinchou: Itsuka Yuki no Hi ni
- OVA -/1 2014 PG-13
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Nekomonogatari: Kuro
- TV Special -/4 2012 R
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NHK ni Youkoso!
- TV -/24 2006 R+
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- TV -/26 2011 PG-13
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- TV -/11 2012 R
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No Game No Life
- TV -/12 2014 PG-13
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- TV -/12 2014 PG-13
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Noragami OVA
- OVA -/2 2014, 2015, 2016 PG-13
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One Punch Man
- TV -/12 2015, 2016 R
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Ore Monogatari!!
- TV -/24 2015 PG-13
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Ouran Koukou Host Club
- TV -/26 2006 PG-13
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Outbreak Company
- TV -/12 2013 PG-13
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- Movie -/1 2006 R+
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- TV -/22 2012, 2013 R
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Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
- TV -/26 2010 R
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Hyouketsu no Kizuna
- Movie -/1 PG-13
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season
- TV -/13 R
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- Movie -/1 2009 R+
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Seisou-hen
- OVA -/2 2001 R
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Sakamichi no Apollon
- TV -/12 2012 PG-13
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Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
- TV -/24 2012, 2013 PG-13
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- TV -/11 PG-13
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Seirei no Moribito
- TV -/26 2007 PG-13
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Senjou no Valkyria
- TV -/26 PG-13
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Seto no Hanayome
- TV -/26 2007 PG-13
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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Moments
- OVA -/1 2015 PG-13
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Shinseiki Evangelion
- TV -/26 1995, 1996 PG-13
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Shinsekai yori
- TV -/25 2012, 2013 R
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- TV -/24 2014, 2015 PG-13
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Skip Beat!
- TV -/25 2008, 2009 PG-13
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Steins;Gate 0
- TV -/23 Unknown Release Date PG-13
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Stranger: Mukou Hadan
- Movie -/1 2007 R
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Summer Wars
- Movie -/1 2009 PG-13
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Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu
- ONA -/25 2009 PG-13
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Tekkon Kinkreet
- Movie -/1 2006 R
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Tentai Senshi Sunred
- TV -/26 2008, 2009 PG-13
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Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
- Movie -/1 2006 G
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- TV -/25 2008, 2009 PG-13
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- TV -/26 1998 PG-13
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Trigun: Badlands Rumble
- Movie -/1 2010 PG-13
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- TV Special -/4 2014 R
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Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199
- OVA -/26 2012, 2013 PG-13
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Usagi Drop
- TV -/11 2011 PG-13
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White Album 2
- TV -/13 PG-13
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
- TV -/11 2010 R
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- TV -/112 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 PG-13
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Zankyou no Terror
- TV -/11 2014 R
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Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
- TV -/13 2009 PG-13
TV: 91, OVA: 9, Movies: 32, Spcl.: 7, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 172, OVA: 34, Movies: 103, Spcl.: 34, Eps: 5921, Days: 99.84, Mean Score: 6.4, Score Dev.: -1.03
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