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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Ajin Part 2
- TV -/13
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Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu
Season 1 was pretty lackluster, but I'm a sucker for epic low fantasy, and this is only 8 episodes, so let's see it through to the non-ending.

Game of Thrones is still a thing that exists though, which is still hampering my enjoyment.
6 TV 5/8
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Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
7 TV 12/25
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Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

Solid, self-aware comedy series so far. Does it get better later on? I'm just wondering why my pretty solid score of 7 is -1.4 off from the average. I mean, yes, it's quite funny....for anime. But it doesn't usually make me laugh out loud like some US/UK comedy series do.

Furthermore, I don't really see any character development like I do in stuff like Servant X Service or the currently airing Barakamon (both also 4koma adaptations). This appears to be a gag anime, through and through. If that changes later on, I will absolutely raise my score.
7 TV 3/12
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Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Specials
7 Special 1/6
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Evangelion Movie 3: Q

I've watched this once, but I feel like I need to rewatch everything up until now in order to form a reasonable opinion. Give me some time to soak it all in.
- Movie -/1
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Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia
7 TV 14/21
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I'm convinced that I WILL like this series. Others have told me that I just need to get through the first 20 or so episodes.

I like a lot of the humor that's going on right now, but I'm just NOT getting ENOUGH absurdity from it yet. The non-HD, non-widescreen doesn't help (I like pretty things, so kill me). So it's kind of stalled right now, but I WILL get around to it.
- TV 8/201
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Decent mystery series, and I like the relationship between the two main characters. Although if you're one of the people that really dislikes loli tsunderes, you're going to hate this one.

With that said, I'm struggling to finish it. The episodes are entirely competent, and there's some kind of overarching plot that's been setup, but it's just not really all that exciting.
7 TV 18/24
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Hanasakeru Seishounen
So this is a reverse harem. It's not the best I've seen; Ouren High School, Saiunkoku Monogatari, & Fruits Baskets all have it beat. But it's not bad either. And that is mainly due to the female lead character (Kajika) having a strong, headstrong personality. Yea, I know, you've heard that before. No, what I mean is that this woman is "headstrong" to the point of being absolutely BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE. As in "I just met this strange man, but he is CLEARLY the reincarnation of my beloved dead jaguar so I totally trust him and will jump in a car with him and let him KIDNAP ME despite all warnings from my friends and family that his previous girlfriends all KILLED THEMSELVES."

Yea, read that sentence again. That is what actually happened. Kajika believes in dead jaguar reincarnation. And that's a good enough reason to hop into a strange man's car and drive off. But it worked out OK, because that is the kind anime this is. It would have been a real short series if the mysterious guy had turned out to be some serial killer who murders Kajika anyway. And Kajika may be CRAZY, but these poor men in her life that she meets are all given entertainingly convoluted, messed up backstories to unravel.

So I'm not sure how this will hold up for 30+ episodes, but I am intrigued thus far. This is nutty anime soap opera done right. It ain't gonna win any critic's awards, but goddamn I am entertained so far. It's like Jojo, except completely fucking not. Maybe you could call it the josei "guilty-pleasure" equivalent. (But seriously, don't go and watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure if you like Hanasakeru Seishounen; that was not a recommendation. I mean I like both, but I am probably not a normal anime viewer demographic)

The other thing that stands out here is that the animation is really noticeably lackluster. I mean, I guess you don't really NEED a huge animation budget for a story that is primarily about relationships, but there are action sequences and gunfights and such that simply look TERRIBLE compared to your top shelf anime. So that may take some getting used to.
7 TV 24/39
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Kimi ni Todoke

The main couple are likable, which is a pretty good trait for a shoujo anime to have. The problem here is the glacial plot pacing and extreme denseness of the main female lead.
6 TV 14/25
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Alternative Architecture
- TV 9/10
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:2 Ghost Whispers
- Movie 1/1
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears
- Movie 1/1
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone
- Movie 1/1
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari
- Movie 1/1
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Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
8 TV 14/23
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Mugen no Juunin: Immortal
7 ONA 12/24
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Nobunaga no Shinobi: Ise Kanegasaki-hen
6 TV 20/26
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One Punch Man 2nd Season
6 TV 6/12
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Psycho-Pass Movie
- Movie -/1
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Sakamichi no Apollon
- TV 2/12
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Senki Zesshou Symphogear
- TV 2/13
TV: 15, OVA: 0, Movies: 6, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 2.63, Mean Score: 6.8, Score Dev.: -1.00

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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7 TV 26
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3-gatsu no Lion
7 TV 22
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91 Days
Previews made me think this was more of a Baccano! type anime original, but really it's more Godfather than anything anime that I've seen. Revenge and drama and betrayal and shifting allegiances and all of that good stuff but not much levity. But that's fine. It's pretty great actually. I need some "adult" anime series every now and then, and Joker Game last season was a big letdown on that front.

The show is hampered at times by production woes, which made me give this a 7 instead of an 8 (it has to be pretty bad for that). The penultimate episode in particular was distractingly filled with stills, limited animation, and off-model characters. It's exactly what you DON'T want to do with your climax episode.
7 TV 12
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Afro Samurai
Pros: Pretty to look at. The music and dub are better than average.

Cons: Everything else. It's just got nothing going for it other than ultraviolence. That may have worked in older classics like Ninja Scroll, but it was because the character designs were so fucking crazy. Add in Ninja Scroll's freaky rape stuff and...well, it's in bad taste and it ain't winning any awards, but it's fucked up enough to keep you watching. But here, everything just falls flat. I care about the fate of absolutely no one. I don't even care about the fight scenes. And that's kind of a kiss of death for an OAV series like this.

Go, dunno, I guess Hellsing Ultimate instead. Better fights and better characters.
4 TV 5
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So this starts out REALLY boilerplate half-human/half-monster show. For recent examples, think Parasyte or Tokyo Ghoul, except more predictable and boring than either of those.

The main character is maybe a little more interesting. He's not quite right in the head, and not in a likable way (he labels his contacts in his phone as "Friend #1, #2, etc."). BUT at least he's a little different from your bland Yuji Everymans.

The show doesn't hit its stride until it introduces it's villian(s). This is where it shines. The main Big Bad is charismatic and intelligent and badass and crazy and scary-as-fuck all at once.

And the show just keeps gets better as it adds to its cast of characters. The stakes have gotten higher too, with the story not shying away from shit that normally gets watered down in anime, like murder and terrorism. It can get pretty over-the-top at times, but not in a really trying-too-hard grimdark sort of way, if that makes sense.

I am looking forward to the finale.

Update: This show screams for a sequel. I enjoyed what I watched, and really Ajin ended up being a pleasant surprise this season.
8 TV 13
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
8 TV 12
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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season
Whoever said functional relationships aren't entertaining to watch need to watch this and Ore Monogatari immediately.

Although do be warned that this is a pretty sleepy little show that certainly falls within in the realm of "comfort food" and not "groundbreaking message anime". The main complaint I've heard with this show is "nothing happens", which is fair, but I really enjoyed watching nothing happening as our cast grew closer over 24 episodes.

Slice-of-life and shoujo anime fans will be able to handle it fine. Those who enjoy Disney Princess movies might want to take a look too (although there are no musical numbers or talking animals, sorry. There's a pretty smart bird in it though).
8 TV 12
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Akame ga Kill!

It's a somewhat gory shounen where named characters actually sometimes die.

I watch it honestly because it's the least-censored thing I've seen on Japanese TV in a long time. But I'm honest about what it is: pure popcorn entertainment with the occasional "grimdark" (read: blood and severed limbs) overtones.

It's compared to Game of Thrones a lot, but that's only because there are unexpected deaths and it takes place in a world with a lot of rape and murder. Other than that, GoT is more epic, has far better characterization, and is far more compelling and better written.

I like Akame ga Kill namely because it fills a lacking niche in manga/anime. In tone, I might compare it to Attack on Titan, except more "shounen battleish". But I should mention that Esdeath is kind of a unique character: she is an evil, violent sadist, but turns into a "deredere" around the main protagonist. While I wouldn't call that "3 dimensional", I would call it a unique mushing of character archetypes (that the term "yandere" doesn't really cover), and it makes for a different, entertaining kind of villain.

Ending update: Most manga readers will bitch that they did an anime-original ending. Well, I for one, have read the manga, and thought the ending here was extremely appropriate, with my only complaint being that it was clearly rushed. Manga readers will complain that an entire arc was left out. I would counter that the arc that was left out was unnecessarily main-spirited, with laughably, irredeemably evil caricatures of bad guys and violence constantly being used solely for the sake of shock-factor. It was like a Garth Ennis comic, except without the toilet humor and sometimes-decent writing to make it stand out. In my opinion, the anime is better for having left it behind.

Meanwhile, the ending that the anime DID come up with was true to the "no one is safe from dying" spirit of the manga, while at the same time preserving some hopefulness within the narrative. The few non-canon battles were fast paced and satisfying. There's not too much more that I ask for from shounen battler adaptations.
5 TV 24
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Akatsuki no Yona
It's epic fantasy shoujo, done competently, but not amazingly. The main character is reasonably well developed and not ALWAYS a damsel in distress, which makes this better than Fushigi Yuugi.

The second half actually improves upon the first as well. Everything gets better. The ending is a bit...abrupt and unfinished, but I suppose that leaves room for a sequel, would I would not complain about!

But if you're looking for a GREAT shoujo/josei series with good fantasy world-building and a strong but "feminine"* female lead, PLEASE go check out "12 Kingdoms" or "Saiunkoku Monogatari".

* Here, I only mean "feminine" as in "not written as a male character and then gender-switched". I really have nothing against that type of "tomboy" type character, but I realize that some feminists and/or writing critics dislike when authors end up writing women exactly like men simply because they don't have a good sense of women. I get the argument, but at the same time, I personally don't think it's a big deal unless it's ALL the author can do with women characters.
7 TV 24
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It's an anime classic. Just watch it. It has aged surprisingly well. If you hate it, that's OK. Just go read the manga to understand what "quintessential cyberpunk" means.

One historical note that you might not's one of the few anime where the dialog is lip-synced. Most anime just flap a mouth open and shut for dialog, but this one animates lip movement, which was a big deal at the time compared to western animation.
7 Movie 1
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Akuma no Riddle
So you've already watched Mirai Nikki, Deadman Wonderland, Battle Royale (the live action movie), and even BTOOOM!! (out of desperation I assume), but you haven't gotten your Death Game fix yet? Oh, and you like implied lesbianism? OK, fine, then try this.

It's not great. Actually, I don't even know why I'm still watching this honestly. BUT, on the plus side, the opening is pretty killer, and you get your single episode character studies of cute, murderous girls. Maybe I could have sat through K-ON! if they were all trying to murder each other.
- TV 12
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I don't really know how to score this. It gives me a very Code Geass feel: mechs, stylish animation, and a cunning protagonist, but also a rather superficial story, superficial politics, and dramatic moments made for the sake of being dramatic.

Code Geass stood out to me for it's perfect, plot twist ending.

Aldnoah.Zero also stands out for me for it's ending. But not in a perfect way. More of a "WTF just happened" kind of way. Made even more WTF by the fact that a second season was announced. Up until that point Aldnoah had been a perfectly serviceable but non-groundbreaking mecha war story about underdog earthings vs. martian invaders.

Edit: Minus one point for the sequel. I KNEW it. I FUCKING KNEW IT. NO ONE FUCKING DIED. If Aldnoah had actually committed to its batshit crazy plot twists, I could have respected it a little bit. Hell, I gave Code Geass an 8 based on it's batshit crazy ending alone. At least people actually died when they were killed in that.
5 TV 12
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Amaama to Inazuma
This is exactly the amount of exposure to cute children that I want in my life. Combine this with cooking and you have the SECOND slice of life anime this year that I actually enjoyed. A rare occurance. (the first series, BTW, was Flying Witch. Which also
7 TV 12
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Amagi Brilliant Park

Anime has this problem of not doing comedy very well. Jokes are frequently recycled, often relying on predictable pratfalls and boob jokes.

As a result, many anime comedies tend to fall flat, especially when compared to the wide selection of laugh-a-minute American and British offerings we have over here. Even if you restrict the comparison to only animated fare, even a BAD episode of, say, South Park gets more laughs out of me than a typical episode of anime comedy.

Amagi is an exception in that it's actually sort of kind of funny. It's comedic timing is actually pretty damn good, and there were sometimes multiple moments per episode where I actually laughed out loud.

I did not like Full Metal Panic in the least (speaking of boob jokes...), so I was skeptical going into this (same creator). But the hype was enough that I had to watch at least the first few episodes. Going into this, I did not expect to finish it, but I did, and it's a surprisingly good show. Along with nice production values, it also has a pretty likeable/colorful cast that helps pick up the slack when the comedy lags.

With all that said, the comedy here just isn't going to compare to an episode of, say, Archer. The characters are fun, but the plot is pretty standard and the final episode is more like an OAV than a real conclusion. Everything here is largely "above average" but not amazing or groundbreaking or especially deep. You could describe it as a fun but relatively forgettable amusement park ride itself.

If you liked Full Metal Panic, watch this. If you like KyoAni shows, watch this. If you don't like either of those, give this a try anyway. The first episode is a pretty good hook/intodruction, with Sento giving our main character a tour of the dilapidated Park in a wonderfully deadpan monotone.
6 TV 13
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Good OP/ED, pretty character designs, beautiful colors. Those are the reasons that I bothered to finish it. By the end, I was mocking everything.

This is because the main character completely lacks ANY personality AT ALL and isn't good at anything (she's particularly bad at NOT DYING). This makes it difficult to identify with her, cheer for her, or really feel ANY EMOTIONS AT ALL for her. It's based off a dating sim for women, yet the creators seemed to make no effort to really convert to an anime format (likable lead? naaaah, let's make her the most BORING PERSON EVER so viewers can sub themselves in).

The guys she can pick from are all far more interesting than she is. Some are even outright creepy/abusive/violent, but our Heroine still keeps on being either confused or sympathetic to all of them, even if they LOCK HER IN A CAGE AND THREATEN TO RAPE HER. SPOILER ALERT. Oops. It's OK, I'm really saving you the time of watching this. There are so many better (well, alright, there are A FEW) reverse-harem anime out there that are so much better than this. Go check out Ouron High School or Fruits Basket if you want to see attractive guys flocking around a likable female lead. This title is just frustrating.
4 TV 12
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Angel Beats!
The typical complaint with this anime is that it was too short. I agree. Plot and characters were cut to a bare minimum, and we're totally left thinking that this should have been a two-season anime.

And it should have been.

But as it stands, it's a quite good anime with likable characters and several twists at the end that make it very satisfying.

In the list of MyAnimeList recommendations, Clannad (and sequels) as well as Ano Hana make the list, but they were really just...emotional as fuck. Angel Beats at least had a good deal of humor to it, which would lead me to suggest either Toradora! or Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou as a romcom over those.
8 TV 13
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Angel Beats! Another Epilogue
8 Special 1
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.

Do you like touching, emotional animes that make you cry? Yes?

Oh, but you would prefer a romantic comedy to the utter despair of, say, Grave of the Fireflies? No problem, here you go.

Childhood friend that dies a tragic death and comes back as a ghost to address unfinished could sell this as either a drama or a horror, and this is the former. It's hard not to love all of Memna's friends, as well as Menma (the ghost) herself.
8 TV 11
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It starts off promising as an interesting murder mystery with plenty of atmosphere and a catchy OP. But, it degenerates into a "murder of the week" type series. I guess it gets kudos for being so graphic for a TV show, but the for the most part, the deaths are all so "Final Destination-ish" that it's hard to feel any kind of underlying sinister vibe.

I liked it well enough because it was a passable horror anime. There just are not enough horror anime out there, which is a shame because the medium is perfect for it. You can animated all sorts of scary shit that's not possible in real life without some really expensive CG.

With that said, I gave it a 6 on my MAL, and I think that I was generous because there are so few horror anime out there.

The ending was stretched out far too long. The mystery was being revealed at a snail's pace (and large parts of it were very predictable anyway), for no reason other than to create artificial tension. I found myself yelling at the screen when Misaki would say something like "The dead one is........." and then we'd get an interruption and have to wait 30 more minutes before there was any more progress.

The actual "dead one" was completely unpredicted, but that's because the show didn't give us enough goddamn information to put it together. And you can't just make up new rules at the end. It's one thing if it's a twist end like Fight Club, where the mystery isn't absolutely central to the story. But if there's a mystery, then goddammit, an astute viewer should be able to piece it together. Maybe not me, but someone, and I've never heard anyone say that they knew it was Reiko before the reveal. I had a similar problem (one of many...) with Danganronpa.

I also cared nothing for the characters. I guess the main character wasn't too bad (bland, but unannoying). The classmates though were obnoxious from the start because they didn't think to fill in New Guy about the story, and then get pissed off when he starts talking to Misaki. I guess that made me enjoy the ensuing bloodbath well enough though.

TL;DR: Show could have been condensed by at least 3 episodes and I would have enjoyed it much more. Also, don't just throw in a twist ending that you don't give enough clues for.

Also: Watch Shiki.
6 TV 12
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Ansatsu Kyoushitsu: Jump Festa 2013 Special

This particular "school trip" arc is actually rehashed with more detail in the TV series, so there is actually very little reason to watch this OAV that came before. The animation style is a little off-putting as well, especially for those who watched the TV show first.

I also thought the 1st half was pretty weak for the series as well. Some of the female students are kidnapped and, just, yea, whatever, the "rescue the girls" thing is really tired out, and this OAV adds nothing to it. The second half is better, with Koro-sensei trying to win over a professional assassin.
5 Special 1
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Arslan Senki (TV)
It's the only serious fantasy offering of the season (no, that Dungeon Boobs anime doesn't count), so I'm totally in this for the long haul. I love hard fantasy and politics in my media, so my personal rating thus far is a 7 or 8. But if you're not into this sort of thing, then drop that rating by at least one.

It's hard not to raise comparisons of this to Game of Thrones. Both are currently TV adaptations of long-running, large-cast, politics-heavy, hard fantasy series that were originally started DECADES ago but are STILL not completed by the original author.

While the comparisons may end there, it's very hard to sit down and watch Arslan and NOT think "gosh, I wish there was a new GoT episode/book."

(Note that I have not read the novels nor seen the entire OAV series, so I am speaking SOLELY of this current adaption.)

In Arslan, we are given exactly one pilot episode to get to know Arslan and a handful of other characters (the king, Daryun, the Lustonian kid, and MAYBE Daryun's uncle and the queen) before everything goes to crap and war ensues. Following episode 1, we are thrown a large cast of names, and yet we spend nearly no time with them before many of them are violently, unceremoniously killed off.

Game of Thrones, by contrast, gave us nearly an entire season/book of intrigue, world-building, name-dropping, and slowly building conflict before the shit hit the fan. We were allowed to choose favorite characters within the large ensemble cast before some of them were treated to horrible deaths. Furthermore, GoT managed to create a "no one is safe" mantra among fans in season and subsequent seasons, whereas in Arslan, you can pretty much tell which characters are going to either 1) be around until the end game or 2) die early, but heroically and with huge consequences.

Halfway update: Yea, I'm still watching Arslan, and it still fills that fantasy itch. But it's not my most looked-forward to series each week for a couple reasons:

1) The stakes thus far are not really all that high. Arlsan and co meet new people, there are battles, but there's no real urgency to them. They are generally a showcase for Narsus' brilliance and Arslan's perfectness. While this is fun to watch to some extent (Narsus and and the group in general ARE pretty awesome), I never really feel anything for the characters, and I never fear for their lives. And Arslan is just NOT a terribly complex character that I can dig in to. He's just.... NICE. That might work in Ore Monogatari, which is just a big dose of sugar every week, but I expect a little more from a hard epic fantasy such as this.

2) The production values. This is pretty significant to note because I actually don't normally bitch about this. Again, this is supposed to be epic freakin' fantasy. Which means, there will be battles. With armies. Unfortunately, they look terrible. The CG clone stamp armies are at best "meh" and at worst "laughable".

It's really hurts the series when you can't take the battles seriously for reasons both related to plot AND production.

Again, it still gets a 7 because I am a sucker for great side characters and epic fantasy though. I'm feeling worse and worse about that rating as the season drags on though.
7 TV 25
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Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror

It may be classic Japanese, but it's not horror, in any sense of the word.

It's not gory or horrific at all. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't care about gore. Just give me "thrilling" or "suspenseful" and I'm all set. But this has none of that.

Maybe I need to read up on my ancient Japanese ghost stories, but Hozuki no Reitetsu has taught me that watching an anime while having a Wikipedia window open is just not worth it.

Let me summarize the series for you: a ghost seeks revenge for...whatever...and people die as a result of said revenge, but really, whatever, no one cares. It's a little bit like Hell Girl. Less episodic, but just as Zzzzzz.
4 TV 11
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10 TV 13
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Baccano! Specials
10 Special 3
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Watch it in the order the series was aired: Bake, Nise, Neko, 2nd series, Hana, Tsuki

There, now that we've gotten that number 1 question out of the way...

This series is really talky and definitely not for everyone. If you had a problem with all the talking in Tatami Galaxy (for example), you'll probably have a problem with the monogatari series (although at least the talking is usually not as rapid fire as that aforementioned series).

It's ostensibly a harem series, but really it's a series of character studies, where each girl or woman has some issue manifesting itself as a supernatural phenomena. The main character attempts to "fix" each girl (he has martyr issues himself), but ultimately they need to resolve (or in some cases, simply accept) their problems for themselves.

It's such a not-harem harem series, that my most hardcore, trashy harem anime fan friend couldn't get through this first series, despite the cute girls and fanservice.

8 TV 15
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Bananya is a cat who is also a banana. Yup, that's the show.
- TV 13
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Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume
5 OVA 6
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It's a slice of life with an adorable young child as one of the leads. By all respects, I should hate this, but I don't. The jokes are usually not stretched out, and the characters are likable. Yes, even the hyperactive child. In real life she would probably drive me insane within minutes (probably why I can relate to Handa's suffering so well), but in the context of the show, she is an energetic, hilarious highlight. She also comes off as a very realistic, genuine child, always doing things that kids would absolutely do.

This is a very solid show. Funny and endearing.
8 TV 12
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7 TV 12
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Like the rest of you, I am trying, very, very hard to enjoy this show.

Berserk 2016 is like if someone wished on a Behelit to have more Berserk animated, but they had to sacrifice any kind of actual enjoyment of the show to the Behelit.
5 TV 12
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen I - Haou no Tamago
8 Movie 1
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen II - Doldrey Kouryaku
7 Movie 1
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Berserk: Ougon Jidai-hen III - Kourin
7 Movie 1
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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!
This could have been a one-joke series that died after one episode. Instead, it is partly a several-joke series with a great production team as well as an homage to the magical girl series.

Except with guys in this case.

If you hate the first episode, then there is no reason to watch more. The 1st episode is a nice parody of multiple elements of the magical girl genre, as well as some good general humor. The rest of the series is decidedly hit or miss.

The episodes that largely mimic magical girl shows without adding anything new tend to drag relentlessly.

There are also some "gay panic" jokes in the series that make you wonder whether they are playing the joke straight for laughs, or satirizing it for laughs. A good satire shouldn't make you guess which it is.

And yet the self-awake jokes that the series makes are genuinely funny and carry the show through to the end. Jokes about Wombat and the "dead" teacher he possesses. Jokes about how stupidly powerful the student council in in anime. Jokes about the stupid naming scheme for magical girl attacks. Jokes about how many of the enemies are named/modeled after really mundane stuff. Combine the jokes with the genuine attempt to develop camaraderie within the group (although some characters DO remain one-note), and you have yourself a very decent, watchable series.
6 TV 12
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Black Lagoon

There's just too goddamn much to like here. Stylish, action-heavy, badass characters... even though it tries to be serious at times, this series is just a FUN action romp. And Revy and Rock's interactions are PERFECT, adding some needed soul to the whole thing.
8 TV 12
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Black Magic M-66
6 OVA 1
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Blame! Movie
7 Movie 1
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5 TV 366
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Blood Lad
Fast-paced shounen with a demon twist (vampires and werewolves and ghosts oh my!) and a good dose of humor thrown in. The constant boob shots get old, but otherwise an entertaining new shounen addition to this season that I honestly wish would last longer (only 10 episodes!).
6 TV 10
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Blood Lad: Wagahai wa Neko de wa Nai
6 OVA 1
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Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Premise = pretty OK. Time travel is always fun, if it's done right.

Execution = great when it focuses on Satarou's interactions with Hina and the rest of the cast. Not as good when it tries to be a thriller.

Villain = worst part of the show.
7 TV 12
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Boku no Hero Academia
7 TV 13
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Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season
7 TV 25
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Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season
7 TV 25
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
5 TV 12
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Yaminabe wa Bishoujo ga Zannen na Nioi
5 OVA 1
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai
7 TV 12
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Dear god what hot mess this thing turned out to be.

It started out well, with a "meh" concept but an actually kinda dickish (and therefore more interesting than most of Jun Maeda's characters) male protagonist. The student council members also have some depth to them, besides how they relate to the main character. Then we get several stand alone episodes containing some actually funny comedy, before diving into some themes of tragedy and loss, which I thought worked well.

And then we get to...

The Big Plot Twist.

Followed by Another Big Plot Twist.

And Another.

And So On...

So the first half of the series was solid, and got my hopes up that Jun Maeda had actually learned how to pace an anime competently.

And then more stuff happened. It's like after the initial "Big Plot Twist", there were maybe 4 big ideas/plots that could have been followed to finish up this series. And Maeda just said "FUCK IT, DO ALL OF THEM!!" And so they did. And squeezed it into like 4 or 5 episodes. And it wasn't good. Besides the plot holes, the most egregious error was shoving the semi-developed student council aside for some characters.

6 TV 13
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6 TV 26
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Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy
7 TV 11
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
7 TV 25
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
8 TV 25
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5 TV 16
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Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou
I like the ideas this anime examines. This is definitely, unabashed "Message Anime", and resembles a Japanese Watchmen more than just a little bit.

The execution is going to put some people (including myself) off though. The first episode is, quite frankly, a mess. For non-linear first episodes that actually work, there's Baccano!! and Blood Blockade Battlefront. They ooze style and have compelling characters that you want to know more about. ConRevo has a nice, poppy, comicy aesthetic, but it lacks those other traits. Especially in the characters. Like with Gatchamon Crowds, the characters are more viewpoints than human, and this hurts the show significantly.

I will watch the sequel series, and I will probably enjoy it, but it's probably not going to hit me on any sort of emotional level, nor at any point have I been waiting excitedly for the next episode. I would have liked a little bit of that for such a high brow series.
7 TV 13
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Cowboy Bebop
9 TV 26
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Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
8 Movie 1
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7 TV 12
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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Mirai-hen
So watched the first season of this, which adapts the first game. It was kind of terrible, but I enjoyed the murder mystery game premise, fast pace, and the quirky character designs.

I have been too lazy to try and play any of the games.

I have been told in no uncertain terms by multiple sources not to watch this series without playing the games first.

Well, guess what, you can't tell me what to do! I'm watching this anyway! And if I don't like it, I'm gonna complain ignorantly! And there's nothing you can do about it!
6 TV 12
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Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou-hen
So watched the first season of this, which adapts the first game. It was kind of terrible, but I enjoyed the murder mystery game premise, fast pace, and the quirky character designs.

I have been too lazy to try and play any of the games.

I have been told in no uncertain terms by multiple sources not to watch this series without playing the games first.

Well, guess what, you can't tell me what to do! I'm watching this anyway! And if I don't like it, I'm gonna complain ignorantly! And there's nothing you can do about it!
6 TV 11
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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
Have not played the game yet, but apparently the anime tries very hard to capture the exact same animation style. The only problem with this is that the plot suffers for it. It seems as though it's intended to be a weekly "whodonit" mystery, but in reality, the cases are far too rushed for you to have any idea what happened or who dd it.

The overwhelming feeling I had when I watched this was "I'm so sure that the game must be so much better". So in that respect, I suppose it works well as an advertisement for the game.
6 TV 13
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Deadman Wonderland
7 TV 12
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Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai
7 OVA 1
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Death Parade
Really liked this series. The original "Death Billiards" short was great in its own way, but I was worried that a series filled with such vignettes based on the original gimmick wouldn't hold up. But it does, by adding in an overarching plot and injecting some HEART into our recurring cast. Not all of the "plot" episodes are fantastic (the "game" episodes are usually better stand alone stories), but the main characters Decim and "Onna", as well as douchey arbiter Ginti and human Mayu are compelling enough to keep us engaged.

The vignettes themselves are generally very solid, with tones ranging from dark to touching to funny; not everyone coming to be judged is cynical and cruel and horrible as you might expect from episode 1.

Oh, and did I mention this show looks really, really good? Madhouse has yet to animate anything bad lately.
9 TV 12
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Dirty Pair Flash
6 OVA 6
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Dirty Pair Flash 2
6 OVA 5
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Dirty Pair Flash 3
6 OVA 5
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Dirty Pair no Ooshoubu: Nolandia no Nazo
7 OVA 1
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Dirty Pair: Bouryaku no 005-bin
7 OVA 1
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Dirty Pair: The Movie
7 Movie 1
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
Nice production values, gorgeous fight scenes, and Hestia is kind of adorable.

But it's hard to get invested in Bell's "I need to get STRONGER!" shtick, because there's not really any reason behind it. Add some unnecessary harem stuff and this balances out to "eh". It was mostly inoffensive and looked pretty.
6 TV 13
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9 TV 24
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Durarara!! Specials
9 Special 2
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Durarara!!x2 Ketsu
Didn't care for the 1st arc of Season 2 due to questionable direction choices and sometimes TERRIBLE production values. (Note: I'm really surprised that they didn't fix that shit in the Blu-Rays either.)

This season is doing a lot to redeem my faith in the series.

And good job somehow making me feel a little bad for Izaya! I remember when the series started, he seemed like a total monster; like, you could easily see him being a Baccano!! immortal based upon how well he manipulates his fellow human beings. But by the end of this season it's clear that it's all an act he puts on so that he doesn't actually have to self-reflect on his action.
8 TV 12
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Durarara!!x2 Shou

I loved the original Durarara!, even if it was a lesser version of Baccano!. So I was super hyped for this sequel.

And it's.... OK, but not as good as I had remembered. There are still a boatload of zany characters with interwoven plot lines. And NEW characters this season who I largely find likable. BUT overall, this season feels more like it's just "stuff happening", rather than well-written, well-plotted threads. It doesn't help that a good chunck of this season revolves around the gang-wars thing and dull, boring Mikado.

Combine this with a couple episodes of TERRIBLE animation quality (no, seriously, I don't usually bitch about this sort of thing, but GOD there were a couple terrible sequences of key-frame-only animation), and it's not really on my "OH GOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS EVERY WEEK" list anymore.

Maybe I've grown out of huge ensemble casts and interwoven story-lines? I don't think so... I recently re-watched Baccano!, and it's still just as energetic and addictive as before. And Game of Thrones remains a favorite read/watch for me. So I honestly think that Durarara! has simply lost some of its charm with this new studio adapting it. Either that or the original author is trying to milk a dead cow and it's the source material's fault? Whichever it is, I really hope the series !regains its footing when it airs after hiatus.

I mean, it's still enjoyable... it's just not AMAZING anymore.
7 TV 12
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Durarara!!x2 Ten
Didn't care for the 1st arc of Season 2 due to questionable direction choices and sometimes TERRIBLE production values. (Note: I'm really surprised that they didn't fix that shit in the Blu-Rays either.)

This season is doing a lot to redeem my faith in the series. The character-narrated episodes help a lot, and the production values have not taken a total nose dive this time around.
8 TV 12
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Elfen Lied
7 TV 13
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Elfen Lied: Tooriame nite Arui wa, Shoujo wa Ikani Shite Sono Shinjou ni Itatta ka? - Regenschauer
7 Special 1
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Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
9 Movie 1
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Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
9 Movie 1
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Fairy Tail

On the surface, it's a largely average shounen with largely average animation. And yet, I liked this way more than I should have. The cast are all likable and even the "2nd tier" characters have a chance to shine (as opposed to Bleach or Naruto, where they exist solely to get their asses kicked). It actually makes me laugh sometimes.

The fanservice is present, but is mostly equal-opportunity and played for laughs. I can deal with Lucy losing her clothes every few episodes when Grey is also stripping at every chance.

It's fast-paced, without battles being dragged out forever. Characters other than the Main Good Guy Natsu all have important stuff to do. Sometimes Natsu doesn't even get to face down the Big Bad Guy. Sometimes that task gets relegated to one of the cooler characters like Erza or Laxus.

All of these little things make Fairy Tail rise above the sea of mediocre long-running shounens out there. It's not Hunter X Hunter or Full Metal Alchemist grade, but it's entertaining nonetheless.
7 TV 175
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7 TV 25
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Fate/stay night
The male MC is absolutely unbearable in this. Just skip this and go straight to Fate/Zero, even if the ending will make little sense to someone who has not played the VN(s).
4 TV 24
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Fate/stay night Movie: Unlimited Blade Works
6 Movie 1
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Fate/stay night TV Reproduction
4 OVA 2
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
This 1st season was a lot better than the 2nd. But it still suffers from the fact that 1) Shirou is our hero and 2) he is a boring, lame ass hero.
7 TV 12
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
So Shirou is pretty much the worst part of the Fate Stay Night franchise. Which is a big big problem because he's the main character. No, I have not read the visual novels, and I have no desire to. So I am basing my opinion on the anime version(s) of FSN. Sacrilege, I know. Whatever.

With the original FSN, Shirou was pretty much fucking insufferable. He manages to summon the most powerful Servant in the Grail War and then insists upon sidelining her, time and time again, because "she's a girl". *barf* I stuck with FSN because Saber and Rin and Archer and most of the other characters were at least entertaining, if not compelling. I was not rewarded for my efforts.

Then Fate Zero comes around and hey that's actually pretty cool, glad Shirou isn't in it!

UBW follows and I think "oh hey this 'route' is supposed to be all about Rin and Archer, FUCKING AWESOME."

NO, WRONG! It's still all about stupid goddamn Shirou! He's more tolerable this time around, forgoing outright sexism for a more generic but only slightly less obnoxious form of chivalry.

The 2nd half of UBW drives home that Shirou is a one note character, as is his Archer alter ego, over a course of about 4 episodes, in which nothing happens in at least 3 of them. The resolution seems to be Shirou confidently stating "yea I won't lose my stupid idealism, so there." and then defeating all enemies. Fin. Nothing is really learned and I still had to watch Shirou be slightly less annoying for 25 episodes. OK sure fine.
6 TV 13
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Prologue
The Fate/Stay Night franchise has always been dragged down by its dull, chivalrous-to-the-point-of-stupidity protagonist Shirou Emiya. He is the main reason that I disliked the Fate/Stay Night anime.

Fortunately, he barely appears in this "prequel" episode.* Instead, we focus on the vastly more likable Rin Tohsaka and her first meeting with Archer. And it's great.

* Note: this really isn't a prequel, but rather an episode 00 to the TV series. MAL gave it its own special because it doesn't do episode 00's. So yes, you should watch this before watching episode 01 of the series.
8 TV Special 1
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So much better than Fate/Stay Night. Unlike with Fate/Stay, here we get time with ALL of the Masters and Servants, and they are all compelling. Even the evil/insane ones. My only complaint is that the mythology is not explained as well as it could be. And by this I'm mainly referring to the final couple episodes with the grail. As someone who has NOT read the visual novel(s), I didn't quite follow everything that happened in the end.
8 TV 13
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Fate/Zero 2nd Season
So much better than Fate/Stay Night. Unlike with Fate/Stay, here we get time with ALL of the Masters and Servants, and they are all compelling. Even the evil/insane ones. My only complaint is that the mythology is not explained as well as it could be. And by this I'm mainly referring to the final couple episodes with the grail. As someone who has NOT read the visual novel(s), I didn't quite follow everything that happened in the end.
8 TV 12
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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
6 Movie 1
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Final Fantasy VII: Last Order
6 Special 1
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9 OVA 6
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Flying Witch
Well this was a giant surprise for me. What should have been some dull slice of life boredom actually had me captivated from beginning to end. Maybe I can actually get into SoL when it isn't centered around ultra moe high school girls that look like they're 10 years old.

On the other hand, I felt like a fucking old lady the whole time. Getting excited over gardening and cooking? What the hell is wrong with me?
8 TV 12
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7 TV 12
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Fruits Basket

Sickeningly sweet "reverse harem". I really shouldn't like this BECAUSE it's so disgustingly NICE, but I do.
8 TV 26
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Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu
I'm only watching one dumb short this season.

It's about a dude who likes reading yaoi. That premise alone makes it worth watching, even if it comes off as a little homophobic at times.
4 TV 12
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Fullmetal Alchemist
8 TV 51
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
One the best shounen series I've ever watched. Fantastic characters, fantastic action, great drama, and it didn't drag on past its prime (I'm looking at you, Bleach!).

By one tiny gripe is the ending. Without spoiling anything, it was a little predictable and tidy, leaving few loose ends. I tend to prefer slightly more open-ended endings. But again, a tiny complaint that is more a matter of preference.
9 TV 64
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Specials
9 Special 4
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium Collection
8 OVA 3
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Reflections
7 Special 1
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa

While I didn't find the movie to be especially great (it largely follows the pretty standard "shounen movie formula"), it provides important closure and a satisfying ending to Full Metal Alchemist. It's therefore a must watch for fans of the original series.
7 Movie 1
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Futari Ecchi
7 OVA 4
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7 TV 12
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9 TV 24
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This is...fine. But read the manga instead. It's fucking bonkers. The ending is.... divisive I guess, but it's batshit crazy the entire time and worth the watch, if only for how damn creative and unique it is. If you can stomach the violence and body horror anyway.

So yea, the anime is a good stomach test. If it's too much for you... then go watch something tamer... like Berserk. (Yes that's how fucked up this series is.)
7 TV 13
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Gantz 2nd Stage
Copy/paste from season 1: This is...fine. But read the manga instead. It's fucking bonkers. The ending is.... divisive I guess, but it's batshit crazy the entire time and worth the watch, if only for how damn creative and unique it is. If you can stomach the violence and body horror anyway.

So yea, the anime is a good stomach test. If it's too much for you... then go watch something tamer... like Berserk. (Yes that's how fucked up this series is.)

2nd series edit: The ending is anime original. I kind of appreciated what they were going for, but... meh. Give me that nutty nihilistic manga instead.
6 TV 13
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7 Movie 1
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Garo Movie: Divine Flame
7 Movie 1
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Garo: Honoo no Kokuin
Surprisingly good, especially if you're a sucker for a dark, "Berserkish" fantasy world like I am.

With this and Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis this season, I should learn not to doubt the MAPPA production team (they did Terror in Resonance last season), regardless of the strange adaptation sources: a card game for Bahamut, and a live action tokusatsu for Garo.

My main (only?) complaint (and everyone else's) is the use of CGI for the armor and fight scenes, which clash with clean and simple (and nice looking) character designs.

Episode 12 update: Dear Aldnoah.Zero, THIS is how you do a second season cliffhanger. NOT with killing off all the main characters with bullets and spectacle without rhyme or reason (only to bring them back next season, UGH). But with well established characters and surprising yet totally believable plot twists.

There have been a few missteps, like that weird werewolf episode thing, and more recently, the plague stuff (I wonder if the director was the same for both? too lazy to look it up). But overall, this show is a whole lot more thematically deep than 90% of the anime currently airing.
8 TV 24
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Gatchaman Crowds
8 TV 12
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Gatchaman Crowds Insight
9 TV 12
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

It actually made me laugh out load at parts, which is high praise for anime.

Fun for shoujo fans (it skewers shoujo tropes), and fun for shounen fans (it's not so high brow that Naruto fans can't appreciate it).

Great Opening
7 TV 12
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Gin no Saji
8 TV 11
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Gin no Saji 2nd Season
8 TV 11
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God Eater
Nice production values and.... that's about it. The story is an Attack on Titan ripoff. The characters are generic. The worldbuilding is meh.

It got a little better following its hiatus, but that's about all I can say about it. Those bracelets are comically large, and what's with that girl's underboob school uniform?
5 TV 13
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Gokukoku no Brynhildr

Elfin Lied was kind of a guilty pleasure for me, so I gave this a shot based on the same original creator. I liked the concept of girls with superpowers needing pills to stay alive. This not only added a quest element, but also made it poignant when the girls wanted to do simple things like attend high school or go to the beach. I disliked the whole harem aspect, even if the main male character wasn't completely dull (only mostly).

The ending was a rushed mess and the censorship was obnoxious. Don't make an anime with naked or melting women if you can't even show it. Besides, it's not even worth waiting on the Blu-Rays for.
5 TV 13
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Golden Boy
8 OVA 6
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Golden Time
I stuck with this series for a few reasons:

1) because Toradora! (same author)
2) college setting is refreshing (seriously, I'm getting too old for all this bullshit high school romance shit)
and 3) The female main character was legit obsessed/crazy, but she had self-awareness and wanted to improve herself. Both of those traits were kind of a first in anime I've watched. I hated Kaga Koko at first, but I was also intrigued.

So this series had it's ups and downs. There were legitimately funny episodes, but there were also kind of awful melodramatic episodes. The male main character's "forgotten past self" felt deliberately lame and obnoxious, designed so that I would cheer for the newer but still annoying college Tada Bandi.

Near the end of the series, the melodramatic episodes went over the top, but sadly, they resulted in me laughing at the situation rather than crying over it. The final episodes give a sort of satisfactory ending, but at the same time, I'm left with a vague feeling that this anime could have been SO MUCH BETTER.
6 TV 24
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7 TV 13
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Gravitation: Lyrics of Love
7 OVA 2
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Hacka Doll The Animation
This was actually better than I thought it would be. Kudos to Trigger for taking some bizarre "news app adaptation" and making it watchable.

1st episode introduced us to the hackadolls and let them poke fun at a closet fujoshi.

2nd episode became a parody of the idol culture in Japan, which would have hit home for someone who actually watched idol shows. As a boring American anime watcher, this was OK but not really my thing.

But then episode 3 came along and made an Evangelion parody! Like, of an entire EPISODE. Most of the laughs will be lost upon non-Eva watchers, if only because the series has been hashed and rehashed so much that at least the first scene could be taken completely unironically if one had not seen Eva before.

The rest of the series is a laundry list of specific and nonspecific parodies. Some of it misses the mark, some of it is great (I kid you not, there is a ROAD ROLLER reference). It's worth the 4 min per episode to see if the humor clicks with you or not.

Shorts generally get an easier grade than full length episodes, since they are not being judged on so many levels. Basically, I enjoyed this, so it gets an easy 7.
7 TV 13
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Hai to Gensou no Grimgar
Surprisingly realistic/thoughtful take on the "trapped in a fantasy world" genre. Lovely backgrounds and nice character designs.

Slow paced though, and not for everyone.

Hate the way that the camera constantly leers over Yume's ass. Completely tonally inconsistent with the rest of the show and distracting as hell. This is a prime example of shoehorning fanservice into an anime where it doesn't belong.
7 TV 12
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Hajimari no Boukensha-tachi: Legend of Crystania
7 Movie 1
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Watch it in the order the series was aired: Bake, Nise, Neko, 2nd series, Hana, Tsuki

Hanamonogatari takes places chronologically last in the series, and is centered on Suruga Kanbaru. I used to think Kanbaru was my least favorite character, but then I remembered Hachikuji and Nadeko existed (although the later was upgraded with the excellent ending of 2nd season). I also remembered that since the fire sisters weren't in this, that I wouldn't have to watch any creepy imouto fanservice like in Nise or Tsuki.

But I guess I still wasn't crazy about this arc. Maybe because it's a movie that I could watch all in one sitting? Because there was no looking forward to it each week? Because the story holds up pretty well. Maybe because it was hard to attach myself to newcomer Rouka Numachi? And Kanbaru herself seemed a little wishy-washy up until the end. Maybe it's because there weren't really any stakes in the game. Kanbaru lost her monkey arm and felt... ambivalent about it, when she could have just said "oh hey that's cool" and moved on. It was hard for me to understand her ennui.

I'm bitching a lot about Hana, but it's really quite well put together and a good stand alone story. I'll certainly take it over rewatching Nise or Tsuki. The production is Shaft... you know what you're getting at this point in the series.
7 TV Special 5
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Hataraku Maou-sama!
6 TV 13
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8 TV 13
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Hellsing Ultimate
8 OVA 10
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Heppoko Jikken Animation Excel♥Saga
8 TV 26
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Higashi no Eden
8 TV 11
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Higashi no Eden Movie I: The King of Eden
8 Movie 1
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Higashi no Eden Movie II: Paradise Lost
8 Movie 1
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Higashi no Eden: Air Communication
8 Movie 1
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Hitsugi no Chaika
Surprisingly good fantasy shounen series. If you're looking for something like this that is less goofy than Fairy Tail or Slayers, give this a shot. Chaika is a cute lead character without being overly in-your-face moe. Good, episodic pacing for much of the series, getting a little darker with the last few episodes.

Looking forward to season 2!
7 TV 12
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Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle
It's more Chaika, what can I say? It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's entertaining shounen fantasy. If you liked last season, this is more of the same.

My only major complaint is that the ending is incredibly rushed. It's an anime-original ending, so I expect that to some extent, but GEEZ, episode 10 really should have been expanded to AT LEAST two episodes. And this is coming from someone who frequently complains about anime episodes being stretched out TOO MUCH.

The "big final battle with the big bad guy" lasted all of one scene. And the "where are they all now" epilogue (smushed into the same final episode) was too brief and confusing as all hell, leaving more questions than answers. And not in a "we'll have a 3rd season" good way. But in a confusing, "that's it?" way.

Thank god the rest of the series is pretty damn solid and entertaining.
7 TV 10
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Hunter x Hunter
One of my favorite shounen series, partly because it's often brains and not brawn that wins fights in this series. Character designs and animation are meh, but the characters themselves are likable. Also has one of the best villains ever in creepy Hisoka.

Check out the 2011 remake. It starts off with flaws (the Hunter exam as a whole did not feel as clever and well-written), but gets better, has better animation, and does not get broken up into 3 separate OAVs at the end. It's also set to run further than this original series.
9 TV 62
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Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Great remake, and set to run longer than the original series (we will get to see the Chimera Ant Arc animated!).

I had some problems with this remake at first. The Hunter exam was rushed, and did not feel as clever and well-written, particularly the trick tower (the entire betting scenario made zero sense). Leorio was simply unwatchably annoying (I did not remember him being that bad in the original). The first ending theme is possibly the worst ending theme I have ever heard, and I'm still not a fan of the opening (the music of which has not changed over 90+ episodes so far).

With that said, things improve after the Hunter exam. The violence is less censored in this version. The animation and background music are superior. The fight scenes are vastly improved.

I've seen people complaining that the Greed Island arc is rushed in this remake. I don't feel that way. I like that the cards are all put on the screen for you to read them, and Greed Island rules and cards are reviewed in the "tutorial" at the end of each show. Also, it's not broken up into two separate OAVs like in the original series. I actually found the game much easier to follow this time around.

I can't wait until they get into new material. Even though the Chimera Ant arc was not my favorite in the manga (it starts off slow, but gets better), I'm happy to simply get new animation.

TL;DR: Hunter X Hunter is a lesser known but great shounen series from the creator of Yu Yu Hakusho. Fortunately this remake is getting the series more attention. Definitely worth watching if you enjoy intelligent, fast paced shounen.

CHIMERA ANT UPDATE:...So initially, the Chimera Ant manga arc was never my favorite. It started out as "OMG, look at these bad guys and how STRONG they are! Here are some unexpected deaths so you can see how DARK this is now!." Follow that up with a training arc, and now follow THAT up with an overbearing narration style when we finally get to the battles...and I was somewhat disappointed and nonplussed when reading the manga.

But the anime...OK, fine, I'll admit it now, it's fucking awesome. Now I see that I wasn't a fan of the manga not because it was bad, but primarily because of the ridiculously inconsistent artwork and release dates. Being able to watch it now, uninterrupted, in all its glory...people will complain about the "slow DBZ-like pacing" in some episodes, but in reality, this is so much better than DBZ could ever hope to be. Yea, I went there. There are like 20 good characters and like 4 different battles going on at any moment...and they are all compelling, for completely different reasons. Other shounens can only hope to be like HxH.

I'd like to emphasize here that battle in HxH often comes down to intelligence and cleverness rather than brute strength...and I absolutely love that about this series. It's what sets it apart from stuff like DBZ, Naruto, and Bleach.

EPISODE 144 EDIT: Fuck it, have a 10. I'm going to miss you, HxH.
10 TV 148
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Hunter x Hunter Movie 1: Phantom Rouge

I don't expect much from shounen original movie adaptions. All I really ask for is good fight scenes. But I didn't even get that here.

Part of what makes HxH so great is that battles are often won by intelligence and cleverness. But here? We have a lame villian who our heroes battle lamely.

The bad guy doesn't even seem to have any motivation for what he's doing either, so we're left wondering why he's being such a dick and stealing eyes. Yea, that's right, he steals eyes. Why? So he can put them into these dolls that he makes and it makes them more powerful. Duh. Why does he do that? I don't know either. There's nothing particularly interesting about this power either.

And like any in lame shounen original movie, we have weak cameo appearances from the supporting cast. In this case, it's some of the Phantom Troupe and everyone's favorite pedophile clown, Hisoka. But they don't really do much. They just show up and kill some stuff in completely dull and unoriginal ways. Their powers aren't even showcased well.

So then - lame spoiler alert - our heroes win against dull villain guy with this "power of friendship" bullshit. I'll accept that if I'm watching a guilty pleasure like Fairy Tail, but I expect more from HxH.
3 Movie 1
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Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island
One of my favorite shounen series, partly because it's often brains and not brawn that wins fights in this series. Character designs and animation are meh, but the characters themselves are likable. Also has one of the best villains ever in creepy Hisoka.

Check out the 2011 remake. It starts off with flaws (the Hunter exam as a whole did not feel as clever and well-written), but gets better, has better animation, and does not get broken up into 3 separate OAVs at the end. It's also set to run further than this original series.
8 OVA 8
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Hunter x Hunter: Greed Island Final
One of my favorite shounen series, partly because it's often brains and not brawn that wins fights in this series. Character designs and animation are meh, but the characters themselves are likable. Also has one of the best villains ever in creepy Hisoka.

Check out the 2011 remake. It starts off with flaws (the Hunter exam as a whole did not feel as clever and well-written), but gets better, has better animation, and does not get broken up into 3 separate OAVs at the end. It's also set to run further than this original series.
7 OVA 14
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Hunter x Hunter: Original Video Animation
One of my favorite shounen series, partly because it's often brains and not brawn that wins fights in this series. Character designs and animation are meh, but the characters themselves are likable. Also has one of the best villains ever in creepy Hisoka.

Check out the 2011 remake. It starts off with flaws (the Hunter exam as a whole did not feel as clever and well-written), but gets better, has better animation, and does not get broken up into 3 separate OAVs at the end. It's also set to run further than this original series.
8 OVA 8
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Cons: Yet another high school setting with unremarkable character designs and a suspiciously dull "slice-of-life" setup.

Pros: Everything else. I kind of like that the "mysteries" solved on a semi-episodic basis are so incredibly mundane. No murders, no ghosts, but instead "why is this library book checked out every week and returned on the same day" kind of mysteries. I shouldn't like it (I normally HATE mundane slice-of-life anime), and yet I do.

The main male character is entertaining in his "minimal energy expended" decisions. The main female character is a wonderful counterpoint. And I absolutely LOVE the surreal animation sequences that analogize (that's a word, right?) what is happening in the main character's head as he is forced to interact with her and others.

The ending is a bit...anti-climatic, but realistic.
8 TV 22
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Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa
Oh yay more Hyouka... oh wait it's a beach episode. Meh, I'll take it.
7 OVA 1
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Iketeru Futari
7 TV 16
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9 Movie 1
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Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

It made me laugh, and it's short, so I had no excuse not to finish it. Most yuri is just too innocent and "cutesy" to really hold my interest, but this is refreshingly perverted at times. The fact that it made me say something like "refreshingly perverted" shows that it's got something going for it anyway.
7 TV 12
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Isekai Quartet
6 TV 12
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Isekai Shokudou
5 TV 12
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Isshuukan Friends.
Sickeningly sweet series, but in a good way. Character designs and scenery are all gorgeous. The characters are all likable, and I like that. Their conflicts/misunderstandings are short, and resolved through a short talk, or one side realizing that they're being selfish and quickly apologizing. That's pretty refreshing for a high school anime.

Gets a little repetitive/meandering near the end though, but still worth finishing.
8 TV 12
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Jingai-san no Yome
6 TV 12
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)

I'm finding it hard to get into this anime; it's like the most manly anime ever on crack with a healthy dose of homoeroticism thrown in for good measure. Not that there's anything wrong with that...the problem is more that it can move really slowly and it has a tendency to overdo the drama, by, like, A LOT, to the point of ridiculousness. You can tell me "well, that's the point" which is fine, but, iit just isn't really entertaining to me. The first Part in particular is played FAR too straight for me to really appreciate.

Update: Dropped this series and then picked it back up, since I enjoyed the first episode of the new Stardust Crusaders and I was told that the 2nd arc of season 1 was much better than the first. So far, I agree. It also helps that the Blu-Rays are now available and have better animation and less censorship.

Update: Finally got through it all. Yea, the 2nd arc improved, and added more bizarreness, but it seems that I just simply prefer the bad-guy-of-the-week format of Stardust Crusaders. Also, there are also side characters that do more than die and/or shout "Jojo!" That really just drives me up a wall.
6 TV 26
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

I see some people complaining that this part is moving too slowly/episodically compared to Parts 1 & 2, but I am personally really enjoying this "monster of the week stuff" more than Part 2 and MUCH more than Part 1. I think that this is for two reasons:

1) There are more characters, and THEY GET TO DO THINGS! I've never really cared for shounen anime where it's always up to The Hero to save the day and everyone else is USELESS and/or dies. I like Jojo's emo tough guy thing. But I LOVE Grandpa Jojo's complaining and casual racism and "OH MY GOD!" exclamations. I LOVE Kakyoin's love of cherries and obsession with only wearing his school uniform. I LOVE Polnareff's flirting with everything that moves. I LOVE Avdol', I LIKE that he's essentially a USEFUL Speedwagon.

2) There's just more BIZARRENESS in this Part. (Disclaimer: I have not yet gotten to Part 2's PIRANHAS ATTACKING A FUCKING PLANE part, which is a big reason why I'm still trying to finish Season 1) The introduction of Stands has allowed the story to explore some completely strange people and abilities. The Stands are as diverse and unique as Nen abilities, so as a Hunter X Hunter fan, I'm loving it.

I know it's not as well written or subversive as HxH; in fact, Jojo is quite frankly written terribly at times. But the ass-pulls and even the toilet humor are done so unapologetically and enthusiastically that I just can't help but get caught up in it. Looking forward to the next cour!

8 TV 24
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders 2nd Season
I really think this series is watched best weekly, with alcohol, and with friends (if you have anime friends anyway... I am too old to have a lot of those unfortunately) .

More serious Jojo and less silly stuff from the 1st season. Although there is still silly stuff from time to time and it usually lands pretty well, whether it be deliberate or accidental (I'm thinking of some of quaintly homophobic scenes between Avdol and Joseph... we're supposed to laugh at the toilet humor, but instead I laughed at the cringiness).

But really, the battles. You remember Jojos by their battles, and this 2nd season has some classics. Darby has to be my favorite, both for the bad guy and Jotaro.

Dio still made me laugh with ROAD ROLLER even though I knew it was coming.
- TV 24
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
Best season of Jojo thus far. Wonderful art design, colors, and imaginative direction really stretch the budget of this show far better than Part 3 did.

Increased bizarreness, some serious Stand creativity, actual likable characters, and humor that doesn't involve toilets? Yes, we have all that here. Yep, the plot is pretty thread bare (Stand users fight each other... that's it... that's actually the plot of EVERY Jojo), but it's all in the execution.

This is easily the series that I currently look forward too the most on a weekly basis.
9 TV 39
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze
7 TV 39
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Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu
8 TV 26
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Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu Deluxe
8 OVA 6
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Jungle wa Itsumo Hare nochi Guu Final
8 OVA 7
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Junjou Romantica
Total guilty pleasure.
7 TV 12
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Junjou Romantica 2
7 TV 12
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Junjou Romantica 3
The sexy scenes have been toned down a whole bunch since the first season. Booooooo. Let me enjoy my guilty pleasure smut!
5 TV 12
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Junjou Romantica OVA
7 OVA 2
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Junketsu no Maria
Pretty great so far. Maria vs. the Catholic Church is a great cinflict that exposes weaknesses on both sides.

What made this series stand out initially were its bawdy jokes that at first come off as attempts at "look at me, I'm an adult manga/anime!" But following episodes show that this series IS actually about (well, at least partially about) the adult humor.

Despite the titular character, this series actually doesn't shy away from sex or discussion about sex. It's ridiculously refreshing, even if it's just played for humor.

I felt it dragged at bit near the end. Maybe because it was just trying to be too smart for it's own good, and I was left wanting just a little more perverted owl humor to break up the seriousness.
7 TV 12
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Juubee Ninpuuchou
6 Movie 1
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Kamisama Hajimemashita

A supernatural shoujo series that could also possibly be considered a "reverse harem" anime. And shockingly, it's not complete crap!

Yes, the main female lead (Nanami) needs to be rescued by the tsundere male lead (Tomoe) time after time, which is a genre staple, and often a big snooze-fest for me. But here it seems to work alright because the plot setup where she is a normal human dumped into a world of gods and demons makes it seem perfectly reasonable. It's not because SHE'S JUST A GIRL. It's because Nanami is an ordinary human who is brand new to all this god stuff. And she actually IS pretty brave, if somewhat stupid and headstrong. Too many shoujo leads are just doormats of blandness. Nanami is actually pretty likable.

Meanwhile, Tomoe has just the right amount of "bad boy" in him. Too much and he's just a big jerk. Too little and it makes for a boring coupling. Although the "tsundere" archetype label is normally reserved for women, it's a very apt term to use here for Tomoe.

And the supporting characters are all perfectly interesting and entertaining enough to keep you smiling as each one is introduced.

7 TV 13
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Kamisama Hajimemashita OVA

It's mostly empty calories, but it fills my supernatural reverse harem craving.
6 OVA 2
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Kamisama Hajimemashita◎

It's mostly empty calories, but it fills my supernatural reverse harem craving.
6 TV 12
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Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
The premise for this is great: it's sort of like a zombie apocalypse in that the dead come back to life. But the twist is that the dead come back as perfectly normal people...for a while, and then slowly turn evil/twisted. So you need these special people called Gravekeepers that can give the dead a proper burial so that they can rest in peace.

Oh, and also, no one grows old, but no one can have children anymore either.

Oh, and one more thing: your deepest wish can miraculously come true in this world. Because why not?

Now given all this unique setup, you would think that you'd have the makings of something great here. And there are hints of it, for example, there is a city that the MC (who is a Gravekeeper) visits that's become a refuge for the living dead. The whole series could have explored multiple themes within that place alone. But it doesn't.

Instead, somehow this series managed to turn into something completely bland by shoving a high school plot/setting into all this. TWICE.

Wasted potential.
6 TV 12
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Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
9 TV 26
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10 TV 12
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Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä
9 Movie 1
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Kekkai Sensen

Trailer and first episode really calls back feelings of Baccano! (large cast, non-linear storytelling) and Cowboy Bebop (killer soundtrack, futuristic vignette-style stories). Maybe Gintama also (aliens among us). Subsequent episodes are linear and easier to following, if that put you off of the 1st episode.

The overarching story with Black and White is anime original, and is interspersed with manga-canon vignettes. It generally holds up well, although it occasionally leads to some series tonal whiplash when the show suddenly decides to switch from one to the other halfway through the episode.

The direction is fantastic. Rie Matsumoto, who also directed Kyousou Giga (which is also awesome and you should watch it), frankly puts the manga to shame when bringing the city and series to life. I imagine she also had a hand in focusing on the strong family theme added in the anime original plot, as Kyousou Giga deals strongly with family ties as well.
9 TV 12
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I am halfway through and don't know what to think yet.

I do like the "us vs. the unknown" theme, but that's been done SO many times before that this needs SOMETHING in order to make it stand out from the rest. So far, that "something" is the animation and direction style, but not much else. It's also mixed with the classical "Romeo & Juliet" theme to give it a little bit of flavor, but honestly Romeo frankly kind of comes off as a shallow dick with no sense of duty or honor.

While I don't HATE this series so far, but it's not really resonating with me yet either. I love the direction style, but there are some complaints I have about the series that really drag it down:

1) the main character and his apparent lack of feelings (other than sexual) towards anyone/anything.

2) Censoring and what can only be described as messy/lazy animation. Like, to the point where I can't tell what's going on. There are even a few sequences who I can't even distinguish character designs. "Is that the same person from back then...yes, no? I can't tell!" And you would think that this would NOT be a problem given the wide variety of character sizes and shapes (not to mention the director's pedigree for just generally making up creatively animated shit)... but it is.

3) There are exactly two major women characters in this series. Neither one of them has good characterization. They exist to either 1) be selfish in order to advance the plot or 2) be helpless/captured in order to advance the plot. Otherwise, they are there to provide your standard love interest(s). Even if one of those love interests happens to be a flesh eating monster. It's just lazy storytelling.

(EDIT: Having finished the series, I would extend the above complaint to nearly ALL the secondary characters, men and women alike. And the villain... ugh.)

So let's give an example re: the big bad villain. Without spoilers, there were a few particular scenes were the villain sticks some dismembered hands down his pants as some kind of sexual "joke". Now I don't really consider myself a prude, and I DO believe that in a more nutty Gainax- or Trigger-like anime, this "gag" could have worked. But here, the surrounding plot was being played pretty much straight up, even borderline tragic. So it came off as COMPLETELY out of place, tonally in-congruent, and just in poor taste. This "joke" was also dragged out over multiple episodes.

It didn't even really work to make the villain seem more "evil"... simply more ridiculous. But the problem is that the bad guy is already about as cartoonish and comic-book-like evil as you can get (and actually that's kind of an insult to comic book villains). Which makes it all the worse is that the poorly-written supporting characters largely just DON'T SEE what a gigantic asshole he is.

The final episode was a huge visual treat, but not much else. The events that led up to it consisted primarily of characters making obviously poor decisions, but without spending time to make me CARE about their bad decisions, nor the tragedies that they could lead to.
5 TV 13
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Kenpuu Denki Berserk
It's ostensibly a dark seinen action/fantasy series, but it works as a horror series as well. Reminds me vaguely of Game of Thrones in that the good guys often lose, and people you think are safe die when you least expect it. The difference is that George R. R. Martin writes women far better. Casca is supposed to be an extremely strong woman, but she's consistently reduced to a damsel in distress that requires protecting. She's a plot element, not a human. That does doubly true following the end of the anime, for those who want to read the manga.
9 TV 25
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Kill la Kill
It works well as eye candy, with fantastic direction and animation. But looking for any deeper meaning will leave you disappointed.

Even as far as enjoyment factor goes, there were probably at least 4 other series I looked forward to each week before KLK.

I'll admit that the fanservice bothered me, even though it TRIED to dress itself up as something more. At least it was mostly gender neutral, with plenty of male service to balance out the female service (yay equality...I guess...). But in the end, it was skimpy (or no) clothing for the sake of skimpy clothing, which I feel is just lazy writing.

Maybe if this were only 13 episodes, the plot could have been tightened up, and the themes more coherent. But instead, I found the MC annoying, and the villain(s) no more than evil caricatures.

TL;DR: It was entertaining, but i was left wanting more depth.
6 TV 24
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Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season: Minitodo Gekijou
- Special 3
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Kimi ni Todoke: Kataomoi
- TV Special 1
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Kimi no Na wa.
8 Movie 1
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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
So far, the best adaptation of the season. And no harem bullshit or fanservice. I'm not surprised in the slightest, since the original manga was great and Madhouse is fantastic at producing non-filler, true-to-the-original adaptations.

UPDATE: I had to downgrade the score from a 9 to an 8, mainly because I forgot how badly the manga dragged in the second half. The fact that this is such a faithful adaptation actually detracts from Parasyte in the later bits. The stuff with Kana, the environmental preachiness, and oh dear god that final episode was so unnecessary and nearly unwatchable after the first few minutes.

There is still plenty to like, especially in the first half. And if you watched that, you're likely going to finish the series. It has its moments, but this is not the masterpiece that I remembered it was going into it.
8 TV 24
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This show could have been a lot better than what it ended up being, but I'm kind of a sucker for emotional teens dealing with their feelings.
7 TV 12
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Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu-hen
9 Movie 1
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Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu-hen
9 Movie 1
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Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
8 TV 13
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Kodomo no Omocha
8 OVA 1
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
So this trapped in an MMO fantasy world entry reminds me of Slayers more than anything else with it's quicky characters and low production values. Except... it's a lot more Light Novel than Slayers (and yes, I understand that Slayers itself was originally a light novel). There's way more boob and panty and pervert jokes, and I can't say I enjoy it. It's fine that the characters are largely mean-spirited assholes, but I can only take so many panty jokes in any given anime season. Dark's character is the worst: she is completely, 100% one-note, and to top it off she doesn't even seem all that useful to the group.

I watched it for the brief glimpses of legitimate humor, but overall was left disappointed.
5 TV 10
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
8 TV 10
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Kind of disappointing near the end, but the first half was a good blend of sadness and comedy.
6 TV 12
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Koukaku Kidoutai
9 Movie 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai 2.0
9 Movie 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain
7 Movie 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
10 TV 26
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society
10 TV Special 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi

No rating for these because they're just fun little shorts focusing on the Tachikomas. Total tonal disconnect from the actual series, but might be cute/entertaining if you love the Tachikomas like I do.
- Special 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society 3D - Tachikoma na Hibi

No rating for these because they're just fun little shorts focusing on the Tachikomas. Total tonal disconnect from the actual series, but might be cute/entertaining if you love the Tachikomas like I do.
- Special 3
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Tachikoma na Hibi (TV)

No rating for these because they're just fun little shorts focusing on the Tachikomas. Total tonal disconnect from the actual series, but might be cute/entertaining if you love the Tachikomas like I do.
- TV 12
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
10 TV 26
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Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Hey, let's talk about that scene in episode 1! You know, the stupid one where MC-kun stops a virus through auto-erotic asphyxiation!

It's kind of a big problem in zombie fiction. Because we're willing to believe zombies exist, yet many works attempt to give some scientific basis for zombieism. The problem is that usually get it horribly wrong.

Parasyte worked with the arm tourniquet thing because it had already done a good job of establishing that 1) these are visible macroorganisms that can be physically block and 2) They need to get to a brain STAT or they fail. Thus, the tourniquet made sense. Here, it's laughable to think a virus would be stopped by such means. Also laughable that it apparently infects at the rate of diffusion (if not faster).

Yea, it may come out later that the "zombie virus" here is actually magic or aliens or some crap. But if this were the case, why bother with the virus. Oh right, so Mr. Protagonist could get his character design upgraded to Moar Steampunk.

I saw some post on reddit the other day where some smartass went into an in depth analysis of that scene and the "science" behind it, while pretty much ignoring that viruses just don't work that way and also ignoring that we are all DAMN sure that the writer had not thought for one second about scientific accuracy.

Sorry for the rant. I'm a scientist so most zombie stuff is just ruined for me when they do this kind of stuff. Part of the problem is that zombies just don't jive with any sort of known science (at least for "Romero zombies" anyway). Show me a fan theory on how real life zombies could be plausible and I'll show you what's wrong with it. So for me, it's much better if it just remains unexplained and unexplored.
4 TV 12
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Kurenai no Buta
8 Movie 1
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Kuzu no Honkai
9 TV 12
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Kyousou Giga
7 ONA 1
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Kyousou Giga (2012)
8 ONA 5
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Kyousou Giga (TV)
This is what Kill La Kill could have been.
10 TV 10
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Kyousou Giga (TV) Recaps
5 TV Special 2
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Kyuuketsuhime Miyu
7 OVA 4
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Legend of Basara
8 TV 13
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Legend of Crystania
6 OVA 3
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Lodoss-tou Senki

I openly admit that my nostalgia for this series has inflated its rating.

Pros: I still love the unique character designs and the epicness of the whole thing. The music fits perfectly with everything.

Cons: There's little to no character development, several battle animations are blatantly reused, and the plot is pretty standard D&D fare, complete with a "rescue the girl from the evil wizard trying to conquer the world" climax.
9 OVA 13
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Lodoss-tou Senki: Eiyuu Kishi Den
It gets a 6 based on the gorgeous opening alone. If only the rest of it were that good.

This series has none of the strengths of the original OAV, but suffers from all of the same flaws: undeveloped characters and a dull plot, complete with a trite "rescue the girl from the evil wizard trying to conquer the world" climax. AGAIN. But this time, everything is stretched out for 27 mind-numbing episodes. I'll be honest...I'm pretty sure that I skipped some of it. But it was so unmemorable, I can't even recall the parts that I DIDN'T skip.

There is also a disturbing lack of Ashram in this series.
6 TV 27
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Log Horizon
The best "trapped in an MMORPG" anime ever, although granted, the competition is lacking. It is NOT an SAO clone. It's focused more on strategy, world-building, and politics.
8 TV 25
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Log Horizon 2nd Season

More Log Horizon! More DATABASE DATABASE!

New production company this time around: the much maligned (perhaps unjustly?) Studio DEEN. Some have complained that the animation has had a sharp drop with the new company. I think that they are imagining things. Keep in mind that the animation in the first season wasn't anything to write home about either. Log Horizon actually fits well with DEEN. There is no gore to censor (Pupa), the material is not ridiculously compressed (FSN: Unlimited Blade Works), and the battles do not have to be incredibly realistic (Fate Stay Night). Log Horizon is exactly the kind of show that DEEN can do well with.

And it's off to a good start so far. My main concern though is that apparently this is a 2-cour series that will adapt only about 2 or 3 light novels worth of material. Season 1 covered about twice that. That means that filler or poor pacing are legitimate fears.

Thus far however, Log Horizon is still Log Horizon. Problems and solutions still stem from well-realized MMORPG elements. This is still an anime about a MMORPG and the people trapped within. Contrast this to Sword Art Online, which is simply a power fantasy in an MMORPG setting.

End of series thoughts: So yea, the pacing was kind of an issue, where we got entire episodes of the cast just dicking around and being cute. And that stuff with the aliens near the end felt like a bit of an uncreative asspull (I expect better plot twists in my Log Horizon!). But there were also a lot of highlights, like our visit to the China server and William Massachusetts' impassioned speech on gaming. Overall, I really enjoyed the second season, and I'm going to miss it a lot.

8 TV 25
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Love Hina
7 TV 24
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Love Hina Again
4 OVA 3
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Love Hina Christmas Special: Silent Eve
6 TV Special 1
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Love Hina Final Selection
7 OVA 1
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Love Hina Haru Special: Kimi Sakura Chiru Nakare!!
6 TV Special 1
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Love Hina: Motoko no Sentaku, Koi ka Ken... "Naku na"
7 Special 1
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Love Stage!!

I was really hoping that Love Stage would avoid a lot of the standard yaoi/shounen ai tropes that drag the "genre" down. But it doesn't. And it doesn't even seem really self-aware.

It seems as though Japan is just too immature to portray a normalish love story between two dudes. You apparently can't "just be gay" in need to be raped or almost be raped in order to realize it. OR the other acceptable option is that you've fallen in love during your childhood with someone that you think is the opposite sex but really isn't. Because apparently being gay any other way isn't "innocent" and is therefore somehow dirty. I wouldn't bitch so much about this particular scenario except for the fact that it litters yaoi plots to the point that yaoi=rape has become a trope.

And yet this is coming from a country that regularly releases animation depicting women being raped by tentacle monsters. ( Seriously Japan, WTF?)

In any case, I'm still watching this in a "50 Shades of Grey" kind of way: namely, how horrible/abusive of a relationship can you portray, and yet STILL have fans eat it up as though it were a totally healthy romance? I dunno. So let's find out.

But at least there are cute guys in it. They are apparently so cute that you just can't HELP yourself but to try to rape them.

Oh, and let's talk about censorship. I get it Japan: you gotta censor the sexy stuff, even if this were a straight couple. The US is no stranger to prudish TV rules either. But the "blue cloud of yaoiness" is just too much. To explain: instead of just animating the guys and simply not showing any naughty bits during the scene (Junjou Romantica did this pretty well), there was some decision that one guy must be colored all in blue, and without the entire body animated. You kind of have to watch it to understand. It's just.......incredibly distracting. As much as I dislike the "inexplicable steam or the black shadows of censorship" in today's TV anime, it would have been preferable to this bizarre smurf on human stuff.

Finished watching EDIT: Take away the sexual assault(s), and maybe the stalking too, and this is ACTUALLY a pretty sweet love story. It has its pacing issues (like a half-recap episode in a 10 episode series), but its main couple is really likable. Except for the sexual assault. Which I just can't seem to get past. Yea, sorry. It's just that it KILLED any sense of possible romantic relationship for me. Maybe with a long running manga I could eventually forget it happened, but not in a 10 episode anime adaption.
5 TV 10
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8 TV 24
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Lupin III (2015)
Highly watchable, entertaining entry to the Lupin series. Great animation, lots of fun.
8 TV 24
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Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro
10 Movie 1
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Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna
I'm a fairly average Lupin watcher; that is, I've watched the required Castle of Cagliostro and I'm familiar with Lupin's pedigree as a famous thief and womanizer. I've watched a little of the TV series (1st, 2nd, AND 3rd), but the productions were always too dated to suck me in (so sue me). I HAVE managed to watch several movies, OAVs, and TV specials though, and with their better production values, they tend to be pretty entertaining, although most of them do tend to follow a fairly rigid, formulaic trend (either that or or they are just batshit crazy).

But what else can you do with such an established franchise and characters?

It's like writing a comic story, a la X-Men or Superman, with their VERY LONG AND DETAILED backgrounds, where fans will CRUCIFY you for getting anything wrong within your storytelling. SO, your options are to either continue within this already established, rigid continuity, without trying to rock the boat...

OR you can do a "reboot" of sorts, which will give you a lot more creative freedom. This series is of the latter persuasion, although it does adhere fairly faithfully to established character traits.

I gave this series a shot because the artwork seemed very incongruent to the rest of the franchise (in a good way!), and the opening completely hooked me as a character study to the largely one-dimensional Fujiko Mine.

What has followed thus far has been a study in film noir, particularly Jigen's episode.

Here, Fujiko not simply a rival thief, added for plot device and boobs. Here, she instead seems to be a true inspiration to Lupin, a rival and seductress that will "relieve his boredom". But what's the story with Mine Fujiko herself? The show starts out with some obligatory, episodic bits, which depict initial introductions and interactions (canon? non-canon? who knows) between Fujiko and the main cast of Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, and and Zenegata. Those bits were certainly good enough to keep me hooked (although I will say that Goemon's episode seemed the somewhat out-of-character for BOTH himself and Fujiko).

The plot which follows leans more towards the "batshit insane" spectrum of the Lupin franchise, with enough plot twists and WTFs that you will never, ever figure out exactly what's going on until the last episode. Lovers of a good, well plotted mystery will hate that aspect of the show. But if you come at it as a feminist character study of an abuse survivor, it holds up nicely. It's the deepest Lupin material that I've seen anyway.

And did I mention that it looks really, really pretty?

9 TV 13
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Made in Abyss
10 TV 13
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Magi: The Kingdom of Magic
Season two follows the manga again (season 1 veered away near the end), and I would dare say that season 2 is better than 1. Satisfyingly large scale combat at the end with every character you can think of showing up and kicking ass.

It's not as original as Hunter X Hunter, and it's not as well-executed as Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, but it was the best shounen of Winter 2014 (not counting HxH, because that's not even fair). Solid.
8 TV 25
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
6 TV 25
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
9 TV 12
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari
8 Movie 1
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari
8 Movie 1
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Mahoutsukai no Yome
9 TV 24
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Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito
9 OVA 3
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Makeruna!! Aku no Gundan!
5 TV 12
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Mardock Scramble: The First Compression
8 Movie 1
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Mardock Scramble: The Second Combustion
8 Movie 1
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Mardock Scramble: The Third Exhaust
8 Movie 1
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Mawaru Penguindrum
Same creator/director as Utena. Do I need to say more? OK, fine: this is more accessible and less episodic than Utena. You have no excuse not to watch it.

Alright, maybe if you're a 14 year old boy who watches anime for the blood and boobs, you can hate this. But if you're college level and STILL dislike this, then go take a course in literature or something. Something that will help you appreciate the themes presented here and the ridiculous levels of symbolism.

Even if you can't wade through all of the symbols and metaphors here (I'll admit it, that includes myself), maybe you can at least appreciate the "Child Broiler" as a strong image symbolizing child abuse/neglect.
10 TV 24
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I'm giving this series an 8 because I thoroughly enjoyed it. I appreciated that it ended up being nothing like I expected, especially coming from the director of Another.
8 TV 12
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Mekakucity Actors

I really want to like this. The Shaft is cranked up to 11 though, and that is actually not always a good thing for this particular series. The episode length actually feels detrimental, and the conversations are dragged out forever. This works in Monogatari, where the pre-existing dialog is compelling or at least witty, but not here. Likewise, the rather large cast of characters doesn't fit with the heavy dialog. Baccano! showed that it's possible to handle a lot of characters with non-linear storytelling and have it be entertaining. But you honestly need some action and plot progression in order to do it. A ridiculous amount of dialog is just going to drag it down.

I've only seen a handful of the original music videos, but every one of them told a more compelling story, in a shorter time frame, and with much more emotion. Yes, the story is finally starting to make more sense now that we've had some "reveal" episodes with 8-10. But they're revealing stuff about characters that I don't even really care about yet.

But, I'm already far enough in that I'm not going to drop it. I like the scenes where they add in the insert songs. I like the fairy tale gone bad background story (maybe they should have just opened episode 1 with the whole thing as a "prologue" story). I just wish that this was a series that I looked forward to every week, but it's not.
6 TV 12
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Mirai Nikki
8 OVA 1
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Mirai Nikki (TV)
8 TV 26
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Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi
7 TV 6
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Mob Psycho 100
Same creator of One Punch Man, but very different. This series actually seems to have character development in it. The visuals don't knock it out of the park like OPM did, but the animation is creatively directed, colorful, and trippy. Quite enjoyable thus far, even if the jokes kind of suck and often linger too long (much the same as in OPM).
7 TV 12
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Momoiro Sisters
8 TV 23
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Monogatari Series: Second Season
Watch it in the order the series was aired: Bake, Nise, Neko, 2nd series, Hana, Tsuki

You don't need me to sell this to you if you've already seen the previous series, so I'll just expound on the bits that I found different/awesome:

1) Second Season took my least favorite characters (Mayoi and Nadeko) and made them into two of my favorites.

2) The titles of the arcs do not necessarily correspond with who the "main character" turns out to be, which gives a nice sense of unpredictability to this series.

3) I really, really loved the OP to the last arc of the series (Hitagi End). While the sound didn't catch me (yes, we'll say I just have bad taste, it's OK), the visuals were the most clever concept for an anime OP that I've seen maybe ever.

4) Kaiki Deishu is best girl, regardless of chromosomal composition.
9 TV 26
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10 TV 74
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Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
If only my other currently airing guilty pleasure (Junjou Romantica 3) were this smutty.
- TV 12
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Mousou Dairinin
10 TV 13
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Mugen no Juunin
Decently faithful adaptation of the manga. Only complaints are censoring and no second season.
7 TV 13
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9 TV 26
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Mushishi Zoku Shou
9 TV 10
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Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season
It's more Mushishi. Go watch it now.
9 TV 10
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Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi

What do you want? It's more Mushishi. This one is a little darker than others, but it's also a "slow-burner". That is, it takes a while for you to understand the real horror behind what's going on.
9 TV Special 1
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Mushishi: Hihamukage
9 TV Special 1
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Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san
Surprisingly funny 15 minute episodes, with a killer OP.
6 TV 13
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Nanatsu no Taizai

Formulaic fantasy shounen, but more fun than it has any right to be, mainly because 1) it's fast paced and 2) the "heroes" are all so ludicrously overpowered that ANY fight scene is a visual treat.

At this point The Deadly Sins are still mostly one-note characters. However, the fact that they all bounce off each other pretty well makes up for this, since the anime is still early on in what is currently a long running manga series. The scenes I look forward to most (not counting the overpowered spectacles, which are the best) are the ones where the Sins are just fucking with each other over dinner and booze.

Side note that I felt like commenting on: there is actually a surprising amount of uncensored blood in this as well, which feels a little in-congruent with the oldish style character designs that are more reminiscent of Dragon Ball / Dragon Quest than anything more recent. But, it DOES kinda work with the "ridiculously overpowered" theme. Characters can be BEHEADED and/or DISINTEGRATED FROM THE WAIST UP... and yet they are somehow OK afterwards. And this isn't really a spoiler since it happens fairly goddamn often (particularly for one "immortal" character).

So, it's not really a series for kids, even though the simplistic shounen battle plot may suggest otherwise. And that's not counting the copious amounts of fanservice. Which is played primarily for humor and mostly not in a leery creepy sort of way, but copious and largely gratuitous nonetheless.

8 TV 24
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5 TV 220
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Naruto Movie 1: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo!
4 Movie 1
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Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo!
5 Movie 1
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Naruto Movie 3: Dai Koufun! Mikazuki Jima no Animaru Panic Dattebayo!
5 Movie 1
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Naruto Narutimate Hero 3: Tsuini Gekitotsu! Jounin vs. Genin!! Musabetsu Dairansen Taikai Kaisai!!
5 OVA 1
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Naruto Soyokazeden Movie: Naruto to Mashin to Mitsu no Onegai Dattebayo!!
5 Movie 1
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Naruto x UT
4 OVA 1
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Naruto: Akaki Yotsuba no Clover wo Sagase
4 Special 1
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Naruto: Dai Katsugeki!! Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo! - Konoha no Sato no Dai Undoukai
4 Special 1
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Naruto: Honoo no Chuunin Shiken! Naruto vs. Konohamaru!!
4 Movie 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden - Shippuu! "Konoha Gakuen" Den
7 Special 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 1
5 Movie 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 2 - Kizuna
5 Movie 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 3 - Hi no Ishi wo Tsugu Mono
5 Movie 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 4 - The Lost Tower
5 Movie 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 5 - Blood Prison
5 Movie 1
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Naruto: Shippuuden Movie 6 - Road to Ninja
5 Movie 1
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Naruto: Takigakure no Shitou - Ore ga Eiyuu Dattebayo!
4 Special 1
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Naruto: The Cross Roads
5 Special 1
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Natsume Yuujinchou
8 TV 13
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Natsume Yuujinchou Go Specials
8 Special 2
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Natsume Yuujinchou Roku
8 TV 11
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Natsume Yuujinchou San
I gave this season a lower score than the first two seasons not because it's any worse, but simply because it's more of the same and nothing really changes over the course of the series. We get a couple new characters, and new interactions with existing characters, but that's really about it. While the episodes avoid being completely formulaic and predictable, they are still starting to feel a little repetitive.

It still remains a very watchable title, I'm just not as into it after 3 seasons of the same.
7 TV 13
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Natsume Yuujinchou Shi
7 TV 13
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Nekomonogatari: Kuro

Not the best monogatari (that would go to 2nd season), nor the worst (nise). It serves the important purpose of filling in background between Araragi and Hanekawa, and yet it also consists largely of Black Hanekawa running around in her underwear.
7 TV Special 4
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Watch it in the order the series was aired: Bake, Nise, Neko, 2nd series, Hana, Tsuki

I'll parrot the majority of Monogatari fans here and agree that this is the weakest of the series. My problems mainly include the excessive fanservice and the imouto harem stuff. But additionally, I felt that the pacing of the first arc (Karen Bee) was quite slow.

In general, I will agree with the general consensus that the fanservice in the Monogatari series is usually well done and relevant to the plot. I did not always think that was the case here however. A lot of shit was just completely unnecessary. WHY exactly do the two sisters sleep cuddled together NAKED? Come the fuck on.

But there were a few highlights from this series that make it worth watching. Here we get the introduction of Kaiki Deishu, who is simply a fantastic character (you will see this in Monogatari: 2nd Season). We also get the infamous "toothbrush scene", which is worth watching just so that you'll get the references that people make to it on the internets. Although honestly the scene is made uncomfortably creepy (and difficult for me to watch) because it involves the main character and HIS LITTLE SISTER. Seriously, goddammit Japan.
7 TV 11
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Nobunaga no Shinobi
7 TV 26
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I watched this a long time ago, but the things that stuck with me were:

1) The fantastic soundtrack (Yuki Kajiura yes please)

2) The repetitiveness of the show. The main character (I forget her name, so I'll just call her "Blondie") is constantly getting into some kind of spy fight with dudes in suits, and is rescued at the last minute by (I forget her name too) black haired Rei Ayanami.

3) There's no blood in any of these fights. Like, I remember there was one episode with a KNIFE FIGHT and there was no blood.

Given my poor recollection of this show, it clearly wasn't terribly memorable, but it was pretty stylish, and I'm pretty sure it would have been better if it were only 13 episodes.
6 TV 26
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So I'll call this the second best shounen of Winter 2014, with first place going to Magi Season 2. And with the caveat that Hunter X Hunter 2011 isn't even in the same competition, because it's not even fair due to how awesome it is.

With all that said, I enjoyed this far more than I thought I would. I liked the characters, I liked the male main character (and loved the familiar voice actor), and I liked the female main character too. Although Hiyori wasn't terribly fleshed out, she was very likable, and I loved that she actually *helped out* and didn't need to be "rescued" for an entire season (I'm ignoring the last few episodes because they were anime only...and yet they were still not awful).

Yukine (the 3rd main character and the blond kid in the intro) was an annoying dipshit teenager for much of the series, which will probably annoy a lot of people, but his character eventually develops. His story arc is annoying, yes, but ends in a very satisfying, emotional way. It makes the rest of it worth sitting through for the payoff (for me at friend just wanted him dead, but my friend also lists Sword Art Online as his favorite anime ever, so take what you will from that).
7 TV 12
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Noragami Aragoto
If you couldn't stand whiny Yukine, and barely made it through the first season, and are questioning whether or not to watch this... watch this. It surpasses the first season in almost every way.
9 TV 13
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Noragami OVA
More light-hearted, stand alone stories than the main series. The first OAV can be watched after the end of the 1st season. But really, you can kind of watch it at any point once you get a feeling for Hiyori and her (sometimes antagonistic) relationship with Yato.

The second OAV takes place after the first arc in the 2nd season, so watch that first. In this case, you shouldn't watch it earlier, because it will likely be confusing due to the multitude of characters involved and the changing status of their relationships.
8 OVA 2
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6 TV 26
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Oh! Edo Rocket

Watched this one a while ago. Very memorable, somewhat cartoony character designs (reminds me of Katanagatari), less memorable main characters. I remember that the villains in this series are great. This series maybe could have benefited from a 13 episode run instead of 26 episodes, since I recall the pacing was a little slow.
7 TV 26
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Ojisan to Marshmallow
A silly little anime short about a fat guy who likes marshmallows, and a women who attempts to seduce him with said marshmallows.

Bonus points for it actually being about adults and not goddamn high school students. Any series not set in a high school automatically gets bonus points from me.
6 TV 12
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Omishi Mahou Gekijou: Risky★Safety
7 TV 24
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One Punch Man
Fantastic animation, great fight scenes. Slim plot and characters though.
7 TV 12
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Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

Shoujo with an asshole male lead tends to be a trend these days. I suppose healthy relationships just aren't all that fun to watch?

This one is a little different in that the female lead is a lying twat herself, so you can't help but think yea maybe these two would be good for making each other miserable.

But as the series progresses, it falls into more a more comfortable shoujo route. The asshole guy slowly comes around and softens up a bit. The girl pretty much immediately stops her lying problem (which is kind of a shame, because it actually gave her a personality), and the rest of the series you're routing for her to grow a spine and stand up for herself against asshole guy, which she eventually does.

It becomes less cringey to watch while at the same time making it more dull.

Well, shit, I guess watching unhealthy relationships really IS more entertaining.

No wait, I forgot. Ore Monogatari, with its perfectly functional relationships, exists and is amazing. Go watch that instead.
5 TV 12
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Ookami to Koushinryou
Almost quit this at the first episode because of the cringey light novel setup: mystery girl suddenly appears (naked of course) in front of our bland everyman lead.

It gets so much better.

There's a reason fans consider this one of the best anime couplings ever.
8 TV 13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II
8 TV 12
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Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu
Just wish there were more of these...
7 OVA 1
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Angsty teen drama? Yea, that's one of my weaknesses.

Naho can be pretty infuriating with her reluctance to speak up, but, the show sells it realistically enough that I'm not slamming my head into my desk.
7 TV 13
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Ore Monogatari!!
Finally, a shoujo that I can recommend to almost anything without reservation! Even "pfft, girl stuff" guys can get into Ore Monogatari, with its massive, scary-looking-but-big-hearted lead. Meanwhile, there are enough sparkles and flowers and squee-moments for even the most girly of girls.

Score would be higher, except that this series is largely just sweet, sweet candy. It pulls many nice subversions of the shoujo genre (the couple hook up pretty early, everyone is generally pretty reasonable, misunderstandings are not drawn out forever, etc), but ultimately this is just a feel-good watch. Any in-depth social commentary really ends at a few unexpected gender reversals and simply having some very likable, progressive (for anime at least) characters.
8 TV 24
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Oruchuban Ebichu

Lesser known Gainax series, made back when Gainex was still amazing (Evangelion, Karekano, FLCL...), and I would have watched absolutely ANYTHING made by them.

It's a comedy series based on a 4-koma (4 panel joke/gag) manga. It's about a perverted, talking hamster. I guess if I had to pick a genre, then I would call it a perverted slice of life comedy?

...Just fucking watch the first episode and you'll know if you like or hate it.
8 TV 24
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Oshiete! Galko-chan
Most people thought this would be mindless fan service (myself included), and judging by the promo art, no one can really blame them. But actually it's about 3 high school friends talking about gross things like female bodily functions. It's strange that I would call this "refreshing", but that's exactly what it is. What I like about it is that you can actually imagine clueless teenagers teasing each other, and talking about sex and bodily functions with each other like this.
7 TV 12
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Surprise comedy of the season. So few anime make me laugh, but this one did.

Full of parodies, silliness, and surrealness.
8 TV 25
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Osomatsu-san: Ouma de Kobanashi
7 TV Special 1
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Ouran Koukou Host Club
Do you hate reverse harem anime? Well, even if you're just a homophobic 16 year old boy ("ewww bishounens are gay!"), I still won't judge you. I hate most regular harem anime myself. Bland MC and an utterly retarded plot as an excuse for MC to hang out with ridiculously hot women (or men)? Yep, reverse harem tends to suffer from the exact same problems.

So try this out instead. Great MC with great supporting characters that are for the most part fleshed out, and outright funny episodes.
8 TV 26
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An interesting take on the "trapped in an MMORPG" genre, if that is in fact a genre these days. Focuses more on the mechanics of the situation, although it's more action-oriented and less thoughtful than, say, Log Horizon.
7 TV 13
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Owari no Seraph
So this show gets compared to Attack on Titan a lot, and I'm not really sure why, because Attack on Titan had a whole lot more going for it. AoT has a completely screwed humanity, creepy as fuck zombie-looking titans, a literally walled-in community, cool "3D-maneuver" gear that makes for some high octane action scenes, and a uniquely thick-lined art style. Even if you didn't care for AoT, you have to admit that it was pretty damn memorable for its more unique elements.

Meanwhile, Seraph has a completely screwed humanity and aristocratic vampires. And...that's about it. The first episode is maybe memorable for being over the top grim-dark (death-flagged orphans! yay!), but that tone is quickly lost in subsequent episodes. Hell, we even get stuck with high school drama for a few episodes. In a fucking post-apocalyptic setting. Goddammit Japan, not all anime needs to take place in high school!

To be clear, Seraph isn't a BAD "humanity is screwed" shounen. In fact, I found myself watching this through all the way to the end (and I'll probably pick up the next season too). The production is nice to look at, especially the backgrounds. And the characters themselves are endearing in that they're all asshole teens being assholes to each other in amusing ways.

But at it's core, this is pretty wrote shounen stuff. The main character is of course "special" and eventually has to save the shit out of everyone else's useless asses. He has a best friend turned rival/enemy. More than one girl in the series wants to jump his cock.

It's not bad, but in the long run, you're probably going to forget that you even watched this series.
6 TV 12
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Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen
More of the same. Pretty boilerplate shounen, but it's easy, trashy watching.
6 TV 12
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It's more Monogatari!
8 TV 12
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Paradise Kiss
8 TV 12
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Piace: Watashi no Italian
6 TV 12
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Ping Pong the Animation
10 TV 11
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Planet With
8 TV 12
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Plastic Memories
Really wish this was more of a sci fi and less of a dying girl romance. But even as the later, it was padded with faaaar too much unfunny, cliched anime comedy. It would have worked as a serviceable, 6 episode, strictly drama series, eve if that's not really my thing. Really, I wanted to see more exploring the social ramifications of having these intelligent, emotional, limited-life-span Giftias working among human society.
5 TV 13
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Princess Principal
6 TV 12
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8 TV 22
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Punch Line

Not even sure how to score this one.

Very boob and panty heavy in the first couple episodes, yet the fanservice nearly disappears later on, with the panty stuff there actually being just a plot device. Nice animation, nice Gainaxy character designs.

After the first episode and it's big flashy fight scenes, the next set of episodes are largely setup and slice of life crap, which nearly made me drop this (I hate hate HATE slice of life).

But then episode 6 hits and now it's Plot Twist: The Anime. Plot twist after reveal after shocking revelation follow.

I should note here that watching this series felt more like playing a Visual Novel or some kind of game, complete with the main character LITERALLY leveling up at times. I believe the writer for this worked on games in the past, and this is very evident here. Maybe Punchline would have better as a game?

Anyway, it all builds up to a couple final episodes with some satisfying fight scenes and a bitter-sweet satisfying resolution.

So I guess this was a pretty decent ride for an anime, but I'm not sure who I would recommend this too. Maybe mystery fans? It's pretty accessible though, with nice character designs, nice animation, cute girls, friendship and slice of life shit.
7 TV 12
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Puni Puni☆Poemii
6 OVA 2
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I don't even know why I finished this series. Oh yea, because the episodes are like 3 min long. Bad animation, nonsensical plot, ridiculous censoring, and scenes that are shown in no particular chronological order. And this is coming from someone who has 1) read the manga and 2) is a SUCKER for non-linear storytelling (I <3 Baccano!).

(I DID like the OP music though.)

This TV series shouldn't even exist. It should have been a short, uncensored OAV series, if it exists at all.

Just go read the manga instead. It's not exactly a masterpiece of writing or anything thus far. But it makes a whole lot more sense, the violence and body horror is left intact, and the characters are actually reasonably developed. Well, sort of. They're still mostly one-note, but at least you can UNDERSTAND their motivations instead of just watching 2 minute vignettes of them doing whatever for no particular reason.
1 TV 12
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R.O.D: Read or Die
8 OVA 3
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Ranma ½ OVA
7 OVA 6
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7 TV 22
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Started off pretty terribly. Subaru is a cringey NEET transported to a fantasy world, where he proceeds to be cringingly snarky.

It gets better as he meets more people and comes to care about them.

Then it gets worse as he acts like an entitled, crazy pants prick to everyone for no discernable reason.

I like that the author is calling him out on his bullshit, but the resolution to this isn't through Subarau's realization that he's a giant prick through, I dunno, talking it out with people. But instead, the show is making him suffer physically and mentally to the extreme. The show also decides to fridge the female characters in front of him graphically and repeatedly. For character development, I guess?

Guess I'll see this thing through the end, but it's certainly been a roller coaster of dislike/like/dislike thus far.
6 TV 25
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6 TV 24
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Rokka no Yuusha
Looks like an epic fantasy from the first episode, but quickly turns into a sealed room mystery. I found it fairly enjoyable, but it did suffer noticeably from production problems, and the mystery itself got a bit convoluted and silly by the end. The "bad guy" had no real motivation to do what they did, which also left sort of an unsatisfying end.
6 TV 12
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Shin Kyoto-hen
8 OVA 2
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen
9 OVA 4
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Ryuu no Haisha
9 TV Special 2
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Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin

It's a fun treasure hunting series with smart characters (I can't get enough of Tensai!). The character designs and opening feel like a bit of the throwback to the 90s, so there's a nostalgia feeling too. Although I would have liked to see more of the actual treasure hunting and less of the all-over-the-place narrative. Too many characters and too many conflicts were thrown in too quickly to make any of it feel really fleshed out. It's not often I complain that a series is paced too fast, but this one was.

But it still ended up being a very pleasant surprise of this season. I'm hoping for a season 2.
7 TV 11
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Saishuu Heiki Kanojo
8 TV 13
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Saishuu Heiki Kanojo: Another Love Song
6 OVA 2
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Saiunkoku Monogatari
If anyone told you that this was a reverse harem...don't listen to them. Because this is all about politics, world-building, and a likable, spunky female MC.
8 TV 39
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Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd Season
8 TV 39
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Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
Better than average harem/school comedy, saved from mediocrity by its easy to care about characters.
7 TV 24
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Samurai Champloo
9 TV 26
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Samurai Flamenco
I don't even know how to sum up this series, or if I really like it or not, or what. Massive tonal shifts every few episodes, and plot twists / deus ex machinas abound...and yet, they're so insanely ridiculous that you can't even be mad at them for it.
7 TV 22
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8 TV 11
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Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda

Some good themes, some good episodes, some good characters, and a good, satisfactory ending. But at no point did it really ever strike me as amazing.

Episode 3 was a highlight though.
7 TV 12
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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
6 TV 12
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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 2
6 TV 12
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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi OVA
7 OVA 2
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Sekkou Boys
Silly short with all star cast of voice actors.
6 TV 12
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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
10 Movie 1
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Sennen Joyuu
8 Movie 1
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Servant x Service
7 TV 13
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Shakugan no Shana
8 TV 24
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Shakugan no Shana II (Second)
8 TV 24
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Shakugan no Shana Movie
7 Movie 1
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Shakugan no Shana S
7 OVA 4
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Shakugan no Shana-tan
7 Special 4
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Shakugan no Shana-tan II (Second)
7 Special 3
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Shakugan no Shana-tan Movie
7 Special 1
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Shakugan no Shana-tan S
7 Special 4
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Shakugan no Shana: Friagne & Marianne no Naze Nani Shana! Nandemo Shitsumonbako!
7 Special 8
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Shakugan no Shana: Friagne & Marianne no Naze Nani Shana! Nandemo Shitsumonbako! 2
7 Special 8
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Shakugan no Shana: Koi to Onsen no Kougai Gakushuu!
6 OVA 1
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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
High production values, gorgeous-looking melodrama. Classical music lovers should appreciate this, as well as fans of dying girl romance.

But for me, I felt like it dragged on too long and there's at least one cat that dies in this. Negative 5 stars.
6 TV 22
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This is Japanese horror done right. And there are precious few horror anime out there to begin with.

This one is definitely a "slow burner", and there are those that will have issues with the pacing (also, the ridiculous hair styles). But the payoff in the last few episodes is borderline cathartic.

The plotline is basically "an isolated town is slowly infiltrated by vampires, until things come to a climatic confrontation". And that confrontation is worth the wait.

If you haven't watched this yet, my recommendation is to watch the Specials in order with the series. This is one of those few instances where the extra specials add A LOT to the series. Special #1 can be renamed to episode 20.5, while #2 can be renamed as 21.5. My one complaint of this series (besides the pacing) is that the secondary character "vampires" don't get much characterization/empathy near the end. The Specials fix this.
8 TV 22
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Shiki Specials

This is one of those few instances where the extra specials add A LOT to the series. So much so that they've made me raise the rating of the original series.

I would recommend watching them in chronological order with the TV series if you can. Special #1 can be renamed to episode 20.5, while #2 can be renamed as 21.5.
9 Special 2
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Shin Strange+

More of the toilet humor and butt jokes from the first series. Not much new here, except for more characters. But it's only 5 minutes long! It's a nice Thursday precursor that I can enjoy watching before jumping into the violence of Tokyo Ghoul or the seriousness of Zankyou no Terror.
6 TV 12
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Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis
Surprise hit of the season! Well, for me anyway. It still seems like almost no one is watching this, opting for generic harems and KyoAni instead.

It meanders off track for a bit in the middle, but pulls it together at the end. It's really more like watching an action/adventure movie than an anime.
8 TV 12
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Shingeki no Kyojin
It gets a 9 based on the rocking opening(s) alone. This is what the word "epic" was invented for.

But seriously, it's got a unique animation style and the 3D maneuver gear gimmick makes for some amazing action sequences. It's the closest thing anime has to a realistic zombie apocalypse (no, High School of the Dead DOES NOT count). The zombies just happen to be over10 feet tall.

But if you're looking to pick the show apart, I will be honest and say that there ARE pacing issues near the middle, and the show often gets a little to melodramatic for it's own good. My own rating may be inflating just because I have a thing for dark anime, but it's still way better than The Walking Dead.
9 TV 25
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Shingeki no Kyojin OVA
Episode 1 was canon and taken straight from the manga. The outstanding feature of it was that it adds more to the Attack on Titan lore, as well as some mystery to one of the current recurring characters. If you like AoT, you will like this OAV. There's not much more to say.

Episode 2 however, was a total tonal shift, completely made up, over-the-top comedy episode. I found it irreverent and completely out of place, and yet I enjoyed it quite a bit. Others expecting more serious side stories might disagree, and that's OK too. Just understand that it's "not canon" going into it. Worst case scenario is that you've wasted like 30 minutes on something that was well-animated but you didn't think was funny.

Episode 3, I don't recall this being in the manga, although it could easily fit in as a canon side story. It was pretty much "OK" without much more to say for it. There was nothing really special about it regarding lore reveals (like Episode 1), but it was a decent showcase of the team working together to save a comrade early on, and also a nice reminder that sometimes the enemy isn't always big and titany.
8 OVA 3
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 2
8 TV 12
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
9 TV 12
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Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
9 TV 10
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Shinseiki Evangelion
10 TV 26
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
10 Movie 1
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Shi to Shinsei
10 Movie 1
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Shinsekai yori
The "yaoi" scene didn't come "out of nowhere"! It made complete fucking sense, given the information we learn from the previous episodes! If you're going to drop the series over THAT, then fine, you don't deserve to watch this anyway.
10 TV 25
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Shoujo Kakumei Utena
9 TV 39
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Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku
8 Movie 1
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Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight
7 TV 12
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Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Excellent character study and period drama. Anime for Adults. I love it.
9 TV 13
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Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen
9 TV 12
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Sidonia no Kishi

So the CG turned a lot of people off of this series, and there are some rips/streams where the framerate is noticeably bad. But that's about the end of the complaint list. Yes, the main character is one of those stupidly overpowered types, with women constantly falling for him, but it's at least explained by the story, and he doesn't really come off as a standard power fantasy trope.

With that out of the way, Sidonia is a quite good action/sci-fi series. People describe it as "Attack on Titan in space" (a near-extinct humanity faces an insanely powerful supernatural enemy). It's a fair enough comparison, but I thought that Sidonia was significantly smarter due to all the worldbuilding and little sci-fi details added in.

It's the best new sci-fi I've seen since Shinsekai Yori or Psycho-Pass.
8 TV 12
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Skip Beat!
Decent shoujo with an energetic heorine and a focus on the showbiz world. I like that Kyoko has a dark side and can turn into a terrifying menace at the drop of a hat. Most shoujo leads are either bland or perfect or some combination thereof, and very rarely ever petty/vengeful/violent. It's nice to see a heroine with these particular flaws, partly because her outbursts add a lot of humor to the series.

The production values are nothing to write home about, but the comedy gags are above average and quick (read: not stretched out to the point of becoming unfunny).

The later parts get a little uncomfortable as there is an older love interest (age 20) for our heroine (who is in high shcool). But, it's handled tastefully in that the show is very on-the-nose about the age difference (other anime/manga often just make the assumption that an adult dating a 16 years old is no big deal).
7 TV 25
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8 TV 26
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Slayers Evolution-R
7 TV 13
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Slayers Excellent
7 OVA 3
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Slayers Gorgeous
7 Movie 1
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Slayers Great
7 Movie 1
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Slayers Next
8 TV 26
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Slayers Premium
7 Movie 1
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Slayers Return
7 Movie 1
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Slayers Revolution
7 TV 13
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Slayers Specials
7 OVA 3
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Slayers Try
8 TV 26
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Slayers: The Motion Picture
7 Movie 1
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Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii

So I watched this all the way through just because I needed my shoujo fix for the season. The first episode hooked me: the main female character is down to earth and cool, while the main male character is an adorable asshole.

But, honestly, I was kind of hoping that this young boy love interest thing was just going to stay completely platonic throughout the series. Sadly, that was not the case. And just as I would be uncomfortable with a teenage or 20something man falling for an 11 year of girl, reversing the genders does not make it any less creepy.

Throw in the fact that some of the episodes really fall flat, and rely on tired, predictable tropes, and you get a very mediocre shoujo series. I was quite disappointed, despite the good high points of the series.
6 TV 12
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Its excellent pedigree really kind of actually hurts it. If you're expecting a Cowboy Bebop, or even a a Samurai Champloo (it was created by Shinichiro Watanabe, if you haven't noticed), you will be disappointed. But if you go into it understanding that it's an anthology showcasing various creative teams, then you might really enjoy it. The first few episodes set up the characters and world. And the gimmick (multiple universes or parallel existences or something like that, but it doesn't really matter) is really just an excuse to give the episode creators total freedom to run wild with a given set of characters.

But anyway, after that, it's very episodic, and very hit or miss. The good thing is, even the misses aren't all that bad, and there are some really nice hits in the series. It's storytelling. Not on par with, say, Mushishi, but it has potential, and it's worth watching on a weekly basis, in hopes of seeing that occasional standout episode.
7 TV 13
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Space☆Dandy 2nd Season

I'm copy/pasting my thoughts from season 1 here, since this seems to just be more of the same. The only difference being that we get a Masaaki Yuasa (Ping Pong, Tatami Galaxy, lots of other amazing stuff) episode this season!

Its excellent pedigree really kind of actually hurts it. If you're expecting a Cowboy Bebop, or even a a Samurai Champloo (it was created by Shinichiro Watanabe, if you haven't noticed), you will be disappointed. But if you go into it understanding that it's an anthology showcasing various creative teams, then you might really enjoy it. The first few episodes set up the characters and world. And the gimmick (multiple universes or parallel existences or something like that, but it doesn't really matter) is really just an excuse to give the episode creators total freedom to run wild with a given set of characters.

But anyway, after that, it's very episodic, and very hit or miss. The good thing is, even the misses aren't all that bad, and there are some really nice hits in the series. It's storytelling. Not on par with, say, Mushishi, but it has potential, and it's worth watching on a weekly basis, in hopes of seeing that occasional standout episode.
7 TV 13
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Spirit of Wonder: China-san no Yuuutsu
6 OVA 1
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Spirit of Wonder: China-san Tanpenshuu
7 Special 3
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Spirit of Wonder: Shounen Kagaku Club
7 OVA 2
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More fun than it has any right to be. Relies heavily on fart and yaoi jokes for laughs...but the episodes are only 5 minutes long, so it somehow works.

On the other do I rate a series that relies on bishounen and butt jokes?
7 TV 12
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Sword Art Online
I totally admit that I'm towing the line here when I say that the first half is pretty decent, and the second half is crap that you can skip.
5 TV 25
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Tenchi Muyou!

The following is a copy/paste from my comments on the original OAV. They are relevant to the TV series in that the TV series sucks way more than the original OAV:

So you've never heard of a "harem" anime series before? Well, this is largely what spawned it all, for better or for worse.

It works well as a comedy, with a large cast, distinguishable characters, and a hapless, clueless main character.

The animation as great, and the stupid mascot character Ryo-Ohki is both adorable and obnoxious. It's adorable because it's a rabbit/cat THING (if you don't love this, then you have no soul). And yet it's obnoxious because it has spread this herpes-like animal-mascot trend THING throughout the 90s and well into the 00's.

As a romance though...I have to say "fuck the harem thing". And that goes for most generic "reverse-harems" too (where the main character and love interests are gender-swapped). This series is primarily a comedy and not a romance, mainly because it fails miserably as a romance. Our dull protagonist Tenchi can't make a choice, while all the women fight like cats over him. *Yawn.*

The numerous movies and OAVs and TV series that have spawned from this are pretty hit or miss, but mostly miss. Watch the original, maybe watch the movies (because they are short, and the 1st one holds a lot of nostalgia for me), and ignore everything else.

Meanwhile, curse this series for making the "harem genre" a thing.
5 TV 26
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Tenchi Muyou! in Love
7 Movie 1
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Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Harukanaru Omoi
6 Movie 1
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Tenchi Muyou! Manatsu no Eve
6 Movie 1
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki

So you've never heard of a "harem" anime series before? Well, this is largely what spawned it all, for better or for worse.

It works well as a comedy, with a large cast, distinguishable characters, and a hapless, clueless main character.

The animation as great, and the stupid mascot character Ryo-Ohki is both adorable and obnoxious. It's adorable because it's a rabbit/cat THING (if you don't love this, then you have no soul). And yet it's obnoxious because it has spread this herpes-like animal-mascot trend THING throughout the 90s and well into the 00's.

As a romance though...I have to say "fuck the harem thing". And that goes for most generic "reverse-harems" too (where the main character and love interests are gender-swapped). This series is primarily a comedy and not a romance, mainly because it fails miserably as a romance. Our dull protagonist Tenchi can't make a choice, while all the women fight like cats over him. *Yawn.*

The numerous movies and OAVs and TV series that have spawned from this are pretty hit or miss, but mostly miss. Watch the original, maybe watch the movies (because they are short, and the 1st one holds a lot of nostalgia for me), and ignore everything else.

Meanwhile, curse this series for making the "harem genre" a thing.
8 OVA 6
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 2nd Season

So you've never heard of a "harem" anime series before? Well, this is largely what spawned it all, for better or for worse.

It works well as a comedy, with a large cast, distinguishable characters, and a hapless, clueless main character.

The animation as great, and the stupid mascot character Ryo-Ohki is both adorable and obnoxious. It's adorable because it's a rabbit/cat THING (if you don't love this, then you have no soul). And yet it's obnoxious because it has spread this herpes-like animal-mascot trend THING throughout the 90s and well into the 00's.

As a romance though...I have to say "fuck the harem thing". And that goes for most generic "reverse-harems" too (where the main character and love interests are gender-swapped). This series is primarily a comedy and not a romance, mainly because it fails miserably as a romance. Our dull protagonist Tenchi can't make a choice, while all the women fight like cats over him. *Yawn.*

The numerous movies and OAVs and TV series that have spawned from this are pretty hit or miss, but mostly miss. Watch the original, maybe watch the movies (because they are short, and the 1st one holds a lot of nostalgia for me), and ignore everything else.

Meanwhile, curse this series for making the "harem genre" a thing.
8 OVA 6
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 2nd Season Picture Drama

So you've never heard of a "harem" anime series before? Well, this is largely what spawned it all, for better or for worse.

It works well as a comedy, with a large cast, distinguishable characters, and a hapless, clueless main character.

The animation as great, and the stupid mascot character Ryo-Ohki is both adorable and obnoxious. It's adorable because it's a rabbit/cat THING (if you don't love this, then you have no soul). And yet it's obnoxious because it has spread this herpes-like animal-mascot trend THING throughout the 90s and well into the 00's.

As a romance though...I have to say "fuck the harem thing". And that goes for most generic "reverse-harems" too (where the main character and love interests are gender-swapped). This series is primarily a comedy and not a romance, mainly because it fails miserably as a romance. Our dull protagonist Tenchi can't make a choice, while all the women fight like cats over him. *Yawn.*

The numerous movies and OAVs and TV series that have spawned from this are pretty hit or miss, but mostly miss. Watch the original, maybe watch the movies (because they are short, and the 1st one holds a lot of nostalgia for me), and ignore everything else.

Meanwhile, curse this series for making the "harem genre" a thing.
8 Special 1
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season
So you've never heard of a "harem" anime series before? Well, this is largely what spawned it all, for better or for worse.

It works well as a comedy, with a large cast, distinguishable characters, and a hapless, clueless main character.

The animation as great, and the stupid mascot character Ryo-Ohki is both adorable and obnoxious. It's adorable because it's a rabbit/cat THING (if you don't love this, then you have no soul). And yet it's obnoxious because it has spread this herpes-like animal-mascot trend THING throughout the 90s and well into the 00's.

As a romance though...I have to say "fuck the harem thing". And that goes for most generic "reverse-harems" too (where the main character and love interests are gender-swapped). This series is primarily a comedy and not a romance, mainly because it fails miserably as a romance. Our dull protagonist Tenchi can't make a choice, while all the women fight like cats over him. *Yawn.*

The numerous movies and OAVs and TV series that have spawned from this are pretty hit or miss, but mostly miss. Watch the original, maybe watch the movies (because they are short, and the 1st one holds a lot of nostalgia for me), and ignore everything else.

Meanwhile, curse this series for making the "harem genre" a thing.

EDIT specific to OAV3: God this sucks. Please put the series out of its misery.
4 OVA 6
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki: Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru!
8 OVA 1
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Terra Formars

The censorship of the series is insane. It's Pupa level bad. You should probably wait for the Blu-Ray release.

The series itself runs hot and cold. When it's good, it delivers compelling back-stories of our human heroes as they're put into life-or-death struggles against the cockroaches. The stakes are real because - for a change - this is a series that doesn't mind killing off plenty of named characters. In these situations it works fairly well. But in many other situations, the pacing drags and the constant narration can get annoying. Yet another reason to wait and binge-watch it on Blu-Ray. If I had first seen it in this form, I might have bumped its rating up a notch.
5 TV 13
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The first episode is weird as fuck as has zero dialog. And the next couple episodes don't really answer much either. But stick through it if you can - it's absolutely worth it. This is dystopian sci-fi at its best, and this series is criminally underwatched/underrated.
10 TV 22
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Tokyo Ghoul

Just watch it through to the final episode. The last episode goes all Evangelion introspective character study on us. So maybe don't watch if that's not your thing. But I loved it. Horror should be more than blood and gore and ghouls. It should mess with your soul.
- TV 12
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Tokyo Godfathers
Probably the simplest and most accessible of Satoshi Kon's works. I mean both of these things in a good way. A group of unlikely friends confront their past.
10 Movie 1
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Good shoujo anime is hard to find these days. I like how down to earth and serious the main character is, juxtapositioned with her rather violent love interest. I'm still hoping for another season.
8 TV 13
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Tonari no Seki-kun
7 TV 21
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Tonari no Seki-kun OVA
- OVA 1
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Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster
7 OVA 6
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Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
8 OVA 6
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8 TV 25
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Definitely one of my LEAST favorite favorite monogatari arcs thus far, right down there with Nisemonogatari. Take what I hate most about the monogatari series: fanservice bath scenes, sister nudity/fetishes, and loli flirting/molestation, and that describes a good chunk of Tsuki.

BUT, even BAD monogatari still makes for pretty GOOD anime. So once I got past all that, this was still worth watching.

Nise had Keiki's introduction and "that toothbrush scene" to make it memorable. Tsuki makes itself memorable by FINALLY starting to address Koyomi's obnoxious Martyr Complex. After Bake, Nise, Neko, and 2nd Season, his reckless actions are FINALLY having consequences.

As far as the sub-titular character Yotsugi goes, I didn't really get the development that I wanted out of her. I was kind of hoping that I could like Yotsugi a little more though, and understand her motivations, but I got too little of that way too late in the arc. BUT then again, much of 2nd Season did not focus on the actual title character of each arc, so I'm not terribly disappointed in that.

Instead, this story was really all about Koyomi, for better or for worse. "Better" because we get some development out of him, but "worse" because he's still a pretty dull guy compared to ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE IN THE SHOW. Koyomi Araragi is easily one of the least developed characters in the series. It's ironic that his "harem" are now all more 3-dimensional than he is. I respect that the series has managed to gave all of them depth. (And as a result, I can now EMPATHIZE with even that self-absorbed, Koyomi-obsessed, middle school twat Nadeko.)

So while Tsuki finally addresses Koyomi suckiness, at the same time, it doesn't give any real resolution or growth to his character. For that, I am looking forward to the rest of the Monogatari series. So in this respect, Tsuki has done a REALLY good job as a teaser for what's yet to come.
7 TV Special 4
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Uchouten Kazoku

Same author as Tatami Galaxy. This is just as good, except that it's also far more accessible. There's no Groundhog Day-esque repeating of the same story that requires a reasonably good attention span. It's just straightforward and beautiful.

(Note: you should still watch Tatami Galaxy. Everything makes sense and ties together at the end. It's just as awesome as Uchouten Kazoku, just in a slightly more "I'm a film major and I get off on unconventional narrative" kind of way)

Although it's set in a world where humans and mythological creatures (tanuki & tengu) coexist together (hijinks ensue, of course), at its core, it's a pretty simple story about family and loss.
9 TV 13
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Uchuu Patrol Luluco
6 TV 13
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Ushio to Tora (TV)
90s shounen fun, executed wonderfully. Surprisingly watchable, and Tora is the best.
7 TV 26
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Vampire Hunter D
7 Movie 1
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Vampire Hunter D (2000)
7 Movie 1
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Video Girl Ai
8 OVA 6
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Vinland Saga
9 TV 24
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- TV 12
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
So this is a case study of a girl with acute social anxiety. It should be sad, but instead it's played for humor.

You MIGHT love it because it actually portrays social anxiety in a somewhat realistic (but HOPEFULLY, exaggerated) light.

You might HATE the series though because it often relies on what I would call "cringe humor". For western audiences, if you've ever watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, you know what I mean. The UK version of The Office (and some episodes of the US version) are good examples too. If you need to TURN THE EPISODE OFF because it's so embarrassing that you can't bare to watch? Yea, that's cringe humor, and it's definitely not for everyone.

You also might HATE it because the writers are just as happy to ridicule the main character as they are to sympathize with her. The MC's main failing is that she is COMPLETELY self-absorbed and oblivious to the feelings/conflicts that others face. She can't make any real friendships, because she can't think about anyone except for herself.

I mean I was pretty shy and self-absorbed in my high school days, but Kuroki Tomoko is really hard to sympathize with sometimes. She blames others for her problems, when really everything is a result of of her own crippling anxiety.

So yea, if you liked "Welcome to the NHK", please do give this one a shot. But if you want more than cringe-humor comedy... So yea, this is GREAT cringe-humor comedy, but it just isn't going to resonate with - nor fill - the existential void within your soul.
7 TV 12
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!: Motenaishi, Nazomeite Miru

This was uncomfortably fanservicey for me; the leering over the best friend seemed overdone and out of character.
5 OVA 1
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7 TV 13
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One point upgrade from previous seasons because there is actually character AND relationship development! Couples start to happen! Yamada's family finds her! Holy shit I thought for sure everyone at Wagnaria would just stay in stasis forever. I am so glad to be wrong!
8 TV 13
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7 TV 13
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Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
8 TV 11
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I found this far more entertaining than I thought I would. Animation is fantastic and the characters are solid. Very true to the comic, and they chose characters that remind me of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men, which is always a good thing.

(I'm not big on the "secondary mutation" stuff, but that's a problem I have with the original comics, and not the show.)

If you're thinking of watching, don't let the "bad" 6.58 score dissuade you. That was given by what I assume is the rabid X-Men fanbase. Because it's apparently not either canon or groundbreaking enough or something. (Also note that my OWN score of 7 is a compliment, coming from me. If I don't enjoy a series, I either drop it or give it the 4 or lower it deserves!)

" The characterization sucks" the fanbase says. Well, maybe they should complain to the original western comic book industry for constantly fucking up the mythology to the point where you literally CAN'T do a collberation like this WITHOUT reducing the characters to caricatures.

The X-men universe has been rebooted and ret-conned so many times, with so many different writers & artists, that frankly, stand alone stories like this are extremely welcome by people like me. "Filthy casuals" if you will.
7 TV 12
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.
Better than average romantic comedy, due primarily to the snappy, cynical dialog.

Please note that the "I hate nice girls" monologue (as it has become rather famous on the internet) is not really intended to be interpreted literally. Rather, the MC is often being mocked by the writer(s) as immature and unable to connect with others.

At least I hope that he is. Otherwise, I really feel profoundly sorry for the MC (and the original creator). I guess that we'll find out with the upcoming season:
7 TV 13
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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku
Less humor and more introspective drama than the 1st series. And that's exactly what I wanted from Hachiman and his classmates.

Did not care for Commie's subs on this. "kun" should not be translated to "dawg" and Yui should be saying "Yahallo!" instead of "Yo, sup?"
8 TV 13
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Yakusoku no Neverland
9 TV 12
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Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo

Surprisingly fun comedy. Not nearly as haremy as I expected: there is one very clear love interest, despite there being, yes, 7 witches. And the fanservice not was nearly as present OR as creepy as I expected for a series that starts out with a body swapping gimmick.

Horribly, horribly rushed though. I haven't read the manga, but it's very very obvious that they were cramming arcs in just so that they could introduce all 7 seven witches and then have some kind of anime original ending. It was so rushed that I could barely even understand what was going on at times, much less grow any attachment to the slew of new characters being introduced literally every other episode. If this was the way it had to done, then Yamada-kun really, really should have been a two-cour series.
7 TV 12
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Yami no Matsuei
7 TV 13
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
Feels repetitive near the middle (it is), but by the end you'll realize that each episode was important to get to the (satisfying) conclusion.

I never got used to the color palette(s) used in the show though, and felt that it often looked drab.

If Tatami Galaxy is turning you off, try Uchouten Kazoku for something by the same author that's just as good but a lot more accessible.
8 TV 11
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Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
5 OVA 2
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Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Quiet Country Cafe
6 OVA 2
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Yoru no Yatterman
Really strong, dystopian start, with the historically "good guys" and "bad guys" swapped.

But some serious meandering towards the middle makes this series weaker than it could have been. The production values take a super noticeable nose dive as well.

And the ending throws us a normal, boring supervillian. Having the Yatterman good guys actually corrupted by their power would have been a more interesting route (go watch Gatchaman Crowds Insight for something similar to that; bonus points for also being veeeeeeery loosely based upon an old superhero franchise).
7 TV 12
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Yuri Kuma Arashi
Fans of Ikuhara Kunihiko will find that Yuri Kuma Arashi is just as densely packed with his unique brand of symbolism as Penguindrum and Utena were. There are common themes here as well, such as sexuality and feminism. The major difference I see here is that Yuri Kuma Arashi is a whole lot more overt in its symbolism as the other two were. This is likely because the show is only 12 episodes long; it doesn't have time to wander with its narrative. Utena, on the other hand, remained largely episodic for the 1st half of its 39 episodes, only hinting at the overlaying major themes for a long time.

My only initial complaint with the first few episodes of Yuri Kuma Arashi is that there wasn't nearly enough characterization to get us to really CARE for anyone in the show. Everything and everyone is symbolizing SOMETHINGl, to the point that no one actually felt like a real, well-fleshed out person with feelings and motivations. This is thankfully fixed with episode 4 and 5 where we learn of Lulu & Ginko's back-stories and motivations.

Looking forward to the end of this.

TL;DR: Sword Art Online scores over an 8 while this currently languishes at 6.4. There is no god.
8 TV 12
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Zankyou no Terror
Nice direction, beautiful film composition, and really smart writing. Shinichiro Watanabe directs and Yoko Kanno does the music (both of Cowboy Bebop fame). What's not to like?

For me, it was really just one glaring thing: the protagonists pick targets that result in property damage and no lives lost. Not that I WANT to see an animated 9/11 (already I feel like something like this would NEVER be greenlit in the states), but I felt that this decision whitewashed the main characters and made the series feel less serious overall. WHAT IF our protagonists WERE killing innocent people? Could the story POSSIBLY make us sympathize with them? Or justify their actions?! This was kind of what I was expecting/wanting to be explored, but instead we're ignoring that in favor of this fairly standard cat & mouse detective game.

But halfway into the series, I've suddenly decided that I'm OK with that. The absurdity of being "terrorists" that don't actually kill anyone has been acknowledged and challenged. And the cat & mouse game is made compelling with the smart writing and excellent direction. This has turned into "popcorn fare", but it's usually GOOD popcorn fare.

At this point, while I'll withhold my "9 or 10" rating until the end, but I am trusting Watanabe that this will become some kind of classic.

EDIT: Yea, I was not terribly impressed with the ending, nor the episodes that led up to it. This whole show was beautifully executed, but the themes just kind of fell flat for me. It ends on the "America is the real big bad guy" trope, which was completely counter to the anti-Japanese government conspiracy theme that ran the whole way through the series.
8 TV 11
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Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
8 TV 13
TV: 272, OVA: 62, Movies: 63, Spcl.: 27, Eps: 0, Days: 96.02, Mean Score: 7.2, Score Dev.: -0.39

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Aku no Hana
- TV 1/13
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Angel Beats! Specials
8 Special 1/2
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Movie
I'm struggling to finish this because it's about half recap and half new stuff, with the new material scattered throughout.
- Movie -/1
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Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
It's largely episodic, lighthearted fun. Think Great Teacher Onizuka if he were an alien with amazing superpowers. The execution here is not as good as GTO, but it's worth a watch if you're into this variety of "unconventional teacher wins over delinquent students" shounen anime. The humor also eventually becomes more character-driven than stupid gag-based, so its got that going for it as well.

Also, the OP is tons of fun.
6 TV 9/22
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal
So I missed the original run of Sailor Moon, as well as the Japanese subs released later on.

So what the hell, let's give this a shot. Updated animation, no filler, and more true to the manga. Also, it airs biweekly, so even if it SUCKS, it only sucks for 20 minutes out of every 14 days.

So far, it seems like a pretty standard young girls "pretty magical girl" manga. But then, this is kind of what started it all, so I can't really comment without context. It's all pretty formulaic right now, but I'm hoping/thinking that it will improve with later arcs, as the fandom claims.

Again, 20 minutes every two weeks. It's worth it to keep up with a classic, just to know what the hype is all about.

(Frankly, I wish that the original SAO had been biweekly too, just so I could have kept up with the hype without suffering through it as often.)

Update: Turns out that the biweekly releases are actually hurting it. I have to wait two weeks just so I can watch Usagi be useless and whiny and have Tuxedo Mask save her AGAIN, week after week after week. I'm not SUPER familiar with the old series or the manga, but I seem to recall that the original TV series was a whole lot more about the power of friendship than damsels in distress and (dare I say) more feminist than this crap.

So, this is on hold, or potentially dropped if the next arc doesn't improve.
4 ONA 13/26
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Bokura no
5 TV 1/24
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Captain Earth
Great animation and good execution...up to a point. The MC is refreshing as the "anti-Shinji". He doesn't mope or agonize over anything; he just gets shit done. The show also has good pedigree, with Takuya Igarashi directing (surely you've heard of Sailor Moon and Utena?).

But after 6 episodes, the plot and characters are just meandering to...I don't know what. I might revisit this series later on if I hear that it's more than just a typical mecha-style coming-of-age story.
6 TV 6/25
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- TV -/23
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Crayon Shin-chan Airing
7 TV -/-
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Daa! Daa! Daa!
7 TV 13/78
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Dirty Pair
7 TV -/24
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Dirty Pair OVA
- OVA -/10
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Ergo Proxy
- TV -/23
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Fairy Tail (2014)
I'm glad that this guilty pleasure is finally back, but the animation quality and pacing so far are really turning me off. I could be wrong, but the episodes feel more stretched out with more filler than they were with the first series. Also, the character designs were changed quite a bit, to mixed reviews. I wouldn't mind the new designs if the animation wasn't suffering also. Some fights scenes just look BAD, and many scenes have minimal movement. Facial expressions (especially if a character is far away in a shot) suffer too.

It's still Fairy Tail though. The story and characters are still true to the manga, albeit with some filler thrown in. So I guess I shouldn't complain.

EDIT: ...but I can and I will complain. There have been some improvements in animation over time, but not in pacing. And the pacing is really what kills it, ESPECIALLY since the pacing is largely what originally set it apart when comparing it to other long running shounens.

This is ON-HOLD for now. I've been watching a 20 minute episode in about 3 or less minutes, and this is what I will continue to do until it sucks less.
4 TV 19/102
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Fairy Tail OVA
The OAVs tend to be based upon the manga side stories. Similar to the TV series, but with less seriousness and more boobs. The TV series is a guilty pleasure...I feel even more guilty watching these OAVs, but it will hold me over until the TV series finishes its hiatus.
6 OVA 5/5
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Free! Eternal Summer
More of the same from the 1st season.

Cute guys doing cute things. High production values. Standard slice of life writing with some semblance of an overarcing conflict.

This really is like a gender swapped K-ON!, which I hated and couldn't finish. So I guess I really am shallow enough to stick around just for the nice animation and cute guys in swimsuits.

Season 2 is probably going to get dropped though. It's not any worse; it's simply wearing out its novelty.

Oh, but the ED is amazing.
6 TV 5/13
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I like the plot twist, I like the story, but too much of this series is "cute girls doing cute things", even if there IS a zombie apocalypse going on. I hate watching cute girls do cute things. Bores me to death. Sorry.
- TV 6/12
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Not a fan of sports series, but I seem to like this one.

The characters are fun enough, and clash heads in an entertaining manner. The plot moves along briskly. The matches are extremely enjoyable and smartly paced/written/executed.

And yet I've only finished about 11 episodes before falling far behind. Maybe it's because I don't see where else this can go. It feels like a series that should maybe only be 13 episodes, but instead it's a two-cour series, with a continuing manga to boot.

Unfortunately for Haikyuu!!, Ping Pong ( aired during the same season. You know, that OTHER "sports anime for people who don't like sports anime". It kind of blew Haikyuu!! out of the water, and then ended at a terribly satisfying 11 episodes.
6 TV 15/25
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Hourou Musuko
Very interesting premise. Not that I really expect Japan to be mature enough to handle a subject such as transsexualism, but the first episode made me think that this particular series was an exception.

I just haven't gotten around to the rest of it, since One Week Friends has been busy fulfilling my quota of pretty artwork and sickeningly sweet/uplifting mood.
- TV 1/11
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Kodomo no Omocha (TV)
8 TV 30/102
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Kyoukai no Kanata
- TV 2/12
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Nagi no Asu kara
- TV 3/26
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Naruto: Shippuuden

Better than the original series (Sakura and Shikamaru actually get to DO shit), but there's still an unacceptable amount of filler. There's still the emphasis on "Naruto must save us all". And still, nobody dies.

(Actually, lots of people die, but the vast majority of them are somehow miraculously revived through some bullshit writing. Only a few "important" characters die, and that's either because they're just OLD, or because the creator feels the need to prove that yea they can kill off characters (George R. R. Martin thinks you are adorable).)
7 TV 240/500
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Ranma ½
6 TV -/161
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7 TV 3/12
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8 TV 14/22
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Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
6 TV 1/13
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Tokyo Ghoul √A
- TV 4/12
TV: 23, OVA: 2, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 6.38, Mean Score: 6.3, Score Dev.: -1.23

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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5 TV 9/25
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Aa! Megami-sama!
5 OVA 1/5
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Aa! Megami-sama! (TV)
4 TV 3/24
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Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari
Started out promising, as a mecha police procedural that we don't get a whole lot of in anime these days (when did the last Patlabor entry come out??).

It's largely episodic, with hits and misses. Mostly misses though. And then when it finally gets into the Big Overarching Plot, I've found that I'm having a hella hard time finishing this. The Big Bad Guys were not compelling in Episode 1, and they remain the worst, most generic part of the show.

Update: Yep, couldn't finish this. Just wasn't anything interesting or unique to keep me watching.
5 TV 9/12
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Aldnoah.Zero Part 2

I was going to watch this, and then I didn't. I watched the 1st episode and learned that NO ONE from the previous series finale had actually died. I kind of knew this was going to happen going in, but the stupid, stupid optimist in me was HOPING that it would be different.

But since it played out the way that it did, I simply can't invest myself in ANYTHING this series is trying to say and I can't believe ANY shocking plot twist it throws at me. And since I'm largely not a huge fan of mecha in general anyway, that leaves not a whole lot for me to invest in, besides the pretty fight scenes. Certainly not in our borderline-autistic hero Inaho.

I DO like Slaine and all (one of the few characters with any depth), but even he can't carry this entire series. Hell, he cant even kill a guy at point-blank range.
4 TV 1/12
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Allison to Lillia
6 TV 13/26
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Ao Haru Ride

I only got about halfway through this.

What I LIKED about Ao Haru Ride was that the main couple had physical interactions beyond just a hug or hand holding that we have to wait until the last episode for. That is, they do things that are actually kind of flirty, and you could picture high school kids nonchalantly doing these things together (at least in America anyway).

But what really turned me off about Ao Haru Ride was the main male lead. He oscillates rather randomly between douchbag and sweetheart. I presume that it's at least somewhat explained by the end, but his hot/cold attitude did not feel natural at all.

The problem with this is that in order to make a formulaic shoujo romance work, you really kind of need BOTH halves of the main couple to be likable.

Furthermore, from what I watched anyway, the plot had no surprises and nothing terribly special in the side characters, and thus I really felt no need to continue watching. This is one where I might pick up the manga instead.
5 TV 6/12
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Aquarian Age: Sign for Evolution
3 TV 9/13
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Argento Soma
- TV 4/25
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Bakuretsu Hunters
4 TV 6/26
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Bakuretsu Hunters OVA
4 OVA 1/3
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Ballroom e Youkoso
4 TV 4/24
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Big Order (TV)
WOW what a dumpster fire this is! Did you like Future Diary?? Same creator, similar lead character designs, somewhat similar premise. The difference is that the execution here is terrible and nonsensical. The OP music is pretty good if you like really heavy rocking OPs. Other than that, I don't have a single good thing to say about this series. Even the damn background music is so bad that it undermines any tension in any scene.
1 TV 5/10
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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE!
Pretty much only watching this because I watched the first season. It's really just more of the same, and honestly a little too slow paced. Might end up dropping this one.
5 TV 2/12
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Blade & Soul
It started out with some decent animation and was violent enough to hook me. But there just wasn't anything special here to hook me. Might be good if you're in some desperate need of a fantasy anime fix with scantily clad chicks.
- TV 2/13
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next
I muddled through the first season because the opening was awesome and the main character wasn't too awful, but as it turns out I can't handle two full seasons of this. The rivalry between Yozora and Sena was wearing thin in the first season; here, it just makes for an excuse to humiliate Sena for what I guess is fanservice. The addition of yet another Loli character makes this series even more cringey. If you're going to do harem, at least give me better than this.
5 TV 4/12
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Brothers Conflict
I don't know why I finished Amnesia last season. I started Brothers Conflict this season in hopes of a decent reverse-harem, but was sorely disappointed (it seems that goo reverse-harem series are as rare are good, plain old vanilla harem series). Two episodes in and the main female lead is already reminding me of the dull, personality-lacking main character of Amnesia. I'm not sitting through that crap twice, I don't care how adorable the male character designs are. Even if it's a harem anime, I want to see a likable main character, and NOT someone who is a doormat/blank slate.
2 TV 2/12
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4 TV 5/12
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Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki
I wanted to like this (love me some fantasy settings), but goddamn this was a hot mess of bad animation, bad exposition, and bad characters. I eventually couldn't take anymore and had to drop it.
3 TV 6/12
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Comic Party
6 TV 10/13
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4 TV 3/13
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Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo
Nice animation, mechs vs. dragons, and some surprisingly gory deaths can't save this train-wreck of a series.

There's lots of fanservice, which is not necessarily a dealbreaker for me, except that in this series it's largely uncomfortably misogynist fanservice.

As an example: the very first episode ends on an implied body cavity search, framed as a rape scene. No, it's not done tastefully. It's essentially humiliation porn.

I'm still watching this to see how bad it gets. It's not for the weak of stomach though.

EDIT: Yea, nope, this is as far as I go. It's still bad, but now it's settled down into just a regular kind of bad instead of a trainwreck kind of bad. And that's just not as fun.
3 TV 4/25
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5 TV 10/26
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Diabolik Lovers
Another reverse harem with a completely spineless heroine. The difference here is that 1) the boys are all sadistic vampires types vying to suck her blood and 2) the show seems to actually be going for a masochist fantasy thing. Though that's not really my thing, I get that some people will be into it. What makes it problematic though, is that none of this is based upon mutual consent. I'd actually give this series a shot if this were the case, but it's not. This Stocklhom Symdrome scenario is really just too creepy/uncomfortable to watch.
3 TV 3/12
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Dimension W
Wow so this went off a cliff after the first few promising episodes.
4 TV 10/12
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5 TV 3/12
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ef: A Tale of Melodies.
- TV 1/12
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ef: A Tale of Memories.
- TV 1/12
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Fushigi Yuugi
6 TV 10/52
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5 TV 2/12
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Gugure! Kokkuri-san

The first episode was surprisingly good. A lonely girl who thinks she's a robot summons a lonely fox spirit who takes it upon himself to become her guardian (and to make sure she eats better than just instant ramen!). The formula is there for both humor as well as some touching moments between the two main characters.

And then, it introduces a creepy pedophile dog spirit and begins relying on creepy pedophile jokes. And everything goes downhill from there.
5 TV 4/12
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Hamatora The Animation
It started out as a potentially entertaining detective like series, and then it went completely off the rails. Huge drop in animation quality around episode 5 or 6 made it unwatchable.
4 TV 6/12
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Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko.
- TV 2/12
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Hoozuki no Reitetsu
So I wanted to like this show, and there were parts that were genuinely funny, but it was just too....JAPANESE for me. Most of the humor relies on references to Japanese mythology, and watching the show while checking wikipedia every 3 minutes was just too much of a chore. Some references couldn't even be googled (I STILL don't understand those goldfish plants).

I imagine that this show would be appealing to actual Japanese people (DVDs sales are apparently very high over there) or non-Japanese people studying Japanese culture.

(No rating for this show since I feel that I'm not really qualified to rate it)
- TV 2/13
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Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku
- TV 2/13
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Joker Game
This feels like it was tailor made for me. Serious dudes talking about politics and being all clever and too cool, and to top it off, they even showed a realistic game of poker! OK, yea, there was that ridiculous hand of full house vs 4 of a kind in a game of FIVE CARD DRAW (yea, the odds of that happening are astronomically low), but I can explain that away to myself by assuming the Cool Spies were deliberately stacking the deck against Lame Military Guy.

I hope the series keeps being awesome, and I hope it remains apolitical, as the LAST thing we need is yet another pro-Japan nationalistic anime, taking place during pretty much the worst time in history to be spouting pro-Japan rhetoric (I mean for 1) Japan was unequivocally the bad guy during WWII, OK? Please deal with it. And 2) the Western world is largely cool with creating movies and media that ADMIT and EXAMINE that the we did some fucked up shit during that time as well).

Update: seriously disappointed by how this series turned out. It largely ended up as a series of spy vignettes, which would be fine except that they're not terribly well executed vignettes, and none of the spys receive any character development (or even character ESTABLISHMENT for that matter). They are all interchangeable, and their exploits go from "oh cool, that was pretty badass" to "meh, got it, he's a super spy."
6 TV 9/12
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Juubee Ninpuuchou: Ryuuhougyoku-hen
5 TV 3/13
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Kamigami no Asobi
- TV 2/12
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Kiniro no Corda: Blue♪Sky
- TV 1/12
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Kitaku-bu Katsudou Kiroku
6 TV 2/12
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Koufuku Graffiti

Gorgeous food visuals. If that's what you want, then that's what you're getting. What seems oddly out of place here though are the "foodgasm" responses of the young main characters upon trying their beautiful food creations. It's creepily fanservey in a series that is otherwise a very innocent, dull slice of life anime. Neither one of these is my thing, but I'm also not sure for which demographic BOTH of these would be desirable.
5 TV 2/12
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Magic Knight Rayearth
7 TV 10/20
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Mahoujin Guruguru (2017)
7 TV 10/24
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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
I really liked the first few episodes of this as well as the concept (fantasy "end game" setting where the hero confronts the big boss enemy who turns out to be not so evil...who also happens to have big boobs but it is actually really smart!) and then I got confused by back story and characters. I feel like I'm watching Game of Thrones without watching the books. I can't help but think the original light novels were better.
7 TV 6/12
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4 TV 3/12
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Mikakunin de Shinkoukei

Started out with a fun premise and likeable characters, but quickly fell into a "cute girls doing cute things" rut. I was far more interested in main couple's relationship, but I got very very little of it.
6 TV 4/12
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Miss Monochrome The Animation
- TV 2/13
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Nekojiru Gekijou Jirujiru Original
4 TV 3/27
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Pretty bland romantic comedy, and for me, the comedy falls flat. The animation is nice, but seeing it really just makes me long for the Monogatari series to return.
5 TV 4/20
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No Game No Life

So two things just instantly turned me off of this series:

1) Loli imouto fanservice. First of all, Japan, I'm really sick of your little sister fetish. It's fucking weird. And second, no panty shots of 11 year old girls. Seriously, stop it. You're being creepy, Japan.

2) Most of the first episode establishes how awesome the main characters are at games and strategy. Yet the second they come to this new game world, Sora immediately turns to CHEATING to win. This just bothered me. Sora, you're not cool enough to pull off the anti-hero protagonist thing. Playing dirty just makes you unlikable.

So yea, these two things were actually deal-breakers for me, which is sad because I'm usually a sucker for a super-smart main character (Death Note, Code Geass, Log Horizon...). The animation was really pretty though.
- TV 3/12
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One Piece Airing

Yea, sorry, I tried to get into this, but the early arcs were just dull, standard shounen stuff. Not a big fan of the character designs either. If I give this another try, it will be with the manga first, so I can skim over the boring stuff.
5 TV 10/-
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4 TV 4/12
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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
7 TV 1/13
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Psycho-Pass 2
What a pile of AIDs, especially compared to the first series.
2 TV 11/11
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R.O.D: The TV
6 TV 3/26
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Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace
- TV 5/11
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
You wonder why I rate this a 9 but dropped it?

It's because the series deviates completely from the manga after the Kyoto arc. But up until that point, you get some extremely well-done shounen stuff. I personally think that it's some of the best "played straight" shounen* stuff made, almost up there with Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

* I don't include Hunter X Hunter with "played straight" shounen, because it tends to deviate/subvert so much from standard tropes.

The enemies are great. Our hero is great, and is a nice change from your standard "inexperienced-but-has-a-big-justice-boner young man" hero. The supporting characters are great (they get to DO stuff!).

The only downside is that this is an "older" anime (god I feel old typing that), so the animation is not as slick as newer stuff. There IS a newer movie arc recapping the Kyoto Arc if you NEED your animation boner, but the story is just too compressed there (even more so than the Berserk movies, for example).
9 TV 62/94
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Sakamoto desu ga?
It's a gag anime. It's a pretty decent gag anime at that. But I just lost interest after the first 2 episodes.
6 TV 2/12
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Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru
4 TV 5/12
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- TV 6/12
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Selector Infected WIXOSS
- TV 1/12
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Shakugan no Shana III (Final)
5 TV 13/24
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There was nothing really WRONG with Shirobako, and I can kind of understand why it's a critical darling this season (it looks at real adult life in a way that most anime won't even touch).

But, after finishing 3 episodes, it just wasn't really holding my attention. I was struggling to finish each episode. I don't know, maybe it was a little TOO true to life. I don't need to watch others struggling at their jobs when I go and do the exact same thing myself every day (just not at an anime studio).
- TV 3/24
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Shokugeki no Souma
5 TV 1/24
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Shuumatsu no Izetta
5 TV 3/12
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Sister Princess
3 TV 3/26
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Sousei no Onmyouji
A surprisingly strong premiere for what otherwise looks like a standard shounen entry. Just didn't really grab me though.
6 TV 1/50
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I just couldn't get through the first few episodes, so sue me. Too many cute girl introductions and not enough time travelly science stuff for me to take this series seriously.
5 TV 6/24
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Strike the Blood
4 TV 1/24
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Subete ga F ni Naru
This mystery show just wasn't grabbing me. Didn't help that the main character is a pretentious blow hard spouting teenage pseudo philosophies.
6 TV 5/11
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Sword Art Online II
I don't know why I'm watching this. Maybe I'm a masochist.

That being's better than season 1. Like, WAY better than the second arc, and a LOT better than the first arc.

I still worry that Kirito is just a self-inesrt, overpowered mess of obnoxiousness. But Shinon so far has saved the series for me. If she ends up falling for Kirito, then fuck SAO and its author so hard. But if that's NOT the case, then I can appreciate the new MMO, the newfound idea of characterization (both Shinon & Kirito), and the lack of focus on Our-Lord-and-Savior-Kiirito.

(DESU GUNNU still makes me giggle every times I hear that broken Engrish though.)

Update: Did not care for a lot of the end to this arc. Best friend turning out to be creepy Desu Gun partner, complete with crazy rape-face expression? Kirito coming to the rescue YET AGAIN? Yes Shinon actually got some characterization and a few brief moments of agency here, but she seems well-integrated into the harem now. I'm done hate-watching this. I can't take anymore.
4 TV 16/24
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
7 TV 14/27
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To Heart
4 TV 3/13
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Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta
- TV 2/13
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Tokyo ESP
This is really is X-Men: The Anime.

(We'll just ignore the fact that there actually WAS a REAL X-Men anime (, produced by Madhouse no less, with better animation and showcasing much of Joss Whedon's X-Men team.)

Right now I'm watching it mostly for the comparisons to the Western X-Men, but I also appreciate the action and that fact that it's not TOO BADLY censored (although it's gotten worse recently). That said, some episodes drag along, and it doesn't really do anything NEW with the superhero genre that, say, Tiger & Bunny did. It's the same old mutants vs. humans thing that X-Men has been doing since the 1960s.

Lately, I've been watching this as my Friday "Oh, Jojo's done already, I'm bored, I GUESS I'll watch this" series. It's replaced Fairy Tail in that respect, but that's only because Fairy Tail has become completely unwatchable these days (WHAT HAPPENED?!).
6 TV 6/12
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Trigun: Badlands Rumble

Zzzzzzzzzzz, it's standard shounen, non-canon, movie crap. The animation is nice, but I couldn't even get through the whole thing.
- Movie -/1
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True Tears
5 TV 1/13
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Ushio to Tora (TV) 2nd Season
90s shounen fun, executed wonderfully. Surprisingly watchable, and Tora is the best.

Have lagged on finishing the series though, simply because it doesn't really bring anything new orunique to the table. Saving a binge watch for a rainy weekend probably.
6 TV 2/13
TV: 75, OVA: 2, Movies: 1, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 6.92, Mean Score: 4.8, Score Dev.: -2.27

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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3x3 Eyes
- OVA -/4
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3x3 Eyes: Seima Densetsu
- OVA -/3
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ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
- TV -/12
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Area 88
- OVA -/3
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Area 88 (TV)
- TV -/12
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Arslan Senki
- OVA -/6
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- TV -/12
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Berserk 2nd Season
Watching this because I hate myself.
- TV -/12
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Blood: The Last Vampire
- Movie -/1
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Cardcaptor Sakura
- TV -/70
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Densetsu Kyojin Ideon
- TV -/39
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Dirty Pair: Lovely Angels yori Ai wo Komete
- OVA -/2
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Durarara!!x2 Shou: Watashi no Kokoro wa Nabe Moyou
- Special -/1
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Fate/Zero Remix
- TV Special -/2
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Fate/Zero: Onegai! Einzbern Soudanshitsu
- Special -/6
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Final Fantasy: Unlimited
- TV -/25
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
- Movie -/1
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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Specials
- ONA -/4
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Ga-Rei: Zero
- TV -/12
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- Movie -/1
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Hitsugi no Chaika: Nerawareta Hitsugi/Yomigaeru Iseki
- OVA -/1
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Hourou Musuko Specials
- Special -/2
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Hunter x Hunter Pilot
- OVA -/1
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Ike! Ina-chuu Takkyuu-bu
Pretty standard (read: bad) fare for a shounen movie based on a long ongoing series. Not even the fight scenes were good.
- TV -/26
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- TV -/12
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Kaze Tachinu
- Movie -/1
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Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season
- TV -/12
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Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen
- Movie -/1
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Kotonoha no Niwa
- Movie -/1
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Kyuuketsuhime Miyu (TV)
- TV -/26
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Lupin III
- TV -/23
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Lupin III vs. Meitantei Conan
- TV Special -/1
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Lupin III: Alcatraz Connection
- TV Special -/1
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Mahou Senshi Louie
- TV -/24
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Maze☆Bakunetsu Jikuu
- OVA -/2
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Maze☆Bakunetsu Jikuu (TV)
- TV -/25
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Maze☆Bakunetsu Jikuu: Hot Springs
- Special -/1
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Mirai Nikki (TV): Ura Mirai Nikki
- Special -/10
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- TV -/12
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Najica Dengeki Sakusen
- TV -/12
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- OVA -/1
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NHK ni Youkoso!
- TV -/24
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- TV -/26
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NieA Under 7
- TV -/13
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Noragami Aragoto OVA
- OVA -/2
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Oniisama e...
- TV -/39
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- OVA -/1
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Renai Boukun
- TV -/12
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Seihou Tenshi Angel Links
- TV -/13
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Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou
- TV Special -/1
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Seikai no Monshou
- TV -/13
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Seikai no Monshou Special
- TV Special -/1
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Seikai no Senki
- TV -/13
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Seikai no Senki II
- TV -/10
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Seikai no Senki III
- OVA -/2
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Shakugan no Shana-tan III (Final): Final Destruction
- Special -/2
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Shaman King
- TV -/64
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Shaman King Specials
- Special -/5
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Shin Evangelion Movie:||
- Movie -/1
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Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul
- TV -/24
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Space Pirate Captain Herlock: Outside Legend - The Endless Odyssey
- OVA -/13
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- Movie -/1
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Summer Wars
- Movie -/1
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Takahashi Rumiko Gekijou
- TV -/13
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Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra
- TV -/27
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Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season: Tenchi Seirou naredo Namitakashi?
- OVA -/1
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Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
- Movie -/1
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun: Tonari no Gokudou-kun
- OVA -/1
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Toradora!: Bentou no Gokui
- Special -/1
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Uchouten Kazoku 2
- TV -/12
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- TV -/13
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- OVA -/7
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Ys: Tenkuu no Shinden - Adol Christine no Bouken
- OVA -/4
TV: 32, OVA: 17, Movies: 10, Spcl.: 8, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 417, OVA: 83, Movies: 81, Spcl.: 37, Eps: 6844, Days: 111.95, Mean Score: 6.9, Score Dev.: -0.65
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