You are very welcome!! :)
I've been doing okay, hanging in there for sure!
How have you been? I haven't heard from any of my old online friends in years. T^T
Buna ^_^
Bineînțeles ca te mai tin minte :D eram foarte active pe aici acum.. 8 ani? Doamne ce trec anii, cu viteza luminii :))
Momentan bine, acum sunt si cu facultatea terminata, si cu 2 joburi schimbate, cu 2 orașe schimbate :)) citisem in ultimele comentarii ca ma plângeam ca nu stiu cum o sa trec prin facultate ci examene grele... hmm, uite ca s-au dus toate, acum a mai ramas doar examenul vietii :))
Tu ce mai faci? Cum mai esti? La fel, sper ca esti ok cu toata chestia asta cu covidul
I didn't see many I was interested in, I watched a bit of the Dragon one and the Revenge one tho. I couldn't get into them. >_<
My and my anime loving uncle agree that anime lately has been meh. :/
I do. No probem, I don't hate people who dislike Jared's Joker, that's their opinion, not mine.
I haven't read the comics (YET), but I heard from people who do that there is a version of the Joker that is very much like the the Joker in Suicide Squad (They were making a point to people who were fussing that "Jared's Joker is NOTHING like the real Joker at all!!" -_-.
There are different 'versions' of Joker, people seem to forget that. I think all of the so far live action Joker's were ALL AWESOME. My fave is indeed Jared's Joker. c:
I have yet to officially start the Gotham TV series, but I plan to.
Did you like Harley Quinn in SS? I thought Margot was really great as Harley. I have only watched Harley before in the animated series years ago, and only read what she is like online (in the comics), but I thought she did really well and I can't wait to see more of her Harley. :)
Jim Carrey is boss. Lmao xD
I'm honestly not sure, I don't know which movies got nominated. XD
Bunaa! DIn nou.. am disparut :)) Deci nu imi vine sa cred, chiar si in vacanta nu am timp de anime :)))) Pare imposibil, dar asta e adevarul :(
Nu pot lua decat 1-2 serii pe sezon, maxim. Asa ca am ramas cu Orange si Naruto (+Amaama, dar am ramas in urma si Handa-kun, doar un episod).
Incepusem si Tanaka, dar am vazut un sigur episod. Tanaka seamana asa de mult cu mine :)))) Mie mereu mi se spune "Te-ai nascut obosita" :)))) Sper sa imi fac timp sa il vad pana la capat.
Si am terminat RELife, pentru ca avea toate episoadele.. A fost destul de fain, dar nu intrece Orange, care e preferatul meu <3 <3 Ma gandesc chiar sa cumpar si manga la Orange, sa vad daca a scos anumite faze sau nu si ca sa o pot citi oricand.
Iar din sezoanele trecute.. ce pot sa zic, pustiu :))) Toate sunt neterminate, cu vreo 5/12 eps vazute :( Cred ca mi-ar trebui o clona ca in Naruto, pe care sa o las sa se uite la anime si eu sa imi fac treburile in rest :)))))
Care dintre toate crezi ca merita sa il iau din sezonul trecut? In afara de Tanaka, caci la asta sigur stiu ca ma uit :)) Merita cel mai mult Sakamoto, nu? Trebuie sa fac alegeri foarte stricte, avand in vedere timpul atat de limitat T__T
Si din asta nou.. nu stiu daca mai merita altceva in afara de Orange.. poate Days??
Siii. Bleach ended :( Nu sunt extrem de suparata asa cum am fost cu Naruto cand s-a terminat, asta pt ca Kubo s-a tot lungit si povestea nu mai merita decat pe alocuri (Atunci cand a aparut Grimmjow <3 Si schimbarea lui Hitsugaya <3 <3 Si bankaiul lui Ichigo, in rest.. a tras prea mult de timp).
Ce spui de final? Nu te spoilaruiesc, caci poate nu ai citit inca, insa astept parerea ta :)
Ajin am vazut si eu, vreo 3 episoade, chiar e tare, pacat de grafica, insa il voi relua cand am timp (adica niciodata? T___T )
Ma intorc peste o luna, ca vine sesiunea de toamna T__T Am lasat prea multe restante, nu stiu ce a fost in capul meu :))) So have fun watching anime ^^ (sa te uiti si pt mine, caci eu nu voi putea vedea nimiic :((
Hi there, we are currently in need of a second Newsletter Deliverer and more Claim Makers!
So if you want to help and be part of our staff go to -> Staff Recruitment ^^
All Comments (1729) Comments
I've been doing okay, hanging in there for sure!
How have you been? I haven't heard from any of my old online friends in years. T^T
My and my anime loving uncle agree that anime lately has been meh. :/
I do. No probem, I don't hate people who dislike Jared's Joker, that's their opinion, not mine.
I haven't read the comics (YET), but I heard from people who do that there is a version of the Joker that is very much like the the Joker in Suicide Squad (They were making a point to people who were fussing that "Jared's Joker is NOTHING like the real Joker at all!!" -_-.
There are different 'versions' of Joker, people seem to forget that. I think all of the so far live action Joker's were ALL AWESOME. My fave is indeed Jared's Joker. c:
I have yet to officially start the Gotham TV series, but I plan to.
Did you like Harley Quinn in SS? I thought Margot was really great as Harley. I have only watched Harley before in the animated series years ago, and only read what she is like online (in the comics), but I thought she did really well and I can't wait to see more of her Harley. :)
Jim Carrey is boss. Lmao xD
I'm honestly not sure, I don't know which movies got nominated. XD
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Kino Makoto/Sailor Jupiter LE
Hino Rei/Sailor Mars LE
If you want be part of the staff we need cards makers Staff Recruitment.
Until next weekend :)
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Uzumaki Naruto LE
Ibuki Ryunosuke LE
Until next weekend :)
Here are more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Mirai Nikki RE
Kosuzu LE
Butterfly SE
And don't forget to see the claim topics that are open:
Claim A Chibi
Marry a Character
Claim an Expression
Claim a Couple
Until next weekend :)
Here are the 2 last card editions of July! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Sunflower SE
Yamazaki Susumu LE
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment^^
Hi there, we are currently in need of a second Newsletter Deliverer and more Claim Makers!
So if you want to help and be part of our staff go to -> Staff Recruitment ^^
And don't forget that Rain SE and Nagakura Shinpachi LE are still open ^^
We have a new claim topic and 2 more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
[Claim:OPEN]Claim an Expression
Rain SE
Nagakura Shinpachi LE
And don't forget that: Member Cards is always open^^
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment^^
We have a new claim topic and 2 more card editions! Enjoy and respect the limit post ^^
[Claim:OPEN]Marry a Character
Aino Minako/Sailor Venus LE
Kazama Chikage LE
And don't forget that: Member Cards is always open ^^
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment ^^
We finally have 1500 members and for celebrete here is a Special Edition! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
1500+ SE
2 more card editions are here! Enjoy and respect the limit post^^
Deidara LE
Harada Sanosuke LE
And don't forget that: Member Cards is always open^^
And if you want be part of the staff go to Staff Recruitment^^