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Jul 1, 2016
Long before my life on this earth began, my family's lineage has been devoted to studying and teaching the ancient manuscript of Swag: a primordial order committed to deciphering the body's hidden aura, in an attempt to understand what makes some people "Da COOLEST." As per custom, this responsibility is passed on to the next of kin, and in order to uphold this age-old tradition, my long rigorous undertaking of Swag began.
Through the deepest depths of the Amazon rainforest and the scorching heat of the Sahara desert, I traversed the lands in search of answers. Learning the forbidden tapestry of the Maasai tribe, as well ...
Jun 30, 2016
If you've spent enough time familiarizing yourself with the anime community, you'll come to realize that we're a demanding bunch. That should go without saying, given just how much anime tend to diverge from most mainstream trends. Because of this, we're always on the lookout for the next best thing. Constantly asking for something innovative. Captivating. Unique. Competent. Something to not only entertain but also to satisfy on some intellectual level. In a way, we're spoiled, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. We push for more because we've seen the medium deliver time and time again. Anime isn't afraid of addressing social taboos, nor ...
Jun 26, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Boku no Hero Academia is an anime that lives and dies by the conventional. While that could be seen as a negative feature in most scenarios, for a superhero shounen that understands its limitations, it's actually quite refreshing.

Being satisfied with maintaining a status quo in a medium that constantly pushes the envelope may seem like the wrong direction to take until you come to realize the confines the show is working with. While some shows of this nature tend to sabotage themselves with poor narrative decisions, most are usually knocked off, not by their content, but by their desire for more, despite not having ...
Jun 25, 2016
Kiznaiver (Anime) add
Forced drama, what does it entail? Is it the act of searching for genuine emotion in a place that never offered it? Is it not understanding the limitations of your screenplay? Perhaps it comes from honest attempts to create something organic. Whatever the reason may be, when it happens, it doesn't leave a good aftertaste.

So which is it for Kiznaiver? Is it truly trying to craft something memorable? Is it seeking poignancy in the anguish of others? Is it studio Trigger trying to branch out into unfamiliar territory; a leap of faith, hoping their dedicated followers would comfort them when they fall on their ...
Jun 21, 2016
Joker Game (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Cool gadgets. Fine women. Exotic locations. Fast cars. Espionage. Epic Adventures.

This idealized depiction of the spy lifestyle has always been an in-house staple in Tinseltown, with big IPs like James Bond and The Mission Impossible franchise selling this image to rake in a cool profit with each new installment. While the actual lifestyle itself might not be any more glamorous than what's presented in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" or "Spy Game," it's still fun to see these lavish illustrations as they play out. The truth of the matter is that most real-life spy work revolves around arduous, long-term cover jobs, methodical information gathering, counterintelligence, ...
Jun 17, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Carving out a niche appeal for itself in the market, Concrete Revolutio stands as one of the more unique entries in the ever-expanding superhero genre. Unlike its contemporaries, it doesn't just glorify superheroes while vilifying certain ideals deemed unethical by most societies but chooses to question the very fabric of justice and what it means to those with the power to implement their version of it. With superhero related content being produced ad nauseam, Concrete's unfamiliar approach help subside the impending feeling of 'superhero fatigue', by allowing the subject matter to be seen through a fresh perspective.

By treating superhumans and other supernatural entities as ...
May 24, 2016
Kachou Ouji (Anime) add
Rock 'n' Roll, the sound of sexual liberation, youthful revolt, and living in excess. Since its early induction in film and other media, this genre of music has become synonymous with the "live-fast-die-young" lifestyle, almost becoming a checklist shorthand in the process. Whether it be used mockingly (This Is Spinal Tap) or genuinely embraced (Nana), rock 'n' roll has become a cornerstone in establishing tone and character. A correlative feature eventually made it a faux-literary device whenever brought up in any media that denotes the lifestyle mentioned.

All of which brings us to the anime in question, Kachou Ouji (Black Heaven). A show about a ...
Apr 8, 2016
Ajin (Anime) add
"Don't judge a book by its cover": a phrase that I'm sure many of us are familiar with, being one that has long transcended both generational and ethnic background to be used across the globe. A phrase that has taken on several reiterations, but still maintains the same direct message. It's simple, to the point, and always relevant when entering the world of any storytelling medium. As much as many of us would like to think that we could quickly discern the contents of a show solely off of the art cover and synopsis, there are times when we are all proven wrong.

Take the ...
Apr 1, 2016
When I sat down to write this review I had a hard time condensing my feelings towards it into written format. This wasn't to say the story was complex; on the contrary, it was rather straightforward on paper. But when I tried to articulate my thoughts to virtual ink, nothing came to fruition. Then after I sat back and let everything that had transpired sink in, it just hit me, a simple word, yet one that was able to properly express the feelings that I had wadded up inside for this title. Simply put, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu was poetic.
From the way it delicately ...
Mar 31, 2016
Sushi Police (Anime) add
Sushi Police was a satirical social commentary that's based on the actions of the Japanese Minister of Agriculture, Toshikatsu Matsuoka, who, upon eating at a place he deemed unauthentic for serving sushi alongside Korean BBQ, proposed an idea that would see to it that a dispatch unit of undercover inspectors would go around secretly evaluating sushi to determine its authenticity. Those that pass this secret inspection would receive the approval to be listed as "authentic," as well as sponsorship deal on a Japanese government website. And like this ludicrous idea that received huge media backlash in 2006, this too was equally panned by the few ...

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