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Ensemble Stars!! Road to Show!!
Ensemble Stars!! Road to Show!!
Apr 29, 10:02 PM
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Jul 10, 2021 7:48 AM
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Baraou no Souretsu
Baraou no Souretsu
Mar 1, 2022 4:32 PM
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LookBehindYouO_O Dec 20, 2016 4:22 AM
I saw that you had There She Is in your favourites!! I really enjoyed watching that show, and it made me happy to see that someone else also enjoyed it, I guess thats the main reason I sent you a friend request (*^‿^*)
Nagisa33 Apr 24, 2015 8:15 PM
At long last, I had some excellent poutine with my mom and family friend. It was delicious! I'm glad you told me about it so I could appreciate and enjoy it. Thank you. :)
Domenca Apr 19, 2015 3:44 PM

Haven't heard from you in a long time. What have you been up to lately?
Nagisa33 Apr 13, 2015 11:21 AM
I was thinking a lot of what you said about not noticing two people of the same gender having initial romance. Recently I've been noticing and catching myself when I initially and almost unconsciously pair up the guy and in shows I'm watching. Blood Blockade Battlefront was the most recent example. In BBB I paired up the MC and diner server. Was there romantic tension? No, but I paired them up anyway.
Xenocrisi Mar 13, 2015 12:10 AM
When you say Ending you mean the ED or the final episode?
Muan142 Mar 12, 2015 9:15 AM
Sequel is maybe a bit much. But Yeah I have the first few volumes of the manga. I used to believe anyone who could like this had to be a nice person 'cause to took a forgiving heart to read it.

Anyway, I might be willing to watch the anime if all I have to do is sit back and let it happen. Do you know if its on netflix or hulu?
Nagisa33 Mar 12, 2015 8:54 AM
Shortchanging is to give someone or something less money, time, or attention than is deserved. For example: "The cashier shortchanged me. I gave her 10 dollars to pay for an $8.95 book, and she only gave me a dollar back." "The band shortchanged its fans by playing for only 30 minutes." I used it because I had more to express but I made a statement that felt too quick. I also felt it was too confident, not leaving room for other factors that play into success. Not just the end goal but also the idea of what success means to others. Speaking of which, I was talking to a fellow counselor at work who's around the same age as me. We talked a bit about why we chose the mental health field and where we're headed. I mentioned that I'm applying to grad programs, the stress, the joy, the people that helped me get here, and the people I met along the way. I also told him that now that all my applications are in and my interviews are mostly finished I can take a refreshing breather. He told me about his band competitions and how much fun he has doing them. He mentioned that he was incorporating ballet moves into his routine for a client who used to be a ballerina. I thought that was really cool. When I asked him about his goals on the horizon he mentioned that he'll get there when he gets there and that he doesn't really have any at the moment. He's focused on doing his competitions and engaging clients. His idea of success is doing both and he's happy while doing it. Inspired by what he did, I decided to discuss some more poetry with one of the clients who's really into it. So I asked him for some of his favorites and we discussed "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" after I had some time to read it. The next time I was at his group home we discussed it together and we both got a lot out of it. I learned that he likes John Keats as well! Anyway, in my exploration of the other factors leading to success I guess I didn't emphasize the ones I believe are primary: Passion and effort (or "hard work and guts" as seen in Gunbuster.) I agree that passion and effort are the most important and I agree with everything you said regarding them. Reflecting on what you really desire, giving it your all, and loving it can take you places.

Gamejam!? That's huge! I'm glad you had a blast and got a lot out of it. It seems events/programs such as this are getting more popular and necessary with diversity of the gaming and design industries. With gaming, we see indies with creative and innovative games, mechanics, worlds, and characters. More people are playing games and want unique experiences. For example, just for the visuals alone of Hyper Light Drifter captured my interest: Games like Bastion, Gone Home, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Fez, Transistor, and Broken Age that are offering unique experiences with style and heart. Also, you were the 2D Artist and your game was most visually appealing? "That's bigtime!" as my close friend says. It looks like you have an exciting path ahead of you with a lot of support. Just reading the way you described it seems like you're having fun along the way. :)

Also, if you're comfortable in sharing, could I see some of your designs?
Foxford Mar 12, 2015 8:31 AM
That a this Fox is a high class fox and that he only listens to Wagner :P
Xenocrisi Mar 11, 2015 11:23 PM
I love my achieviment c:
Domenca Mar 11, 2015 7:41 PM
I mostly like comic relief characters more too, but with Kill la Kill I think at one point I just decided that Satsuki is my favourite character, I don't really know why. You're obviously much more experienced when it comes to anime so you have more exquisite taste.

I really enjoyed asking/answering questions and talking with you. Thank you for that. I look forward to spending more time with you. I should get some sleep so I'm off now, see ya.
vyrhux42 Mar 11, 2015 6:46 PM
Ok, moi aussi
vyrhux42 Mar 11, 2015 6:43 PM
Arcturnus Mar 11, 2015 6:13 PM
Eh, yeah. I forgot about that. *changing now*
Nagisa33 Mar 10, 2015 1:57 PM
It's refreshing for you to mention a positive, accepting culture on the internet. Sometimes I spend too much time reading videogame site comment sections and it doesn't make me feel too good once I'm finished. On the flip side, some sub communities are pretty uplifting and helpful. Recently, in my time looking at graduate programs, I met many professors and fellow students. It feels great to talk with people who are all interested in learning, pushing each other, and encouraging each other towards their goals. I'm looking to go into the psychology or counseling field. I met this one guy who wants to work with veterans and a girl who (likes Fallout 3) wants to help children. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do but it's probably going to be working with children. Anyway, it feels right and comforting to be in a community that's supportive.

Speaking of the helpfulness of comments it's funny that I use an example from people associated with a site that sometimes has a toxic community. In this case Greg and Colin have their own community within IGN and it's often very supportive. After listening to these guys and reading a few comments I thought some more about how everyone's experience is unique but there are a few constants to make your time easier. Even though these guys talk about making it on YouTube for a wee bit, the main focus is about how to make it wherever. The insight can apply elsewhere. Some of the comments are worth reading as well.

I hate short changing you before. That comment about your program was way too simplistic. Yeah, passion and effort does help in your personal journey but that's missing a host of other factors. Luck is a huge one. That job may not need workers at this time but may in a month. The interviewer may like your confidence but another may think it's too forward. Anyway, the biggest tip I can give is to surround yourself with supportive people. People who will lift you up, give you time, and push you forward are the people to seek out and make sure you stay close with. Depending on your situation, friends, professors, family, experts can be that support whether it be emotional, intellectual, social, or any other area of wellness. You sound like you have some of that already with your LGBT community and that's great.

Professionally, professors and experts in the field are the ones to look to. They've been around the block and can tell it like it really is. They can give you insight into the field and help you get there by passing down skills and knowledge, writing you letters of recommendation, guiding you on your path, and helping you if you don't understand something. What worked for me when I was in undergrad is that I introduced myself, participated every day, and went to office hours for all my classes. Now, I'm not going to be a biologist but I had interesting conversations with my biology professor and went to her office hours regularly. When I was late by two and a half hours to the final for oversleeping she stayed there and let me take it. Now that was lucky. But it also shows that connections do pay off, even if it's something as seemingly small in the big picture as taking a test for a general education class. (She even gave me chocolate afterwards.) Actually, now that I think about it she even linked me a local externship for psychology. I didn't end up using it because I was swamped with research but the thought is what counts. Whew, I'm so grateful to her that I'm gushing a bit. I need to visit her when I go back and visit.

Also, I'm sure you know but success is a subjective thing and it's relative in terms of the goal itself and in the timeframe. It's not something set in stone either. For example, in the beginning, my friend had his sights on monetary success and would do anything to get there. After doing business grunt work he told me that he can't put 100% into his current position and wants to change his path in business. He now aims to work in a managerial role. However, he's going to need the experience now to do well in that role. It's going to take at least a year of dedication and sleepless nights for him to get there. Also, he doesn't want to be rich now. He just wants to be comfortable.

I'll stop my tangents now. But yeah, connections: lifting you up, guiding the way, helping you get to the place you want to be. They're key. Seriously, congratulations on getting this far and I wish you the best of luck.

As for Korra and after having more time to think about it, I have to say that I liked season 3 the best. I was a fan of the antagonists and the direction that it headed. The final few episodes of that arc were incredible. The season posed some tough questions and brought about the message more clear than ever that times were changing. For the 4th season I liked the antagonist and that there were many allusions to Nazis peppered about. I also liked that the antagonist was similar to Korra in a few ways. Everyone got their moment in the finale and I appreciate it when I series remembers to acknowledge all the characters and tie up loose threads. The intimacy of Korra and Asami relationship blew over my head until I saw it in the end. I noticed that they had the strongest trust out of everyone, as seen on multiple occasions, but it seemed more of a deep and understanding friendship than an intimate, romantic relationship. The telegraphing of romanticism was too subtle for me to notice (I missed the blush for instance) or there weren't enough signs of romantic development. Even so, I liked the way it turned out, that trust lead to intimacy.

Thank you for enlightening me on Otome games. I remember the adaptation that came out a bit ago with the dominating vampire guys calling the girl "bitch-chan". I think that fits the mold with all the hot bad boys. I can see the sexual fantasy appeal of these games and of the genre. It's not my fantasy but everyone has their own. :)

I agree that LN and VNs have a lot of dribble but there are a few that are good. It's funny that you mentioned kemonomimi because I plan on reading the Spice and Wolf LNs sometime in the future. But yeah, some good adaptations are DRRR, Baccano, Spice and Wolf, and Kino's Journey. I only played a handful of VNs but Saya no Uta and Narcissu were interesting.

For FSN, I don't care to play the overly long VN but I'm a fan of the anime. Well, specifically Fate Zero and the new UBW. I will say that, there are problems with this series but it doesn't stop me from enjoying it. I like Rin and Shirou's characters as well as their growth. Rin and Shirou are character archetypes, yeah, but they're a bit more than that. That bit is what's interesting. Unlike most in her archetype, Rin has a reason for her hard shell bc her life was tough as a kid. Shirou is a semi-bland protagonist and he saves the day. However, he gets wrecked, learns from his mistakes, and changes. It's cool to see that. As for FZ I dig Rider and Waver's dynamic as well as Saber and Lancer's dynamic. Another big reason I like these series is that they look pretty, the fights are great, and they're well animated.

For Bakemonogatari I sort of flip flopped the way I thought about it. In the beginning was digging the unique style, the angles, the colors, the supernatural elements, and the dialogue. It was cool, fresh, and different. Now that I'm updated I still appreciate the style but the substance kind of falls flat for me. I'm seeing more of the LNisms now. The moeness, the character archetypes, and the harem turns me off. The once seemingly interesting wordplay now seems like window dressing to supplement the lack of material. They talk in circles and, besides a few sentences, they don't often advance the plot with their exchanges. Having said that, I'm interested to see how it ends. Also, I can enjoy it despite the silliness or even because of it sometimes.

Christmas was fun. We ate a ton of food, sung drunken Christmas carols, and enjoyed each other's company. I've been getting closer with my family over the years. As a kid everyone was so much older, even most of the other cousins. We do have cousins our age though. But now that we're all adults (even though I still act like a child sometimes) we connected some more. I hope we can grow even closer as a family in the coming years.

Whew! That was a doozy. I'm glad I said what I wanted to say accurately. (I hope) What do you think about this? Do you agree, disagree, think somewhere in between? Any anime or other entertainment that you're looking forward to?

I'm excited to play Bloodborne with my friend's PS4.

Also, any solid realistic romance suggestions?
23rdeconomics Mar 9, 2015 1:06 AM
I'm glad my writings were of use to somebody. Do enjoy the show; it truly is a masterpiece.

Please, do write to me after you've watched some of it, and let me know your thoughts on the matter.

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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