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Jun 3, 2009 11:57 AM

Jun 2008
And since we have this thread now I have deleted Soba ni oitene from the manga relations and will demote it to get a honorary mention instead. The uke is very girly, member of the cooking club (apron!!!) and adores his seme a bit too much for my comfort. The main reason that this manga was in the list was that the uke is a good deal taller the seme - and right now I try to think of at least one other case where that would be the case, but can't think of any. I thought it very brave of the mangaka to make the seme shorter, it seems like mould the seems to resist the most being broken - but then of course it IS an outer appearance only and we are the "Anti GIRLY uke yaoi club" and not the "Taller-than-the-seme uke yaoi club" (althought if you want to create one - please tell me, I'd definitely join...). I had written in the club description that being taller than the seme would be a reason to be added, but I'm still not really feeling comfortable with this manga in our list and I know it has been a thorn in Queen2408's side...
So no more Soba ni Oitene, but still a medal of honours for trying something new to Sakuragi Yaya.

P.S. I just remembered another manga with an uke who's taller than the seme: Dog Style.
Geisha_XJun 16, 2009 12:18 PM
Jun 3, 2009 4:46 PM

Dec 2008
This is a really good option for those mangas that are borderline...and now that you say so I wonder if Aisanai Otoko would fit here better?
Anyways, there are lots of mangas around that have ukes that aren't manly but not particulary girly either, I think these ones should be here:
-Tenohira no Seiza
-Ore ni Koi Shite Dousunda
Queen2408Sep 3, 2009 9:45 AM
Jun 6, 2009 2:19 PM
Jun 2009
I think that the best ukes are stubornly cute, like the ones in:
crimson spell (not curently in manfafox)
the tyrant who fall in love (not curently in manfafox)
junjo romantica
Haru wo daidate ita

These ones are actually in our list, this thread is more for those stories that are good but in the borderline, that means, we don't know if they are girly or not.--Queen2408
Queen2408Sep 3, 2009 9:52 AM
Jul 7, 2009 12:03 PM

Jun 2008
For the last half hour I have been thinking if Bi no isu deserves to be in our manga list or not. Hmh ... I'm still not sure either way, but I have decided to grant it a honorary mention here instead.

This manga is a one-shot collection. The first 3 chapters are about a yakuza couple. The uke is manly and can stomach a hardcore rape and torture for breakfast with the best of them, but if you look close he is on the same level with his seme as much as a dog with his master - not at all!
The next chapter shows us an uke who is impotent after the seme treated him like shit and raped him ever since they were children. And now the doctor who is supposted to cure him is .... you guess it. The uke is not exactly ... girly, but he is one of the most spineless ukes I have ever encountered in yaoi ... practically a slug.
And the last chapter is about a guy who meets the guy he secretly has been in love with years ago at his work. This is a salarymen-yaoi ... almost, so again the uke is not exactly girly, but he's really insecure for a grown man. And the story is too short to let them develope something like equal standing.
So while the manga hasn't even had one girly uke in it, I still think it does not really qualify for our list. But if you like hard yaoi, or sadistic semes, or hardcore doctor games or yakuza yaoi, "Bi no isu" might still be along your line.
Geisha_XJul 8, 2009 1:04 PM
Jul 11, 2009 12:18 PM

Jun 2008
I have just finished Glass Sky by Yamada Yugi. It is a one shot collection with 9 stories containing a varied type of uke, some a bit teary and spineless some so-so but some of them even meet the club requirements. Maybe not enough for a list entry but I thought I should grant the manga a honorary mention here.
Aug 22, 2009 10:43 AM

Jun 2008
Another honorary mention goes to:

Seitokaichou ni Chukoku
The uke isn't really girly, I'd say, not especially manly either, more of a borderline case. This series is still publishing and an anime OVA is going to be produced. So depending on the future development I might still add this to the club lists, for now, I want to reward it a honorary mention here. Even if the uke might have shown a bit more fight at some places, he's no doormat and the series is an entertaining read.
Aug 26, 2009 11:18 PM

Jun 2008
Okay, I guess this is shaving it really close. I thought about adding Kiss all the boys to the manga list. None of the threeandahalf uke in that is girly. But despite all that I still feel a gap in their relationships. I'm giving it a honorary mention here. If anyone thinks that's unjust ... please explain your case. I'm sitting a bit between chairs in this case, so I expect it would be easy to sway me towards adding it to the list.

Oh, btw ... no matter what you think of the uke, I loved this!
Sep 3, 2009 4:15 PM

Dec 2008
Should Gerard & Jacques go on this list too? I still have doubts with this uke, he has a spine but then you see him crying for nothing....I wonder
Anyways, the story is really really good, and if someone gives reasons to add it to the lists I would gladly do it.
Sep 12, 2009 9:43 PM

Dec 2008
Kawaii Hito, the uke here is really strong for his appeareance and behaviour, he is the one to take the initiative at the beginning but later on he becomes just the cute and insecure of his seme boy..I do love their relationship but I still doubt this uke is equally standing with the seme. Anyways, the story is really nice and he isn't that girly though.
Sep 19, 2009 7:29 AM

Jun 2008
Another honorary mention goes to Rules by Miyamoto Kano.
The two uke in that aren't girly, but they are younger and not as self assured as their seme, therefore there is a bit of gap in the standing between them. Not a giant one right enough and Rules is a great read with very lifelike characters.
Geisha_XSep 19, 2009 7:32 AM
Sep 22, 2009 5:57 PM

Dec 2008
Yume wo Miru Hima mo Nai, the uke here has a somewhat girly behaviour..but not so is just that the mangaka tries to make a normal man look "cute". They are equally standing though, in some ways. So if someone wants to disagree with this one (and feels like it should be added to the lists), please state your opinion, I am tempted to add it already XD.
Sep 23, 2009 5:50 AM
Aug 2009
Queen2408 said:
Yume wo Miru Hima mo Nai, the uke here has a somewhat girly behaviour..but not so is just that the mangaka tries to make a normal man look "cute".

I am a big fan of Yamada Yugi so maybe I won't be objective :) But with this I have to agree with you. I think that she can draw only few types of people, so you can immediately tell who is seme and who is uke (I don't think there were any reverse couples in her mangas). Maybe because of this we could think that uke is more girly than normal man should be. But when you close your eyes and try to imagine it is novel (so you can't see how they look) then they seem to be standing equally in they relationship. But if this gets at least honorary mention I would be satisfied.
Sep 23, 2009 10:29 AM

Dec 2008
Dasha9x said:
I am a big fan of Yamada Yugi so maybe I won't be objective :) But with this I have to agree with you. I think that she can draw only few types of people, so you can immediately tell who is seme and who is uke (I don't think there were any reverse couples in her mangas). Maybe because of this we could think that uke is more girly than normal man should be. But when you close your eyes and try to imagine it is novel (so you can't see how they look) then they seem to be standing equally in they relationship. But if this gets at least honorary mention I would be satisfied.

Well, for now it is here, if I receive more requests to move it to the list, that could be..:D

I have been wondering if Sakura Gari should go on the lists or not...Masataka is definitely not girly, but his looks and his position in the relationship, so far, make me think that he doesn't deserve to be on the list yet. We'll see what happens, for now, I'll add it here.
Queen2408Sep 23, 2009 1:08 PM
Sep 28, 2009 3:31 PM

Dec 2008
I'll add Can't win with you! to this list, the boy in this manga acts all though but sometimes he is like a girl. There are other couples here but in the end I felt like this was just a cute boys' manga..
Sep 29, 2009 1:26 PM

Jun 2008
I'd like to give Kimi o Mukaeni a honorary mention here. It's a collection of 2 interconnected two-chapter stories a few one-shots. Not all but some of the uke in here are definitely fitting the club profile and the remaining stories are at least ... different. I guess the two 2-chapter-story uke are both not really girly but at least the second has a gap in standing with his seme and two of the one-shots have almost girly uke.
Geisha_XSep 30, 2009 12:50 AM
Oct 2, 2009 11:32 AM

Jun 2008
I thought about putting 35 degrees Fahrenheit into the "girly uke but great read"-thread, but it seems like doing Honda unjustice. He looks girly and he's not really at even standing, but I rather think that he's just plain kinky than a pushover. I'll dump in here for now.
Oct 30, 2009 6:29 PM

Dec 2008
I think Antique Bakery and the DJ could be considered a borderline case..we have to group both because you need to know the main story, even if it is hardly shounen-ai, to fully enjoy the DJ that is like if the mangaka took the censored parts to do another manga, they complement each other..Borderline because the ones that are ukes are not that manly..and the reversi One, Ono, is really girly even if he is a demonic gay sometimes (almost like a split personality)
Oct 31, 2009 10:26 PM

Aug 2008
Pink is borderline I guess, since the main uke is rather girly, despite his mad porn drawing skillz. However, the reversi character is certainly not girly, but this doesn't really happen until Vol 3 of 3. A soft yaoi title that's pretty hot despite not showing much.. she's good at that.
Nov 14, 2009 1:32 PM

Jun 2008
Missing Code
The uke is an art thief out for revenge. Doesn't sound girly does it, and it's not really that he's girly per se, but if you look at these guys there's no doubt who's the uke and there's also a gap in standing. Still for gutsy removal of art he gets a honorary mention here. Plus of course Minase Masara's art is a real treat to see.
Nov 14, 2009 4:01 PM

Aug 2008
Deep Black is another good thief borderline case. It's a Batman parody, except this time "Catwoman" is a man and looks even better in his cat suit (Seriously--the chapter image of that bumped up the manga score by a point for me!). But as soon as you take off the hot suit and makeup, damn he looks girly. But he uses those looks to his advantage at least. In the end, it's just not very equal (it is Batman Deep Black after all), so borderline.
Nov 15, 2009 12:02 PM

Dec 2008
Last Portrait is a nice borderline case. Although the uke, in both stories, looks rather manly and doesn't really act like a girl, he certainly isn't equally standing to the seme; they have a bit of a weak personality compared to their partner. Anyhow! it was a nice art and it is always good to see police in action, this time was FBI :)
Nov 17, 2009 5:57 PM

Dec 2008
Mr. Convenience, another borderline case (both stories). I'd say that both couples are equally standing but the ukes are a bit girly, even when they do have some backbone. This is due to the cutesy the mangaka tries to use in them.
Nov 18, 2009 5:32 PM

Aug 2008
This is going to be the bara post. Edit as needed. :)

I wanted to link some bara works since they have very manly men, but they are borderline because.. well, they are not BL at all. So what is bara aka gei-comi? Simply, they are comics typically made by gay men FOR gay men, unlike BL which are comics about male/male relationships often written by women FOR women. The mod in me won't allow this mixing, thus borderline. :3 There might be other users out there interested, so I wanted to point out some works. This is meant to be a simple post, so you can find more info online (and I'm not that knowledgeable).

Edit: A bara club has been made on MAL for easy listing. Check it out for more info. :3
shinkeikakuDec 9, 2009 7:06 PM
Apr 19, 2010 1:04 PM

Jun 2008
Hada Made Aishite by Yamakami Riyu
A salariman story. I don't think the couple is on equal standing, but the uke has a couple of strong points too.
Apr 23, 2010 9:54 AM

Dec 2008
Mimi-kun no Boy no Kisetsu
They are equally standing, one very girly and the other a just a bit...but it has a really nice twist.
May 11, 2010 8:41 AM

Dec 2008
All stories from the Mainichi Seiten series, all ukes look and act a a bit girly most of the times, but they are surely in equally standing relationships and know how to defend themselves very well, I actually have some doubts about this, should be added or not to the main list?

comment by Geisha_X: I'm against adding these to the club list, but would agree that the uke from vol 2 on shows a surprising amount of guts apart from walking around in girls kimonos.
Geisha_XAug 13, 2010 2:43 AM
Jun 5, 2010 8:08 PM

Dec 2008
Replicant no Kiss, the uke here sometimes appears to be strong and determined but others he seems weak and manipulable. Well, he is not annoying but definitely not equally standing with his partner. The story is interesting though, wish they developed it more.
Aug 12, 2010 9:51 PM

Dec 2008
Taiyou no Shita de Warae. I really liked this Yamada Yugi's story. About long-time friends and hidden love. I might have been biased by my delicate mood when I read it XD.
Aug 13, 2010 10:30 PM
Jul 2018
What about Golden Days? He is the I-have-a-lot-of-feelings type, but he also stands up for himself and scolds the seme. Highly recommended, btw.
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