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What is the worth of Hunter x Hunter (2011)?
It is made of excellence and deserves to be on our Enlightenment list.
It is too unremarkable to be on on either of our lists.
It is vastly overrated and deserves to be on our Relations list.
I have not watched this series because I didn't know the polls were today! The polls are back! Rejoice!
34 votes
Nov 8, 2014 9:01 PM

Oct 2012
Hunter x Hunter (2011) is now up for vote. Decide if it will attain its Enlightenment license or if it will get its face eaten off by creepy insect people in the Relations.

1. You can only vote for a title if you've finished watching/reading it. You must've read or watched at least 60% of the published content for unfinished titles. There might be exceptions for very long finished titles as they are decided on a case by case basis, but usually amount to more than half of the published content.

2. Write your vote at the very top of your comment.

3. Below your vote, give a substantial explanation to back it up. It doesn't have to be lengthy; it just needs to cover the points you want to make.

4. If you have only read/watched the adaption/source material of the respective nominee, please state so in your post.

5. It will take a minimum of 5 votes for either Enlightenment or Relations to make it into any of the lists as an anime (3 votes for manga). If it fails to reach that, it will be deemed Invalid.

6. The votes for Enlightenment will have to outnumber the votes for Unremarkable and Relations for it to be included in our list; the same goes for Relations. If it fails to reach that, it will be deemed Unremarkable.

7. Behave yourself. We accept discussions and debate, not flaming and incoherent fanboy/fangirl behavior.

8. The fate of the poll will lie in the hands of the officers if it turns out that there are more first time voters than regulars or the series cannot be gauged by both voting and discussions.

This polling process will last 14 days. BEGIN
Ducat_RevelNov 23, 2014 8:27 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 9, 2014 10:01 AM

Apr 2013

I will put a copy of my post in the manga poll since it basically summarize the best thing I find about HxH, the details, which is no different in the anime since madhos.

Now to the other aspect of the anime:
Madhouse once again show how good they are at adapting an actually good source material. I'm not really well versed with anime studio, but I have seen what they do for chihayafuru, and later on, parasyte, so that's the kind of impression madhouse have been given me.
The overall adaptation for HxH is really good. They are able to balance the visual and the abundant detail of speech, monologue, etc from the original source. Not to mention, like HxH itself, madhouse put a really good detail on their adaptation, and it works. They are also able to produce a good visualisation of most of the best scenes in HxH, like the requiem, the rose, Gon vs pitou, and best of all the King revival.

Too bad I havent finished and cant remember anything from the previous adaptation, so I cant make any comparison between them. But considering HxH 2011 as standalone, it's worthy enough to be called enlightening.
Nov 9, 2014 7:40 PM

Jul 2013
Option 1: Enlightening

HXH is a kind of like the Noggin Lugging Tortoise in that it's deceptively colorful and bright. It lures unsuspecting victims with its sweet strawberries and then it rips them to shreds. In the beginning, this series emanates a powerful sense of adventure and excitement but as it progresses it explores dark corners of the world and has the characters go through increasingly extreme situations.

One aspect that I greatly appreciated is that characters are allowed to be defeated and the enemies are often superior. In the Yorknew City arc the all members of the Phantom Troupe are highly skilled thieves and killers. Though Gon and Killua have demonstrated their skill by passing the Hunter exam they are still forced to evade the Troupe members or they risk being killed. This creates tension while also showing what skills they need to learn to better themselves.

Another aspect I dug was that the answers, power, and victories come at a high price. This appears throughout the series in various ways. In Heavens Arena fighters learn about Nen the hard way by being "initiated." This is where Nen-using fighters beat challengers, which results in the challengers becoming physically disabled or even killed. In Yorknew City Kurapika makes a contact to end his life if he misuses his ability to gain immense power. Gon frequently tests his limits and during the Greed Island arc he risks losing life and limb to beat his opponent. He lets Genthru blow up his arm to turn the tables, which leads to his victory.

Hunter X Hunter is a series of surprises. I never knew what creative creature or off the wall ability I would see next and I could never predict what challenge or obstacle the protagonists would have to overcome. This series pleasantly surprised me and took me to places brimming with imagination. When HxH wrapped up it felt like the end as a main goal was achieved and many conflicts were put to rest. It also felt like a new beginning as it showed more to explore and discover in Hunter X Hunter's vast and mysterious world. Hunter X Hunter is all about the journey and it sticks to that notion throughout as well as in the end. As Ging tells Gon, "You should enjoy the little detours. To the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want."
Nagisa33Nov 9, 2014 7:58 PM
Nov 11, 2014 8:07 AM

Apr 2009
Option 1 - Enlightening

HxH is probably one of the most well-written action Shounen in the past few decades and it greatly deserves to be on our list for several aspects:

1. The characters initially appear as stereotypes, but are delightfully varied and detailed upon closer inspection with many classic characters that appear to share "good tropes" having plenty of ambigious traits and vice versa. One can also not udnerestimate the amount of empathy Togashi puts into his characters and their rather realistic course of action they take during the entire series.

2. The plot that - just like the characters - takes on a familiar shape at first but then deconstructs, undermines, subverts and mixes them up so that they usually take a more realistic, gritty form.

3. The production is top notch Madhouse quality, with no big aniamtion mistakes even in rather low episodes, an overall impressive consistency and a formidable score that accompanies the nicely aniamted fight scenes. Compared to the 1999 version the choreography in fights is less impressive, but it is still way above average and certainly looks good.

A few minor changes and staff chocies in the first 20 or so episodes aside, HxH 2011 is one of the best page-by-page adaptions in a long time.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Nov 12, 2014 10:56 AM

Mar 2014
Option 1 - Enlightening

Through excellent characterization, great tension and smart fights Hunter x Hunter shows off it's brilliance while unfortunately stumbling a bit along the way.

The characters were initally showed off as simple archetypes, but quickly evolved from their roles through great characterization and insight to their ways of thinking. The characters are all well written with independent goals and egos which creates tension seeing how they're not all together simply for friendship and can break up in extreme situation and for their own goals.

The fights are all creative, smart and well animated. They are filled with mind games, creative powers and a fair share of suspense. The power system of the show further enhances the fights themselves allowing for several tricks and strategies that are showed throughout the series.

Production values throughout are great. The animation is standard Madhouse greatness and the soundtrack is filled with several stand out pieces. It is clear which arc got the biggest cut of the budget and it looks great. The rest of the show also looks very good and doesn't falter at any point. The 1999 version has a more gritty and dark feel to it, but lack the details of the newer version which is also more clean and colorfull. Which is superior is all up to the viewer and what the viewer prefers. The 1999 version also has superior and more agile choreography for what it covered.

It got some minor issues, but nothing that can't be easily overlooked. The arcs has very little connection to eachother besides the fact that Gon is searching for his father especially later in the show, seeing how we go from cat and mouse game, to a video game to ant hunting. The transicion are not very well done, but the arc themselves are simply great. Another issue is how slow the pacing gets during the Chimera ant arc. The last issue is the fact that it ends incomplete. Not a too big of an issue, but it can be a big deal for some.

Nonetheless Hunter x Hunter (2011) is a great series and deserves the spot on the e-list.
Nov 13, 2014 12:26 PM
Nov 2013
Option 1 - Enlightening

I think we all can agree that, speaking solely of technical points, this adaptation is almost a miracle. Togashi sure writes like a beast, and at least for me the building of the atmosphere, the characterization, the dialogues, the script and every little thing leaves not be desired. In a surprising manner the new adaptation of Madhouse manages to capture all that from Togashi and gives it even more life than we all were expecting to have.

Now, what I think was a miracle is the art and the animation. Somehow when reading the manga, the art looked very poor at some points. It was almost like Togashi was being lazy to draw something worthy to be seen.

The anime, on the other hand, is visually spectacular and have a very nice linearity in terms of art and animation. You almost can't find any drop of quality during the awesome 148 episodes. That is pretty impressive for me.

About the story itself, and the way every character behave in front of each event, it show us that shounen isn't exactly a formula to be followed, and can be broader, darker, more mature and humanized, and deal with social and philosophical problems in a fantastic way. I can affirm that Hunter x Hunter (2011) was one of the best experiences I had in this medium, and follow it to the end was enthralling and very special. I couldn't relate more to this epic journey, and I wish some continuation for the future.
blankflatNov 13, 2014 12:30 PM
Nov 15, 2014 10:10 AM

Mar 2009
Nowadays, I tend to avoid shounen series, because they're just boring; I am so sick of series that just do the same, tired thing. Hunter x Hunter is different in many ways from the rest. I decided to start it when it first aired only because I really loved Yu Yu Hakusho as a child. I thought the villains were so interesting, and the story arcs often didn't end the way one would expect. Hunter x Hunter carried over those aspects while also adding deep characterization, intriguing character development, great production values (in the anime), and so much emotion.

HxH is an inspiring series, because it shows that all shounen series don't have to follow the same formula. Watching Gon grow over time was never dull. Killua was even more interesting to watch develop. It's a series about bonds, and it uses that theme quite well. I often times found myself more interested in how to characters would relate, rather than how a fight would turn out.

It also has quite a lot of intellectual depth, and not just for a shounen—it has a lot of depth for an anime, in general. Covering topics from chemical warfare to the consequences of murder to the importance of platonic love, the series offers a lot for the viewer to think about while wrapping everything up in a fun, beautiful package. It's really a must-watch.
Nov 19, 2014 4:04 AM

Apr 2013
Well, I am busy right now so I will make this quick.

I do believe this series to be overrated on this site, however that isn't a testiment to the shows actual quality, which after much reflection I consider it to be far above average and having elements to a shounen series that I haven't seen since I watched "Future Boy Conan".
It has a lot to say about mature and intellectual topics without ever becoming overly preachy but commanding a respectable view on it, as Aizo pointed out. What hit me was the shows treatment of chemical warfare in the later arcs, and the elements and treatment of friendship and trying to understand human nature. The satire of both contemporary politics and the system that produces the Hunters based on privilege was a particularly risky move, and for that I appreciate the show moreso than many others and are the reasons why I believe it to be worth considering for enlightenment.

The series does have some negative elements to it as well, the beginning arcs are not as well done as the 1999 version adaptation of the manga, but it still made respectable use of the material that it was covering, and in some of the later arcs it becomes fairly apparent that the producers were trying to drag out the series to accommodate the upcoming manga chapters at the time.

Even though it is an incomplete series, it ends very satisfyingly as well, and I look forward to the next chapters that will likely be getting adaptations.
Nov 19, 2014 4:33 AM

Apr 2012
Alright. To the Enlightenment list this series goes!

Hunter X Hunter is one of the most carefully written, if not the most carefully written shonen to date. The story-line is fast-paced at the beginning, but slowly gains this careful pacing that most shonen series, in particular long-running ones, lack. The fights are carefully written from start to finish, and the way the protagonists or their opponents manage to defeat each other never feels poorly explained with deus ex machina moments in between, unlike more recent shonen classics which are filled to the brim with these kind of moments that anger non-shonen enthusiasts. If you think the series will explain it's concepts in long, drawn-out dialogue, you're wrong again. The dialogue in this series is full of wit and tries to explain the various concepts and themes it presents bit by bit rather than explain things all at once.

The artwork for Hunter X Hunter is nothing like other series we've seen. Despite being rather old, Hunter X Hunter's art looks very different and pleasing to the eyes, with characters, their costumes and the world they're in being drawn with such vivid detail that most shonen can only dream of having. The fight scenes are very very well animation, and studio MADHOUSE seem to have taken it upon themselves to give this series an excellent budget, as the animation looks absolutely gorgeous, with very few still frames and bringing the series to life with some very detailed backgrounds.

The OST is very well composed, though not on the same level as the previous version of Hunter X Hunter. The calm, soothing soundtrack of the previous version is replaced with a more hardcore rock soundtrack. While not as good, the OST is nevertheless very well executed, and perfectly fits the tone of the series. The OST never feels out of place, and the right tracks are played at the right time.

The characters at the beginning fit into their generic archetypes, but later those archetypes are deconstructed and reconstructed in what slowly but surely becomes a fascinating character study of morals. The series isn't afraid of taking risks, and goes into boundaries that most shonen don't dare approach. The characters develop because of the plot, yet the development doesn't feel forced or unnecessary and the characters are still independent enough to feel that they don't develop because the plot dictates it.

And most importantly, try not to judge this series' characters based on their appearances. An important theme of this series is breaking stereotypes about other people's appearances, and this series utilizes that theme to maximum effect, so be prepared to be surprised by some of the characters you meet. So yeah, no complaints whatsoever here.
sushiisawesomeNov 22, 2014 11:28 AM
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Nov 19, 2014 9:47 AM

Jul 2013
sushiisawesome said:
Alright. To the Enlightenment list this series goes!

You can smile again!
Nov 22, 2014 10:13 AM

Mar 2009
Vote goes at the top of the post, Sushiman.
Nov 22, 2014 11:33 AM

Apr 2012
AlabastreAizo said:
Vote goes at the top of the post, Sushiman.

Just noticed that, haha (been a while since I gave a vote and all). Well, my point is made clear anyway.

Nagisa33 said:
sushiisawesome said:
Alright. To the Enlightenment list this series goes!

You can smile again!

I swear, I love that OP. So addictive and fits the mood of the show (except in the Chimera Ant Arc, bit too grim for such an upbeat opening).
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Nov 23, 2014 8:27 PM

Oct 2012
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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