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Sep 3, 2018 3:06 AM

Oct 2012
You can give whatever scores you want.
But you're being like a teacher saying: "This is how my scoring system works as 5 is the best given score out of 10.
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Bad
1 Terrible"

The students will complain cuz that makes no sense.
"Seriously teacher? But all my answers are right. Why are you giving me half the mark? How can I show this to my Asian parents? 5/10? They would literally kill me & beat the crap out of me! Oh no! No internet for a year!" Lol.

I can tell, you won't make a great teacher..
Sep 3, 2018 3:11 AM

Jan 2018
OP,More than half of your list are scored 1,why do you score anime so low(even with your rating system),do you even enjoy anime,if you dont then dont watch it.
For the topic,it depends on the user's rating system.For examle,a person who consider 5 as average but his mean score is below 5 then it's wrong.Because as i said before,if you dont enjoy watching anime then dont watch it,find something you'll enjoy instead.
(sorry for my english^^)
Sep 3, 2018 3:33 AM
Apr 2018
You have a lot of things rated as 1, how do you stand watching something that, for you, is so bad?
Sep 3, 2018 3:35 AM

Sep 2015
It isn't a new-found thing. I've been seeing this shit since I joined and I imagine it was going on long before, too. People just can't help themselves when they see that people have a mean score lower than 7; they just instantly assume you absolutely hate the medium and it cannot be that maybe you just put a little more thought into your ratings, and / or have more experience to draw from when deliberating over your ratings.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Sep 3, 2018 3:50 AM

Jun 2017
Answer this OP: Is it wrong to have high mean score? If yes then it's wrong to have low mean score either
Sep 3, 2018 5:26 AM
Dec 2015
Nothing is wrong. Just do you, instead of worrying about what the sheep does.
Sep 3, 2018 5:35 AM

Feb 2018
Everyone that doesn't have a mean score of 1.00 is a filthy casual
Sep 3, 2018 5:39 AM

Sep 2013
people get called out because of salty fanboys that can't take on that ppl have different opinions on their fav shows.

also some ppl are really critical / have a really peculiar taste, so that will prob explain their low rating

as for myself I have an optimist pov so I have a really high meanscore, I had an even higher but I analyzed all my scores last year and it dropped down a bit. I don't really see the point on getting salty over ppl with low mean score, but I know why they do it.
Sep 3, 2018 6:10 AM

Sep 2013
It's not just the ratings; pretty much everything about your profile screams "mentally challenged". It's either that, or you're an extremely dedicated troll, in which case I'll give you props for succeeding in garnering all this attention from not only the people you set out to piss off, but also those willing to defend you for brownie points. It's almost nauseating to watch this exact same pattern ceaselessly repeat itself on the internet for years.
ScerberosuSep 3, 2018 9:01 AM
Sep 3, 2018 6:18 AM

Oct 2012
People who rate highly are probably Republicans. Because they're like we should have the death penalty, but only for people who have certainly committed crimes. Or we should kick out immigrants without question, but only if they're certainly illegal. Or we should watch anime, but only if we're certain we'd like it.

In other words, there's no due process. Once you start asking, well, how do you know someone certainly committed a crime without giving him a chance to defend himself? How do you know someone must be an illegal immigrant if you don't give him a chance to defend himself? How do you know an anime show is bad if you don't ever watch it in the first place? You realize that there's something amiss...

Either you watch a bunch of shows that you hate, but you don't rate them to arbitrarily inflate the rating on your list and make it seem as if you love anime more, or you magically know the shows you like before you watch them. I mean I know that I wouldn't like certain shows before I watch them, but that's only because I've seen tons pf bad shows before. If you've literally never seen a bad show because you love anime so much, then you don't even have the experience to judge whether a show will be bad.

So for you to say you've only seen good shows tells me you have selective memory, cognitive dissonance, amnesia, splitting, or you really want to fit in when you don't even like anime that much. I mean, how can you claim to love anime when you're so scared that watching more shows will lower your mean score? If that's not it, maybe you do just have a magic ball.
My subjective reviews:
Sep 3, 2018 7:13 AM

Apr 2018
As long as you're enjoying most of the anime you watch, I don't think there is a problem with having a low mean score. But if you aren't enjoying the anime you're watching, then why are you still watching anime?

Sep 3, 2018 12:09 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
It only means you're picky or watch a lot of stuff you're just not into.
Some people cannot handle that not everyone likes their favorite show which they consider a masterpiece. It's not wrong whatsoever to have your own taste. MAL should have a blocking function somewhere, I never had to use it myself but this may be something one would want to use it for.
Sep 3, 2018 12:16 PM

Dec 2014
when i started watching anime i used to give 10-9 but now i end up giving 5 to every show i watch maybe im used to anime by now and it bores me
anyways its true and i have been called out cause of my mean score
Send me Friend requests!!!!
Sep 3, 2018 12:38 PM

Aug 2016
It starts to make more sense when someone has watched hundreds of shows. It's quite common for the mean score to end up going down.

Though people with an extremely low mean score or folks that don't have that many shows completed but still have a low mean score? Couple reasons why that happens.

There is good chance that the person has their own rating scale and doesn't follow MAL. Or perhaps they just aren't good at finding shows that are good. Though another reason is because people are attention seeking and want to fill some gimmick of having refine taste or some shit like that.
Sep 3, 2018 12:50 PM
May 2018
Even though it's a little bit low for me, i can understand people having mean scores around 5-6 but 1.61? Well, sorry but something is wrong with you.
Sep 3, 2018 1:51 PM

Nov 2017
People please stop making these kind of threads. They are so repetitive and boring.
Sep 3, 2018 1:57 PM

Jul 2017
Queentiana said:
You can give whatever scores you want.
But you're being like a teacher saying: "This is how my scoring system works as 5 is the best given score out of 10.
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Bad
1 Terrible"

The students will complain cuz that makes no sense.
"Seriously teacher? But all my answers are right. Why are you giving me half the mark? How can I show this to my Asian parents? 5/10? They would literally kill me & beat the crap out of me! Oh no! No internet for a year!" Lol.

I can tell, you won't make a great teacher..

now tell me, how is that of ANY relevance to the question at hand? also, this isn't a classroom. this is a guy in his room like you and me and his scores won't change jack shit about the anime's score, let alone the profit the studio makes
katsucats said:
People who rate highly are probably Republicans. Because they're like we should have the death penalty, but only for people who have certainly committed crimes. Or we should kick out immigrants without question, but only if they're certainly illegal. Or we should watch anime, but only if we're certain we'd like it.

In other words, there's no due process. Once you start asking, well, how do you know someone certainly committed a crime without giving him a chance to defend himself? How do you know someone must be an illegal immigrant if you don't give him a chance to defend himself? How do you know an anime show is bad if you don't ever watch it in the first place? You realize that there's something amiss...

Either you watch a bunch of shows that you hate, but you don't rate them to arbitrarily inflate the rating on your list and make it seem as if you love anime more, or you magically know the shows you like before you watch them. I mean I know that I wouldn't like certain shows before I watch them, but that's only because I've seen tons pf bad shows before. If you've literally never seen a bad show because you love anime so much, then you don't even have the experience to judge whether a show will be bad.

So for you to say you've only seen good shows tells me you have selective memory, cognitive dissonance, amnesia, splitting, or you really want to fit in when you don't even like anime that much. I mean, how can you claim to love anime when you're so scared that watching more shows will lower your mean score? If that's not it, maybe you do just have a magic ball.
you make a lot of good points but comparing it to republicans and putting in politics in there isn't a good idea imo if you want to share your opinion about this.
ZehennagelSep 3, 2018 2:01 PM
Sep 3, 2018 2:13 PM
Aug 2016
Yes, it's wrong. People with mean scores below 5 should be exectued. fucking elitists scumbags *spits*
Sep 3, 2018 2:18 PM

Jan 2013
It isn't but, I see people with a mean score of 2 or 3. They're literally torturing themselves just to have more completed anime on MAL and show off their mean score. That's how it looks to me
Sep 3, 2018 5:28 PM

Aug 2016
Insert stereotypical but true statement about opinions and how it isn’t automatically wrong to have them.
Sep 3, 2018 5:28 PM

Sep 2018
Having a low average score is fine, but if too many series get a 1 it may show underrating some shows.
Sep 3, 2018 5:32 PM

Jun 2012
Honestly, everything between 4-7.5ish is fine. If you have <3 (yes, it's a malgraph achievement) or >8, you either shouldn't watch anime (because apparently you hate it) or you shouldn't score anime because you are either a fanboy/girl or your scoring system is fucked.

I honestly think 4.5 - 6.5 is an ideal mean score line if you watch things you don't enjoy on purpouse. And <7.5 if you are just a casual watcher.
Welcome to club: Anime that Should Continue
Sep 3, 2018 5:36 PM

Aug 2013
I actually get hate (but rarely since almost no one knows me) because my average score is too high.
I don't think people should hate on average score, at least unironically, because everyone rates their own way. As long as there's reasoning behind the score then I see no problem with them.
Sep 3, 2018 5:47 PM

Jun 2014
People with low mean scores are usually critics, and I don't like those kinds of people.

Sep 3, 2018 6:04 PM

Mar 2018
Kuma said:
>when i said lower, it's below 5.5
>low score mean you find it bad
>more than half of anything you watch is bad
>why the fuck you keep watching bad shows?
>are you stupid or what?

unless your fetish is masochist, hey, i don't kinkshame... again, i don't hate them personally... i just can't find any logical reasoning wasting time watching entertainment medium you don't enjoy...

Yes dude, so many animes we can see and people keep seem bad shows, no way i prefer ask for some advice, or better dont see anything...
Sep 3, 2018 6:16 PM

Dec 2012
Yes, since it either means:

-You hate most of what you watch (in which case why are you still watching?, which since you still are means you actually like anime and are being dishonest with yourself, you tsundere)
-You'e a masochist who enjoys self-torture.
-You watch a lot of "so bad it's good" anime for the LOLs
-You're really inept at choosing what to watch, and need to learn to read some plot descriptions and watch some trailers beforehand.
-You're doing it on-purpose to ruin everyone else's nice things and are a petty person.
-You are a jaded person with incredibly unrealistic expectations for entertainment or easily sidetracked by superficial flaws.
KruszerSep 3, 2018 6:26 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Sep 3, 2018 6:49 PM

Jun 2016
Firstly, it is pretty scummy how people judge others based on a number; a goddamn NUMBER. And THAT number all of the sudden determines who you are as a person. It also doesn't help that a lot of people on MAL have their own interpretation of the rating system, like yourself, which creates mean scores that can be higher or lower than it should be.

Secondly, the rating system is very bare bones. A 1-10 scaling does represent what you think of an anime but only being able use a 6 or 7 doesn't give you a lot of fluctuation. Personally, I would prefer a 1.0-10.0 scale. It allows 80 more score options while still being able to keep a mean score between 1.0 and 10.0.

In conclusion, we all have shit taste. Make anime friends with people whose tastes' smells just as ripe as yours!

*insert MAL Signature here*
Sep 3, 2018 10:02 PM

Oct 2012
Queentiana said:
You can give whatever scores you want.
But you're being like a teacher saying: "This is how my scoring system works as 5 is the best given score out of 10.
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Bad
1 Terrible"

The students will complain cuz that makes no sense.
"Seriously teacher? But all my answers are right. Why are you giving me half the mark? How can I show this to my Asian parents? 5/10? They would literally kill me & beat the crap out of me! Oh no! No internet for a year!" Lol.

I can tell, you won't make a great teacher..

Zehennagel said:

now tell me, how is that of ANY relevance to the question at hand? also, this isn't a classroom. this is a guy in his room like you and me and his scores won't change jack shit about the anime's score, let alone the profit the studio makes

Now, now, that was just an example given by me sarcastically to show how it makes no sense since at the end of the day the score will always be out of 10 n that's how ur scoring it. From ppl's perspective, they see it differently n get confused. So it's all about perspectives, there is no right or wrong. That's what I wanted to say.
Of course, it won't affect anything. No need to take it literally it's a joke. I couldn't help but make a skit out of it. I guess I shouldn't let my messed up mind come up with things funny in my head but confuses ppl.

Anyways, it's a creative idea. But I still don't get it. If I don't like an anime and want to give it the lowest score possible then I'll just drop it and stop watching I won't waste my time on it. Which is why I only watch certain anime I don't have to watch every anime out there. Watching certain anime would be like torture for me.
So do you enjoy torturing yourself watching anime u don't like? You kinky ha?
Or do u give low scores tho u enjoyed the show but just cuz u have high standards?
Sep 4, 2018 1:30 AM
May 2018
Zehennagel said:

wether his topic posts makes sense or not is not something I'll talk about.
the way he rates anime is just his way of doing things and wether it makes sense or not is not up to you to decide. in top of that, you haven't rated anything lower than a 3, does it make sense to use only a 3-10 scale? that's the kind of logic you're up to boi
also who said lowering sense means you know how to score?it sure doesn't

I haven’t rated anything below 3 yet because i’m kind of new to anime (not even 1k eps yet) which means i can still find pretty good shows. My score will probably drop as i keep watching since it’ll be harder to find good shows.

Also, people do actually shit on others for having high mean score and tell they don’t know how to rate.
FrostbainSep 4, 2018 1:37 AM
Sep 4, 2018 1:34 AM

Dec 2009
Kuma said:
i just can't find any logical reasoning wasting time watching entertainment medium you don't enjoy...
some people rate the quality of the show and not their personal enjoyment
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Sep 4, 2018 1:35 AM
Jul 2018
i only have low mean to get that achievement from graphanime
Sep 4, 2018 1:38 AM

May 2017
I mean I understand people with a mean score of 6 or even 5. But what you do is just straight cancer and non sense. You drag down every show's score, even if you enjoyed it. If you don't give a fuck about the scores on this site might as well not score at all.
Sep 4, 2018 1:48 AM

Mar 2015
Crusader_8 said:
Kuma said:
i just can't find any logical reasoning wasting time watching entertainment medium you don't enjoy...
some people rate the quality of the show and not their personal enjoyment

still rate low most of stuff, which mean they don't find "quality" in them... wasting fucking time... unless it's your job to watch anime...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Sep 4, 2018 1:55 AM

Dec 2009
Kuma said:

still rate low most of stuff, which mean they don't find "quality" in them... wasting fucking time... unless it's your job to watch anime...

Street Fighter: The Movie (starring Jean Claude Van Damme) is a bad film, but I enjoy it and watch it on occasion. It's possible to enjoy things you acknowledge are low quality
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Sep 4, 2018 2:52 AM

Mar 2015
Crusader_8 said:
Kuma said:

still rate low most of stuff, which mean they don't find "quality" in them... wasting fucking time... unless it's your job to watch anime...

Street Fighter: The Movie (starring Jean Claude Van Damme) is a bad film, but I enjoy it and watch it on occasion. It's possible to enjoy things you acknowledge are low quality

but to be more than half of everything you watch? maybe your quality is the one that questionable... maybe anime is not medium you seek for your personal "quality"... maybe you has very idealistic "quality" expectation.... but one thing for sure, there is no logical reasoning why you doing this...
KumaSep 4, 2018 2:58 AM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Sep 4, 2018 2:59 AM

Dec 2009
Kuma said:

but to be more than half of everything you watch? maybe your quality is the one that questionable...
why do you think that's the case? Statistically speaking, more mediocre anime comes out than high-quality anime. Wouldn't you agree that an above-average mean score suggests low standards, or only watching things that already rate high?
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Sep 4, 2018 3:03 AM

May 2017
This is really a dumb question but seriously 1.61 ? I guess life must be pretty tough for you. You poor soul.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 4, 2018 3:05 AM

Mar 2015
Crusader_8 said:
Kuma said:

but to be more than half of everything you watch? maybe your quality is the one that questionable...
why do you think that's the case? Statistically speaking, more mediocre anime comes out than high-quality anime. Wouldn't you agree that an above-average mean score suggests low standards, or only watching things that already rate high?

mediocre is 5-6 range tho... not 1-4 range... i already estabilished that what i mean low is lower than 5.5 (which is the actual average of 10 rate system).... so, it's not mediocre... you literaly saying you find it bad... yet you keep watching something you find it bad...
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Sep 4, 2018 3:26 AM

Dec 2009
Kuma said:
Crusader_8 said:
why do you think that's the case? Statistically speaking, more mediocre anime comes out than high-quality anime. Wouldn't you agree that an above-average mean score suggests low standards, or only watching things that already rate high?

mediocre is 5-6 range tho... not 1-4 range... i already estabilished that what i mean low is lower than 5.5 (which is the actual average of 10 rate system).... so, it's not mediocre... you literaly saying you find it bad... yet you keep watching something you find it bad...
I already gave an example which showed that I do not conflate quality with level of enjoyment. There are low-quality things I enjoy, and there are high-quality things which bore me to tears. What part of this was unclear? If there's something about "personal enjoyment ≠ evaluation of quality" you don't understand, let me know and I'll try to explain it
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Sep 4, 2018 3:38 AM

Mar 2015
Crusader_8 said:
Kuma said:

mediocre is 5-6 range tho... not 1-4 range... i already estabilished that what i mean low is lower than 5.5 (which is the actual average of 10 rate system).... so, it's not mediocre... you literaly saying you find it bad... yet you keep watching something you find it bad...
I already gave an example which showed that I do not conflate quality with level of enjoyment. There are low-quality things I enjoy, and there are high-quality things which bore me to tears. What part of this was unclear? If there's something about "personal enjoyment ≠ evaluation of quality" you don't understand, let me know and I'll try to explain it

you rate by quality but you don't watch for quality??? i lost....

again, i simply mention you find it bad, either by your enjoyment or your "quality" or whatever you rate by, you still find it bad, and you still keep watching it...
KumaSep 4, 2018 3:42 AM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Sep 4, 2018 3:50 AM

Dec 2009
Kuma said:

you rate by quality but you don't watch for quality? again, i simply mention said, you find it bad, either by your enjoyment or your "quality" whatever you rate by, you still find it bad, and you still keep watching it...
I watch a show if the premise or teaser catches my interest. I'll watch it, then rate it, and if I enjoy it I enjoy it. I tend to not analyze a show's quality until well after I've watched it
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Sep 4, 2018 3:55 AM

May 2013
Man, this whole shit is a non issue, both from you as a silly Poseur as well as others who rubbed their butthurt onto you.

Ratings hold the importance that is equivalent to the collective wet fart of all users on MAL, that was sent into space. It affects nothing.

Admittedly, this whole quantizing of quality is turning this into a useless numbers game, with the whole higher is better ego.
Truly a Divine Comedy
Sep 4, 2018 3:57 AM

Mar 2015
Crusader_8 said:
Kuma said:

you rate by quality but you don't watch for quality? again, i simply mention said, you find it bad, either by your enjoyment or your "quality" whatever you rate by, you still find it bad, and you still keep watching it...
I watch a show if the premise or teaser catches my interest. I'll watch it, then rate it, and if I enjoy it I enjoy it. I tend to not analyze a show's quality until well after I've watched it

so, what is your ratings based on???
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Sep 4, 2018 4:03 AM

Jan 2018
Its not wrong. Its people taste. And its just preferences.

"Green how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches."
Sep 4, 2018 4:04 AM

Nov 2016
The people who complain on other people's profiles about their mean scores being "too low" are idiots. They seem to think that a rating lower than 7ish means you "hate anime"... obviously not everyone's gonna have the same rating scale because different scores mean different things to different people. I went from a mean of 7.8 to 5.5 after using the whole scale and I find it much easier to categorise anime now. I'll admit I'm surprised when people's means are astronomically polarised (below a 2, above a 9) but that doesn't mean it's wrong or anything, it's just unusual.
currently: doing my best!

Sep 4, 2018 4:08 AM

Mar 2018
it's not wrong, but to be honest it is weird, when your score is very low (below 5 maybe) it seems that: you enjoy watching anime but you can't apreciate/ respect it at all.
boyoungsiSep 4, 2018 4:11 AM
Sep 4, 2018 4:55 AM
Aug 2017
Some people just keep rating every show out there with a 1. I mean, I don't really care and they can do whatever they want but it kind of is stupid '-'
Sep 4, 2018 5:09 AM

Jan 2016
Abseloutely nothing is wrong when it comes to those kind of stuffs. But it is kinda doesn't make any sense for some people because most people not like that. And then, you know.. your profile including your ratings kinda reflects your personality in some ways, that's might be why you get judged like some kind of an absurd idiot, i guess.
Sep 4, 2018 5:17 AM
Jul 2018
Poseur said:
This whole new-found MAL obsession with downrating n mean score is so very sad. Just about every person I saw with low mean score has been called out on their comment box, regardless of whether they have weighting on MAL charts or not (most don't seem to). This user said me he doesn't have respect for me cos my mean score is low. honestly, who gives a toss who rates what? the only time I care is when I have compatibility with the users.

public calling-out, judging people based on mean score, is pretty sad.

I tried to lower my mean score, but that's not how I wanted to rate them, so I dunno... I just drop numbers? This huge amount of average anime were in reality "fine" or "good" for me, otherwise I would have lost my interest in them.

Tho, I don't decide to disrespect people on their mean score, favs or opinions on anime, as long as they respect me. That's just vain and very obssessive.
Sep 4, 2018 5:24 AM
Jul 2018
Yeah, but you seem to dislike every anime, all your anime ratings are pretty low even if they are decent anime. I know different people have different opinions and all but still
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