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Do you consider watching anime as "fun" ALL the time?

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Jun 28, 2016 4:22 AM

Dec 2012
> Do you consider watching anime as fun? Why or why not?

- Of course I do. I wouldn't be wasting my time a year of my life with this if it wasn't fun lol. Anime helps me pass up the time while waiting for something/people. It also eases anxiety a little bit since it helps me forget a lot of shit going on irl. It could also make make workouts funner and livelier when I watch them for some reason.

> Should watching anime be considered as fun?

- It's a form of entertainment. Why wouldn't it be fun? What else could it be but fun?

> Do you only watch shows that interest you? Doesn't that limit your options?

-Nah I've tried mostly everything lol. I can't say I enjoyed everyone single thing that I've watched though. I've been watching 30+ airing anime per season for about 3 years now? I'm gonna bring that number down to 15 this year though since I'm on my 3rd year in uni and I'm about to get really busy. :/

> How do you deal with bad shows when you come across them?

- I just gut through them tbh. I have a no drop policy set for now till I reach 1k completed anime. I know that I'll have to drop the bad ones eventually and have been tempted more than a few times the past few seasons cause a ton of shows were just a pain to watch. There are some funny cringy shows that despite being bad, is still pretty enjoyable cause it gets kinda hilarious in my eyes. *cough*Mayoiga*cough*
Jun 28, 2016 4:24 AM

Dec 2015
Anime isn't meant to be fun.
Anime is serious business.
Both a great responsibility and terrible burden to be borne by greasy faced otaku who watch it.
Jun 28, 2016 4:29 AM

Mar 2012
Gesu- said:
Mamster-P said:

most of mine are above 7.......

get at me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Good for you fam.
Or are you referencing that oh so obvious bait thread that I made back in may that about 500 people took seriously..

Good, all I'm saying is idu why anyone would keep watching something they aren't enjoying
Jun 28, 2016 4:31 AM

Dec 2015
Well is it just me or when I was a noob anime viewer I had SOOO MUUUUUCH FUUUUN...
But now I only have fun watching it !

Jun 28, 2016 4:35 AM

Jan 2015
Some anime I watch because people at school tell me too but I don't enjoy some (like them shitty magic academy light novel anime). Most anime I don't enjoy I drop, even if I'm more than half way through them or even in sequels.
Jun 28, 2016 8:05 AM

Nov 2009
Well I just finished Narutaru

that shit was not fun
Jun 28, 2016 8:20 AM

Jan 2016
Yep, it's fun... Though, it's pretty rare, there are exceptions to the rule... like when I watch stuff that I've rated 1 to 3 or have dropped.
Jun 28, 2016 8:24 AM

Jan 2016
I watch anime mostly as my leisure time activity... of course, there's fun in that watching too, but some animes just can't be watched only for fun, some animes needs a deeper thought.. if an anime is boring for me, it probably has a reason, look for the reason, try to solve the problem, if you can't... well, some problems can't be solved, cause everyone understand anime differently and everyone watches it how they like (tho most ppl watch it objectively, only to rate it, not to enjoy the story and etc.)...

Anime is fun to watch, but sometimes you need to think and try to understand the anime, even if it's for children.. some animes can help you understand your life, just like Yahari ore no Seishun Love Comedy helped me, I now understand that being a loner is completely fine, I was always sad that I'm a loner, yet it helped me.

If you don't want to watch the anime, but you want to finish it.. atleast find all the hidden meanings in it then
Jun 28, 2016 8:28 AM

Jun 2016
You are completely missing the point of anime.
Jun 28, 2016 8:36 AM

Dec 2014
No I consider watching anime (un)fun all the time.

I usually call it fun when it's comedy anime tho. And if it's enjoyable.

"Wielding one's blade out of duty alone is what it means to be a captain. Wielding one's blade out of hatred is nothing more than petty violence. That is not what we would consider battle."
Jun 28, 2016 8:37 AM

Jun 2016
TKotarou said:
> How do you deal with bad shows when you come across them?

- I just gut through them tbh. I have a no drop policy set for now till I reach 1k completed anime. I know that I'll have to drop the bad ones eventually and have been tempted more than a few times the past few seasons cause a ton of shows were just a pain to watch. There are some funny cringy shows that despite being bad, is still pretty enjoyable cause it gets kinda hilarious in my eyes. *cough*Mayoiga*cough*

Why would you watch an anime if its a pain!? Anime is entertainment, you guys are completely missing the point here. If you are gonna do something boring and frustrating it might as well be useful!
Jun 28, 2016 8:38 AM

Oct 2015
It's fun as long as I'm not watching something completely boring. I don't force myself to get through shows I have no interest in.
Jun 28, 2016 8:43 AM

Jun 2014
Most of the times, The anime I watch are fun. Just sometimes, when I wish to watch an absurdly bad show and laugh at it, that I go to watch something mediocre/bad. But whatever may happen, I refuse to drop a show. I will sit through the end.

But for manga, I will absolutely not tolerate reading any shitty or bad manga that can be given a rating less than 6. I love reading books and get too engrossed in it that I loose track of my surroundings, and the fact that a below-par manga just wasted a couple of hours of my time is just unacceptable.
Jun 28, 2016 8:44 AM

Jul 2015
potatoeman said:
Why would you watch an anime if its a pain!? Anime is entertainment, you guys are completely missing the point here. If you are gonna do something boring and frustrating it might as well be useful!

Speaking for myself here, I haven't really considered any anime to be a pain or even frustrating. Sometimes I try and watch different anime, that are completely out of my element, to expand my horizons (options). I'm trying to build a diverse taste. Not all the time will you watch an anime that'll be at least above a 7+ (in your eyes). There's definitely gotta be a limit to watching anime that are only within your taste. Doesn't hurt to try something new, hey (well I guess it kinda does at first)?

caught in the wonder
Jun 28, 2016 8:46 AM

Jun 2014
I question why I watch seasonals most the time, because it feels like a chore, but I do it anyway
Jun 28, 2016 8:49 AM

Oct 2011
Watching anime is fun but personally assessing the goodness/badness of the show is fun as well.
Jun 28, 2016 8:50 AM

Jun 2014
Gem said:
potatoeman said:
Why would you watch an anime if its a pain!? Anime is entertainment, you guys are completely missing the point here. If you are gonna do something boring and frustrating it might as well be useful!

Speaking for myself here, I haven't really considered any anime to be a pain or even frustrating. Sometimes I try and watch different anime, that are completely out of my element, to expand my horizons (options). I'm trying to build a diverse taste. Not all the time will you watch an anime that'll be at least above a 7+ (in your eyes). There's definitely gotta be a limit to watching anime that are only within your taste. Doesn't hurt to try something new, hey (well I guess it kinda does at first)?

I agree that finding new anime widens your horizons....but at some point there is always this one anime where either the characters acted too stupid, or the plot was completely undeveloped,or It had immense potential which got wasted, or It had absolutely nothing but fanservice. When something like that appears, I can't help but pull my hair in frustration at the things being shown to me.

Eg. School Days was unique and certainly gave a new shade to the Now Overdone School genre, but does that make it good? No. Was it enjoyable? Yes.
Jun 28, 2016 8:50 AM

Sep 2015
It's pretty hard to find an extremely enjoyable show, I think I always run into bad anime. Active Raid was a complete drag, not fun at all. It all depends on the show, Lucky Star was very fun to watch but Azumanga Daioh is kinda fun to watch, but a little bit slow.
Jun 28, 2016 8:53 AM

Jun 2016
Gem said:
potatoeman said:
Why would you watch an anime if its a pain!? Anime is entertainment, you guys are completely missing the point here. If you are gonna do something boring and frustrating it might as well be useful!

Speaking for myself here, I haven't really considered any anime to be a pain or even frustrating. Sometimes I try and watch different anime, that are completely out of my element, to expand my horizons (options). I'm trying to build a diverse taste. Not all the time will you watch an anime that'll be at least above a 7+ (in your eyes). There's definitely gotta be a limit to watching anime that are only within your taste. Doesn't hurt to try something new, hey (well I guess it kinda does at first)?

Yes of course people should try new things, but a couple of episodes or more in if its boring or painful just stop, why keep going? The point of anime is to be fun, within your taste or not if you don't like it you should stop. Its baffling to me, but that's just my opinion.
Jun 28, 2016 9:14 AM
Feb 2016
Most of the time I only watch shows that I enjoy, but there are a couple of times when I come across something that everyone likes but I don't, sometimes I continue watching it just to see what they like about it (eg. Psycho Pass, Clannad After Story). There are also shows which start out great and get slowly worse, but you feel as if you have an obligation to see them through to see if they get better again. If you're feeling either of these two things, then you might just have to see them through. However, if they started off bad, then you should've dropped them earlier when you still had the chance.

The only time when I've continued watching a show that everyone hates and I hate (so far) is Psycho Pass 2, because it's so bad that it's mindblowing. It's interesting to see how bad it can get, so at some point I'm probably going to sit on the sofa and watch the last 7 episodes while half-asleep.
Jun 28, 2016 9:41 AM

May 2013
Watching anime is always fun. I don't drop anime because I always think that animes are fun to watch. I am just not so critical in judgement, easy to please, laugh at the corniest joke, easily sympathize with characters, forgiving with the plot, cry in even at the slightest of drama, curious at every twisted move, and always moved by nakama power. So, that contributes a lot. Even when I said that, I do have genres that I don't like, and I try to avoid them.

Jun 28, 2016 10:09 AM

Jun 2016
there are some times where a show started good enough that i want to finish, but then itll have parts that are just hard to watch
Jun 28, 2016 10:38 AM
Apr 2016
Isn't the ENTIRE POINT of watching anime for entertainment?
Jun 29, 2016 12:56 AM

May 2015
KonaKoffee said:

> Do you consider watching anime as fun? Why or why not?

Well ofc I do. Even when I watch a show I think it's bad I still consider it fun to watch something such as anime (unless the show is just fucking painful at a certain point).

> Should watching anime be considered as fun?

well it depends. There are film critics who watch movies and analyze them as part of their job, and many have to sit through a ton of movies they dislike in order to properly analyze them and get paid for it.
So, imo, I think it's beneficial for your own mindset to separate things that you normally enjoy from things you consider stressful or too much effort.
Analyzing things can be fun for most of us.
But if it gets to the point of being painful, and you ain't even getting paid, then there is no need to deal with it anymore unless you really want to.
Unlike most people, I don't get pissy if someone doesn't enjoy the anime they are watching...

> Do you only watch shows that interest you? Doesn't that limit your options?

No, and some asshole animu fans would argue that "of, well if you criticize it then you shouldn't have watched it or sat through it".
lol but then they get mad when they see someone hasn't branched out to try new things and only have a one-dimensional perspective when it comes to the majority of anime series.

> How do you deal with bad shows when you come across them?

depends what kind of bad, because I don't mind sitting through shows that are "bad".

The only time it becomes hard for me to finish an anime is if it is.
-too fucking cringey.
-too fucking annoying.
-and/or too fucking boring.
^^but this would be max level shit though haha.
Because I won't drop a series just for being bad or appearing to be boring in the first few episodes, because things can pick up. Also, there is a reason why I use the whole rating scale, because not every "bad" anime is bad on an equal scale. Like, a 2 o 3 isn't 100% shit like a 1/10 would be, and a 4/10 is bad but it can still be enjoyable.

Most film critics don't really analyze the films. Their reviews tend to be dull, mere opinion without much details. As a reviewer who cares deeply about this sort of stuff I'm disappointed again and again. I want theory! Symbolism! References and comparisons! Not just a synopsis and an opinion!
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jun 29, 2016 5:37 PM

Oct 2014
Fun is too broad a term. Probably 80% of anime I watch is for the fun but the other 20% would be because it was interesting or deep. Even tragic anime can be amazing if done properly (Rurouni Kenshin Trust & Betrayal, Rose of Versailles). Those were great anime but I wouldn't call them "fun".

Sometimes art, story and execution can be appreciated regardless whether the anime is actually "fun".

I don't see the point of continuing a title once it stops being fun or engaging. I might continue watching until the end if I like a certain character -- in which case the interest has passed onto a character rather than the anime itself.
Avatar: Anzu Kadotani from Girls und Panzer.

Jun 29, 2016 5:46 PM

Jan 2016
I saw some time ago a topic like that, and my opinion hasn't changed. don't go around watching every anime people say... you'll most likely get bored midway or something. I recommend you read the synopsys and reviews (w/ no spoilers) first and then if you find it interesting, watch it, i used to watch a lot of anime based on popularity and it's annoying how in some of them you cringe to watch the last few boring eps because you dont want to drop it

Or you could ignore all i said ;-; anyways, i hope i helped new ppl
Jun 29, 2016 6:06 PM

Mar 2016
Considering fun comes in various extremes I'd say even a boring anime can still be entertaining.

Click the banner for anime lists, discussions, reviews, and let's plays!
Jul 2, 2016 7:33 AM

Feb 2016
I don't because there are too many episodes in between that are plain boring.
Jul 19, 2016 12:15 PM

Mar 2016
I watch a lot of bad anime, and they bore me to death. 8/10 anime I watch are boring as crap. Rarely do I find something good to watch.
~The frog leapt forth to my lilypad memory.~
I was indoctrinated by an inamorata rabbit,
Adenomata affronted.
It was the verecund, dismissed creatures
That I jubilated in most.
This rabbit I would nurture,
At the aiguille of esse,
The anneal of noblesse.
❤️ Birdie ❤️

Jul 20, 2016 2:44 AM

Apr 2010
If you don't love it, drop it. You might find yourself saying in the end "why did I gain by finishing it." I gave a chance to anime I didn't enjoy much. It didn't get better. I got to the last episode saying "I really don't care about neither of them."

Jul 20, 2016 2:55 AM

Dec 2015
Anime = Entertainment Purpose

If you didn't find anime entertaining then drop it and watch hentai instead.
Jul 20, 2016 8:57 AM

Jun 2016
Given it's a form of visual entertainment it's supposed to be fun, or so I said until I watched Mayoiga, still looking for the intentional entertainment in that shit.
But yeah other than that I have fun while watching it 95% of the time.
Jul 20, 2016 9:09 AM
Jul 2016
I find it fun but some shows like Kannon and Ghost in a Shell just boring and strenuous to sit through
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