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Aug 16, 2009 3:32 PM

Apr 2009
Hello again fellow members, I'm a bit pressed for time today(blame kuma), so I'll make it quick...

Our topic today is Single-Sex Schools
Do you agree with this kind of schools, or do you believe they are a thing of the past and such institutes should be either opened up to both genders or closed?

My opinion

As always heating up things a bit is the desirable thing to do, but overheating them is not, so please dont insult others and their opinions and be reasonably courteous towards them even if they are idiots who disagree with you.
Kuma-KumaAug 18, 2009 2:11 PM
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Aug 16, 2009 3:55 PM

May 2009
No, single-sex schools are fine because it will lessen crap misunderstanding of both gender

I am formerly known as "AnimePrincezz" on MAL, I change my username to "Rinjii", the Japanese name for my real name.
Aug 16, 2009 3:55 PM

Mar 2009
I'm against single-sex ed as well. Learning how to interact with different people from both sexes is an important part of growing up and also understanding that education, no matter where, should always be open to members of both sexes. The idea of single-sex schools is old-fashioned and silly. Co-ed all the way.
Aug 16, 2009 3:57 PM

Jul 2008
I don't see a problem with single-sex schools since they are private schools (at least where I live) and aren't any different from other private schools that specialize in certain things (e.g. schools that only take troubled kids, catholic schools, school for gifted and talented students, schools that emphasize certain subject areas). Usually single-sex schools have partner school for students of the opposite gender. Both schools partner up in many things and many time share facilities, it's just the learning environment that's separated by gender.

Aug 16, 2009 4:00 PM

Jun 2009
segregation is bad, censorship is bad, childern and students should be exposed to as much input and information as possible

it is how you grow and open your mind as you age.

Though I can understand the concept and it isn't as bad, separate the sexes to prevent teasing and pregnancy, as long as both sexes are taught equally.
Aug 16, 2009 4:02 PM

Sep 2007
I believe kids should have to mingle with the opposite gender while they're at schools, because it's something they need to know for the future when they finish school. But I'm not against single sex schools.

Aug 16, 2009 4:03 PM

Apr 2009
xanusuri said:
I believe kids should have to mingle with the opposite gender while they're at schools, because it's something they need to know for the future when they finish school. But I'm not against single sex schools.
Aug 16, 2009 4:06 PM

Jun 2009
I don't have anything against single-sex schools but I think that it's very important to socialise with both genders, so I'm voting for both gender schools.
Aug 16, 2009 4:16 PM

Jun 2009
Alas86 said:
xanusuri said:
I believe kids should have to mingle with the opposite gender while they're at schools, because it's something they need to know for the future when they finish school. But I'm not against single sex schools.

Aug 16, 2009 4:24 PM

Sep 2007
I just had a shower and thought about rewriting what I wrote...

Here it is anyways. I think single sex schools are stupid, and just a way for over protective parents to waste their money. Kids need to learn to interact with the opposite sex to survive in life.

I don't see a reason why these schools should be around, and I couldn't give a shit if they were closed or not.
xanusuriAug 16, 2009 4:32 PM

Aug 16, 2009 4:36 PM

Mar 2009
Personally, i am fine with single-sex schools. Here, single-sex schools have a better and higher standard compared to co-ed schools. We will not study in a particular school throughout our educational life. Might as well take it as a learning opportunity, learn what are the differences in the school and get to know more people. afterall, people in single-sex schools behave differently from co-ed (well, at least from where i come from)
Aug 16, 2009 4:40 PM

May 2009
i think they're making kids miss out..

.[We Are The Ocean]. - "Nothing Good Has Happened Yet"
Aug 16, 2009 4:57 PM

Feb 2009
I would rather have single sex schools than bull shit catholic schools that teach students "intellegent design and that the world is only 4000 years old that disease is gods wraith on your body and that the devil planted dinosaur bones to prove god wrong. Compared to that i have no problem with single sex schools
Aug 16, 2009 5:32 PM

Oct 2008
I'm not exactly against them, but I don't see a point.
Aug 16, 2009 5:35 PM

Jan 2008
Nah let them be, I really dont care

Aug 16, 2009 5:39 PM

May 2009
I don't think they should be abolished, but I do agree with what most that voted "against" have been saying. I went to a single-sex school for most of my life and it didn't warp my mind or blind me to any realities of the world. Attending a single-sex school doesn't mean one is banned from interactions with the opposite sex outside of school. (: So I don't think "learning to interact with the opposite sex" is a problem at all.

Basically, I don't find single-sex schools to be ideal, but abolishing them is out of the question. As SpiralXWarrior pointed out, there are far worse things.
Aug 16, 2009 5:48 PM

May 2009
I was in mixed school for awhile then got home schooled. I cant really say 1 way or the other but It dosent seem to make that much of a diffrence to me as long as you are getting some social interaction its better then none.
In a world of darkness it only takes a spark.
Aug 16, 2009 6:34 PM

Jun 2008
i think they are pretty stupid ideas... the only reason why it may seem that single-sex schools are better then co-ed, is because i believe all single sex-schools are private schools... at least in the USA... and as everyone knows, the education system in the USA is severely underfunded, so its unfair to judge on the academic level.

single sex schools in general, shouldnt exist, if people want to start them and privately fund them, the go ahead, but if its a school receiving government funding, they should be shut down, since segregation in general produces ignorance and fear. and i doubt any sane human wants misconceptions being promoted.
"I only have two modes... At war with something, or having sex with it! There is no middle ground." -Colbert

Aug 16, 2009 6:34 PM

Jul 2008
DeusExMachina said:
Attending a single-sex school doesn't mean one is banned from interactions with the opposite sex outside of school. (: So I don't think "learning to interact with the opposite sex" is a problem at all.
Not to mention people tend to hang out people of their own gender in school anyway. That or close cliques where gender doesn't matter because everyone in the group is the same anyway.

I prefer co-ed schools since the idea being trapped in a building with a bunch of females sounds like pure torture but that doesn't mean single-sex schools should be banned because of my own preference.
SpiralXWarrior said:
I would rather have single sex schools than bull shit catholic schools that teach students "intellegent design and that the world is only 4000 years old that disease is gods wraith on your body and that the devil planted dinosaur bones to prove god wrong. Compared to that i have no problem with single sex schools
It's not just the private schools that have issues. 16% [of Americans] believe public schools should teach creation only. So yeah. :|
adamantineAug 16, 2009 6:41 PM

Aug 16, 2009 8:10 PM

Aug 2009
Personally I prefer co-ed, but I know a lot of people that go to single-sex schools and they're completely fine. If the kids want to do it or if thier parents want them to then...oh well. Good for them?
Aug 16, 2009 8:13 PM

Jun 2009
Although I agree co-ed schools teach communication and skills with other opposite gender, I think the choice is good. Some people might not be comfortable in the co-ed environment while in school, or focus better and feel they achieve more when they're surrounded by peers they can relate more to. I for one have always wanted to go to an all girl's school. One with uniforms, but that's a completely separate topic. It's not that I don't like boys, I really, really do, and that's the problem. I learned nothing in science because I was turned around talking to Conor in the back row all semester -_-

Though I would prefer a single sex school I think it's good that there's the choice. There are private schools that are co-ed, though I'm not sure of single sex public schools. So essentially, no, I don't think single sex schools should be shut down.

<img src="">
Aug 16, 2009 8:51 PM

Apr 2009
If it's a private school, they have the right to be only for one gender. I personally don't think it makes sense for a school to be single gender, but...
Confucius say man who stand on toilet is high on pot.
Aug 16, 2009 9:44 PM

Jun 2009
Yes, i think they are for the best. I always wanted to go in Girl's school.. but my parents though it is a bad idea :(
Aug 16, 2009 10:03 PM

Jul 2009
why abolish them? Where would Ouran highschool and MariaXXXholic be without single sex schools???
Aug 16, 2009 10:57 PM

Mar 2009
single-sex schools are fine
if somebody like it, why not?
Action Manga Team
Aug 16, 2009 11:03 PM

Jan 2009
What will happen to fine yaoi(k,and yuri) without single-sex schools?

Aug 16, 2009 11:50 PM

Dec 2008
xanusuri said:
I just had a shower and thought about rewriting what I wrote...

Here it is anyways. I think single sex schools are stupid, and just a way for over protective parents to waste their money. Kids need to learn to interact with the opposite sex to survive in life.

I don't see a reason why these schools should be around, and I couldn't give a shit if they were closed or not.

Alas86 said:

My opinion

I'm against single-sex schools... and unless someone proves to me why segragating people based on their gender is a good thing I will keep being against them. Educational opportunities should be given equaly to people of both genders anyway and single-sex schools only help to increase gender prejudices IMO by alienating children from children of the opposite sex in an enviroment not at all reminiscent to the real society

These two said what i had in mind!
Aug 17, 2009 12:46 AM

Feb 2009
I go to a girls school and I have to say it is probably a better academic environment. Although that depends on the person I guess. But socially they're not so great. I'm pretty sure it's had some sort of negative effect on me.
I don't know if anything is proven about whether single-sex schools are truely a better environment, academically speaking. but it most likely makes a difference, and if parents want to send their kids there because of that then it's fine. they may not be fantastic but no need to abolish them.

or have I been brainwashed? :P
Aug 17, 2009 1:04 AM

Apr 2009
sootsprite said:
nd if parents want to send their kids there because of that then it's fine. they may not be fantastic but no need to abolish them.

or have I been brainwashed? :P

You mean those overly protective, prudes that are terrorized by the thought that their precious child will *gasp* talk... to somebody of the opposite gender... and then fall in love and perhaps even k-k-k-k-kiss someone and stuff... oh boy the terror...

You obviously have been... but still I'm happy you finally did me the honour of participating in one of my polls. :P
Alas86Aug 17, 2009 1:08 AM
Aug 17, 2009 2:06 AM

Feb 2009
Alas86 said:
sootsprite said:
nd if parents want to send their kids there because of that then it's fine. they may not be fantastic but no need to abolish them.

or have I been brainwashed? :P

You mean those overly protective, prudes that are terrorized by the thought that their precious child will *gasp* talk... to somebody of the opposite gender... and then fall in love and perhaps even k-k-k-k-kiss someone and stuff... oh boy the terror...

You obviously have been... but still I'm happy you finally did me the honour of participating in one of my polls. :P

Yes. Them. It is the parents choice where to send their kid. And I don't think that's the reason parents send their kids to single-sex schools. At least it wasn't my parents' motive.
Aug 17, 2009 2:10 AM

Jul 2008
Alas86 said:
sootsprite said:
nd if parents want to send their kids there because of that then it's fine. they may not be fantastic but no need to abolish them.

or have I been brainwashed? :P
You mean those overly protective, prudes that are terrorized by the thought that their precious child will *gasp* talk... to somebody of the opposite gender... and then fall in love and perhaps even k-k-k-k-kiss someone and stuff... oh boy the terror...

You obviously have been... but still I'm happy you finally did me the honour of participating in one of my polls. :P
What. IDK how sarcastic you're being here, but if a parent was that worried they would home school their kids.

- There's no rule that says students only date students from their school. Plenty of towns have multiple schools all less than a few minutes from each other.
- If you go to a co-ed school your parents can still be overprotective about dating. Sure you can see your boyfriend/girlfriend at school if it was co-ed but school isn't suppose to be some match-making place. You're suppose to study and learn there.
- Some people really do learn better when they aren't around the opposite gender. This doesn't prepare them for the real world - except that:
1) The real world is not like high school anyway.
2) Hormones make things worse for young adults; they'll get over that eventually.
3) Learning to have a social life outside of school is a good thing. Do you plan on hanging out with your co-workers all the time when you get older?

Aug 17, 2009 2:14 AM

Apr 2009
adamantine said:
What. IDK how sarcastic you're being here, but if a parent was that worried they would home school their kids.
I was totally and completely sarcastic obviously... but home schooling isn't as convenient as sending their kids off... and I suspect not as cheap either... though calling some private schools cheap with the prices they demand takes a lot of nerve... ;)
Alas86Aug 17, 2009 2:18 AM
Aug 17, 2009 2:50 AM

Jul 2008
Alas86 said:
adamantine said:
What. IDK how sarcastic you're being here, but if a parent was that worried they would home school their kids.
I was totally and completely sarcastic obviously... but home schooling isn't as convenient as sending their kids off... and I suspect not as cheap either... though calling some private schools cheap with the prices they demand takes a lot of nerve... ;)
Well, if I was an over-protective parent I would do a good job it. Start young with putting a leash on them whenever we leave the house, monitor what they read/watch, put tracking devices in all their stuff... I mean if you're going to do something, might as well go all out.

Aug 17, 2009 2:56 AM

May 2009
I think that`s lame.
Aug 17, 2009 3:38 AM

May 2009
crono22 said:
Nah let them be, I really dont care

Aug 17, 2009 3:44 AM

May 2009
I came from an exclusive school - no problem whatsoever in most areas, especially academics. Exclusive schools here are private schools and have a higher standard of academics. Public schools are co-eds and suffer from an appalling lack of funds. Students from public schools have lower average grade score nationwide than those in private schools. That is the main reason I was enrolled in one. Plus you get a foot inside those toney universities which I did get into.

I know it's total BS to say those that who go to an exclusive school suffer socially than those in co-ed. In here, the best and the brightest comes from these particular schools.
Aug 17, 2009 3:47 AM
Aug 2009
Without girls on school it would be boring :( today i was my new school and we have a harem xD without girls at school it would be SO boring :(
Aug 17, 2009 6:59 AM

Jun 2009
Yes! Co-ed is much more fun!
Aug 17, 2009 7:35 AM
Aug 2009
I think people should get along with both genders when they're young, but it's not like people from a single-gender school are per say anti social. Loads of reasons to back up both :(. I would never go to an all mens school though. I just like it simple and be around with both, but that's what I'm used to I guess.
Aug 17, 2009 12:43 PM

Apr 2009
I think this is the only topic so far where I've disagreed with you, alas.
I see no reason to abolish them. As someone already pointed out, such schools almost always have sister schools for the opposite gender, so it's not like anyone is being denied an opportunity. And besides, private religious schools are allowed to deny people of other faiths, so why can't other private schools deny people because of gender?
Aug 17, 2009 4:14 PM

Jul 2009
I went to an all girls school for most of my wasn't that bad, but I was in for a really big shock when I went to a co-ed school for my final year. I had no idea how to deal with guys... Now that I think about it, it's kind of funny ^^

I think single-sex schools are okay while you're younger, but other than that...
Aug 17, 2009 5:06 PM

Jun 2008
adamantine said:
DeusExMachina said:
Attending a single-sex school doesn't mean one is banned from interactions with the opposite sex outside of school. (: So I don't think "learning to interact with the opposite sex" is a problem at all.
Not to mention people tend to hang out people of their own gender in school anyway. That or close cliques where gender doesn't matter because everyone in the group is the same anyway.

I prefer co-ed schools since the idea being trapped in a building with a bunch of females sounds like pure torture but that doesn't mean single-sex schools should be banned because of my own preference.
SpiralXWarrior said:
I would rather have single sex schools than bull shit catholic schools that teach students "intellegent design and that the world is only 4000 years old that disease is gods wraith on your body and that the devil planted dinosaur bones to prove god wrong. Compared to that i have no problem with single sex schools
It's not just the private schools that have issues. 16% [of Americans] believe public schools should teach creation only. So yeah. :|
thanks for pointing out the glaring retardation of American society... oh... another fun fact, 44% of americans think that jesus will come within the next 50 years to judge the living and the dead... think about that for a second...
if its a religious reason to have single sex schools, then i must heave a heavy sigh at their ridiculousness, though i wont force them to have co-ed. as i stated, if its receiving government funding of any sort, co-ed should be a requirement, since everyone paid for it(tax money), its a school for everyone.
"I only have two modes... At war with something, or having sex with it! There is no middle ground." -Colbert

Aug 17, 2009 5:19 PM

Feb 2009
Since I personally go to an all girls college, I think its fine. We still have some boys who attend classes they just can't live on campus or anything. It's actually a lot easier to pay attention to my studies and I don't regret making the decision to attend an all girls college. ^^
Aug 17, 2009 5:29 PM

Apr 2009
against ....


single sex-school like hell........

Aug 17, 2009 11:17 PM

Jun 2009
i go to an all-boys catholic high school. i would vote no to abolishing them, let there be single sex schools because it's not like i never see any girls or anything, i just never see them during school. People are voting against it because then the kids don't get to interact with the opposite sex, but it's not like we can't after school! I find it less destracting and you make a lot more friends this way. Also most nonco-ed schools are private, so it's not like the kids don't have a choice in going(although my parents did make me go, but now i'm glad i went because i never would have gotten into anime if i hadn't).
Aug 17, 2009 11:35 PM

Sep 2008
I dont think they should be abolished.I even like them.Wish I was in one >.<
Aug 18, 2009 12:02 AM

Aug 2009
I have to think this over seriously. I actually go to a Catholic boys school right now. HOWEVER before that I went to a parallel ed school. Meaning that there are boys and girls in the same school but separate classes. Before THAT I was in a co-ed school. So I have some experience. Moving on.

Yes I do believe that single sex schools are not that great. However I won't go as far to say that they should abolished. I believe that they won't help a child in life. Reason being that it doesn't help with social interaction at all. Sure a person achieves a huge advantage academically and probably gets a great job when they grow up. But what about family? It's no good being a genius if you're lonely as hell.

Parents do send kids to single sex schools for different reasons. Most believe that it'll help the child concentrate on their studies, as there won't be the distraction of the opposite sex. Of course this can be agreed with or disagreed with. I can't decide if I agree or disagree. On one hand, the child is able to concentrate better. On the other hand it really does depend on what type of child the kid is. Will they work hard no matter where they are? It's a huge question to answer.

In short; single sex schools are a bad idea. However the parents AND the child have to make a decision on what type of school they're going to go to and what the child will do once there. I personally do not believe that single sex schools should be abolished but the parent should think seriously about the effect on their child.

Aug 18, 2009 12:54 AM

Sep 2007
sootsprite said:
Yes. Them. It is the parents choice where to send their kid. And I don't think that's the reason parents send their kids to single-sex schools. At least it wasn't my parents' motive.

That's BS. It should be the child's choice mostly.

Some things to add. Interacting with the opposite sex during school and own time is pretty different. It's like interacting with the opposite sex with co-workers then comparing it with friends. Also, if someone wants to learn they will, having a girl/guy around shouldn't effect it.

Aug 18, 2009 1:30 AM

Jun 2008
i would say that "less distractions" is not enough of an excuse to support single sex schools...
if you are comfortable with the other sex, then there wont really be any distractions anyways. its easier to get comfortable with the opposite sex if you are around them more.
"I only have two modes... At war with something, or having sex with it! There is no middle ground." -Colbert

Aug 18, 2009 1:31 AM

Mar 2009
i thought human`s suppose to be good to each other ^_^
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