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Apr 6, 2015 6:47 PM

Jul 2014
Tell us more about yourself

I'm a young man actively pursuing fulfillment in life. I love talking to everybody about everything, people are my favorite thing on the planet and I love interacting with their minds. Right now, I'm constantly working to maintain a level of self-reliance from home so that I can spend as much time as possible on the arts, writing and music, because this is what I want to spend as much time as possible in my life pursuing. I am obsessed with the arts, and obsessed with their application to society. I love how a film, song, or story can have such an immense impact on a person's life, causing large changes in their philosophical or socio-political views. This is what I live my life for, I'm going to do everything I can to have a positive impact on as many lives as possible. I have extremely strong convictions in my perspectives, but I am young and am excited to see how my life will evolve as I grow. Right now I spend a lot of my time working on comics, composing music, practicing classical guitar, hiking for exercise, cooking, and using the internet as a social outlet.

Give us a brief history of your time on MAL. Which sections of MAL are you the most active on?

I joined MAL back in 2012 on the reference of some people I had met playing an old dead MMO called “Runescape”. They were part of an anime club that was made from people who used this site, and they invited me into the club even though I was only vaguely interested in anime due to my taking Japanese language classes at the time(I am a rare example of someone who was learning Japanese for reasons unrelated to anime. I was more interested in the culture anthropologically, and I also really liked old samurai and godzilla films). I only used the list side of the website, and used it to find a couple of anime series I might like. FMA: B and Haruhi Suzumiya failed to get me hooked into anime, so I didn't really continue use of the site at the time.

Last summer, while I was hitch-hiking around the united states in a huge circle, a man I got along with very well who gave me a ride from cheyenne wyoming to the border of michigan(our tastes in everything were basically the same, the guy played dwarf fortress, KOEI strategy games, liked all of the same movies and books for all of the same reasons), talked very highly of a series called Neon Genesis Evangelion. The way he explained it I became very interested in it, and when I got settled down again in Washington, I downloaded it and started chain-watching it. My mind was blown, is this what anime can be like? I've been hooked since.

About two months ago, I moved to a new city to isolate myself and spend more time creating a situation for myself that allows more time to be allocated to working on comics, music and writing. I am a very social person, so the isolation is having psychological effects on me. I turned to the internet for a social outlet, and just kind of got funneled into MAL, and got hooked on the community. It's a very large community filled with a lot of interesting, kind and fun people, so I naturally had to stick around. Then I started posting, a lot. I'm most active on CD, because it's high-traffic and I like having conversations and arguments as opposed to blogging.

How do you think the MAL community sees you? How do you feel about that?

From what I gather, the average joe sees me as narcissistic, argumentative, odd and comedic. I am okay with these perceptions of me, because I do in fact have very strong convictions that I find very little reason to move stance on, I do enjoy debate quite a bit and can't help but point out when someone commits an error in logic even when it's not an argument I'm a part of, I write some strange things now and then, and I'm a funny-ass man. I know that some people view me as mentally unstable, based on my occasional solipsistic arguments or their emotional responses to my skills in identifying logical relevance, and as for that judgement, maybe I am crazy, I might not know for certain if I was. There are a lot of successful artists who are crazy-ass motherfuckers, and since being recognized for my artistic achievements is my life goal, having a gnar mind is something I do not mind at all.

That being said, the opinions of simulated characters in a historical educational environment are not that important to me. I simply love the realism of interacting with this new AI system, I've never used an education sim before that had such realistic characters. I feel like I can develop relationships and fall in love with these things, it's nuts.

What do you feel about the board you use the most? What do you feel about the community in general?

CD? It's a storm, it's cool. I think people talk too much shit about it, they point at all of the “shitposting”(posting they simply disagree with) and pointless topics and say that it's a bad board. Really, it's mostly a social board meant to share ideas and opinions about various random-ass topics and find people's perceptions on things that you enjoy. It's a good place to throw out your convictions and see how they hold up against a community of all ages and educations from all around the world.

I would use a serious discussion board more often if it existed, and I would probably use other boards if they were more active, but due to the attention CD gets by members, and the generality of it's potential topics, it's what draws me the most.

How do you feel about how the site is run? Especially in regards to the moderators and admins.

I feel like it's a little bit neglected and turn-key. “It works good enough, why spend time on it?”. The boards that exist and the boards that don't exist don't make complete sense(no serious discussion board/separation of CD and chat), and the rules are vague and make it so any topic can be closed at any time for any reason or no reason. Moderation is patchy and usually topics that actually have significant amounts of good conversation are the ones that get closed, because they attract the most “shitposting” as well as the most constructive posting, which is a huge flaw in the way the site is moderated.

These aren't really care about though, this is simply what I've observed about how the site is ran.

Any users you like? Why?

  • Bailey – A very earnest and deep-down kind user, who spends a lot of time contributing content, which is what a lot of people who criticize Bailey's content don't do at all. He spends a lot of time bringing people together, which is great.

  • Immahnoob – A very based individual, though I wouldn't really want to be based where he is based. I simply have great respect for somebody with strong convictions that are supported in an accurate fashion, and I like a couple of the indirect functions he serves in the community.

  • Spooky_Love – Another earnest and kind user, someone who isn't afraid to share their opinion and defend it, and talk about it to some length. We need more users like this.

  • CosmicBeing – Intelligent and makes interesting posts, more interesting than most.

  • Moog- – A kind an interesting person, which is a difficult combination to procure. Most people who are as smart as him and have as interesting taste are dickheads.

  • Claire – Spends a lot of time bringing together people in the community, and trying to create situations that are stimulating and mixing of various users. Probably second to Bailey when it comes to organizing community groups as far as I can tell, it's good that there are people who devote so much time to this.

  • Involtus – A very intelligent and humble user, his posts often contribute to a conversation no matter their length. One of the most able in the community to see himself through the perspectives of others, a rare trait.

  • xEmptiness – A stimulating person to have discussions with, helps me organize and practice my skills of argumentation which help me be a good story-teller, something that's important to me. There aren't enough people around willing to devote as much time to dissecting small points and discussions.

  • Aloricg – Simply an underrated user, I want to point him out. Logical and hilarious posts.

  • Space-Wizard – Narcissism

  • Aggra-Dearheart – Intelligent, says a lot with few words, is pretty much always right and hilarious.

Any users you dislike? Why?

It takes a lot for me to dislike somebody, because I am a very emotionally-based person, and I do not base my sense of self-worth in anything superficial that can be manipulated by others. So I basically have no logical or illogical reasons for disliking anybody. When somebody has personality traits I disagree with, my response is to feel sorry for them and want to help them rather than to dislike them, I don't see what hating somebody accomplishes(nothing).

If I had to dislike somebody, it would be people who constantly make uninteresting, short posts that have nothing to do with anything but themselves, simply because it's pointless and fills up threads with garbage, but that's not a strong enough reason to dislike somebody.

What are some MAL members you consider the most influential? You're not allowed to include yourself.

I don't know about specific users here, I haven't exactly used the site long enough to view trends. I would say this is tied directly to activity, and less directly to the content that one posts. A combination of high activity and meaningful content results in an influential user.

Is there a MAL member you would want to take on a date or get to know better? Who and why?

I would love to go on a date with absolutely ANYONE I don't find boring outright. Like, if any of you want to get lunch and go on a hike, come hit me up. I'm bi, I like conversation and interaction, I like sex, and I don't discriminate.

Do you see yourself leaving MAL in the near future? Why?

Maybe. In an ideal situation, I wouldn't need a social outlet to be artistically productive, and I would rather spend the time I spend on MAL producing art. However, I have found that I tend to become stagnant and anxious when I spend more than a couple of days without socializing. I think the more I start conversating with people I meet on MAL outside of MAL, the less I will use the site itself.

Moog said this about you: "His posts have a healthy mixture of sane and insanity, and he says a lot of thought-provoking things at times.”

How do you feel about that?

Seems like a pretty reasonable conclusion someone can make. My style of artwork is based on comparing the sane with the insane, showing the lack of difference between the normal and the ridiculous, so it probably follows that that's what my personality is like. Also, I try very hard to provoke new and interesting thoughts in people, so I wouldn't be surprised if people saw me as trying to do so.

Is there something unasked you would like to talk about?

Yes, the film “Amadeus”, which I believe to be the best film in cinema along with one of the most underrated. I have ever seen a film that appeals to my personality and interests as much as this one, it's a film centered around psychology and philosophy, and does so in such a remarkably intelligent way. The main character, Antonio Salieri, is an Austrian court composer in the mid-1800s. He is a devoted man of god, and is absolutely passionate about music and composition, it his his life's work and his dream to be recognized for his achievements. The film is about him watching Wolfgang Mozart's rise to success, and Salieri's observations on Mozart's behavior and the quality of his music, which he is convinced is the work of God himself. He doesn't understand why God would reward somebody who behaves so vile, who was simply trained “like a circus-monkey” from a young age to compose music by his father, would be the instrument through which God's music is channeled. My reasons for liking the film are not because it tackles religion, I don't really care about that, I love this film because it captures the existential and psychological torment of an individual in an amazing, artistic and comedic way, and Salieri is a very intelligent character as well, leaving no room for his sufferings to be based upon simple ignorance.

I highly recommend this film, and there is not an ending to any film that I enjoyed more, best ending ever.

Can you recommend us 3 members who we can choose from to interview next and briefly explain why you would love to read their interviews?

  • Aloricg – I just don't know a lot about this guy and I enjoy the mix of intelligence and comedy behind his posts quite a bit.

  • Involtus – Once again, I don't know a lot about this guy and I enjoy his contributions threads significantly more than most other users.

  • CosmicBeing – Also don't know a lot about this guy, and I feel like an interview with them would have more interesting content than most users.

Any feedback on the interview format?

Needs more action and violence, I like a good Kung Fu yaknow. Also, it could definitely benefit from some guro and vore for extra sophistication, maybe some futanari.

Any shameless self-promotions? Perhaps you want more publicity for your club, or a suggestion for the community to see?

Not so much, how about just leave me a comment or send me a message because I like talking to new people. –

Note: All interviews usually go through a brief grammar and punctuation check to improve readability. However, since Space-Wizard feels strongly about staying true to his voice, I didn’t edit anything. Any uproar over the butchery of this beautiful language should be directed at him.
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Apr 6, 2015 6:56 PM

Nov 2013
This has been my favourite interview so far.

Reading about your life. Everything you do right now, is what I aspire to do. I wasn't lying when I said that I looked up to you.

Also, thank you for the kind words.

Looking forward to more!
[center][size=85][b]MAL Interviews[/size] | [/size][size=85][b]MAL's Chatting Corner | [size=85][color=darkviolet]If you wear Caesar's clothes, you have to behave like Caesar.[/color][/size][/b]
Apr 6, 2015 8:02 PM

Aug 2012
Why do all the interviewees like the same people.

Hive mind circlejerk spotted.
Apr 6, 2015 8:03 PM

Nov 2012
MellowJello said:
Why do all the interviewees like the same people.

Hive mind circlejerk spotted.

Because the interviews are based off what the previous person recommended. So if you look at any 5~ interviews in a chain, they'll have huge similarities just because you tend to recommend your friends.
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Apr 6, 2015 8:08 PM

Aug 2012

Is dumb.
Apr 6, 2015 8:12 PM

Nov 2012
MellowJello said:

Is dumb.

Eventually it won't though. Because the fifth person wouldn't have much similarity with the first person, so the people they like will start shifting towards another group.
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Apr 6, 2015 8:18 PM

Aug 2012
Apr 6, 2015 8:26 PM

Nov 2013
Depending on how long these interviews go on for, the majority of the regulars will get an interview, in time.

It will probably just go through different stages and factions of circlejerk.
[center][size=85][b]MAL Interviews[/size] | [/size][size=85][b]MAL's Chatting Corner | [size=85][color=darkviolet]If you wear Caesar's clothes, you have to behave like Caesar.[/color][/size][/b]
Apr 6, 2015 8:37 PM

Nov 2012
Oh yea and,
Space-Wizard said:
Needs more action and violence, I like a good Kung Fu yaknow. Also, it could definitely benefit from some guro and vore for extra sophistication, maybe some futanari.

Suggestion denied.
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Apr 6, 2015 8:54 PM

Jul 2012
MellowJello said:
Why do all the interviewees like the same people.

Hive mind circlejerk spotted.

Yeah I pointed out the bias the moment I was asked, but apparently bias is impossible to avoid. Still, not going to deny an opportunity to talk about myself.

To be fair, I don't even really know the people who I recommended. Hopefully they get interviewed, who knows who they would pick.

xEmptiness said:
Oh yea and,
Space-Wizard said:
Needs more action and violence, I like a good Kung Fu yaknow. Also, it could definitely benefit from some guro and vore for extra sophistication, maybe some futanari.

Suggestion denied.

You don't like my suggestion? :c

Interviews would be so much more exciting.
xEmptiness said:
"if we follow what SW is suggesting, nihilism is the conclusion"
Apr 6, 2015 8:54 PM

Sep 2013
xEmptiness said:
Oh yea and,
Space-Wizard said:
Needs more action and violence, I like a good Kung Fu yaknow. Also, it could definitely benefit from some guro and vore for extra sophistication, maybe some futanari.

Suggestion denied.
that's no fun, we're lacking futanari on futanari action in our dialogue
at least you didn't bold vore
Apr 6, 2015 8:56 PM

Nov 2012
dotplus said:
xEmptiness said:
Oh yea and,

Suggestion denied.
that's no fun, we're lacking futanari on futanari action in our dialogue
at least you didn't bold vore

Vore isn't mainstream enough to warrant a bold xD
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Apr 6, 2015 9:32 PM

Dec 2012
I would love to go on a date with absolutely ANYONE I don't find boring outright. Like, if any of you want to get lunch and go on a hike, come hit me up. I'm bi, I like conversation and interaction, I like sex, and I don't discriminate.
Apr 6, 2015 9:45 PM

Jul 2012
xEmptiness said:
dotplus said:
that's no fun, we're lacking futanari on futanari action in our dialogue
at least you didn't bold vore

Vore isn't mainstream enough to warrant a bold xD

lol, I think vore is much more mainstream than guro in the west. I have no idea what's going on on that island though.

Roth said:
I would love to go on a date with absolutely ANYONE I don't find boring outright. Like, if any of you want to get lunch and go on a hike, come hit me up. I'm bi, I like conversation and interaction, I like sex, and I don't discriminate.

Hit me up!
xEmptiness said:
"if we follow what SW is suggesting, nihilism is the conclusion"
Apr 6, 2015 9:47 PM

Nov 2012

You're the first person I've ever seen talk about vore lol. I wouldn't even know about it if I didn't come across it in a reading about human psychology.
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Apr 6, 2015 9:48 PM

Sep 2013
Space-Wizard said:
xEmptiness said:

Vore isn't mainstream enough to warrant a bold xD

lol, I think vore is much more mainstream than guro in the west. I have no idea what's going on on that island though.!
I'm pretty sure i'm the only person who reads vore on the forums here (at least according to the two no-fap contests i've been in), cupquake and a couple other guys are known to like guro though.
Apr 7, 2015 12:20 AM

Jul 2012
xEmptiness said:

You're the first person I've ever seen talk about vore lol. I wouldn't even know about it if I didn't come across it in a reading about human psychology.

Spend some time on /d/, it's interesting, that's for sure.
xEmptiness said:
"if we follow what SW is suggesting, nihilism is the conclusion"
Apr 7, 2015 2:44 AM

Mar 2008
I think it is respectable for how you to try not to hate on people.

xEmptiness said:
MellowJello said:
Why do all the interviewees like the same people.

Hive mind circlejerk spotted.

Because the interviews are based off what the previous person recommended. So if you look at any 5~ interviews in a chain, they'll have huge similarities just because you tend to recommend your friends.
More interesting to recommend disliked people so you get to see bickering and opposing views.
Apr 7, 2015 3:49 AM

Nov 2012
traed said:
More interesting to recommend disliked people so you get to see bickering and opposing views.

That's really up to the interviewee. We don't enforce who they want to recommend.
MAL Discord Channel - Join us here!
Apr 7, 2015 5:03 AM

Nov 2010
lol he recommended Amadeus. Good man.
Apr 7, 2015 7:58 PM

Oct 2012
Hmm... I learnt some things here. You're quite interesting.

Thank you for the kind words towards me.
you would be interested in my interview? although i'm sure i could 'write' a lot, i doubt i would have as much to say about some of the topics as you do
...maybe if there were some more 'guro and vore'

~ join the MAL suicide pact! ~ ~ ★☭★ ~ ~ embrace nuclear annihilation! ~
Apr 8, 2015 7:16 AM

Jul 2012
Involtus said:
Hmm... I learnt some things here. You're quite interesting.

Thank you for the kind words towards me.
you would be interested in my interview? although i'm sure i could 'write' a lot, i doubt i would have as much to say about some of the topics as you do
...maybe if there were some more 'guro and vore'

I knew it was a good suggestion
xEmptiness said:
"if we follow what SW is suggesting, nihilism is the conclusion"
Apr 8, 2015 6:03 PM

Feb 2015
Thanks for the nod in my direction.

Not sure if my interview will get approved, but I did it ;)
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