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Jul 7, 2011 10:49 AM

Apr 2011
With your character officially 'built' you can now start personsalizing him or her. Here you can put in the following:
Other Notes***:

Then insert a link to the character you built:

*The Elfknife is a knife that started out as a simple knife, its crystal color changes depending on what kind of Elfkin you are: Red=Dark, Yellow=High, Blue=Sea, and Black=Mixed. The knife itself however morphs depending on how it is used and the user his/her self. Like if the Elf likes using pyromancy and killing things, the the knife will have a fire pattern and will be adorned with skull patterns or something. Use your imagination!

**Familiar: All Elfkin can 'summon' a familiar. It can't be larger than say a wolf or smaller than a mouse. Bugs of any kind are permitted as long as they are made to a decent size. Fantasy or mythical creatures are permitted as well, but NO Dragons are allowed. No negotiations on this.

***Other Notes are additional quirks and things about your character that you want to add as you go along, its an updateable profile!
Gibz0maticJul 7, 2011 10:54 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 7, 2011 4:49 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Na'Hari Kashlanna
Age: 22
Personality: Withdrawn, has it all together, terribly shy but would be the last person to admit it, not a saint, insecure, helps others for the praise, a calm and collected intellectual with pent up aggression, stoic.

Equipment: Bow and arrows, two daggers, large magical tome.
Bio: Being a wood ellfkin she is calm and collected on the outside, like a great oak tree. However, this hides her true nature. She hates insects of any kind as they freak her the hell out. She grew up with her human mother and pure elf father until she turned 16 and was booted out of the house for being ungrateful. Now she wanders around never to return home...

Elfknife*: A green machete with chains and a lock on the grip and guard.
Familiar**: Forest Fairy
Other Notes***: Her name means "Ancient wisdom of the daughter of fate"

Gibz: Everything is perfect... but what abilities can the fairy do? Can it throw powders and stuff? That would be sweet...
Zero: The fairy can store a nigh limitless amount of items in a pouch...and it has a beam attack.
TamoballJul 11, 2011 11:05 AM
Jul 7, 2011 5:16 PM

Feb 2011
Name: Iwasawa Masami

Personality:While usually she is rather quiet, she is able to fascinate listeners by striving to create music that speaks her thoughts and feelings.


Bio:As a a child her parents often fought during her childhood. On one getaway from their fight, she stumbled into the world of music and began her music career
One day his father was drunk and grabbing a beer bottle killed her mother.Fearing for her life she ran with only her Guitar.Hiding out in the wood for 3 day playing the Guitar her father finnaly found her and was going to muder her when plucking a sting on the Guitar it sent a rush of wind and killed him.Discoving that as well as having a music skill she also had control wind.Heading back to the house she found it burnt down.Paying her last respect she left to begin her life.

Elfknife*:sunny yellow hilt/has a wavey edge.


Familiar**:Crow name Zell

Other Notes***:

Gibz: I like her, she'll do :)

FockfearAug 14, 2011 7:27 PM
Jul 7, 2011 6:11 PM

May 2009
Name: Liathiel Celiondim
Age: 19
Personality: innocent and delecate due to her sheltered life, she is very trusting and easy to manipulate.

Equipment: throwing daggers
Liathiel was born into a noble family. Her birth was very important for it celebrated the end to what seemed like a curse, a female child was finally born. For only the females of their family are able to posses the familiar animal in their crest, a howling coyote. Because of her value she has been kept away from the outside world as much as possible and is watched over almost every minute of the day.

She grew up in this environment. When one of her brothers would be watching her though they would teach her things. Her younger brother taught her how to throw daggers which she had amazing accuracy with and her older brothers taught her how to make some magic. The elders found out about her learning magic and decided to expand upon that. Every day she looks out the window to see her father and brothers riding off to a mock hunt or something else, she sighed she would give anything to ride out with them; but horse riding is too dangerous.

She is rarely let out of the house unless it is to the garden but even then she is hardly ever left unattended.

Elfknife*: yellow hilt with a cresent guard. The shape of the sword also curves like a crescent moon
Familiar**: Coyote, which is to represent the pathfinder, finding hidden paths that are unseen to normal eyes.
Other Notes***: she likes hot choco the humans make during winter. Dislikes the cold.


Gibz: Nice for the most part. But remember all Elfkin have human blood in them and theire ages aren't always in the 100s...
unohanaJul 15, 2011 11:33 PM

Jul 7, 2011 6:31 PM

Apr 2011
Name: Vladmir Mortem
Age: 20ish





Familiar: Flak the Mogul

Other Notes: none at this time...
Gibz0maticJul 7, 2011 7:46 PM
Jul 7, 2011 7:18 PM

Aug 2009
Name: Roa Draconis
Age: 23
Personality: Ever the opportunist when it comes to making a quick buck, he will change sides if the price or the power is right. Has a silent evil inside himself that he is constantly fighting. Slightly superstitious. He is rough and stubborn, because of his past he has a hard time trusting people and feels that he is on his own always.

Equipment: a short sword
Having lived a life of stealing and theivery, Roa is often contracted to steal from stubborn divorcees who wont give up priceless posessions. He made is survival all about giving his loyaties to the highest bidder and it's worked so far. He tries to make him self an honest elf but that always seems to be put off or never put any effort into it. His childhood was surrounded by ritual and superstition, some of those superstitions carried over with him.

His past is tragic, the Draconis clan, once very powerful and very influencial tribe (the ruling clan at the time), was betrayed from within and brought down from power. With his family slaughtered, Roa, the last son of the Draconis house at the age of 7 escaped to the outskirts of the Dark elfkin capital and lived in the slums. Since then he has made his way on his own, toughened by street life. In his teen years he made money by entering fist fights, though theiving has always been his constant source of income, the money he made from winning those fights was more than 6 months straight of pickpocketing.

He started traveling at the age of 18, when he was of age, to 'find' the treasures of the world. He made connections in the thieves guild and former partners in crime around the areas.

Elfknife*: dark red handle and guard the blade is stained with blood.
Familiar**: black hawk.
Other Notes***: theme:

aurionAug 14, 2011 5:33 PM
Jul 9, 2011 8:20 AM

Jul 2011
Name: Fumika
Age: 16
Personality: Quiet but not shy, always calm and maintains it in almost every situation. Loses all that composure and becomes agitated when around cats. Loves to play shogi.

Equipment: Staff, 1 hand pistol.

Elfknife*: Black with angel wings as part of the handle and has a stamp on the blade, it symbolizes her job as a postal carrier.
Familiar**: Talking staff Kanaka. She enables Fumika to fly, that's why the angel wings are on the hilt. Fumika also has the ability to heal wounds, not all of them, but some. (Impaled with a sword, that's fine as long as the sword doesn't remain inside the wound, but really pushing past her limit. Lost limb? No recovery of the limb)
Other Notes***: Additional Note: Kanaka's personality is completely opposite to Fumika's, Kanaka is outgoing and doesn't know when to shut up. She also dreams of becoming human someday. Fumika also likes to lie down in the grass, preferably
in a clearing or near a tree, playing her harmonica. Her harmonica also has a stamp on it to symbolize the older age, the age of simplicity.

Then insert a link to the character you built:
But yea, if you see me in any other RP, I'll always maintain Fumika as a character :)

Gibz: An artifact familiar? Hmmm... needs to be added to the bestiary! So if I were to guess she would be a Dark Elfkin? Looks like a good character so far :)

The staff is only available to corporate government postal workers, they need the wings for high mobility. (All staffs can do what Kanaka does.)
anyway here's the build. No dark elf, hybrid :) remember in her bio? She's part human.
Shifo-ChanJul 10, 2011 7:57 PM
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jul 9, 2011 11:24 AM

May 2010
Name: Katahari Ryoma
Age: 16
Personality: cute, Hasty, problem maker, like to keep her sadness for herself!

Equipment: a knife in her neck tie, a guy soul walk with her
Bio: She lived a happy life with her boyfriend, till one day a group of men kill him when they were in a date, she was shocked and kill them all! But her boyfriend soul didn't go to heaven but keep walking with her till she find another guy who will protect her.
Elfknife: a light blue with a blue rose in the middle ( if you see the pic you'll see it )
Familiar: her boyfriend soul?( if not then a dark blue cat )
Other Notes: nothing !!

Gibz0maticJul 10, 2011 3:56 AM
Jul 9, 2011 12:26 PM

Sep 2008
Name: Kazuha Fukami

Age: 21

Personality: split personalty: cold side: arrogant, cruel, aristocrat. kind side; thoughtful, kind, caring, helpful, protective


Equipment: bow and arrows, and scythe

Bio: She is from an ancient race of Elves from her time. Her parents are powerful council members, and they put a guardian on her to keep of danger. Alot of other elves wants of her power and beauty. She loves reading, writing, and nature watcher. she loves animals, and have two tigers who support her, and fight with her. Sakara and Samara. She has a kind heart, and have a necklace from her parents a while lilac to protect herself from other men.

Elfknife: sliver dagger with a Rosary hanging on the chain.

Familiar: white tigers

Other Notes:

Gibz0maticJul 11, 2011 8:07 PM
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jul 9, 2011 2:38 PM

Nov 2009
Name: Simah Dwinanea


Equipment:Hunting knife bigger then a dagger but smaller then his short sword, short sword,Bow and Arrow.

Elfknife*: A red short-sword with jagged edges on the bladed side.
Familiar**: White wolf
Other Notes**: His first name means Northern Wind and his Surname means Walkers of the Night

Gibz0maticJul 9, 2011 4:01 PM
Jul 9, 2011 3:22 PM

May 2010
Name: Herio Sheridan
Age:50 (Looks about 25)
Personality: The strong, silent type, his voice is deep, and usually when he speaks it is final.

Equipment: 2 small one handed, one sided axes, 5 throwing axes as well as smithing hammers.

Elfknife:A blood red knife, with a grey spine, surrounded by flames and wisps of wind.
Familiar: Bat
Other Notes: Blind

Then insert a link to the character you built:

Gibz0maticJul 9, 2011 3:32 PM
Hey man, have you got the time? Can I bother you for a light?
Who me? I'm not the old town crier, I'm the one who sets it all on fire.
Gaea: A world Divided - The world has changed, and as humanity has evolved to survive, splits have formed. With gods and immortals, Robots and magic. Will you be able to make a mark for yourself, or will you just be crushed by the waves? Enter here and find out. -
Jul 9, 2011 4:55 PM

Jul 2008
Name: Eyassa Uaji
Age: 20

Personality: She is curious and playful. She likes being with people and learning new things, assuming that communication is not too much of a problem. She likes cleanliness, pretty things, and bodily contact, but can be quick to dislike things that give off an uncomfortable feeling. She likes to touch things with her hands.


Equipment: Elfknife, money, jewelry, sewing kit, various fabrics, various types of food that keeps well, a few books, writing utensils, an ocarina, an odd bowed string instrument, an all-purpose knife, cleaning supplies, and some common medicine.

Bio: She grew up in a bit of a sheltered environment, just traveling around with others in the water, collecting things that she likes and generally having a good time. Curious as she is, she begins to explore more of the land. With the OrcRise threat, she decides to help in order to protect the Elfkin ways of life.

Elfknife*: A smooth and straight bladed katara with elaborate ornamentation around the hilt that also serve to protect the wielder’s knuckle. The blade is very pale silver color and has a very light pure blue tint, only noticeable if one looks very closely. The rest of the knife is also the same color. The crystal is embedded in the handguard portion and it is round and a mystic-looking translucent blue.

Familiar**: A small fairy with a magical pouch that can carry many more times its own volume. It keeps things safe from the elements and ensures that multiple items stored do not spoil each other. It casts a slight blueish-purple glow and can float around in the air or in water.

Other Notes***: She is unable to speak but can make vocalizations and hum.

Gibz0maticJul 9, 2011 4:58 PM
Jul 9, 2011 5:16 PM
Jun 2010
Name: Ulmus arbor sapiens fortis, arbor for short~
Age: 13
Personality: curious, collected, quiet, but strong willed
Appearance: she is rather short, standing at only four feet tall. She had long brown hair, falling to her waist. Her eyes are hazel. She wares a tunic, much like the tai-quan-do uniform that is green and brown.
Equipment: a bow, a quiver of twenty arrows, 4 throwing knives, and her elf blade.

Elfknife*: Appearance: it is a shard of a blade, captured with in a clear stone circle. When she touches it, it glows with a brilliant green light. It lies under her tunic, on a thong around her neck.
Blades bio:

Familiar**: It is a squirrel, with a bushy tail. Do to being a wood elf, she can camunicate via speaking squirrel language. Also it has a small skill in water type magic.
Other Notes***: her name is in latin.

Gibz0maticJul 10, 2011 5:38 PM

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Jul 9, 2011 7:47 PM

Mar 2011
Name: Nicaro Hizaki
Age: 17
Personality: He is kind-hearted, friendly with others and always likes to meet other people. He is playful when it comes to friends (even though he doesn't look like it :P). He enjoys learning new things and wants to make something important himself.

Equipment: He carries a longbow and arrows and two elven duel swords.

Elfknife*: His Elfknife's blade is transparent black while the handle is brown leather. It is decorated with little daises from his siblings for a going away present.
Familiar**: His able to summon a little forest fairy, he always has her out and only sends he back only when in serious danger.

AnimemanxX321XxJul 9, 2011 8:15 PM
Jul 10, 2011 7:06 AM

Aug 2009
Name: Fay Amaya
Age: 17
Personality: Fay is a quiet girl and likes the silence. But despite that, she doesn't like to be alone and would love to have a lot of friends. Unfortunatly, she's not very good in communicating with people and from that came the misunderstanding that she's shy. She's very caring and would help everyone when they're in danger, even though they wouldn't do the same for her. Fay has a calm nature and doesn't get mad quickly, but even she has her limits. Once passed, there's no chance you'll live a happy and long life.

Equipment:Bow and a set of 24 arrows, a staff
Bio: When Fay was young, her parents died while protecting her from and powerful enemy. She saw it all happen in front of her eyes and those events caused the activation of her magical powers. That day, she was able to escape from the man who killed her parents. She lived some days in the wouds, terriefied of the thought that he could find her and kill her as well.
That's when she was picked up by a friendly old woman, called Mintha. She took care of her and taught her about magic and alchemy. By the time Mintha dies of elderly, Fay was 12 and believed to be the most powerfull magician.
The old woman left her the house in the wouds and all her possessions. One day, a man came to the house, who turned out to be the grandson of the woman. He lived there for some years, learning her the art of archery and music.
The day she turned 16, she left the house in his hands and decided to see what the world is like.
Elfknife*: Fay has a briliant yellow hunting knife. The handle is black, but it's decorated with little, yellow gems. Together, they form the pattern of a lily, her favorite flower.
Familiar**: A black cat with red eyes, which can become bigger to protect it's master. Fay gave it the name Nakii.
Other Notes***: When she's in the wouds, she's almost invisble because of her haircolor and clothes, a simple hunter outfit and a cape.
Rest will follow later :)

Link to build character:

Gibz0maticJul 10, 2011 7:11 AM
Jul 10, 2011 2:12 PM

Jul 2009
Name: Zoura Ve Celeham
Age: 18
Personality: Zoura is generally a quiet person, rarely speaking and is always professional in his work. He is known to be cold, ruthless, and even brutal. He can, however, be very caring and often puts himself at great risk or harm for those few he considers friends.

Beneath his mask, which he rarely takes off, Zoura has feminine facial features, red eyes and a large scar across his right eye. He also has a tattoo of the Oroboros printed on his forhead.

Equipment: Two curved daggers, and a assortment of throwing knives, carved into the shape of a cross.

Bio: Since ancient times, Zoura's clan has been feared as highly skilled assassins, said to kill anyone for the price of '100 pounds of gold'. This all changed, however, when the orcs invaded. In order to protect thier way of life, his ancestors took up arms and fought against the blight that had begun to ravage the land.

Although assassinations were no longer carried out, the clans skills and experience continued to be passed down with each generation. Even the mixing with human blood did not stop this tradition. Zoura is the last surviving member of the clan, and said to be one of the most skilled in the clan's history.

Several years ago, a group of military men at his home, high in the mountains, requesting his aid. A radical group of dissatisfied Mixed Elfkin, lead by a man claiming to be a Cystal Elfkin, sought to eradicate all other Elfkin races. The massacred under the banner "Rebirth". Zoura was bought into put an end to them, along with a small band of similiarly skilled warriors.

He fought in many skirmishes with his 4 companions, who called themselves 'Black Wing', and killed many of the rebel groups major officers. With his help, the disturbance was eliminated within less then a year.

He has not once been back to his families home. Instead, Zoura now wonders the land, exploring the world he knew so little about.

Elfknife: The Knife has a jagged blade of a gold color, with the Elvish for 'Death' engraved on it. The guard is formed like a mouth with rubies for teeth, the blade extending from it like a tongue. Its grip is formed like a skull with pieces of amber for eyes.

Familiar: A Raven, who answers to the name "Xyda"

Other Notes: His armour, created by his father, is shaped on the image of the tainted God, Ascheitz.

ChotgoriinJul 11, 2011 9:26 AM

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jul 10, 2011 9:36 PM

Aug 2010
Name: Lucy DeVille

Age: 17

Personality: She's a rebel, always with a smirk on her face and a sarcastic comment on her tongue. She tends to want to do things by herself first, and this sometimes ends in crazy situations.


Equipment: A black-bladed broadsword, with a red leather hilt. Matching twin sai. A small set of throwing knives she likes to dabble with.


Elfknife*: A black blade, with a silver bat pattern. The stone is blood red in the silver hilt. There is a charm dangling from the pommel in the shape of a bat.

Familiar**: A black bat named Eep.

Gibz0maticJul 10, 2011 9:42 PM
Jul 13, 2011 4:11 PM

Jun 2011
Name:Arrona Laporte


Personality:Calm,Quiet,Shy,Nice,Protective,Possesive,sometimes stupid,sometimes funny.A true amalgam of emotions is floating constantly inside her.

Appareance:She is having long white hair and blue eyes.

Equipment:She wears two hair clips;green heart one which she use to summon her familiar;also,the pink flower one can summon and control the ghosts around her for a limit of 45 minute; her dress may perform in to a very usefull armor.She star fumigenes,a curved dagger,crossed bow,ice staff,her cracked sword(double edged),a short double bladed axe and few more daggers.All her weapons are keept in a easly-accesible by her "pocket dimension".

Bio:While giving birth,her mother died.Her twin sister died two days after birth.As a little kid,she starts seeing ghosts.Later,after being trained in Saint Clare Church,she is adopted by Rudolf Laporte,a powerful priest whit exorcist occupation in Cross City,near the eastern sea,which trains her to control her "convicing ability" and so to get the power to at need summon and control them,even for short time.Whit practice her ability will expand.She can read souls,toughts and minds.She tends to hide her true emotions.

Familiar:Her twin sister ghost(in picture is the other girl).

Elfknife:An cracked blue sword,that appears out of nowehere in her hand.

Other notes:

  • She can create Cloud World,where when she meditates,she can be alone in the sky whit her beloved twin,where even them are clouds.

    "Time is priceless for humans...after death,your soul becomes smoke,and it flies among the clouds."

  • It's known that she is 74,36% sea-elf.

*Theme song:

AngelicXIAug 3, 2011 9:59 AM
Jul 13, 2011 8:33 PM

Sep 2008
Hime-sama said:
Name: Kazuha Fukami

Age: 21

Personality: split personalty: cold side: arrogant, cruel, aristocrat. kind side; thoughtful, kind, caring, helpful, protective


Equipment: bow and arrows, and scythe

Bio: She is from an ancient race of Elves from her time. Her parents are powerful council members, and they put a guardian on her to keep of danger. Alot of other elves wants of her power and beauty. She loves reading, writing, and nature watcher. she loves animals, and have two tigers who support her, and fight with her. Sakara and Samara. She has a kind heart, and have a necklace from her parents a while lilac to protect herself from other men.

Elfknife: sliver dagger with a Rosary hanging on the chain.

Familiar: white tigers

Other Notes:


my tiger is name : Kazuya
Delivery (^_^) set by Nate

Jul 16, 2011 7:00 PM

Jan 2009
Name: Scarlet
Age: 18
Personality: Reserved.

Equipment: A metal umbrella and tonfa guns

Elfknife: A transparent dagger with a tinge that looks like water mixed with blood. Its hilt, silver in color, is embedded with vine-like ornaments.
Inori, a Kitsune.
It usually takes form as a human male.
khrymsonDec 13, 2011 5:47 AM
What makes you really feel secure is knowing that somebody more pathetic than yourself exists out there.
Jul 17, 2011 10:25 AM

Aug 2009
Name: Sapphire Flare
Personality:Open, loves toying with males and is seen smiling all the time but behind everyones back she can't be trusted and will betray everyone if she finds it necessary.

Equipment: Wears just enough clothes that it won't hinder her in a fight .
Bio: Trained already when she became 2. Her parents wanted her to become a warrior but she choose her own way and became a very good markswoman
Elfknife*:As small as an ordinary knife it is coloured gold in the handle and silver at the blade , it changes colour to blood red when an enemy is close by.
Familiar**:A very big vampire bat
Other Notes***:Don't mess with her if you want to make it out alive.
She is a silent killer, she is very fast due to her wind magic.

Gibz0maticJul 17, 2011 10:49 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines!
Jul 20, 2011 9:03 AM

Mar 2008
Name: Niko
Age: 23
Personality: quiet, caring, devoted, loving

Equipment: Long sword, bottles of magical mist.
Bio: A very closed off elf, who rarely talks about himself, instead he cares only of the lives and problems of the people he lets close.
Elfknife*: A small bladed knife, red in handle color with a yellow crystall in the middle.
Familiar**: a small wooden puppet infused with alchemy and magic to bring it to life.
Other Notes***: doesn't use magic in a traditional way, instead using alchemy he has sealed magic in mist form and keeps them in bottles.


niko_hakubiAug 2, 2011 4:33 AM

Jul 22, 2011 5:58 PM
Jan 2010
Name: Deslou Lighouge


Personality: He has a completely chaotic mind. He is usually normal but he can get depressed when he thinks too much. He is usualy happy and careless. He doesnt care if he lives or dies infact he despited living. He is jsut trying to have the best of it while he is alive and also helps others around him be happy as he knows what is realy important.He never shows his true feelings about the world to anyone adn usualy just acts as an avarage happy person.

Appearance: He wears a lather-like golden armor and golden hood with red spiky hair and red eyes. There are also red patterns on his legs and arms. He has a black tatto near his left eye spelling ''happiness''.

Equipment: A huge golden scythe with a blood red handle and a blade.

Bio: He had a normal life untill he realised he was smarter than others and started getting lonely. after a while there was no one to udnerstand him and his only friend was his imagination. Thinking too much has let his mind grow faster than his body. He was already as mature as an avarage adult in his age.As he hated loneliness he started acting like a normal elf while he was with the others. But when he was alone he let his mind run being who truly is. Now he has no real reason to live being too bored of life as it is but he still likes the feeling that comes with living so he lives anyway.He doesnt feel like he was meant to be here therefore wishes to go to a different world when he dies. Until then he will do his best to be happy.

Elknife: Pair of big golden knives with red flame designing.

Familiar: A big (about as big as a dog) golden spider with red net designs on its body. Name: Goldarach.


Gibz: So far so good, once you post the build I think you'll be set :)
Gibz0maticJul 22, 2011 6:01 PM
Jul 25, 2011 8:47 AM

Jun 2009
Name: Ame Cece
Age: 23
Personality: Short Tempert , Stubborn


Equipment: Two short Swords and a scythe
Bio:Didnt remember her perents the only thing she remebers is that the city she lived in was burned to the ground. So she always travells around too find out more about this incident and seeking revenge


Familiar**: Grey Fox


Gibz: So far so good, finish the build soon! :D
Gibz0maticJul 25, 2011 6:42 PM
Jul 27, 2011 5:47 PM

Jul 2011
Name - Luka

Age - 14 1/2

Personality - Blunt, playful, careless, secretive, is sometimes a bit pessimistic.

Appearance -

Equipment - A scythe, a set of throwing knives and two small revolvers. His bag holds a bunch of books, a compass, his flute and a map.

Bio - When Luka was 4, he was found wandering alone in the forest of a small town. When the townspeople questioned him, he seemed to have lost his memories. He only knew his name. They decided to raise him along with the other children. When he grew a little older, he showed no interest in staying in the town, instead wanting to travel and further his study on magic. Though the town didn't want him to leave, they wanted to support him in anyway they can, so they sent him off to Clockwork City.

Elfknife - Two knives, one half as longer than the other. They both have a silver handles that have light turquois swirly designs along it. The blades have a design of a spiral with an arrow coming off it ending close to the tip near the point of the blade.

Familiar - A large silver fox that is usually in the form of a small white fox with a tail almost as long as it's body(...). He calls himself Mei.

Others - He has no sense of direction. *^*

joonjoonJul 29, 2011 3:48 PM
Jul 29, 2011 12:14 AM

Jul 2011
Name: Kei Nahur Kenchu
Age: 17
Personality: Quiet shy but is very resourceful in collecting information on anything if needed

Equipment: Katana and a small hidden dagger
Bio: Born on the streets taken in and raised by a collector started practicing swordsman ship at the age of 12
Elfknife*:Black dagger
Familiar**: Black Wolf
Other Notes***: Kind and Gentle by nature

Gibz: complete his build, and your set :)
khrymsonJul 30, 2011 10:01 AM
Aug 3, 2011 12:45 PM
Aug 2011
Name: Analiel Turil De Armos
Age: 21
Personality: Quiet, reserved, speaks only when spoken to or necessary but when she says something you'd better listen to what she has to say, otherwise very friendly and dangerously genre savvy

Equipment: Her elfknife, spare clothes, some non-perishable food stuffs, three grenades, a flamethrower, two pistols for much needed gunslinging, a chaingun for more dakka, a battering ram just in case, a blacksmiths tools hammer and tongs, wigs of various colors, a portable forge, and a bag of infinite holding to put it all in.
Bio: You'll have to wait and see.
Elfknife*: A pitch black armshield with a golden crest in its center. The crest is the emblem of Armos
Familiar**: Spirit of Armos, the legendary human king and blacksmith who aided the elves in the second war. (Who happens to be right behind her in the image)
Other Notes***: Due to Armos' own abilities as a spirit, Analiel can use fire magic.
Analiel is the descendant of Armos and the crystal elf he took as his queen, however Analiel is still a mixed elf...that's messed up D:
The reason why Armos appears to be so huge is that he was a giant of a man, towering well above just about anyone he had ever met.
Analiel is 6' in height, due to her human ancestor being well around 10'

Character Build


Gibz0maticAug 3, 2011 2:46 PM
Aug 3, 2011 2:48 PM

Oct 2007
Name: Kagami
Age: 16
Personality: Playful, Doesn't think too much about her surroundings. But when she's under pressure...Her eyes turn red and she takes on a cold and serious image.

Equipment: Brown Bow and Wood arrows. Under critical mode, her bow is crimson red and she uses her own blood to form arrows.
Bio: A playful elf who has the appearance of 16 years old. Her mother was that of an elf, while her father was a human warrior of a great tribe. She was separated from her parents at a young age and was raised by a hawk in the forest. She lives by herself in a small village. She is often seen sleeping under a tree or eating meat. Many people would call her a simpleton. However, under extreme pressure, her eyes become crimson and she takes on a different personality known as "Critical mode". Her style of thinking becomes very deadly and she cares about no one under this state.
Elfknife*: Green dagger(single). Under critical mode, the dagger splits into two half red daggers.
Familiar**: Hawk(Very perverted, always comments on her breast size)
Aug 14, 2011 4:26 PM
Jun 2010
Personality:smart, hard worker, lazy, reliable
Appearance:(if this is present times)an element jacket with a fluer-da-lis symbolyed shirt and black worn jeans (if not) the present times downgraded (and overall)brown hair, hazel eyes
Equipment:misericorde(thrusting dagger), falchion(snake like sword), bowie knife, colt .45 (if not usable then single shot tiny gun)
Bio:has no parents ,no history so he looks to jack for the answer and runs to any battle field possible
Elfknife*:a dagger looking blade that is in the shape a raven and kiane(so pretty much a griffin)the hilt is where the crystal is and it's dull black
Familiar**:dog, wolf, raven (can only summon one out at a time and requires 5 post before i can summon again)
Other Notes***:worships jack

Gibz: APPROVED! (but just so you know Jack's gonna treat him like s***)
antimanAug 15, 2011 10:17 PM

Sep 19, 2011 6:33 PM

Oct 2008
Name: Mioto Ibukenu
Age: 22
Personality: sophisticated, annoyed by most people, not easily riled up ( unless someone mentions my elf type), looks out for people who stick up for me, helps other elves always (unless they cause me problems)

Equipment: wakizashi, tonfas

Elfknife: black, longer blade, See picture for shape
Familiar: Raven named Kaito
Other Notes: Has a large problem with girls, especially when they ask for my help. absolutely hates being mocked for being a half-blood elfkin

Gibz0maticSep 22, 2011 5:59 PM
Check out my poetry on Deviant Art
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