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Manga Author of Kuroshitsuji Deplores Moral Deterioration of the Fans

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Aug 26, 2010 3:21 AM

Feb 2009
shadowsword said:
Rizzle said:
I know this isn't going to happen, but it would be interesting if only the paying people continue to read her manga, and all the downloaders move on to something else. She'd see a lot less hype about her manga on the internet, less fanwork, less discussions, etc. I think I'm right in saying that a lot of her "morally deteriorated" fans (the ones who don't pay, lol) are the people who made the manga popular enough worldwide for it to be licensed internationally in the first place.

Sorry if this post is difficult to understand, I'm kind of tired today -__-

Your post was very understandable and very much agree with you.
I, for one, have saw her Kuroshitsuji art first (a volume cover) on one of these anime boards and so I decided to give Kuroshitsuji a try.
I think the majority of the Kuroshitsuji fans, like me, have heard/saw her work on the net.
Kuroshitsuji would never be so popular without the net - like most manga/anime anyway.
I think she should think well before saying things like these.

And just to add:
If I were a mangaka, I would very much prefer my work to be enjoyed and to have people who admire me for what I do instead of lots of money. Yana seems to think the opposite - I think she doesn't really like her fans.


I doubt that she has problems with paying bills e.t.c.
popular mangaka`s are getting enough
i`m not talking about shounen jump mangakas. *Saw Kubo`s flat* He`s soooo not poor.

Without net and stuff mangakas would have less readers and less money. People from abroad wouldn`t even know about anime, manga and wouldn`t buy them. As i see some fans from other countries buy manga from japan. Mangakas should be happy about that.

This kind of posts looks for fans like
"if you`re not japanese wait for official releases in your country or watch crappy key hole."
Like hell i`m getting this in MY country. In 100 years maybe...
well since this post was for japanese fans it`s understandable
however, mangaka`s should start thinking about fans from other countries too
an improvement in manga and anime industry is needed`s been years since kuroshitsuji being pirated. Why didn`t she have problems until now?
She`s just annoyed with stupid messages. I understand her here. But this post in her blog will only bring here more new stupid messages
Yuki_no_kodomoAug 26, 2010 3:24 AM
Aug 26, 2010 8:09 AM

Jan 2010
dtshyk said:
She often receives letters from fans writing that "I borrowed scanned manga in ROMs from my friend wwww (i.e. lol)"

What the heck is the "wwww" at the end there? That's Japanese for "lol" or something?
Aug 26, 2010 10:13 AM
Jun 2009
"Equivalent exchange" my ass. And why would someone even write stuff like that in fanmail?
Aug 26, 2010 10:39 AM
Jul 2010
I'd love to buy her manga and anime
but the thing is I live in a country where there is NO manga at all.

When I travel on vacation I buy a lot and I buy Kuroshitsuji too,
I'm not interested in buying dubbed anime but at least I buy mangas.
When my parents give me the chance, I order from the internet sometimes.

Many of us have their own excuses for not purchasing those things
and that's my reason.

But think about it, if anime was also lisenced on the web, then how would anyone
ever get any fans? You know what I mean? Because of this streaming she now
has fans like form all over the world. If everything got lisenced, then the fans
will only be those who are in Japan or Korean? I don't know but she'll have less
fans that way. Anime is a different case than manga, which you can read.
The anime shows on TV which is free, so what's the difference if I watch it free here
or on TV in Japane?

It's pretty much the same thing
Aoiyuki92Aug 26, 2010 10:44 AM
Aug 26, 2010 8:44 PM

Aug 2008
NorikoW said:

But think about it, if anime was also lisenced on the web, then how would anyone
ever get any fans? You know what I mean? Because of this streaming she now
has fans like form all over the world. If everything got lisenced, then the fans
will only be those who are in Japan or Korean? I don't know but she'll have less
fans that way. Anime is a different case than manga, which you can read.
The anime shows on TV which is free, so what's the difference if I watch it free here
or on TV in Japane?

It's pretty much the same thing

Well, I've got nothing to say for the manga, but your point on the anime is technically not true. Depending on how many people watch it on TV, the sponsorship rates may vary. TV shows make their money pretty much solely on the commercials that are broadcast. The more people who watch it on TV, the more expensive the commercials would be. This is why commercials that air on major tv events (olympics, for example) can cost up to millions of dollars per second, while commercials that air on graveyard times cost much less.

I think (but not sure) the same could be said if anime is licensed online. For example, Funimation allows people to watch anime online (at least here in the US you can; I've heard people outside of US can't see it) at their website and youtube. I'm assuming that their sponsorship costs also vary with how much people view their videos.

However, when people watch fansubs that are not licensed, it doesn't matter if nobody or everyone watches them, because either way, the original artist does not get the money from any form of sponsorship.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Aug 27, 2010 2:03 PM

Dec 2009
I would buy it but in Panama you can't buy manga unless you import and the anime is quite expensive just for a few episodes. Twenty dollars or more for a DVD of six or less episodes.
Aug 28, 2010 8:34 AM

Jul 2009
Sales of publisher
Shueisha 2009 -4.1 billion yen(-48470200 U.S. $)
Shogakukan 2009 -4.3 billion yen(-50834600 U.S. $)
Kodansha 2009 -5.7 billion yen(-89847200 U.S.$ )

The greater part of comic artist(comic artist assistant) and animator are poor.
It embarrasses it with living expenses even if working for 20 hours a day.
New figure's comic artist and animator are the edge of extinctions.
(Additionally, the publisher also)

she is angry to think about a critical situation of the entire industry segments.
(She is especially angry of the disastrous scene of animator)
The present conditions are severe than you imagines it.
Aug 29, 2010 3:17 AM

Oct 2009
Melman88 said:
I download anime, but I buy the real copy once it's out in my country. Why would I wait two or three freakin years for my favorite anime and mangas to be released here when I could watch them directly when they come out from japan.

Same here.
Aug 30, 2010 11:04 AM
Feb 2010
Yana needs to stop fapping to her own (hottie) characters and start working on the storytelling and plot of her 2/3 (allotting for 1/3 art, 1/3 characters, 1/3 story) manga before she complains about people not paying for her work. And WTF is she complaining about? She gets to do something she loves for a living. Most of us have to get by being corporate or bureaucratic drones. Getting rich off of creating *entertainment* for a living is *not* equivalent exchange. And "moral deterioration"? Look at yourself, honey. You create shota.
blindassassinAug 30, 2010 11:08 AM
Aug 30, 2010 11:36 AM

Oct 2008
@ blindassassin:

Two things:

1) Imagine having made an amv or working on some fan-made production regarding releasing colored scanlations of a popular manga on Youtube. Then imagine having some random Youtube user out of nowhere download your amv or colored scanlation or whatever and then upload it into their own account, practically claiming that he made it. How exactly would you feel if that were to happen?

2) Just wondering, what makes you think this manga artist is rich exactly? What makes you automatically believe that because she happens to create a story, she's sleeping on top of a bed-full of billions of yen?
HypeathonAug 30, 2010 12:11 PM
Aug 30, 2010 5:37 PM

Jul 2009
* income
Manuscript fee 1page 5000yen-15000yen
anime License fee About Several hundred thousand yen(1season)
Royalty on a comic 5%-10%

Cost of living
Assistant charges(A lot of money hangs)
Coverage costs
Painting materials costs

Story board making.
Coverage,Material retrieval
makes arrangements with the editor.(Again Story board making.)
One sheet of manuscript 4hour-12hour

Let's predict the revenue. :Q
Aug 31, 2010 5:46 AM

Aug 2009
Kuroshitsuji is my most favourite manga and anime! And I can see a point in what Yana Toboso says. I mean I know I would be really pissed off spending so many hours of my life to work on a book or manga etc and then get emails like those she got, where those people where clearly retarded to say stuff like that, plus they could put themselves into some real trouble confessing so openly that they read her stuff online. lol *facepalm*
On the other hand if it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't even know not only about her work but of the whole existance of anime and manga world. They used to air some old shows here in my country a few decades ago, but that has stopped now and I don't think that our TV is really interested to purchase the rights to show anymore "cartoon shows" as they call them. So ONLY thanks to the internet I came to know this whole new world.
Now as for buying the work, I totally support this idea. But if it takes ages for the manga to sell in the US.... then imagine it taking a whole lifetime to come here in Greece. And the stores that sell manga can be counted in one hand. I can't order anything from Japan from my country, cause that's how things are. And not even from or whatever. It's not that the fee is high etc, we just CAN"T order things from there, like REALLY REALLY can't. I don't know the details and all, but even my Japanese teacher can't get stuff from her country through mail. It's a very difficult nearly impossible proceedure. Of course when I get the chance I go buy the stuff I love, like the 1st translated Volume of Kuro that came from the US. Another example, when my friends visited Japan last month they brought me back the whole 9 Volumes of Kuroshitsuji in Japanese and I gladly paid for it. But hey... that trip is TOO expensive to make all the time just to buy manga. It costs more than 3000 it's a NOOO, at least with 400-500 Euro average payment we get per month here.

So basically my points are that the internet is free marketing of the products so in the end it helps, if fans really like sth they WILL def buy it no matter what, and they should do sth about easy shipping from Japan to more countries.

Now if she was mostly reffering to Japanese fans then sorry but that issue is not really of my concern to solve...
JusticeUndoneAug 31, 2010 5:53 AM
“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”Akira Kurosawa
Sep 2, 2010 11:33 AM
Feb 2010
2) Just wondering, what makes you think this manga artist is rich exactly? What makes you automatically believe that because she happens to create a story, she's sleeping on top of a bed-full of billions of yen?

I'm not saying that she is rich. I'm making the assumption that she hopes to become wealthy (or at least have a comfortable life) by becoming successful in what she does.

But there's no way most artists can become rich by working under multi-national corporations. These companies make sure they get to keep most the profits. It's like the recording industry in the United States. The corporations have all the business knowledge. They entice the artist with a contract. They enslave the artist and make money off the artist. They can't let the artist make too much money...because money buys freedom from the greedy corporation.
blindassassinSep 4, 2010 8:25 AM
Sep 3, 2010 2:48 AM
Mar 2010
Too bad. Worthless bag of shit.
Sep 8, 2010 11:23 AM

Jun 2009
Ecchi-sempai said:
this chick should be happy that we are even watching her anime. hell if it werent for these free sites we wouldnt even have heard about kuroshitsuji
Wow that is a crap way of looking at it..
I agree with her lol and 1..2..
Sep 8, 2010 11:27 AM

Jun 2009
ZackStrife said:
The industry is to blame for 'fans' habits of wanting anime for free and for making mangaka's so poor relying nearly completely on graphic novel sales to make money.

Everything is so messed up there right now it's no wonder that she would speak out like she did. Normally mangaka's are just happy to receive letters from fans, but when the majority of fans talk about getting her work for free, it really isn't fair to them.

Those that can't afford it, get it any way you can and I'm sure that the mangaka would just be happy to have a fan. Get it for free because that's how you've grown to think of manga/anime? That's the real problem.
Sep 10, 2010 5:08 PM

Jan 2010
Lol, wonder who are the stupid f***s who wrote to her.. and this "declaration" makes me want to download even moar.
Sep 11, 2010 11:36 PM

Jan 2009
That fan is kinda... not smart~ I guess expressing the discovery about an awesome manga is to tell the creator you got it illegally...
Sep 12, 2010 8:56 PM
Apr 2010
I DO buy anime whenever I have the money for it. I watch it or read it online while I wait for my allowance, and then whatever I have that hasn't been spent on my lunch at school goes into a new manga or DVD. We're not leeches(well not all of us)
Sep 13, 2010 4:29 PM
Aug 2008
Discussion of moral issues aside, there's one thing I've got to jump in with because I *constantly* see it come up in threads like these, and it drives me nuts:

Japan does NOT have all day anime channels for free.

Or, if it does, I sure as hell never came across them.

A day of my free channels typically consisted of talk shows featuring people making orgasmic noises over food, variety programs, and dramas featuring feudal Japan that looked as though they were recorded on camcorders designed in the early 90s.

That's not to say there's never anime on, but fans outside of Japan seem to think otaku have a zero yen, 24/7 hookup to every series out there.

Edit: And to clarify, this doesn't mean I think the Japanese fans have a justification for what they do.
Cynical_PinkSep 13, 2010 4:34 PM
Sep 13, 2010 7:22 PM
Aug 2009
I think...

1. Japanese people should not download/stream/read manga/anime online. If they don't have the money to buy something, then don't. It's a hobby, and not necessary to live. Also, Japanese people don't have the excuse of non-availability. I'm in Taiwan, and if there's a comic book shop just down my street, and the street down that street, and maybe the street down that street, then I can't even imagine what it's like in Japan.

2. There's not point in telling your 'fans' to stop illegally browsing your products. The internet made sure of that when it was invented, so stop all your bitching, and start taking it to the government. I'm sure if China could block off Youtube from 1.something billion citizens, the Japanese government can do it to some smalltime manga browsing websites.

3. I don't know if buying manga in Taiwan helps the industry, since it's in Taiwan. Do the authors get any money from sales in other countries?

4. We can't all be rich, buy every series we like, and then have enough dough left over to feed ourselves. Once again, stop bitching, and be happy that at least you have 'fans'. Without those, you wouldn't even have gotten your manga published in the first place.
Sep 16, 2010 5:46 PM
Sep 2009
i think her remark is stupid and uncalled for. as if the mangaka had no idea of what manga/anime distribution is like in another countries. they have to know. it's their business. and if it weren't for all this "free" material, foreigners wouldn't even know about their work. plus, it's pretty obvious that most of us who like manga/anime outside of japan spend money on their merchandise whenever it is available to us.
nekopeach8273Sep 16, 2010 5:51 PM
Sep 16, 2010 9:17 PM

Jan 2009
abiotique said:
i think her remark is stupid and uncalled for. as if the mangaka had no idea of what manga/anime distribution is like in another countries. they have to know. it's their business. and if it weren't for all this "free" material, foreigners wouldn't even know about their work. plus, it's pretty obvious that most of us who like manga/anime outside of japan spend money on their merchandise whenever it is available to us.

You should probably read again and better next time. Her remark was against in the Japanese market and the Japanese consumer(Who do have readily access to anime/manga) that were illegally downloading her material.
Sep 17, 2010 10:08 PM

Feb 2010
...che , retarded fans =.=
Sep 19, 2010 8:24 AM

Aug 2010
What I like is when manga fans think that buying that Viz novel supports the manga-ka. The manga-ka only sees a bit of the initial licensing fee that Viz paid to the original publisher, not the manga-ka. It's up to that publisher to pay the manga-ka if they want.

Also, in the world of DVDs, the manga-ka will probably not see any of the money. The manga-ka is paid only the original animation fee in Japan (if that) and that's it. If it gets picked up here only the animation company over there profits. That's why manga-ka mostly ARE starving over there. They only get the money if the tankubons continue to sell and people are interested in the stories.

The way "Western" P2P affects Japan is making the files more available to the Japanese audience, if they haven't uploaded it themselves.

Another thing is, Japanese DVDs and Blu-ray cost about 3x as much as DVDs here. I think the price has come down since last I looked ($70 for 1 DVD with 2 episodes) but it's still pretty pricey.

Finally for all those that beg people to "buy the anime/manga" to support the company that brought it over... what if we simply DON'T want to support companies like ADV (fortunately gone), Funimation, ViZ, TokyoPop and others because they "screwed up the anime/manga, censored the anime/manga, have horrible translations, etc." Most want to get on their high-horse and demand people support the industry, but I have seen only VERY FEW companies that deserve it.
Sep 19, 2010 2:48 PM
Sep 2009
burntlettuce said:
abiotique said:
i think her remark is stupid and uncalled for. as if the mangaka had no idea of what manga/anime distribution is like in another countries. they have to know. it's their business. and if it weren't for all this "free" material, foreigners wouldn't even know about their work. plus, it's pretty obvious that most of us who like manga/anime outside of japan spend money on their merchandise whenever it is available to us.

You should probably read again and better next time. Her remark was against in the Japanese market and the Japanese consumer(Who do have readily access to anime/manga) that were illegally downloading her material.

read again. this thread started with the following:

"'I've watched Kuroshitsuji on foreign video sharing sites!'" She insisted that such acts are definitely criminal and stated that sending such letters amounts to an insult by saying "I love Kuroshitsuji, but I wanna let the creators starve to death."

why would japanese fans watch anime on foreign sharing sites to begin with?
Sep 21, 2010 2:06 PM
Aug 2008
abiotique said:

why would japanese fans watch anime on foreign sharing sites to begin with?

Because western fan websites that stream copyrighted media are a dime a dozen. In Japan, it's illegal, so you can't find fans uploading entire episodes; at least, not nearly as easily.

So, if the Japanese fans don't want to dish out money for dvds or cable television, they won't have access to a lot of anime. Manga, yeah, anime - not as much. Also, you've got to assume a good share of the Japanese anime fans are kids (which could make both of those options tricky).
Cynical_PinkSep 22, 2010 4:48 PM
Sep 26, 2010 10:23 PM

Nov 2007
lolita_mistrix said:
Because Toboso Yana is so poor.

kisami said:
clearly she is starving to death..

This kind of thinking is selfish and annoying. It doesn't matter if she isn't poor. True, her words may have been a bit strong, but they were said in hyperbole to stress a very valid point. Even if you're rich, if you spend time working hard to produce something, and you wish to be paid for your efforts, then you have every right to expect to be paid. If an individual wants to give their stuff out for free, that's also their choice. That does not mean that everyone is entitled (by God, but I HATE that word) to everything for free. This is totally naive and stupid. Just put yourself in her place. Assume that you've managed to create a manga, or a CD, or a film, or a new bit of software, or a new surf board design, or whatever, and you've spent a lot of hard hours working on this thing, wouldn't you want to be paid for all your efforts? If you could support yourself doing something you love, wouldn't you want to instead of just occasionally creating things you like, giving them out for free, and then being forced to spend long hours working a job you dislike to support yourself? And again, if you're rich and you still want to be paid, so what? You put the work in, you deserve it. Why does everyone want to punish successful people so much? It's jealous and petty to think "well, they don't need the money, so it's okay to stiff them." Those same people wish they could be successful as well, and if they were rich, I doubt they turn their fortunes over to everyone else and choose to live with little money (which if someone chose to do this, fantastic! But that's their choice, and freedom of choice is a beautiful thing that shouldn't be taken away). We should embrace successful people and look to them as role models, not spite them. Because guess what? If they can get successful by working hard and following their dreams, that means that you can too! And isn't that wonderful? Wouldn't you want to live in a society that allows hard work to actually pay off?

As for the rest of the argument, I think fansubs are great. Oftentimes they are far superior to the actual subs/dubs that licensing companies produce (which is sorta sad. I wish I could pay some fansub groups for the official release than the real companies). Further, they do expose fans to a larger variety of material and are more fair to said fans. There are several animes that have looked interesting to me, but once I've started watching them, I realize that they are not what I'd enjoy. So I'm thankful that I could watch them before putting in a lot of money into something I don't actually like. I do go out and buy anime series that I like, and I think all fans should do so. Take Baccano! for example. I watched that all online before it was ever brought over to the US, and I LOVED it. And the moment it was licensed and released over here, I bought it (even have the nice artbox, which I've never bothered to buy for any other series ^_^). If you really like it, support it. It's the same with manga scanlations. It's actually more valuable to the industry to allow these sites because it exposes people to more manga and allows them the better tell if their money is worth it. I personally don't really read manga, but because I was able to read Claymore on a manga scan site, I'm actually going to buy it, which I NEVER would have done if I hadn't been able to read it first as I just don't typically like manga.

In short, I totally sympathize and agree with the creator's viewpoint. People should support the creators of works that they enjoy. However, I also feel that fan subs and scans are actually valuable to the industry and more fair to the consumers. The problem comes when people abuse the 'try before you buy' kind of system when they just watch/read everything for free and never buy anything. The 'I just don't have money right now' excuse is a weak one because those people who use it will never have the money, not because the money isn't ever made, but because it's just easy to keep re-using the excuse over and over. If you really want something, get a job, work hard, save up, and then get it. That's what you have to do for hardware, like xBoxs and computers and cars, so why shouldn't it be the same for anime/manga?

Bottom line: Watch anime, read manga, and then do the right thing by buying those that you truly enjoy if/when you can.
Sep 27, 2010 7:36 PM

Apr 2008
It's one thing to condemn people that ONLY read their manga from the net or ONLY watch their anime from the net.
But to condemn everyone who watches streaming anime or scanned manga is absurd.
How will a person know if they want to buy it when (and if) it hits DVD? Are people going to shell out $25 for a volume of 4 episodes, and then keep shelling it out for the course of 13 episodes (or 25... or 50.... or more) if they don't know if they really like it?
Most people hate only buying one anime DVD if it's in a series, after all.
The greater purpose of fansubs and scanlations is to get people interested in the anime. There are various shows that I had watched a few times online, and then when they were finally licensed and put onto DVDs in the states, I bought. The same goes with manga.
Granted my irk regarding manga is that it's $10 a volume, whereas it's nowhere near that expensive if you buy it in its original Japanese... so I tend to buy used manga to save myself the cash (unless it's something I really want when it comes out).

However, I also agree that I don't think she was talking directly about foreign watchers of anime or readers of manga. I think she was speaking more to those who, you know, get to watch these shows on tv (unlike most the rest of the world) when they air. I mean yes, you could watch a streaming Japanese tv station but then that would kinda be the same thing she's harping on... technically... PLUS it kinda bites when you can't decipher the technical stuff due to it being RAW (though watching the commercials is a total plus).

But not only does this help get the word out about an anime, which yes, no one would have probably heard of Kuroshitsuji in the first place had it not gotten such a good response worldwide from fansubs... but it helps get the word out about the manga for Kuroshitsuji... and the seiyuu who worked on the project... and the musical artists who performed the OPs and EDs...

Sure, you're going to always have a few people who JUST watch online or read online... but hey, as for me, when it's on DVD... it's going on the anime shelf (working on getting the manga onto the manga shelf as we speak).
Sep 28, 2010 2:25 PM

Feb 2008
Ahahaha. I love how people are trolling her. 8D
Oct 2, 2010 7:36 AM

Dec 2009
The "fans" that wrote such things are either extremely stupid either trolls.
It's normal to get angry after something like that .Yet she should understand that some fans don't have any choice but watching streams. Who wouldn't like to have an original anime dvd ?
Oct 27, 2010 1:47 AM

Nov 2008
Yet a another manga scanlation debate! Seriously, it wouldn't stop there would it? For the record guys, I support online manga and anime. I know online manga and anime will give a big loss for the company etc. but does she really expect us to spend big $$$ just to purchase her 'work' and other mangaka's masterpiece. Can you people see the positive side than the negative?

And about her using the Equivalent Exchange statement. Smart. Very smart. Or is she trying to be busybody, I don't know

But that's clearly not going to change anything....
guyklc said:
I think she's taking it a bit too far. Tbh, the reason why I'm supporting the anime/manga industry right now is because of illegal scans/uploads. Enjoying anime/manga while coming to the realization that "I love anime, but I wanna let the creators starve to death" was what got me to start wanting to buy anime. Let's not forget, companies like Funimation also largely depend on how popular an anime is due to fansubs to decide whether to release the anime on DVD to foreigners or not (and if really successful, whether to add a dub or not).

I think she should condemn people who watch anime but have no intention of supporting the industry. To condemn people just because they've used illegally uploaded anime might just end up becoming a double edged sword.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ Agree with this guy's statement above!!
Jan 21, 2011 10:29 PM

May 2010
It makes sense that she would get upset over it. She may have a larger fan base because of the internet, steaming, etc etc, but that doesn't necessarily mean a bigger profit for her. If she doesn't have enough people buying her works, then she will eventually get dropped by the publishers. And I personally don't want this to happen.

Personally, I think it's pretty crazy for the Japanese to not be able to at least buy the manga. Like seriously. Manga over there costs usually from 350-600 yen (which is like 3.50-6.00 in $$ basically, I'm a bit off). Compared to America, where the prices for Black Butler are jacked up to 11$ a book. I understand people not being rich, but like when a book is 5$ I know I'd sure as hell buy it than go through the trouble of looking for it online and having to read it on my computer. Especially if it was a series I would write letters about how I jizzed in my pants at how awesome a book was. It's not like this is the 30+ volume on going series. I also prefer the japanese volumes of manga compared to the american versions & they are better made in my opinion. So I don't really see how they could "lose" that badly when buying the books. (Ps. I'm not saying "Oh those darn japs, they should buy books while us Americans shouldn't have to")

I DO watch anime online, and read manga online. Though I also buy stuff I like. I definitely would not have purchased the majority of the stuff I own (including Kuroshitsuji), if I hadn't read/seen it online first. It's very obvious the amount of people who actually buy anime & manga is dwindling, since publishers are going out of business, prices are going up, and volumes of anime don't really exist anymore (only seasons/complete collections). I am not made of money either, but I at least buy stuff when I can. (seriously, use amazon or something people). Overall, I shall forever use the internet to filter out the shit series, and I will spend my leafy green on the stuff I enjoyed a lot.

And on a final note. Those fans must have be all types of retarded.
Jan 31, 2011 8:49 PM

Apr 2009
I read manga/ watch anime online, and the ones that I end up loving are ones I end up buying, Im not going to go out and buy a random dvd because I heard its good or cuz the cover looks cool or something dumb like that.
Jan 31, 2011 11:51 PM

Jun 2008
dtshyk said:
note: Watching illegally uploaded anime on streaming sites is legal in Japan. Deliberate direct downloading is illegal.

Japan....Land of Wannabes, Home of the HYPOCRITES...
Feb 11, 2011 1:56 AM

May 2009
AvidRobot said:
It makes sense that she would get upset over it. She may have a larger fan base because of the internet, steaming, etc etc, but that doesn't necessarily mean a bigger profit for her. If she doesn't have enough people buying her works, then she will eventually get dropped by the publishers. And I personally don't want this to happen.

Personally, I think it's pretty crazy for the Japanese to not be able to at least buy the manga. Like seriously. Manga over there costs usually from 350-600 yen (which is like 3.50-6.00 in $$ basically, I'm a bit off). Compared to America, where the prices for Black Butler are jacked up to 11$ a book. I understand people not being rich, but like when a book is 5$ I know I'd sure as hell buy it than go through the trouble of looking for it online and having to read it on my computer. Especially if it was a series I would write letters about how I jizzed in my pants at how awesome a book was. It's not like this is the 30+ volume on going series. I also prefer the japanese volumes of manga compared to the american versions & they are better made in my opinion. So I don't really see how they could "lose" that badly when buying the books. (Ps. I'm not saying "Oh those darn japs, they should buy books while us Americans shouldn't have to")

I DO watch anime online, and read manga online. Though I also buy stuff I like. I definitely would not have purchased the majority of the stuff I own (including Kuroshitsuji), if I hadn't read/seen it online first. It's very obvious the amount of people who actually buy anime & manga is dwindling, since publishers are going out of business, prices are going up, and volumes of anime don't really exist anymore (only seasons/complete collections). I am not made of money either, but I at least buy stuff when I can. (seriously, use amazon or something people). Overall, I shall forever use the internet to filter out the shit series, and I will spend my leafy green on the stuff I enjoyed a lot.

And on a final note. Those fans must have be all types of retarded.
Late, but just thought I'd point out that I notice that in the conbinis here, people stand around and read the manga. They may do that in actual book stores too, just sit around and read the manga and not purchase them. I can't help but if it's the same all over Japan, or if enough of those types of people are making a big enough impact on the industry in the way that it has.

I wish I could buy Kuroshitsuji, honestly, the manga at least, but...I can't read the Japanese and still haven't been able to just randomly buy it in a book store here. Maybe I will sometime. I would like to collect it, even if I can't read it.
Feb 12, 2011 5:53 PM

Jul 2010
i only download/stream anime when it isn't released in my country. this has been said many times before by other authors and i totally agree with it.
Mar 24, 2011 9:19 AM

Oct 2010
If i had the chance i would've bought every manga that i want to read :(
Mar 24, 2011 10:03 AM

Jul 2009
It's a viscious cycle she'll have to learn to accept until the world enters an era of peace (2012?).

I'm a Brit, we have Pokemon and I think, I badly dubbed Bayblade, they are our only anime!?
When Pokemon began back in teh 90s, there was a boom in anime, we had; Shin Chan, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Digimon, Bayblade and Flint the Time Detective, yet in only a few short years, they all dissapeared; repeats aren't even screened as the channels they belonged to have died.
We have no anime, yet were teased into getting addicted!

I have bough a number of boxsets of serise's I like (8/9, I gave one away?), yet how else can you decide if you like them if they aren't avaliable to watch or rent (our videostores are boring too), you have no choice but to watch via streaming or download.

Buying a series is another struggle; many serise's aren't picked up by the US and are not avaliable on DVD (Funimation distributes everything), therefor, we don't have the option of buying them down to the dreaded 'region code'; something else that needs to go.
Also, there are a lot of people online selling pirate anime boxsets (not Onepiece :P), passing them off as genuien.

If every country allowed its residents to view a serise, dubbed or not, on TV, there would be a lot more anime fans.
If there were no region codes, we could purchase from virtually anywhere easily.
The world is narrow minded and nowhere near united, so back to my first statement, she's stuck in a rut!

Talking about 'equivalant exchange' and 'starving to death' is just plain old odd and eccentric. Quite funny.
What's more funny; those openly admitting they watched illegally.
This author is welcome to come to England; she'll se how boring it can be. ;)
Gleam_QueenMar 24, 2011 10:15 AM

Mar 29, 2011 12:42 AM

Aug 2009
I have to agree with mangaka but I am one of those who download pirated anime cause I live in a country where no one know what "manga" or "anime" is....So yeah,I'm gonna continue my work until this country gets better...=_=" If I were in America or Japan, then ofc I would buy anime DVD's....=3=
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.
Apr 9, 2011 7:20 AM
Nov 2009
Actually, I often read Kuroshitsuji online and watch the anime online too without purchasing anything but it is because my country hardly sell any Kuroshitsuji mangas are items. And if I could, I would very much want to purchase the mangas and DVDs instead as it would serve as like a memorial.

I do feel quite apologetic to Yana-sensei when she does all the hard work producing such awesome mangas and yet I didn't spend a cent to buy it :/
Apr 12, 2011 7:25 PM
Feb 2010
I haven't read/seen Kuroshitsuji, but my largest reason for not buying much manga is that I dislike how the sides of pages are cut off in the volumes as compared to the magazines' individual chapters (cutting off art/panels/text), and that the color pages are usually turned into greyscale. However, the volumes I see tend to also have better art quality than the original chapters (even when HQ raw and not 'cleaned' MQ scanlations), so it is difficult. If the volumes for the series I like and am interested in suddenly had the color pages be in color, and didn't cut off the art, I'd be buying them and wouldn't really bother with reading online without purchasing anymore if the series were available.

Though, as that doesn't seem likely, at this rate I'd be happy if I could somehow purchase/import the "raw" magazines. I haven't really seen that option for the ones I'm interested in, though; I have to dig around even more.
Apr 13, 2011 5:29 AM

Apr 2010
I think if somebody can't afford to buy anime dvds then watching them online for free isn't that bad. It's stupid to write and tell the author that you do it though.

If you don't remember something, it never happened. If you aren't remembered, you never existed. <3
Apr 13, 2011 7:09 AM

Oct 2008
Queen_Stars said:
I'm a Brit, we have Pokemon and I think, I badly dubbed Bayblade, they are our only anime!?
When Pokemon began back in teh 90s, there was a boom in anime, we had; Shin Chan, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Pokemon, Digimon, Bayblade and Flint the Time Detective, yet in only a few short years, they all dissapeared; repeats aren't even screened as the channels they belonged to have died.
We have no anime, yet were teased into getting addicted!

I have bough a number of boxsets of serise's I like (8/9, I gave one away?), yet how else can you decide if you like them if they aren't avaliable to watch or rent (our videostores are boring too), you have no choice but to watch via streaming or download.

Buying a series is another struggle; many serise's aren't picked up by the US and are not avaliable on DVD (Funimation distributes everything), therefor, we don't have the option of buying them down to the dreaded 'region code'; something else that needs to go.
Also, there are a lot of people online selling pirate anime boxsets (not Onepiece :P), passing them off as genuien.

You could always buy a region 1 dvd player or get a multi-region one and then import the dvds - I recall sell region 1 anime. As far as TV is concerned, unless it can be sold in something other than DVDs, then it's unlikely to air if it can't be aimed towards children. Which is a shame in a way, the only broadcaster who I could see barely giving anime ago is the BBC. Also some of the channels you're necessarily referring to haven't died, they just got worse.
Apr 23, 2011 5:10 AM

Jun 2010
LOL! This thread amused me so much.
1. Why would the dumbasses tell the mangaka that they download their anime from some random site instead of purchasing it?
WTF are they smoking?! I want some of that shit.
2. Don't bash Toboso for the wage she should be getting-what the industries should be getting. she deserves the money, she worked hard on her works.
3. Go ahead and illegally download your anime-people do it all the time. How do you think they make half of their amvs?
4. Don't be a dumbass and tell your favorite mangaka that you DOWNLOADED their anime. It's a stupid idea itself.
5. how is this news?
6. this thread fueled me with lolz
7. They be trollin'
8. I be trollin'
9. Equivilant Exchange. BIOTCH.
10. This thread was utterly pointless, but some of the most hilarious shyt I've read in a while. Linked comments are the best part.
"If you can't Inspire the World with Intellengence,
Baffle them with your Bullshit."
Sep 5, 2011 5:29 PM

Jul 2011
True, what kind of retard would tell the mangaka that they downloaded their stuff instead of buying...

I read manga and watch anime online. If I wanted to, I could easily buy it in the stores, but I HATE how they dub and translate them ( I end up saying, "THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!"). I do buy anime merchandise though...(If I like the series). People don't like buying stuff very much... which is why there are libraries. :O

I'd be glad to buy raw manga and anime, once I get around to learning Japanese well enough to, though...
Sep 6, 2011 2:09 PM
Mar 2011
Watching illegally uploaded anime on streaming sites is legal in Japan. Deliberate direct downloading is illegal

this idea should be world wide thats would loosefunimation Grip on the Idustery in the US if one comply owns upward of Sixty per cent thats not a Helthy Market

alot of Natve sreatming sties are part owned by Insiders of if you pnay ofr a premuim member ship your paying PPV syle per say

like me i can watch animax i loe legaly as long a one of the Comapny that own Animax Now MY IP Adress like say for me badai to cyuase im i by alot of stuf f from Bandai's Visual emotion Club Web stie

comapy ownwd web stes hav been keeping IPs since wiiny and share were made in to big news
DateYutakaSep 6, 2011 2:17 PM
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Sep 6, 2011 3:28 PM

May 2009
well instead of we not knowing anything about it, i think even watching streaming episodes, you can
share it with ur friends
and the friends maybe even have money to buy ur stuff. and friends can spread among friends...

and if we just dont know about it
those friends are never gona know, and ur never getting ur money :I
mukuro-sama♥ hibari-sama♥fon-sama♥
My top wanted things:
1. Yato umbrellas!!
2. Mukuro's left eye
3. LEON!!! (KHR)
Sep 17, 2011 8:30 AM

Dec 2009
Oh, that's stupid. But the people writing letters telling her about this is even more stupid.
How she expect everyone to be able to buy mangas or anime dvds? Not everyone live in Japan, where it has everything, and not everyone live in another contries where it sells those stuffs, like me. I'm not rich to import manga from who-knows-where so i can read. I do respect and think it's better to buy it - and i do that with the mangas that are avaliable here where i live -, but it's not that easy.
Sep 17, 2011 12:36 PM

Oct 2009
Lulz, I remember this news.
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