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Watashi no Kawaii Koneko-chan
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iHateAnimeBro May 30, 6:25 AM
Hi, same to you, and thank you! At the beginning, I thought your pfp was Barbara from Genshin Impact but apparently, it is not. Same with the nickname, it reminds me of Ganyu. Maybe I just play too much Genshin lol
Kyonman May 29, 11:13 PM
Oh nice! It's getting longer by the minute haha.
That is really cool that yours is wavy. I love wavy hair. Mine is straight as an arrow lol. It has no wave or curl to it unfortunately.
Oh sleeping with a bun or braid is a good idea. I bet that saves a lot of time.
I'm sure that was a rough time. I hope you arent mad at yourself for feeling bad. We all would feel pain from that.
I know what you mean though. I think I'm great at helping others and giving advice but when its time to listen to my own advice I don't. It's very silly whenever I do it but I just have so much or doubt when it comes to my own situation about my own advice. Yeah I'm definitely the same. Haha if we're both like that then maybe we can give each other advice then.
You'll definitely see the hairstyle in the pic I'll send you since otherwise my hair can get crazy if I dont comb it lol.
There you go again make me blush already. That payback gets me every time and I definitely dont want you to stop lol.
Two braids sounds like such a fun hairstyle! I bet you look really cute with those braids. I love long hair especially since theres so many ways for it to be worn.
I'm surprised it would be more comfortable with braids but I definitely dont have long enough hair for them so i wouldn't know lol.

Awww, I'm so happy you've been enjoying our conversations so much. I've had so much fun talking to you too. Yeah I think a lot of people have it. I know I do as well but I wouldn't be scared away at all. It would be so foolish of me to run from an absolute gem of a person like yourself. I've been thinking the same thing though. I can only show myself for the first time once so I hope the picture is good enough. I'm happy to hear that you wouldn't run away either. You are such a warm person and I know I want to learn more about you.
Well I'm grateful that you adore them. I just hope they can live up to your standards haha.

It is hard to try to cut people out of your life when you realize they dont have the best intentions towards you. Especially when they are family. I know what you mean because I went through the same thing. When I was younger is when it kinda hit me for the first time since i was like the most well intentioned kid ever lol. I would make friends and help everyone but then growing up I realized that not everyone was like me. It took a lot for me to understand why people acted the way they did but after that everything made much more sense I started to become at peace with it all. Lol basically im trying to say that I think I went through a similar path that you did. I think we are very similar people. At least in the ways we treat others. See your journey with it and your mindset now is just another thing I adore about you. It actually feels so nice to relate to someone else.
Thank you! It is quite the undertaking but I've been enjoying it. Haha still making me blush I see.
Seeing peoples stories is what drives me. I just find it fascinating that everyone has a different experience. I've laughed with people, cried with people, been inspired and been proud of people just from the stories I've learned from strangers. I'm not sure if there is many things I love more than that.
I can definitely understand meeting that meeting new people can be scary. Aww, I'm sure people talk to you because they want to know you. I'm sure in those situations it can be overwhelming though. I'm sorry to hear that covid had set back your progress on that. It was really tough for anyone trying to be social then. I know it is in you somewhere to be a social butterfly. I've seen it in our messages for sure.
Oh yes I'm definitely shy. When I was little I wasn't then like in middleschool and beyond I became horribly shy. I think at that time my view of the world wasn't the same as when I was a happy go lucky kid and I crawled into a shell i never knew I had. I'm still working on it personally. I over think first impressions so much that I know it actually worsens what ever impression I give. Its still something I'm trying to work on. I know we both and improve our shyness. I'm sure if anyone sees the length of our messages they probably wouldn't guess that the both or us are shy lol.
It definitely doesn't change how i see you as a positive person. Your honesty is one of the things I like most about you. You've been a shining ray of positivity and that wont change for me. Thank you for being honest with something personal about yourself. I know its not the easiest to share.
Oh I understand that. I think thats my moms least favorite thing as well. I'm sure its super frustrating when someone doesn't believe you and even worse when they call you a liar. I definitely am not a fan of liars as well. I'm a skeptical person at heart but I'd like to believe that everyone is truthful to me but I've been burned before by liars so I think it kinda made me keep an eye out more. I bet though as a trusting person it hurts even more being lied to. I can see why its your least favorite thing.
Oh yeah I definitely like that you don't like to give it. I bet it also helps motivate people around you when they you youre like that.
I think my least favorite thing is when people put down or make fun of what other people love. For me, I love when people share the things they enjoy or the parts of themselves that they are proud of and when other people make fun or that or diminish what they've done it upsets me so much. Especially when people are tying to improve themselves. Its not easy to make yourself vulnerable and share what you love so when people put them down it makes me blood boil and I'm usually a very calm guy. I think its a part of me from being a kid that followed me into adulthood. I don't like seeing anyone sad, and I'm been there where it makes you want to crawl back into your shell and it hurts. I think I love just seeing people happy.
Hopefully one day you can get one! Having a horse like a rescue would be nice since you could give it all the love it needs. I can tell that you're overflowing with love. You've been so wonderful to me after all.
I'm glad they mean a lot to you! I think you saying you like being sweet to me got me blushing harder than ever before lol. I just had the biggest smile reading that. I really appreciate you being so lovely to me.
Haha well then give me some horns and a pitchfork because I truly mean it! It's been so fun to make you smile.
Agreed,, it would be nice if people could just accept our differences and tried to learn about each other more.
Aww I'm so grateful that you said I'm brave for that. I'm sure if my cheeks have stopped being red tonight lol. Haha we might be in a feedback loop because hearing I made you blush makes me blush a ton lol.
Yeah I haven't played the switch pokemon games but from what I heard I'm not missing much lol. I have heard that Arceus is really fun though so maybe thats one thing im missing out on. Are there other games that you like to play?
Oh thats a good reason to have those. It is so crazy that like highschoolers have to kinda figure out what they want to do for their future lol. Like they got a lot of pressure already but that is a ton more haha. I definitely remember it being tough for me.

Its all good! You can definitely tell me that. I'm proud of you from what you've told me.
I used dating apps a little but I quickly found out it didnt have what I was looking for. I had tried to use it to find a long term relationship but it just really isn't great for those. Nothing wrong with people using it to have fun but thats just not what I wanted.
Ah i see, yeah if you've been in a relationship most of your adult life then not much time to use it. Are you currently in a relationship if I may ask?
I would love to learn how to fly. i'm hoping one day I can fly at least a small plane. That would be amazing. Haha yeah people would not expect that.
Do you have any thing you want to try thats a bit different?
Thank you! I always like to see how you are.
I'm glad you're doing better. It must be so hard being so active but being halted by this.
If you feel comfortable with it I'm more than willing to hear about your health condition. You can message me about it on discord at any time. I totally get not wanting to say it here since its public.

Oh no. I'm glad you saved it though. That would be so much to rewrite lol.

Thank you. You deserve you days to be even better and I hope I can do what I can to make them great.
I definitely like colder weather more. I love winter since you can get cozy and drink hot chocolate on those cold nights. Its just extremely hot here too so I get so exhausted fast. Do you like cold or hot weather more?
Oh yeah I love day dreaming. I've always done it so often and it has gotten me in trouble more times then i can count haha. Oh yeah I love having a big imagination though. Im not the most creative person but I can always come up with an occasional good idea because of it. Do you consider yourself a creative person?
I definitely want to go see one over there now. They sound so fun and creative. I'd love to have like a community event like that. Just spending all day and night out having fun with people on a nice day sounds like a perfect day honestly. Sounds like the local ones would be right up my alley.
Haha guess i gotta go visit and try out those snacks then.
Well now I'm the one blushing haha. You are so sweet to me. With how amazing you are you'll get there in no time. I'd only hope the position is good enough for someone as radiant as yourself.

Trust me. You've warmed my heart up more than just a bit. You've been so caring and supportive of me and its been an absolute pleasure to get to know you. I'm only hoping that I can give you even a fraction of the happiness you've given me. You deserve to be the happiest person in the world way more than me. If you could be the happiest it would give me more joy than I'd know what to do with.

Wow, you've left me speechless with what you've said to me. Only the most beautiful soul could come up with those words which is why I hope you get all the positivity you put out in the world back to you. The compliments you've given me make me feel so incredible and I would be lying to myself if I said they didn't make me have the biggest smile I've had in a while. I hope that you remember that you are one of the most kind, compassionate, caring, beautiful, and loving souls I've ever met. You've given me so much kindness and more and I couldn't be more grateful to have you compliment me like this. Haha if I'm a pro then it looks like I have some competition.
If thats what I deserve then I can only pray that I've turned you red as a cherry. My face has been so warm that if someone didn't know better they'd think I have a fever haha.

Thats a great way to see things. I think some things happen for a reason but for me i like seeing most things as not happening for a reason. Like things can just happen for no reason at all, and thats the beauty of the world. It makes me feel better because I can process things easier whether they are good or bad. If a good day is just as likely as a bad day to occur then I'll always be looking forward to what happens next with curiosity.

Its ok! I'm happy to share. The things that made me insecure was always worrying about making a good first impression. Thats why I've been so nervous about the pic I'm going to send you lol. I just want you to have the best first impression of me. Also things about working about in my past have made me insecure. Like not feeling I look muscular enough or if i think i need to get more fit. Also if someone comments about my body and it can be interpreted as not good then that will make my insecurities come out in full force and I'll be in a bad headspace for a little while. Of course, i would definitely let you know if I felt that way.

(lol no worries, its a lot of text and even I get lost haha)

Aww thank you.
I think traveling the world can be fun if I didnt have kids but also having kids could be just as amazing too. I think for me its because I moved a lot as a child. We sometimes would live with family then for the next few years we would be across the country. It was an interesting childhood but it kinda made me feel like family is whoever I'm close to. That includes friends as well whom I see as even closer than most family. I guess I'm still trying to figure out what it all means to me.
Awww, I'm sure she feels that you're there for her if she needs you.
Cupcake is a very important roommate!
We didn't do it since I would need to move cities. He wants to live near his girlfriend but they don't want to live together just yet. So would also have to go through the process of him moving out if he does end up living with her.
Thank you! I'm proud of you as well!
Oh wow, that must have been tough to read from her. That wasn't fair to you at all. I'm so sorry that shes sick though. That must be such a hard relationship you have with her. You do deserve acknowledgement for what you went through. They cant change the past but its how they can make things right moving forward.
If you ever need to talk about your family more please let me know. If I can even help a little with any emotions you are going through then it would be my pleasure.
I completely understand what you mean. I can tell you love to make others happy. I've been over the moon with how happy you've made me. Having your existence being making others happy sounds like it can weigh on you have even have you neglect your own happiness. I'm so proud of you that you decided to take your own happiness back and live for yourself. I know its not easy to decide to do as a caring person but you do deserve that happiness and you do deserve to prioritize it. I'm actually extremely happy for you and want to help you be the happiest you can be.
Maybe this is a bit personal, but since you said your dad has understood you now do you speak to him at all?

Then I'll give you the biggest hug! With our compliments and kindness no one else stands a chance. Haha with how sweet you've been I'm surprised they havent put you on a wanted poster yet. I actually dont know the character limit. Haha we might just reach it one day from nothing but compliments. It still wouldnt be as many compliments as you deserve though.

Yeah good neighbors are super important. Mine definitely are nice and not annoying. The guy who you used to live next to who smoked would bug me so much lol.
Yeah it doesnt rain too often and when it does it gets super humid. I think I would love it over there. The rain and wind would be so pleasant to me compared. Rainy days are some of my favorites. Just cuddle up in some blankets and get cozy. Aww, I'm so happy you message me on discord. You write so kindly on there as well and I love reading your messages. I'll be there for you when you need it as well.

Its definitely hard to open up crab. The shells can be kinda pointy and rough to hold. But if you ever need it, then I'm your guy to crack them open lol.
Haha I'll be looking forward to it. I know that being taken care of you would have me blushing so much. Well I couldn't say no to that then can I. I love taking care of others too so you gotta be the one totally prepared as well.

You deserve even more sweetness than you given me.
Well then I'm honored that you've been so kind to me. It's been amazing seeing this side of you and I feel so special that I get to see it personally.
Haha I'm the same way. It feels almost silly that we are basically strangers but I can feel how warm you soul is from everything you've told me. I want to thank you for being vulnerable with me and letting me be vulnerable with you. You deserve to know how incredible you are and if this stranger can remind you even just a little then its made everything worth it. If one day we don't talk anymore then I want you to remember at the very least that no matter what, you deserve happiness. I should be thanking you for showing me your beauty. I almost feel unworthy of all this praise but I know you would tell me that I am. I'm so glad that us strangers could meet. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more.

Just hearing you that puts a smile on my face. You make me want to compliment you more and more each time I have so much fun making you blush as well. I'm blushing right with you for all of the amazing things you said to me. I'm sure your eyes are amazing. I hope mine are even half good to look at as yours. I'd be even happier to see you get first place than get it myself. You earned it with how lovely you are and I'll keep saying how incredible you are.

I'm so happy I was able to make your day brighter. You've given me so much happiness with this message. You don't know how much the things you've said have warmed my heart. It's alright! I'm just glad youre feeling better now. Also you telling me that you ready my message twice put the biggest smiling on my face. You didn't ruin anything. This message was so heartfelt and so lovely, I'm so grateful that you sent it to me. Haha half this message felt like nothing but pure compliments. I hope it's not too much. You've written some amazing things towards me so I wanted you to read something just as sweet. Lol well I'm thinking you're a wizard yourself. Your words have been absolutely magical to me. Lol i'm glad to have you under my spell then. I'm always happy to read these messages. Of course you gotta make me blush one more time before the message is over lol. I'm starting to think youre actually a pro at this. I'm glad to be the one you want to ramble to. You can tell me as many things as you want to. Giving you the biggest hugs back! Thank you for being you.

MonkeeDan May 29, 7:29 AM
Yes they did free me from my precarious situation and soothed my soul with allowing me to pet them :>
Lmao well, how could we not keep talking about the grandeur beings goats are, someone has to let them know how appreciated they are ^~^

I am merely a man of simple principles. Everything that might endanger goats must be avoided and everything that might be good for them must be pursued.

A goat maid, ... that sounds like something japan would implement in their little naughty films soon...

Ikr, just imagining that basically my whole life I lived so far would be dedicated to taking care of animals for free. Obviously it's a bit different when ur older and have it in ur schedule and everything but still, really nice to see and hear about such people.
You should be! There was never a first second to know dutch person before in my life after all ^~^
No I get that totally. While I like german for it being a nice language with a lot of nuances and "decorative" words, english makes it easier for me to express most things directly. I'm way more fluent in german tho, which is why I have a better time speaking german with friends when it comes to banter and all because some fun terms in english are just not known to me yet. Writing english is way more fun tho.

Woahh what. Who would've guessed the first second dutch person I get to know is ALSO patient 0 for Elon's grandeur illusions. This might be some miracle, especially when considering she's a goat AND ^~^ to boot. But yea ngl the chip sounds crazy interesting but also crazy scary at the same time for obvious reasons lol.

Is it mood dependant if you're too harsh on yourself for the things you wanna change/improve? Bc I think that's just normal. Even people who are completely happy with themselves will most likely find things they want to improve and might tunnel vision onto it and make it a bigger thing than it might be at first. As for me: Generally speaking I am pretty happy with myself since I know how I am and adapted my life to work how I want it to. That being said there are obviously things I wouldn't mind changing, but often it's more of a "would be nice if it was different, but if not then it's not too big of a thing either" situation. I also have some specific situation with e.g. needing a healthier eating habit from a health perspective, but from my persona perspective I am just fine with it and can't bring up enough energy and motivation to change it to how it should be. I'm a big "change it once it hurts" kind of person if yk what I mean.
Yea definitely, that's just how a healthy relationship between siblings is I'd imagine. You have moments where u'd wish they'd be gone for a day, but also times where ur really thankful for them being there. It mostly just a bond that forges through growing up together, which is really hard to recreate with my younger sister for obvious reaosns.

Ikr, having a break with a co-worker next to you who you didn't talk to yet? Complain about the weather and politics and you'll soon be best friends ^^

I am a negative person, or maybe 'was' is more accurate since with my current partner (who also tends to think very negatively about certain things), I kind of got used to cheering up and seeing the positive aspects and focusing on them to a point where I don't think too negative about most stuff nowadays and mostly just neutral ig. I definitely had that really negative phase you mentioned tho ^^ And yea I agree, it just negatively affects yourself and can easily put u in a downward spiral which is never helpful. Thanks for your concern tho! c:
I like this trait of mine, but equally dislike it as well. There are just a lot of moments where I wish I was this passionate or emotionally invested into things as other people are. It's not really something I can change tho and I accepted it and am overall happy with it, just sometimes a bit of "jealousy" surfaces. Tho I suppose that works both ways.
Yea dogs are just such a mood. Wagging their tail, jumping around, looking at you all energetic and happy... or just lazily lying somewhere and snoozing~ Truly an animal we can learn from ^^

No I get that, walking around in the streets as a goat would attract too much attraction so being a duck is way smarter. Always think 5 steps ahead of the public ;>
Oh I found a lot of people who by now know where I live and how I look etc, but it's always nice to have the choice about it :> Found a lot of great people on here which is probably the best thing corona brought to me lol.

Of course I won 😎 Turned em bankrupt with no mercy *evil laugh* Monopoly is just such a random game which can turn from completely broke to the richest person and vice versa in a single turn, love that.
Yeaaa or falling asleep to rain, urgh, pure bliss. Also the air smells so good after rain and it's so nice to sit in a garden under some roof with a book and just vibe like this~
Yup I think she turned out pretty happy with her bday ^^ Ow were you given the option to say no or were you "forced" to go work last minute? But yea at least more money is nice ig. What do you work as if I can ask?

A 10 year old turning less creepy due to plastic surgery is definitely a headling I don't want to see anytime soon-

I had a ton of rain which saved me a lot of time I'd have to spend watering the plants in the garden so I must say my thanks for your wishes since it clearly worked ^~^ Have a great week as well tho! with lots of frikandels or something like that
LunyRem May 29, 6:04 AM

Helloooooo~♪ I hope you're there. Sorry for the late reply! I have been soooo busy with less time on MAL lately.

Yes, I now have.....1199 TV anime in my completed list. It's interesting that less than 50% of my full completed list consists of TV anime unlike most people who usually pick TV anime all the time. ^w^; I have explored around this website countless times during my years of stay here, and I've discovered so many.....random stuff.

I do have my favorite anime genre and my top favorite's CGDCT. ^_^ "Cute Girls Doing Cute Things" :3 They're like a sub-genre of slice-of-life that focuses mostly on cute girls as the main characters and their everyday life. ^_^ Iyashikei is also another one of my favorite sub-genre of slice-of-life because these are the most relaxing form of anime. These are mostly "feel good" anime that have this soothing and healing effect on the viewer.

One Piece has been my top all-time favorite and I've been following it for so many years, both the anime and the manga. I love them! I've always been eager for the newest manga chapter to be released but sometimes the author takes a weekly break because he needs to prioritize his health as he's been drawing top-quality art for continuous chapters. Oh I've been mostly at home accompanying my mom and taking care of her. I manage the family business at home especially in regards to financial stuff. While I do watch a lot of anime, I don't spend as much time reading manga as I used to. I dunno, but manga has been low priority (or zero priority) for me right now. Ahaha, I download some anime episodes on my phone and I watch them offline when I'm on a trip. I have Netflix, Disney+, and I also download some anime episodes available from certain YouTube channels wherein they licensed some seasonal anime. Good stuff. ^~^

My own manga list is pretty much dead. No other manga updates aside from One Piece, ehehe. No worries, and I also understand why some people prefer manga over anime. We all got our preferences and priorities. ^^

And I hope you've had an amazing week! :D I've still got a ton of stuff to take care of, ehehe. Since my birthday's coming closer too, oops.
4630_Yen_Chan May 28, 2:23 PM
I'm tired just thinking about it. At least you get paid more, as a broke college student I'd love some extra money. My schedule is messed up enough anyways, but I'm always grumpy if I don't get enough sleep lol
Thank you! Fingers crossed too! I think I'm doing decently, but we'll have to see. Stayed up late studying the past few nights, and destroyed my sleep schedule as well. I've been yawning all day.

It's always crazy how much I like songs without even knowing the lyrics, and usually the lyrics make it even better and add so much depth!
I'll have to check it out, she does have so many songs. Why do you feel bad, it's alright! She makes cover of a lot of vocaloid songs, I think one that I listened to recently was Love ka? I know so many but my minds blanking, I'll let you know if I think of anymore

Lolol, I'm sure the goats love you
I have 5 geese XD
fausifahrial May 28, 6:52 AM
Hii, nice to meet you! ~
Kyonman May 27, 8:31 PM
Haha it is a very accountant attire. Maybe thats why I like suits so much lol.
Lol that is certainly a description but I got a picture of the length now so it work haha.
Oh I knew hair could change when you got older but didnt know it could even change in early adulthood. It's cool that it got wavy though. That must look pretty.
Oh no, that must have been scary when you started getting your health issues. I'm glad its growing back much better though. Still must have been hard to see it like that when you the health issues.
Haha its alright, i like hearing about you. You can tell me a story about anything in your life if you want to.
Mine is short but maybe a bit longer on top since I push it back. It doesnt get any farther than my mouth though if i let it hang down though. I like long or short hair on people though. I enjoy how people style it. Do you have a style you like to put yours in?
I didn't know you had been worrying about me leaving because of it. I wouldn't run away from you from seeing your appearance. I hope I can help ease your worries, im sure you look great. As long as you want to show me I'm perfectly fine with it. I don't feel pressured at all. I know we can be self conscious about our appearances but you wouldn't disappointment me one bit. There's no way you would ruin the fun time we've been having. I've been getting to know how incredible you are and seeing you would never change that for me. I know how you must feel because I've had the same thoughts too about my appearance and you not want to talk to me as much anymore because of it, but even though it can be scary, if you'd like to I'd be more than happy to see each other. If you want to do it, then tomorrow when you read this or whenever you feel comfortable, you can message me on discord.
I'm so glad to hear you like them! I don't know too many people who like brown eyes but I'm happy you do. Thank you!
Speaking of getting lost in eyes, grey eyes are absolutely beautiful. Wow thats so cool that one is more green than the other. i could just imagine how they look in the sun. Seeing the blueish color in them would be amazing. I bet a lot of people say you have beautiful eyes.

I see what you mean. Animals will always tell you how they feel but with people it can be different. I'm glad you are able to understand people more.
I would say I understand people quite well. In fact thats my main goal in life. To understand and learn about people from everywhere. Thats my favorite thing and why I love meeting people. Do you like to meet new people.
I like that you aren't a quitter, you sound competitive too lol. So giving up is your least favorite thing then? That's a pretty cool trait to have. It takes a strong person to have it. Just another thing for the list it seems.
I don't give up easy at all. Lol its a trait thats is prevalent on my dads side of my family have for better or for worst haha. Lol looks like your feeling was right about me.
Yeah especially a creature like a horse. It definitely seems like you need a lot of patience with them. I'm so glad you treated them so well. Maybe one day you can have a horse of your own. Would you want to have one that was just yours?
I'm glad you cant bend your morals either. That's how I know for sure youre a strong person.
I'm going to need a secretary to keep track of all the things I keep liking about you at this point.
Aww youre so sweet to me.
Maybe thats my evil plan. To keep your checks rosey red from all the blushing haha. As long as I can keep you happy then I'll keep the compliments coming.
Oh that Madurodam looks real cool too. Theres so many places I want to see there lol.
Yeah unfortunately theres so many countries that have done terrible things. Its so sad to see how many people have gotten hurt in the process. I just want everyone to try to truly understand each other.
Yeah it might be because of stereotypes why americans have a bad rep. I promise I'm not like those lol.
Oh yeah it was so surreal to see those places there. I would recommend it for sure!
Haha one more place on my travel list. I'm sure ill get to it. I want to travel at least once a year.
Aww I know there are people who love to have you in their memories. I would be grateful to have you in mine for sure.
Haha seems like all countries do silly things like that unfortunately.
I'm not sure if I was brave haha. Maybe just extremely friendly lol. I remember trying to befriend everyone back then haha. Especially new student or people who did talk to a lot of people. Knowing you now, I know that I would have introduced myself to you. You did make me blush from those wonder word though lol.
Haha I forgive you. Mudkip is very cute so I don't blame you at all. Eevee is such a cute pokemon so I can see why you'd love it.
Haha yeah I wish they went a different direction with their newer games. I actually never played the Lets Go games though.
That week sounds like a lot of fun. We didn't have that surprisingly. I don't know how clubs were meant to recruit. I know sports clubs were just like the teachers trying to get strong students to join lol.

It's not uncomfortable at all! It's nice hearing that from you. I hope it isnt weird when i say it to you.
Yeah having a preference is fine. If someone truly has a connection with you I don't see why anything like that would hold them back. If it is a big preference for them though then it should be something thats said immediately. I'm not too big on dating apps, at least my use of them but I do like how people can kinda get through the preference part of it immediately so the connection part is easier to get to. Have you used dating apps a lot?
Haha yeah that would be real uncomfortable. One of the reasons Im happy with my height is that I would fit comfortable in a cockpit if I was a pilot lol.
Oh course, I like to ask how you're doing.
I see, that is rough to lose progress when you've been working so hard. Progress is hardly ever linear and sometimes we have step backs but it's all ok. It's part of our condition as people. I know you'll get back on track and definitely receive help if you need it. I know I can't do much of anything to help you but if you ever need to talk I'm here for you. I don't know what condition you've been dealing with either and you don't have to tell me. Just know that I'm always just a message away. Lol even if its a discord message at any hour I'll do my best to help you. Like always, you can ramble to me all you like.
I'm doing very good thank you! Been feeling great lately (of course youre part of the reason why) but its been super hot which is draining. Thank yo for asking!
That is a beautiful way of becoming less nervous. I'll try that next time I feel anxious or shy to dance.
I do have a big imagination. I've always had one especially as a child. That's so cool that you're the same way. Do you day dream often?
Oh that sounds so fun! I would love to go to one with how to describe them. Feels like a place you could go to all day and just have fun and eat. Sounds like its amazing to go with someone too!
It in fact does with a pretty dress and crown! It'll be tough but I'll try to find one that would suit a beautiful soul like you.
Aww I should be thanking you instead. You've warmed my heart more than I can possibly state. You deserve to be the happiest person you can possibly be with how wonderful you are.

Here you are making me blush. i cant tell if its you or the heat thats keeping my face warm lol. Either way I know you've been making me very happy since I started talking to you.
I'm glad that you agree! Some things just feel right. Like if no matter what happened that one things would have happened regardless. Have you had many moments in your life like that?

Thank you! I'll definitely vent to you if I ever need it.
Aww, I can tell that insecurity has definitely weighed on you. I really hope you know that you've been an absolute ray of light to me and I know other people around you must feel like that. I can tell you that I have really liked talking to you and if you ever feel insecure with me please tell me. I want to alleviate those worries as much as I can because I want you to be happy.
Thats so sweet! I'm so grateful we've been talking to each other.

Haha I see you cant stop yourself. You gave me the biggest smile and warm face. You've been so lovely. I think you know exactly how to make me blush lol. I hope I've been doing the same for you.

Lol maybe a stork delivered them.
I think I would adopt too if for some reason I couldnt have them.
I'm the same way right now. i don't think I would make for a good dad in my current position. Feels like a lot to learn lol. I'm sure one day you will be a great mom and your family would be so lucky to have you. You are so caring and that's one of the most important thing.
I think if I had kids I would want 3. At the same time though I could see myself in a relationship with no kids at all. I think my idea of family might be different compared to most lol because I'm more than fine either way haha.
I can tell how much you love and care for her by how you talk about your sister. She sounds like a smart girl. Being focused is so important at her age. There's so much that happens in those years but it sounds like she will do well.
Lol I was thinking of asking google but totally blanked on what to ask it to give me like a specific organization haha.
It's not stupid to admit at all. I can imagine its super hard to deal with. I'm glad you had great roommates to help out. Do you currently have roommates?
I haven't had any roommates tbh. My best friend and I thought about moving in together but haven't
There really isnt a manual on how to adult. I think we are all trying to do our best and wing-it lol. I'm glad you have come far though. You should be proud of that.
Thats so nice! I'm glad you see her. I feel so bad that your mom pressured her to do that. It's not easy to deal with parents like that. (the sentence totally made sense btw).
I'm always happy with a hug. I'd give you a big hug back if you'd like it.
Haha guess if we're both guilty then we're partners in crime lol. You deserve so many more compliments than what I've given you. I've been getting so much happiness from you.

Happy to hear you have good neighbors. It's so much nicer to relax in your own place if you have good neighbors.
It's alright! I'm glad you got to see the rainbow. I love seeing them after it rains. I want it to rain way more here lol.
Great! These long messages aren't too much for me. I love reading them from you. And likewise, if you ever want to just message me here or on discord then you are always welcomed.

I love seafood so much lol. I could eat any seafood really. Do you like it? I'd definitely recommend crab.
Aww well of course I would share. especially if you made it for me. Food is much better to share with someone else. Especially a kind soul like you.

Haha well then our innocence faded away days ago. You've been so sweet and lovely to me. Every message you've sent has been more wonderful than the last. I think you're turning up you kindness like if it was volume on a stereo lol. It has been a while since I've met someone who has shown me their inner beauty as much as you have. Now I'm the speechless one haha. That was such a kind thing to say. You've been so sweet and kind to others and you deserve that back at you. I'm grateful to have met you.

Well I'm glad its working. I'll admit, you make it so fun to try and make you blush haha. I know that your eyes are going on my list of many things I like about you. I'm certain those grey eyes are so mesmerizing i guess i might be able to confirm that soon lol. I'm so glad I could make you smile.

It wasn't weird at all. You don't have to apologize. It was a very sweet message and you've been amazing to talk to. I'm really glad you sent me one today.
I hope you have an amazing day as well. I'm very happy to have met you too. Aww you make anyones day incredible and I hope only good things happen to you.
Of course! Thank you for writing it all. I hope you don't forget how wonderful you are either.

Kyonman May 26, 6:32 PM
I usually write on my computer but sometimes I accidentally close out all the pages while forgetting I was mid message and totally lose everything haha.

I don't wear a suit too often but I usually wear a dress shirt and some slacks for work. Whenever I have to wear a suit though I like to look real sharp lol.
Definitely! I really like blonde hair. Haha now I'm trying to picture how your hair looks but the highlights must look amazing. That's so cool that it changes shade during the summer. Do you keep it long or short?
Haha it's not wrong at all to try to imagine how I look. I've been doing the same thing for you lol.
Well if you're ever curious enough we can show each other how we look on discord if you'd like. I'd be comfortable with it if you are. Don't want to pressure you at all so if not then it's definitely cool. If you are interested though then let me know!
I have brown eyes! They get lighter in the sun which I like. What color eyes do you have?

Oh wow that's so young. So you've been around horse a lot throughout your childhood. You were a brave at 14, I think I'd be afraid to try it back when I was 14 lol. That's so amazing to me that you learned how to take care of horses. I like your perseverance, seemed like you really wanted to succeed at that even if it was scary. That must have been hard to say goodbye to them. At that point those horse are you friends so it must have been tough to watch them leave. Aww I'm sure even though you had to be parted with them you have some amazing memories together with those horses.
Oh yeah for profit breeders probably treat them differently. I'm sure your philosophy clashes with theirs since they just want to sell them but I like the way you treat them a lot more.
I'm the same way. i've made plenty of mistakes and I try to fix them so they dont happen again. Lol plenty of nights where I've been sleepless trying to figure out how to correct things for future me.
You really aren't trying to keep this list short I see. You just keep adding things about you that I like.
It's one of my favorite sayings! You're welcome, im glad you like it.
If recognizing how amazing of a person you are makes me guilty of making you blush then I'm guilty as charged.
Well it seems like you're the one trying to make me blush now and its working.
Oh yeah theres so many places in Europe I wanna visit because of how many cultures there are.
That Zuiderzeemuseum looks so amazing. I want to visit that place for sure. Thats so cool they show how they used to live. Oh yeah I remembered that The Netherlands have had some dark history during that period. I know the US has also had some dark times in the short time it existed and even a lot of it recently too. I definitely feel ashamed of the things my country has done. I'm sure those things are some of the reasons why Americans don't have a good reputation in a lot of places.
I think my favorite cultural place I've visited was Stein am Rhein. Its a very small town in switzerland and it looks so old. It almost looks like I went back in time since there are some very old buildings there. I think even one from like 900AD. It is just so amazing to see those buildings that are older than my country lol.
Guell looks very beautiful. Thats amazing that you went there. I wanna go now lol.
You're so right. We should always hang on to those great memories. They can bring comfort during any time.
Lol sounds like government bureaucracy at its finest. We've had projects here where they take down an area and then it just stays barren since they realized they weren't allowed to do that or they don't have what they need to build. My city goes through so much construction work because of that.
Aww thats unfortunate that you got bullied but I'm glad you stood up for other kids. I was only bullied a little but that's because I turned everyone who tried to bully me into a friend lol. A lot of them just needed a friend and I was great at making friends. I definitely would have been friends with you after seeing how brave you were!
Heartgold is an amazing game! I loved playing that one. My favorite pokemon is probably Torchic or Blaziken. I love that whole line lol. I think Ruby was my first pokemon game and that was my first pokemon I had. Eevee and Sylveon are amazing as well. Did you play Lets Go Eevee then?
So they had different clubs like woodshop, home economics, art, flower design, outside of sports. I was in an Entrepreneurship club which was fun and I did sports as well like tack and field.

Yeah we definitely are out biggest critique. Thank you! I try not to be anymore.
Thanks! Yeah a lot of guys have bad experience at trying to date while being short. Yeah if someone has a connection I don't see why height would stop that a relationship. That's why I don't mind height at all when I'm dating. Although for some reason most of my past girlfriends were about the same height as me lol. Oh wow I feel bad for that guy. Couldn't imagine dating someone for months and then they break up for you for that. That's why I think everyone should be up front with their feelings. Just so no one gets hurt more later.
Thanks! I'm glad I like my height as well. Makes flying more comfortable as well lol.
Thats true. You're still recovering so its probably best to take it easy at first. How have you been feeling btw?
Haha thanks! I'll be cheering for you as well.

I think I just feel like I'm off beat whenever I dance. A lot of it is probably because of nerves though since I can be shy. Yeah I definitely would love to learn it.
Yeah I don't know if there are local festivals here. At least ones where like people would dance at. Do you have a lot of festivals there? I can imagine they would be really fun to go to during like spring and summer. It might be too hot for a lot of festivals during summer lol.
Haha you're flying through the ranks. Before you know it you'll be the queen lol.
Thank you! So happy to be talking to you.
I'm very glad you let me share that with you. It's nice to talk about tough topics that we all go through.
I'll definitely be here whenever you want to take me up on that!
That's a beautiful saying and I can tell you a ray of sunshine in a lot of peoples lives. You've been one for me multiple times already.

Awww you are such a sweet person. Haha well you've been getting a lot of payback then because I've been blushing so much reading your message today. Thank you for your kind words. I know the rest of you must be shining like a star in the night from the parts of your lovely soul that you've shown me. Each thing I learn about you just confirms to me more and more how incredible you are.
Thank you! You and cupcake were destined for each other as well. I do think there are things that are meant to happen or people that are meant to meet. Maybe not every thing is predetermined but there are moments in life that were meant to occur. Do you think things are sometimes meant to be?
I'm sure cupcake would love a cat friend! Although hopefully that doesn't mean two cats scratching things up lol.

I hope one day a social safety net can be made here. We are the richest country supposedly so I hope that it can happen. We have like a pseudo healthcare for all but its been tore down to its bare components and doesn't really help as many people as it should.
Of course! You can vent as much as you'd like!
Yes i want them to teach non verbal communication as well. It would help so much because we all say a lot without talking. Plus there are people who don't talk much for one reason or another and its important for them to be heard as well.
Everyone knowing english is super helpful in your country. I'm very happy its a thing there (especially since I'm able to talk to you lol).

Aww you're amazing too! (I see you're trying to make me blush again lol)

Yes they are my dads kids. My dad had them from his first marriage so they are all a bit older than me.
That must be real rough having to explain to everyone your situation with your family when they ask about them. I know it must feel embarrassing but it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I'm sure one day you'll have a family of your own and it'll be wonderful and full of love. They'll have you around and from what I know of you already you would protect and care for them like no one else would. Is having a big family in the future something you'd want?
Oh that's a cool thing for her to study! You must be proud of her. Ah ok so it's to help ease her into living on her own I see. I'm glad thats there for her. Sounds like that a very helpful program. I wonder if we have an equivalent here. It sounds like it was very tough for you to start living on youre own. I'm very proud that you are able to now despite the things you went through. I know it probably wasn't the easiest experience but you're strong for getting through it.
That is much closer thankfully. Hope you can see her often!
That does sound like a rough family situation. It's unfortunate that your niece and you haven't talked that much because of family issues. Do you still have the plushie?

Thank you! I admire you as well for talking about them even if they are tough to talk about.
Haha agreed. Lets not hold anything back anymore. You've made me blush so much already that I see you might have stopped holding back already lol.
I admire that side of you! That's such an amazing goal. Even if it seems impossible, its beautiful to see where your heart is.

Its nice you have a backyard. Yeah I think I can see a picture in my mind of it. That seems like a nice place to relax out there. Haha I hope my secret can help you.
Thats neat you saw a rainbow! Oh no I hope I'm not taking too much of your time up with these messages. Please let me know if these are getting too long at all. We can always message back and forth on discord since that might not take up as much time at once then writing a whole message out. I'm fine with either way though! I love seeing everything you write.
Haha its alright. Its nice to always when you can talk with your sister so Im glad you did.
Lol same I've been copying and pasting a bunch.

Hmmm its hard to compare but its like a lot of seafood that isnt fish. I also loved coating it in garlic butter so thats probably a lot of the flavor lol. It has an interesting texture though. A bit spongey but not in a bad way. Very savory if I had to give it a flavor.
Same, i love fruit so much. Oooh kiwis are good. Havent had one in a while. Haha I do that too. Sometimes certain foods are too good to not eat a bunch of.
Haha sounds good. Sharing a bowl of fruit with you sounds like a perfect plan.

You really do like making me blush. At this rate my cheeks will be permanently red lol. I guess we have that in common though since I like making you blush just as much.
Awww thank you. You made my already good weekend great just by being you. I hope you had a fantastic weekend yourself.

It's alright! Glad to add you on discord btw and I'm always more than happy to chat whenever you want to on there. I use discord on mobile so i'm usually more active on that than mal if you ever want to message me but either or is fine.
Aww, you definitely are as well.
Glad I could give you one more blush before the message ended lol.
I'm happy, making you smile makes me smile. Well a lot about you has been making me smile lately too haha.
Oh course, and thank you for writing it all (I'll never stop thanking you back lol).
Kyonman May 25, 9:04 PM
Oh no! Can't believe mal did that. I've had to write up a message twice before because of that happening as well. definitely not a fun time lol.

It totally makes sense. Sometimes a mood or feelings are easier expressed as an image.
I would probably say ruby for a shade. Like a very rich red is probably my favorite color. I also love like a wine colored dark red for dress shirt if I'm going to wear a shade of red. Looks really nice when I wear it with a suit.
Ah I see yeah that makes sense. Oh you're blonde! That's so cool. Do you have like very light shade of blonde hair? Haha feels like you've given me a nice description of yourself. I have dark hair like pretty much black. Also have light tanned skin that I really like since I can tan super easy lol. Yeah yellow is tough for me because of that though.
Oh nice! I like pastel colors for clothes. I usually wear brighter colors like a lot of blues or greens or pinks.

I'm glad to have your help!
Thats so cool that you did that! That's a really interesting experience that you have with horses. How long did you do that for? Riding must be so much fun and then just being around the horses and getting to know them especially so. I bet they all have their own personalities and likes. Sounds like that forest was a great place to practice riding. That must have been so relaxing riding out there. Is that something that you would ever want to do again?
Oh yeah I bet working with a horse is a lot like working with a person. You both have your wants and its better to be on the same page if you are going to work together. I guess that saying is true, you can lead a horse to water but cant make them drink, lol.
Wow that amazes me that you trained horses. It's such a cool thing to do. It must be a tough job but very rewarding.
I wouldn't say you are too protective over animals. It sounds like you respect them as everyone should and treat them like living beings rather than just tools. I'm sure those horses felt so comfortable around you and felt like you truly understood them. I have so much respect for you for treating them that way. Haha adding one more thing to the long list of things I like about you.
I do love visiting museums often. Usually if I travel I try to visit art or culture museums. I also love visiting historical places anywhere I go. Getting an appreciation for a place and culture is a lot of the reason why I travel. Theres just so much to see and experience.
Aww you don't need to hold back your kindness with me. You've treated me so well and made me very happy just by being you.
I definitely miss those forest areas being forests. As a kid I would explore them with my friends but now everything is being developed that it feels like its lost its charm. I still have the memories at least.
Lol sounds like they put the cart before the horse with their building ideas.
Haha I'm sure you are very ladylike. Just an energetic lady lol. Sounds like you had a lot of fun though as a kid.
I do have a favorite pokemon game! It's pokemon Emerald. I've played that game so much and I still have it actually. Along with my gameboy and DS. Whats your favorite?
Lol you are 100% correct. The 3DS games are better than the newer ones.
I think I picked option 1 as a kid lol. I would always read a lot in my room but would still go out and play with friends. I was still very active since I did sports from the age of 2 til end of highschool. Even with sports though I was always hanging out with friends getting or doing after school clubs so I'd say I was decently active. Did you do any clubs in school?

Same! I definitely love long legs as well. I'm glad you aren't insecure about them. I know we all have our own insecurities but I hope you aren't too hard on yourself for any of them.
Ok so not too far off of the average there. Yeah beauty standards are not fair to anyone. I know I've had friends who were about my height who were super self conscious about it since its a little shorter than average here too. I've always loved my height though haha. I think its the perfect height for me.
Haha I was surprised that i got lightheaded. Before that I thought I was afraid of too much but that got me all dizzy.
I hope it goes super well if you try it out! Triathlons seem so daunting but also like so much fun. I would do one in my lifetime i think.
Aww thanks! Hopefully I am better at dancing than I think lol. True, there will always be people who judged others harshly really for anything even beyond dancing. You're right, it is much better to be alone than to be with people who don't appreciate you for who you are.
Yeah I'm not too big on clubs either. I only go if other people I'm with decide to go there.
I haven't gone to a festival actually. How are those like? Sounds like it could be fun out there dancing with all the music.
I bet I would have an amazing time dancing with you too! Might need you to be my dance teacher and show me some moves haha.
I appreciate that you listened to my story. It's a tough thing that a lot of people deal with. Thank you for the kind words as well. I'm glad my story helped you too. It really helped me to get it off my chest and type it all out.
I know it might have been tough to read as well since you could relate like you mentioned. I understand its tough to say anything after that story and I'm glad you were up front and honest with me. I'm very happy that you still would lend an ear to anything I needed to talk about though. I want to offer you the same thing as well. If there's anything even if its rough that you want to talk with me about then please do. I would love to help you however I can.
I'm glad you enjoyed baseball when you played it!
Thank you! I'm doing much better now.
I could never get annoyed with your positivity. It's important to see the good side of situations and you being like that as made me happier already. I know I could learn from your example and be more positive on how I see things.

Haha well theres so many highways but theres nothing really to stop traffic from piling up everywhere so since we all have to drive its so inconvenient for everyone.
Aww you're making me blush lol. You've said some amazingly sweet things to me. I don't know what I've done to deserve this much kindness but I'm so happy that you've shared it with me. You are absolutely radiant. I know with your positivity and kindness that everyone around you is made happier just by your presence.

Awww thats such a cute story. Little Cupcake had you smitten you first saw her lol. She sounds adorable and she looks so well taken care of. Seems like the timing was perfect for both of you. I'm glad you have her in your life. Haha I'm glad you didn't need that couch scratch free then. That reminds me of when I got my dog. She was so little as a puppy and so shy but the moment I saw her i knew I loved her.

I think we need that safety net over here in the States lol. I would not paying more in taxes if it meant everyone having healthcare.
They do love it over there. It was supposed to just be a rotation but they are trying to make it a permanent move since I love it so much.
No it's ok you don't have to apologize for getting angry. Its a topic that brings up emotions for sure. I'm definitely angry and saddened whenever I hear someone getting hurt by the system.
Thank you as well. I'm glad to hear your opinion on it. I'd definitely love to hear more of them on any topic you might have.
There are other language classes but you are only required to learn for 2 years but thats not really enough for anyone.
Thats nice that they try to get all the kids to know more than just 1 over there. Its a nice way to make people more worldly. I always thought that communication was one of the most important things ever and language is a big part of that.

I guess thats probably who people don't like odd numbers. Maybe I like them because I'm odd haha.

Siblings are the best. I would do so much to help mine out.
Oh so middle child but kinda like the oldest. I understand that. My siblings are half siblings actually. We have different moms. I'm my moms only child but she raised my siblings as well.
I see. It sounds like they aren't the best. You're right, you shouldn't have to sacrifice your happiness whenever they're around. You're very protective over your sister and I'm glad she has you. It must be rough to see her go through things with family. I'm sure she appreciates everything you do for her. You sound like such a loving sister.
No need to be sorry. I'm here for you to discuss anything, even things that are hard to mention. I'm happy you feel safe enough to talk about it with me. Thank you for sharing that part of your life with me.
Do you know what your sister is going to do after she finishes highschool? Hopefully she can move somewhere closer to you.
It sounds like such a wonderful time! Aww that plushie from your niece sounds so cute. It must have been a super special gift.
I think my favorite thing there was at the end. When the park is starting to close down the last thing they do is a light show on the Magic Kingdom castle. That was such an amazing experience and it really brings out the magic of the park. The whole thing was amazing though. Especially the rides!

Oh course! I'm happy to listen. Thank you for listening to me too. I know I talked about a lot of personal experiences so I appreciate you lending an ear. Haha you never have you hold back your kindness with me even though I've been holding back for the same reason lol.
I'm glad you feel comfortable with me. I'm usually not this talkative either but you've made it safe for me to open up. I can tell you have such a lovely soul with how kind you treat me and the people and animals around you.
Definitely, if theres anything I can do to make you more comfortable as well then let me know.

The best way I usually handle work stress is to just go outside lol. Probably not the most innovative method but whenever I feel stressed I go outside and just kinda relax for a few minutes. I try to forget about it all then go back to it once I have a clear mind. Working out helps a ton as well to kinda let it all melt away.

Haha sorry for making you choose.
My favorite non fruit food is probably crab but I love fruit a ton. I've been eating so many strawberries, grapes, and cherries lately lol. So if you needed a food to wake me up in the middle of the night for then I'd love a bowl of fruit for a midnight snack with you.

Aww now you're making me blush again lol. It's alright! I know we are all busy with stuff. I hope everything is going well for you.

Btw you mentioned you had a discord so if you want to add me then let me know and we can dm each other our usernames!

Sorry that MAL had to make you write it all again. Thanks for still messaging though despite that! know it had to have been frustrating after writing it all once so I'm happy that you still wrote it despite that.
Thank you, you too! Hope you have a good nights sleep.
Of course! I always love to read what you write. Thank you for writing it all!
MonkeeDan May 25, 5:18 AM
Glad to hear ;>
This is the only thing that makes me endure all this suffering and have any hope left.

That's the spirit ^^
Hmm the idea is good, but the sheer overwhelming cuteness could backfire and they'd force me to reveal the location of the goats to monopolize them for themselves and I wouldn't want that.

We'd be merely the messengers to convey the voice of the goats, the chosen ones chosen through dedication to the ^~^

Yea it's really impressive and I can only respect it. I couldn't do that, but people like them are the reason we have good things in life.
Oh indeed it seems we are c: First dutch person I met online I think. (I think it's the 2nd but that sounds less impressive)
Aw thanks :> That's really nice and tbh I prefer english much over german lmao.

That sounds like a pretty fun thing to see. Just walking around and seeing a bunch of people jumping around up and down. How dare you D: You better hide well now, the goat maffia isn't known for its kindness...

Yea exactly, as long as you're happy with yourself, you're good to go ^~^
It's just that at a certain age gap, it's like having a whole different life and it's hard to align em together and grow a good bond imo.
That does sound like typical sibling stuff yea. Had my fair share of situations like this with my older sister as well since we used to live in one room together back in Switzerland and that lead to a lot of conflicts lmao. she threw me off the bunk bed once because I kept climbing up and annoying her, I kinda deserved it lol. But yea that doesn't make it better in the moment ^^ Just in hindsight you can look back at it and realize that there wasn't any ill intent behind it and as you said, just looked up to you :> Glad to hear that you have a good relationship with her now! Always good to hear sibling getting along well.

I can't deny that it is pretty accurate. You're almost always gonna hear a german complain about something no matter where they are. I watched a video about it once and it goes back to being about socializing and a way to connect with strangers and initiate conversation since we're not the biggest small talk nation. So yea, we use it as a way to initiate conversations I guess and to complain.

Mhm okay, yea it's a process and takes a ton of time which can be really frustrating. Yea I know what kind of people you mean and I kind of am like that sometimes irl but I try to keep it down since it brings nothing good kinda. Oh I can relate to that, tho in my case it's not about feeling bad when people have problems, but just that I can often lend an ear or try to help with things since I can be neutral about things and not get emotionally swayed that easily. I can respect that, it's really not easy to leave people behind due to having them around sucking u down as well. It's necessary but really hard to pull off without getting emotionally manipulated or something similiar. And yea really don't feel egoistical for wanting to live a life how you want to and not being dragged down by others. The goat reincarnation for some reason reminded me of a video about why dogs are always so happy and the person basically narrowed it down to one dog day being equivalent to a whole week for a person so all the happieness you experience in a week, they have in a single day and I found that to be really wholesome for some reason so I'll just share it ^~^

Yup absolutely feel you on that one :>

For some reason we played monopoly and I think it's the first time I remember finishing a game of monopoly lmao.
Woah we had lot of rain as well, which was really handy since it saved me from watering the plants ^^ + rainy weather is the best.
Thanks! My sister has bday today so I'll be busy with that ^^ Hope you have an epic weekend as well :)

That being said, I feel like a 10 year old kid with such gigantic eyes could be a bit horrifying and take some time to get used to, that aside I agree~

Kyonman May 24, 7:59 PM
Thank you! You're right. All we can do is try our best.
Sounds good! I'll be happy to hear about it if you do.
Haha that is super cool that you change it up a lot. I think for the longest time my discord pfp was just the default one lol. Then I switched it with a pic and haven't changed it since. It's much cooler that you base it on your mood. A nice way to express yourself too.
My favorite color is probably red but I love gold as well and of course purple. Also yellow which is guess gold is a shade of but for some reason I dont like how yellow looks on me lol. Like if you had a yellow shirt on I'd probably think it looked amazing but if I had a yellow shirt on I wouldn't like it lol. That is probably super weird to have an opinion on a color like that haha but its just how I feel about it.
Do you wear a lot of purples and pinks?

I definitely wanna visit. That forest sounds really cool. I'd love to just relax out there the way it sounds. I'm glad you told me about it. Haha it's like I know a secret spot now that most tourists don't. I do like to avoid crowds when I'm visiting.
Oh wow thats so cool that you've rode horses. Was it just for like a trip that you did that? I'd love to ride a horse.
Haha sometimes I feel the same way in my city whenever I go to like a museum or like take pics of some of the gardens we have here.
Awww thank you. I always try to be polite to others. You've been extremely kind to me so it's the least I can do.
I gotta put Giethoorn on my list to visit then. It sounds like a cute place to see.
We have some wooded areas here but not too many now since a lot of it is being developed into buildings now. I don't have a beach near me either unfortunately. I usually take a road trip though to go to a nice beach. I might try that this summer to just relax by the water. Do you like going to the beach?
Sounds like you had an active childhood. Haha climbing a tree in a dress must have been kinda tough but very cute.
Definitely gotta check out the dune and the ice cream. Can't have one with the other haha.

I think I have kinda long legs as well but yours might be longer. At least having long legs is a good thing! Haha it's ok to call them normal measurements idk why we gotta be so different over here lol. Oh nice! I'm only like 1 or 2 cm taller I think. Makes it easier it we had to stand next to each other to compare leg length lol. I'm a little short for a guy here but probably really short for one in The Netherlands haha.
I'm not too afraid of heights but I did stand on a bridge that on one of the mountains that had nothing below it and I got a little light headed lol.
Oh wow a triathlon group. That sounds like a ton of fun. I've never done anything like that besides like really long runs.
I've heard that dance culture can be rough with body shaming. I cant believe you had to go through that. Its unfortunate that it happens in dance since a lot of girls already have to deal with body shaming culture outside of dance and they might be self conscious. I hope you have fun to dance on your own. I'm sure your dances were amazing to see. I'm a terrible dancer lol so you would probably impress me a ton. I still sometimes try to dance if I go to a club or something which isnt too often.
I can kinda relate to that body shaming issue. I was always a skinny kid growing up and it was hard to put weight on so I never liked how I looked growing up until I started working out. Working out helped for sure since I could see me building a lot of muscle but then it got to a point where I started criticizing myself again. I did a lot of things like over working out to the point of injury or starving myself if I even just felt like I was no in shape. It's also something that's also taken me time to fix.
My favorite sport was probably baseball. I loved playing that but stopped when I couldn't hit the ball anymore. Turns out that was because I needed glasses lol.
My goals now for exercising is mainly strength based. Like if I can hit a new personal record for a lift. It's much better mentally for me then looks based how I used to have it.
That's a very positive way to look at life experiences. They all make us who we are now, even the hard parts. You're a very positive person and that's one of the many things I like about you.
Thank you!

Yeah I drive a ton lol. My city is made for driving and they dont make it easy lol.
Aww thank you! I try not to get into my head anymore and I think from what I've said I am my harshest critic lol.
I wonder if it was just how the nose supports were placed on your glasses that made them itchy.
You could never annoy me. You can ask me anything you'd like
Of course!

Aww Cupcake is adorable! Those eyes are so blue! She looks like such a sweetheart. How did you end up meeting her?
Haha she marked her place to sit. Cats are hilarious.
Thank you!

Ah so you're paying a lot in taxes for all that. I wonder how much it is. I know people who moved to the Netherlands from the US and work there now.
Yeah it's crazy how much health bills here can be without insurance. Sometimes even with insurance. Lol I'd never call an ambulance if I could manage it. I've certainly had some injuries where I just dealt with it on my own instead of going to the hospital to avoid a bill. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who cant avoid it and its just a huge toll for trying to live.
No I don't know any other language lol. I know, its super american of me haha.
Of course! I'm happy to share what I know.

I did enjoy the song! Listened to it a few times lol.
Thats a good reason to pick that as your lucky number.
Yeah idk why people dont like odd numbers. I love them for some reason lol. It was like a childhood quirk of mine that followed me into adulthood.

Haha yea I've had a fair share of fights with them. We always get along now though.
That's a beautiful philosophy that you have. We really do need to enjoy ever day.
Lol it feels amazing to be favored. They are 100% right when they say the first child has all the responsibilities, the middle child is forgotten, and the youngest gets everything haha. I never wanted anything as a kid though so they would ask me what I wanted and I would just shrug. Are you the eldest child in your family?
Oh that's amazing! I'm glad you celebrated it. Such a great way to do it too. I didn't know it was that much further away from Paris. I'm glad you were able to live out one of your dreams! So you previously didn't celebrate your last 2 birthdays? At least Disney is a great enough experience for all 3! I've been to Disney world before and it was such a magical time.
Haha of course I'll tell you everything when I go to one!

Awww thank you. You really say the nicest things. Haha of course, I'm happy to listen to you talk. It works out for us pretty well. I love to listen so it's perfect if you like to talk about yourself.
Also wanted to just say to you that you've been really easy to talk to. I usually have a harder time opening up on a personal level to people but I've felt really comfortable with you.

Thanks! I am pretty good at handling stress so it's probably a good thing I have that ability for this job lol. I'm heard so horror stories from my coworkers about the stress but I keep trucking along lol.

Oh btw, what is your favorite food?

I'm glad I could make you happy. I always look forward to your messages so definitely don't be afraid to write as much as you want. Your english is perfect! Lol I hope mine is ok for you haha. Sometimes I write something and wonder if it even makes sense. Hope you had a great nights sleep.

Kyonman May 24, 11:49 AM
Awww thank you. I'll say the same to you as well. I do try to be better to myself now. I guess it's just something that you kinda keep learning how to do throughout life.
Definitely let me know if you do. The series is definitely polarizing for a lot of people lol so I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it.
Haha I'm the complete opposite with my discord pfp. I don't know if I've ever changed it up since I made mine. Your pfp does fit you. Purple is one of my favorite colors but I love pink too.

I gotta visit there one day. It sounds like a big city but without so much of the super crowded feel that other big cities have. I do love cities that have nice areas you can go see that aren't packed. It's always funny to me when I wonder about that because then I think to myself "wait they are packed like that because of tourists like me lol". I always try to be polite and not get in anyone's way when I visit places though.
Haha that actually sounds like a great explanation of it. You can be my tour guide anytime.
I definitely want to see the canals there. I just love cities that have waterways like that. They're so relaxing to sit by.
Those cities you mentioned seem very nice. I could imagine how pleasant it would be to live there. I love the woods as well and being near the beach just sounds like a fun time. Oh that's cool that it has the highest dune there. That would be something cool to visit.
Haha yeah seems like quite some time to visit there for you then.

I would recommend the alps for sure! I don't climb that much but I love to hike, especially mountains. Do you like to hike or climb? Probably not a lot of spots in the Netherlands for that lol.
Small towns do feel a bit more safe. Like you said, you could probably play outside with your siblings and not worry. I agree, definitely couldn't let my kid play outside in the city (if I had a kid lol). Yeah the everyone knows everybody thing is really tough in small towns. Probably has more downsides than upsides.
Oh yeah I bet the freedom in the city is amazing. Theres so much you can do and do on your own there.
Oh you did swimming and dancing? That's so cool! I love swimming so much but I hardly get to do it. I'm also an active person so I love to try out new activities. What kind of sport would you wanna try out?
How did you like dancing? You seem like a very energetic and upbeat person so dancing must have been such a fun sport.
I love to exercise. I don't do too many sports now but all through my childhood I did at least one sport. Did a lot of running in highschool but then I got into weightlifting so now most of my activity is going to the gym. I love working out and lifting weights.
Haha the manga store is definitely a bonus.
Oh that petting zoo sounds so cool! Do you go there often?
I love animals as well. Especially farm animals lol. My highschool was also like a farmers highschool. Students could have chickens, goats, and even horses there in our barn area and they raised them. That's so funny that we both went to a highschool like that.
I like how my city is a big city but also has a small city feel to it. It doesnt have the amenities that a lot of big cities have but it feels more homely.
Aww I'm sorry that you've had people around you that didn't have the best intentions in mind for you. You deserve to be around people who want to care for you.
I am pretty close to my family. I have a lot of them around me and they've helped take care of me during rough times. I'm very appreciative that I've had them. I hope you can have that closeness with a family one day.

For me I need glasses for far distance. I can't read things from far away which is less than ideal for driving lol. I do like how a lot of people look with glasses as well. Maybe I'm just my harshest critic lol. I'm sure you look great with or without them as well.
Mine are black rimmed and have that rectangular lens look to them. Probably not the most descriptive lol but they look like most glasses. Lol it's ok, im happy to answer.
Aww thank you. I definitely think how you are on the inside effects how much you shine to others. You must be absolutely glowing with how lovely your personality is.
Oh shes so young still! Must be a cutie. Very cute name as well. What color is she?
My moms dog is a mix as well. Her name is Maxine. Very sweet pup, well I guess shes an old lady now but I still treat her like a puppy lol.
Yeah theres a lot more my government can do for its people. I'm glad that its better in the Netherlands. Yall have more sensibility it seems haha.
There may be a bit more freedom here at least on first glance but the lack off social support also feels like it takes away freedom as well. Like its very expensive to goo to the hospital if you dont have good insurance here so many people who need that service end up in debt which kinda takes all their financial freedom away. I think a lot of Europe does it right with healthcare for everyone from taxes.
That's cool that you can understand some german just based on dutch. Do you know any other languages?
Haha Iceland is definitely like that but during the spring and summer its always sunny and barely gets dark at night so its like a seasonal trade off.

Oh yes I would like if you could show the 2 Sailor moon editions whenever you are able to! Whenever I get some manga I'll definitely let you know!

Agreed! Lol that's a good impression of the song. I just listened to it and it is a really good song. I should definitely watch the movie. Oh wow thats a lot of volumes. Thats a really cool box set if it has that much. I like your favorite number. Any reason why its your favorite? I don't know if I have a favorite but I've always liked the number 3 since I was a kid. Not sure why though.

Ah I get that. I've fought with my siblings before as well but I'm glad that your relationship is better now. I'm sorry that you dont have a great relationship with your parents. I know that must hurt since they are the ones who raised you. Seeing them make the same mistakes must hurt knowing how it effected you. Hopefully one day they will learn.
Thats rough that child protective services didn't help. Glad that shes almost 18 then so hopefully youll be able to help her out and get closer to her.
Oh btw I saw it was your birthday a month ago. Happy late birthday! Did you do anything fun for it?
I do have siblings. I mainly talk to my sisters since they live near. I'm the youngest so I've always been the baby of the family lol. We are pretty close.
I'll definitely try one out!

Haha i'm glad you like my nerdiness. No it's totally fine. I meant that you made me shy in a good way. Maybe shy isnt the right word but you made me feel pleasant when you said that and I smiled. I also love hearing people talk about their interest. It always makes me so happy to see their eyes light up when they are speaking. I promise I won't get rid of that part of me. Definitely feel free to talk about anything you love as well. I enjoy reading about how much you like the things you do. I appreciate that you like me talking about them too. It's nice to have someone that enjoys listening.

Haha yeah going through hard times has definitely made me closer to these people.
It is a very out of the blue job to say lol so I get it. Thank you! It can be stressful but I try to manage.

Thank you for reading my messages too! It's alright! These messages aren't too long at all. I enjoy reading all that you want to say.

Kyonman May 23, 7:04 PM
Sounds good! Looking forward to it.
Haha thanks, its funny when I know itll be sad and I think to myself "I totally wont cry this time" then I do.
I'm the same way. I like caring for others and putting others before myself. It's definitely come to bite me when I neglect myself for too long lol but I still like to do it.
Oh yeah I used to bottle things up all the time. Then there would be times where I couldn't do it anymore and it would all come out. It's something I've been working on and have gotten better at.
Yeah he is, especially how he is in the movie and his arc in it I really enjoyed and could relate to. The movie is absolutely amazing. I would recommend it but you have to watch the aeries to get it since its like a sequel to it. Even the parts of the main series that are hard to watch lol. Yeah I made him my pfp since I like him.
What's your pfp of?

Oh yeah its super crowded in NYC. I'm pretty good with crowds honestly but they can feel a bit too much sometimes. Yall have Amsterdam right? Hows that as a city? Haha it's all good. Do you have any favorite cities to visit in your country?

I loved seeing Alps last time I visited. It was an absolutely incredible sight to see. Very fun to climb too. Oh wow Barcelona has to beautiful. That's cool that you got to go as a school trip. Thats so surprising that you had a school trip there but also cool they did that for yall. Haha feel free to visit the source anytime! There's tons of cool places to visit if you do. I still have a lot on my list to go see. Any place in particular that you would visit in the US? I do love the nature we have. I want to go to some of the national parks like Zion national park. It looks breathtaking out there. I've seen pics of the tulip field in the Netherlands that yall have and they look gorgeous!
Oh that makes sense. It's ok, its not cowardly to be afraid of the unknown. I think just about everyone has been afraid of that at some point. New things can be scary for sure.
Oh yeah that sounds like it was a super small town lol. Sometimes thats good to know everyone but idk if I would want that small of a town lol. I'm sure it had its positives and negatives. I'm glad the city is working out for you though. Sounds like it offers a lot more experiences for you which is super exciting. Whats been your favorite things about the city so far?
Well that's good that you have him and his family around you. I do wish you had more of a support system back at home but I'm glad you're somewhere now that can provide that to you.
Yeah I do wear glasses. I can walk around without them at home though. Just need them when I go out. Oh nooo, headaches are no good! Hope you get some. Do you like how glasses look on people? I usually do but I think I look better without them lol.
Oh you have a kitten! Haha yeah they probably keep you busy. It's hard to be mad at them though. They're just too cute. I don't myself but my mom has a dog that I take care of a lot. We got her when I was in highschool so shes a little older now.
I bet it does feel super safe there. Any time I was in Europe I felt really safe. I do in the US but its a different feeling comparatively. It's hard to explain. The safety nets in European countries is really nice. We should really have better ones here. Haha lets hope that doesn't happen to you. I don't know if I have one specific one in mind but I would live in Europe. Maybe like in Germany or Iceland lol. Don't know much about the Netherlands but maybe there too! Sounds like you really like it there. I'm glad you got a place to call home!
I appreciate your kind words. Haha maybe I'm the same way. I think it would be "someone" instead of a place for me. I like that interpretation of "home". It fits me a bit better than I've thought of it before. Thank you for that.

Of course! I'm happy to listen whenever you need it. I'm the same way. Its hard for me to see someone sad so I want to help them however I can. Thank you as well! I'll definitely take you up on that if I need someone.

Haha I get what you mean. Whenever I watch a good show I watch a lot at the beginning but then i want to "save" it at the end and watch it sparingly. Definitely feel free to tell me anything about your manga or book collection! I love hearing about those.

Oh wow yeah it sounds really sad but I like stories that explore hard subjects like grief. It seems like it is one that can have a big impact on people. Its so cool when manga can move you or make you think introspectively. It sounds like a good story to read.
I haven't seen Suzume yet but I want to. Let me know if you ever think about watching it!
So you haven't seen a lot of anime movies. I got plenty to recommend so feel free to ask if you ever want one lol.
Oh the One Piece box set must have been super cool to get. It must have been a ton of volumes lol. Aww the one you got from your sister seems really good as well. That's super sweet she got that for you. Are you real close to her?
I've never been to a con but I wanna go. Seeing all those cosplayers must have been a lot of fun. Seems like its just a very chill and exciting time.

Haha thanks! I was afraid that was going to come off as too nerdy lol. Haha well I'm glad to know that you wouldn't mind If I ever nerded out over my love for them. That made me very happy that you said you its amazing (also a little shy lol). I've always loved airplanes. I don't know if its the away they look or the marvel of engineering that they are or just imagining how freeing it would feel to fly one or maybe a combination. They've always just captivated me though. I went to plenty of air shows as a kid and read a lot of books over them. I had shelves full of them and as a kid, that and legos would be the only things I ever asked for from my parents lol. I even was thinking of becoming a pilot at some point. It probably sounds real nerdy but I still have a love for them.

Oh cool! I've listened to some nightcore but not too much. Haha guess you have heard of them before. It's alright, in highschool we all had our thing lol.
Thank you! I did have a good day. I'm kinda close since we work together and have had some stressful long nights in the office lol. It was very chill though.
Thats nice that you play or watch stuff with them! I'm sure they love it.
Haha, any reason you wouldn't have guessed it? Thank you! I have the most respect for yours. It's very important that those kids parents have you to watch after their kids. I do like my job. It's hard sometimes but I enjoy it and what it offers. Mainly all the time I can get off work haha.

Thanks for writing it all! I enjoy reading what you write.
(lol I saw that but its all good)
4630_Yen_Chan May 23, 1:02 PM
RIP, working late must suck *Virtual headpats* just college stuff! Been busy studying, we have tests coming up. Hope I do well!

I'm glad you like it too! I need to listen to more Ado, she has such an amazing voice! I love Tot Musica, but I haven't heard where the wind blows. So many of her songs are amazing, and she does some really nice covers too

Do you have a goat irl?
MonkeeDan May 22, 10:10 PM
NO I am completely fine and the FBI did in fact not get me as of yet. I am having a great day with no gun held to my head as I write this what a coincidence right...

Ahh maybe, we can make it seem like they wanted it that's right. I like your thinking ^~^
Just yesterday I wanted to prove my innocence so I simply showed them a picture of a goat. It didn't confirm my innocence but they got so distracted by it's cuteness that they forgot to pursue my matter further hehe.

I agree, we have to be a step ahead of them or we won't succeed (shouldn't be too hard given their inferior emoji usage)

Aw okay, that sounds like a nice way to evade shutting it down. Always nice to see people doing voluntary work and care about these animals, 20+ years is a damn long time. I only know of one deer park nearby and it's more of just one enclousure in a big park close to where I live.
Yeye dw, perfectly got what u meant~ What is your native language, if I may ask?

They're just goofing around and being little goaties, life won't get any better than this. Life would be way better if we could just follow their example ^^

I think comparing to others will always be a thing at least subconsciously. It's not always bad tho imo. It can motivate or encourage urself if you want to be "better" at something than someone else or want some validation that your efforts aren't wasted when u spent time on something.
Hmm hard to say, I used to get along really well with my older sister but circumstances led to being more or less familiar strangers by now and with my younger sister it's just an age gap that makes it hard to have a good relationship for me. Wbu, do you have siblings?

Lmao ikr, gotta have friends who entertain ur grandeur and delusions ^~^

One could say it's in human nature to complain. Over here in Germany it's to such a degree that it basically got part of our stereotype 😭 But yea it's always easy to complain but comparing to what it used to be, I think we're in a pretty good spot and it's going up with every year.

Have you actively tried to make it less or did it just kinda happen over time? Sucks that it can affect ur day to day life, but on the other hand maybe it also has a positive impact if something good happens to people close to you or so, which is a good thing. I think it's overall the better way of seeing things, but it also sucks to never really get too compassionate or invested into things not affecting me personally. Has its ups and downs ig ^~^
Ay that's the spirit. Don't let anyone drag you down.

Yeye totally. Being in your own safe space + anonymity makes it easier to talk openly abt things (for me at least)

I sure did :> Overall just relaxed and met with friends so it was a good day ^^
Hope you're recovering fast enough to make use of the good weather~

10 years old and already a legend, we should take an example in her
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