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Hekshi 9 hours ago
Lopikaaaa heyyyy :DDD omg congratsssss im so excited for you!!! hope u fully enjoyed it!!! idk when when theyre gonna release it here but hopefully we get some announcements soon im so excited to watch it. lemme know how good were the animation and the soundtrack for the movie as well :D
Sh1ro_ May 31, 11:43 AM
Omg hiii :D Those are great news!! There's a good chance we're getting it here too, so I'll have to look into that. But your excitement makes me excited too xD I was planning to rewatch the whole series before watching the new movie, I'll better get to that now haha.
We can postpone reading Harry Potter for a while if you want. I'm totally fine with continuing whenever you feel like it tbh, reading doesn't have to feel stressful. So no worries! Anyways, hope you enjoy the movie! Take care <3
Sh1ro_ Apr 21, 9:06 AM
Heyy Lopika, it's been a while! I'm happy to hear from you again :D Also, yeah that definitely works for me! I don't mind waiting though, so no worries. But a chapter a week is perfect for me. We can discuss it every weekend if that's alright with you :3
Lumi Feb 15, 5:10 PM
Lopi Lopi Lopikaaaaaaaa ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚

Hello, I'm still alive xD
How's it going? I'm more than happy and ready to get back to this long overdue comment ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ

>> I never had the skills to play with them, only if they were in the mood for slow pace and much learning
Ok but the way I can relate with this a lot as well, haha. That's why sometimes you could hesitate to say you're a gamer, since there are a lot of people out there who are like... truly wayyy deeper into games (especially Genshin Impact type of ones that follow a long ass storyline) xD

Omg so you even had a dictionary to write kanji in the Nintendo DS :o I mean, that was the perfect reason to make your parents buy you one back then cause... well, that must have been useful in a way and you could play games as well at the same time lmaoo.

>> I did use the dictionary, but I did also have games on the DS XD And my brother had a PSP he loved.
Aww, so you and your brother shared games <3 Since you mentioned him having a PS, that reminded me of how much some people rave about having like a PS5. I wonder how cool it actually is to play with one with the advanced and extremely cool and hd graphics from games nowadays 🤔

>> I just love listening to people's stories unfolding. It gives me hope that no matter what happens, there can always come abetter outcome from it.
Omg just reading that made me feel hopeful through my screen :o hahaha. But I can totally see why you'd enjoy podcasts like that. As for the one you mentioned that was like an hour long with 3 different people, I must imagine that it was entertaining and very intriguing as well since you don't just get to hear about the thoughts and opinions or a single perspective in general from one person (since it's usually just 1 person being interviewed). You get to learn about different perspective, approaches, and outcomes of different people, so that must've been a very nice and fun podcast to listen to :D

>> You can learn many skills that can be useful in other areas of life like communication and time management
Very true! Sometimes I wonder if I would've gone down the gaming path in the professional sense, how things would be so different. I would have probably studied a lot to become some kind of game developer just to implement a hobby such as gaming into both my personal and professional life. However, I never followed that path, but just wondering you know? xD Also, I've noticed that game developers are very wanted these days :o

>> It's not like he's super serious about this stereotype, but there's some truth in it in our circle of friends.
I can see where your husband is coming from, since just like you, I also have several friends who are all about spending money on shoes and clothes xD And don't get me wrong, I do enjoy pampering myself with them once in a while, but I tend to spend my money more on other stuff that's not shoes and clothes (っಠ‿ಠ)っ haha. Your husband must find your liking to hobbies such as cross stitching very endearing (๑˘︶˘๑)

>> Haha some grannies did cross stitch so all my IRL acquintances think it's a granny's hobby lol But most of the younger ones think it's cool as they've never seen stuff like this. Also I don't do the super low-res ones from the old times. In comparison, this is something old houses may have:
Oh wow, the ones you showed me that old houses may have look sooooo pretty!! And nah, you may call it a granny hobby, but even if there's truth in that, then you will surely be a cool af granny xD Making such cool cross-stitch designs probably impresses lots of people and even yourself after I assume lots of hard work involved :') Not sure if you're familiar with a site/app called "Etsy," but I've come across cross-stitch designs here, either sold digitally or physically, and a lot look very nice. So do you normally make them just for fun or have sold some? :o

Woahhh the cross stitch ones from you that you showed me are so detailed!
I especially love the one of a cat? writing next to a lighted candle and a little mouse. So cuteee <3

>> Of course you only realise this when you get older lol Such a shame of being a child
Yep. We may miss the times when we basically had 0% responsibilities lol, but also look back on the many opportunities that were potentially wasted at the same time (; ̄Д ̄)

What? I wasn't expecting the detective and the old martial arts guy to be the charas that caught your attention the most in Link Click, omg xD
Haha guess I was wrong with guessing Lu Guang, darn it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Btw, are you still enjoying The Apothecary Diaries? :o
grave_robber Feb 15, 10:34 AM
Hi and thank you for recommending Saraiya Goyou (House of Five Leaves) as my secret santa. The show was better than expected and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The humor and unique style and characters made for a fun watch :)
Sh1ro_ Feb 6, 9:43 AM
>>I still love super long replies :D It shows how much we have to talk about ;)
That's perfect haha. I may be replying late because of this sometimes though, like I did now ^^;

>>I'm planning on taking it slow this season, and staying under 10 actively watched series
>>So many romance/slice of life/iyashikei series for me this season, I feel so chill :D Only Undead Unluck feels totally different from the rest I am watching lol
You're totally chilling this season :3 Undead Unluck is definitely out of place there lol. But I guess we still need a bit of action from time to time xD (I'm so sad they changed the old op though :'))

>>What do you think of the recent episode? It is starting to feel like there won't really be a story in this series ^^" And Himari having special powers (?) and rescuing the otherwise strong Nue in youkai (?) form was such a cliche reverse harem setting (I kinda dislike it, because it doesn't really make sense in a way... I had a similar feeling about the end of Shiawasena kekkon)
I also have a problem with it because it's too fast paced, like things happen way too quickly so I'm not emotionally attached to anything... I don't mind Himari saving the day since she's the actual owner of the house so that makes sense in a way? I don't know, but I just wish they could take things slowly lol.

>>Oooh, maybe I can fit Frieren into this winter after my Secret Santa recs. It would be so cool to still see some snow at the end of February :D
Haha we won't be seeing more snow here since it already feels like spring xD But at least you can enjoy snow in the show!

>>I have a friend who is very similar to MC and he loves the series, so I only have knowledge of the series based on his experience.
I heard the MC loves science? That's the only thing I know about Doctor Stone xD

>>I could totally see Malfoy x Harry becoming rivals and friends. Malfoy is so 2-dimensional with almost only bad characteristics so far :(
Ahh god I hope we'll some character development for Malfoy soon!! We're on book 4 and so far he has zero depth :( And if they could become friends it would be even better!
>>The little boy had the time of his life dropping into the lake and recieving Hagrid's huge coat lol
True, I didn't take that into consideration xD
>>On the other hand I love his character being important in the books. It makes a statement of a specific layer of society and him being resourceful and accepting and kind and his whole family giving so much to Harry is such a positive example for kids growing up in similar situations.
Ohh true :o It makes an interesting parallel with Malfoy who has everything but is unkind. I was a bit too focused on the bad aspect of Ron's life but it really is inspiring if you think about it.
>>Ch 13-14
This starts kinda gross with them collecting Bubotuber pus xD Also the scene with Professor Trelawney saying Harry was born in midwinter when he was in fact born in July was so funny, I laughed out loud on that one xD (and his and Ron's predictions for the month were hilarious too and so dramatic loll) Mad-Eye Moody turning Malfoy into a ferret was so satisfying too. I only talked about funny moments so far haha. But the next chapter differs a lot in tone and gets serious when Moody teaches them about curses. Neville is acting weird though, I wonder what's up.
I've also read the next two chapters, but I'm putting a spoiler tag in case you haven't read them yet:

>>I remembered it being translated to Hungarian and airing on TV so it felt like a totally normal spooky show to me. Until I learned about the English dub lol
Haha yeah, if you don't count the dub it is pretty normal xD They completely change the meaning and what the characters are actually saying in the dub lol. But it was really fun!
gaussian_ Jan 27, 9:38 AM
Yeah, Flying Witch really hit the sweet spot in terms of always having a good pace while never losing the calm and relaxed atmosphere. I probably loved it even more than you did since I really enjoyed Makoto's character. Her goofiness just really worked with me, probably since it wasn't the entirety of her character so she also had other sides that balanced it out.

I haven't watched much of it yet, but I think the second season of Hikari no Ou is using the same style of storytelling as the first season.

Also, I don't know how you feel about cooking anime, but you might want to give Dungeon Meshi a try this season. It's pretty funny and always manages to be a little unexpected in how things turn out. I picked it up since I have friends who loved the manga, and it really is quite good.

I hope life keeps going well for you!
gaussian_ Jan 24, 10:33 AM
Very true. The same things happens for me. I'm back at work too and now I don't have quite as much time for anime.

I've been enjoying several seasonals! Yubisaki to Renren and Momochi House are both great. I still might pick up the Cherry Boy one too - I thought it looked sort of questionable, but I've heard it's actually just really cute.
gaussian_ Jan 23, 9:34 PM
How is Lopika doing? I see you're still making your way through Flying Witch. I hope you're still enjoying it!
Sh1ro_ Jan 22, 11:00 AM
Sorry for the super long reply xD
Sh1ro_ Jan 22, 10:59 AM
>>So that makes like 6 series I am interested in this season, which is nicely few compared to the whole last year XD
Woah, what a great start! The good part is that you can enjoy more finished shows haha.

>>I've seen hekshi is also watching it, so please o let me know if it is super cute or something, because I don't want to miss out on the fun if it's exceptional in any way :D
It's pretty fun so far, they cook monsters and the food ends up looking great (and it makes me hungry lol). Can't say you are missing out so far, but we'll see if anything great happens. It will probably just be a fun, but unusual cooking show xD

>>it just felt dull to me for some reason. I'll keep it in mind for when I am in the mood for even slower series than now :D (Probably with finishing Aria (my Secret Santa rec. gift from 2022) which is even slower than this one ^^")
Woah Aria is even slower? Cause this one is super slow :o It's pretty relaxing so I'm enjoying it, but if I watch it at night in bed I might fall asleep haha ^^;

>> I think the fast paced setting of the scene leaves us with more space for adventures. I can't wait to see how MC figures out ways to challenge the barrier keeping Aoi within the mansion.
Yeah, it will probably be a bit different than Natsume in this aspect. I'm also curious how she will manage to help Aoi! This show was a totally random pick for me, I didn't plan to watch it or anything, but it's pretty enjoyable so far :D

>>I was kinda interested in it, but kinda not by the time the first ep came out so please keep me updated :D
So the 2nd ep kinda disappointed me a little, I'm kinda turned off by the interactions of the main cast but I will be watching a few more eps before deciding what to do lol. I noticed Hekshi dropped it too, so maybe she felt the same ^^;

>>I am still more passionate of any of the continuing series from last season than the new ones XD Some of my friends are even pushing me to start watching Frieren so I am really hoping to get in the right mood to be able to enjoy the series sometime this year. I have a hunch it'll be my summer binge series :3
Ohhh I'm excited to see what you'll think of it!! It has a lot of winter scenes, so it will be a cool show to watch during summer ;D It will have 28 episodes, so if you end up enjoying it as much as me, you'll have a great time!

>>And I can only agree that you would love Death Note :D (I may be a tiny bit biased. But it is still enjoyable on a 2nd watch after becoming an adult. A bit different, but still pretty cool.) I am not a fan of Dr Stone, but I can see why it was recommended it to you too.
I will get to Death Note someday, it must be a sign since everyone keeps recommending it to me haha. Dr Stone has a lot of different characters that look cool, so I'm looking forward to watch that too. Was it also recommended to you too?

>>I got Flying Witch, which I accidentally mixed up with another witch series I didn't like, so I never bothered checking it out. But it is so nicely slow and funny. And the strong inaka accents are so cool to listen to.
Ahh was that series Majo no Tabitabi maybe? I'm pretty excited to watch that one xD But Flying Witch seems promising too, like one of those shows that you can enjoy with a cup of tea/coffee and relax :3

>>I also got Konohana Kitan and Mokke, which I am also looking forward to watching. I'll go one by one so I'll have plenty of iyashikei left to watch at all times :3 I guess I'm taking this year slow after all the shounen and action last year :D
Oh wow, I didn't know about these series! Mokke especially looks like something I'd like to! Added it to my plan to watch :D

>>Such a cool story with diverse characters and interesting connections between them. I also loved the episode with Aang and Zuko taiming the dragon. It made me feel like yin and yang can learn from each other and make perfect harmony.
Oh yes! They were so goofy at the beginning of the episode though xD I'm glad they finally learnt how to get along haha.

>>I feel like I can never finish a whole chapter by the time I get to work :( And I'm left with suspense to what happens next. I mean, I know some of the main story points, but I don't remmeber every little detail. And when something happens.
Yeah, they are definitely longer now xD At least some of them. It's actually a good thing you don't remember, it is more fun that way haha.
>>That is totally cheating to get money lol I wonder why nobody got excited by all the gold and trying to catch them all.
Ikr? I totally thought the gold will disappear xD Maybe they got distracted by the Quidditch match haha.
>>Well his family is pure blood and they take pride in it and think lowly od muggles, muggle borns and even pure bloods liking muggle stuff like the Weasleys, so no wonder. And all the family was Slytherin as it was mentioned before, so they fit the image perfectly.
That kinda makes him an obvious choice, but that makes me think his family might not be involved then xD When something is too obvious, it's a bit suspicious. At least that's what anime thought me lol.
>>The idea of someone turning sides for real and using the sign against the others is such a new and complex idea to me. I liked that it was mentioned.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that too! It was so interesting how their own sign could be used against them. And yet, the Dark Mark scares either sides in a way, what a paradox.
Ch 11-12
>>so my first thought is: how weird it is that we are 100+ pages in and Harry only now got to Hogwards and the school year hasn't even really started yet ^^
Ikr? That was my first thought too! I was so used to Harry going to Hogwards during the first chapters, I didn't expect it to take so long now :o
>>I totally feel with hermione, why make a tournament where the best students of the magic schools could die?
Exactly my thoughts, it seems irational like why would adults risk kids' lives like that? Or maybe we are the boring ones xD
>>I wonder why nobody used water repelling magic so the arriving students don't start the term being sick from cold ^^" McGonagall standing there, repelling water from everyone's robes would have been such a cool scene too
Haha that would've been a nice scene! Though I'm glad Harry and the others aren't first years anymore, because what kind of first impression would they get of Hogwards? It was pure chaos xD
>>The new teacher is really weird. Frigthning even.
Yeah, but I couldn't help but find him kinda cool too? He looks super scary, but in a cool way, like a vampire hunter of some sort xD And of course he is the new Dark Arts teacher, they never once had a normal teacher haha.
>>I love how no name is accidentally mentioned in this book. So if you see a name you didn't know, you can guess they will have a role and appeare later on :D Same with Mad Eye Moody, same with the woman who went missing. (It was the same with Lockheart too.)
Ahh yes! Nothing is left unused in these books. Whenever something is mentioned, you know it's gonna be important later on. Didn't expect Mad Eye Moody too appear so soon though. I wonder what kind of teacher will he be.
>>I think this is adorable <3 Finally a love interest appeared in this school drama :3
Aww I was surprised he has a crush tbh! Since i didn't know anything about the books, I just assumed he will like Hermione later on but they definitely work better as friends haha. It makes me curious if we'll get a bit of romance as Harry gets older? :D
Also, Diggory's head in the fireplace made me think how we aren't even surprised by these unusual things anymore. Like, it felt like such a common way to talk at this point xD
I feel so bad for Ron that he has to get used with the clothes from his siblings, while also dealing with Malfoy being a big jerk :(

>>I've seen you started Bucchigiri?! Is it any good?
The first episode was kinda fun until I learnt that the girl is obssesed with her older brother. That's so weird, but as long as it's not the focus of the story it should be fine. Oh, and the MC is a bit dumb xD But the concept of deliquents + Jojo-like powers is interesting, so I'll keep watching a bit lol.

>>And infamous Gakkou no Kaidan? Are you watching it with someone, or just alone? I was thinking of watching it too, but kinda gave up during ep 1 ^^" Not that it wasn't enjoyable, but I ended up not being in the right mood, so I just checked the ridiculous dub compilations lol
I'm watching it with Tompa and Lumi actually! We have a lot of fun with it (we are watching the dub of course xD) I just find it ridiculous how something like this exists, like the show would be fine but the dub makes it very unique xD
Hekshi Jan 22, 9:54 AM
“The first pic is what you are used to. Vibrant weird colors so you see what you've missed. Clear color codes with thread numbers. One square is one color. Pretty straightforward (and probably fun and in a way relaxing to work with).”
yepp it really easy to work with

“because the stitch color and the pattern color are basically the same) and there are squares that have like 4 colors crossing them, so which should I be using?”
omg yeah i saw the pic u sent and its truly so confusing. id rather work on a blank aida tbh

“I had a project stored for years and I actually forgot about it when the school year started (I started the project at the beginning of a school holiday) XD I found it years later lol (Back in like the start of highschool maybe)”
lmaooo glad to know im not the only one whos forgetful too hahah

“For me having one project menat protecting myself from buying all the cool stuff I found on the internet and having more projects than the time I can spend on stitching throughout a lifetime xD”
honestly resisting buying new kits and storing them up is such a struggle i feel u lmao

“But now I like rotating between them, because I can get bored/frustrated with either the method or the colors or the size of a project. Small projects are super fun when I have ones that will be finished like 5 years fom now lol. Also having the next project set up and finishing the current one and being able to start the next is such a boost :D I loved that feeling!”
same :D but i switch between cross stitch and diamond painting all the time :3 sometimes i do both on the same day and occasionally i skip both for couple of days/weeks too ^^;; but yeah rotating is super fun i can see myself doing this w cross stitch alone in the future when i become faster hopefully lol

“It's so cool that you have the internet and can look up reviews. When I started I only had the knowledge of my mom lol You can learn so many convenient tricks on YouTube :D (I think they are using extra scrap fabric to keep the tention for a longer period with snap frames).”
i think its cooler that ur mom is into these fun crafts :D oooh yeah i saw someone mention that method i’ll keep it in mind when i reach the part where i need to cover it w extra fabric

“And "ruined" stitches get back to normal if you wash and iron your piece. You need to check instructions like warmth of the water and so on, so be careful with washing, but if you don't cut holes in your project, it is probably repairable most of the time :D So don't stress on using your frame even for bigger projects if you like it.”
ooo thanks for telling me that thats a relief

“I regularly straighten the piece and pull the lock tighter on the frame so I can work with it. But I could never get the extra strong tension like with a hoop. I happen to hate hoops though ^^" And I love using a stand so I don't have to hold the whole project in one hand. The weight of big projects would be killing my wrist lol”
aw shucks :( yeah i figured i wont like hoops either theyre too small and it will leave a mark on the fabric and having to constantly change the position is such a hassle lol i also stitch using my both hands so holding the hoop is out of the question lol

“I actually read the manga of Koe no Katachi first and it felt a bit confusing, as if parts of the scan were missing. Sometimes random scenes just turned up and there was no connection in the story how the characters got there ^^" So I was looking forward to the movie clearing that up, but it felt a bit off to me in the anime version too.”
hmm i need to pay attention to that when i rewatch the movie or read the manga one day

“I kinda hate the main romance though XD Itsuomi is so whimsical and random. He appeares and disappeares. As MC is noticing, you can never know if he is genuinely interested in an unknown (being deaf and sign language) or the person.”
ayyy highfive loll thats my issue w itsuomi as well and why im not into the main couple that much. i know we’re only couple of eps into the anime but i have no idea what hes thinking abt and what his intentions truly are and he doesnt seem that interesting to me tbh

“MC is sooo weird. If she has all the questions and has access to a written chat, why doesn't she ask any of her questions?! It is also weird that her mom doesn't use sign language or that she can understand her friend, but has a problem understanding Mitsuomi (much more realistic imo).”
i heard abt many parents dont learn sign language despite having a deaf child so (as weird as i think that is) i let it go. but yeah the mc’s character is quite dull and boring and im not that interested in her so far

“Also how cute is the childhood friend who learned sign language for her and is considerate? (And a male tsundere so I am highly biased lol)? Much cuter than the idol looking, but inconsistent love interest presented. I am totally rooting for Oushi :D”
youre a tsundere biased but thats okay hahaha i was excited to see what oushi is like but he ended up too harsh for my liking. i know he cares abt her deep down but he comes off to me a tad bit overly controlling and rude so hes not my cup of tea. but ahh good luck rooting for him cuz i doubt the girl sees him more than just a friend and he clearly likes her :’)</3 with these eps i realized im more interested in the side couple than the main trio tbh lol tho i can already smell some unnecessary drama between itsuomi and emma sighs
Hekshi Jan 18, 3:49 AM
“Maybe if the season won't have much hyped series. If it'll be airing with Winland Saga I'd probably stay away from it as the comparison would be too much. Maybe even with Kenshin.”
tooootally understand lmao

cross sittch~

“I just feel like sometimes shoujo anime have specific settings/screenshots it wants to involve in the story and it is not really connected to the story. Like there are tropes of one of the pair being sick/down with the cold and the other taking care of them. Or the boy protecting the gorl on the crowded train. Or the lean on the wall scene - which is sexy, but overused”
oh i know exactly what ure talking about cuz it annoys me as well! i always end up dropping such series. i understand the appeal behind these tropes but the writer gotta be convincing when using them so that it wont turn into ur typical cliche moment

“I just had some bad aftertaste with Koe no Katachi and I am probably making too much of a comparison between the two ^^””
ah i already saw ppl comparing the two lol un(or)luckily i totally forgot pretty much everything that happened in Koe no Katachi but this anime made me wanna rewatch the movie lol

“I am also interested in the white haired form of Aoi and how his transformation works. Like does he really keep his self while turning? I'll let you know if anything happens that makes the series worth watching :D”
ooo interesting question! i assumed the white haired form is a different spirit that possessed Aoi cuz iirc we’ve been told aoi is actually human 🤔 but yeah thanks that would help my fomo greatly haha :D <3

“Did you check the first episode? I watched the first half and it looks promising. I'm just totally not in the mood for such a serious series, but I am definitely watching it sometime this year. I liked how the setting was built up and I feel like some good philosophical/ethical questions will be asked throughout the series :3”
yeah i did. it does look promising but same as u im not really in the mood for serious stuff, and none of the characters appealed to me enough to keep watching or give it another ep so i decided to skip it for now

“I acually accidentally mixed it up with another witch series and didn't even check out ep 1 when it originally came out”
ahahhahahha but im glad ure watching it at a better timing now haha

“I also got recommended Mokke and Konohana Kitan which I am also looking forward to. I decided to watch them one by one so I'll have some soothing iyashikei throughout winter at least.”
i havent heard of these two before but they look super soothing i hope u enjoy watching them this winter <3

“I ended up selecting 30-sai made Doutei dato Mahoutsukai ni Nareru Rashii which is surprisingly soft and adorable and cute and funny and Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi wo Hajimemashita. into my weekly rotation too. So now I am at 7 weekly (with Undead Unluck and Kusuriya from last season) and 2 finsihed series.”
i went back and quickly checked the first ep of both anime and the 30-sai anime, surprisingly it was cuter than i thought. but i didnt get interested in the main couple’s story enough so im skipping it. and the isekai one is, isekai lol so i skipped that one as well bc im not in the mood. ahh i also ended up w 6 weekly shows (new) + sousou no frieren and kusuriya from the previous season,,, oh wow all in all only 8 airing shows this season i cant believe it haha

“I'm glad I only hose a few slow series myself. I'm wishing you a less hectic start of year. I myself am hoping for some chill and less chaos ^^" “
ahh u too? haha i wish the same back for u as well then <3 less chaos and more time to chill and enjoy our hobbies <3

Sh1ro_ Jan 15, 8:50 AM
Yay, I'm happy to hear from you again :3

Okay I'm quite proud of you for choosing only a few shows to watch haha. I couldn't do it this time either xD
My list looks like this:
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu S2: the sequel to that one show I dropped last spring iirc, I hated the MC at first but now he isn't so bad and the show is pretty enjoyable, so I'm gonna keep watching
Dungeon Meshi: watching this makes me feel hungry lol, even though they cook dungeon monsters xD
Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san: the MC is also a super villain trying to wipe out humanity, but he loves pandas xD It's pretty relaxing as we mostly see his days off where he acts like a normal human haha
Majo to Yajuu: Well, I only knew what will happen in the first ep, from now on it will be a surprise. So far I'm enjoying it, maybe because I need some dark shows too after having so many comedies or cute shows this season lol
Metallic Rouge: This one wasn't as great as I expected it to be, I might drop it. Will probably watch one or two eps before deciding, but it's pretty confusing so far.
Momochi-san Chi no Ayakashi Ouji: Just like you, I was also afraid of a love triangle xD I almost avoided it completely but the I was like "let's just try the first ep" and I enjoyed it! Kinda reminds me of Natsume with how alone the girl is and how I suppose she will find comfort in the supernatural. And yes, I also thought of Fruits basket while watching it! :D
Solo Leveling: It's pretty entertaining to me, even if I'm not in the mood for action atm ^^;
Sengoku Youko: This one was such a nice surprise, the characters are interesting and seems like it'll be a nice adventure (it will have 30 something eps in total so we'll see if I actually finish it, but so far it was fun!)
Classroom of the Elite S3: This is one of those "so bad it's good" shows xD It's very entertaining lol.
Yubisaki to Renren: This one's similar to Koe no Katachi and I enjoyed that movie a lot, so I like it. The only thing I don't like is the "love at first sight" troupe that's present here as well. I've read the manga too and it's mostly wholesome though.
Aside from these, I'll continue watching the Apothecary Diaries, Undead Unluck and Sousou no Frieren. Honestly, I didn't plan to watch so many shows, but I forgot about the ones continuing from last season xD
Oh, and let me know if you actually end up checking Meiji Gekken 1874! I'm watching too many right now to have time for it too xD

>>I got 3 iyashikei recommendations for the MAL Secret Santa, so I am looking forward to some quality soothing time this season without much action or philosphical/psychological anime.
Ohh what were those? My Secret Santa recommended me 91 Days (which I'm currently watching), along with Mairimashita Iruma-kun. He also said I might enjoy Dr Stone or Death Note.

>>They kinda seemed like the cool kids from highschool who are in their own worlds and are such a power couple XD The emo kid and his goth girlfriend or I don't know XD
Omg why is this so accurate xD The beach episode showed how edgy they are iirc!
>>They would change each other so much too, Zuko learning acceptance and Katara learning passion and fire. (OK, Katara has that and standing up for herself and others, but she could learn more of it, right?)
Haha yes! And I don't know, having them together would somehow prove the union between the nations even more, like the Avatar was supposed to be the symbol of that no? Since they met because of Aang it would've been really beautiful :') Not to mention how they are opposites and I'm a fan of that :D

>>If I get into a binge mood I may even complete this weeks supposed ch 11-12. Sorry I feel a bit disoriented/scattered/out of focus lately ^^" I am sure I'll be back on track in a few weeks >.<
Don't worry, I understand! Especially since I also feel like that sometimes ^^; Plus I have enough seasonals to watch in the meantime haha.
Hekshi Jan 14, 8:15 AM
“Haha JJK was the worst binge experience I ever had ^^" I had 4 episodes and watching all of them was a struggle. I just don't know who is who and what is happening and which are the two sides and what even is the whole fighting for lol 0/10 would not recommend the experience unless I know someone is only there for the action and animated fight scenes XD”
lmaooo i kinda feel u cuz watching these eps weekly was a struglle as well lmao i imagine binging them is even worse loll same ididnt really get what was going on and i couldnt care less tbh lol yuuta showing up at the end hyped me a bit for the next season but thats all lol i was glad we’re finally done w this arc lol are u gonna watch s3? im most likely gonna bc of sukuna but i wonder if ure gonna watch it too

tagging cross stitch stuff to make my comment look shorter lol

“Yubisaki to Renren is kinda cute, I will probably be watching it regularly if nothing of a turnoff happens. The vibes kinda remind me of Koe no Katachi, which was a nice story but the way it unfolded was kinda confusing. I recently noticed some romcoms have these skips in the story, so sometimes there's 0 explanation why a scene is happening (looking at you, Yamada) and if that happens I see myself dropping this one ^^" Otherwise I'm pretty confident and looking forward to seeing more of it.”
mmm like what for example? i thought things happened kinda fast in ep1 for a shoujo anime but it didnt feel that off to me 🤔 but yeah i also thought this one is cute and most likely will keep watching it. them being uni students is a nice change too lol

“Momochi-san Chi no Ayakashi Ouji I was a bit afraid of the love triangle based on the pictures, but the two love interests are actually in one person XD That was the plot twist of the year for me XD I liked the vibes and it looks like reverse harem made right with specific love interests and the others just being around for show, which I love. Like Fruits Basket and Ouran vibes. I am totally for this series this season :D”
yeah the reverse harem did remind me of ouran and FB. ep1 was cute and as u said im glad these two are actually the same person so no stupid love triangles lol but for some reason i didnt get interested in any of the characters so im skipping this one for now

“Majo to Yajuu was totally different from how I expected it to turn out, so it was kind of a letdown. And I am definitely not in the mood for Solo Leveling. It just didn't keep my interest. Like at all.”
ah youre right abt majo to yajuu it was a letdown and my expectations werent that high to begin with :/ im still not sure abt it so i’ll give it another ep. and solo leveling, nothing really special happened in ep1 tbh i only enjoyed the music so i understand why ure not interested lol

“Meiji Gekken: 1874 I am not sure I am in the mood for another Meiji era series, but I am kinda excited to see what this will be like.”
saaame i only got this one left to check too so im excited lol

“Edit: Also I forgot to mention I got 3 iyashikei recommendations for the MAL Secret Santa, so I am looking forward to some quality soothing time this season without much action or philosphical/psychological anime. I will continue Undead Unluck for some fire and I am always looking forward to Kuyuriya, so I guess I'll still have some fun to mix things up :3”
ooh what are they?? i noticed ure watching Flying Witch, is it one of them? i remember the 1st ep was nice hope u enjoy it :3 and yeah same so far my list this season is full of chill relaxing slice of life-ish stuff which is what im in the mood for lol im surprised i didnt even go over 10 new series this season lol but im gonna be busy these upcoming months so its okay. hope spring is much better :3 (and less hectic lol)

“Yeah, totally different vibes from Howl. He should have been your average short haired senpai based on personality and vibes XD “
ikrrr his looks contrasted w his personality which was a pleasant surprise lolll
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