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Mei-o_Scarlett May 27, 7:35 PM
techniocally i never read the vn
only the manga kek
Verdandi- May 13, 12:53 AM
Hi, thanks for the friend request ^^
TuyNOM Apr 20, 4:35 PM
Sorry for the late reply. You're quite right. The MAL moderators have deleted this review. But my appreciation of the anime still exists. ;)

Amazing! So I guess we followed the same path, although I must be a few years older than you. I think the best is yet to come. :)

I was absolutely captivated by this outstanding fiction. Jacopo, even more so, as I was surprised to discover another part of his story with the prequel. And to be honest, his rise and fall just bowled me over forever.

I guess it doesn't have a package that looks very appealing to weebs. However I see on vndb (I don't use) that it's a pretty well-known and in the top 10 best visual novels. It has multiple translations.
Neimaj Apr 19, 12:09 PM
Happy belated birthday!!! Sorry for the late reply. ( ̄  ̄|| )
Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
TuyNOM Apr 16, 3:22 PM
Yeah man, I looked at the history. It looks like we interacted about our Tsukigakirei reviews 7 years ago. :)

Doing great. My life has changed a lot since then, like most people... what are you doing interesting lately?
TuyNOM Apr 16, 1:33 PM
Hey! Happy birthday! :D
Mei-o_Scarlett Apr 15, 1:07 AM
happy bday my Gs
OmegaWaffles Feb 4, 7:31 AM
I see you two dropped Frieren, I'm gonna finish it but I understand why you'd drop it these recent episodes are just out right boring and uninteresting, the author decided that "hey why don't we add new characters just to make have them battle in this tournament then forget them later on" I wish the arc would end so we can see the characters go on with their journey again.
OmegaWaffles Dec 8, 2023 8:17 PM
It's great to see you two almost done with your journey in Medical School and that reminds me that my brother also took Medical School and he finished last year but sadly wasn't able to pass the Licensure exam this year, so I hope he can pass the one that's going to take place next year. And about how far I am into Law, well the semester just ended and I'm waiting for my grades but whatever happens whether or I fail some subjects, pass all of them or somewhere in between, there's no turning back. I'm just going to go forward with this, I had a hard time adjusting with everything especially at the start, but I can see the improvements in me from the start to what I am now. I have even been able to find my preference in studying and it's not with highlighting books but taking notes instead. Still, there's a lot to go through, I'm still in my first year and Law School is like 4 years here if you don't have to retake subjects, but I won't give up no matter what it takes. Also, I'm like the only one in my family who actually decided to go to Law School, both my mom and brothers are medical majors and my father a mathematics major.

It's pretty interesting to see a take like that with Bocchi, I can honestly why you prefer Frieren over it but , I disagree with it, I thought Bocchi was able to maintain consistency even up to the latter especially with Keiichirou's directing, I think the ambition was honestly still kind of there since Bocchi and the gang wanted to aim for like better concerts but here's the thing I honestly thought it fell flat in the final episode it just fell flat like it just ends without saying much at all but regardless I'm hoping the Second Season actually improves upon the first one. But yeah I'm glad to see you think Frieren is pretty great, I can definitely see the improvements from the director from the way things were presented in the show, like we get to see flashbacks and intimate moments between the cast to like develop them as characters. I'm glad he was able to pick up an actual Fantasy show instead just some other isekai.
OmegaWaffles Dec 1, 2023 10:06 AM
Hi Intelos, it has been since forever since I spoke to you compared to your brother, how have you been? I've been really drained and struggling in adjusting with Law School right now, after this semester I might need to do a LOT of changes in my life, like my study and sleep habits, the past few months have been a rollercoaster for me, I need to like plan to watch something in advance because this law degree is extremely demanding almost if not in the same level as Medical School. I see you're liking Frieren based on that score you've given, I actually really like what I've seen from this show so far and if it were not for Bocchi the Rock's director (Since I actually considered BTR my favorite anime last year) I would've never given this a chance honestly. Glad I did and I'm probably going to catch up to the latest episodes after my final exams for this semester (Which I hope the Judges and Attorneys would consider since it's my first time for everything in Law School) and I honestly got intrigued by Frieren's behavior, personality and how they actually tried to justify and develop her character and why she has such power. I've been so happy about the show from what I've watched.

KireiKommunist Oct 31, 2023 11:48 AM

I'm always happy to see new people giving Katawa Shoujo a chance. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. What makes this Visual Novel in particular so special is how it gets rid of all the flaws other Visual Novel tend to have. When I first heard about the premise of dating disabled girls I immediately predicted that it would be some type of melodramatic Key Visual Novel with victimized little girls that you should feel pity for. Instead I experienced one of the most incredible character studies. The characters act much more mature and while some of them are based on stereotypes, they are realistic takes on these stereotypes. Hanako for example is a fairly believable person with social anxiety and her route is about the struggle you have to face, if other people perceive you as this weak creature you have to look after instead of an equal person. It's a subversion of these shy and cute character trope. The other routes have the same strength. I have a hard time to get into new romance Visual Novels because the characters usually feel like walking fetishes and Katawa Shoujo made my standard high.

Another advantage is the fast pacing. It doesn't take long to get interesting and the routes are short, so even the parts that aren't as well written never felt boring to me. The OST is a favorite of mine. Just hearing "Wiosna" makes me go into an ecstatic state. Also I love Kenji. His dialogues are even funnier today than it came out.

But the heart of Katawa Shoujo is the drama. I'm a big fan of good drama and conflicts where you can understand and sympathize with different viewpoints. Katawa Shoujo has it all. Everytime Hisao has a conflict with one of the girls I can see both sides. That Hisao has a hard time to familiarize with Yamaku is also pretty believable. One particular scene from Act 1 I really liked is when he first met Rin and she bluntly asked about his disability. The people Hisao met before advised him to just ignore the condition of the people he speaks, but is sometimes impossible. He had to learn that there isn't a perfect guide to talk to people because some are more open like Rin and Emi while others have a hard time to cope with their condition like Hanako. I really like how he learns to be more open after some time, since it's the only way to become more understanding with others.

To share some thoughts on the individual stories:

Where to start? Rin's route was the second last one I read. Going into her route I was impressed how fast the atmosphere changed. Her dialogues were comedic at first so I wasn't expecting a somber tone, but it was a welcomed turn. It is the story where Hisao is the most depressed, since only in this route nobody tries to cheer him up during the school festival. I like this take on Hisao at best. Act 2 dives pretty deep into his cynical outlook on everything that goes on. He doesn't have anything strive for. The art club is only a time waster. He isn't good at art and hasn't any passion for it, which makes him quit the club later on. In other routes he somehow improves or has to work for something. With Rin he ends up as an empty person. All the more remarkable is his development towards the end of Act 2. The dialogue between Rin and Hisao at the rooftop is the highlight of this part of the story. They are characters that contrast themselves pretty well. Hisao's biggest problem with his condition is his attitude towards it. Aside that he has to be careful that nothing hits his chest, the pills he has to take and the appointments with the nurse, there aren't many disadvantages he has because of his arrhythmia. On the other hand Rin can't do many things without her hands and often needs the help of other people without it bothering her. She never things about her disability. That makes Hisao see that he only is bothered of his arrhythmia because he wants to be. Hisao shows typical behavior of cynics. He makes the things worse in his head than they truly are. I catch myself doing the same when I'm in a depressed mode, so it was kind of an eye opener for me seeing this portrayed in a different person. His development is amazing.

Of course I also have to talk about my favorite character ever. Rin has two internal problems. She can't connect with other people and she can't find a place for herself in the world. Both is beautifully portrayed. Her tendency to never speak in clear terms because of her inofficial autism makes every dialogue with her fascinating. I like how you learn more and more that behind her indifferent personality hides the longing for mutual understanding. Her plain directness often comes off as rude, but is only her inability to empathize with the emotions of others which creates great conflict between her and Hisao. One of my favorite moments is when Hisao finds Rin trying to masturbate in the atelier. She asks him to help her, but after nothing came out of it she regretted asking Hisao. While it was an intimate moment with the person he is in love it, for Rin it was only a fleeting decision they both should forget about. She just isn't able to see other perspectives which hurts the people aroung her. I also like that she never overcomes this issue. She tried to use art is a mean to convey her feelings, but that doesn't work. The end when Hisao finally makes her realize that she can't hope other people will see what is inside her, if she just draws the ideal artwork, is such a heartbreaking moment, but it is also the deserved conclusion.

The theme of her route I even more loved was the part of her career as an artist. Her inner fear of wanting to chance, but being scared of becoming someone different is eerily relatable. Rin very well knows that she can't stay at this point of her life and decides to make the exhibition for Nomiya. However, to make it happen she has to completely destroy her mental health. To become an artist to make the things she wants to do she has to take on a different personality. Her story is a great example of how the career path we want to have are never as rose colered as we wish them to be. A refined moment where this is explored is when Sae asks Rin how she wants to name her exhibition and Rin explanes why she doesn't like to give her paintings names. Sae then holds a whole speach about how this rejection of labels can be seen as an exploration of identity and other bullshit, while Rin just doesn't likes to name her paintings. It illustrates that art is a product she must advertize and that she has to do certain things to be an artist which makes her lose herself as a side effect.

As you know she rejects this in the good ending and chooses to stay herself, but not without negative outcome. I love her last confrontation with Nomiya because he holds a mirror infront of her. I think Nomiya get's too much hate from the Katawa Shoujo community. Everything that he says to Rin is spot on. Her impulsive nature tends to screw things up and without changing she is pretty much lost in the world. What is also the conclusion of her good ending. Rin and Hisao don't have anything at the end, but themselves. It is an open ending and i couldn't want it any other way. Whereas in her bad ending she gives herself up and is able to take a career as an artist, in her good ending she stays true to herself, but lost everything else and doesn't has a direction in life. Her route is about which side you are willing to take. Other stories explore similar things, but I never experienced such a honest and consequential take on this matter. But I should probably stop raving and talk a bit about the other routes. Anyway, I'm glad that it is your favorite route too.

Hanako's route is also almost perfect in my eyes. Probably my favorite portrayal of social anxiety because it feels realistic. The early dialogues between her and Hisao show how awkward conversations with a person like her usually are. I find it even more impressive that it is only in written format, since it's a Visual Novel. Awkward breaks between conversations and similar things are harder to convey like this, but it works. Hanako's development throughout the route is some of the best. I like that she and Hisao both learnt that they need to open up and let each other know about their vulnerabilities so that a true relationship can work. I'm a huge sucker for stories about characters that try to have deep connections with each other. My favorite moments are when Hisao and Hanako walk through the school and talk about their past, as well as when they show each other their scars. Such a great depiction of deep connection.

That Hisao started to view Hanako as a child you have to protect at the beginning was believable. The Visual Novel later criticizes this, but I don't thing it looks too much down on Hisao for doing it. As the reader you can understand how somebody would view someone like Hanako as too weak to live on her own. It was the best possible conclusion that he gave her the decision, if she wanted to talk with him at the end. He helped her opening up as much as she helped him. Hanako's route also has the most heartwarming moment with her birthday party and the hug with Lilly.

The last three routes have a bit of a problem with that they need some time until the plot gets going. Emi's route was more of a romcom at the start. I liked it, though not as much as the first two routes. The conversation with Rin and Emi are funny and Emi is well characterized. Probably everybody can relate to her fear of losing a loved one and her decision to never let somebody too close to oneself. It has a really balanced conclusion. You shouldn't make yourself depented of a different person, but you still have to get close to others, even if you could lose them anytime. It's the route where Hisao lives the healthiest and the route that spreads the most positivity. I love it. I enjoyed this route on my second read much more and maybe I still underrate it a bit. This story means much to me.

Like every other person I'm not a huge fan of Shizune's route. It's sad because she had much potential and in principle I like Shizune as a character. I wished her competitive nature and her lack of understanding for others would have been the focus of it. Her route lacks payoff for almost anything that is going on during her route. Shizune isn't even part of the final conversation between Misha and Hisao. Since we both seem to have the exact opinion I don't need to say more.

Lilly's route also didn't start too serious and was more a romcom. I also find it cute how Hisao, Hanako and Lilly spent their time together. I didn't had any strong opinions reading it, until the conflict of her route finally started. In my opinion Lilly is the most boring of the girls because her problem isn't internal and instead comes from her family. Apart from that she couldn't overcome herself to say the true to Hisao until he pressed the issue there isn't much to say about her. She doesn't really has any development. Hisao is also the most bland here. There isn't any controversy between these two like in the other stories. Hisao isn't even mad that Lilly didn't said a word about her moving to Scotland. Is that the same Hisao that screamed at Rin? Clearly not. It's the perfect loving relationship and the ending of the route is the peak of it. The whole progression of Hisao managing to get to Lilly at the last minute, him becoming unconcious seconds before she get's on the airplain and the twist in the hospital felt like reading a fairy tale. (which is funny since Akira herself said at one point that life isn't like a fairy tale) The after-credit scene confirmes this thought. One thing I like about Katawa Shoujo is how grounded everything that happens is. The pattern was brocken here. Honestly, the sideplot about Hanako and how she finds new friends aside from Lilly and Hisao was the best part of this route for me.

I think that was enough to get my general thoughts on Katawa Shoujo. I hope you can make something out of all this rambling. I would also like to hear your interpretation of the routes, if you have any thoughts to share. Are there parts where you disagree with me? Anyway, I appreciated your message.
BertKnot Sep 23, 2023 2:56 PM
Cheers mate, that’s very kind of you!
Your favourites are pretty fascinating as well, you’ve clearly got a keen eye for works that are straight up excellent. :)
Alians0108 Jul 28, 2023 7:42 AM
Ah, is that so? Well, you both have pretty banger taste. Just curious, what are your affinities with each other?
Alians0108 Jul 28, 2023 7:09 AM
Your taste is awfully similar with a certain person I know but that top 2 is equally banger every time I look at it
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