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effy_ Yesterday, 12:26 PM

thank you so much for taking the time and replying! I know you must have been busy but I hope the workload has died down a little bit and you are free to enjoy yourself, take a breath and just do things for fun.

congrats so much!!! getting into a festival is a pretty big deal, no?? you rock, girl!!! hella proud!!!
wow , the fire is so nice!!! wait, it´s like a virtual reality?? the café looks amazing! I love the colours and the way you illustrated it!! aaa. that poor kid! I was really worried he would not go :D. what a wonderful representation of today´s world! it was really good!! so happy you made it guys!

I know I should be better with time management. in the past weeks I was trying to stay away from MAL. to be more productive, to read more. I will still always come back and will always talk to you. I am so lucky to have a friend like you because I get to see you improving, doing something that you love, being so passionate and if we can help each other grow as people, that would be the bestest of things!!! you do inspire me immensely!
I also want to work on my passion. I want to be excited about things and surely it´s easier to just be moody and negative rather than find the joy in things but I certainly know what I want, partly thanks to you! your dedication is infectious!

that sounds like a horrible experience, seriously, but I am glad to could squeeze at least something positive from it. definitely setting deadlines and maybe creating a work structure in the beginning could maybe help with that in the future. maybe actually even help being the grade more fair. tbh, I think it is also up to a teacher to help with structuring work. a good teacher should help you out with pointing you to the right direction like cutting the process into smaller chunks and making proper check lists, plans etc. did they just assign all that and let you swim? it all seems a bit unfair to me. sure, that taught you a lesson for what cost?? sorry for the criticism of your teacher, not to mention your teammates.

yes and no! tbh, I don´t have any plans for the summer vacation. it will be boring, but I get to sleep in and not care about anything. surely, time will fly by and I will promise myself to catch up on anime and stuff and then actually not do it :D. but oh well, seeing how annoyed my students are when I ask them to do a simple task, I surely won´t miss those eyerolls :P :D.

what are you planning to do for your senior work if you don´t mind me asking?

it´s ok! do whatever makes you happy! video games are a fun way to relax for sure! I don´t play any, but I can definitely see how they can be fun!

I´d love to watch some of the older anime like Noragami, Mushishi and all that more soulful stuff!
get my 100 anime and then start reading more manga

hahaha I wish Levi came and took me away but I think you will surely get married sooner than I do :)
all the best to you and your family
lots of health and success both in personal and private life
sending some lucky stars!

Pietr00 May 31, 12:56 PM
I had some good ideas about what I want for my character and about the color palette too, I already have some more solid references for what I want, I think now at least this part of the planning is finished haha.

I had to create an Instagram for a college project, as it's an email and account provided from my college, I can't follow you at the moment, especially because it's a temporary account, but I still took a look on your IG and it looks quite promising, maybe in the second half of this year I will create an account to publish my arts and covers, but as my drawings are done the old fashioned way (pencil and paper) I need to see if it would be viable to use them for publication, I would need Also see what the lighting would look like in the photos or when scanning them.
Have a nice weekend.
Pietr00 May 25, 5:35 PM
You don't need to apologize for changing the topic, I just wanted to say thank you, it was the moment I could stop thinking about everything that was happening around me and I could even come up with some good ideas for my character, I hope I can finance this one day :D.

Day 26 or 27? So it will be in the next few days, I'll keep an eye on my DM.

Over time I'll probably create a new IG account for personal projects, so I'll follow you when that happens! I don't mind telling things like that, my life is an open book, especially because I know that there are more people going through problems around the world and maybe it's important to show that they are not alone... I think, you didn't seem pushy, I just wanted to justify why the accounts no longer exist.
Take your time, I can't wait to read this!

Have a nice weekend you too!
Pietr00 May 24, 8:15 AM
It's been a bit of a rough time IRL, this week I was clearly overwhelmed with some things, but you came back and reminded me of this project that I had put aside, thinking about references and what I want for my character really helped me take my mind off it, I know you has already changed the topic of the conversation, but I just wanted to say thanks, it helped a lot. I'm good now.

Oh if the winners will be chosen by voting, let me know when the voting starts, I'd love to help, even if it's just one vote. Good luck in the other event too.

Thanks! I'm actually thinking about updating it again, I think I'm going to remove the "about me" and Robert Eggers' name has an extra "g".
During a bout of anxiety I had, I deleted my Instagram profiles, so unfortunately I won't be able to follow you there for now. That's great! Let me know when the proposal is ready, good luck with your project!
Pietr00 May 17, 9:06 PM
Welcome back, honestly I've been so busy lately with IRL stuff that my internet projects have ended up on hiatus.

I'm currently unemployed, so even if I had a way to ideally design the project, I still wouldn't be able to finance it. Regarding the personality of a content creator, I think I can fit into a few tropes, so I don't think it would be difficult to choose the type of audience I'm looking for.
The colors mentioned would be combinations of a maximum of two, I understand that you shouldn't overdo the color palette. I believe the main colors would be blue and black, as I mentioned I'm completely comfortable with the idea of a ''gothic'' character, so a darker color palette, a few white details to give contrast. But I might have to think more about what the clothes would look like so it doesn't just look like a generic look.

How cool that you managed to register for a festival! Do you already have the results of the winners?
The animation looks a little rough, but I think the theme of the story makes up for the animation.

95% of the work was dumped on your shoulders and you still decided to credit the other participants? That's a really nice thing of you guys, I would have just taken them out of the credits unless they had a good reason.
Have a good weekend!
FruitPunchBaka May 6, 6:33 PM
uhm, i haven't seen it. i said that cuz the mc was unlikable ;(( so, i dropped at the ep 2
ghostflask Apr 28, 7:28 PM
Hey no problem! You too ^_^
MarusaruMaia Apr 21, 11:51 AM
Firstly I'd like to thank you for this AWESOME birthday wishes!! I'm also very grateful to have met such a joyful and talented person like you here! :D

Well, around here we usually celebrate New Year's Eve a lot, and it's funny cuz Christmas is barely over and my relatives are already preparing even more food lol BUT ANYWAY, I'm super happy to know that you finished TriMax and also enjoyed this wild ride! :D TriMax has its problems, and just like the 98 anime, I think Nightow could have avoided some of these episodic chapters and used the opportunity to better develop the main plot or some characters backstory instead... but I still FRICKING LOVE THIS MANGA SO MUCH AAAAAAAARGH!! The outcome of TriMax is one of the best endings I've ever seen in a manga! Gzus, I still remember the day I finished reading it for the first time >:'U It was a sunny Saturday in 2012, I had just watched the movie Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos and the L'Arc~en~Ciel theme song was still playing in my head. I remember even tearing up when I saw that full-color double page with Vash running lol
Ah, and the Gung-Ho-Guns for me is one of the best groups of villains ever created AND Legato will forever be my favorite villain as well!! Knives is cool, yup, BUT THIS DUDE IS INSAAAANE! I even have some figures here :B

Now about Vagabond, I was buying the manga but ended up stopping at the 10th volume. I wanted to read everything physically, but I decided to resume reading online and HOLY S**T, this manga is a blessing!! I got emotional reading several chapters and Musashi's development is something phenomenal. And I did read the exhibition chapter, but thank you so much for sharing it as well :D And I don't know if Vagabond will or even needs to come back from hiatus, for me everything here is perfect the way it is. I'd just like to see the conclusion of Musashi's fight against Kojiro, but other than that the manga is still perfect!

And I'm also glad to know that you read and enjoyed Gon! Well, sometimes I also have this grumpy look on my face lololol But yeah, I think this is a perfect series to read and relax after a long day of work~ I laughed a lot at so many chapters, but there are some that also left me with tears in my eyes (yup, as you can see I'm very emotional when it comes to manga >:'Y) The old elephant chapter is my favorite, along with the ones about the orangutan family and the baby sea turtles :B And yeeeees, the art is out of this world, you can perfectly take any of these double pages and frame them like a picture on the wall! I'm seriously thinking about doing this here in my room >:]

Yeah, I found Procreate awesome and kinda practical, I'm working up the courage to start some animation tests and I haven't yet decided which program to use ,':/ Maybe I'll try something in Clip Studio Paint, which is my default drawing program, or I'll go straight to Procreate idk... Maybe I'll take a look at this Toonboom Harmony which looks really interesting too :B And WOW, your and your sister’s work is great! It's something very experimental, both animations are smooth and I liked the way you guys worked on the scenario using real pictures and recordings, and I really liked the soundtrack too! :O And seeing your drawings (Vash and Simon caught me off guard lol), I like how you draw facial expressions, especially smiles! I only had access to your drawings folder on the drive, but I feel honored and even inspired to be able to follow you guys works! Hoping that you two can evolve your techniques even more and become giants in the industry! That's was really REALLY cool, thanks for that!! >:D

And yes, I can't wait to start publishing my stories! >:J But first I feel like I need to sharpen my perspective and scenarios a little more... The only problem is that I still haven't been able to recover my main study files, many of the things I have on my old notebook can already be considered lost media |:T But look, searching through my OneDrive in the hope of finding something other than some wallpapers, I discovered that many of my old drawings were saved! >:D Here are some of them, these are some of the characters from my project called "Underground".

Wow, I'm happy to know that my drawings also give this same vibe to you, since I also really LOVE stuffs from the early 2000-2010!! Especially anime, like... half of my favorite list lol Just like a lot of people, I also love the 90s, but the beginning of the 00s for me was something magical. I even consider this to be Disney and Pixar's best phase when it comes to movies. Treasure Planet (I don't care if the box office was a flop <:'U), The Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis, Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear, Meet the Robinsons, Monsters Inc., Toy Story 2, The Incredibles... ahhh, there are so many good stuff, I really need to rewatch everything now!! >:] Talking about cartoons, there are a lot of good shows from that time too! Do you have any favorites? Let me know! :B And don't worry, your old works is still cool as hell!! >:D

Well, it's difficult to please my friends with my recommendations or convince them to watch something I like :T To give you an idea, they love the Adult Swim shows, but I can't get them to watch Smiling Friends! They didn't like the Trigun first anime cuz they considered it a bit dated, didn't even tried Stampede cuz of the CGI and they couldn't follow the manga cuz they said it was too "frenetic", and the same goes for Kekkai Sensen since it's by the same author >:Y As for Jing, they just thought it was weird LOOOL I rarely talk about Jing to anyone, but when my cousin came back from Japan, he did a live for his friends doing an unboxing of everything he brought from there, then a friend of his saw the metalic covers of my Jing's editions and recognized the series. He even asked my cousin to sell the collection to him :B It was really fun to see someone besides me who knew the series so excited like that lol But, well, that's what happens here. Not that I'm get gloomy about it or anything like that, cuz in the end I'll still have fun with the things I like as always! :J Ah, and about that sudden change in my profile, sorry if I scared you, but I was seriously thinking about deactivating my account here, but that urge passed so it's all good now! No worries! >:B Btw, it took me a while cuz I'm a dork and I had completely forgotten that I use Steam, BUT I sent you a friend request there! Thanks for the friend code! :D

Well, I found it incredibly sad what happened to Toriyama while we were talking about the health of manga artists <:/ I don't know if you like his works, but this guy practically shaped my childhood. I cried a lot when my brother told me the news, ugh... On the other hand, I feel like he really managed to do everything he wanted while he was here, and left without leaving anything behind.

Ahhh, so these college projects groups are a headache in the four corners of the world, huh?! >:Y It reminded me the last two months of my first year of high school, where I had to do a HUGE biology assignment with students I didn't even have the habit of talking to. In the end, I had to do everything myself while also working part-time at a neighborhood bakery, AND THOSE CREATURES DIDN'T HELP IN ANYTHING AT ALL >:'UUU I was lucky enough for the teacher to recognize that I did everything alone thanks to my tired face and the huge dark circles under my eyes. I secured my grade while they were left in the dust :J But anyway, I hope you are doing well, gurl... it's really sucks when that happens <:/

So, I'd like to apologize again for taking so long to replying you and for this GINORMOUS text I wrote here JESUS CHRISSST!! <:'UUU (please, feel free to only reply the parts that are interesting to you as well) I've been really busy chasing jobs. Since I'm not drawing very often anymore, I had to look for something in another areas. But it's temporary! I'm just going to save some money, stabilize myself for a while longer and then focus on my projects again :] Hope you have a great week!! :D
effy_ Apr 21, 3:51 AM

how are you? sorry for slightly later reply! April has been as busy as I have expected but I think things are gonna calm down and get boring after mid-May. what about you? when is your semester ending? and how is this one going so far? are you enjoying your classes?

yes! that would be fun! maybe in the summer? I am desperately trying to come up with a plan how to keep myself busy offline but I think I will just be hermit-ing at home :D.

Aki is amazing! who could judge you? he is among my fav characters as well! I will be even more embarrassing and say my husbando would definitely be Levi :D :D :D because he is so small and precious but also so badass and emotionally a grown up :D. he is smaller than I am though! but love is love! he might look small but I hope he could still carry me princess-style since he can kill a huge titan :D.

wow, you are the leader!!! congrats on the role! have you chosen that for yourself or were you appointed? what does it mean "animating the segments that take place in the real world?" can you help me imagine that? I am curious, thank you! (sorry for being too curious) were you unlucky with your team mates? why are they so unmotivated in completing the work? especially since you two have to work a lot as leaders to finish it up? so sorry to hear that though! it must be really hard on you.
the due date is soon! hopefully things have improved by now. also it does sound like you have also learnt a lot from that experience! I hope you will lead more projects in the future so you get to be assertive yet kind! it´s a really tough balance!

it´s interesting that we don´t see those parts of ourselves that others might. I have definitely made my fair share of mistakes in life when I wasn´t as considerable, kind and understanding. there were many situations when I could just brush people off and saying "well, why is this my problem?" when I could have just been more understanding and allow them to lean on me and be there for them. there were also many instances where I could have been more hard-working (like during my high school years - facepalm) but life is a process, you get better with it. thank you so much for your kind words ♥. I am trying to get better with compliments. you know the classical - oh no, you are not right! - I just really appreciate that you think that of me and I hope I will continue to let my better side shine but I am definitely often stubborn, depressive and as unmotivated as others. which I believe you also have your bad days despite me being in awe of everything you do. and we should be, we are humans :). but hey, if you ever feel down! let me be your hype man!

do you have some free time in the future to enjoy your anime or is your summer already booked?
keeping up with anime is a toll! and I can definitely understand the feeling of "meh, let me give up" those are just recs for the time when you .. have the time.
tbh, from what I have read I prefer him in the LN! because it makes more sense. but of course, for the entertainment value, it´s fun being him all edgy :D. it´s just easier on my brain, what can I do :D.

no worries about how fast or slow the replies are! what matters is the quality of the convo and it is never a dull moment (or paragraph? hehe)
yop April, what are you doing trying to suck the life out of us ahah.
but things are gonna get better afterwards so looking forward to that!

all the best
lots of health and creativity!
hope things are going your way!!!
good stuff to you and your family!
eekeen Apr 12, 2:50 AM
To me it just sounds like sugar on top of sugar, you must really like the taste of sweet tasting things. I also have a big sweet tooth. Can't get enough of chocolate, it's a carloric bomb and during a cut the urges creeps up on me. ;_; I'm not overly-restrictive with my diet, I do eat whatever occasionally, but I've come up with a 80/20 ratio of "healthy" or decent food in contrast to whatever. Whenever I do eat sugary things I eat up the whole package... I cant stop eating... Tangent aside, your dad sounds like a swell guy and I can see with the way you talk about him you guys care for each other and that's super wholesome. I might also try sake, I've actually never drank it believe it or not. Oh, that reminds me, by the end of July we are planning (emphasis on planning nothing is set in stone) to travel to Korea to visit my grandparents (on my mom's side) and some relatives. After that we're thinking of travelling to Japan because they're so close and my mom loves Japan and knows how much I want to go there. We're thinking about Kyoto or Osaka as our "main" destination. Tokyo would be too much I think, it feels like an overbearing place even though it'd be cool to see everything I've seen about Tokyo online and in animanga and most recently Chaos;Head too.

The thing about Max and Mango is that they rarely wants to sleep alone, but since that cat tree is not in any of our rooms and place in a hallway it doesn't get used as much as we'd like, but honestly it's fine. They still use it on occassion. They were in love with it in the beginning, though. Initially we planned on only adopting one, but the adoption center knew what they were doing and told us the same thing. They wouldnt allow us to only get one because it might be depressed and you could tell she really cared for these cats. It was practically volunteering and we only needed to pay the minimum costs for things. I'm glad we listened to her. If you can and are ready I definitely suggest adopting biological brothers/sisters. If they're the same age and especially from the same family they have already established a great connection. Many people adopt cats that are different ages and at different times and they become more territorial and in worst case dislike each other. My neighbours cats are that way and it's kind of sad. Cats are a reflection of their owners, we gave them a lot of love and attention (still do) when they were kids so they're all funny and happy now because of it. Idk how truthful that statement is but it sounds good to say. xD

Honestly, many anime, especially shounen anime do fall under sort of the same storytelling mechanisms and narratives. It's tropey, arcs and themes have underlying similarities and after having watched anime to the extent that I've and you also have done it gets repetetive. Anthologies in this medium is not explored enough, not even at a surface level and I think it could be cool seeing an anime original just do whatever. Dragon Ball is one among very few that media that brought people together regardless of where they are from and it speaks loudly about Toriyama's character. Reading Oda's, Kishimoto's, Kubo's "Goodbye" texts to Toriyama tore at my heartstrings. He definitely left his impact on this world. It's sad to see Togashi not being able to let HxH go. After arc after the Chimera Ant Arc (cant remember the name I think it was the Election Arc?) it was a good point to conclude the story. Not a masterpiece of an ending, but good. I'm afraid with how much has been introduced we will never see a satisfying conclusion. Maybe? Berserk is still continuing long after Miura's passing and what I've heard Mori is doing a decent job at it.

I mean yeah, the whole VN sphere is very much slow-paced but still have many profound stories. Shorter VNs like Saya no uta that clock in at about 4 hours are still generally slow-paced. Chaos;Head was incredibly slow in the first 4-5 chapters and then it sped up tenfold with craaazy reveleations and storytelling. The Steins;Gate anime (prob VN too) did the same. These are all still profound pieces of media. The opposite can be true as well, as much as I think Phantom (the anime) had severe pacing issues with how fast-paced it got at the latter half of the story it still was an incredibly enjoyable show with many interesting ideas. The pace of the story is just one element of the complete package and a certain pacing is not inherently better than any other, it's how you utilize it with the other aspects/elements that make it a great storytelling mechanism if used correctly to that specific story. I generally prefer slower-paced shows because I'm generally more into Mystery, Thriller and trying to figure out certain plot points before they get revealed and I think a methodical build-up often correlates to a better climax. BUT that's only my opinion, someone else might have the complete opposite view and that's a completely valid opinion too. Oh, the Metal Gear franchise! Haven't heard anyone talk about it in a while, my brother used to love that franchise when we were kids but I never got into it. Killer7 reaaally reminded me of the Ichi the Killer manga but when looking it up it doesnt seem to be adjacent works. From the looks of it it looks really retro, the typical PS2 artstyle and wackiness that that era entailed. I also need to play more games. I want to revisit many games I played as a kid too.

I handed in the project regarding heart rate variability and got the second highest grade even though I was alone when other groups were 4-5 people. I got graded with the same criteria as the other groups, so I got no "pity points" for being alone and honestly that's how I prefer to be graded anyways. I'm happy with the results and now it's time to move onto the next project. I realized pretty quickly that creating a functioning Chess Engine, how fun that might be, is way too much for one person. I decided to scale back and implement a proactive heating management system that uses forecasted weather data to automatically regulate the temperature to be around room temperature by considering multiple factors. I'll not go into the nitty-gritty details as to not bore you to death but it's been coming along smoothly. I've developed the AI completely and now I just need to modify a pre-existing template of sorts, so I'm almost done. I'm so happy the moving process went smoothly and how it feels like a home. The external parts like the house itself, the garden, the neighbours etc is obviously important, but if the house doesnt give you the impression of it being your home it sort of kills the emotions. I'm glad you feel at home already. :D I used to use a Notes app on my phone before I knew of MAL's existence, but ever since discovering this website I've just used it ever since. Although, I do wish it was more personalized so my PTW was not as daunting as it is. You can say whatever about the Domestic Girlfriend anime but that opening... Minami went WAY too hard with that opening, such a banger. I understand wanting to watch "bad" anime, it's like junkfood but for entertainment. Sometimes you just crave a sweaty hamburger from McDonalds. Nothing wrong with that. I'm currently watching Frieren and haven't watched The Apothecary Diaries, so I cant say much about them but trust me when I say that you will ADORE Heavenly Delusion. The world-building and mystery is INSANE. I watched this show because I thought the art cover "looked cool". Count me surprised when this show dropped episode of the year (okay... tied with Vinland Saga). It has trigger warnings at the latter half of the show so yeah...

Hope you're doing well, I know you're stressing with uni and I really hope you get to prioritize yourself and relax a bit. I'm hoping for the best and I'm rooting for you for these two last weeks. Don't stumble at the finish line! I'm bad at recommending stuff on a whim, believe it or not... xDDDD I usually get reminded of great shows during conversation even if I havent watched them in years. But, honestly that should be a testament of how much of an impact these shows I mentioned has left on me, especially if I watched them way back. Although, if you want to try something seasonal There's a Spice & Wolf remake airing this season and maaaan... This remake made me realize how much I actually adore the chemistry between the main duo. I forgot how much I genuinely love this show. The manga community has been up in arms about Kaiju No. 8 the last year and it's also airing this season. I haven't checked it out yet, but I do plan on doing so soon. I know you're not into watching seasonals, but those were the "random" recommendations I could come up with at this time. :s

Also, I saw you watched A Place Further Than The Universe (Sora yori mo Tooi Basho) and rated it a 4. You didn't like it? :o That's a bit surprising, I absolutely loved it and I cried like a mofo at some parts. I became so geeky with this show that I actually wanted to travel to Antarctica for a day or two until I realized how bad of an experience it would be in reality. xDDD
MarusaruMaia Apr 2, 11:27 PM
GUUUUUUURL just stopping by to let you know that I intend to reply you by this week, I've been (still am) very busy recently (ok, maybe not that much ,':y) BUT ANYWAY, sorry for taking so looooong >:'UUUUU
karemi_ Apr 1, 8:41 AM
Heyy Happy Easter!!
And glad that you don't mind <3
Lmao oh no, I really liked it TT Ik where you're coming from tho haha, there isn't really much plot happening in the movie. I feel like it's much more about the dialogues and the vibe overall

Ohh that actually sounds sick! Is it going to be a longer animation since so many people are working on it? Or some 3 min or so again?
And I actually think that a lot of art styles mixed can look really cool, you'll just see how it is when you guys finish :D
And not rly, I'm just studying for different tests and exams like usual haha

Aw well, not like you really have to worry about people stealing your job as well tho <3 I don't think I've actually ever seen a really good AI animation so far lmao, all of them are just... too robotic xd
And aw, I really enjoy learning German as well! And tyy, I wish you good luck as well! And no haha, my first language is Polish. And wbu, is it English?
effy_ Mar 31, 7:00 AM

thank you for that! no inconvenience at all!!! I will still be on Discord here and there! for shorter stuff and maybe we can just meet up there and have a proper chat like back and forth thing :D. but whatever works for you too! I mean I could also just work on my management issues. so thanks for that chance! you don´t need anything to change.

also sorry for misspelling your name! I remember I wrote Elize instead of Elise. I have thought you were named after Beethoven´s Fur Elise :D. which would fit your artsy soul but hey, it´s just a beautiful name. there is a lingerie brand with my name, why would I judge :D.

haha, right. there needs to be some balance between having fun and being a pervert and I mean, the guy wasn´t even that! he was just chill and joking. he wasn´t even dirty minded at all :D. have I asked about husbandos? who would you consider? spill the beans :D.

that sounds interesting! what is your position? what do you do?? if you can talk about it. if not that´s ok. sorry, if I am overbearing, it´s just so out of my zone of expertise it is really interesting to me. when is the deadline so I can keep my fingers crossed?

thank you so much! I like our convos too! I am happy to have a friend like you. you really inspire me to do stuff and be creative and care about things that I used to like especially when I was younger. I used to be really a bit of a pseudo-intellectual in my teens :D. and I used to study arts history when I was a bit older. I can´t draw for life though :D. but I can admire! I am a professional fangirl! also you are understanding, kind and fun! wasn´t Gen Z supposed to be annoying ? :D

I´d say a cool thing i have watched would be Frieren and Apothecary Diaries, maybe Overtake! because I think Overtake is good, it is nothing SPECIAL but it has its soul and I loved it so much and I wish more people did!

I mean, yes? excuse me :D COTE not being good? pff :D. I am planning to start reading the LN of second year because I cannot wait for the next season :D. just how am I supposed to live not knowing? not only my manga list is growing but so are my promises but fairly, Ayanokoji is Ayanokoji and I don´t care what anyone says but the difference between Ayano in LN and anime is just funny. he is such an edgy teen in the anime while in novel he is more ... normal? still a genius and all, but less "gigachad manipulator" or whatever :D.

I love how we are always complimenting each other on personalities - NO YOU ARE KINDER AND MORE INTELLIGENT :D. but hey great minds think alike so I guess that´s just destiny ! :D

you too!
hope you get some free time!!
see, I can answer on time! :D
I will be trying to be less online in April as there is some work stuff I need to do but I will still be here
(but it´s more like me saying - please kick my butt so I am not here :D)
all the best
all the good stuff to you and your family
say hi to your cool twin sis too!!!!
me and my sister, we gotta step the game up, damn :D
eblf2013 Mar 27, 6:16 PM
The last chapters were incredible, whoa, it's been a while since I felt awe watching something.
Pietr00 Mar 17, 11:44 AM
I'm going to wait until it's better so I can send references, in the meantime I'm thinking about possible social midias to start with, at first the social midias that come to mind are Instagram and TikTok, I even have an account on Instagram with around 800/900 followers, where I posted content about anime, but it has been stopped for a long time, I would need to see if I could recover the engagement of the page and if I could transfer the focus of the page from just anime to something more comprehensive, that would need I'll take some time to see if it's viable, but honestly, the last few weeks have been so busy that I feel like I'm lacking inspiration at the moment, my busy life ends up affecting my creative side, it's not a project that I would give up on so easily, but I think I need to calm things down IRL before I get on with everything.
I think some people call me that partly because of my behavior, partly because of my style of dressing, which is worth saying for possible references, I'm totally comfortable with a gothic aesthetic for character design. In general, I just hear that I'm a good, reliable, creative person, but that I demand too much from myself and other people, because I always look for the best possible result, I hear that I can be very talkative, but a lot depends on the subject, but that I can't disguise when I don't like someone and I hear a lot that I don't care about pleasing others, but I don't know how this can be transferred to a ''content creator'' personality.
For the colors, I try to choose those that I believe suit me, taking into account the psychology of colors, blue, representing calm and maturity, would perhaps be interesting, while yellow, which is a color more associated with excitement and exaltation, I think they wouldn't suit me very much, I hardly raise my voice, even when excited, purple in general is more linked to spirituality, so I don't know if it would suit me very much, black I think is a color that goes well with any other color, so I think that the only color actually chosen so far would be black, but as a secondary color, red is linked to passion, so perhaps it is a color to be considered and white is linked to serenity and organization, which I think matches it a little With me, I would most likely opt for something more monochromatic, so I don't think I would choose more than 3 colors, for example.

I'm sure that some other works are still to come, although I think most of them have already been announced, it's the final stretch of college and with approximately four months to go, I don't think there's much more to be announced.
Ouch! This must have been very painful, if it's hurting a month after it was broken, I think you should see a doctor for an x-ray and check if everything is in order. It's really difficult when you have deadlines to be respected, I think the ideal would be to stop the animation until your hand is better, but since there's nothing you can do, I just say don't push yourself too hard and end up delaying the recovery process.

Have a good week!
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