Interest Stacks

Code Geass (2006) Series Guide

Nov 07 2022, 4:38 AM | Updated Apr 25, 2024 5:44 AM
A comprehensive watch order of the Code Geass series, which includes every entry in the Code Geass franchise.

This guide is fully maintained, retouched, reorganized and updated by yours truly.

All other published "Series Guides" by me that might interest you:


1. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
TV - 25 x 24 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
First season in the original run.

1-1. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Recaps
Special - 2 x 24 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Recap episodes known also as episodes 8.5 and 17.5. Watch after episodes 8 and 17 of the first season.

1-2. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Hajimari no Zenya
Special - 1 x 3 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama backstory before the events of the first season.

1-3. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama
Special - 9 x 4 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama side-stories that take place alongside the events of the first season.

1-4. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch DVD Magazine Picture Drama
Special - 4 x 4 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Short episodes included in the "Code Geass DVD Magazine".

1-5. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch DVD Magazine: Omake Flash - Baba Theater
Special - 2 x 1 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Flash anime specials included in the "Code Geass DVD Magazine."

1-6. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Special Edition - Black Rebellion
OVA - 1 x 1h 57 minute long episode. R - 17+ rated.
OVA summarizing all 25 episodes of the first season from Lelouch's perspective.


2. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
TV - 25 x 24 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
Second season in the original run.

2-1. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama - Last Moratorium
Special - 1 x 11 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama story that takes place after episode 12 of the second season.

2-2. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama
Special - 9 x 5 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama side-stories that take place alongside the events of the second season.

2-3. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Omake Flash
Special - 9 x 1 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Flash anime specials included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the second season.

2-4. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Special Edition - Zero Requiem
OVA - 1 x 1h 56 minute long episode. R - 17+ rated.
OVA summarizing all 25 episodes of the second season.

2-5. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday
Special - 1 x 27 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama that takes place after the events of the second season.

2-6. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday Omake Flash
Special - 1 x 3 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Flash anime specials included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of Kiseki no Birthday.

2-7. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland
OVA - 1 x 28 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Spin-off episode that parodies Alice in Wonderland.

2-8. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kiseki no Anniversary
Special - 1 x 16 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama special released on the series' 10th anniversary.


3. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita
Movie - 51 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
First film in a 5-movie spin-off saga that takes place in between the first and second season, but suggested to watch after finishing the second season.

4. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu
Movie - 59 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
Second film in the saga.

4-1. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu Picture Drama
Special - 1 x 12 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the second spin-off film.

5. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu
Movie - 59 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
Third film in the saga.

5-1. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu Picture Drama
Special - 1 x 6 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the third spin-off film.

6. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara
Movie - 59 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
Fourth film in the saga.

6-1. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara Picture Drama
Special - 1 x 9 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the fourth spin-off film.

7. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e
Movie - 59 minutes long. R+ rated.
Fifth film in the saga.

7-1. Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e Picture Drama
Special - 1 x 8 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the fifth spin-off film.


8. Code Geass: Soubou no Oz Picture Drama
OVA - 5 x 3 minute long episodes. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama adapting from the manga of a separate Code Geass spin-off title with its own story, also takes place in between the first and second season.


9. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou
Movie - 2h 15 minutes long. R+ rated.
First film in a trilogy. An overhaul of the original to serve as a new universe of its own. Events that had been established in the original were reworked or altered to allow a continuation in the franchise's storyline, after which all future projects will follow from. Should be watched after completing the series within the Precedent Universe.

9-1. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kamen Kokuhaku Taikai
Special - 1 x 10 minute long episode. PG-13 rated.
Picture drama bonus included in a special DVD given with ticket purchases for the film.

9-2. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou
Movie - 2h 12 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
Second film in the trilogy.

9-3. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou
Movie - 2h 20 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
Third film in the trilogy.


10. Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
Movie - 1h 52 minutes long. R - 17+ rated.
Sequel film to the movie trilogy.

10-1. Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch Picture Drama
Special - 2 x 9 minute long episodes. R - 17+ rated.
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the sequel film.


11. Code Geass: Dakkan no Rozé
Movie - ? minutes long. ? rated.
Not yet aired. New Code Geass project for the franchise by Studio Sunrise.


*For those who pursue the route of watching episodes in hardcore chronological order:

1. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 1
2. Picture Drama - Hajimari no Zenya
3. S1 - Ep 1-3
4. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 2
5. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 3
6. S1 - Ep 4-6
7. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 4
8. S1 - Ep 7-8
9. S1 Recaps - Ep 1
10. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 5
11. S1 - Ep 9
12. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 6
13. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 7
14. S1 - Ep 10-17
15. S1 Recaps - Ep 2
16. S1 - Ep 18-21
17. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 8
18. S1 - Ep 22-23
19. S1 Picture Drama - Ep 9
20. S1 - Ep 24-25
21. S1 Special - Black Rebellion

22. Boukoku no Akito 1
23. Boukoku no Akito 2
24. Boukoku no Akito 2 Picture Drama
25. Boukoku no Akito 3
26. Boukoku no Akito 3 Picture Drama
27. Boukoku no Akito 4
28. Boukoku no Akito 4 Picture Drama
29. Boukoku no Akito 5
30. Boukoku no Akito 5 Picture Drama

31. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 1
32. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 2
33. R2 - Ep 1-7
34. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 3
35. R2 - Ep 8-9
36. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 4
37. R2 - Ep 10-12
38. R2 Picture Drama - Last Moratorium
39. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 5
40. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 6
41. R2 - Ep 13-18
42. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 7
43. R2 - Ep 19-21
44. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 8
45. R2 - Ep 22-25
46. R2 Special - Zero Requiem
47. R2 Picture Drama - Ep 9
48. Kiseki no Birthday
49. Nunnally in Wonderland
50. Picture Drama - Kiseki no Anniversary

51. Movie I - Koudou
52. Movie I Picture Drama
53. Movie II - Handou
54. Movie III - Oudou
55. Fukkatsu no Lelouch
56. Fukkatsu no Lelouch Picture Drama
57. Dakkan no Rozé


Resources used:

Special thanks and credits to:

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
TV, 2006, 25 eps Me:- Author:-

First season in the original run.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Recaps

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Recaps

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Recaps
TV Special, 2006, 2 eps Me:- Author:-
Recap episodes known also as episodes 8.5 and 17.5. Watch after episodes 8 and 17 of the first season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Hajimari no Zenya

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Picture Drama - The Night of the Beginning

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Hajimari no Zenya
Special, 2013, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama backstory before the events of the first season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Picture Dramas

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama
Special, 2007, 9 eps Me:- Author:-
Picture drama side-stories that take place alongside the events of the first season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch DVD Magazine Picture Drama

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion DVD Magazine Picture Drama

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch DVD Magazine Picture Drama
Special, 2007, 8 eps Me:- Author:-
Short episodes included in the "Code Geass DVD Magazine".

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch DVD Magazine: Omake Flash - Baba Theater

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion DVD Magazine: Extra Flash - Baba Theater

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch DVD Magazine: Omake Flash - Baba Theater
Special, 2007, 2 eps Me:- Author:-
Flash anime specials included in the "Code Geass DVD Magazine."

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Special Edition - Black Rebellion

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Special Edition - Black Rebellion

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Special Edition - Black Rebellion
OVA, 2008, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
OVA summarizing all 25 episodes of the first season from Lelouch's perspective.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
TV, 2008, 25 eps Me:- Author:-
Second season in the original run.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama - Last Moratorium

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Picture Drama - Last Moratorium

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama - Last Moratorium
Special, 2014, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama story that takes place after episode 12 of the second season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Picture Dramas

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Picture Drama
Special, 2008, 9 eps Me:- Author:-
Picture drama side-stories that take place alongside the events of the second season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Omake Flash

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Extra Flash - Baba Theater Redux

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Omake Flash
Special, 2008, 9 eps Me:- Author:-
Flash anime specials included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the second season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Special Edition - Zero Requiem

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 Special Edition - Zero Requiem

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 Special Edition - Zero Requiem
OVA, 2009, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
OVA summarizing all 25 episodes of the second season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - A Miraculous Birthday

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday
Special, 2010, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama that takes place after the events of the second season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday Omake Flash

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - A Miraculous Birthday Extra Flash

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Kiseki no Birthday Omake Flash
Special, 2010, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Flash anime specials included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of Kiseki no Birthday.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Nunnally in Wonderland

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Nunnally in Wonderland
OVA, 2012, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Spin-off episode that parodies Alice in Wonderland.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kiseki no Anniversary

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Picture Drama - A Miraculous Anniversary

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kiseki no Anniversary
Special, 2017, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama special released on the series' 10th anniversary.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - The Wyvern Arrives

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita
Movie, 2012, 1 ep Me:- Author:-

First film in a 5-movie spin-off saga that takes place in between the first and second season, but suggested to watch after finishing the second season.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - The Wyvern Divided

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu
Movie, 2013, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Second film in the saga.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu Picture Drama

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - The Wyvern Divided Picture Drama

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu Picture Drama
Special, 2013, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the second spin-off film.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - The Brightness Falls

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu
Movie, 2015, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Third film in the saga.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu Picture Drama

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - The Brightness Falls Picture Drama

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 3 - Kagayaku Mono Ten yori Otsu Picture Drama
Special, 2015, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the third spin-off film.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - Memories of Hatred

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara
Movie, 2015, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fourth film in the saga.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara Picture Drama

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - Memories of Hatred Picture Drama

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 4 - Nikushimi no Kioku kara Picture Drama
Special, 2015, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the fourth spin-off film.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - To Beloved Ones

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e
Movie, 2016, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fifth film in the saga.

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e Picture Drama

Code Geass: Akito the Exiled - To Beloved Ones Picture Drama

Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 5 - Itoshiki Mono-tachi e Picture Drama
Special, 2016, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the fifth spin-off film.

Code Geass: Soubou no Oz Picture Drama

Code Geass: Oz the Reflection Picture Drama

Code Geass: Soubou no Oz Picture Drama
OVA, 2013, 5 eps Me:- Author:-
Picture drama adapting from the manga of a separate Code Geass spin-off title with its own story, also takes place in between the first and second season.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion I - Initiation

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou
Movie, 2017, 1 ep Me:- Author:-

First film in a trilogy. An overhaul of the original to serve as a new universe of its own. Events that had been established in the original were reworked or altered to allow a continuation in the franchise's storyline, after which all future projects will follow from. Should be watched after completing the series within the Precedent Universe.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kamen Kokuhaku Taikai

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Picture Drama - Masked Declaration Contest

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch Picture Drama - Kamen Kokuhaku Taikai
Special, 2017, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Picture drama bonus included in a special DVD given with ticket purchases for the film.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion II - Transgression

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou
Movie, 2018, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Second film in the trilogy.

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion III - Glorification

Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou
Movie, 2018, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Third film in the trilogy.

Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection

Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch
Movie, 2019, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Sequel film to the movie trilogy.

Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch Picture Drama

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection Picture Drama

Code Geass: Fukkatsu no Lelouch Picture Drama
Special, 2019, 2 eps Me:- Author:-
Picture drama included in the Blu-ray and DVD releases of the sequel film.

Code Geass: Dakkan no Rozé

Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture

Code Geass: Dakkan no Rozé
ONA, 2024, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
Not yet aired. New Code Geass project for the franchise by Studio Sunrise.

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