Is this another harem anime?
Yes! This is another harem anime.
If you are thinking this is some kind of zombie apocalypse like HS of the Dead...well it's not. It's somehow stupider than that.
Story (6/10)
The first few episodes started out great because you do not know what stupid thing might appear next. They did a good job meshing up stupid combinations such as a magical girl zombie. You’ll get a few chuckles here and there but after a few episodes, it abruptly shifted to a corny, boring romantic mystery drama that somehow feels rushed then finally for the final episode they shifted to a full out fan service mode.
Though, I must admit, the only thing memorable about this anime is its stupid catchphrase, “I’m a zombie” ….and a magical garment girl.
Art (6/10)
Nice animation and cinematography (lots of dramatic bloodshed and other sfx) but the usual forgettable character designs.
Sound (7/10)
Good background music and other sound effects plus a pretty decent ed song.
Characters (6/7)
The characters’ personalities are the usual – the same old characters that you may find in any harem anime (a guy surrounded by pretty girls and suddenly falling in love or drawn into him) with a twist of zombies, vampires, ninjas, magical girls and other stupid combinations. I must admit it is fun watching them at times but overall, with all the drama, their personalities doesn’t quite add up.
Overall, it is one of those 12 episode anime that started out good and ended badly and somehow rushed. Is it worth watching? No, yes, maybe? If you hate poor romantic mystery drama, give up on it. If you like fan service, this show has a lot of it. If you just like watching for the sake of watching, then go for it.
Apr 7, 2013
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