
Apr 4, 2013
This is by far the only show I have rated full 10s for. I really enjoyed this anime a lot, it was entertaining from beginning to end. I am a little irritated with the ending however, for it feels like their should be more. Guess that means I'll have to go and read the manga ^^ But hey, it was an amazing anime, so I'm sure the manga is just as good. On with my review.

Story - 10 - The story was indepth and had a lot happening within it. But it wasn't too much and had a nice flow to it. It went smoothly and wasn't hurried. All the little fillers had meaning and there was a reason for all of them. The story was also understandable, you knew what was going on and I believe there was never a dull nor confusing moment within the anime. Even the first episode was easy to understand, it explained a lot about the anime and what went on. Truely well thought out it was.

Art - 10 - The art was always eye-catching and the normal art with the advanced animation clashed well. And the expressions were clearly visiable at every moment, it was not hard to tell what was going on during the show. The style used was also very catching, I loved the way it looked and after referring back to the manga, the styles are almost identical. I did not see any changes between drawing and animation, which is a good point to me, for I feel if they do not resemble the manga much, then it is a difficult transition from the anime to the manga and vice versa. But this is not one of those and I am glad I will be able to read the manga with ease.

Sound - 10 - The sound was always spot-on. The music gave a good feel to the anime, at what was happening and the mood of the scene. The openings and endings were also enjoyable and seemed to fit well with the show and the story. I have only watched the dubbed version of this and I have to say, Funimation picked the right people for the characters. I could feel the feeling within the acting and I now always imagine those voices with those characters, even when I am just looking at pictures. The sound effects fit with the style of the anime and were always believable.

Character - 10 - I noticed that they had a little bit of everyone in the main cast, and I like that. It was not just showcasing one certain character, it was showing them all. Yeah, the main focus may have been Barnaby and Kotetsu but you could tell that the other heroes had just as important roles as well. Everyone had a reason for being there and were not just an extra to fill in time. Even the extras had a reason, which is good in my books. And the personalities of them all were perfect, you could really connect with a lot of them and even more, you could enjoy the way they reacted to different stuff.

Enjoyment - 10 - I thoroughly enjoyed myself, it was entertaining from beginning to finished. I always wanted to watch more whenever I finished an episode. The only down point was that I had trouble trying to find the dub, I had to stop twice because the episode couldn't be found. Once at episode 14 (couldn't find 15) and again at 24 (couldn't find 25). And really, at those points, you don't want to stop watching. I really hated the fact that I couldn't find the final episode, since episode 24 was such a cliff-hanger. That's another interesting thing with this anime, the cliff-hangers, they were good ones. It made you want to watch more, not annoy you to no end.

Overall - 10 - I state again, this is by far the ONLY anime I have ever given full 10s for, and that is saying something, for I am REALLY picky in what I watch. Again, I enjoyed myself a lot during this experience and am a little sad that it is finished. But that won't stop me from loving the show, I will continue to look for stuff about Tiger&Bunny even now that I am finished.

WARNING - Though, I will warn to those who may not like even slight 'Yaoi-ness', there is a hint at it, you can deffiently sense it between some characters. So, those of the light heart for Guy-Affection, don't watch. It may bring down your watching experience.

That is my review of this amazing show. I hope this helps a lot of you in wanting to watch it ^^
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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