This is the first modern-day anime I watched. Every other anime I've seen up to that point has been before 2005 so I didn't know what to expect. With my limited anime knowledge going into watching it, this is the first time I've seen an anime that focused on normal life and also the first one that wasn’t fantasy or magic based.
This anime focuses on normal life so there's no real need for a story. The story has no effect on the score.
Story - 6
The art style is good for the most part. Maybe I'm just not used to the thin edges in this anime but it's not what I'm used to seeing. I’ve never been much of a judge on art; I like what I like.
Art – 7
Whenever you make a comedy, music cues are important. When it came to this anime, they nailed the proper music cues and sound effects to make it truly funny. The voice actors were great too, nailing their characters’ voices.
Sound – 9
This anime loses character points with me because there’s too many and there’s not a lot of focus on the main characters. Unless you’re really good with names, you’re probably not going to remember all of the characters. They throw in new supporting characters every episode and by the end of it, there are about 20 characters that are shown fairly regularly and this anime is only 12 episodes long! Now the creators did actually say in the anime you don’t have to remember all of the characters’ names which was pretty funny and it’s true but it would still be nice if we could figure out everybody by the end. I had to re-watch the series again in order to remember all of the characters’ names. What’s funny, or not depending on what you consider to be a main character, is that the one character that starts off the anime and is considered one of the main characters practically disappears two-thirds of the way in until finally getting more time in the last episode. In one episode, he doesn’t even show up at all. They actually make a joke out of it but if he’s the main character, give him more air time.
Character – 7
This anime was hilarious! It definitely kept me interested until the very end. Every episode is divided into about 6-8 skits each with a different theme. Whether it be about after school hangouts, summer vacation or meeting that girl by the river at sunset. Some of the skits were so funny they left me out of breath for a couple of minutes or at the very least made me grin. A few of the skits though, weren’t up to par when it came to humour. Several of the skits helped to develop the characters which was nice. Every episode is enjoyable in its own way.
Enjoyment – 9
This anime is great if you just want to sit back and get lots of laughs. The humour is great and it’s augmented if you have some knowledge about role-playing games and school anime. Unless you have a great memory you might struggle to remember characters’ names and a couple of the skits aren’t that great but overall this was very enjoyable and worth a look.
Overall – 8