
Aug 6, 2008
Mwahaha! Now for a review of this weird "WTH is going on here?!?!" series!

Pretty Sammy... In a few words: This is one hell of a weird anime to branch off of the original Tenchi Muyo anime o_O

Story: Is not that good yet it's not that bad. We meet along with 4th grader Sasami who is just your regular elementary school student who randomly gets powers because a certain goddess was either bored or she needed help for one thing or another (OMG... I can't believe I forgot already x.x). Oh well. This is mostly a story about the trials that Pretty Sammy has to go through to keep the world safe from the villians. Nothing much to that.

Art: Is pretty good. If you're used to the usual art of the Tenchi Muyo universe, then this is pretty much good. Everyone and everything look just as they should.

Sound: They have most of the music from the OVA series which is a plus for me (being the avid Tenchi fan that I am).

Character: OMG.... You have no clue as to how many times I was like "EW!! 4th GRADER... STOP THAT!" XD! It wasn't like... dirty in a sense... It was just a few of the things that the villains and everyone around that thing where saying to Sammy where like, "COME ON!" XD! But a whole bunch of those things were pretty hilariously stupid.

Enjoyment: As said above: this series is hilariously stupid. I enjoyed it a lot (although, it scared the crap out of my cousin and it has forever tainted the way she sees Sasami ^^; ). The old gang is still here... Although it's kinda weird seeing how Mihoshi and Kiyone may have switched places (mind-wise) and how Ayeka and Sasami's mom have a tendency to be crying one minute and laughing their heads off in a psychotic episode thanks to that crying O_o;

Overall, this series wasn't either bad nor good. It was just something that I had been DYING to watch after I had completed watching the OVA and Universe (+movies). It was nice to hear everyone's voices again and to watch something of the series I love so much (that was new to me) after so many years.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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