Fate is the main character of this anime. The story starts with him in service to Knights, who should have held a higher standard within the domain they preside over, but that power over others corrupted them and led them to abuse and mistreat those lower in the feudal caste system than they were. These Knights have a bad reputation among all they meet, even Fate, for all other Knights in the domain. One day, Fate meets with Roxy, another Knight, and this sets a new standard and appearance for what Knight should be, leading him and others to a greater expectation of those who watch over them. Eventually, Fate, wanting to protect Roxy, finds activates an inert ability, and later stumbles upon a special, sentient weapon which enables his faster growth in skill and capability. Fate grows stronger, constantly fighting newer, more powerful foes, trying to control his inert skill before it corrupts and devours him.
This standard power grind anime - but it has a good story line; it shows the good side and bad side of individuals - the main characters face their own dilemmas of growing stronger and whether they can control the evil within. A good animation style which fits most - if not all - of the story. Didn't rate higher because it's still very open ended - loose ties. Where does it go from Season 1? I don't know because season 2 should have existed .... but it doesn't, and I can't manga due to ... reading issues.