This anime may not possess a unique and distinguishable core, but it’s still definitely worth watching!
We’re not talking about a show that sets itself apart by trying to be different from other products. Instead, it takes familiar elements and presents them in a lighter, more entertaining way—though it does have moments that are serious and thought-provoking, all balanced with great skill.
As mentioned, it doesn't shine for its originality. The supporting characters are quite stereotypical, the kind you’ve seen in other series. However, they’re still enjoyable and engaging throughout their screen time, even making you care about the development of some of them.
The story follows a very classic structure but is well-crafted, with a few enjoyable twists and unexpected epic moments. The protagonist’s character development is fairly straightforward in this first season, but by the end, you’ll see their determination and inner strength come to the forefront.
Despite everything, the scenes are well-executed, unexpected, and engaging. The music and animation perfectly complement the pacing of the narrative, which never feels boring or repetitive. Though it may be an underrated show, I recommend it for its overall enjoyability and the way it leaves you eager to finish each episode to see what happens next—a quality that’s not to be taken for granted!