
Jul 26, 2024
Preliminary (16/24 eps)
Imagine if you take 4 5 episodes of plot progress and add it to a season of Slime diaries (making a total of 24 episodes).
This pathetic crossover is what the greedy studio has churned out.
16 episodes can be summarized in less than 30 min.

A season full of meetings/discussions/planning for everything.
Just long conversations with no major reveals/progress.

Animation - 6/10
There are barely fights in 4-6 episodes. The remaining episodes are meeting which barely require that much efforts in animation.
Screenplay - 2/10
This was just a cashgrab season to cash out the FOMO of fans for a new season.
Direction - 1/10
There is no clear direction and it seems like a haphazard direction. Too bad for a human. Seems like a generative AI has directed this season.
Action - 2/10
Barely any fights apart from 2 episodes and they too get over soon and the other episodes with mini fights conclude in less than 10 mins.
Overall - 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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