
Jul 24, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Do you think Naruto is a complete character(whose story is complete)?
If you only consider until the point when he became Hokage, then Yes.

But that's not true. He became Hokage at the age around 30. It means more than Half of his life is still remaining(Considering 70-80 to be Average life time).
In Boruto, He Became Hokage then we see him being tired and exhausted all the time. If someone like Naruto who have Insane amount of Chakra get exhausted with Hokage's work then I wonder how previous Hokages managed to do it so. We also don't see him making Shadow Clones to do Paper Work, of all the explanation I read on Internet, Only one which seems convincing is: Writers wanted to create some ridiculous Problem for Boruto.

We also saw in Boruto How badly Naruto is Nerfed. Naruto has vast amount of Chakra(Uzumaki), Kurama's Chakra and Power and Sage of Six Paths Power. But After all this he is soo weak that he can't even put up a fight against delta. Excuse was His kids were there, then why not create shadow clones which is his Speciality.
Both him and Sasuke can't even give a fight to Jigen(In karma mode, not Isshiki).
Writers came with a bullshit Baryon Mode for 5 minutes which took out Kurama and then they pull out momoshiki Card just to take out Sasuke's Rinnegan.
After Kurama Vanished, Everyone goes around like nothing happened, especially Naruto. For Naruto, Kurama was like his Body Part. He was there since he was an Infant but still they can't even put up a good Emotional Scene.
Later, Naruto Became more weak, weaker than a Genin. His own son keep disrespecting him. He also had to see his own son going through the same fate of being a vessel, bearing a monster inside like him and losing control to that monster and hurting his loved ones. He also had to see his adopted son trying to kill his own son. He got Sealed Away by Kawaki, later on.
Naruto, after everything he went through doesn't deserve this type of Life and ending. He doesn't deserve to be an irrelevant character in any story(especially in his own son's story). We all wanted Naruto to become the greatest Hokage but If this is his life after becoming Hokage then I wish he never would've become Hokage.

I know that This show is about Boruto than why not those writers focused on character development of Boruto instead of nerfing and destroying Naruto, Sasuke and other old characters.
Instead of forcing the story of Boruto to have a problem so that he can have motivation to do anything, they should have
given Boruto motivation like Itachi or something. Something like Protecting the Legacy of his father and other hokages, Protecting the village, it's people and all.
They Should have given Boruto and other side characters their own unique personality( By this, I mean different way of doing things/different thinking and all. Obviously Physical appearances will be similar).

Let's see the childhood of some main characters of Naruto:
1. Naruto: Everybody in the village is either want him dead or want to lock him in some cage(Danzo). Everyone is the village always humiliates him. He was always lonely, had no friends, family or anyone.

2. Sasuke: He Saw his entire clan and parents getting murdered by his beloved brother Itachi.

3. Itachi: At the age of 16, he had to kill his entire clan and parents to stop the war from happening and to stop the Uchiha reputation getting tarnished.

4. Kakashi: He had no mother. He saw his father getting humiliated by the whole village. His father in the end killed himself.
His friend got killed in saving him and his another friend got killed by his own hands.

Now, Let's see the childhood of Boruto:
He don't have any problem except His dad didn't come home and this happened only after he became Hokage when Boruto was 10 years old approx. But he still keeps complaining and disrespecting his father. Once he said, he is going to beat his father. why? bcoz He missed his and hima's Birthday.
Tell me, will you beat your father just bcoz he didn't come home for your Bday Party. And why he didn't come? Bcoz he is the Hokage. He is just busier than other parents but He is not a toxic father, still he keeps disrespecting Naruto.
After watching the real terrible childhood of Naruto and the others, they expects us to like this crap story of Boruto.

There was no character development. There was not even a single episode where you see Boruto and the others working hard as Naruto and Sasuke used to do. Naruto and Sasuke had to work hard day and night just to walk on trees but In boruto, it's nothing. Boruto can pull out any fucking Chunin/Jounin level Jutsu in a fight without any explanation. In Naruto, they used to tell us How it works, When did he learn, by whom he learn, How did he learn etc.. But in boruto you never see this type of Explanation. Boruto can use 3 Chakra Natures. He unconsciously mixed lightning style in Rasengan and made it Vanishing Rasengan and that was nonsense. He can also use something called Gayle Palm(Gentle Fist) without having Byakugan. Once he scored Full Score in Test without doing anything while every other character was struggling and doing something. He is is also Lazy and always looking for shortcuts. He cheated in Chunin Exam against his own Friend. The plot portrays that He can do anything without working hard because he is a genius. In real life, I have seen various Talented/Genius People failing bcoz they didn't worked hard enough. Do you think that Messi could have been one of the Greatest Footballer, even if he never practiced or worked hard?
Besides, He always just keeps whining and complaining. In the same story, we see other characters having real Problems. For Example, Sarada is struggling with Identity crisis because she never met her dad after gaining some sense. She only saw her dad while she was an infant. Kawaki had a toxic father, whole life he was locked up in some cage. He never got to eat fully while he was a kid. First he got tortured and abused by his own father. His own father sold him to Jigen who tortured him later on.
Even Himawari is more understanding than Boruto. Himwari never complains like Boruto. Yes, she gets upset bcoz his father didn't come home and that is good but she never disrespect her father bcoz of that.

They could've shown Father and Son Duo. They could've shown Naruto training and teaching Boruto. Boruto had a lot of Potential but the writers didn't even try. They just wanted to milk money, so they wrote this bullshit story. I don't have any Problem with Boruto getting stronger than Naruto, but Boruto should atleast be worthy of that and He is not. Every generation surpasses it's previous one but only if they work hard enough.

This show don't have any emotionally hard-hitting scenes. They have tried to make it emotional but they didn't try enough. Many times, you feel like you heard this story in Naruto just with different characters and Names.
Akatsuki=Kara, 8 trigams Seal=Karma, Nine tails= Otsutsuki, etc..
You see Boruto getting beat up in Funato arc just like you saw naruto getting beat up by a shinobi of the land of Iron when sasuke kidnapped Killer Bee.
You see Boruto teaching a Rich Kid that money can't buy everything just like you saw naruto doing that in one of the fillers.
There's more like that.
Boruto can also cause change of heart of Villains like Naruto did. Do you know why it was possible for Naruto to do that? Bcoz Naruto was very close to becoming a Villain. Everyone treated Naruto like a monster. He understood those feelings completely. But Does Boruto understand that? Does Boruto ever went through all of that? They tried hard to force us ti see Naruto in Boruto and make it emotional. But they failed completely.

In Boruto, Side characters became completely useless. It is Boruto Show. Every character is useless except Boruto and Kawaki(later on).
This is what happened at the end of Naruto Shippuden and Now, I think it is done by Kishimoto deliberately, so that Boruto will have some Plot.
When Naruto and Sasuke was fighting obito and Madara, Everybody was not that much useless like they are in Boruto or were when Kaguya was introduced.

Sarada who has Sharingan is also completely useless. They made Sarada, another Sakura who just keeps crying, feeling insecure, feeling left behind and all.
Genin, Chunin, Jounin, 2 Sanin, Hokage(Current and Previous), Other Kages, Everybody is useless. Only Boruto's and Kawaki's Karma is useful.
Even Ninjutsu is useless. Handsigns are dead.

There is no good dialogues in this show. In naruto, Ninja way was a big thing but there is no such thing in Boruto. The Hard-Hitting Dialogues of Pain, Madara and all was very impacting but there's no such thing in Boruto.

There was not one good villain in the entire Series. In Naruto, Villains have a Background and clear answers of why they are doing things that they are doing. But in Boruto, you don't see this type of Explanation either. Otsutsuki just want to kill every planet and devour the chakra fruit, but why?
Plot of Boruto compared to naruto is completely Bullshit.

For me, Naruto was my Friend. Naruto was deeply relatable to me because my life was similar to him. I can't tell you the details but he was like me. We all spent 720 episodes with him and all the characters and saw their development.
But just for money, They ruined it all in Boruto.

After Reading Some Chapters of Boruto Two Blue Vortex, I have hopes that they will get back on track this time.
At the end of Boruto Manga, Amado mentioned about Shibai Otsutsuki and becoming God by eating a hell lots of Chakra fruit. It opens a wide range of Possibilities and Questions. Amado also said that Shibai desperately left his body and went into another dimension, later confirmed by momoshiki. Why he did that? Who is god? In narutoverse, What is the Philosophy of God? Is God good or bad? what's the origin story of Otsutsuki? Who created the whole universe? Is it created by another Otsutsuki who became God? Then, who created Otsutsuki? In which Planet do they live, originally?
The story of otsutsuki seems so dark that it makes me remember Liu Cixin's 3 Body Problem.
There is a hell lot of Questions, I hope Kishimoto answers all of these.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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