
Promare (Anime) add (All reviews)
Jul 21, 2024
This is one of the most fantastic anime movies I’ve watched, and it was dope while watching it. Its storyline has to do with flame-wielding mutated beings known as “Burnishes” who’ve been causing significant impact on humans. Promare’s battles are very awesome and that the animation visuals is incredibly smooth. The voice acting was quite decent as well were the characters and music great. I particularly like the mecha designs intertwined with Burnishing enhancements, explosions, and lots of fast color-filled pacing incorporated into the action scenes. New events of the story have happened until the end once the movie progresses, but I don’t think I should spoil that and overall I enjoyed the movie. Lastly, I gave it a 10/10 rating because that’s how I feel, and this is an undeniably worth checking out film especially for an action one regardless of anything which is why I recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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