
Jul 16, 2024
In the first few minutes of the anime, all we see is a group of girls doing school club activities, typical of a CGDCT anime. In the final minutes of the first episode, it seems like another type of anime, post-apocalyptic, depressing and dramatic, as the girls' reality is revealed; it is unlikely to write a review without revealing the biggest spoilers of the anime!

The story is slow, but captivating; the characters are simple, but this simplicity is the "charm" of the anime; the character with the greatest prominence is Takeya Yuki, who has difficulty understanding what is happening around her; Wakasa Yuuri is the cook of the group, who has an older sisterly attitude, even though she is the youngest, the character does not have any development, but is always providing moral support to the group; Ebisuzawa Kurumi is the most hyperactive of all, worried about the safety of her friends; Naoki Miki is the last to arrive, she does not have much confidence in herself; Unlike most post-apocalyptic animes that focus on violence against zombies, Gakkougurashi focuses on the group's daily lives.

The anime features many scenes with simplistic features, but they can be ignored due to the quality of the story and drama; it has implicit subplots with a Yuri context; for those who think of watching it in search of fan service/ecchi because it has cute girls, they will be disappointed, the most they will find is girls in bikinis on a normal summer day, without exaggerated fan service/ecchi; for those who are looking for an anime with twists, suspense and drama in a post-apocalyptic setting starring girls, Gakkougurashi is more than recommended!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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