
Jul 12, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing particularly poor about this show. It's watchable. All positive reviews will go on about the visuals and sound - I find the visuals to be par for course for the amount of hype this show got; the music is good.

But there's nothing it does that makes it outstanding to me. The plot is just lacking in substance. There very rarely feels like anything is at stake. Every mystery is solved by bs. There are very few interesting characters, and I wish our main girl were one of them, but she's not. Jinshi is far more complex by the end of the story, and that's even with the show spoiling a plot point about him that it hopes you'll forget.

Actually, that's how I would describe the central failure of the show. It spoils itself. There is no suspense, and any twists and turns are given away before they happen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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